Same Song, Different Week

Good Saturday afternoon friends. That about sums it up don’t you think? Do I really need to keep going or are we good? I’m just asking because like you, I have other stuff I can do. You know important stuff like, I don’t know, a truck that could use a good wash and wax, a lawn that could be mowed, a movie that could be watched, a nap that could be taken, a cocktail that could be consumed. No wait, first it’s the cocktail then the nap. Fine, I forego all those very exciting alternatives just for you!

So for nearly two years now this pretend administration filled with arguably the stupidest people ever born has been telling us that the border is not open. I heard them say it just this week. Then, speaking of stupid people, mop head announces this week that a study shows immigration is down by 90%! Before I continue, can you even imagine what your life would be like if you were one of these people that hear this crap and believe it? Oh man… No sooner did that remarkable lie leave her lips (she is a she right? I don’t want to screw that up), then the very next day ole broken brain, pudding head jackass announced he would be sending troops to the border. These idiots are so clueless. They throw shit out to see what sticks to the wall and the thing is none of it does. If the border is closed and immigration (sorry, illegal alien invasion) is down by 90% why pray tell do we need troops at the border? And while the headline might soothe the headline reader, you and I know these idiots sending troops will do nothing except to put the troops in harm’s way while they help to welcome more illegals into the country. I’ll bet you one cocktail and two naps the first order given to these troops is to leave their guns behind…

You and I know what the root cause really is. It is the two useless individuals pictured above. You know them, they were installed in 2020 with instructions to destroy the country and sadly they’re doing a terrific job

Speaking of useless individuals (so many to choose from) Jerome Powell, the dude playing the role of Fed-Chief has for months, years really, been telling us that the U.S. Banking system is sound and resilient. Fast forward and today we know that he and the other useless individuals playing checkers with our economy and the country are accountable for a half a trillion (yes, trillion with a T) in bank failures, the biggest and worst failures in modern times. Don’t y’all let that worry you though the ole moneychanger himself, Jamie Dimon is happy to step in and take over some of these banks. What a nice guy huh? Gee, I wonder if he is doing that out of the goodness of his heart (you know, the one that pumps ice water) or is there some under the covers “deal” for him via this corrupt filled government of ours. Same song, different week friends. All you need to know is that you and I will pay… Just another one of Mr. World Licker’s bottom-up/middle out lies.

Now, before I leave the “useless individual” thing that I stumbled upon this afternoon, allow me to illustrate in one picture the A list.;

You know what’s scary? This ain’t even half of them but it sure is a bunch of them.

Every single person pictured here qualifies as useless and every single one should probably be sitting alone, naked, in a cold dark cell. The scariest thing is that none of these pictured are anything more than just highly paid employees of the real evil doers, the money-changers. These peons are in their employ to do their dirty work. And what work is that? Destroy America and usher in their ultimate goal, One World Order. But hey friends, let’s not get crazy here, let’s focus on, I don’t know, Clarence Thomas or the Bud light dude…

Okay, enough of the stupid individual stuff… for now. As y’all know I push the best I can to #Fix2020. There are good people among us who want the same things as we do but feel the need to tell me and even some of you that fixing 2020 isn’t going to happen. Some will come right out and tell me to stop wasting my breath and my time. “Get real” they will say, or my favorite “Focus on winning 2024.” All are entitled to their own opinions. Me included I might add. Here’s the thing, I have next to zero illusions that this evil government filled with the “go along to get along” insider crowd is going to fix anything much less 2020. But the thing is, by talking about it, by reminding these idiots including all those fellow Americans who actually think the election was fair that we do know differently and that we refuse to let it go, and that we, I, will not ever accept what they’ve done; we at the very least plant the seed of hope and we remind them that everything we face today is caused by the theft of our American election process.

As you’ve heard me say, too many times I suspect, they want us to stop talking about it. The very minute we do, we lose and they win. Hell, maybe it’s just me but, I’m not even done talking about Benghazi, or Russia, Russia, Russia and I sure as hell am not going to stop screaming about the election. It astonishes me that so many are willing to move away from one of our most fundamental rights, voting. One can say we still can vote but, if your vote doesn’t count then just exactly what is the point? They stole our vote and we ought to be pissed off.

When we refuse to let lies go unchallenged, when we call them out, when we correct them and when we speak the truth we water the seed of Liberty.

So there you have it friends. I’d like to think I am a realist but a dreamer too. As a people we don’t really ask for much. The simple truth and honesty will fulfill our wildest dreams.

I’ll keep beating the 2020 drum and I know you will too. No matter what anyone says or thinks, President Trump is right when he says, without free and fair elections we have no country. The evil doers are working overtime to take away our voices and they took a yuge step in that direction during the wee hours of November 4, 2020. We simply cannot allow this to stand. Keep climbing the hill, keep beating the drum. I’ll see y’all at the top! #Fix2020

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead! We’ll talk again next week.

I Don’t Want To Talk About It

Good Saturday afternoon friends! Another week of nonsense is about to close and I am sick and tired of following the bouncing ball. Here we are 2 ½ years following the rigged Presidential election and the evil doers, the filth purveyors are still controlling the narrative. They have everyone talking about everything other than the root cause of the filth and destruction we endure on a daily basis.

I don’t want to talk about Tucker leaving Fox. I left Fox the morning following the election and have never looked back. Good for Tucker leaving but he should have followed my lead and left a long time ago. I see many folks talking about how Fox is doomed now. Nah, there are still millions of idiots that can’t get enough of Mr. Repeater and interrupter Hannity. Still millions who won’t miss a night of blah, blah, blah from Laura and then there’s the Five, can’t miss this nonsense either. If you’re still tuning in to hear what Kilmeade or Geraldo have to say then I’m guessing you’re not reading this rant right now. Screw Fox and the horse they rode in on. See, I told you I didn’t want to talk about it. LOL

Biden announces he is running for re-election! Again, I don’t want to talk about that either. Of course he is and just who in their right mind gives a flying smelling diaper what he does?

Back to the basement, he never left it.

First they installed him as their nominee. Then they chose a woman who couldn’t even get 3% of her own party’s support to be their Vice President. Neither of them even campaigned. Then, to top it all off, they rig the election and give him 81M fake votes. That’s how stupid they think we are and what’s even worse than all of that? They’re about to do it all over again. And what’s even worse than that is we are going to let them do it.

Don’t worry friends. I’m sure 2024 will be different. You know, like giving him 91M votes or something…
It’s pretty simple. You either Fix 2020 or you lose again and again and again. Kind of like those jackasses that keep robbing stores.
There you go friends. Fox News says it “appears” Broken Brain gets reporter’s questions in advance. At this time I’ll remind you of last week’s rant “DUH!”

And stop referring to these people as reporters! They’re not reporters, they’re freaking robots working for the Government and doing exactly as they are told. So sick of all these false narratives coming out of this fake world we seem to be living in nowadays. I am at a point, have been for awhile now, if it, whatever “it” is, is in the news I don’t want to talk about it. Why? Because they want me to and, well, I don’t like them, none of them. Who is “them”, the Government, the Media, you know, the #TheBullshitters.

The House proposed budget will raise the debt ceiling but reduce spending. Bite me. Republicans have proposed the strongest border controls ever! Bullshit! In order to propose the strongest border controls ever you have to propose the incarceration of every ass-hat on the planet that rigged the 2020 election and reinstall Donald Trump. Then you’ll have produced the strongest border controls ever. Until then, spare me the lip service.

