There’s Just No End To This, Is There?

Good Saturday afternoon friends! I hope this week’s edition of The Rant finds y’all enjoying yourselves despite the completely insane goings on around the country and the world for that matter.

God forbid we have what you call a “slow week” in the insanity clown filth circus. Every single week there are more things for me to rant about than I could possibly put in one blog. This once a week bitch session is enough to drive a sane man to the loony bin. I mean, there’s just no end to this, is there? Answer: Nope. Not for as long as we are being led around by a perpetual liar willing to read off of a script apparently developed by people who think we are all complete morons. Seriously, who believes this crap? Somebody needs to open a can of whoop-ass on these people while we still have at least the knowledge of what our country can be or once was. Good grief.

Yeah, everyone is wondering where the coke came from… “quack, quack”

It was only a few short weeks ago that we had some trans-dude exposing his fake boobs on the White House Lawn and now this week they stumble upon cocaine inside the people’s house. These Democrats huh, from blow jobs to titties to coke, what a group! Well yeah but Trump called the MS 13 gang members animals…

To be perfectly honest, I’m blown (pun not intended) away that they even told us they found the coke in the first place. I certainly have no expectations we will get the straight scoop on who left it there and speaking of being honest, we all know who left it there anyway. Mr. “I left my laptop” did. Besides remember this is a story about a father and his love for his son… the one he’s proud of, the smartest guy he knows. Right, wrong! This is a story of a privileged drug addict who has made a career out of selling secrets worldwide thanks to his daddy the career politician who points his son in the direction he wants him to go in order for the family to cash in. We truly have a crime family occupying the White House and an entire corrupt government, along with their paid media lackeys, covering their every move. It’s obvious. It’s disgusting and shouldn’t be allowed to continue even for one more minute. But, here we are standing on the sidelines watching the biggest shit show on earth. Drives me out of my mind!

How about the CDC coming out with guidelines for men who want to “chest” feed their babies? Did I miss read that story? Something about taking a certain drug that will turn a man’s chest fluid into a consumable product for a baby? CDC “Center for Disease Control” makes perfect sense they’d be involved with chest-feeding. All I can say is I hope and pray God forgives us for all these insane acts against humanity. Personally, I don’t know why He would. I don’t. Makes me sick to my stomach the level of filth being thrown at us and the kids.

Somebody pour a bourbon for me before I pop a cork! Never mind, just hand me the bottle.

Oh hell no! This Governor ranks right up there with ole Hitler himself. If you ever have a constipation problem, just Google ol’ Gretchy. The pictures alone will clear the problem right up. Wrong pronouns, give me a freaking break! No one is fooling me, there are aliens from outer space and they’ve landed a long time ago and she’s one of them. If you pull that ugly mask off her face no telling what’s behind it. The movie “men in black” should have been on the history channel not in the theaters… Good golly miss molly this woman is awful and anyone celebrating this crap is awful too. Awfully stupid, gross and weird.

Then we have Mr. Letter Writer Lindsey Graham tweeting out this week how he intends on doing everything in his power (which I assume means he’ll be writing letters) to work both sides of the aisle to make Ukraine a member of NATO. This of course is right on the heels of Broken Brain sending illegal cluster bombs to Ukraine. Admittedly, I am no expert on matters of war but can anyone explain to me why there is never any talk about, I know, talking… you know, coming to the table and figuring out a way to stop the killing and destruction and wasting of taxpayer dollars. No way, there’s no money in that. Let the killings continue! Russia, Russia, Russia… You want to start WWIII, bring corrupt Ukraine into NATO, that’ll get the job done. One can only imagine the amount of dollars lining the evil-doers pockets in this fiasco. As for the lives lost, ah, just the price of war folks… Russia, Russia, Russia. I’m sick of it. All I know is that Russia ain’t no saint that’s for sure but old Vladimir hasn’t left my border wide open, he hasn’t sent my tax dollars to some other corrupt country to waste, he isn’t forcing me to accept a man as a woman, nor has he emptied my oil reserves, closed down our energy sector and he’s yet to call me a terrorist…

Clowns on the Right, Jokers on the Left, here I am, stuck in the middle with you…

I’ll wrap this week’s rant up with Bidenomics. I’ve never heard so many lies come out of this lame White House and this pretend Broken Brain President than these last few weeks and that, as you know, is a mouth full. The greatest jobs president ever! Unemployment at the lowest level in 50 years! Putting America back to work! Great paying jobs! Inflation down for the 11th month in a row! Lies, lies and more lies. That is the only thing we can count on with these SOBs. And the media, oh the media, they push it out there for the lame to consume and what the flying bat-shit for brains is wrong with those people? Do they not see their own credit card debt or their own savings account? Do they not buy gas or eggs, or you name it? The Biden twitter account and the White House twitter account have to be the two biggest misinformation accounts on Twitter and that’s another mouth full. They must have an entire team of paid liars working those accounts. Talk about election interference… Between those two accounts and the mainstream media, I don’t know how half the population gathers enough brain power to get out of bed on their own. Mommy must help them…

This is so true. This is actually where we are today. The economy sucks! “How dare you say that!” Men can’t have babies! “You’re a white supremacist”. Hunter is a crack-head loser! “Don’t say that about someone with an addiction problem” What? You’re an idiot. #TalkingToMyselfAgain

So friends, I don’t need to tell you but, there simply appears to be no end to the on-going lies, deception, cheating, hiding, money laundering, war mongering, child abusing, freak show. Well, there is a way to fix it and you know where I’m headed with that. Yep – #Fix2020. As these evil sons-a-bitches continue to pour more and more on top of their “get Trump” shit show, our support only grows. These evil election riggers, these American wealth takers, these professional liars will do whatever it takes to take this man down. They fear him because they know that he knows what they’ve done to the country, to us and to the world. They also know he will expose them all for what they are and they want no part of that. The filth is so wide spread, so deep even the most ardent conspiracy theorist would have a heart attack if it were all to come out. Trump is just like our founding fathers, he is fighting for the country, fighting for us and I for one will not turn my back on him and I know for a fact you won’t either. If all of government is out to get the man it can only mean one thing, he’s the right guy for the job! And oh what a job he’ll have in cleaning this pigsty up. It will be a stone cold miracle if we get President Trump back in office. It will be the greatest victory ever to be had if we get the opportunity to have that man back in a position to blow this whole corrupt nightmare up. Please Lord, please help us help him, help us. Another mouth full. Try saying that five times fast on your knees!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends and as always, THANK YOU for giving me your ear to release at least some of the frustrations I have with this insane government. There is simply no doubt about it, the only way this ends is with Trump at the helm and at times that feels like a steep mountain to climb. But climb we will. Call out the lies when you hear them, preach the truth at every turn and never say never, friends! This ain’t over until the fat lady sings.

The Battle for America…The High- Stakes 2024 Election

Greetings, fellow patriots!

As we gather here today, on the precipice of a pivotal moment in our nation’s history, we cannot ignore the significance of the upcoming 2024 election. The future of America hangs in the balance, and it is up to us, the true defenders of liberty, to rise and reclaim our beloved nation.

After enduring years of turmoil, deceit, and the relentless assault on our values, the time has come to take a stand. The political Left, with their insidious agenda, continues to push for a complete overhaul of our constitutional principles. They crave a One World Order, where individual freedoms are sacrificed at the altar of global governance. But we won’t let that happen, will we?

