Memo To The Press

Good Saturday afternoon friends! Well, I figure if the “pretend” ass-sack of a president can write a memo to the press I can too. The only difference however is I will actually be doing my own writing. That idiot can’t even figure out which shoe goes on which foot much less write a letter.

Yeah so as the dishonorable speaker of the house announces they are opening an impeachment inquiry and the puppet masters write a letter to all these pretend news outlets telling them, no that’s right, “telling” them to downplay and disrupt this talk of impeachment. Most will gladly comply. Hell most didn’t even need the memo.

The Media follows the government script while America burns to the ground. It’s disgusting, wrong, and cannot be allowed to stand.

The “inquiry” announcement lasted about 12 seconds or however long it took them to throw out the Hunter indictment, followed by the New York illegal alien problem, and the big news story, Romney isn’t going to run again. All of which and so many more “not news” things designed to distract the slow learners. I’ll bet ya 90% of the country doesn’t know about the impeachment inquiry. Inquiry… what the hell is that anyway? As I’ve said many times, nasty Nancy would have had Biden undergoing his 4th trial by now. McCarthy and the majority of Republicans are weak pukes who spend all their time worrying about their next election and in doing so attempt to hide under their desks in order stay out of the news. Big Government, deep state, spend and waste a bunch of useless sons-a-bitches. Oh and who gives a dirty diaper what Romney does? He’s not running again because he is weak rino who has never been re-elected to anything ever.


TO: All News Outlets

FROM: The American People

DATE: Saturday, September 16, 2023

RE: Saving America

By now you must be aware the people in this country no longer respect you nor trust you. By way of your own actions you’ve become what we appropriately call “state run media.” While the long standing idea of the media was to hold those in power accountable you’ve done just the opposite. You’ve been bought and paid for and in doing so left the good people of this country out to dry. Out to seek the truth, defend ourselves and inform others of those truths we find. In other words, we’ve been made to do your job and we do it without pay or praise, we do it because we care about our country, our lives and those about whom we care deeply.

You continue to do a disservice not only to this country but to the rest of the world by refusing to investigate and expose the truth(s) whatever they may be. Instead you read pre-written talking points provided to you by the very government you are supposed to be protecting us from.

Today you are little more than a mouthpiece for the government. You possess no independent thinking and certainly no love of country.

Each of you know damn well Biden did not get 81 million votes thus, you know he did not win the 2020 election. Yet, you continue to push the deep state government narrative that our election was fair and honest. You know damn well none of these fake Trump indictments have merit yet, despite the cry of the American people, you continue to follow the script given to you by the evil doers. You turn your “paid” blind eye to all the failings of this installed president. The border crisis isn’t a crisis at all. The economy is not an utter shit show, oh no, you follow instructions as this broken brain travels around promoting his failed economic Bidenomics disaster. It is of no interest to you, as it is of no interest of the government that the vast majority of the people in this country are struggling to keep their heads above water. High gas prices, out of control grocery prices, savings accounts depleted, credit card debt through the roof, none of it matters to you. All this while we are forced to pay off other people’s student loans and fund a war we have nothing to do with. All of this while the border remains wide open, allowing every Tom, Dick, and Harry to enter. Or should I say every Jose, Alababa, Ho Long…While you sit back waiting for your next memo our country is being turned into the next ordinary corrupt shit-hole.

Consider this memorandum from the American people as notice to all of you. We know who you are, we don’t like you, don’t listen to you and you will never be trusted again. You’ve played as big, if not the biggest role in the demise of this once great nation and you will pay a price for it in the end. Men cannot have babies, there are only two genders, Ukraine is a money laundering scheme, Biden is the most corrupt installed president in the history of the country and the government, like you, is the enemy of the people.

With or without you, our voices will be heard. Drive us into the streets if you want. Just as President Trump won in 2020, we the people of these United States will win in the end.

CC: All fellow Americans. Well, not all, just the ones awake and ready to do what is necessary to save our Republic from the likes of you and your master, the US Government.

Whew, alright then, DG feels a little better having that off my chest. The sad thing is though, that’s about all I’ve managed to accomplish. But hey, it is all about me right? LOL

I honestly don’t know how these people, whether political hacks or media stooges, get out of bed in the mornings knowing how awful they are as human beings. They look you right in the eye and lie as easy as they order their staff to call for their limousine. Honor, truth, responsibility, faith, morals, caring for others, while these are things that are automatic for most folks, these are things none of those in government nor the media seem to have even on their radar screen. They simply don’t like us. Newsflash – the feeling is mutual.

We shall endure friends. We shall not waiver, not bend nor break. Together we stand steadfast in our endeavor to bring truth and justice back into our lives. We are actually the only ones in this country that truly believe no one should be above the law. Despite all the names we are called, regardless of the cult they think we are in just remember, we are in the right, we stand for all that is good and just in this world. The government, the courts, the media can all just go straight to hell. You are good people, loving people and I’m proud to call you my friend.

Now, y’all enjoy the rest of your weekend and as always, THANK YOU for allowing me these few minutes of your time every week. God Bless America, you and our truth teller, Donald Trump.

Its Trumps Fault

Good Saturday afternoon friends! I hope this week’s rant catches you all enjoying the weekend by doing exactly what you want to do. That’s what I intend on doing. You know, after I get done ranting about all things I’ve been forced to endure this past week. Hey look, I love y’all but I ain’t going through this crap without dragging you along with me.

So yeah, everything is Trumps fault. That’s what I came away with this week and it fries my brain when I hear it. To listen to the idiots tell it, there wasn’t a damn thing Trump did that was good. The DeSantis supporters are the worst when it comes to this. Well, maybe not the worst but they definitely get under my skin more than anyone else. Hell, we all know the Democrat leftist anti-American bed wetters blame Trump for everything but these “I was a Trump Supporter” people are just like the Republicans in Congress. They attempt to make you believe they care about the country and the constitution but their actions prove otherwise.

One of these clowns on “X” (still a stupid name) posted this long drawn out story about how he voted for Trump but when his wife came down ill with COVID and Trump forced Fauci on the country he wasn’t able to be next to his wife’s side when she was admitted to the hospital. He went on that his wife made it through but he’ll never forgive Trump for keeping him away from his wife in her time of need and that’s why he’ll be voting for DeSantis. First, I don’t even know if the story is true and second and maybe this is just me but, no one is going to tell me what I can and cannot do when it comes to my wife. Did his wife get the clot shot? How many boosters did they get? God forbid anyone take on some personal responsibility nowadays. We live and die by the decisions we make. Granted we don’t always make the right decision but for me, whatever the decision is, I own it. Good, bad or indifferent. I sure as hell ain’t going to blame Trump or some Washington ass-hat like Fauci who was making shit up as he goes along.

I had a guy I golfed with the other day out of nowhere says he’ll never vote for Trump again. I don’t know if he was intentionally trying to push my buttons or what nor do I know if he ever voted for the President in the first place. When I asked why that was he said, “I don’t like how he treats people.” What? What people? You mean the people that have turned their backs on him and are now stabbing him? People like this guy are insane. As I always say, there isn’t anyone walking the face of earth that’s perfect. Trump included but good Lord man, the guy did good by us and the country and that was with one hand tied behind his back as he jumped through all the Washington sharks out to ruin him.

What’s happening around the country is that the government’s propaganda machine is working. All the negative bullshit being sent out 24/7 is having the impact they desire. Some folks are changing their minds because they were never really Trump people in the first place and others are blindly allowing the propaganda to wear them down. Many have grown tired of the Trump hysteria. Again, exactly what these evil bastards plan has been all along starting before he was even sworn in.