Now you know friends, when DG says he doesn’t want to talk about something he means it! Kind of… sort of… The reality is they don’t give me or us much choice do they? If we let their nonsense just fly by then the translation is we are okay with it and we’re not ok with it, none of it. It’s a sack of crap being shoved down our throats 24/7/365. I that’s all I’ve got to say about that.

On a personal note, as y’all know, Elon’s Twitter suspended me again, this time for 6 days and 16 hours. Wonder how that 16 hour part comes into play? Whatever, I’ve long since given up trying to understand how these commie free speech haters think. All I know is, what they are providing ain’t free speech. Whether it is Elon or Jack the jackass, my personal experience is unchanged. In fairness, I guess, I did break their soy-boy rules. In a conversation with one of our patriot brothers regarding John “The sky is falling climate jet sitter Heinz 57 bed-wetter Kerry” I made the mistake of suggesting Kerry jump off a cliff! This broke their policy, as I am told, by promoting harm towards another. Shame on me. In order to resume my free speech rights I was made to delete this hate-filled comment and sleep in this twit cell while force fed their lousy menu of controlled speech. It is pretty comical to me. When you think about some of the filth on the site we all come across and compare it to my saying -jump off a cliff, well hell, that’s the final straw! #Idiots. By my best calculation six days and 16 hours puts me back on the controlled free speech site sometime late on Sunday (tomorrow). Once that occurs, assuming they are good by their word (what’s the chances of that?)… what’s the over/under on how long I last before the next stint in twitmo? To those who have expressed missing me, ditto friends! And thank you. Special thanks to Rip for passing on my morning messages and to Miss Jan for keeping y’all informed of my timeline, so many good people inside our inner circle. God fearing, flag waving, kick ass and take names friends!!

Enough of me, how about some drum beating?

Every single time we get to hear the President speak he reaffirms why our support for him remains as strong as ever. He is the only one who speaks the truth and in a way we all can understand and appreciate. While he fights a dozen fires all at once he still finds the time to get in front of us to let us know he’s with us all the way. It is truly amazing how strong he is. Most of us, by now, would be sitting in the corner on the floor sucking our thumbs with tears running down our face. Not Trump, he keeps plowing through the bullshit with a wheelbarrow full of confidence and drive. It is that confidence and love of country that keeps each one of us in the fight, in the battle for good over evil and right over wrong. While the country and the entire world is undergoing a wrecking ball called Brandon we stand together united in our effort to seek out the truth, expose the lies and for all that is good among us. While this battle continues we must continue our efforts, in fact as the clock continues to tick by, we must double our efforts, scream at the top of our lungs demanding, pleading, begging, insisting, whatever in the hell it takes for these people to Fix 2020. It is, as you know, a must do. I don’t know how we go forward without doing that. Fair and honest elections are the cornerstone of our Republic. Beat the drum loud and clear friends! God Bless our Nation and the rightful winner of the last Presidential election, Donald J Trump. Lord knows he needs all the help he can get and we’re just the ones to give it.

Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend and the week ahead. Hoping to talk with y’all on Sunday evening. Should that not happen remember don’t be surprised just say “Duh” lol.

Another Week of “Well Duh”

Good afternoon friends! You have to love how the paid for media and these ass-hat politicians are feeding us the so called “breaking news.” The IRS is mishandling the case against Hunter Biden. Bank records show the Biden family has made millions from foreign actors. The 50 Intel characters who signed the letter claiming the laptop was Russian disinformation did so knowing it was a lie but did it anyway to help Biden win the election. New Mexico drops all charges against Alec Baldwin. Biden supports trans athletes competing in women’s sports. These were some of the spoon fed headlines this week and when I heard them my response to each and every one of them was the same, “Duh.” Of course, my guess is that only the Biden support for the trans-filth thing was the only one the MSM reported on. The others aren’t a good look for Broken Brain or his lying, cheating filth of an Administration. “DOJ Garland is the force delaying and burying the Hunter IRS investigation, “Duh”. Pudding heads Secretary of State Blinken, was the promoter of the Intel letter lie and of course we have mop head doubling down on the daily lies which are so helpful for the reporters because they can just repeat them. No serious questions allowed. You know like, why is Biden such a dumbass? LOL, now that would be fun to hear and watch. Mop head’s response I’m sure; “The President has been very clear…” Eh, he’s not the President and he hasn’t been clear about anything, ever. Don’t freak out friends, I talk to myself like this all the time.

How anyone can support this rigged up government at this point will remain one of the great mysteries of all time. The only explanation I can come up with is that the people have simply given up. The level of stupidity and filth we endure today is beyond any imagination. Anyone who still thinks that those of us who believe that the election was stolen are just election deniers are the actual deniers. They hate Trump so much that nothing is off the table for them. These narrative pushers in politics and the media could accuse the President of anything and these deniers would be fine with it. They gladly bought into the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax and they had no problem with the Ukraine impeachment even after they were given the transcript of the phone call. They’re fine with the 30+ indictments laid out over a pole dancer and a guy freshly out of prison for, of all things, lying. No problem, Trump’s bad. As for Hillary and all her actual lying and cheating. Nah, she’s innocent. Ole Adam Schiff and his continual lies and leaks, he’s a great American. As for Nasty Nancy, well, she’s prayerful so just keep moving. I wonder how the communist Left would react if the report had been that Trump showered with Ivanka? Oh good Lord… They’d lose their freaking minds, duh!

I don’t know where I am going with all of this except to say that I find myself tired too. All the chatter without any measurable action has become really old, really old.

Reagan’s “are you better off today than you were four years ago” would be like, “You’ve got to be kidding! NO!” We’ve gone from having a President who made saying saying Merry Christmas great again to one that’s not even supposed to be in the White House standing with people who want to perform drag shows at elementary schools… among about a hundred other mind numbing mental things. Well, the good news is he’ll be running for another four year term right? Lord I beg you, please forgive us.

It’s time to pause and bring you another up-date on Biden’s Build Back Better plan.

Missed it by that much! Well, at least it was a good paying union job…

So if it isn’t bad enough that we have to endure the daily Leftist programmed chatter we now find ourselves headed into another election that unless we Fix 2020 will not be an election at all but rather another pretend our votes count again day.

I noticed that either the RINO right or the leftist cheaters have a few pretend Republicans on twitter now bashing Trump and promoting DeSantis. Trump can’t win, they say. We need new blood, Trump’s too old, DeSantis has the right message. I slammed a couple of these ass-hats only to find a few of my own followers slammed me back. Evidently my standing up for Trump is only dividing the party. So I take a shot at a pretend Republican for banging on my President in their useless attempt to, well, divide the party and I’m the bad guy. Go figure.

Obviously these followers never read these rants otherwise they’d know I ain’t leaving the President’s side and I will not sit idly by while anyone, follower or non-follower alike suggests anyone other than the boss should be our next President. “People have a right to support who they want.” True! And I am a people. Grrr

As I’ve said repeatedly, the 2024 election and everyone thereafter will be nothing more than a National stage show if we don’t fix 2020. If 2020 is ignored, and it has been thus far, the American people, half or more anyway, will never trust another election and that my friends is a horrible and dangerous thing. The commies on the Left are so brazen, so confident in their ability to control the outcome of our elections they put this broken down dipshit of a thief up as their nominee. He didn’t even have to campaign and to shove their control in our face even more they decided on a woman as VP who couldn’t even garner 3% of her own party’s vote in the primary. Then, to make absolutely certain they didn’t trip over themselves like they did with Hillary vs. Trump they loaded Broken Brain up with 81M votes. The fact that Trump’s real votes and Biden’s made up votes totaled more than all registered voters in the country was of no concern. Why, because they’ve got the media on the payroll and the judges too. And when you have that you know what you have? No fear. Now it’s been proven the social media companies colluded with the commies to get the puppet elected. Now it’s proven the laptop is real, now it’s proven the 50 Intel liars lied and what does the media do, nothing. What will the judges do, nothing. And all those Biden supporters, what will they do? Vote for Biden.