The past four years have been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. From the deranged obsession with transgender issues to the demonization of law enforcement, we have witnessed the erosion of common sense and traditional values. Our children are being subjected to indoctrination camps masked as public schools, while courageous parents seek refuge in Christian institutions, fighting tooth and nail to provide their offspring with an education rooted in morality and academic excellence.

Yet, despite our struggles, our resolve remains unyielding. We mourn the lives lost in tragic incidents, like the one that unfolded at a Tennessee Christian school. Innocent children and valiant adults lost their lives at the hands of a deranged individual, whose mental illness was tragically ignored. Instead of offering solace and compassion, our government exploited this tragedy to push their favorite political agenda: gun control. It is a familiar refrain, aiming to disarm law-abiding citizens under the guise of “saving the children.” We see through their ploy and our hearts ache for the families affected.

Moreover, the biased media’s silence on the violent actions of the trans community during their takeover of the Tennessee State Capitol speaks volumes. Had the tables been turned, had it been conservatives engaging in such behavior, the outrage would be deafening. The double standard is clear, and it is designed to oppress the majority while granting free rein to the radicals.

But amidst the chaos, there is hope. Our beloved freedom fighter who fearlessly stands against the deep state and their globalist agenda, has been indicted. It is the first indictment of a former

President and political opponent in American history, and for what, petty accusations that pale in comparison to the real crimes committed by others. It is a blatant attempt to undermine his popularity, to prevent him from ever assuming the presidency again. Yet, the more they attack him, the stronger his support grows. We, the people, refuse to be swayed by their relentless assaults. Our loyalty to this leader, with his unshakable love for our country and his unwavering determination to win, remains unwavering.

While battles may be lost along the way, the war is far from over. We must keep our eyes fixed on the ultimate prize: fair elections. The evil doers, who control the judges, the media, and the printing presses, seek to silence our voices and install their chosen puppets. But we will not surrender. This is our country, and it’s time we reclaim it. Freedom, liberty, justice, and the well-being of our children and families are at stake.

As we embark on the journey towards the 2024 election, let us unite, shoulder to shoulder, and march forward with unwavering determination. Our destiny as a nation is in our hands. We have the power to shape the course of history and restore American greatness.

So, my fellow warriors-for-truth, let us beat the drums of freedom and let freedom ring throughout this great land. The battle may be fierce, but together, we shall overcome all obstacles and win!

HARD STOP! What you’ve just read is a “small” example of what Artificial Intelligence can do. Yep, AI wrote all of the above. Including the title. My son sent an AI program the last three blogs I wrote and asked it to write a new blog based on those. The words above are the result. Not bad huh? A number of things stood out to me. First, notice there are no Dan-isms. No ass-hat, no broken brain, not even one cuss word. How un-human… second, AI didn’t name names. No Trump, no Biden, no Obama, no Schiff, no Hunter, etc. Weird. The most shocking is the lack of misspellings, poor punctuation and over use of exclamation points! LOL I mean, if you’re going to pretend to be DG, come on. Get it together!

For me AI is going to be, or is, just another tool that will further degrade the minds of the American people. Translation: Make them more stupid than they already are. Cashiers no longer know how to make change because they don’t have to. The register tells them what to give back to you. Get them away from the register and look out! You’ll be staring at one dumbfounded face when it comes to getting your one dollar and twelve cents back. There are so many examples where technology has allowed the dummying down of America. People often ask if anyone can write in cursive anymore. Soon you’ll ask if they can hand write anything anymore. There’s no arguing that many of these things have made life easier. Can you drive a stick shift? I can, my kids can but will their kids be able to? Will they even make a stick shift anymore? When I was a youngin the old man was having a conversation with a guy who said, “They don’t make them like that anymore!” Dad replied; “Thank God.” LOL. The point being, progress is progress. Some of it is good and some probably not so good. It seems like with each passing year we as a people become softer and softer, and dumber to. Grandpa had to figure out how to get a log on the back of the trailer that was four feet off the ground. He had no front end loader, not even a tractor. He did it with mules and rope and his brain. Personally, I think brains will always out do no brains. Trump v. Biden is a perfect example of that.

Enough of all that, I could go on for days. We had a good week, friends! The Supreme Court decisions this week are a stark reminder of the good President Trump brought to our country. First Roe v. Wade is reversed, and long overdue then this week Affirmative Action bites the racist dust as it should have (although I remain pissed off that I was never drafted by the NBA) and on Friday those poor, poor students learned the loans they took out are, well, theirs to pay. The liberal tears have been a true joy to watch and brought to you by the one and only Donald J. Trump. The people’s President!

There was no “affirmative action” or “loan forgiveness” when this great American came up through the ranks! Proof that good parents, hard work, and determination gets the job done! Clarence Thomas is a National icon. Thank you Justice Thomas!

That will just about wrap it up for me this week. Just so y’all know, despite all the chatter about the Supreme Court rulings, the fires in Canada, and Bidenomics (whatever the hell that is), I remain focused on seeing the Biden crime family brought to justice and the fixing of the 2020 election. Do the latter and the Biden crime family along with every other disgusting shit show we endure nowadays gets fixed and quickly. No DeSantis, no “any” politician. It’s Trump all the way to the finish line for me.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and Happy Independence Day! Keep beating the drum of liberty friends so that we remain independent! Fly our beautiful flag high and proud friends, this is our country, our history, our America the beautiful.

Why Not Say It? Y’all Are Thinking It

No matter what is thrown at us, I sure hope y’all have a method to find a way to laugh. I mean good Lord the stuff coming out of the Government and these Leftist nut jobs is enough to make a grown man cry or worse become a nut job himself. These people are so evil and corrupt I am amazed that someone hasn’t turned all looney-tunes and gone on all postal. Don’t misunderstand me I am not advocating such a thing, just surprised that it hasn’t happened. The lying scum are pushing the normal person over the cliff with their blatant lies and thievery and it’s in our face or to more accurately say, right up our asses and it never ends.

I talk all the time about the arbitrary “red line” that government will cross that causes the people to stand and while I continue to wait for that line (which for me and many others was crossed when the election was stolen) one of these days some individual who’s already teetering on “enough is enough” is going to lose his shit if these government villains don’t stop. And while one could make a good argument they had it coming, it’s the last thing we need right now. What’s my point? My point is that week after week and then some more, these people in DC, these Leftist Media morons, the Hollywood dipsticks, the woke freaks and now even these high and mighty DeSantis drones are leaving no evil leaf unturned to divide and conquer the people and doing so without any consideration as to the consequences it can and might cause.

So this week while the average Joe watched in horror at the submarine thing, old shifty shift got himself censured and then probably raised millions off it via the Leftist idiots that somehow and don’t ask me how, still think he is a champion of truth. Can you even imagine being one of those loons? Good grief. Anything less than fines and prison for that rat bastard is a disappointment in my book. Do y’all have any idea the damage he has caused this country? He makes Benedict Arnold look like a patriot.

Meanwhile we are spoon fed the white elite “Hunter” privilege story. “I’m proud of my son” ole Broken Brain said when asked about his son’s “non” conviction. And what’s the message to everyday Americans? That his punishment (And what exactly would that be?) was ordinary and just. Seriously? I don’t know squat about much of anything but I’m pretty sure if I failed to pay my taxes and got caught lying on a gun application I wouldn’t be talking to you right now… just saying. The ass-hat and pretend chief is all about cracking down on guns and background checks and he is, but not on his crack-head, pedophile, money laundering son. You know, the one he’s proud of… Good thing it wasn’t Don Jr… oh my.