How quickly people forget how well off we all were when Trump was at the helm. Not liking Trump because of government propaganda, the media or his big league personality is insane.

While the polls show Trump has a commanding lead among Republicans I don’t trust them, I don’t believe them and I pay little attention to them, even when their results please me. Polls have only one goal in mind and that is to push your thinking into the direction they want. In other words, polls are made up to get the answer(s) they want. Not the real answer, the one they want.

The old government war machine Dick Chaney said this week that Trump is the biggest threat to the Republic. I guess he couldn’t come up with an original thought. Someone should take the old man and his borrowed heart duck hunting. The fact is, if you’re paying attention at all, Trump is the only one who can save the Republic. Well not the only one but the only one to lead to saving it. The cold hard truth is only the people of this Nation can save the Republic. The long standing question of course remains. Will they? Doesn’t seem like it.

You often hear good minded folks say “Can you imagine what the Left would do if the Republicans started indicting their political opponents?” Yeah, I can. They’d put their riot program into action. We’d have buildings being burnt down, cop cars flipped over, statues tumbling down, roads blocked, windows broken and people beaten to an inch of their lives and they wouldn’t stop until these prosecutions ended. We, on the other hand, we tweet and write blogs… And for the record I understand that too. We don’t have the backing of the Federal Government do we? The courts are not on our side. You know, on the side of the constitution. All that freedom of speech stuff is out the window. Now you are jailed for what they claim you were “thinking.” You know because they are mind readers and all…

I know y’all join me in the frustration we share. We are all in our little corners of the world watching the rapid decline of what was once a pretty damn good place to call home. We walked to school without fear of being kidnapped or worse shot. We played baseball in the street until it was dark. We road in the back of the old man’s pickup and never fell out once. Well, there was that one time but we learned our lesson to hold on after that. LOL

I grew up in the country. We were always living in small rural towns (thank God) where you nearly knew everyone. I rode my bike everywhere and mom’s only request was that I be home in time for dinner. I only broke that promise once. When I was 12, which was what, 1965? Yeah, 1965 mom got sick with cancer. I spent that summer in Los Angles with my aunt. Talk about a country bumpkin out of water. That was me. You know what? It remains one of the best summers of my life growing up. We played baseball out in front of Aunt Fern’s house too! We spent the afternoons at the local YMCA playing ping pong, baseball, basketball and red rover, red rover send Danny over. We played dodge-ball when dodging was a matter of survival! Lol. We went to the beach on the weekends when Uncle Harold wasn’t working, went to several Dodger games and Disneyland too. We even went camping in Yosemite one weekend where I caught my first German Brown. I look at LA today and think back on that summer and wonder, what in the holy hell happened. The answer, government happened. Politicians happened. Money changers happened and it all happened right in front of our very own eyes.

This, “Its Trumps Fault” thing is true in one sense. One could make the argument that it’s his fault we see this country with clear eyes today. He’s the one that brought fake news to the surface and while we’ve always known it, he opened the can of whoop-ass on how corrupt the government is. So if anyone wants to blame Trump for these things I’m all in and I say thank you Mr. President.

What’s not okay, not acceptable is to blame Trump for the state of the union today. Everything we endure today, every – single- “thing” is a direct result of a rigged election and a government that has gone completely off the rails. One cannot point to one branch of government nor all those installed institutions under the direction of this filthy government and say, hey, they do a good job for the people or hey, our money is being put to good use over there. Nope, the entire corrupt apparatus is broken and we are paying the price for it every day.

That has always been true and remains true to this day. The key is finding a way to bring them all together at the right time to do the right thing so that this country once again belongs to those who love and honor her. Trump stands with us and he’s the only only one that does. He’s proved it and deserves our support.

While these DC sewer rats continue their quest to turn America into another shit-hole country and boy howdy they are well on their way, we must remain in the game. No matter how small, if any, impact we may have quitting cannot be an option. I have to believe, if only for my own self survival that someday, somewhere over the rainbow we will wake up, unite and take this country back. Perhaps it’s like the drunk whose down on his luck, we have to hit rock bottom before we make a change, I don’t know. I just know that my grand-kids aren’t being handed a better life than I had and that just isn’t okay.

And I’ll leave this week’s rendition of the DG rant right there. If I’ve disappointed anyone by not pointing out the many ills that occurred this week I apologize. “Mamma said there’d be days like this.” 🙂 Besides, there isn’t anything that went on that y’all don’t already know. Pudding head is still the liar-n-dumbass, Congress still hasn’t moved to impeachment, the border remains open and did you know, since 1972, the year I graduated high school, the cost of lunch at McDonalds has gone up 1,200%? #MoneyChangers #Bidenomics #PureBS LOL

Have a great rest of your weekend friends! Let’s talk again next week! In the meantime, find the time to enjoy yourselves and be safe. #Fix2020 #ImVotingForTrump

There’s No Denying It

Good Saturday afternoon friends! Hope this week’s DG rambling rant finds y’all in the midst of having a great Labor Day weekend. Lord knows y’all have labored enough. Now do what ‘you’ want to do. First though, bookmark this rant and circle back after your long weekend is over. I don’t want to be accused of putting you in a bad mood… I am quite good at that you know. Yeah me…

There’s no denying it. In this case, it is everything this dirty, rotten, scum sucking, underhanded, lying, cheating, stinking government of ours does. Seriously, can anyone tell me a good hearted story about anything these evil bastards have done, or are doing, or are gonna do?

It is undeniable that this clown with four different names is a crook and his brain is fried beyond repair. And you know damn well that Obama knew all about this idiot’s thievery as vice president. You’d like to think the money changers/evil doers would have at least respected us enough to install someone who could walk, talk and pretend to care about the country. Nope, they are so emboldened they don’t give a hoot about how it all looks or what we think. They’ve got a plan and by God they are plowing full steam ahead. Either get on board or get out of the way, cause they ain’t slowing down to listen to your nonsense. You know, nonsense like close the damn border, or quit sending our money to corrupt Ukraine, or hell, small things like, stop these assholes from robbing stores, killing people, burning shit down or cutting up our children. You know if they are allowed to be born. Yeah, there’s no denying it, we are living in some pretty screwed up times under some pretty evil ass people who truly are, the scum of earth.

There’s no denying it, they’re on a ‘get Trump’ mission and they have no plans on stopping or losing. Lie, cheat, whatever it takes for however long it takes.

So what’s this “asking” the archives for the correspondence coming from broken brain’s alias emails? I don’t know about the rest of you but I am done with this “asking” bullshit. Who died and made the National Archive ass-hats king of the hill? I tell you who, this dirty government of ours. They make laws to protect themselves. Surprise, surprise right… So do I have this right? The pukes at the archives have to get Obama’s permission to release the emails? You’ve got to be joking! That would be like asking a scum sucking Soros paid judge to preside over a fair trial or expecting a bunch of Obama phone carrying, welfare sucking DC citizens to be impartial when hearing the case of Government vs. Donald J Trump. Not happening. Not ever.

Not a smidgen of corruption right Obama? Our two biggest back-to-back mistakes in recent history was our electing this communist puke. He was good by his word though, he managed to ‘fundamentally’ change America.

