One can be amazed in both good and bad ways can’t they? You know, things like the crystal clear waters of Lake Tahoe, or the pure white snow falling from the sky. Those clear star- covered nights or that sun setting over the ridge fall in the “good” amazing category and there’s so much more. We can be amazed in both grand and small ways too. Some of the things that come out of a child’s mouth can be pretty amazing while at the same time watching the birth of that very same child is quite a grand affair. Other things are amazing based on the time we live in. Today we are amazed when someone, anyone for that matter, performs an act of kindness. Today even the smallest act stands out. Hell, when I see someone open the door for someone it makes me smile or when someone thanks a vet for his or her service or when a young man gives up his seat to an elderly person or the sweet lady ahead of me with a full cart of food who waves me ahead of her because I only have milk. Those are all thoughtful and meaningful to me. Today, these acts are much rarer than they once were. While I’ll take rare over never, I do wish there were more. I try to lead by example in this area and if I was a betting man, I’d bet you do too. Well, someone has to show others what amazing looks like, why not us! LOL
The bad amazing seems to be all around us now. We enjoyed four mostly amazing years under President Trump. It was all good until the evil doers decided it had to stop. That whole “putting America first” thing just could not be allowed thus the on-going drivel of filth began. Russia, Russia, Russia, a man made pandemic followed by a rigged election followed by some 90 fake charges while the once amazing America is steadily being torn apart.

It’s simply amazing to me that 30% in this country evidently remain Biden fans. I understand the dislike of Trump, I guess, but Biden? But Biden after these last three years is amazingly stupid and profoundly stupid ta boot. I guess the saying is true, these people hate Trump more than they love the country. Shit, forget about the country, these idiots hate Trump so much they are willing to live in fear, poverty and by way of their hate, they put a Trump defeat ahead of their very own family’s prosperity. Too bad kids, too bad grandkids, we cannot let that evil Trump back into the White House. The last time we did that there were no wars, a secured border and Mom and Dad’s 401K had enough to send you to college. Yeah, profoundly stupid.

Speaking of college… none of what is happening today surprises me in the slightest. These grand, taxpayer funded institutions of filth are nothing more than liberal enclaves designed to mold the minds of our youth into socialist government stooges. I feel deeply sorry for those few students who were raised right and are forced to muddle through all these dumbass professors who haven’t produced squat their entire lives. There is not one among them that could change a flat tire or jump a battery much less earn a real living. Yet we allow them to educate our children. And when I say we, I mean someone other than me and you. LOL

Just picture for a moment all of these kids doing what they are doing only instead of it being against Jewish people it’s against black people or LGBTQ-ers. Wholly hell would have broken out and this crap would have been brought to a halt in two point three minutes. But nah, Jews are white, they believe in God. Screw ’em. Any parent allowing their kid to stay in these schools is out of their mind. More likely they’re a part of that 30%, which, when I say it out loud, makes them out of their minds too. LOL
To some degree I wonder if all of this was planned by the filth on the left to change the subject away from our open border and dick-weed flying in illegals from all over the world. It’s an election year so anything is possible and the level of filth and stupidity continues to be, well, “amazing.”

I love this picture, thank you Rip for sharing it! What an amazing couple they are. What they both endure on our behalf is equally amazing. Good grief is about all I can say. For them every day is filled with one challenge after another. It must feel as if the weight of the world is on their shoulders and guess what, it kind of is. While the amazing idiots continue to spew their lies and work overtime to take what’s left of this country and throw it in the socialist trash can, these two amazing people keep plowing forward doing all they can to survive and succeed. We are their fuel. It’s up to us to keep their tank full. We need each other, oh boy, do we ever.
So there you have it friends, another rant from your friend. While they (the rants) are fewer and farther between than they once were, don’t let that leave you thinking my love and anger is diminished in any way. My support shall not waiver. I along with each of you will endure and together we continue to beat those drums of liberty for this remains (barely) our country and we ain’t gonna give it up without a fight.
Hope y’all had a nice weekend. Here we are on a Monday knee deep in politics with a determination to see our guy through to the finish line! Not surprising right? After all, we are an “amazing” group of patriots.