Finally the week wrapped up with the Hunter China “pay me our money or else and Dad is sitting right here” Whistleblower announcement. Social Media lit up, “now we got him!” (Laughing), What? The DOJ called Hunter’s lawyer and told him to move the files or worse, destroy them? No way, not the U.S. Department of Justice…And you mean the IRS Whistleblower of ten plus years was fired? Hell, I didn’t think anybody ever got fired in this fish guts rotting in the sun with flies all over it Government. This of course was all topped off with the announcement from McCarthy that the GOP would not stoop to the level of the Democrats by impeaching Broken Brain. Oh Hell’s Bells friends, shit like this will take the laughter right out of anyone with a single operating brain cell. Talk about pushing toward the loony bin… (growling). I’ll fall right out of my chair and require CPR if anything of substance comes out of this. These people have everybody in their pocket. DOJ, FBI, Prosecutors, Judges, Media and millions of some of the most ignorant people ever to breathe God’s air.

Notice you don’t see Obummers right hand… Yeah, you figure it out!

We did have the Durham hearing and wasn’t it so nice to see all the Democrats triple down on their lies and deception? I’ve got to hand it to them, give those whack jobs a shovel and stand back cuz they’ll never stop digging. You could have a video of them robbing a bank and running off with the money in their hands and they’d look you in the eye and say “that wasn’t me, it was Trump.”

So to wrap this up, what did the week bring? Nothing, a bunch more lips jabbering, a bunch more of the “we won’t stop until” bull poop and oh yeah, DeSantis is the man! Bite me you sons-a-wishes. Pretty stupid when the biggest news of the week was the fact some of the mainstream media/White House Correspondents actually asked questions about the Biden/China connection. Most of us nearly fell out of our chair. It’s understandable, after all, we’ve never seen such a thing…

Following every week and every new shiny object that is thrown in front of us, the simple truth remains the same. We either #Fix2020 or the shit show from hell never ceases. All that we endure today will continue and might I suggest, get worse. There is no topic, no talking point, no shiny object more important to the sustainability of this country than fixing our elections and that starts with 2020. Until this is done Americans will never trust that their vote matters and rightfully so. I got a few replies from so called fellow MAGAs this week saying “Come on, do you really think the election was rigged?” Out of pure frustration I simply replied, “Nah, I think Biden got 81M votes.” #StupidPeople

Breathe in, breathe out friends. The saying “this too shall pass” has got me wondering… Who in the hell came up with that? Lol

God Bless America, God protect our President Trump and for the Love of God and all that is good, Fix2020 and bring this common sense, America loving patriot back to our White House.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. May the storms calm down and the sun shine bright. Well, not too bright, you know, global warming and all…

Y’all Following The Bouncy Ball?

B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O and Bingo was his name-O. That’s about how ole DG is feeling this week. While Americans are following the pre-planned bouncy ball that the evil doers are putting out there for our consumption each week, they continue their end-road toward the complete and total takeover of this once beautiful, free, and sane country.

We are inundated 24/7 with Trump is going down, Ukraine is winning, celebrate pride month, guns are killing all the children and don’t forget, the smoke in the northeast is driven solely by climate change which, by the way, only ranks number two as being ‘the’ biggest existential threat to our very being. Number one of course is all of the white supremacists that no one has ever seen. How could you, they’re white! Run Forest, Run!

Meanwhile back at the evil doer bug ranch these crazies continue to slowly tear our country apart as they do the bidding of the New World Order lovelies. You know them. They’re the ones that have farmers killing cows and America killing oil and natural gas. And let us not forget the depopulation goal. 20 million deaths from the Chyna-Fauci funded lab was a good start but, there is a long way to go, don’t you know! They’d probably load us up on trains if they could keep them on their tracks. Don’t despair friends, Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater is on the job! While you think the guy (he/she/him/her/stupid) is useless never fear, his boss, ole Broken Brain himself is guiding him along the way. You know when he’s not getting his diaper changed or blessing the queen… (I don’t know why he said that, what do I look like some stable genius? lol)

Oops, we stopped following the scripted bouncy ball there for a minute…

I’ve got to say, this week, when the Republicans failed to censure Adam Schiff it was perhaps the final straw for me. This was, to use a basketball term, an easy layup and they, as only Republicans can, screwed it up. This bald-faced liar who caused an untold amount of damage to this country was let off the hook and it wasn’t even much of a hook. That SOB should be in prison for his lies. Nope, instead the congressional House, led (what a joke that is) by Republicans made clear that lying is A-Okay. We’ve endured a lot of disgust over these past several years. This one takes the cake.

Anyone thinking the Republicans are going to save the country is going to be very disappointed. I’m mean, really? “Impeach Biden!” sure. “Fix2020” Uh huh. #Impeach Director Wray!” That’s cute. “Hold China accountable!” Oh my God, that’s hysterical. They couldn’t even censure the biggest known liar in the country. Seriously, this was the biggest display of weakness I think I’ve ever seen out of Republicans and Congress as a whole. Any-who, when you get emails and phone calls from the GOP make sure you send them some money cuz you know, they’re working for you!

Let there be no doubt friends, when I say we are on our own, I mean WE ARE ON OUR OWN. There ain’t no knight in shining armor riding to our rescue. Superman and Batman are, well, not real and they’ve got our beloved President so tied up with these fake, bullshit lawsuits it’s a miracle he finds the time to even hold a rally. Don’t worry though we’ve got all these other Republicans running to be President and we all know there’s nothing that will fix this country better than a good old fashion Republican. Look at all the great stuff they’ve done since we gave them the House!! Too many things to even mention… (yes, sarcasm). Like never before in my life, we know the Democrats hate us and the country. We know the Republicans only have one goal in mind and that’s their re-election. The ABC departments are holding hands with the Leftist Democrats (that is until they turn on them, then look out for they too only care about themselves and all that filthy power they freely wield upon their adversaries & I’m back to the white thing again.) All of these people are either sitting back or directly helping Broken Brain to complete his orders from the money changers. Not to worry, there’s enough money to go around for all the evil doers.

This is another one of those things that would be funny if not so damn true. You tell me, who has no companies, no business to run but has 20 or more bank accounts? Answer: A Money laundering thief that’s who.

I’ve got to believe, for my own self preservation, that the end is coming soon and when I say end, I mean the end of the line where millions of Americans throw the BS flag, gather their belongings and hit the streets in peaceful protests and stay there until these lying, evil, pieces of sewer scum fall to their knees. They are taking away our rights, our country, our liberty, our very way of life. If we continue to sit idly by it will get worse and worse and harder and harder to overcome and let’s face it, it’s already hard. Some would even say impossible. Not me, I believe in the power of people, I believe in “United We Stand” and I want to believe we are still the “Home Of The Brave.” I just don’t know how to gather others to believe it too. The fear we all share has to be put aside. We need to put our shoulders into a movement like they’ve never seen before. Millions upon millions of country loving patriots on every street corner in every state throughout this country sending our message loud and clear. We want our country back! We want the filth to stop, we want our voices heard, our vote to count, our children safe, our borders secured, our money used to help our neighbors, our vets, ourselves. The world is in deep shit without a strong, free, and prosperous America. That’s simply a fact. America today is not any of those things, not even close.