Well, heck, at least we have the GOP in our corner right? WRONG! Republican Comer gathers up all these receipts clearly showing pudding head has had his ass up Hunter’s butt all along and what is Comer concerned about? How it will look if they start impeachment hearings. Translation; we might not get elected if we do the right thing for the country. Yeah because you know, it’s all about them. I swear my head is going to explode.

I know damn well the freaking Senate under Mr. Brain Freeze (there’s another one that needs to be put out to pasture or treated with the same respect you treat a horse with a broken leg) isn’t going to impeach this corrupt POS but we’ve got millions of citizens in this country that need to hear and see just how filthy corrupt this idiot and not chief is. Although I don’t know who I am kidding, if brain dead citizens don’t know by now, raking the ice cream brain over the coals ain’t gonna matter either. Geez! One minute we are celebrating growth in our retirement account, outright laughing about the low gas prices and loving the new wall going up and the next, this spit bucket Bidenomic mess. “We’re gonna need a hell of a lot more money” abnormal brain says talking about fixing this fake climate crisis we’re not in. Meanwhile the Maui folks are still trying to find their dead and wondering how $700 is going to help them do that. The media has all but dropped the story and it all must be just fine because our weak-kneed puss of a fake President is back on the beach sleeping. Hey Democrats, you vote for this shit, wake the hell up! It reminds me of the black women we saw this week screaming about all the illegals in Chicago taking their jobs. Hello, anyone home, stupid, stupid people. What about the jackass who is suing the car manufacturers because too many of their cars are being stolen? These people who vote for stupid over and over and over again can go suck on a grease trap. Knock-knock, who’s there? Gimme. Gimme who? Gimme one of those Obama phones. Idiots.

Can y’all tell I’ve had my fill with stupid? Oh and buckle up friends, COVID 2.0 is on its way back! I reckon it will make a full recovery come about election time. It’s bad enough we have to endure that bullshit again but almost worse is our having to watch all the sheep run to comply. They’ve learned nothing and how could they? They’re still watching the same fake news, listening to the same lying “not” doctors and for that matter, still wearing the same stupid masks. You know, when they’re not watching the View or tuning in to Keith Olbermann. Home of the brave? Try home of the stupid.

Are we really going to do this again? Just save us the agony, grow a pair and just tell us now who you are going to install this time.

Okay I’ve got to calm the hell down. LOL. It’s just so damn hard to sit back and watch all of this insanity. The proud boy dude gets 17 years in prison because he was at the capitol on January 6th. Evidently he knocked over one of the temporary barriers that look like bicycle racks. Meanwhile the BLM dudes cause a billion dollars in damages to cities, stores, cars and the like get… well, nothing. Y’all realize I can go on for days giving examples of the one sided insane, in your face unequal justice we are made to endure right? Like you, I don’t have to Google any of it for it’s all ingrained in my pea brain for the rest of my life. There simply is no denying it, this time we find ourselves living in will go down as one of the darkest times in American history.

I’ll keep beating the 2020 drum as if someone is going to get the message. I’ll keep promoting President Trump for 2024 knowing damn well they’ve fixed none of the corruption in our elections. I’ll continue to yell at the mountain tops to throw this broken brain of a failed man off his made up pedestal. I’ll call the Republican “big government” business as usual ass-hats out at every opportunity. I’ll fight for our kids, our rights, our country and I’ll stand for our flag but I have be the only person I know how to be, honest, this mess we’ve gotten ourselves into ain’t gonna get fixed without a whole lot of (millions) common sense, family first, country loving patriots. There isn’t anyone responding to the bat signal… Trump tries the best he can but these mother suckers are keeping him busy aren’t they. Nope, this ain’t a one man job, friends. This is an “all hands on deck” deal. Do you hear the bells tolling? #WeAreOnOurOwn which is the bad news. The good news? There are a lot of us!

Enough is enough for this week. Y’all enjoy the rest of your holiday. Have fun, enjoy your family and be safe. And speaking of no denying it, remember, good always wins over evil. Always! I hope… It better… It has too! #Fix2020 🙂

We’re Not Going Away

Good Saturday afternoon friends! These people on the Left and all those in-between are out of their ever loving minds if they think we are just going away. Every week they roll out more of their clown show nonsense, I guess, thinking that will be the one “thing” that makes us all suddenly just go away, walk away from Trump, walk away from our core beliefs which for the record, haven’t changed ever. We held these beliefs long before President Trump came into the picture. The fact a man did come into the picture that spoke like us, that thinks like us, that gets us was a glorious gift. Actually, one could argue it was and is, a long overdo miracle.

After decades of Washington insider bullshit Trump comes along and starts saying the things we’ve been thinking out loud. That’s his draw, that’s always been his draw. While we average citizens walk around talking among ourselves, bitching about all the waste, fraud and stupidity being forced down our throats, Trump comes along with his big name recognition and ability to draw lots of ears and joins us in our disgust, in our desire for change. From the little things like light bulbs and low flow shower heads to big things like foreign wars, open borders and our always having to pay the world’s bills. “Sir, would you like us to install an elevator in AF1?” Trump: “How much?” No President in my lifetime ever asked that question. That is the difference between a politician and a businessman. Although this moron pretending to be President certainly could use an elevator couldn’t he… you know, as long as someone pushes the up/down button… What a complete joke/embarrassment.

These indictments are pouring fuel on an already scolding hot fire. Anyone on planet earth celebrating this corrupt shit show is not a serious person and honestly, shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Anyone cheering on the ‘get Trump’ crowd has their head so far up the government’s ass that they don’t see what it means for the future of our country, for their very own future. These lawless acts are things we used to read about happening in communist countries not here in the once, good ole USA.

You see that look? That’s the same look on 80 plus million taxpaying, God loving, American flag waving patriots right now. God Bless this liberty fighting man.

To make this man (And the others) fly to Atlanta to be booked on complete and utter bullshit charges is an act of terrorism as far as I’m concerned. The time, money and stress they are putting our President through pisses me off beyond words.

Thankfully with each new circus that comes to town his support grows. In his interview with Tucker he was asked where he finds the strength to keep going. His reply was heartwarming and just another example of why we stand with him. He said (roughly from memory) “It’s the people really, they’re so smart, they get it.” In his mind it’s unthinkable to walk away, not with the millions of American people supporting him. He won’t do it and like I said, we aren’t going away either.

These communists are too stupid to see they are putting the peoples President front and center 24/7 and doing more for his ability to raise funds than an unlock bank vault. Keep it up asshats, soon we’ll have a real President in office.

I apologize as this week’s rant has to be cut short as I am out of town visiting my boy and his family out west. I am currently in the Denver airport awaiting my connecting flight while trying to throw this rant together so when I arrive they can be my only focus.

Isn’t that the way it ought to be? Instead of all the weekly filth we are made to endure shouldn’t we be able to focus on our own families, our own businesses, deal with our own trails and tribulations. We all have them and they don’t go away on there own do they? Nope. Instead we have to get pushed around week after week with this corrupt group in Washington DC and all their George Soros attorneys, prosecutors, and a bought and paid for state run media. To say it’s maddening is an understatement. Endure we shall, somehow, someway and get those things we need to get done in our own lives at the same time.

Friends I hope y’all have a really great rest of your weekend and I pray that next week is better for us all. That means you, me, President Trump and all those who are trying to help him and us too really. As for these disgusting people working overtime to keep the truth from coming out, working overtime to hide their dirty deeds they will get what’s coming to them all in good time. It will never be fast enough for us, but we remain focused, steady at the wheel and yep, we aren’t going anyway.