Friends, saying we have a mess on our hands is an understatement. This is, by all accounts, no longer our country. While China grows stronger we grow weaker. While the idiots slowly leak out all the wrong doing we’ve all known from the start nearly half of the taxpayers continue to pretend it is all good. When Biden says the state of the union is strong these morons believe it all while they wish they had a lower (not a typo) FICO score so they could get a better rate on their home loan. You see, that’s another example of how far off the rail this country has gone under this China puppet. And that’s just one small little example.

Drum beating time: Beat the drum of liberty friends, beat it loud and often. Don’t sit quietly by and be a watcher, be loud and a doer. We simply cannot allow 2020 to go by without justice. These elections must be fixed and there can be no ifs, ands or buts about it. I never want to feel like I felt the morning after the 2020 election again. There will never be another Trump. This is his time, for our sake it has to be. He is without question the only plain speaking, kick ass, boss like person who can take on the many woes this once great Nation faces. It’s #Fix2020 or bust.

And that’s all I’ve got to say about that. Until the next time my lips move that is. Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. Don’t be surprised when they tell you that Joe Biden was never a truck driver. Just say “duh” and then keep beating the Fix 2020 drum.

I Won’t Leave His Side

Like many of you, I grew up in a time when a handshake was all we needed from one another. Trust was something earned not by words but by action which as my family and closest friends know, is why my favorite saying is; “Doing always beats saying”. I am a loyal guy. Once you’ve earned my trust you know I’ll always stand beside you and I’ll stay there to the bitter end.

President Trump doesn’t know me from Adam, as the saying goes but, if he did, he’d know he has someone in his corner that won’t ever leave his side. Sometimes I wish I was some powerful person with an endless amount of assets at my disposal to make a real difference in his battle for our country. Obviously I’m not. All I can do is be loyal, stand up for him always and especially when others don’t. I will correct the lies told of him when I hear them and work in some small way trying to convince others our only way forward is with him at the helm.

Trump is no God, not by a long shot, neither am I and neither are you. Like him we all have things in our closets that we’d rather not discuss. Some of us have bigger closets than others. His, I imagine, is yuge. Lord only knows what I might have gotten myself into if I had been a millionaire with every sponge on the planet constantly knocking on my door. The thing that these people who accuse me of being in a cult do not understand or refuse to understand is that my loyalty is based on his “doings” not his “sayings”. You know how it goes, “actions speak louder than words.” He is the last person in Washington, DC who told me the truth. It is that truth followed by his actions that has earned him my loyalty, it is the reason I won’t leave his side.

Every single week we endure the most insane things. The amount of filth and lying is remarkable to say the least. The embarrassment that Broken Brain puts upon this Nation is beyond what any fictional author could even imagine, the endless drivel coming out of his tweeter writers, the White House twit handle, and not to mention that mop head of a press secretary. “Let’s go lick the world?” Really? It becomes so mind exploding that I find myself replying like some low level gangster or something. If I don’t watch myself closely every other word is the F bomb not because I don’t have other words but because I’ve become so done with it all I don’t know what else to say. As if the moron sees my replies anyway right? Others do and I guess that’s why I bother to respond. Maybe, God Forbid, something I say will get through to one sheeple. Doubtful. The idiot lies so broadly I want to reach through the screen and… see what I mean. I’m getting all worked up just talking about it. It’s (him) just so damn insulting and wrong. We literally have the scum of the earth getting his diapers changed in the White House while he tears our country apart. To make matters worse, as if that is possible, all of government sits back and allows it to continue.

And then there’s the sheep and the paid for actors in the media that just follow the bouncing ball never questioning anything or anyone. Don’t accuse me of being in a cult, they are in a cult filled with the mindless people seeking handouts with only one thing in mind, “me, me, me.” To hell with the country, to hell with justice, right or wrong what’s in it for me?
I am so sorry for adding this imagine. I know we’ve all had enough of it but again, this is just another completely insane event they have us all talking about this week. It’s stupid, he’s stupid, Budweiser is stupid, their PR person is a complete moron, this woke Administration is stupid for pushing this crap on us and quite frankly I’m stupid for giving it this much air time. And that’s all I have to say about that.
Let us pause now for this important photo up-date on Biden’s Build Back Better program.

Whether it’s that dumb trip to Ireland where pudding head did what he always does, makes a complete and utter fool out of himself and us or this latest “National Crisis” leaker bologna, the point is nothing coming out of this Government over the last three years has been helpful, honest and none of it, not any of it has been to the benefit of the country or her people. It’s all 100% made in China crap.

Have you had enough of my endless drivel yet? How about we beat the drum!

Do y’all have any idea how frustrating it is that I beat the #Fix2020 drum day in and day out knowing that the chances are about as good as me becoming that guy with all those assets I spoke about earlier? I only do it because I refuse to do what they want me to do. Stop talking about it. Let it go. Blah, blah, blah… You and I know the stealing of an American election, if left to stand, is a lifelong change to the America we know and love, to the America our founders put in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These documents become moot if 2020 is allowed to stand.

I’ve come to this point: If President Trump believes he can win without fixing 2020 then I’m going to trust he knows what he’s doing. What choice do I have anyway? There is no one in the 2024 race that can turn this country around like he can. He is the only one with the ego, guts, determination, energy and love of country to make the bold changes that need to be made. All the others and even those still to enter don’t have his drive and certainly don’t have his bold character to call a spade a spade. Even if one of them had the desire they don’t have the courage. Anyone else will simply go along to get along with their only goal being to be liked and re-elected. You saw how bold Trump was before his re-election bid. Wait until you see what he’ll do knowing he can’t run again. Katy bar to the door!! And this American will love every moment!

For me it feels like it will be a cold stone miracle if we see another Republican in office and a Godly miracle if we get our President Trump back. Look how hard they’re going after him. He did it once and I’ve got to believe he’ll do it again! He believes it, so why shouldn’t I. I won’t leave his side.

I’ll keep beating that 2020 drum no matter what occurs. The rigging and robbing of the election is, quite frankly, a much bigger issue than Trump. They stole a U.S. election! There’s a good chance #Fix2020 will be on my tombstone. Just so you know. Lol

Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends and while the week ahead will be filled with Lord only knows what, don’t let it get in your way of having a good time and don’t y’all worry, I’ll throw the F bombs for you! Lord forgive me.

I Can Only Tell You How I Feel

Good Saturday Afternoon family and friends. I guess that’s all I can do right? Tell you how I feel… Something tells me though that you already know. If you don’t, then you must be new! 🙂

In recent memory I don’t think there was a day I was more flat out pissed off than on Tuesday of this week when those evil communist bastards forced President Trump to stand before their kangaroo court. As good as I’d like to think my imagination is, I can’t begin to imagine what was going through our President’s head that day. Unlike him, I was able to scream, cuss and yell at those rotten pieces of week-old fish heads lying in the sun pricks. He had to sit there silently as the filthy lies spewed out of their corrupt one sided brains. I will say though, the few pictures I saw of him, the look on his face said it all. Mad, disgusted and not impressed were the thoughts I saw.