Okay, I’ll get off my band wagon (for now) and suggest to you all, if you are following the bouncy ball, stop! When they (you know who “they” are) point to the left, look to the right. When they say look up, look under the covers. As the renowned Geoge Castanza once said “I’ll do the opposite. If everything I do is wrong, the opposite must be right!” LOL. You know I’ve lost it when I start quoting the show about nothing.

Friends, there’s just no way for me to express how much I cherish and simply appreciate you giving me this time each week to release the penned up anger and frustration I have. At the end of any given week, like you, all I really want is honesty and justice. Give me that and everything else will fall right into place. If we indeed want to #Fix2020 and we do, it’s gonna have to be us that gets it done.

Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend. Happy Fathers Day to all you dads out there hoping the tie you get this year is at least a different color than last year! Lol. Have a super duper week ahead friends.

You’re Not Alone, I Feel The Same

Good Saturday afternoon friends! I picked the title this week just knowing all of you as I think I do, that y’all are spitting out emotions like you would sipping on a glass of Leftist Kool-Aid. I suspect you’re both sad and a whole lot of downright mad. You’re not alone, I feel the same way. In fact I’ll call your anger and raise you a basket of totally pissed offness.

The in your face evil acts of this government are enough to make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. The level of “I don’t care” that these people have for Americans is breathtaking and downright maddening. This isn’t our country anymore, not even close. These people do as they please and make no apology. They lie to our faces without a care in the world. Our wants, needs and desires are not a part of their communist plans. Like I always say, their motto is simple and clear, “pay your taxes and shut the fuck up.” And you damn well better follow it or they’ll come after you and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it. If they can put a former President, a billionaire no less, through the bullshit they put him through, well guess what you and I don’t have a chance.

It makes no difference to them how we react to this latest indictment of the President. With the ABCs, the judges and the media in their pocket they’ve become the untouchables. They do as they please and laugh in our faces as they move on to their next stupid, evil, endeavor.

The FBI has had crack head’s laptop for years now and they choose to sit it under the desk. They don’t throw it out because if they need to, they can always pull it out and set it on top of Broken Brain’s desk should he ever question them. Just the mere appearance of it will shut his smirk right down. This is what the FBI does. They hold all the secrets and use them to their advantage. Sure, the Bidens are criminals, of course they’ve taken payoffs, no doubt as the Vice President he wasn’t entitled to any documents and just because they were in his garage or in a China owned building, to this day there appears to be no reason to even interview the creep. I don’t know about you but, I’d rather Trump hold the documents than anyone in DC. You see, Trump has never lied to me, he’s never hurt me or my family or my friends or my country but DC and all the slithering scum sucking thieves, the backstabbing ticks, law breaking mutts and lying pieces of used toilet paper Washington sons-a-bitches have and do and I’ve had about all I can take.

While we all know that these evil acts toward the President only grows his base and strengthens our resolve they don’t care and if we are honest with each other, why should they? You see where I’m headed don’t you? When they stole the 2020 election they were emboldened like never before. When the American people didn’t hit the streets in protest they knew they had us and they knew there was no end to what they could impose upon us. The most abhorrent of policies could be enacted and there would be nothing we would do. Hell, they feel so empowered they could, I don’t know, open the border up allowing millions to enter, allowing thousands of Americans to die, allow children to be trafficked. So emboldened that they could crash the economy, force folks to take a shot and wear a mask. So confident with the power they hold they could send billions of our dollars to another country, hell, the very country that has paid off the pretend President in the past. “Where’s the money?” old prick face said when asked about the 5M given to him from Ukraine with that ass-wipe smirk on his face. This guy has the entire weight of the Federal Government on his side. He’s free to do as he pleases. You think he and all the others fear us? Think again my friends. Think again. To lean toward the microphone and say “I’m honest” tells you all you need to know. “I’m not a crook.” The blood inside my veins boils over my dear friends. Obama, Hillary and this dick-weed walk free and are so secure in their silky lives that they have the gall to insult us all with their “no one is above the law” bullshit.

And another thing… I am tired of hearing that they fear Trump. Why do people say that? I understand he knows where the skeletons are and I understand that he could expose them all. I get all that but fear him? Why would they? They own the entire kitchen sink and the people who bought and paid for the sink ain’t doing squat. “They are prosecuting their political opponent” Yeah, what’s your point? The best the GOP can do is tweet and write strongly worded letters. Don’t get me started on those rat bastard status quo mothers.

I’ve got to stop, seriously, I am so damn mad and tired of this crap I can’t seem to find the words. Well, I can find them but there might be children in the room.

This week, a patriot tweeted that he’d understand if Trump threw in the towel. He praised the President for fighting as long as he has. The patriot was right. When you consider what the President has been put through you can’t help but wonder how he’s lasted as long as he has. My guess is that shear willpower, devotion and an ego as big as Texas with an ocean size love of country and her people is the answer. No matter how all this ends Trump will always be remembered as the people’s President, as the man who exposed the filth in government and the lies in the media. These accomplishments have forever changed the hearts and minds of millions of Americans. We will never look at government or the media as we once did. He did that and we owe him our loyalty and heartfelt thanks for it. Never before has a President rallied so many in such a historic way.

Over many blogs, I’ve written often about the red line. Meaning, what is the red line that gets Americans off the couch? Russia, Russia, Russia didn’t do it. The impeachments didn’t get it done. The rigged election didn’t do squat. How about prison, is that what it’s going to take for the people to stand up? Or is there no red line that will cause us to rise? In many ways we’ve become just like the Republican politicians, all talk and no action and that my friends goes for me too. Like you, I’m ready to roll. Also like you, I’d like to have some company. Where’s Batman when you need him huh?

It’s never too late. We may have lost some battles, too many if you ask me, but winning the war is the prize and this isn’t one we and the world can afford to lose.

President Trump has much to think and worry about. My support isn’t one of them. These other candidates can spend all the money they have and all the money that the anti-American ass-hats want to give them. They can run TV ads until their heads fall off, but DG ain’t budging an inch. While I believe ignoring 2020 will be our ultimate demise, I continue to demand that we fix it and I’ll not waiver in my support for the man who earned my trust. It’s not just the right thing to do it is the only thing to do. If we want our country back and all that goes with that, Trump is the only one who can deliver it to us. I know y’all are with me on this and I remain so thankful to have you alongside me through this dark ride we find ourselves on. Keep fighting friends, keep beating the drum of liberty and should the time come where we’re out in the street, know I’m on the corner of main & this is my fucking country.

Always have, always will. #Trump2024

I want to give a special shout out to the Tuckers and the DG Table Talk Crew! God Bless y’all. I salute you and thank you. Remember friends, you’re not alone, I feel the same. #Fix2020

Have a good rest of your weekend everyone and an better week ahead. Don’t ask me how, just do it! We’ll talk again next week. Hopefully still in English and not Mandarin…

What Can I Say?

Every week for too many years now I sit down in front of this screen and ask myself that very question. I hate the fact that the message week after week is all but the same. I once heard that a good messenger is one that can repeat the same message in a multitude of different ways, or something like that. My hope is that I am at least somewhat successful in that regard. Key word “somewhat.”

