So the President meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin and according to the Left, the world as we know it is yet again going to explode. Have they even heard the term “crying wolf?”
First they screamed at the President, telling him that he should not meet with Russia. They said that it was a very bad idea because he, the President is under investigation for colluding with Russia. This of course is referring to the Mueller investigation. You know; the one that the democrats set up to protect Hillary, Obama and the rest of the deep state characters.
During the joint press conference, the President said he had spoken to Putin about meddling in our election and said that Putin strongly denied the claim. The President went on to say that he didn’t know why they would. This of course caused a complete and utter melt down of the Left. “This is Treason”, they yelled with backup from every news organization in the country. It got so bad that the President had to come out with a clarification. He said he used the word “would” in the summit press conference when he meant to say “wouldn’t.” Of course, this did little to calm the outrage from the Left and even many on the Right.
Now the Senate minority leader, crying Chuck Schumer is calling for congress to demand the transcript from the interpreters so they can see what the President and Putin spoke about during their private one on one meeting. This is something that is unheard of, never been done and won’t happen but, it is a good sound bite and the media loves repeating it.
Every President in the last, “I can’t even count the number of” years, has met with Russia. Because it’s Trump though, the Left is unhinged. Honestly, as Rand Paul stated, it appears that the Left, and sadly, many on the Right would rather see us go to war with Russia than to have the President meet with Putin. “Hold your friends close and your enemies closer.” Ever hear of that, liberals?
As the President has said and repeated many times, the US and Russia hold 90% of the world’s nukes. He thinks maintaining an open dialog with Russia, if for only that reason, is important and within the National Security interest of the country. My response to this? Duh!
Watching the reaction from the meeting sent me as close to over the edge as I’ve become since the President was elected and, as you know, I’ve been pretty close on a number of occasions.
However, there was some good to come out of this. Although you’re not hearing it from the media, during the joint conference Putin let it be known that someone in Russia delivered 400 million dollars to Hillary during the campaign. That’s interesting. 400 million is not exactly chump change, not even for the Clintons. The other positive, is that it finally exposed all those in Washington who are against the President. Many on the Right who would have us believe they are supporters, came out against the President. The big charge among both the Left and the Right is that the President is siding with Russia and Putin over his own intelligence community.
So let me understand this charge. The Left and many on the Right and of course the media, this time even Fox News expect the President to favor the FBI, the CIA and the Justice Department regarding election meddling over what he heard the President of Russia say. Well, on the surface that seems pretty reasonable doesn’t it? The problem is, each of these so called “intelligence” agency department heads have done nothing but try to undermine the President. Why on earth, at this point, would he choose to believe anything they have to say? These are the same people who said that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. You know how that turned out… These are the same people who favored Clinton and let her walk Scott-free, even though she clearly, that’s right, clearly, broke the law. These are the same folks who have shown “proven” bias against the President.
While I wouldn’t trust Russia as far as I could throw them, and by the way, neither does President Trump, I sure as hell don’t trust the intelligence people either.
The point is, none of this has anything to do with the President meeting with Russia. He met with Russia in order to try and improve the relationship, have an open dialog, and work together on things we might have in our common interest like terrorism and nuclear weapons.
The most extraordinary part of all of this Russian election meddling threat is that the whole thing began during the Obama Administration. Obama and the famous Intel community knew the meddling was occurring during the 2016 election and, because they were certain, like so many others, that Hillary would be elected they kept it as quiet as they could and did nothing to stop it. It was only after the election that Obama did something. He told Putin to “knock it off. That must of frightened Putin…
While the Left and the fake news continue to push the dialog that Trump is in Putin’s pocket, it is Trump who has been the hardest on Russia. He has imposed new and damaging sanctions on them and ejected over 60 of their diplomats from our country. Yet still, they want you and me to believe that the President is somehow a puppet for Putin.
Just so I understand it, Putin wanted Trump to win the election so he (Trump) could;
- Strengthen NATO by 70 billion dollars
- Provide tank busting arms and missiles to countries that border Russia
- Build up our military by 100s of billions of dollars
- Create a Space Force
- Strengthen our economy
- Kick Russian diplomats out of the US
- Impose heavy financial sanctions and
- Suggest to Germany that they buy their natural gas from America not Russia
This is what the Left and the mainstream media is asking us to believe. Their hatred and bias for this President is so deep and so obvious that you have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see it.
I wish the President would hold a press conference and announce that he is done with all things involving Russia collusion, fire every Intel Chief, put people in charge who will do the work of the President, (the President We the People duly elected), and finally, kill the Mueller witch hunt. Then do a real investigation of Ms. Clinton/Obama Russian hoax. Justice for all will never become believable again until both Clinton and Obama are prosecuted.
Thank you for reading this post and allowing me this time to vent. Look for my next post soon, right after the Left proclaims the next end of the world.