This has been a long hard pull, this being our never-ending fight against the evil doers in this country. Some days, like this one, are harder to stay in the battle than others. There’s no doubt these ugly heartless people have some staying power. No one can drag you down better than they can. Everyday it’s ‘we the people’ against a huge pile of dung. Democrats, RINOs, media and then there’s all the idiotic American people who are either rooting for the dipshit-n-chief, Nikki the drama queen who’s all about, you know, no drama or these courts that couldn’t possibly be more corrupt. It’s a heavy load of crap we are made to deal with and attempt to fight off every day.
Of course every time I start to piss and moan about the ilk being shoved down our throats I always return to the “it could be worse Dan, you could be Trump.” The other thing that comes to mind comes from a personal experience many, MANY years ago. My brother who was newly married was complaining to Dad about life in general, how hard it was and how tough he had it. I was in my teens still, probably trying to pop a pimple or something while this was going on in the background. When my brother finished the ‘oh poor me’ dialog, the old man started laughing and said “hell son, you’re young, get up, slap the dust off and get back to work.” By this time Dad had become rich, then poor, then rich again, then poor again, LOL, true story, rich of course being a relative term. You know the whole ‘one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’ thing. My guess is that if one of us could get in a room with President Trump and started whining about how tough we have it, he’d probably laugh at us too. Lord knows the man is carrying the entire cesspool on his shoulders and just think, he only has 100 million of us depending on him. No pressure right, piece of cake.
So we’ve gone from illegal aliens to undocumented workers, to poor immigrants to newcomers huh? Reminds me of climate change which as you know, is the reason all these ‘newcomers’ have come to America. What? That’s what the dipshit-n-chief and his side-kick said. It must be true. This reminds me of climate change because that’s changed over the years too hasn’t it, from global warming to global cooling to climate change and probably a few others I’ve long since forgotten. This is what the global ass-hats do. They change the words to hide their utter insanity. Well I’m here to tell you, it’s still ILLEGAL ALIENS and it was never climate anything and always, the weather.

Did y’all spend any time watching the closing arguments in the Fani trial? Wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t and besides, that’s what you have me for. It only took this MAGA extremist two minutes to know two things. In all honesty though, I had come to the same conclusions well before this song and dance production began. First, the Trump attorneys made it obvious to even the most brain dead among us that this woman is as crooked as Lombard Street in San Francisco and second, the judge is another Leftist who won’t send this sloppy racist packing. Hell, there were times during her attorney’s closing argument (which was awful, worse than awful) where I couldn’t tell who the attorney was and who the judge was. Her idiot attorney would make a statement that made no sense at all, the judge would question it and when the attorney didn’t have an answer the judge gave him one. He (the judge) might as well have said “so you’re saying she’s innocent and I shouldn’t do anything.” He damn near did.

I hate to be so negative but I reckon this trial will leave us feeling like everything else nowadays, which is that the courts are rigged, justice is broken and the get Trump shit-show will continue. Remember, they cannot afford another Trump presidency. In order to fix all this nonsense it appears our best bet is to take a lesson from Commander (dipshit’s dog).

It’s time to wrap this thing up my friends. I’ll finish by saying if there is one place Haley has even the slightest chance to win it’s in DC where they are voting as we speak. All of DC hates Trump. Gee, I wonder why… Should for some miracle Trump beat her in DC you’ll find me on the floor holding my gut from bursting out in laughter. Super Tuesday can’t come quick enough. I’m tired of hearing and looking at Never Nikki and all her leftist, globalist, war machine bullshit.
I’ll finish where I started, some days are harder than others but somehow by y’all allowing me this time to rant it makes it a little easier. Knowing I’m not alone in my quest to get our President back in office makes all the difference in the world. As for the idiots who obviously hate America, dislike that old piece of paper the constitution is written on and who are bound and determined to go all communist on us I simply say this, “nope”, this is our country and we fully intend on keeping it. So while the battles continue we shall remain focused on winning the war. Remember, our country, our time. #Trump2024TheOnlyChoice