So the diaper wearing, open border, hair sniffing, inflation sucking, war spending, daughter showering, help I’ve just fallen and can’t get up, broken brain got his unlimited spending ticket this week courtesy of the Republicans. In all seriousness, does it surprise you? I’m old enough to remember when Kevin (spineless) McCarthy vowed to stop the hiring of those 80,000 newly armed IRS agents. Did he? Nope. I remember him standing in front of pretend reporters saying we cannot continue to spend more than we bring in. Did he? Nope. Sadly but predictably, he just handed them a brand new checkbook. Just another year of the whole bullshit “we can’t default on our debt” circus shit-show. Fact is, there was never even the slightest possibility of Congress shutting this on-going spending spree down. I’ve never seen a spending spree they didn’t like. So once again they send the same message to the American taxpayer that they always send “Pay your taxes and shut up!”

Every week he manages to embarrass himself and the country. But sure, Biden/Harris 2024… We live among some of the stupidest people on the planet and within a Government that no longer works for the people. Put this feeble old man in a home already.

What can I say? We are in a perpetual rerun that by all appearances has no end. Well none that any ordinary sane person wants to see. The dollar is on its way out and full on communism on its way in. “Oh help me almighty government!” “Can I please have more cheese? Please!” This sounds like me trying to get Elon Musk to give me my account back. The rulers rule with their mighty swords my friends.

Speaking of saying the same thing over and over – You’ve heard me say; no free and fair elections, no voice, no country, no say. No say, congress does as they wish. No say, the President runs (well, not in this case but, you know what I mean) wild to please his New World Order leftist, woke, fake climate emergency bosses. I don’t know what I am fussing about anyway. According to the pretend President and the entire Democrat party backed up by our outstanding media, the border is secure, the economy is nothing less than on fire, Ukraine is kicking Russia’s ass, and there’s no there, there with the Biden crime family and by the way, we should all be proud! Besides, you know, it is “pride month”.

James Woods posted this on twitter this week and said the picture is a perfect representation of the entire COVID movie. A man, dressed like a woman getting the shot in what looks like a pediatric ward. If you ask me (I know you didn’t but hey, my blog!) this picture paints the perfect picture of our entire country right now.
#Absolutely Ridiculous.

Well friends… should we beat the drum on our way out? I agree, let’s get to it!

So where are we with the election? We’ve got President Trump, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, I guess Chris (oh my God man, easy on the hamburgers) Christy and Mike (you’re boring and sold the country out) Pence running. Oh and that other guy I can’t remember his name and couldn’t spell it if I did. Funny thing about him, he sounds more sane than all the others. Except for Trump of course. President Trump is just shaking his head asking why these people are even bothering to run with approval numbers in the single digits for the most part. DeSantis is the only one that polls in the double digits and every time he speaks his favorability numbers go down so… I reckon the President knows the answer but in case you don’t, they are running with the sole purpose to divide us and to paint Trump (Christy is especially) in the worst possible light. The “get Trump” crowd isn’t just the Left and the media. Christy is like the tough guy who only gets in the game when the coach wants him to break one of the player’s legs on the opposing team. He’ll learn soon enough that Trump punches back. Hard! If of course he even makes it to the debate stage. With Ronna still the RNC chairperson anything is possible.

Oopsies, I was supposed to be beating the drum… Look, none of these ass-hats can hold a candle to Trump. None of them have built or even run a company. None of them have a track record like President Trump. In a fair and honest election (that’s the scary part huh…) Trump will wipe the floor with these people who, seriously, are little more than Washington DC status quo candidates. A vote for anyone other than Trump is a vote to keep everything the way it is today. And if anyone wants and demands justice in this country Trump is by far the only guy to get that done. He’s got a chip on his shoulder and no one in their right mind can blame him. We get him back in office and finally, we can sit back and watch the most exciting, invigorating show on earth. It will be one glorious event after another. One by one the evil doers will have their ass-hats handed to them and all that has been wrong will be made right again. Put a few good men by his side and look out folks! Wonder if General Flynn has anything he’d like to see done? You betcha he does! Wonder if Devin Nunes has a few things (bye Adam Schiff) he’d like to set straight? You think ole Tom Homan would like to take another run at closing the border? Believe me, these guys and many others are itching at the chance to assist Trump and the country in their efforts to Make America Great Again! Safe Again, Honest Again and yep, rich again. President Trump’s second term will be a sight to behold, that I can tell you.

While we continue to beat the drum of liberty by calling the evil doers out to Fix 2020. Our only allies it seems are Trump and our patriotic brothers and sisters, you know, the ultra MAGAs that the broken brain, the FBI and the media claim to be the country’s biggest threat. We know now more than ever that the GOP and their paid ass-hats in Congress are not on our side and do not share our values or our goals. It’s you and me and brother Donald J Trump.

Quit wasting your breath on these useless Republicans. They’re not our friends. If they were, 2020 would have been the only thing that they talk about. Remember, a United States Of America election was rigged and stolen right out from under our feet. #NeverAgain

We will stay united in our battle to win this war against our very way of life. We will not go away, we will not shut up and we will not turn our backs on the man that gave up a life of luxury to do what he could to make our lives better. The evil “they” have done us wrong. Let us not forget and not give up until we hold in our hand the greatest victory of all time. A second term for the people’s President, our very own, Donald J. Trump. #Fix2020 #BeatThatDrum #UnitedWeStand

What can I say? Well, I just did. At least for this week. Y’all enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead as we continue to inch our way toward a more fair and honest union. God Bless Y’all.

What Am I Missing?

Good Saturday afternoon friends! Time flies when you’re having fun. Well, it appears like time flies no matter what’s going on. Seems like just last week I was ranting about something and boom, here we are and I haven’t stopped. These idiots who we are forced to share the globe with don’t allow a week to pass without tripping all over themselves while trying to force their insanity on the rest of us. Then to top it all off, the 2024 election cycle is in full swing bringing out everyone and their opinions which as you know frustrates the heck out of me because my opinion is the only one that counts! That’s how it works right? LOL

So let’s jump into a few topics that have captured DG’s ire this week starting with Target. When I see these things, the moves that these corporations make, I can’t help to think about the company I ran. Granted, it was much smaller but never the less, I dealt with the public and was obviously highly dependent upon strong sales to pay the bills and take care of the people and when the moons were all aligned, maintain a decent profit margin.

I can tell you, surprise, surprise, the last thing I would ever think to do is to introduce something that I knew catered to less than 1% of my customer base and flat out piss off 99% of my tried and true customer base. Yet, these multi-billion dollar companies continue to do just that and to be honest, I just don’t get it. What am I missing? The Target fiasco was, in my humble opinion, way worse than the Bud-Light foot in the rear move because Target had the advantage of watching what happened to Budweiser and then did the same thing, basically, anyway. Based on the morons who run these companies and sadly so many others, I don’t know how they ever became successful in the first place. I suppose it’s the Fox New syndrome where the original owner steps down or dies and the kids step in and screw the pooch. Is the government paying bonuses or subsidies to these companies to be woke or what? Is it these evil ass-hat NWO people paying off these companies or most probably, the NWO ass-hats are becoming the main shareholders of these companies? It drives me out of my mind because they are steadily degrading society as we know it. Tucking your dick is gross, stupid and weird. Who paid some clothing designer to come up with this crap? There is no way in hell that this is a profitable product so what filth is behind this, this, this idiotic dehumanizing bullshit? Grrr

I’ll wrap this part of the rant up but I want to share what I told my wife about this woke, rainbow, tuck-it, Target nonsense. I told her someone needs to do a video where a bunch of these kids we see who run into these stores and ransack them and leave with their hands full of clothes only this time they charge into Target, see all the rainbow shit and turn to the camera and say “what the fuck!” Then leave empty handed. LOL

The second thing biting at my every nerve this week is all the back and forth discussion on which candidate is best to win the election and run the country. Most of these, well near all, are debates between President Trump and Governor DeSantis which is now officially in the race right. I mean I don’t hear anyone saying Nikki is the one or “I hope Pence jumps in.” I heard a few say Scott is running but only because he wants to be Trump’s VP. I don’t know about that and don’t care.

