What Makes Me Happy

Good Saturday afternoon friends. As you know I’ve taken a step back from X and this blog. Everything is fine within my inner circle. Sure there are plenty of life’s obstacles but those are always there. For me, X and the weekly rant became more of a chore than a joy. No longer do I find either useful. In fact, they both seem to drag me down into the filth that surrounds us.

How many different ways can one express his support for President Trump or his utter disgust for this hate-America government of ours. Well, of someone’s government, because this government sure isn’t mine. It doesn’t like me, does nothing for me and works overtime destroying everything it touches. It lives, breathes, and is eating away at our way of life. And it ain’t doing our bank accounts any favors either…

So, what makes me happy? Thankfully there are plenty of things that do that. Working in my yard makes me happy. I can stick my ear pods in, turn on my favorite music, which is another thing that makes me happy and get my fingers dirty. In the process I get some exercise and in the end, a yard I’m proud of. I’m one of the guys that is in competition with the guys next door. They don’t know it of course because it’s my game. I’m winning though! LOL

Nothing can clear my mind better than a few hours futzing around in the garden

Three, sometimes four days a week I’m on the golf course which also makes me happy although my loving wife would argue on most days I come home grumpy because that damn little white ball won’t go where I want it to. Here’s the thing, I’m outside, I’ve never been on a course that isn’t peaceful, beautiful and filled with like minded folks who love the game and for the most part don’t give a flying crap about what these political morons think. We poke fun at each other, support each other and when push comes to shove, can rely on one another in time of need. It’s pretty cool. Well, except in August. How the pros wear pants in that heat is beyond me. Of course how the pros do a lot of things on the golf course is beyond me. lol #Four!

Family, my family makes me happy, that’s a big duh right. Being retired and watching the boys navigate through life is a pleasure. I don’t spend much time wishing they’d do this or that, I just enjoy anytime I can get with them. They’re busy raising their own families, keeping a roof over their heads, food on the table and finding their own way through these troubled times. I’ve got one son that’s convinced this country has completely fallen off the rails and another one that never thought it was on the tracks in the first place. Needless to say, we all get along quite well.

I don’t have to tell you grandmas and grandpas out there that the grandkids are the loves of our life, their young minds and all that energy immediately takes years off my life. Nothing will make you get out of your chair and down on the floor playing like you were five again like those kids. They make me happy and feel young again. While getting back up from the floor can be challenging, and those aches and pains the next day are there to remind you, you ain’t five anymore, the joy and memories you make far outweigh any of that nonsense. The other thing that makes me happy is watching the kids raise their own. You know what? They’re pretty damn good at it and it makes me smile knowing those grandkids aren’t going to grow up under some woke roof wondering what gender they are.

The mountains make me happy, the creeks, rivers, lakes and oceans make me happy. The ever changing climate does too. You know, like when winter comes and its cold, and when the spring comes and things begin to grow, and the summer when it gets hot and the golf course is green and I have to mow the grass twice a week! Then fall arrives just in time where you’ve had about enough of the heat and mowing the yard. It’s all good and as it should be. Well, except for that stupid time change thing. I don’t care one way or the other about it, I just find it to be a pain in the ass. Pick a time and stay with it already. Some of you live in states that have done that, good for you! #JealousMe

Early morning peace on the water in the low country. I gotta tell ya, it ain’t bad.

What else makes me happy? Well, I’ve got this little pup who is now the same age as I am who brings me so much joy. Just like a kid he keeps me on my toes! He loves to play, swim, and cuddle. What the hell else could one ask for in a companion? By the way, he’s the only Democrat in the house. Yep, just like every Democrat, I have to feed him, pick up his poop, pay for his healthcare and he lives rent free and pisses on everything in his path. <smiling>

When it’s nap time it’s nap time! He’s a sweet little guy (when he’s sleeping). Wife say’s the same thing about me.

Those family members and friends spread out around the country also make me happy. While we don’t get to spend as much time together as we’d like, we stay in touch and hold our common bonds that keep us close. I wouldn’t want to go through this life without ’em. We have our history and like everyone else, that history is full of life’s ups and downs. Those are “our” ups and downs though and nobody can take them from us.

Family time on the back porch. Good memories, good times, our times. Enjoy them and make more every chance you get.

Finally, my wife makes me happy. Yep, it’s true. I don’t tell her that near often enough but I reckon she knows it. I’ll tell you what she sure spends a lot of time making sure I know I’m loved. She makes sure this house is in top running order and by God I best not miss one of the pills she lays out for me and when dinner is ready I better be too! She’s the doctor of the house, the accountant, the director of scheduling activities, and head of technical engineering over the remote control and door locks. LOL She’s as soft as silk and as hard as a rock. We don’t see eye to eye on everything but, you’ll never know that. She’s my partner, friend and we stand back to back through thick and thin. If I could just get her to relieve me from squeegeeing the glass before I get out of the shower life would be perfect! Lol

So I am absolutely positive I’ve left out many other things that make me happy but hopefully I’ve touched on the obvious ones. Why am I bothering with all of this? Because I think y’all have many of the same things, at least I sure hope you do, that make you happy too and you know what, we’d do ourselves a big favor by remembering those things, thinking about those things and being thankful for them.

