When you look back over the years starting with Trump coming down the escalator and then add up all the lies thrown at him and the American people, it’s like the country is bleeding from a thousand cuts. A Russia lie here, an impeachment or two there, maybe plan a worldwide pandemic and while you’re at it, force a vaccine that’s not a vaccine here & there. Promote and display some transvestites at elementary schools or have men compete against the girls in sports, a few burned down cities by animals who say white people are the danger, rig an election and give it to a guy that lost twice before but give him more votes than the great black hope got. Throw in some FBI agents here and there so you turn a peaceful and patriotic protest into a riot but then call it an insurrection, add 50 or so CIA liars to the mix to protect their pre-arranged puppet, build a wall but don’t use it, leave a few billion dollars worth of high end military equipment for the enemy abroad to keep and use, as the fire is burning on the homeland douse it with a heavy dose of inflation as you cut off energy production and mandate what kind of vehicle the people can drive. When all that’s accomplished and the people are still standing, light up the justice department and call to action all the Soros, Democrat owned judges to go after the one guy, for me, the only guy, that continues to stand up to the very people funding all of these thousands of cuts, President Trump. Indict him 90 times, hit him with fines never heard of before, and make him out to be the devil. As he always says, Al Capone never got such treatment. If that’s not enough, let’s fund a few wars and what the heck let’s blame that on Trump and those evil MAGA people. In fact, let’s blame the whole damn thing on Trump and those evil MAGA people. After all, we didn’t have any of these problems until Trump came along, right? Nah, everything was peachy! Government did as they pleased and most Americans believed what CNN and the rest of the lying media told them. Oh sure there were all those wars in the Middle East, but hey, only thousands of humans died during those times, besides, they gave us Obamacare so we should fall to our knees giving thanks for that…
A quick stroll down memory lane where the cuts we’ve received are still bleeding:

As we all watched the illegals storm past the Texas National Guard this week, you know, the ones who are there to protect our border without guns, tanks or helicopters, (well, they have them, they just can’t use them and that’s pretty much how America fights now), these evil bastards in DC send our men and women into danger with a list of “do not use” in their back pocket. You know, stop the enemy but don’t hurt anyone kind of thing.
We all knew this was going to be an OMG kind of year and thus far they haven’t let us down on that front have they? Hell, it’s only March. Meanwhile there is no shortage of ice cream for the brain frozen moron-n-chief. I so wish 80 million and I’d settle for just five would clog every street across this country in protest of the thousand cuts. As we sit back and watch these bastards fund each and every one of these evil acts there isn’t one among you that isn’t completely terrified they will rig this next election and rightfully so, and why not? They got away with the last one without even needing a bandage.
I’ll quit now friends, as you might have gathered, dear ole Dan finds himself in one pissy mood this afternoon. What these evil people are doing to this country and to our President Trump is beyond anything I could dream up and they ain’t done either. Not even close.
If we’re not going to hit the streets we at least better hold our ground the best we can. We do that by voting like we’ve never voted before. As November inches closer our efforts to slam the idiots when they lie becomes more important than ever. So does our sharing the truth. We’ve got to keep the truth front and center at every turn. Shove it down the evil doer’s throats at every opportunity you get. Don’t roll over, don’t sit down, don’t bend or break. I don’t care what anyone says, this remains our country, our time and we by the grace of God and the creek don’t rise better act like it.

So friends keep the bandages handy, more cuts to come. We’ve come this far, we sure as hell ain’t throwing in the towel now. Together we will lean on each other to get through it all and in the end, together, we celebrate! As Trump would say, we will celebrate like never before, maybe the biggest celebration ever! LOL
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Rest up because we’ve got another round of filth to attack this coming week. Remember, it could always be worse, you could be Trump. If we don’t fix this mess, they’ll come for us too. #Trump2024