This Ain’t Your Dads America

Good Saturday afternoon friends! I hope this week’s rendition of the rant finds y’all doing well and enjoying those leftover Turkey sammiches. I’ve yet to determine whether it’s the turkey I like so much or just all that mayonnaise. The missus loves her cranberries. Me? Not so much. I reckon I’m the outcast on that one. What else is new? LOL

As we leave Thanksgiving behind there is no getting around the fact that as Americans we have much to be thankful for. When you look around the world you’d have to live under a rock not to realize being American is a blessing. We dodged a bullet on that one my friends. Even with all the evil that our government (well, ought to be ours anyway) puts us through, these United States remains one of the best, most prosperous places on earth in which to live.

This isn’t however your father’s America is it? Even as I looked around the table with all the wonderful dishes of delight I couldn’t stop my mind from thinking about the current condition of this country. We’ve always had crooked politicians and no one distrusted the money changers more than my old man but, what we endure today is different. It certainly is more “in your face” than it ever has been. You know the saying “ignorance is bliss?” I think back to the days before 24/7 mass media, folks mostly read the newspaper over breakfast and went on about their day. Now we are inundated with the likes of the media which wouldn’t all be bad if it weren’t for the fact they’re on the money changer, government, one world order payroll spinning everything as they are told rather than standing with the people to expose the evil workings of the regime. Lord knows there are enough stupid people walking around, we certainly don’t need the media making matters worse and oh how they do.

For me, when the 2020 election was stolen, it was the end-all of corruption and this “in your face” constant drip of lies coming out of Washington. There are days when I simply don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get over it. We’ve heard all the catch phrases, hell I’ve got a few of my own (No fair elections, no voice, no voice, country) but none change the fact we are living is the most dishonest times the country has ever seen. Those who play leaders in DC are worse than common thieves. The common thug might have stolen your watch (for the younger readers, a watch is something everyone used to wear on their wrists or held in their pocket) but these thugs in DC steal the very soul of the country, her wealth and in doing so our liberty and pursuit of happiness.

The Founding Fathers really were something else, they didn’t miss much.But, they missed this one for sure. Sincerely, Monday Morning Quarterback.

I often catch myself wondering what my father would have to say about what is going on today. Knowing that he kept one eye closed on these government tit suckers, my guess is he’d just be laughing out loud at all the pure filth and complete nonsense. You know, as stuffed more funny money in the mattress. I also suspect the “in your face” corruption wouldn’t even make him blink. When Nixon went down the old man said “The only thing different Nixon did was he got caught.” Meaning, they (politicians) all break the law. Even the very ones they themselves write. When President Kennedy was shot, Dad said I’d hear about and learn about everything but the truth. Um, maybe things aren’t all that different today after all. In fact, just maybe the only thing that’s changed is my age. I swear, the older I get the more distrusting and disgusted I become. I can honestly say that today, there isn’t anything I believe coming out of the mouths of these politicians and their unelected shit shovelers (FBI, CIA, DOJ, Department of whatever and the fake news media.)

A System that has no problem printing currency without wealth will have no problem printing ballots without voters”

By all accounts this appears to be true. I now find myself wondering if we ever elected our Presidents. It felt like we did in 2016 when Trump was elected but now, having seen all the dirty dealings since, it appears the only thing that happened in 2016 was that the evil doers screwed up. They did what they’ve always been doing except this time, like Nixon, they got caught. They had all their cheating in place; they just under estimated the amount of cheating it was going to take to win. They (the cheaters, the evil doers, the money changers and the rest of the filth) were so confident that Hillary (possibly the most unlikeable, most distrusted politician of our time) would win in a landslide that they figured there was no need to turn the fake ballot printers on and they’ve been spinning her loss ever since. Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine Call and the hate Trump movement hasn’t missed a beat. The American people accidentally got to choose their President and wholly hell has been launched against us ever since.

Now, as we approach another election year we’ve all got our eyes open and live in fear that they’ll do what they did in 2020 again and if (personally, I don’t see the if, I see the “for sure”) they do it again what will “we the people” do about it? Sadly I suspect the same thing we did in 2020. Bitch, moan, scream, cry followed by the proverbial “nothing.” There is no doubt in my pea brain that if the election is fair, we win. And there’s that “if” again…

Feels like we’re down to one box to me.