When I think about all that is wrong in our world today, especially inside our own borders and then see this being the focus, well, their focus, words cannot describe my anger. Besides, you don’t need to be subjected to that kind of language anyway. Although, I’ve got a sneaky suspicion y’all probably felt the same way.

I often hear people say that Trump will never be elected again because people don’t like the way he talks. That comment always ticks me off because it’s the way he talks that I most admire. We’ve become so soft nowadays that most people simply can’t handle someone calling things as they are. “You’re fake news!” “You’re an awful person!” “It’s a shithole country!” “They’re not sending us their best and brightest!” “MS13 are dirty animals” These words and so many more are simple to understand and truthful at their core. Anyone who finds them offensive is simply a part of the problem. Crooked Hillary is crooked. The news is fake. The election was rigged and they’re coming after us and he is in their way. What part of the truth do bedwetters not understand? Billy paid hush money and congress maintains a hush money slush fund to pay off their accusers but now somehow suddenly Trump hush money is a federal offense. Go figure.

You gotta love Our President. He always finds a way to express his and our true feelings. lol

I don’t have to make a case for our President’s innocence to you, you get it. It’s the dirty Left and their paid media propagandists that have managed to get in the heads of the headline watchers that need to hear it. But, they won’t, I don’t think the average CNN or ABC watcher even have the mental capacity to look beyond the blatant lies. They certainly don’t have the will. Otherwise they’d change the channel. But they don’t. Millions upon millions of Americans continue to consume the lies and it drives me nuts! There is no filth being taught in schools, there is no problem at the border, guns are the problem, the climate is our biggest threat, men can have periods and babies, January 6th was an insurrection, no one is above the law, everything is Trump’s fault, Biden won the election and Obama was one of the greatest Presidents ever… oh and the latest, Justice Thomas is a bad guy… and the list of stupidity goes on from there. This isn’t a clown world we are living in, it’s an outright nightmare.

Certainly there has to be some on the Left or at the very least some of the sheep (repeating myself) that see the hypocrisy in this one sided shit show. Perhaps not…

Some crazy loon shoots up three kids and three adults at a Christian school and all the media and the pukes on the Left in DC and even Tennessee talk about is guns. I can only tell you how I feel. Deeply sorry and saddened for those who lost their lives and irritated beyond civil discussion with those in Washington and around the country who by all their inaction don’t care about the safety of our kids but instead their desire to take away our ability to protect ourselves against evil and that includes them. Lock the doors and place armed guards at the door. Pretty F’ing simple, don’t you think? We’ve had this discussion. A thousand times… Don’t worry friends VP Harris the laughing hyena went to Tennessee to support… the “take guns away” idiots not the families whose lives are forever changed. Yeah, not a clown world, a nightmare but, I can only tell you how I feel.

Well needless to say, the mood I found myself in on Tuesday and following the shooting has yet to completely dissipate, nor should it. It is these incidents and so many others that keep the fire in my belly alive. While I so look forward to a more calming time, we ain’t there yet, not even close.

Drum beating time: I don’t want to hear about, read about or talk about anything other than fixing our screwed up, rigged up, and you know what up elections. I don’t want to talk about who’s running in 2024. I don’t care what DeSantis does or doesn’t do in regard to the election. I don’t want to hear about any red waves, I don’t really even want to talk about the economy, the border, the stupid Ukraine war, not about ANTIFA, BLM, or drag queens. Even though I do, I don’t even want to talk about broken brain or his screwed up family nor their corruption to boot. I want our elections to be fixed because I know in my heart and mind fixing our elections will solve the rest. These commies in Washington and around the country need to fear us again. They don’t and why should they. As long as they decide who sits where, what does it matter what we think much less what we want? As long as they control the narrative our role is limited to paying taxes. There is no Make America Great Again without fair and honest elections. It’s not about my savings account or even the price of gas. It’s about our deciding who leads our country. It’s about Liberty, Honestly, Justice, the flag, our families and our friends. You know, fellow freedom loving Americans like you. Fix 2020, turn the wrong into the right and then we watch the glory of it all unfold right before our eyes. Yes, we will be safe again, we will be strong again, we will be happy again, moral again, justice will once again prevail and a peace will once again begin to travel around the world.

While I agree with this I would say their only chance is if we “allow” 2020 to stand. Same “difference” I suppose. I can only tell you how I feel.

Well there you have it friends, another rant for yet another week. Sending all of you blessings for a wonderful Easter and my best wishes for your week ahead. #Fix2020

I Think I know How You Feel

Good Saturday afternoon friends. As we are about to come out from another week of political Leftist hell and as the evil doers take another step closer to their fantasy of One World Order I think, I know how you feel.

After two years of having these trans people shoved down our throats, our week began with one of their own finally snapping at the Christian school in Tennessee killing three young innocent kids whose parents were doing what they felt was best for them. Enrolling them in a school they knew would teach them to read and write and keep them safe from the evil indoctrination camps we now call public schools. I can only try to imagine the nightmare these parents are now living in. At the same time three adults, responsible adults rushed in to help only to lose their lives as well. These heroes have loved ones now on their knees in pain over their loss. The police, who over the past several years we are told are the enemy of the people rushed in as quickly as they could to take the deranged mentally ill shooter down saving Lord only knows how many lives.

I think I know how you feel for those that lost their lives and for those now trying to cope with their loss. You feel heartbroken, angry and sad. As if the loss wasn’t enough, as the nation mourns, our government weighs in not to do what one would expect, to console or to even show compassion. No, they leap to one of their favorite political topics, gun control. From the guy in the white house with the broken brain to congress people on both sides, the message was about gun control under the disguise of “saving the children.” We’ve watched this play out time and time again and the message is always the same. As we grasp hold of what is left of our free speech we sit back and watch as they move closer and closer to taking away our rights of protection. The mop head spokesperson when asked about the killings stood with the killer and the mentally ill. Yes, I think I know how you feel.

“Our hearts go out to the trans community.” As it is with everything coming from the evil empire, these remarks only acted to enrage all of us.

As the trans community violently took over the Tennessee State Capitol, for what I couldn’t really tell you, the media remained all but silent. Can you even begin to imagine the outrage that would occur had one of these folks been shot like poor Ashley on January 6th? The playbook is as you know, one sided and solely designed against the overwhelming majority of the American people. Their goal is to make the law abiding the criminals all while they set the actual criminals free. I think I know how you feel. Outraged & disgusted are a few feelings that come to mind.

As for keeping our kids safe, the discussion we hear is so absurd it’s difficult to even go over it again. None of these people have the best interest of our children in mind. Their one and only desire is to remove gun ownership from our society. Keeping the kids safe is simple. Lock the doors and place armed guards at the entries, period. My favorite argument (not really, really it flat out pisses me off) is that having armed guards at schools is harmful to the children and you know, sends the wrong message… beats the hell out dying. Don’t believe me? Ask any one of the parents who have lost one of their own. This conversation might very well be the dumbest, most insincere, non-caring, cold hearted conversation ever coming out of DC. While they “pretend” to care, the kids will continue to bekilled. Harsh words I know. The truth can be that way. God Bless them all and their families.