Yes we do and we’re not going away. #Fix2020 #Trump2024

Stuck In The Mud

Good Saturday afternoon friends! It is pretty frustrating knowing darn well there are millions of like minded patriots among us, all thinking the same thing(s) as it relates to this government that no longer resembles anything the founders envisioned all while we find ourselves stuck in the mud apparently with no cell service, no winch, not even a shovel to get us out of this mud filled rut commonly referred to nowadays as the DC swamp. It’s deep, it’s ugly, it’s corrupt, it’s dangerous and it’s completely out of control. While millions of us are ready, willing and able to do whatever it takes to regain control and bring the evil doers to their knees we lack the know-how to even begin. All this propaganda about Trump supporters being a cult is, well, Leftist propaganda. As each of you well know, all that the Trump supporters really want is fair elections and equal justice. Unlike the Left and their media mind controllers, we don’t care what side of the political barbwire you graze on. If you are corrupt, you are corrupt and the law must remain blind when judgment day arrives.

These two, very basic American rights (equal justice and fair elections) so frighten the DC crowd that there is no end to what they have done and will do to ensure that neither is ever granted to the people again. We understand now why this is the case. Fair elections give the people their voice back, something they want nothing to do with. Between them and their propaganda pushers, the Media, “they” decide who sits in what office and who decides what direction the country goes. This is why you always hear me say; “No voice, no country.” When our voice becomes mute, meaningless, unimportant (which is what happens when our votes don’t count) there is no fear among the evil doers. They are free to do as they please. Then comes the second demand, equal justice and I certainly don’t have to spell out what that means to the evil doers do I? We have always been told we are a Nation of laws which is true. However, when those laws are not applied evenly, justly, then what we have is what we all find ourselves enduring today. The stink makes a bucket of rotten fish that’s been out in the sun for a week smell good.

So picture this if you will, you or I are out in the middle of nowhere 100 miles from home. It’s almost dark, it’s raining hard, and the wind is blowing the rain sideways. I’m standing in the mud knee deep staring at the pickup with its axle buried in the mud. I’ve got no cell coverage, no winch and no shovel. That, my friends is about how I am feeling right now when it comes to this filthy corrupt government. As the saying goes, I love the country but hate this government and the media.

Remember friends, it’s don’t trust & try to verify! I’m here to tell you, the election was rigged, Trump won and guys can’t have babies.

Enough of the DG commentary, on to some of the filth we endured just this week starting of course with Mr. Tom, Dick or Harry. Or whatever fake name he is using today. So now they learned that Mr. Prickface, while VP used aliases while communicating with the Ukraine President and Burisma. Gee, I wonder why? What about cc’ing Hunter on his communications?

All seems perfectly normal, all on the up and up right? WRONG! Just WTF else do these Republican worms need in order to get impeachment hearings started? Good Lord! Let the entire country hear what this crooked, stumbling, old worthless SOB has been up to. At this point one must truly be living under a rock if they don’t see this corrupt old fool with an attitude should be thrown in a wheelchair and pushed out of our White House.

Well at least ice cream boy, days after the fact has devoted a whopping $700 to those poor folks on Maui. And things are really looking up for them because (after being raked through the coals) he’s going to go visit them on Monday. I’ll bet they’re jumping for joy. First though, he’s got to ship those F-16’s over to Ukraine… multi-million dollar fighter jets to Ukraine, $700 to Americans in desperate need… sounds about right with this idiot-n-chief. Not to worry though because as you well know, Bidenomics has made everyone’s life better. What? Don’t yell at me. That is what he said, that’s what the media says and that’s what Ms. Mop Head says. Hells bells my friends we all know that none of these people ever lie. And I give you another, WRONG!

Hard to come up with anything that tops that… Like I always say, “Truth has a ring to it.”

What’s most important for us all to focus on is that the racist Nazi in Georgia has added her filth to the Trump indictment camp. Never, you mind about Maui, the open border, thousands dying from Fentanyl or $4 gasoline. Trump, Trump, Trump! I read somewhere, probably from one of our friend Rip’s posts that these evil sons-a-bitches don’t really care one way or the other if their cases are thrown out. Their goal is to drain Trump’s war chest and humiliate him up to the point where he either pulls out of the race or they convince as many of the sheep and RINOs as possible not to even nominate him. Should even one of these indictments stand, that would just be a cherry on top of the corrupt pie for these bastards. Like you I am guessing, I am so damn sick and tired of this get Trump crap. Talk about stuck in the mud…

There are few things in life that I am certain of right now. One of them is that Trump ain’t gonna give up and the second is he ain’t gonna run out of fighting money because his supporters, me included, will gladly continue to donate what we can for this fight. After all, this isn’t just his fight, this is our fight! Remember, if he loses we all lose. Sadly we cannot fix 2020, we cannot bring the evil doers to justice and I was thinking the other day, even if we all got out in the streets the first thing these pricks would do is arrest Trump for attempting to overthrow the government even if it was our idea to get in the streets in the first place. These A-holes have really rigged this whole takeover haven’t they? We may very well have to hit the streets anyway. Somehow, someway, we’ve got to be heard! And we absolutely have to keep doing whatever we can to turn the wrongs into the rights. Up needs to mean up again and 2+2 still equals four damn it!

Okay friends, now that I’ve managed to get myself in another bad mood I reckon it’s time to call it a day (so to speak). While there are signs of good things to come, most of the time, thanks to the onslaught of rotten news. Let’s figure out how to get out of that muddy rut we’re in. Lots of praying, lots of yelling, lots of hope and a mountain full of determination ought to get us there. We may not make it but, it won’t be for lack of trying friends. And just think, if they #Fix2020 it would be over, all this filthy rotten “stuff” would come to a glorious halt overnight. Excuse me now as I go install a winch and throw a shovel in the back of the truck. 🙂

I know it, you know it, they know it and the whole world knows it. Fix It!

Have a nice rest of your weekend and week ahead friends. Thanks for lending me your ear.

Don’t Trust & Try To Verify

I’m pretty sure if The Gipper were around today in this disgusting lying filled government he would change his famous words (Trust but Verify) to “Don’t Trust and Try to Verify”. When he said those words he was referring to Russia and all foreign adversaries. Today our biggest adversary is our very own government and all their paid (with our money) propaganda lie pushers, the media of course being the biggest. Today if you want to find the truth you’ve got your work cut out for you. In the end it boils down to trusting the few outlets or people you’re lucky enough to bump into. How do you know you can trust them? I listen to what they have to say and then wait to see if their words stand the test of time. The wait and see tactic was developed after being disappointed time and again. Remember when we all thought the congressman with the eye patch (Crenshaw) rocked? I waited, and I saw. Not good. Usually my tummy delivers the truth for me but, even it lets me down from time to time. The best, most honest information out there today comes from individual patriotic Americans.

This week certainly has been consistent with all those before it over the last “forever” it seems. Every week is filled with one stupid thing after another and I don’t know about y’all but I’ve long grown tired of it. Here are a few of the stupid things that especially riled that one hair on top of my head.

Gold Star Family Testimony: When I heard that dick-weed told the gold star mother that he knew how she felt because he experienced the same thing when their son (Bo) came home in a flagged draped casket I nearly came out of my skin. This guy is heartless, stupid, and simply a piece of shit. Not only is that a lie, one that the mother knew and the whole world knows, but he had to make this about him, disgusting beyond words. God forbid he would apologize and give her a hug.