Well, other than getting lucky in 2016, the ballot box thing doesn’t seem to be much of a right anymore. As you’ve heard me say a gazillion times, no amount of turn-out can beat cheating (another one of those little catch phrases). As for the jury box I would turn your attention to those January 6th folks rotting in prison without even having their day in court and let us not forget what they are putting our President through. To say that our government is weaponized is an understatement. The jury box today reports to the Judge who reports to the evil doers. Good luck. Finally we arrive at our last and only box left and reaching into it is not something I or you want to even think about but, unless something changes and if we intend on keeping this country then what’s left for us to do? We won’t, or haven’t anyway, gotten out in the streets so you tell me, what’s left? We either fight for this country or we do what we’ve been doing, bowing to the evil Left and enduring more of the same. Talk about being on a fast track to hell. Geez. Something has to give! Let it not be us.

This picture sums up the current state of affairs for me in this country. We are being governed by the corrupt and they’re laughing at us. Well, I’m not laughing, I’m worried, sad and pissed all at once, all the time.

Well my friends, it’s that time. Nope, this ain’t your Dad’s America. We live in a time where our government makes their priority everything but us, wars, open borders, poverty, crime and all the filth in between. These are the times in which we are living. There’s only one man right now that I know of who has the determination, skill, courage and willingness to turn this mess around and turn it around he will if they don’t imprison him first. Can you even imagine we’d be thinking of such a thing? Well here we are and nothing is beyond belief anymore. My advice is to do what you can, correct the lies when you hear them, push the truth at every corner, vote like your life depends on it (another catchy phrase) and keep your loved ones close, keep all of those near and dear safe and remember, when you hear “what can one man do?” Just know there are 80 million or more of us asking the same thing. The answer, we can do a lot, all we need is the will.

Have a great rest of your weekend and now we plow forward toward Christmas and the election year of all years. God Bless y’all and this land we still call our own. Sorta. 🙂


The Democrats and all their paid actors and actresses love this word. They spend their waking days and nights accusing those “extreme” Republicans for their inability to get anything done. But that’s not all. They accuse us of being extreme too. Remember, we are extreme MAGAs who are out to destroy the country and human life as we know it. Sadly, their bedwetting, thumb sucking, purple hair, angry at life itself supporters go alone with it. The news media as you know is also more than happy to oblige and the Hollywood weirdoes are so on board that they threaten to move out of the country, which is hilarious. These idiots actually think that we extreme people would give a flying squirrel turd what the self absorbed me, me, me’s are doing.

Y’all know the song (dating myself) “If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right?” Well, if being extreme is bad, I don’t wanna be good.

Yep, look at all those extreme positions we have. How awful of us…

You have to hand it to the evil-doers, they’ve done a pretty good job convincing a large swath of the population (albeit the ones that never had functioning brain cells to begin with) that our ideals are somehow bad for them and the country. You’ve heard me rant about it before, about how disgusted I am with our fellow Americans who continue to live on the dark side. The reality is I probably shouldn’t be so hard on them. The entire government, nearly every media outlet and university has been beating them over the head for a very long time with their outright leftist/communist nonsense.

You tell me, is our wanting a closed border extreme? If the answer is yes you’ve got a lot of explaining to do before I believe that. There is simply no fuzzy area here. The open border has killed thousands of our citizens, many of which are the very zombies who remain in line with the rest of the libtards. Also not fuzzy is the fact that terror cells have found their way in, leaving only a matter of time until another 911-like act occurs. This week, the moron in New York announced that the city will be cutting back on law enforcement and first responders in order to transfer dollars to care for the illegals. Speaking of extreme, that should help lower the crime in the city and hey, if y’all are going to have a heart attack, just do it slowly so the EMTs have the time they need to get to you. The fact is, our law enforcement and first responders now have millions more to respond to thanks to the open border and not just in New York but throughout the country. Trust me, when the 911 operator gets a call they don’t first ask, “are you an American citizen?” Despite what the evil doers say, I am fairly certain that wanting/demanding a closed border isn’t extreme. Allowing it to remain open however is.

How about our stance on energy? Evidently it is extreme to want low energy costs & energy independence. Because of our extremeness we are accused of being climate deniers right? Hell to hear them tell it, we don’t care about clean water either, to hell with the environment, build skyscrapers everywhere! Kill the animals, pollute the oceans, remove all the trees and for God’s sake man, don’t take away the smog in our cities! I’m not kidding, these are the very things the evil climate hoaxsters, better known as money grabbers have beat into the heads of their mindless fools, better known as Democrat voters. These people are good at what they do though. They know their supporters are so freaking stupid that they can continue to buy oil, coal, natural gas and tear holes in the earth the size of most American cities to mine the cobalt they need to make a battery and the sheep will not only stay in line but praise them at the same time. You know, after they pay their taxes.