I personally find it irritating as hell that the bulk of the chatter this week was about the DeSantis announcement and which between the two will do a better job for the country.

Do people not realize it doesn’t matter who the heck is running for President if the damn election nightmare/fraud/cheating isn’t fixed? “If Trump is the nominee I will vote for him”, “If DeSantis is the nominee I will vote for him” or my favorite “If DeSantis is the nominee I won’t vote for him, I’ll write in Trump’s name” Well that’s a loyal Trump supporter at least.

The whole point is people, your vote doesn’t matter if the 2020 election bullshit isn’t fixed and that’s just a cold hard fact. Anyone who disagrees with this simply does not believe the 2020 election was rigged which is their right but they are setting themselves up to be very, very disappointed not to mention accepting the demise of the country. Ignoring the fraud that took place in 2020 is not going to make it go away. This and this alone should be the only thing we are talking about. This message ought to make the Target and Bud-Light nonsense news be posted on page 12 of the NYT. The headline on every newspaper in the country and every opening comment on every news network should be “IT’S CONFIRMED, 2020 WAS STOLEN, Trump WON!”

As a diehard supporter of the President, it’s difficult for me to even understand the DeSantis debate anyway. I continue to maintain that any of these people who throw their hat in the ring are not our friends. They don’t want to talk about the 2020 election. They don’t want to talk about the Durham report or the FBI’s involvement in it. Hell, they don’t even want to talk about Hillary’s role in the whole thing. Nope, all of them simply want to avoid the whole disgusting, unacceptable, theft of an American election and they want you and me, just as the Democrats do, to just forget about it and move on. Newsflash! That ain’t happening.

And where is the loyalty anyway? Again, what am I missing? Just a little more than two short years ago we had a President who spoke English, who said he would do things the “majority” of the American people wanted and then, while dragging a ball and chain shackled to him by the Left with all their Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Covid, impeachment baloney he delivered on those things. “Yeah, but I don’t want all the theatrics that come with another Trump Presidency again.” So says the pretend Trump supporters better known by me as Idiots. Theatrics, you mean him trying to stand up for himself, trying to fend off all, and good Lord there are many, anti-American, woke, world order, China dependent, war loving, Government as usual evil doers, all those theatrics? I still say, I don’t know how the man does it.

After all he’s done and all that he continues to go through, the idea that people who claim to be Conservatives, Republicans, and love the country are ready to turn and run. It’s awful and downright disgusting not to mention stupid.

Special thanks to our friend Michelle who posted this earlier this week. For me it illustrates perfectly just how hard we all need to be fighting for our country and the best part of it is that it’s both funny and TRUE! Oh and trust me “IT’S TIME!”

One final common sense analogy why America must Fix 2020 and re-hire our President.

Your A/C isn’t working in your house. Your friend gives you a guy to call who takes care of the A/C at his house. The friend tells you, the guy speaks his mind but does great work and stands by it too. You call the guy and he inspects your system. He tells you, “if you had your unit on a yearly inspection program you wouldn’t need to buy a new one now.” You say to yourself, yeah, thanks for making me feel stupid.” Then you bite the bullet and order a new unit. The guy tells you how much it will cost and how long it will take for him to install it. Then the unit arrives, he installs it, the price was exactly what he said it would be. You pay him and you take his advice and put it on an annual inspection program and you never have another problem again.

So let me ask you, is he your guy or not? #Fix2020 so we get “our guy” back.

Enjoy the rest of your long weekend friends, God Bless all those who served and died protecting our beautiful country and once beautiful way of life. We owe it to all of them not to let this country slip out of our hands. They fought with their lives and we ought to be willing to do the same. #Fix2020 because as it turns out, your life depends on it.

Only You Can Prevent The Filth

Good Saturday afternoon friends, quite a week huh? Between the Durham report and the Whistleblowers, all we have learned is that we’ve been right all along.

The Durham report served as an official notice that the evil doers did indeed conspire to overthrow the 2016 election followed by (the insurance policy) to overthrow a sitting President. Though they failed at both, thanks to the will to fight by the President, the damage they caused along that way, which continues to this day, is immeasurable.

It’s hard to see, in a just world, how any of these treasonous actors and actresses are allowed to walk freely among us. The same can and should be said about these governmental departments with their unelected leaders such as, and most importantly, the FBI, the CIA and the DOJ. From Obama who knew about the Russia hoax from the start and who can be credited for sicking the FBI and CIA on to Trump and crooked Hillary who gladly wrote checks to allow the hoax to live all the way down to those awful treasonous FBI pukes Comey and gang. These are some of the most disgusting individuals who have no right to be walking among us, they should be, must be, at the very least put in shackles. And then come the media, their night after night coverage filled with lies ranks right up there with the rest of these evil, power hungry, America hating sons-a-bitches. Honestly, if you are among the population today watching any of these networks, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC (I’ll leave Fox off but they changed and were dropped out of my lineup the morning after the 2020 election) you must enjoy living in a world filled with disgusting lies. And if that is the case all I have to say to you is “what in the hell is wrong with you?” I hear people say all the time, “I like to see what the other side has to say.” Why? They do not have the ability to tell the truth and it’s been proven over and over and over again. We didn’t need freaking Durham to know Trump didn’t collude with Russia and these rotten networks aren’t budging even after his report. They can’t, they are up to their ears in flith and there is no going back. The people who are still tuning in to these pieces of government propaganda scums are beyond repair as far as I’m concerned. They no longer possess the power of independent thought. The lying Left owns their brain and it is both sad and disgusting.

I tend to get as pissed off if not more at our fellow citizens than the actual evil doers because I know when we are together we can be the powerful source we should be. Are there people in this country that take the likes of Adam Schiff seriously? How about Eric Swallwell? Nancy Pelosi? Or any of these lying SOBs on Capitol Hill. It’s maddening. How could you possibly be that stupid or that brain washed that you can’t see through the lies? I’ll never understand it nor accept it. Change the fucking channel people! Damn.

Everything we are made to endure today is a direct result of the fake Russian collusion lies and the rigged 2020 election. They tie together with the same mission in mind, get Trump at any cost and hold onto the power over the people.

Toward the end of the week many of us took the time to watch and listen to the FBI whistleblower’s testimony and it was everything most of us thought it would be. What the FBI has done to these American patriots is disgusting and downright awful actually. They’ve used all the tools in their drawers to ruin not only these devoted protectors of American lives but their family’s lives too. I’d be lying if I said any of it surprised me but I did come to one realization.