Bidenomics: I am so damn sick and tired of hearing about Bidenomics and how great it is. On twit or X (good grief, dumbest name of all time) every other tweet is from broken brain or the White House touting pure lies about how much better off we all are thanks to Bidenomics which isn’t even a “thing”. Anyone alive knows everything is more expensive today than before they installed this prick. In fact, it’s somewhere around 16% higher. The cost of goods and services has outpaced wages every month since this idiot took (literally) office. What kills me, just like these morons in blue states who keep voting in the same people that keep them living under hellish conditions is that they will vote for this guy again. You know if he actually runs again. There’s a good chance the money changers will decide to go with someone else. Don’t worry, it won’t be Kami, even those robbers don’t like her. Hell, no one likes her.

I guess this idiot is running with the “if you say it often enough the people will believe it” theory… That works on stupid people I guess. You’d think even they would notice it’s a lie when they go buy milk or open up their monthly credit card statement. #You’d think…

Loyalty Pledge: President Trump refused to sign the GOP loyalty pledge. Nikki Haley and DeSantis signed it and couldn’t wait to post a picture of their signature followed with some lame post about how they stand with the party to beat Biden. The usual Trump haters and pretend Republicans jumped on the opportunity to slam Trump for refusing. My first thought was; why on God’s green earth would President Trump pledge to stand with the GOP when they’ve done nothing but stab him in the back as they all pretend the 2020 election wasn’t rigged. Here we stand (barely) two plus years later and they’ve done nothing except ignore the elephant in the room. The damn election was rigged, stolen, ripped right out of the hands of the voters. To disagree is to believe Pudding Brain got 81 million votes and to believe that, you have to be one stupid SOB. If I’ve offended anyone for saying that I can only ask, what the F are you doing reading my rant?! LOL

I’ve got a brilliant idea for the GOP, how about y’all sign a loyalty pledge to support President Trump. You know, the guy that brought us a safe and secure border, the guy that gave all Americans a tax cut, the man who placed three conservative justices on the bench, the one that kept us out of wars, the one that doubled our 401Ks, and gave us gas under two dollars. The guy that won in 2016, won in 2020 and will win again in 2024.

See all those hacks – Not one of them care about the country or the people. Yeah, get in line you freaking America hating bedwetters. BTW Chris Christy was omitted in this meme to allow room for the others…

January 6th: The video of Tucker’s interview of the Capitol Police Chief, Steven Sund hit social media like a storm. Oh not to worry, you won’t find it anywhere on the fake news. As I understand it, Tucker taped the original interview when he was still with Fox but, surprise, surprise, for some reason it never aired. Gee, I wonder why. If you happen to be one of the very few at this point that hasn’t watched it.

Please do so. I’d like to say I was surprised but really the only thing I am surprised about was that I got to see and hear it at all. This is another one of these “conspiracy theories” that turns out to be true. As most have at this point. January 6th was just what we thought it was. Another rigged up, set-up brought to you by Nasty Nancy, the FBI and the rest of the Washington filth. You tell me why that so called “January 6th commission” would go out of their way NOT to interview the Capitol Chief of Police and others who were “directly” involved… These people ought to be dragged by their hair to prison.

That’s exactly what it was. Just as they rigged the election they rigged the riot and then rigged a Senate committee filled with the same people who accused Trump of Russian collusion and everything else under the sewer drain.

Yes please! Arrest these evil, lying, scums, all of them!

Like every week under this insane government led by Mr. Corruption there are simply too many things to cover in one rant. How about the special counsel, David Weiss who was appointed in another joke of the not funny kind? The idiot POS DOJ appoints the very guy that the IRS whistleblower testified stopped him from further investigation of Hunter. He appoints the very asshat who was working to give Hunter the sweetheart deal. And besides, we don’t need a special anything! All we need is for people to do their jobs. And one other “besides” we don’t give a rats ass about Hunter dumbass Biden, it’s his corrupt filthy father we care about. He is the one that sold America out. Nasty Nancy would have impeached Biden ten times by now.

But, hey, let’s pledge our loyalty to the GOP…

I’ll wrap this up by saying how fast people forget. I keep running into people saying Trump didn’t do squat when he was President. “Did he build the wall?” “Did Mexico pay for it?” Shit like that.

People conveniently forget that the man was under assault from day one. While everyone and their ugly government insiders were throwing crap at the man who by the way had never held office before, it’s downright amazing that he got anything done. My favorite is when people like fat ass Christy tout that Trump only built 50 miles of “new” wall. Evidently replacing the hundreds of miles of the Bush/Obama split rail fence doesn’t count. Trump requests, what today sounds like pennies, 5B to build the total wall and he is denied. This week that idiot mayor in New York is requesting 12 billion just to house and feed the illegals broken brian let in. Gee, you don’t have to be an economist to see that building the wall is a hell of a lot cheaper than housing, educating, feeding, etc millions of illegals invading our border. You know, the border that’s secure…And I don’t know what Adams is bitching about anyway, doesn’t he know via Bidenomics everything is great!

The other favorite is that Trump pledged to get rid of Obamacare. Everyone just magically forgets it was, again, the GOP that missed that field goal thanks to the great John McCain and others. Nope, it’s Trump’s fault! So, so beyond sick of it all friends. My tummy tells me, history tells me, facts, true facts, tell me. Trump is the one and only one to run the kind of country I want to live in. For these reasons and a hundred more I remain a Trump boy and the GOP can take their pledge and stick up there where it’s very dark and stinky. I’ll stand with the guy the entire government is against. I’ll stand with the guy, the only guy, who hasn’t lied to me. I’ll stand with the guy who made my life better, not worse. I refuse to take a “chance” on anyone else. Why would I do that? Why would anyone do that? They ain’t going to #Fix2020 and I ain’t going to stop calling for them to #Fix2020. They want us to forget it all. Forget Russia, Russia, Russia, forget Ukraine phone call impeachment hoax, forget the rigged election, forget the January 6th Federal set-up, forget all these bullshit indictments, forget the Biden lies, forget his bragging about hustling Ukraine, forget about the 50 intel people who lied, the FBI lies, the media lies. Nope. It ain’t happening, not now, not ever. They’ve screwed the pooch and in the end, the dog will bite back. I hope. LOL. Thought I’d throw that in you know, because I don’t want the FBI breaking down my down with guns a blazing, another banana republic maneuver. You can’t make this crap up.

Wishing y’all a good rest of your weekend and week ahead. Lord only knows what we’ll be talking about next week… Don’t Trust, Try To Verify #Fix2020

When You Think About It

Good Saturday afternoon friends! Yeah, “when you think about it” and “it” is everything including the kitchen sink. Here we are, where we simply wish to live our lives and deal with the challenges that life throws at us inside our own little world which at times can be a lot and instead we are made to take on a government who for lack of another explanation, has gone completely rouge.

Every one of you has things that you have to deal with on a personal level, whether it is the health of a loved one or dear friend, your job, your home, your kids, your bills, the weather, a beloved pet, a mom, dad or grandparent. From the car that won’t start, to the credit card bill, from trying to get an appointment with your doctor to dead batteries in the smoke detector, something inside our own world is always going on and always needs to be attended to.

If all that and many things not even mentioned including those we don’t yet know of weren’t enough, we are made to endure this completely, rotten to the core and way out of control, government filth.

I’ve got a new thing I say to myself when I find myself frustrated over one of these life challenges. I’ll say; “It could be worse, I could be Trump.” How sad but true is that?

