I know, scary right? LOL. Every day I spend a certain amount of time scrolling through the posts on X and another amount of time watching the news on TV. I’ll read a few articles from trusted writers or at least writers I think I can trust. Without fail, no matter when it is, I always walk away in astonishment.
It astonishes me how much Trump has brought to the forefront in this country, the world for that matter. This one man has managed to expose so many for what, little did we know, they really are. I’ve never been a Democrat, I’ve never liked their policies but I never, ever thought they were this deadly, evil, or the filth filled party of hate and self serving power hungry sons a bitches they are. Honestly, until Trump, I didn’t think much of them one way or the other I just thought they were stupid and wrong. Well, they still hold those titles but now hold the others too, especially the sons-a-bitches one.
When you think about it, BT (before Trump) millions of Americans, myself among them, walked around somewhat clueless. Oh, I’m sure there were a few of you that knew about the dirty deals inside the Washington cabal but if you’re honest, you didn’t realize the depth of the dirt. I mean, why else would we have voted for Bush, or worse Romney or even worse McCain? True there’s that whole “hold your nose” thing but I bet many actually thought these idiots cared about the country and even thought they’d somehow be better than the alternative. In Bush’s case he wasn’t and the others sure as hell would not have been. While it’s hard, even today with all that we’ve learned to think anyone could have been worse than Obama, these Republicans weren’t any better. They just screwed us in a different way. McCain would have you believe he hated Obamacare remember? Hell, he ran on getting rid of it right? Then comes Trump and this just goes to show, the sewer dwellers in DC hate Trump WAY more than they love the country. And for the record, they don’t (or didn’t in the case of McCain) love the country, never have. They love their bank accounts and power.
Trump has single handedly exposed all of the ass-hats in American politics for exactly what they are and they aren’t the only ones. It was not so long ago when we watched the nightly news and believed much of what we heard. It’s okay, you can admit it. I just did. Oh how things have changed. Now we all struggle to find the truth and nearly everything we hear we question. We no longer take anything at face value. In fact, the opposite is now true, meaning, we believe nothing. The “cry wolf” thing has come full circle. Trump exposed it all, he forced their hand and when they showed it, it was filthy, bloody, and full of deceit.

The evil doers are everywhere. They are imbedded inside our government. From the White House, to the halls of Congress, the ABC agencies, the courts, hell, the filth runs clear down to the freaking DMV where government stooges reside sucking off the American taxpayer. Why the hell do we need to register our damn cars for anyway and if we do, why the hell every year? It’s money grabbing multi-trillion dollar thievery. That’s the American Government.
I don’t know friends. It truly is something else when you think about it. This one man has somehow managed to freak an entire government the hell out. The level of hate they have for him is immeasurable. And why, because his plain talk exposes them for what they are. He exposes their stupid ideas, their wasteful spending, some of which is on the most idiotic things one could ever imagine. You know, like the breeding habits of snails and others like that. Social Security money is about to run out, they say. You know, right after they send 100 billion dollars to Ukraine. And you know all about Ukraine, they are in a badass war with Russia. It’s so bad even the nightly news doesn’t film it.
The other thing that’s a little funny to me is that Trump’s policies aren’t even all that complicated or deep in vision. I reckon that’s why so many of us understand them and why so many of us stand beside him. I mean, it doesn’t take a deep thinker to come up with the idea of building a wall to help stop illegals from crossing over the border. It’s not overly brilliant to say we need law and order in the country. Or is it? We’ve gone down the rabbit hole so far in this country that simple and obvious things such as America first has become a freaking talking point. America first, well for Christ’s sake, duh! These evil doers have dragged us so far down into the pits of hell, hearing any common sense thing is enough to make at least half the country stand and cheer. USA, USA, USA. It’s crazy when you think about it. Of course we stand with Israel, of course we want our border closed, of course we want to buy our oil from American companies, of course we want to buy the car, well, that we want. Of course we don’t want to pay for someone else’s student loan. And no, we do not want our kids taught about gender transitioning. Good grief. We don’t give a flying flip about pronouns, and while the idiots in charge demand we go to electric stoves to save the environment one forest fire or worse, one war throws more shit in the air than our stoves could in a lifetime. All of these things and about a thousand more are evidently only common sense things that you, I, and Trump see. Everyone else ought to be shipped to planet dumbass. Don’t worry, I’m not suggesting anything harmful to them, they can take their masks with them. You know, so they’ll be safe…
I guess that’s it for now. Today scrolling through the usual this idea of Trump exposing all this dumb-assery just reached out and hit me. The moral of the story is this; Trump opened the curtain and what is behind it ain’t pretty. That and BT I was just another clueless idiot. LOL

Until next time then, hope y’all are finding some joy in your lives. It’s there my friends. You just have to work a little harder to find it. In the mean time I’ll keep the “thinking” to myself and look forward to the glorious day where I get to use the rant title “He Won!”
Be safe, be happy and don’t let the bed bugs bite. #Trump2024