Am I right or am I right? What a screwed up, rigged up, dishonest, filth laden time we are living in friends. I mean really, you have to work double time to find anything good going on nowadays and even then, you best be creative to do that. Writing this blog each week is getting harder and harder. Not because of the lack of material but because of the lack of interest on my part. Seriously, I’ve been doing this without missing a beat for what now, four or five years? I lost my main account on Twit twice and it’s gone for good at this point. Don’t “yeah Musk” to me. The place is still full of bed-wetters getting off on slamming conservatives and just blink and they’ll take your free speech and impound it. You know, because your voice is such a threat to democracy and all, a bunch of freaking communist sympathizers if you ask me. But, it’s not about me is it? Well, it kinda is, LOL. I started this weekly ranting to let the air out of my balloon before it popped. The trouble I’m having is the ranting ain’t relieving me of the pain like it once did. Fact is, about three quarters of the time I finish my weekly piss & moan feeling more angry than when I started. Now that IS a ME problem isn’t it? Oh well, you know what they say, all’s fair in love and war right.
Speaking of screwed up times… let me see, this week we’ve got tires falling off airplanes during takeoff, passengers letting the crew know they’ve got an engine on fire, the National Guard standing guard in an American subway (NY), freaking illegals we don’t know anything about who, by the way, in fairness to them which why they are deserving of fairness I couldn’t say, were invited by the dumbfk-n-chief to come to the country in the first place killing our daughters, and sucking down taxpayer money like it was candy. Oh and don’t forget, us morons that put up with this junk allow the US Census to include them in our count. You know, so these filth ridden Leftist s-hole cities can get more, well, filth ridden Leftist s-head congress people to, you know, “represent” us… I don’t know how much more stinky air this balloon can take in.

What else this week? You don’t seriously want me to weigh in on the courts do you? Look, I don’t expect every court case to come out the way I want but, holy moley batman, can one every once in a while come out in favor of common sense, common law you know be decided based on facts not political biases. Do we have any damn judges in this country who aren’t on the Leftist payroll? Where the hell are all those judges Trump put in office? Not in DC, Georgia or Florida evidently.

That wimpy Democrat Fani contributing judge wasn’t ever going to do the right thing. His ruling was always going to be lopsided and never be based on anything other than the ‘you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’ followed by “the checks in the mail judge.”

Truth be told, having Wade resign was another gift to filthy Fani anyway. I mean, did you hear that guy during the trial? The man is dumber than a stump. In fact the only thing dumber is anyone who would hire that idiot. Think about it, who in their right mind would leave their wife for that thing? A sloppy, arrogant, corrupt, mouthy piece of work is what she is. I must be racist to say such things right… bullshit, the woman is trash. Just to show my equal rights side, so is the Carol woman. Hey, it’s pretty clear. In fact it’s black and white.
I’ll tell you what friends, if it weren’t for our President Trump I don’t know how or even if I could do these weekly rants. Without question he remains the “only” bright spot in our country about now. He, and he alone (well, other than the good Lord above obviously) allows us to remain hopeful for better days to come. While we all toss and turn at night worrying ourselves to no end whether or not they are going to either jail him or rig the election again or both, he keeps us in the game. I don’t know about y’all but if it weren’t for him I’d be putting camo on my face and building a moat around the house which I’d fill with Democrats so the gators didn’t go hungry.
The one piece of good news we did get this week was the removal of any question about whether or not President Trump would indeed be our nominee. Not that it was ever a question. At least not by any of us with fully functioning brains anyway. All the Nikki and Ron chatter boxes have now calmed down for the most part. What were they thinking anyway? We no sooner come off of four fantastic years under Trump and these ass-hats turn on him and want to take a chance on someone else? Good grief. You’d have to be completely out of your mind to think there is anyone on the planet other than Trump that can and will clean up this friggin’ nightmare of a cesspool government. Hell, I don’t even know if he can. I just know he’s the only one talking about it and therefore remains our only and best hope.
Alright then, enough is enough my friends. I once again say THANK YOU for allowing me this time to let some air out of this bald headed balloon of mine. I hope this reaches y’all enjoying your weekend. Keep pounding those drums of freedom, truth, duty, justice and honor (you know all those things the young folks at West Point can no longer vow to stand for…). Call out the lies, pound home the truth. We are MAGA Americans and our cause is so simple, Make America Great Again… how deplorable of us. LOL Until next week friends!