As the week was about to wrap up we all got the news that our beloved freedom fighter had been indicted. For the first time in American history, the indictment of a past President and political opponent occurred and for what? Was he undermining America by working under the covers with, I don’t know, China? Was he skimming money by using his political power with, I don’t know, Ukraine? Was he using his great powers to cover-up illegal dealings by his family members? I mean, did Eric Trump have sex with minors, take illegal drugs or lie on a gun application? Nope. Did he leave the border wide open allowing the country to be invaded with illegals and drugs killing thousands of our people? Nope he had a whore who was attempting to scam and embarrass him paid to shut up. She agreed to it, got paid and continued to scam and embarrass him anyway. Under these conditions one wonders why it wasn’t Bill Clinton who became the first indicted President. He paid Jennifer Flowers $850,000 to zip it. Well yeah, but Flowers was lying right? What about JFK and his many side attractions? These sons-a-bitches are out to do whatever it takes to stop President Trump from ever becoming President again and I think I know how you feel, just like me, it ain’t gonna happen!

That’s okay because, you know, it was Bill and well heck, Bill was just being Bill…

With every move against the man, his popularity only grows. We the people, the vast majority of the American population are so done with the deep state and the world order bullshit. While these idiots attempt to undermine the man, our drive to stand beside him only grows stronger. Six years we’ve been forced to endure this “get Trump” crap. For six years they’ve pulled out every fake made up story they could come up with yet he still stands. His larger than life ego, and his immeasurable love of country, love of winning, love of those who stand steadfast with him will not allow him to say uncle nor allow him to step aside. And for that I think I know how you feel, grateful.

This George Soros paid DA hack will go down in flames before this is all said and done, that I can tell you my friends. Don’t think for a minute this cheap suit is going to take our President down. It ain’t happening. Then there’s that filthy nasty Nancy – “Trump has the right to prove he’s innocent” she proclaims. No you stupid slimy drunk, he’s innocent until proven guilty. These people… I’m telling you. Rotten to the core.

Someday, someone smarter than me will explain why George Soros is even allowed to step foot in this country or continue to breathe for that matter. When you hear me use the term evil doers just know, he is among them.

I’ll wrap up this week’s rant first by telling you one of the scariest things going on right now is the US dollar slowly getting kicked to the curb. Last week Russia, Iran, India and China all agreed to side step the dollar and accept the Yuen. This week China and Brazil agreed to do the same. Once the dollar is no longer the world’s currency the game is over. You might as well start learning to speak Chinese now… or prepare yourself for the job they decide you are best for. You know, like digging in the mud for cobalt for all those electric cars.

While we are not winning many battles right now friends we must not take our eye off the war for it is the war we must win. As your local election preacher our war is won only when our elections are fair and only when our votes count. Without fair elections the evil doers of the world have no reason to fear us as they are free to install whomever they choose. Thus we have pudding brain sleeping and having his diapers changed in our White House. Thus we have a guy who has to be lead around by the hand, thus we have a moron who takes direction from Easter bunnies and some woman who lets him take showers with his daughter. Fixing 2020 is our only way out. They own the judges, they own the media, they own the pharmaceutical companies and they operate the printing press. The work before us isn’t small. As you’ve heard me preach over and over, this is our country and at some point, we are going to have to start acting like it. Freedom, Liberty, Justice, our kids, our families, our lives all depend on one thing, us. Will we rise in the end? Will we stand in the end? I don’t know but… I certainly do think I know how you feel.

You feel the same as I do. If this man continues to stand then by God so will you and I. Our country, our time. We’ll stand side by side to the end and together we will rejoice in our great victory.

God Bless every last one you for letting me puke all over you every week and for being a friend. A friend of mine and a friend to America. Beat the drum guys and gals let freedom ring, let freedom ring. American greatness is only one “fair” election away. Y’all enjoy what’s left of your weekend and have a great week ahead.

Remember, It Could Be Worse

Good afternoon family and friends! I suppose that’s true, it could be worse. At the moment though one wonders how? Unless you are one of these people roaming earth wearing rose colored glasses, things just get crazier by the moment. The lies coming from broken brain and his diaper changers are working overtime. Today, you don’t really have to be in the loop to miss it all. If you don’t see it, well, yeah, rose colored glasses I guess. The laughing hyena on Thursday speaking about the historic Obamacare said because of it our Nation is safer, healthier and stronger. I’m here to tell you, our Nation is a lot of things; safer, healthier and stronger ain’t among them. In fact a good argument can be made that we are just the opposite. Safer, go for a walk or jump on the subway in any major Democrat run city after dark and then get back to me. Or, wear a Make America Great Again hat and go stand in front of the “safe” American capitol. Healthier, how many deaths have we seen these past two years? I’ve been around the sun a few times and have no memory of young, strong healthy folks keeling over for no reason like we see today, do you? What about the thousands dying from that Fentanyl coming across the open border. If those hard facts aren’t enough to dispute knee pad’s statements then let’s talk about the state of “mental” health in the Nation today, from drag queens to parents having their young daughter’s breasts cut off to dudes participating (cheating) in women’s sports. In fact if you don’t want to go down those disgusting roads take a look at Broken Brain’s own administration. Hell, you don’t even have to do that, just look at their kids.

I’m sorry to report but our Nation is not healthier! We are being governed by a guy whose own brain is sick. See showering with daughter for further evidence.

And now we’ve arrived at “stronger.” Seriously, name one thing that shows we are a stronger Nation today? No, no, take your time. I’ve got nothing but time on my hands this afternoon. While I wait, have you heard this one? Bill Clinton was out for his morning jog in DC when he came upon a stop light at an intersection. Leaning against the light pole was a local DC hooker.

Bill, while jogging in place, looked her over and asked “how much?” The hooker replied “$100” Bill smiled and said “A hundred bucks? How about $25”? She flipped him off and he laughed as the light turned green and jogged away. The next morning on his jog he came to the same intersection and the same hooker was there. He asked, “How about that $25?” She just rolled her eyes and waved him on. The next morning Hillary told Bill she wanted to jog with him. A nervous Bill agreed, figuring he could call a cab if she couldn’t make the whole run. They left the White House on the same path Bill had been taking. They arrived at the same intersection and I’ll be damn if the same hooker wasn’t there. Bill, freaked out, didn’t even make eye contact with her this time. As the light turned green Bill and Hill jogged away as the hooker yelled out “See what you get for $25!” LOL – So… what did y’all come up with? How is the Nation stronger today? Sorry, I know it’s a dumb question but hey, at least I got to tell a joke!

The fact of the matter is we’ve never been a weaker Nation and sadly the entire world knows it and China is taking full advantage. There has never, in the Nation’s history, been a more opportune time to kick America aside and take the reins as a world leader. Open borders, banks failing, oil reserves at an all time low, debt out the gazzoo, an American populace that’s divided, a government focused on stealing the riches of its people via climate change and woke polices designed to further divide us. A Nation who no longer believes in its own elections, a Nation where at least half of the population doesn’t even recognize they have a President at the moment. Trains falling off their tracks, warehouses burning down and a government that is more obsessed with jailing a past President, you know, the one the people love, admire and miss and well, banning gas stoves and air conditioners. Mean time one of our most populated states wants non-black people to pay 5M in reparations to black people that were never slaves. If you are China, you are laughing and foaming at the mouth at how easy it will be to take over. First, they act the part by forming alliances with Russia, Iran and now even the Saudis! So, forget about your money in the bank, start figuring out how many Yuan it takes to buy an egg… After all, what does China have to fear anyway? Our military leaders are more interested in understanding white privilege and climate change than developing the greatest fighting machine on the planet. While China’s children are excelling in math our kids are attending drag queen shows and learning how to kneel before black people. For the record, I am not a racist but they sure are pushing me in that direction, perhaps that their plan.