For years now I’ve gotten irritated when I hear people who are discussing corruption within the FBI finish they statement by saying “I’m not talking about the rank and file folks, these are good people working hard every day to protect us.” I used to scream back at the TV and any one that would listen, “Bullshit, if these people are such patriots, such good people, why aren’t they coming forward and telling the truth about the corruption?” Well, after listening to the whistleblowers, I now understand why and sincerely apologize for my prior thinking. It is one thing to stand up and put your career on the line to do what is right and just for your country. It is a completely different matter, knowing you will be destroying the lives of those you hold dear in your life, your family, your wife and kids. Each of these patriots deserves our most sincere thanks and support. They certainly have mine. God bless them and be with them as we watch the lying Left and the disgusting media do what they do so well, run these good people through hell and back. And it’s already begun.

Y’all have heard me say it many times, I just don’t see how this evil empire we call the United States Government gets fixed without millions of us doing it ourselves. Only you and the rest of us can prevent the filth we see and endure today. Just as so many showed Budweiser where the rubber meats the road we can do the same to the media. Don’t watch these evil lying people, just don’t! Use your minds and common sense and seek out other outlets you can trust. When you see something or read something and it makes sense to you, guess what? It’s probably true. If these alternative news outlets tell you something and then it is proven to be true, stick with them! They are rare but they exist. Don’t live your lives being lied to. It’s not good for you and awful for the country.

The reason the Government, the FBI and the state run media work so hard to make Trump out as a bad guy and his supporters as being toothless nut jobs is that they know that we are the ones (me and you) who know the truth and won’t back down, won’t go away and won’t accept anything other than the truth which includes complete and equal justice.

Yeah, think about that…
And there you have it, right back to where we started. Hold those accountable for the Russia collusion hoax and you fixed the mess that gave us Joe “freaking broken brain” Biden. Fix2020 and we fix it all!

I reckon that will about do it for this week friends. There are a dozen other things that went on this week but, isn’t that always the case under this lame fake Administration. You know, the one filled with the most dishonest, dysfunctional morons ever assembled.

Keep beating the drum of Liberty friends for it will indeed take us all to clean up and prevent the filth we endure today. While Durham validated our beliefs, like so many other things we’ve watch, he stopped short of his mission. We must finish it.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends. Rest up, there’s another week ahead and together we will call out the lies, convey the truth and drill home our demand to #Fix2020.

A Mothers Day Memory

Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms out there! You are the glue that holds our families together. You are strong when you need to be and soft, caring, understanding and loving when we need you to be.

When I was around 10 or 11, Mom and I, well Mom, drove from California to Colorado to attend my Uncle Herschel’s funeral. It was a long drive for mom by herself, took two and half days as I remember. It was during the heat of the summer and I remember going through Utah and the salt flats area where the road was straight as an arrow and seemingly never ending. You could actually see the heat waving off the blacktop in front of us. If you focused on it, it nearly mesmerized you. Hard to explain but it was something I won’t forget. The car didn’t have air conditioning and that I remember well.

At one point during the heat of the day Mom shut the car off and coasted to a stop on the side of the road. Being the very mature 10 year old boy that I was, I said “why are we stopping mom?” She replied “something is wrong with the car.” “What’s wrong?” I asked as if she should know.

She got out of the car and popped the hood while I of course sat my lazy 10 year old butt in the seat. After some time I saw her walk around the car and then she opened the trunk to retrieve a rag. I learned later she was checking the oil. She then walked over to the passenger side of the car and opened the door. What I remember her saying was; “Danny Ray, get your butt out of the car and help me figure out what is wrong with the car. There is no oil in the engine.”

Yikes! What I knew about cars, oil or anything for that matter you could put inside a thimble. Never the less, the boss had spoken. I jumped out of the car and asked what I could do. “I don’t know, climb under the car and tell me if you see anything.” I remember thinking, “heck, I can do that.” I shimmied under the car with zero idea what I was looking for or what I could do even if I found something. Low and behold, when I got to the oil pan I noticed there was a hole in it which turned out not to be a hole but where the oil pan bolt “was”. There was fresh oil around the hole and all over the underside of the car. “Mom, there is a hole with oil dripping out of it.” That in-depth analysis caused mom to climb under the car to see for herself. It was then I learned it was the oil pan bolt that had somehow come loose and fall out. “We need to find that bolt” she said. “Go look for it and be careful for cars coming.” I remember thinking, how in the heck am I supposed to find a bolt? I did notice an oil streak in the middle of the lane we had been driving on so I started following it. I’ll be damned if after what seemed like five miles (probably 500 feet, lol) if I didn’t find the damn thing! I was so happy and proud, I ran back to the car screaming like a, well, 10 year old kid, “Mom, Mom I found it, I found the bolt!!” She greeted me with a big smile and hug. “You saved the day Danny! Good job!” Who’s the man! Lol

She had me climb back under and screw the bolt back in. With no tools it was only 10 year old hand tight. Not only did we have no tools, we had no oil either so we waited for someone to drive by so we could try to get them to stop and help. No cell phone in those days of course. After what seemed like hours we saw someone coming down the road through all those heat waves boiling off the hot road. With the hood still up, mom and I stood beside the car waving our arms asking for help. The pick-up slowed down and pulled in behind us. A good ole boy got out of the truck. “What seems to be the problem folks?” He asked. I of course proceeded to tell him the oil thing fell out and I found it but we don’t have any oil. Mom smiled and said that the bolt is back in but only hand tight. The man said “I think I can help you enough to get you to the next town.” He returned to his truck, got the wrench he needed to tighten the bolt and then poured three cans of oil that he had in his truck. Whew! We were back in business.

A few hours later we pulled into the nearest gas station and got the rest of the oil we needed. We then found the nearest motel and called it a day. When we arrived in Colorado the next day Mom bragged and bragged about how I had found the bolt and helped her.

I will never forget that little adventure. Not because I found the bolt but, because of the lessons she taught me. The first is when someone is in need, don’t just sit there, get up and try to help them. The second is to never underestimate what you can do if you try. You may not know a damn thing about anything but if you try you just might learn something and help someone in the process.

For me, that’s what moms are all about. They believe in us and they know with a little effort we can do anything and best of all, they won’t let you skate by. They make you try no matter what the situation may be. I learned more about responsibility and manhood that hot summer day from my mom than I ever did from any other individual in my life.

I lost my mom when I was 12 years old to cancer. I think of her often, especially on this important Mother’s Day. My mom was the best. She was tough, smart, funny and loving. Happy Mother’s Day Mom! I miss you and love you!! But, you already knew that.

Just Tell Me, I’m In A Coma Aren’t I

Every single damn day I think to myself that I must be in a coma. There is no way that what I am seeing and hearing can really be happening, not in America, not in the land of the free, not in the home of the brave. It just can’t be!! Someone please, pour ice water on me, shake me for as long as it takes but please, for the sake of sanity wake me the hell up!

So for years now, I’ve seen videos of some crazy freak, criminal, thug, call them what you want, terrorizing people in a store, in a parking lot, at a fast food place, gas station or subway. And each time I watch these videos I come away with the same thought, “why in the hell is nobody helping the victim?” “Put the f’ing phone down and help her, or him.” Seriously, these videos get under my skin and always leave me in rage.

Finally this week one of these idiots acted out like so many we’ve seen except this time there was a patriot on the subway. Marine Daniel Penny wasn’t having it and best of all he wasn’t going to wait until someone got hurt. He acted quickly and took the Michael Jackson wanna be Neely down and in doing so Lord only knows how many he saved from this criminal. Folks across the country well, folks across the country with functioning brain cells cheered Mr. Penny for his quick response to protect innocent people.