While by all appearances the world has gone crazy and the loons are out in droves, at the end of each day we’ve got those things that make us happy and for that I can only say, THANK GOD! Take advantage of those things that make you happy friends. May y’all have many happy times ahead!

I’ve got to go now, my lawn looks uneven and it’s driving me nuts! 🙂 Oh, one last thing. #Trump2024.

It’s Been One Of Those Weeks

Good afternoon friends! Yep, it’s been one of those weeks where I just can’t get my head into the on-going political game of nonsense. The things that go on nowadays and never seem to let up are making it more and more difficult for me to remain engaged. I know, I know, that’s just what these filthy idiots want, for all of us to just throw in the towel, stop fighting, stop calling them out just let it be what it is. The level of stupidity and downright criminality of this government and all the paid actors is so bad, so beyond anything one could dream up that it feels fruitless to even begin to change minds. Seriously though, anyone, after all we’ve seen and endured, who continues to support this evil empire that is propped up by the puppet-n-chief with the evil doers pulling the strings is beyond any help I can offer them.

Yep and the “within” is full speed ahead.

I watch the news, read the posts, listen to a podcast here and there and about all I can do is look up toward the heavens and shake my head. The topics being discussed today are off the charts sick. The actions of this fake installed administration are beyond the pale. I don’t think I’ve ever used the F word more in my entire life as I have in the last 3 years. What the hell… And the thing is it’s all happening in real time. Our border really is wide open and we really do have human-trafficking going on, right now, in 2024, human trafficking? As for this economy, good golly miss molly what has this moron-n-chief done to us? And what makes it worse, it’s all on purpose. The media is dead in this country. As if you need me to tell you that. As for congress, this has to be the all time worst congress. When they do get something done (rare) it’s not helpful to the American taxpayer. In fact, just the opposite, everything coming out of this congress is hurting the people and even worse, they don’t care. They don’t care about the oath they took and they sure as hell don’t care about us. Republican, Democrat, Independent, who cares, it doesn’t matter. It’s frustrating as all get out isn’t it? Then there’s the Supreme Court who have become like the last stand or hope I guess. The trouble with SCOTUS is that it takes an eternity to get a case in front of them and when that finally happens you are flipping a coin as to how they will decide the case. What seems as clear as the day is long to us can get flipped around in a hot minute. Remember Obamacare? I was certain that POS was DOA. Nope, they called it a tax and here we are. Then there’s the military, protect and defend against foreign and domestic. Nope. FBI: crap. CIA: crap. Homeland security: please.

Y’all see what I mean when I say, “it’s been another one of those weeks?” This never ending dribble of destruction is enough to make an old guy want to oil his levers and wait until such time the people of this country decide enough is enough, if you know what I mean. How far down this rabbit hole are we going to go before that happens? As I said at the start, the things we are witnessing, the utter insanity we are enduring are beyond anything I can come up with to describe. It’s just so out there, so wrong, so stupid, so maddening and it seems like the answer is always tomorrow or in this case November.

Anywho friends, dear old Dan just isn’t in the game as much lately. These paid idiots on X (twit) make me crazy and those that agree with them make me want to reach through the screen and backhand each of them for being so damn dumb. None of this sounds like a recipe for good health or life. Heck, all I want to do is enjoy my family, live my life and be left the hell alone. I reckon I’m not the only one.

Feels like we’re down to the last box on the list to me. I suppose this next election will be the decider…

I’ll continue to play along, keep all our eggs in the Trump basket even though I’ve got about as much faith in a fair election as I do Biden being able to wipe his own ass. Certainly y’all know they are cheating as we speak right? I thought you did.

So that’s about all I’ve got to say about that. Brings to mind the famous words “Run Forest, Run!” lol

We live to fight another day. Another week is just around the corner. A week that will indeed be once again filled with a pile of horseshit but one where you and I will march onward calling out all the lies and reminding any and everyone who will listen of the truth. As I always say, this is our damn country. I look forward to a time when we (everyone) start acting like it.

Until then, I hope this week’s rant catches y’all having a good weekend. Oh, before I forget, this eclipse thing, give me a freaking break. It will come and go just like all those before it. Stupid government.

Wishing you a great rest of your weekend and week ahead! And yep; #Trump2024TheOnlyChoice.

You and I will never give up on him but these disgusting people in Government and the Media sure have. We fear them but guess what? They fear him…