And before Obama we weren’t a divided Nation either. He was one of America’s greatest mistakes. Twice. He acted “stupidly” in a racist kind of way. And his
Husband, I mean wife, is worse.

So my friends while things could be worse it is pretty hard to see how. In fact, I don’t even want to go there. Let’s just agree that we’ve got a mess on our hands and it ain’t getting any better anytime soon.

Broken Record Time: Yep, same record, same sweet tune, #Fix2020 so the dancing can begin again. It appears as though the “Get Trump” crowd is about to be disappointed again (hope & pray) as that stupid case in Manhattan unravels like all the others before. On to Georgia now I guess where they are attempting to accuse the President of trying to sway the election or whatever. Evidently it’s a bad thing to demand only the legal votes be counted… what a time we are living in friends. He’ll beat that wrap too. My friend Miss Jan has it right. She’s been making the point that all we need is one, just one honest judge with a pair to stand up and be willing to allow the 2020 election fraud to be heard. Just one… There’s gotta be one right? It appears Kari Lake found one!! Yahoo!! A judge in Arizona agrees the signatures on the ballots must be verified! She’s a fighter and my personal choice for Trump’s VP. She’s as smart as they come and like our President, quick on her feet and best of all, she’s never blinked once when it comes to 2020 election rigging and Trump winning. Speaking of our favorite President, he’ll be doing a rally in WACO today. Make sure you watch it. Y’all need something to pick you back up after I’ve managed to depress the hell out of you… (so, so sorry)

So the DG drum will continue to be pounded upon until such time we either see the 2020 election fixed or I own Yuan. Believe it!

Thanks for allowing me to rant away ya’ll. I don’t know how or why you put up with me but please trust that I appreciate it. The American people rightfully deserve better. Together we will get there. This is after-all, our damn country. Wishing each and every one of you a great rest of your weekend and week ahead.

Did You Know?

Good Afternoon family and friends! Another week is about to come to a close. Much like each one before this in the past three years, there’s nothing to report that would make us proud. The circus remains in full swing with one stupid thing after another. The only thing working overtime in DC is the printing press. You know the one that prints money. We can’t keep eggs on the shelf, we’ve experienced a run on toilet paper and Mom’s are still on the hunt for baby formula but the one thing there is no shortage of is ink…

First it was one bank that failed then two, then three and now four. Ah, nothing to worry about folks these were just small little banks and besides Broken Brain has them covered. Don’t y’all panic and run to your bank, it’s all just fine. Even if you did, most of us don’t have much left in the bank anyway. Not after two years of this nightmare of an administration. Do you ever wonder what your retirement accounts would look like today if Trump had remained in office? I know I do and then I have to stop thinking about it to avoid throwing up. And of course right on cue Pudding Brain, followed by the paid actors in the media and the communist party wasted no time to blame the bank failures on President Trump.

The idiot-n-chief cancels out hundreds of Trump executive orders but the fact that he left the banking regulations in tact doesn’t make the failures his fault. And oh by the way, four banks down and did you know diaper boy still hasn’t canceled out Trump’s EO. Wonder why? Because it doesn’t have anything to do with these bank failures, that’s why! As I understand it, and an investment God I am not, the banks put their deposits into safe and secure bonds (which we now know is a myth.) But when inflation is over the roof (not Trump’s fault) and interest rates rise (not Trump’s fault) guess what happens to bonds? They drop and the billions invested go under water. Printing press to the rescue or should I say, the American taxpayer to the rescue, and not just you and me but our sons, daughters and their sons and daughters. Funny how that works… All roads lead to the great American taxpayer. Bottom up – middle out, my ass. These woke banks who invested millions in BLM and have Chynia investors are bailed out not by their wealthy pals but by you and me. I have a hard enough time affording gas for the truck much less bailing out these asshats.

Then one of our drones flying over International Waters (believe it if you want, I don’t) is taken down by a Russian Jet. You’ve got to hand it to Putin. Unlike our bungling moron of a fake President who lets a spy balloon float across the entire country before he shoots off a million dollar missile to take it down, Putin takes no chance and drops our 30M drone before it gets within an inch of Russian territory. With tensions between the two countries on high alert now seems like a good time to get caught spying on Russian don’t you think? Well any who, doesn’t matter because Broken Brain and the woke Generals put ole Putin in his place by telling him under no certain terms what he did was unprofessional. Woo… That’ll straighten him out. Clown world 2.0. More like 100.0.

How about all the Breaking News! “The Biden family received one million dollars from Chynia.”

Congress has the receipts and they’re going to get to the bottom of it. First off, this isn’t breaking news for anyone who’s been paying attention and secondly, they ain’t gonna get to the bottom of anything. These people and their “breaking news”…Please. Breaking News! Hillary spied on Trump and made up the entire Russian collusion story… Breaking News! Hunter’s laptop is real and not Russian disinformation… Breaking News! The vaccine does not stop you from getting COVID… Breaking News! The January 6th committee didn’t review the videos…Breaking News! No cops were killed on January 6th… meanwhile back at the ranch nothing is done about any of it. Is it frustrating? Nah, it is a bunch of mind boggling freaking corruption in our face 24/7.

Speaking of breaking news… we all learned this morning they are going to arrest President Trump on Tuesday over, of all things, the Stormy Daniel bullshit. While the crime family in the White House walks around free, while we see pictures from the laptop from hell of Hunter smoking crack while getting a blow job from what looks like a 12 year old and we get to watch him board Air Force One. While pudding brain’s daughter complains he took showers with her they do what they’ve always done, go after Trump. There isn’t a single person on the planet with a single functioning brain cell that gives a flying Fu*k what billionaire Donald Trump did with Stormy friggin’ Daniels. Bill Clinton got a blow job in the freaking white house and nobody cared. He paid Paula Jones $850,000 to sip it, no arrests, no indictments. On the other hand, Trump has the evil doer crowd so freaked out that they will be exposed for who they are, it has forced this one man, all by his lonesome, to fight the entire U.S. Government and truth be told, half the world.

Notice the “protest” plea… Well, what are we going to do? My guess is the same thing we’ve been doing, nothing.

I really have no words on this to best express my anger. If these low life sons-a-bitches use TV cameras, CNN, helicopters and two dozen police officers to arrest him I swear (You know, the Rodger Stone effect) I will pop a blood vessel in my brain. And did you know… there are people in this country that will celebrate this one sided shit show. His support will only grow. This move will once and for all secure his nomination for President in 2024. This blatant act of corruption will come back to bite them in the ass like it always does. The trouble is, it takes time and that’s a luxury this country no longer has. #ColorMePissedOff

Pretty simple… the Truth tends to be that way. Pretty simple that is.

Did you know there are millions of Americans to this very day who still think Trump colluded with Russia, that the laptop is some made up conspiracy theory, that Biden has no ties to China, that masks work, that January 6th was an insurrection, that Biden got 81 million votes, that blue collar Joe cares about them, that everything is Trump’s fault? It’s true and it’s disgusting how out of touch and plain old stupid people are.

Did you know that these same people believe more restrictions on gun ownership and on gun manufacturers will reduce gun violence? They have this uncanny ability to disregard the person doing the shooting as being the cause and instead place the entire blame on the gun. The level of stupidity is astonishing. When someone runs people over with a car they don’t blame the car. When someone stabs another to death with a knife or beats them over the head with a hammer, the knife nor the hammer are on trial. Weird huh?