Daniel Penny’s action, in my eyes, is pretty black and white. “Pun Intended”

But not in the eye’s of NYC and that fat ass DA Bragg. Mr. Penny was arrested and had to pay $10,000 cash for his $100,000 bond. You see; when you’re white and a patriot you don’t get any of this free bail stuff nor do you get any awards for being brave and protecting the public. You know; the very thing we pay taxes to these corrupt government entities to do for us. Nope, you get the “you’re guilty until proven innocent” treatment. You get the “you’re a racist” treatment. And now, suddenly, Neely’s family has a high-zoot racist lawyer and the family, well they are very upset, very concerned don’t you know. Where the hell were they when the criminal was living on the streets and committing crimes left and right? Just build him a friggin’ statue already, give his family millions of dollars and get it over with. Isn’t that how it works here in Biden’s world? 100% pure grade bullshit.

Back to the coma… tens of thousands, now millions of illegals continue to invade the country leaving filth in their path. They bring with him all the ills of humanity you can think of. Illness, human trafficking, drugs, rape, disease. They’re given a court date that now is ten years away, a cell phone, breakfast lunch and dinner and a ride to anywhere in the country and the best part of it all is that YOU get to pay for it. Don’t it just make you feel all warm and fuzzy that you get to take such good care of these folks? You are a humanitarian!

Just look at all these folks in our American street!

Guess what friends? These are Chicagoan’s in the street protesting, wait for it, because of all the illegals being sent to their “Sanctuary” city.

While I think it’s great that they are making their voices heard I cannot help but to shake my head and continue to wonder if I will ever awaken from this coma. These folks pictured in the street are the same ones that voted for the complete morons they’ve voted in for decades upon decades. The other thing that came to me seeing the picture was that this is what should be happening in every state in the union everyday all day long but not because of illegal immigration and certainly not for so called “social justice” or the billions being wasted on Ukraine, not even this economic meltdown we are experiencing, which by the way will get far worse, nope we should be in the streets protesting against this corrupt government who is the cause of all our ills and of course, the rigged 2020 election. For as you know, it is the stolen election that has brought us all of the sickening, putrid, bend over and take it bullshit we endure today.

You’ve often heard me say “we are surrounded by stupid”. Well, we are and our inaction is playing a huge role in the demise of this once great nation. The media is controlling the weak minded headline readers. And it is slowly coming home to roost.

What a perfect illustration of how the average Joe thinks in this country.

I don’t have to tell you, we are being ruled by some of the most evil and downright stupid people on planet earth and don’t be fooled, Biden ain’t pulling all this off, he is a simpleton gladly doing what he is told. The big money-changers in this world are out to destroy this country and they are well on their way and they’ve selected the perfect moronic team ever.

On a bright note did y’all get a chance to see our President at the CNN town hall? Seeing and hearing him was like the doctors gave me shot to wake me up just long enough to watch. I knew the second he walked on the stage when the audience applauded that it was going to be epic! And epic it was. He played that little actress playing host like a fiddle. By the time he got done with her it was as if she wasn’t even there. “You’re nasty!” LOL. There isn’t a way for me to express how much I miss that man. Nasty’s first question was about the election, he answered it and the liberals have been bitching about it ever since. Second question was about the war in Ukraine and they didn’t like that either! What does that tell you? Tells you he’s right over the target. Then the question about the woman who thinks rape is sexy… “I don’t know who in the hell that women is”, that’s my President! The media… they didn’t believe Paula Jones, they didn’t believe Tara Reed but this freakazoid they believe. And somewhere near half of the country nod their heads in agreement… And ya wonder why I continue to say “we are surrounded by stupid.”

Any-who, I thought the President hit it out of the park and while everyone knows I’ve got a man-crush on the guy, you have to admit, it was so damn great to see him stand before the enemy and take them on without blinking an eye. Patriots have been calling on Broken Brain to sit down with Tucker, ha! That puss pudding head won’t even attend one of his friendly press conferences with mop head. One last thing, had I been the one prepping the President for the town hall, before dingle-berry asked him the first question I would have had him pull out a card and say “hold on let me see what question you’re going to ask and what my answer is.” LOL

Finally as y’all know I’ve managed to once again get banned from Twitter. You know the number one free speech site. The one now owned by the great Elon Musk! This Linda Yaccarino person who Elon Musk hired to lead Twit is the former World Economic Chairperson and marketing genius who put together the Chynia Virus vaccine campaign. It’s gonna be great because she is a social justice warrior and that’s what Twitter needs more than anything right? Give me a break.

Although I don’t know why, I’ve already appealed three times and received the answer three times. “After review, your account will not be restored.” End of quote. I’m sorry friends, I’m sorry for letting my guard down to give these communists the opportunity to ban me. I’m mostly sorry I’ve let all of you down. I don’t give a flying, you know what about Twitter or Musk and I am currently struggling to find a reason why I should spend another minute on the not-free-speech site. If I cannot speak my mind then what’s the point? Nothing has changed over there and in fact an argument could be made that it’s worse. I know from a personal standpoint it is worse and I just have a hard time playing their game. Of course you could also argue I don’t play it very well too. Lol – I reckon I am a bit too mouthy to be a part of the communist regime. I do and will miss all of you though and that’s just the damn truth. Speaking of Truth, I will be over there in all of its boredom where I bring very little to the table that those folks don’t already know and agree with. But, I can speak my mind. If you’re so inclined I can be found there with the same handle (@iamjumpingin) and for the record, same hair cut!

Keep beating that drum of Liberty friends. I know you’ll carry the torch for as long as it takes. I’ll continue to give you my two cents while laying quietly in this coma via these rants. As I discussed with our dear friend Ms. Jan the other day, we must come to the realization that there is no one out there that will save us. The President is on our side but is after-all just one man. Powerful for sure but this isn’t something he can fix alone. Our only hope in fixing our elections lies with God and you and me. For as long as we remain in our seats we shouldn’t expect change. It is as simple as that. While we are inundated 24/7/365 with nonsense from the Republicans the truth is, they are not on our side either. While they continue to point out things we’ve known for a long time and then do nothing about such “things” the country continues on its path of decline. The reality is, the Left is far superior to the right when it comes to getting their voices heard. They are well funded, well organized and members will protest just about anything they are told to protest. We on the other hand are not well funded and find the whole idea of standing in the street with a sign absurd. That and we have jobs and families to take of. But, the harsh fact is, if we want fair and honest elections, if we want our country back, we’re gonna need to put America first. That means millions in the streets peacefully protesting as we watch our friends and neighbors be arrested. When one goes another must step in and continue this effort until the job is done. Doesn’t sound fun, does it? Guess what, it ain’t and living under this government takeover isn’t much fun either and the worst is yet to come… We know the election was rigged, we know Trump won, we know all the ills we suffer today and all those yet to come are a direct result of that election and we know it will never be the same, we will never trust elections or the government again until such time justice is served and election integrity is restored. They’ve got us all scared I know. That’s been the second part of the J-6 plan all along. The first of course was to make sure President Trump couldn’t run again. Well, that ain’t working out and we shouldn’t let them keep us down either.

Fight on brothers and sisters! #Fix2020. Say it loud and often and should the time arise, I’ll see you on the corner of main and this is my damn country street sometime soon. I hope. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. Hugs to all you patriotic ladies and a hardy hand shake for you patriot brothers.

PS: Wake me up when when you’re ready roll or better even, when it’s over 🙂