As we wade through the disgusting mess this corrupt Government and all the ilk that surrounds, supports and covers for them it’s pretty normal to ask yourself, “What’s it gonna take?” I mean what is it? What has to be done in order for us to get back to a point where we live our lives without having to worry about what shoe is going to drop next. Every morning when I get up I make a cup of coffee and then, with a tight tummy I look to see what happened overnight. Often this is preceded with saying to myself; “Okay, let’s hope Biden hasn’t started WW3.” I’m not kidding, I have such a lack of confidence in that moron that I constantly worry about the next “thing” he’ll bring down upon us. Obviously that dumbass, jackass doesn’t have even the brain capacity to pull off much of anything himself but, as we all know and say, he’s nothing more than a puppet of the world’s evil doers and he hasn’t the desire or ability to stand up for us or our country. He’s little more than a yes man. It’s downright scary really and not a week passes where something occurs making us all just that more fearful. Dear Lord, get us to November and then stand as you always have, for good over evil.

Build Back Better huh… please. That’s nothing more than a cute little slogan designed for the bed-wetters to make them feel good when in reality it’s nothing more than; “give me your money so I can share it with my puppet masters and myself. You tell me, is anything in your area better? Are your roads or airports better? Probably a bad time to talk about bridges…
I’m not one to automatically jump to the conclusion this bridge nightmare was terrorism. It certainly could be nothing more than a horrible accident, they do happen you know. The problem is that it’s something every single week, a train falling off its tracks, a wheel falling off a plane, whales washing up on the shore, a dog biting a secret service agent, or 13 servicemen being killed during an ill conceived evacuation and about a thousand other things under this lame administration.

To be honest (I don’t know why I say that because I hate it when others use it. You mean as opposed to lying? It’s a dumb thing to say) and to my credit, I never liked or trusted the Clintons, Slick Willy gave me the willies and let’s not bother to go down the crooked Hillary road. As for Obama, I reckon I don’t need to express my feelings about that communist loving peace of shit. That leaves us with the Bush duo. I always gave credit to George for standing solidly by one of my favorite Presidents, President Reagan. Sadly and now embarrassing, I was a solid W fan and then came Trump. Talk about opening my eyes and forcing me to take another look at the Bush family, but then again, isn’t that one of the greatest Trump accomplishments? Opening our eyes to the filth, corruption and insider Washington bullshit?

What I didn’t get any pleasure from was those idiots at NBC/MSNBC having such a cow-fit over the possibility of having someone amongst their lying squad of complete deep state run morons who might (heavy emphasis on might) have an opposing view of current events. Oh what a tragedy that would have been. I love the meme because it’s spot on, the “but sir” made me spit out my coffee. I don’t know who produces all of these but to them and all of you who share them, THANK YOU! Finding something to laugh about nowadays ain’t no easy task…
So to wrap up another weekly rant I repeat myself “what’s it gonna take” to get this ship’s course corrected so it’s not aiming at the next American nightmare. And I’m not talking about a bridge. I’m talking about our country and her people as a whole. While I’ll be the first to admit I don’t have all the answers, I do know that course correction starts with a Trump re-election. We say vote for Trump as if your life depends upon it, because it does. Well, yeah! We don’t have a prayer in the world without first getting that job done and at times, in fact, more often than not, getting that done feels near impossible when you consider all the evil against us and him. While I have every confidence in the world that we will stick together and do our part, the all consuming concern is whether or not these evil, cheating sons-a-bitches are going to let the people decide. The other thing that becomes more important than ever is his choice for Vice President. Why? Because as great as President Trump is, he isn’t going to be able to fix all that is wrong in this country in just four short years. I pray that he is gifted with a smart choice that brings us the best opportunity for a great American comeback. One like never before. Having said that, priority one is getting him back. We do that and we’ve got a chance my friends!

This has always been one of my favorite pictures of the President. It captures the man while others sleep. Just as we saw this week as he attended the fallen NY Officer’s funeral while the globalist and Hollywood filth gathered to ooh and ah over the very people who gave us this mess we find ourselves wallowing in today. He is a man for and by the people so as I ask every week, beat those drums of liberty friends! Call out every lie you happen across, speak loudly when you shove the very thing the Left and the media and the bed-wetters despise the most, the truth down their throats. For as the saying goes, “the truth shall set you free.” #Trump2024
Wishing y’all a safe, wonderful and blessed Easter Sunday.