Good Saturday afternoon friends. That about sums it up don’t you think? Do I really need to keep going or are we good? I’m just asking because like you, I have other stuff I can do. You know important stuff like, I don’t know, a truck that could use a good wash and wax, a lawn that could be mowed, a movie that could be watched, a nap that could be taken, a cocktail that could be consumed. No wait, first it’s the cocktail then the nap. Fine, I forego all those very exciting alternatives just for you!
So for nearly two years now this pretend administration filled with arguably the stupidest people ever born has been telling us that the border is not open. I heard them say it just this week. Then, speaking of stupid people, mop head announces this week that a study shows immigration is down by 90%! Before I continue, can you even imagine what your life would be like if you were one of these people that hear this crap and believe it? Oh man… No sooner did that remarkable lie leave her lips (she is a she right? I don’t want to screw that up), then the very next day ole broken brain, pudding head jackass announced he would be sending troops to the border. These idiots are so clueless. They throw shit out to see what sticks to the wall and the thing is none of it does. If the border is closed and immigration (sorry, illegal alien invasion) is down by 90% why pray tell do we need troops at the border? And while the headline might soothe the headline reader, you and I know these idiots sending troops will do nothing except to put the troops in harm’s way while they help to welcome more illegals into the country. I’ll bet you one cocktail and two naps the first order given to these troops is to leave their guns behind…

Speaking of useless individuals (so many to choose from) Jerome Powell, the dude playing the role of Fed-Chief has for months, years really, been telling us that the U.S. Banking system is sound and resilient. Fast forward and today we know that he and the other useless individuals playing checkers with our economy and the country are accountable for a half a trillion (yes, trillion with a T) in bank failures, the biggest and worst failures in modern times. Don’t y’all let that worry you though the ole moneychanger himself, Jamie Dimon is happy to step in and take over some of these banks. What a nice guy huh? Gee, I wonder if he is doing that out of the goodness of his heart (you know, the one that pumps ice water) or is there some under the covers “deal” for him via this corrupt filled government of ours. Same song, different week friends. All you need to know is that you and I will pay… Just another one of Mr. World Licker’s bottom-up/middle out lies.
Now, before I leave the “useless individual” thing that I stumbled upon this afternoon, allow me to illustrate in one picture the A list.;

Every single person pictured here qualifies as useless and every single one should probably be sitting alone, naked, in a cold dark cell. The scariest thing is that none of these pictured are anything more than just highly paid employees of the real evil doers, the money-changers. These peons are in their employ to do their dirty work. And what work is that? Destroy America and usher in their ultimate goal, One World Order. But hey friends, let’s not get crazy here, let’s focus on, I don’t know, Clarence Thomas or the Bud light dude…
Okay, enough of the stupid individual stuff… for now. As y’all know I push the best I can to #Fix2020. There are good people among us who want the same things as we do but feel the need to tell me and even some of you that fixing 2020 isn’t going to happen. Some will come right out and tell me to stop wasting my breath and my time. “Get real” they will say, or my favorite “Focus on winning 2024.” All are entitled to their own opinions. Me included I might add. Here’s the thing, I have next to zero illusions that this evil government filled with the “go along to get along” insider crowd is going to fix anything much less 2020. But the thing is, by talking about it, by reminding these idiots including all those fellow Americans who actually think the election was fair that we do know differently and that we refuse to let it go, and that we, I, will not ever accept what they’ve done; we at the very least plant the seed of hope and we remind them that everything we face today is caused by the theft of our American election process.
As you’ve heard me say, too many times I suspect, they want us to stop talking about it. The very minute we do, we lose and they win. Hell, maybe it’s just me but, I’m not even done talking about Benghazi, or Russia, Russia, Russia and I sure as hell am not going to stop screaming about the election. It astonishes me that so many are willing to move away from one of our most fundamental rights, voting. One can say we still can vote but, if your vote doesn’t count then just exactly what is the point? They stole our vote and we ought to be pissed off.

So there you have it friends. I’d like to think I am a realist but a dreamer too. As a people we don’t really ask for much. The simple truth and honesty will fulfill our wildest dreams.
I’ll keep beating the 2020 drum and I know you will too. No matter what anyone says or thinks, President Trump is right when he says, without free and fair elections we have no country. The evil doers are working overtime to take away our voices and they took a yuge step in that direction during the wee hours of November 4, 2020. We simply cannot allow this to stand. Keep climbing the hill, keep beating the drum. I’ll see y’all at the top! #Fix2020
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead! We’ll talk again next week.