Needless to say that State Of The (Political) Union speech was about as awful as they come and that’s a gross understatement. Quite frankly the Republican response, for me, was pretty pathetic as well. At least it was well meaning but after an hour plus of the screamer-n-chief it was underwhelming and missed the opportunity to wake people up. In fairness, the lines have long since been drawn and anyone that is still sitting on the fence is most likely too damn stupid to see the truth anyway. Why President Trump didn’t do the rebuttal escapes me.

I don’t have to tell you but, we are living in times of great danger, a time where we must be bold in our convictions and for the love of God, way, WAY less accepting. The Left is giddy because their installed leader didn’t trip and fall on his way to the dais and he was actually able to stay upright for a couple of hours. Forget about what it took to make that happen. A slow drip from an IV comes to mind but, what do I know? Well, I know how he looks, talks, walks and sounds 99% of the time and those long two hours wasn’t it. You’ll be hard pressed to convince me this wasn’t a pumped up drugged Joe Biden.
Nearly everything about this guy and the rouge government he and his puppet masters are running is a national crisis and arguably a world crisis. We literally have an installed President who puts the American people last and friends, that’s not okay. From the out of control border, to the wars, inflation, and so much regulation that the country can hardly breathe, from corporate boardrooms to the kitchen table, American’s had better get in the fight and do so with the gloves off. This is not the time to have that lovely, soft spoken mom/congresswoman go up against this evil machine. We are living in a time where we need our boots on, not slippers. We don’t have to come across as a screaming lunatic, but we do have to drive our message home and do so under no uncertain terms.

I reckon y’all know this but humor me and let me say it anyway. Biden didn’t win the 2020 election and the virus came from China. Biden hasn’t reduced our debt, he added trillions to it. In fact under his policies we add another trillion every one hundred days. For the record, we DO NOT have the best economy in the world. The border isn’t closed and those that are coming into the country are doing so illegally and because of this Americans are going to (and have) die by a thousand cuts. The wars we are funding are a direct result of Biden’s weakness and he is bankrupting us, through our oil reserves, depleting our ammunition/arms and the American dollar. Everything he does is done via a loan because we are broke! While he waives $8 credit card fees for the slow learners the American credit card is under water and the interest payment is beyond our ability to pay back. Nothing is being built back, much less built back better. Every single aspect of American life, its culture, our families, our government, and our media is in decline. These are simple facts, there’s no arguing these facts and they need to be shoved down every congress person’s throat every minute of every day.

These times we are living in friends are pretty (F word) up and again, that’s an understatement. The amount of filth, lies, and corruption surrounding us requires, as they say, all hands on deck. It’s bad enough that none of us have any faith in how our election will be run this year when you add all the rest of the takeover it becomes hard to even breathe. This is why I am so disappointed in the Republican rebuttal. Broken Brain’s medically induced shit show didn’t even make me blink. It was all that I suspected it would be. The rebuttal though proved once again that we the people are indeed on our own.
So now that I’ve managed to depress you even further, let me finish as I always do by telling you we are fighting to win the war. While we endure these daily circus acts it’s the long game we remain focused on. While we feel like we are just one of the ants on the hill I’d remind you there are a lot of us. Together we must continue call out the lies, drive home the truth and be accepting of nothing else. What we are made to endure today is simply NOT OK and we will not, must not allow any of it to stand. You and I know that President Trump is the only one telling the truth and without question then, the only one with the brains, balls and determination to gather all of us up and go kick the living shit out of these evil sons-a-bitches doing this to us, our country, our children and really the world. When he said they aren’t coming after him but after us he wasn’t kidding. We will get through this, friends. I don’t know how, I just know we have to do it together and we can’t have it any other way. So speak up my friends! Let your voices be heard. If this feels like our last stand it’s because it is. No Trump, no country.