Three corrupt clowns walk into a bar…

You know shit has hit the proverbial fan when I’m thankful I am not a billionaire married. I’m guessing this latest BS indictment of Trump left you feeling the same as it did me, sad, mad, and frustrated. Those of us who spend probably too much time on social media make matters worse on ourselves because we also endure the complete insane remarks of these bed-wetting Libtards who we don’t dare give a piece of our minds to out of fear of being banned for life on one of the not free speech sites Meta or X. Wonder what the two jackasses paid to have someone come up with those brilliant names. I don’t know but, I do know I would have done it for less. Of course I don’t know as if re-branding them Hitler’s Corner and Castro Boulevard would have made the cut. More appropriate though.

Back to our President. It pains me to see what these evil bastards put this man through. With each new indictment comes the “we got him now” crowd. Even many who are running for the Republican Party Presidential spot are jumping on the “get Trump” bandwagon which only adds fuel to the fire that burns inside me. Inside all of us I suspect.

It has become easy to predict when the next made-up incitement will hit. It happens right after a new truth comes out about the Biden Crime Family. This sewer filled government doesn’t care that we know this. That’s how emboldened they are.

I’ll never understand those who to this day associate themselves with the Democrat Party, those that have TDS and continue to spew the most insane, downright stupid things about the man and quite frankly his supporters, you and me. We’re a cult right? I’ve never heard of a cult with 80M plus members but, okay.

How is it even possible for these people not to see the downright corruption and pure filth coming from their anti-everything party? Is it all the media’s fault or are these people just that stupid? “I told them to fire the prosecutor or they would not get the billion dollars. Well son of bitch, they fired him.” That was okay but Trump making a phone call is cause for impeachment? To quote John McEnroe, “You can’t be serious!”

Anyone not seeing the corruption within this crime family is simply beyond help. I wouldn’t give a crap except these idiots get to vote.

This last indictment is all about how Trump was the cause for the January 6th riot (protest). How he led the crowd in an attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government. You know, with flags and Great America hats… I guess the dick-weed prosecutor has convinced a bunch of those libtards in DC and an Obama appointed leftist judge that when Trump said he knows we’ll be marching to the Capitol to peacefully and patriotically have our voices heard he meant, burn the place down and take over the government… Again, “You can’t be serious!” (So y’all know, I am trying not to use the F word).

While Rome burns this lazy pretend tough guy sits on the beach playing Angry Bird. And tough shit if the fully dressed secret service agents have to stand in the hot sun protecting the idiot that no body wants anything to do with.

The installed prick is vacationing on the beach because, well, he’s worked so hard. Meanwhile the border remains open, thousands of Americans continue to die from fentanyl, gas is racing toward $4 a gallon, billions to Ukraine keep flowing with zero positive effects or receipts, groceries are unaffordable for many, savings accounts are drained, and despite all the BBB bullshit manufacturing is down and the roads still suck and trains still keep falling off the tracks. Forget all that and about a hundred other disgusting things like hidden bank accounts secretly holding millions of bribed dollars from China, Ukraine and others. Don’t y’all worry your little minds for a minute that the puppet-n-chief has done nothing but lie to the world and make it a less safe to live. Let’s get Trump! Day in, day out, 24/7, get him! Orange man bad! I am so (don’t do it Dan) sick of it I can’t even begin to tell you. Not to worry, McCarthy is looking into it…

All these idiots including the government and most Republicans don’t get it and never will. This bullshit we are living with isn’t about Trump. It’s never been about Trump. It’s about right from wrong. It’s about free speech. It’s about equal justice under the law. It’s about the Constitution. You can replace the name Trump with anyone you want. Our concern and growing anger about these basic rights won’t change. The fact remains, we support Trump because he supports us and our concerns, our beliefs, our rights. For those that say “no he doesn’t, he’s just using you!” Well if that’s the case, use away Mr. President because my life and their life (they’ll never admit it) was far better when he was President, when he was “using” us. Which is pure bullshit but, then again, what isn’t now-a-days?

Well, they have full control of the ballot box and the jury box leaving us with only one box left. Are we going to let them take it away too?

So there you have it friends. If you think about it, it’s hard enough to go through life and all the challenges it poses. The last thing we need is to have this scum of a government pile on their filthy corrupt nonsense. Endure we must, what choice do we have? We will continue to pray for justice to show itself and in the meantime let us continue to correct the lies and yell from the mountain tops the truth as we know it. Trump did nothing wrong, the government, the Left is in full lawless takeover mode and every day that passes without correction the correction becomes that much harder. Keep your head down friends, plow forward. Never give up, never give in, and never, ever, say never!

Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend. Together we will plow through the coming week. Remember, none of this, none! Would be happening if not for the rigged election. And trust me, it was rigged! #Fix2020

Who Put LSD In My Coffee?

There’s no way what I am experiencing is real. I must be on an LSD trip because my vision is blurred, my hearing is off, something stinks to high heaven and no matter what I do or how hard I try, it doesn’t go away. In fact, it keeps getting worse…

It wasn’t all that long ago where my hearing was crystal clear. Then a few years back everything went haywire. We went from a President whose every move was for the benefit of the people in “this” country to one that by all accounts and I mean “all” accounts goes out of his way to hurt the people. And just exactly when did we go from having a President to a King who is a babbling, slobbering, finger pointing, diaper wearing one at that? A few years back, our President couldn’t rustle up enough money from Congress to build a wall. Today the king pays off student loans, sends a gazillion dollars to another country, sells oil from our reserve to China, and mandates what kind of car I drive, how I heat or cool my home and doesn’t build any wall at the border but instead hangs a “come one, come all” sign on the split rail fence he and Obama built back in the day. Am I dizzy from all this “out of nowhere” nonsense or seriously, did someone put LSD in my coffee?

For the better part of my life, I kept hearing that natural gas was the cleanest of all fuels and it was cheap too! Then a few years back, again, out of nowhere, according to the king, it is awful. It went from the cheapest, cleanest fuel to the cause of the demise of the entire world as we know it. Really? At first I just thought it was the idiot playing King but when I turned on the television even the media says it’s bad and that our only way forward if we are to save the planet (honestly, from what I don’t know) is electricity. See I told you, my hearing has gone to hell, there’s no way I heard this right, right? What a trip! For as long as I’ve been alive, for as long as my father lived, his father and his father before him the earth has gladly supplied us with the natural fuels we’ve needed to survive, prosper and become the great Nation we are, or were. Nope, all of us are on notice to get that gas stove out of our homes and replace it with electric and the same with that old hot water heater! And don’t even think about keeping that gas powered generator! No, no, no! Sure you need that when the power goes out but the King has spoken! Besides, under the King’s rule our power will never go out again! Oops, hold on a minute, the power just flickered. I have to go reset my router. And another thing, what about the folks that make and sell those generators, stoves and hot water heaters? Oh I remember they will be trained to make solar panels or something. You know, if they don’t mind moving to China.

Did I see the leader of the Senate stand at the microphone in front of the world and lose his ability to speak? I told you, this LSD is messing with my vision. On Thursday I swore I saw an old lady during a vote in the Senate ramble on about a bill until an aide leaned over and told her “just say Aye” of which she stopped, smiled and said “Aye.” I’m tripping out friends!

The last time I felt normal was in November of 2020. With a hop and skip in my step I headed to the polls to cast my vote for President Trump. Having watched thousands upon thousands of American patriots attend his rallies. Seeing all the boats honoring him with flags and Trump 2020 flags and just knowing of all the great things he had accomplished and accomplished no less while the enemy worked over time to take him down. I had no doubt I was voting for the right guy and zero concern that he wouldn’t win. Especially as I watched the other guy basically do nothing to campaign and on the rare occasion he did come out from his basement no one was coming out to hear him speak. If that’s what you want to call what he did… most Americans to this day don’t have a clue what he is saying as he trips over every other word and his own two feet.