Finally, did you know that we have people in this country, even Republican politicians who think our votes will matter in 2024? Trump’s the man! Some say, we need new leadership, DeSantis is the man! Others say, Pence is, never mind, no one says Pence is anything other than a boring trader to the Republic. I’m here to tell you it doesn’t matter who is on the ticket. If 2020 isn’t fixed the insanity remains in play. “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Duh.

I think it was ole Albert who came up with the definition of insanity too… smart guy! #Don’tBeADoNothing

Drum Beating Time: For as long as the American people remain silent and continue to take these hits on the chin the hits will continue. It is the old lunch money thing. If the bully at school can get you to hand over your lunch money without a fight there is simply no reason for him to stop. In the end there is simply no way around the fact that our government stopped even pretending they care about us. They are the school yard bully who not only is taking our lunch money but taking away our ability to be heard, at least in the traditional sense. Calling your Senator no longer has the impact it might have once had. More often than not we get a recording and are forced to leave a message. When we write letters or send emails we get replies that read like a form letter and usually don’t even acknowledge our complaint. “Thank you for contacting my office, I am working hard on your behalf…” Social media is all but a joke. These so-called leaders have their staff write their messages and they never read our replies and never, ever do they respond. And why should they? They’ve got our lunch money, our voice and evidently we are happy to oblige. There is simply no trusting anything until they go back and make the 2020 election right. They’ve been stealing our elections for a very long time but this time they over stepped themselves because of the huge popularity of President Trump. To believe Biden won we have to disbelieve our very own eyes. To do that we have to be convinced there were not thousands upon thousands of Trump supporters attending his rallies. We saw the 12 circles Biden filled up, but we must dismiss this sight too. We’ve done the math and know their numbers don’t jive but this too must be put away and forgotten.

Well I am here to say that’s never going to happen. The truth of the matter is, at least in my humble opinion, the only way 2020 is fixed, the only way the wrongs are made right, the only way justice is served and yes, the only way we Make America Great Again is if “we” see to it. You know, “if you want something done right, do it yourself” thing.

Trump can’t do it alone, congress won’t and our justice system is as corrupt as the Biden family. The chore is left with you and me and 70 million God fearing, Flag waving, American patriots. Either we stand and are counted or what’s left of our lunch money is never more. Scream the truth at every opportunity you get friends. Don’t shy away from your beliefs. Don’t be accepting of anything other than what you know to be true. Together we are strong and our voices are as loud as thunder and our words are as striking as lightning. We cannot, we must not allow this to continue. Beat that drum of liberty dear friends. Our families are depending on us. Don’t hold back, don’t slow down. They say Peace through strength. Our strength is in our numbers. I truly wish we would all unite on main street USA and remain there until they hear our thunder.

That wraps up my ranting for another week. I suspect all my preaching will go mostly unheard. I do these rants so you know you’re not alone. Hand in hand, back to back. Together we go, whether good, bad or somewhere in-between I’ll continue to rant for as long as you’ll continue to listen.

Remember there’s a circus in town and we’ve all got a front row seat! Now I’ll leave it up to you to find a way to enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. Cotton Candy anyone! 🙂 #Fix2020

It’s A Good Thing!

How’s that for an attention grabber? Good afternoon family and friends!! In this upside down world we are living in, you might be asking yourself, “What is a good thing?” I don’t want to get the cart ahead of the horse so hold on to that thought. I’ll “circle back” to it soon.

Every week after I send out this blog my twitter friend Linda always thanks me for doing it and then says something along the lines like; “I wonder what insane thing pudding brain will do this coming week.” She knows as we all do that for as long as we have an installed ass-hat with a broken brain occupying our White House there will never be a shortage of stupid things to write about. That being said, let’s get started, shall we.

On Wednesday my wife looked over at me sitting in my lounge chair sipping on a cup of coffee and nibbling on a homemade muffin she had just made for me and asked what time I wanted to eat dinner only to jump up when the buzzer went off on the dryer. As she was folding our clothes, she said she had defrosted the homemade enchiladas she had made for me when she was out of town a few weeks back. I hadn’t eaten them because, you know, who remembers to take something out of the freezer. It was at that moment, being gifted with the outstanding ability of knowing timing is everything when I said; “Happy International Woman’s Day!” Struggling to find the infamous one missing sock she looked up at me and… I’ll leave it there. Some things ought to remain private. 🙂

So Doctor Jill, who’s not a Doctor, gave this year’s “Woman of Courage” award to a dude wearing a dress. When I saw this I just shook my head and smiled. These people are weirdos and I’m not referring to the dude although…

This installed Administration hates women. There can be no other answer. Why else would they undermine them at every turn? My body, my choice applies only if you choose what they tell you to choose. Gross. All of them.

So, what’s the message to all you women out there? You’re getting your asses beat in sports, you’re losing beauty pageants, and now you’ve lost the courage of the year award. Try harder? I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make light of this insane bullshit but the truth is, if I don’t find a way to apply some humor I will explode. And for the record, under this roof, my wife gets the courage of the year award for putting up with my dumb ass. And before you ask, yes she wears the pants around here! Lol

Broken Brain diaper pretending to be a tough guy introduced his budget this week and to hear him say it, what a historic budget it is. Yep, a budget that puts the “folks” first for once and never mind we had our first of many to come, bank closure this week. It’s all good folks, historic in fact…

Don’t y’all wish you could spend more than you bring in? You know you could. All you have to do is force your kids and their kids to pay for your out of control nonsense. Of course if you did that you’d be a crook just like numb-nuts .

THE DG BREAKDOWN: We will all pay increased taxes, not just those earning 400K or more. He’s killing the so-called “bottom up/middle out folks” and this tax plan will continue the tradition. Just watch. The 886B defense spending is not for our defense, it’s for Ukraine’s defense. We will build more “stuff” only to send it to Ukraine. We just get to pay for it. The 6B to Europe (what the flying horse shit are we giving Europe money for?) and Ukraine is our way of saying thank you for all the wonderful things they’ve done for us over the years. I’ll name those things just as soon as I grow my hair back. The 26B to strengthen the border I assume is to take better care of the cartels and all the poor starving immigrants (illegal aliens), you know the ones we see that are overweight, wearing new clothes talking on their I-phones. The 3B for global warming is an obvious one. Doing annual maintenance on the money changer’s private jets and greasing those wind turbines ain’t cheap. Finally, the 100 thousand new police officers is maybe the most puzzling one of all. Why hire even one new police officer if you’re not going to let them arrest anyone? And besides, that’s all well and good for Chicago, what about the rest of the filthy crime ridden blue cities? This budget is a joke and thanks to a Republican held House, it’s dead on arrival. Or by God better be…

I’ll wrap up this week’s rant with the January 6th insurrection/worst day since Pearl Harbor and 9/11 nonsense. As y’all know, Tucker Carlson showed the other side of the story this week which of course predictably made the Left and many of the Republican RINOs lose their minds. As if any of them have a mind worth keeping anyway. For all of us, the tapes didn’t even raise an eyebrow as we already knew the whole thing was a made up Democrat lie from the very beginning.

Showing the other side of January 6th lit the evil doers up and for that and that alone it was glorious! As for the sheep, well they are still standing in line hoping to get in to see The View.