I have determined it was on that night after I voted that someone had begun slipping LSD into my coffee because every day since then nothing, I mean nothing, has made any sense. I woke up in a haze being told the Borken Brain King had received more votes than any President in the history of the country. Wait, what? From there, as y’all well know, it’s only gotten worse.

The border went from the most secure ever to the most unsecured ever. Gasoline, nearly over night went from under two dollars a gallon to over four. Pipelines were canceled, and I was told I could not go anywhere without wearing a mask. I couldn’t fly, I couldn’t take a cruise and suddenly it was okay to count votes days and weeks after Election Day. As the days went on I’ve heard that men can have babies, chest feeding is normal and the fastest woman swimmer in the Nation is a guy. My favorite local hardware store was closed but Home Depot was open. My favorite little butcher shop on the corner was forced to close but Walmart remained open. It’s been and still is a crazy ride my friends. I watched a bunch of buildings set on fire, police cars overturned, windows being broken, statues being toppled, churches set a blaze only to be told it was all, mostly peaceful.

If all of this and so, so much more isn’t enough, now I am having to sit here and watch as the King sicks his lapdogs after the guy who did so much to make my life better. In a constant frustrated state, my mind continues to be blown away (the LSD is strong) as I watch the King lie, cheat and steal without consequence. There doesn’t appear to be a day that goes by where these evil rulers of the castle don’t pile on more lies about the guy I voted for. Even members of his own party have bowed to the King and his communist style rule but, While the King and all his merry men (speaking of LSD, I’m not supposed to use the word “him”, I’m told to use “they” instead. Far out man…) surround him keeping him safe and keep people high on lies, promises and threats my President keeps fighting forward refusing to give up, refusing to give in. A stronger more determined man I do not know. He doesn’t have his party backing him, certainly the news networks are under the King’s rule and without question half the country must be on heavier doses of LSD than I if they support the idiot-n-chief while our true President stands tall.

With every truth that finds the light of day against this corrupt old fool playing King, our government tosses out more lies against the peoples President. If you can’t see it, you need to put the pipe down.

I know my head won’t clear, my vision won’t return, nor will my hearing be pure until such time as justice returns and my President is vindicated. Until then I don’t have to tell you that all that garbage we are fed, weather from the media or the King and his merry (weird ass friends) men is nothing but lies designed to remove the guy who did right by us. Somebody may have very well been pouring LSD in my coffee but over time I’ve become immune. I see the truth. They stole our election and with that, they stole our way of life. They don’t get to tell us what is right or wrong nor what words we can and cannot use. Still to this day, this is our country and our time to start acting like it has arrived. Stand up alongside our real President. Call out the lies when you hear them and preach the truth at every turn. One way or another, we will be heard. How they get our message is up to them but the message will be delivered.

Through it all, my guy is still standing, still speaking the truth. I will not stop fighting for him and I’ll be damned if I will let him down.

I know this week’s blog was a bit off the normal track friends but as I look for different ways to send the same message. I sometimes find myself looking back and wondering just how we allowed all of this to occur. This country is off the rails and we cannot afford to allow it to go on for much longer.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and your backup generator, gas stove and air conditioning! And remember, you always have this government standing ready to give you buckets of white paint for your roofs if it gets too hot… wow, we’ve gone from a stable genius to an utter moron all in one rigged blink of an eye of an election. Fight on brothers and sisters and God Bless you all!

We’ve Got A Rat Infestation Problem

Good Saturday afternoon friends! Another week filled with complete and utter nonsense. The American people (ones with functioning brain cells) must be going out of their minds watching these stupid, stupid people in government. Seriously, its one cluster ____ after another.

I wasted my time this week watching most of the hearings with the IRS Whistleblowers. I have always known these Democrat congress people are nut jobs. This week their ability to reach new heights of filth and stupidity was once again reached. Here you have these two brave guys willing to come forward and fight for truth and justice and what do these morons Democrats do? What they always do, babble on about Trump and racism of all things, both of which have zero to do with anything in the hearing. One of the idiots rambled on about Trump and when it was the whistleblower’s turn to respond he just shook his head and said; “I don’t know ma’am this isn’t why we are here.” Ding, ding! When it came turn for the black representatives to talk they went on and on about how black people are audited more often than white people and oh the injustice of it all. Of course I, in the calm demeanor I always maintain yelled at the TV screen “You dumb racist SOB, they (whistleblowers) are there trying to investigate an elite WHITE guy!

I don’t know why the Republicans even bother with these hearings anyway. I reckon it’s good in the sense that more people learn about the corruption and goings on of the Biden filth but it’s hard to watch knowing none of it goes anywhere until such time they impeach that piece of human waste Garland.

This is the guy that the Democrats wanted to be a Supreme Court Justice? He brings a whole new meaning to “partisan hack”.

Impeachment won’t go anywhere due to the unity party filled Senate. This, my friends is what you call “being in a pickle” as well as, “rigged elections have consequences”. They’ve got all of the government wrapped up in one tightly wrapped box of stink. Never has it been so obvious that we have a guy pretending to be President who should be impeached and thrown in prison. But, then again, the idiot shouldn’t be there in the first place. They made this jackass President while knowing damn well he is little more than a cheap suit gangster who has sold the country out over and over. Obama and the whole Washington gang of thieves have no problem with this ass selling the country out and making a complete mockery of the office and the country. And then there’s Congress. Talk about a bunch of do-nothing hot air. It’s maddening. The truth of the matter is we probably have less than a dozen congress people who truly want to make a difference and what chance do they have? They, like all of us, are surrounded by sewer rats out for personal gain. And we’re back to the “in a pickle” thing again.

When it comes to the installed “big guy” it’s not just the corruption that drives me mad and trust me it does, but the stupidity, the lack of brain power, the 24/7 embarrassment he brings to this Nation that simply makes me want to do some of the things these idiots claim we are doing. Maybe that’s their plan, accuse us of shit we’ve never done to the point we get so pissed off we actually do them. You know, like holding an insurrection or something. I’ll tell you what, someone needs to take a hold of this nightmare and fix it because the people in DC sure as hell aren’t.

Can you just feel my frustration? LOL – man, these people will drive a feller to take up full time drinking…

As for these whistle blowers, God Bless them. Evidently they are both Democrats. One wonders if that is still the case after seeing what their fellow Democrats put them through…

Pretty simple don’t you think? It was just a few years ago Broken Brain was proud of this, so much so that he bragged about it on National television. If you ask him about it today, you’ll get yelled at and told it never happened hell, he will even tell you he never bragged about it…

On another insane topic, what is this crap about New York paying $10,000 to each BLM thug who burnt down a church, set police cars on fire, broke windows, defaced statues and other such low life thuggery? Just another day at the office for these Democrat run cities I guess. Tell me again why anyone on planet earth would live in New York City? I can’t wait to hear it. Good Lord. These BLM thugs who, let’s face it, are bought and paid for by the same Leftist communist bastards who rigged our election and are pushing us to become a part of the NWO are going to get rewarded with cash while folks who went to Washington to protest peacefully rot in prison? Yeah, nothing makes me want to pay my taxes more than watching this kind of bullshit going on.