The January 6th committee was nothing more than a continuation of the “Get Trump” Leftist crowd that started the day he floated down the escalator with his beautiful wife at Trump Tower in 2015. Since that very historic day, the money changing leftist communist evil doers have been after that man and our way of life and there is simply no arguing this fact. From Russia, Russia, Russia, to the now known Fauci-funded gain of function get Trump pandemic to this disgraceful, openly obvious one sided kangaroo shit show of a commission these people have been committing one crime after another and shoving them right in our face as they laugh at us and flip us the bird as they fill their pockets full of our hard earned money. The insurrection narrative was a joke from the beginning and anyone that doesn’t know that is, well, a freaking idiot. And yet, still to this day we have Americans, who at the very worst trespassed rotting in a Federal prison hoping to someday at least be heard. Meanwhile the government continues to push this narrative just as they continue to push the importance of the Chy-nia shot and you know, all the great things they are doing for us. The border is secure don’t you know, which of course begs the question “then why do you need 26B to strengthen it? What an utter clown show my friends!

I give Tucker some credit and even McCarthy for showing what he could. It appears the evil doers have all but shut him down at this point. Surprise, surprise…

As for “It’s a Good Thing!” You didn’t think I forgot did you? It’s a good thing I have a family that loves me and that I love, that I have a roof over my head and a warm comfortable bed to lay my head down at night. It’s a good thing I found a woman who puts up with me, laughs alongside me and takes such great care of me. Having my pup look at me with his big brown eyes all but begging for me to spend some time with him is a good thing. He’s my buddy you see. It’s a good thing I have two boys who grew into two good men who know right from wrong and who are excelling on their own with their own families and own homes and own kids, dogs, cats and all the rest that makes a family a family. It’s a good thing I have friends like you to let me rant and rave about the things we are made to endure each week who take the time to say good morning each day and talk with me about the goings on in your lives. You see my friends when it’s all said and done these are the things along with so much more that we care about. While we might spend some time pointing out the stupid shit we are made to endure they will not and cannot take away our “good things.”

Broken Record Time: I’ll keep it short and sweet (there I go again, self describing myself) FIX 2020 and let’s get to making more “good things” together!

Speaking of “good things” he gave us so many to be thankful for. We ought not and will not turn our backs on him now. #Fix2020

Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. Be safe and remember to enjoy your own “good things” along the way.


Good Saturday afternoon friends! I’ve got to be honest. If it weren’t for you I’d be calling it a day on this weekly blog. Every week it’s the same old thing. Well, the subjects may be different but the outcome is always the same. Stupid piled on by more stupid. The things we are made to sit back and watch in this country are bat shit crazy and I’m getting tired of talking about it. I mean, come on, seriously?

This week, Chy-nia-fang, Fang Fartwell said, without even blinking an eye that he and his fellow Democrats are more than willing to address the concerns at the border but, wait for it, the Republicans want nothing to do with. Well there you go. It’s the Republicans fault. Joe Biden felt the need to publicly point out that the two kids who died from Fentanyl occurred during the last administration and then laughed about it. The kid’s Mom does an interview following this and can’t even talk due to the tears and heartbreak. Let me repeat this. The pretend President of the United States laughed that two American kids died of Fentanyl overdoses because it happened during Trump’s time in office. Seriously? Yeah, seriously.

I don’t care who the President is or was, we don’t want our kids dying! Broken Brain blames Trump who worked tirelessly to secure the border, to round up the MS13 gangs, to come down hard on Mexico for not dealing with the drug cartels and he came down on China too. The Democrats fought him every step of the way, even going as far as refusing to provide funding for the wall. What has Pudding Brain done? Nothing other than dismantling all the Executive Orders Trump put in place to secure the Border and to kill the “stay in Mexico” policy which was working. And while thousands have died over the last two years he continues to do nothing. Of course y’all know this to be true. Hell, everyone knows it’s true yet here we are and now I am hearing the northern border is being invaded. Lord only knows how many terrorist have entered our country and Lord only knows just how much longer it will be until they perform one of their evil acts adding to the death toll of wide open borders. Why is this allowed to stand? This border issue is the clearest violation of the oaths taken by all these government bloodsuckers. Protect and Serve… Seriously?

And none of it ends until the stolen election is fixed.

So, what else? I see that Beetle-juice lost. LOL. There are a lot of crappy Mayors in this country, all in Democrat controlled cities obviously but this, this, whatever the hell she/he is was the cream of the crop wasn’t she. Completely out of touch and like this jackass we have playing President she wore rose colored glasses throughout her miserable term. “Everything is great!” “We’re making a positive difference!” Bullshit like that while the crime rate goes over the roof and murders are, well, just a given. So the first, black, lesbian woman to ever hold the office lost her bid for reelection and according to her it was due to her race, her being a woman and a lesbian. In less than four years Chicagoans became racist homophobes. Makes sense right? Certainly her losing had nothing to do with being the worst Mayor in the country. Ever.

Well this was certainly the “good news” of the week. Sadly, the two guys that beat her aren’t much better. However, I give them two stars for at least not pretending to be of a different gender.

Ha! Like McDonalds would hire her… And do you know what’s wrong with this picture? Trump didn’t order drinks. LOL She managed to even screwed that up!

Finally, did you hear about the DC Crime Bill? The Bill reduces mandatory sentences on crimes committed. Don’t worry though because the Bill only targets minor crimes like Murder, Armed home invasions, armed robberies, armed carjacking, unlawful gun possession oh and sexual offenses. Reportedly some 86% of black voters approve of this Bill. Wonder why? And the Democrats want to make DC a State. Seriously? Clown world? No, a sick, disgusting, filth ridden shit hole.

Broken Record, Drum beating time; as all of you know it is rare for me to say anything without including the stolen 2020 election. Obviously I am of the mind that nothing else matters if we don’t get the election system fixed and at least half of the American population will never trust the process unless 2020 is fixed. As we are now in another election cycle I can’t help but to wonder how folks are going to feel after they jump through all the normal election BS. After watching the fake polls, promoting a big red wave, sending their hard earned dollars to their favorite candidate or worse to the GOP and then staying up late waiting for the media to tell them who won only to be disappointed when they learn Pudding Brain was reelected to a second term which of course will be followed by the bootlicking liars in the media explaining to the flock how deserving Pudding Brain was to win a second term. How he pulled the country through COVID, saving millions of lives. How he worked so hard to build back better the American infrastructure and how, through his vision built an economy from the bottom up and middle out. Am I making any of you sick yet? Well my friends, that’s where we are headed if we don’t fix 2020. There is absolutely no reason to believe anything will be any different in 2024. What makes the salt in the wound sting even more are the so-called Republicans and our fellow, so called MAGA Trump supporters who are saying it’s time for a change, Trump can’t win, DeSantis is the one, Nikki is great… These are the ones that tweet “Trump or DeSantis?”

I’m here to tell you that Trump is the ONLY one not on the money changers payroll and the ONLY one with the ego and balls to take on this evil empire we are now being governed by. Anyone who thinks differently has slowly over time allowed the media and so called election experts to poison their minds against the man. If I hear someone say one more time “I loved what Trump did, I just don’t like how he talks” I am going to unchain the fire breathing dragons on them.

Beat your drums friends. Beat them often and loud. They stole 2020 from us and we cannot, we must not let it stand.

Thanks for allowing me this short time each week to rant at you, my friends. Y’all are truly great people with a load of common sense. Let it be written I appreciate every last one of you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. Oh, and special thanks to Miss Jan for the new drum set! I’ll use it often, that I can tell you. #Fix2020