Y’all heard the saying “if you want something done, do it yourself?” Well… I am afraid to say it but, that’s exactly where we find ourselves today related to fixing this lame commie run government of “theirs”. Trust me when I tell you, this government sure as hell ain’t ours anymore. We all want to get excited when we see little cracks in the communist controlled filth brigade dam like Broken Brain being exposed for what he is or Bud Light getting their wokeness stuck up their ass or a great movie exposing the government controlled human trafficking or even a good home town country song bringing the truth to light in an entertaining yet sobering way. I know I do but the fact remains that for as long as the people’s voices remain silenced via the media and for as long as they promote 24/7 Leftist-communist narratives the vast majority in this country will remain in their clueless state with voices that are unheard and in the eyes of the evil doers, voices that matter not. Remember the evil doers have it all! Government, media, judges and prosecutors alike.

Yeah, what country are you from! Not the one I grew up in that’s for damn sure.
Between the lame media and the communist party one wouldn’t even know Hunter had a laptop or that Dickweed is using the little boy stairs now to board AF1. We’ve got a rat infestation problem!

Here we are operating in a completely lawless manner in a country founded on laws. A country with over 300 million people and only one guy willing to speak the cold hard truth, only one guy willing to fight tooth and nail for our Liberty. And look what they are doing to him… I’d like to think, out of 300 million plus a few million of us would be willing to stand up and via a nationwide peaceful protest make our voices heard. By all accounts it appears we’ve let the government put the fear of God in us all as we’ve done little to nothing to really get in their faces to let them know we’ve had our fill. I wish Trump would quit beating around the bush and just come right out and say “Friends, the time has come to take our country back. I need all of you who care about this country, your families, your friends and our way of life to peacefully protest on every street corner in every town across this once great Nation.” Maybe, just maybe then we would unite in this great cause of our time to take our country back, restoring the sanity we all know is needed.

Am I over reacting? Maybe but I’ve got to tell you, this mess we endure everyday ain’t getting better and by “all” indications, will only get worse. So if not now, when, when do we stand and say, enough? I don’t know about the rest of you but, I ain’t getting any younger so let’s get this show on the road!

I’ll wrap this up by saying #Fix2020 but trust me, I have zero faith the evil doers are going to allow that to happen. At this point I only say it because they don’t want me to and I don’t want any of us to forget what they did. They took our voices away. And you know what I say about that. No voice, no country. #FixIt

Y’all have a great rest of your weekend and week ahead!! Maybe next week will be different. “WRONG!” lol

Tell Me If I’m Wrong

Good Saturday afternoon friends! I hope this week’s version of the rant finds y’all enjoying your weekend which by the way is easy enough to do. Simply turn the television off, log out of social media and by all means, skip this week’s DG rant! Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Every day, week, month and year we are inundated with “breaking news!” or “News Alert!” which is always followed by a pre-planned story line designed to get your attention and pull you into the author’s planned direction. The Government is the biggest author of such matters. They have thousands of writers happy to push their narratives. What’s important don’t you know is that you follow along and by all means, agree with it all.

One minute it’s climate change, the next day it’s democracy as we know it. They have their go to lists. White supremacy, race relations, the dangerous treatment of the LGBTQABC community, those poor students with all those loans and certainly let’s not forget the two biggest threats to our very way of life, Trump and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Those are biggies! And millions of folks suck up these alerts like the best made margarita on a hot day.

To watch any of these networks means you are among the willing who evidently love sucking in the programmed propaganda, which is fine I guess. The trouble is, you then feel the need to pass on the lies. And, well, that’s not fine.

In my humble opinion (not really all that humble, just so you know) we do have something that without any question is an Alert! I can’t say it’s “breaking news” though, if it is breaking news to you, you haven’t been paying attention or one of these folks that just thinks it will all go away on its own. It won’t. Just saying. What is it then? What is the #1 existential threat? What is “the” one thing that makes our lives more difficult than it needs to be? What is it that keeps us divided, unsure of our futures, fear for our safety, our security? What causes us to worry for our kids and their kids? Is it climate change? Hardly. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Always has been, always will be. Is it Russia? How about China, oh yeah, must be China right? No. Well I can play this game forever so I’ll stop because it has to be Trump. I mean everything since coming down the escalator back in 2015 according to the propaganda machine has been Trumps doing correct? Hell, just this week they even said Trump left the cocaine in the White House so yeah, our #1 existential threat must be Trump and all of the Trump cultists. Nope, not even close.

Tell me if I’m wrong but out #1 threat is our very own Government. And if you’re going to tell me I’m wrong I highly suggest you wear a helmet! Lol

Look, Russia didn’t leave our borders wide open. China didn’t shut down our energy independence. Iran and North Korea are not forcing me to pay for someone else’s student loan, climate change didn’t cut my retirement savings in half, the LGBTQ community or those pesky white supremacist people didn’t make the price of eggs double and baby formula hard to find. Trump isn’t going after our guns or gas stoves and he’s played no role in human trafficking, or what pronouns we are to use. Our Government did that. All of that and sadly a whole lot more.

They say elections have consequences which normally speaking I agree with but… when our elections are rigged and evil puppets are installed I’d hardly blame it on an election where votes didn’t count. The people have spoken! They’d have us believe. No, the people spoke but their voices (votes) were not heard (counted). This installed government of evil doers is literally tearing our country apart. The truth is not a part of their game plan, just the opposite. The American people are flooded day in and day out with pure lies and propaganda specifically designed to lead the people like cattle into the corral of their making. Like I keep saying, if our vote doesn’t count we have no voice. No voice, no country. When they no longer fear us at the ballot box the game is over.

So I encourage y’all, when you see “breaking news” just know, what you’re about to hear is 100% designed to hit you with a cattle prod to keep you in line.

Our Government is so confident, so emboldened that they have not a worry in the world that we will accept the lie that they just don’t know where the coke came from. And with a broken heart I must say, they’re right. Besides, all this nonsense will go away on its own right?

These are some real pitiful times we are living through friends. This government has really, truly gone off the rails. Congressional hearings are about as useful as pouring salt on an open wound. While the Republicans spend their every waking moment trying to convince us they’re on our side, nothing is accomplished. The evil doer agenda continues to move forward all at the cost of the American taxpayer. Ukraine ain’t winning, China ain’t worried, and Biden is still wearing diapers while Americans continue to pretend he was duly elected.

The grandma who was arrested for attending the January 6th rally was released after doing her time. She tweeted how sorry she was for allowing Trump to brainwash her into becoming a part of the “Trump cult” as she put it. I reckon she was hit with that cattle prod once too many times. One of my followers responded by asking if she was planning on returning the $25,000 that the MAGA community donated for her defense. Grandma blocked her. LOL. I couldn’t help but to jump in. I asked her if she was talking about the cult that loves the country, honors the flag, believes in the constitution and kneels only to God. I also reminded her that Trump didn’t brainwash us. We’ve always maintained those ideals. He simply agrees with us, which probably is the main reason we love the guy so much. Imagine someone who agrees with the people… Frightening!

Okay friends, time to call it a day. You can indeed tell me if I am wrong but it seems pretty obvious to me that if you remove the filth out of this government we’ve had shoved down our throats our world and lives would get a whole hell of a lot better. The only way I know how to do that is to #Fix2020. For if somehow, someway that gets done suddenly our voices are heard again and fear at the ballot box is once again, well, a thing!

Beat those drums of Liberty friends! Call out the lies, and at your own peril, keep promoting the truth! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. Oh and;