How about wars? Is it extreme for us to not want war? Are we radical for falling on the side of peace? What part about not wishing anyone to be killed is extreme? Well, we know our desire to not have the babies killed is considered extreme so, there’s simply no pleasing these evil SOB’s is there. I’ll tell you what we don’t care about, them! They can all just piss off. Whoa, now that was extreme. Lol. God forbid we are ever attacked and (hide the children) we support fighting back! These are some really dumb-ass times we are living in friends. You heard about the guy who fired off a shot in the air to scare off a mugger saving the woman from who knows what. Yeah, he was arrested and the lady was upset he fired his gun. I don’t know about you but that sounds pretty darn extreme to me.

Now, now, remember, everything is great! China Joe is building back better and stuff. The economy is breaking all sorts of records and inflation is almost gone. You know, the inflation we didn’t have three years ago. And it AIN’T going down either.

In all seriousness, these are some dark times and yes some of it is being exposed albeit slowly and in all cases a day late and a dollar short. It is maddening when you think all of this filth, corruption and waste could have been avoided with one fair and honest election. You want to talk “extreme” just look around you. Everyday it’s something else. Here we sit with an installed puppet overseeing arguably an installed government from top to bottom with a thousand installed judges and prosecutors and a weaponized justice department who follow orders based on the very evil we have shoved down our throats on a daily basis. Forget about the Left and Right, there’s no difference between the two anymore. We live in a time where a past President is being charged for taking documents he was entitled to and doing nothing about a guy who wasn’t President taking documents he wasn’t entitled to. Talk about extreme and in your face. And what do the bedwetters do? They cheer. Mind boggling is too weak in describing this bullshit. This group of evil-doers have no fear and therefore are emboldened to do as they please when they please.

If you don’t think the election was fair, too damn bad. You don’t like the border being left open, tough. You think it’s outrageous to kill a baby in the ninth month? Piss off, you hater of women. You can’t afford to buy gas? Good, you shouldn’t be driving a gas vehicle anyway. You don’t support the Ukraine war? Of course you don’t, you like Putin. All you extreme MAGA cult deplorables have been brainwashed by Trump. All you people want to do is to be left alone and all you want us to do is follow the stupid, out of date United States Constitution. You think you’re entitled to protect yourself by owning a gun? Just who the hell do you think you are? Have you not seen all the deaths that guns have caused? You are the people who refused to take our vaccine. You know the one that wasn’t a vaccine. You are the same people who refused to wear a mask even though they don’t work. YOU are extreme and we are coming for you. So I suggest you pay your taxes and shut up. CC: FBI, DOJ, All judges under the Soros payroll.

Sorry, I got on quite a little rant there but, this is exactly how they look at us. They aren’t playing games, they are setting the rules and anyone not following them is on their hit list and by the way, don’t even think about protesting. Hitler would be so proud…

I better wrap this thing up friends before my blood vessels pop. Needless to say, there isn’t anything “extreme” about us or our beliefs. We are a simple group only interested in good ole common sense. We love our country, proudly fly our flag and want desperately to have our President back. You know him, he’s the one that kept the border secure, gave us energy independence, three conservative (most of the time) judges, kept us out of wars, kept interest rates down, gave us a tax breaks and nearly doubled our retirement savings. We will stand with him through thick (and boy is it ever thick right now) and thin for without him we have only more of the same to look forward to and I don’t know (actually I do) about you but, I’ve had my fill of the same evil, nightmare filth we’ve been made to endure these past three years. It’s Trump or bust and should it end up being bust we’ll have another bridge to cross & to talk about. For the record, I don’t EVEN want to think about it.

And that my friends you can take to the bank! You know, if its open.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends! Thanks for putting up with my ranting. Y’all rock!!

Live It, Love It & Let It Go

Good Saturday afternoon friends! Hope this week’s rendition of “The Rant” finds y’all enjoying your day and doing whatever it is that you want to do. As with most of my Saturdays my day starts with a 7:18 tee time with the boys at the little club just a short drive from the homestead. While my game is enough to rant about all by itself, those 4 hours on the course contribute greatly to my sanity. Challenging for sure but it’s the laughs on the deck afterward that keep me in the game of life. The beer ain’t bad either. I sure hope each of you have something in your life that gets you away from the daily filth we all endure these days. If it weren’t for family and friends I’d have gone off the deep end long ago. Having said that, some of those family and friends would tell you I already have gone off the deep end. LOL

Every week there is more “stupid” to write about than I can muster the energy to put into words. I’ll do what I always do, give you the ones that are stuck in my pea brain starting with the election losses on Tuesday of this week. I’m not so much aggravated about the losses, although I’m certainly disappointed, as I am folks appearing to be surprised. I get it, I mean with all the filth and stupidity the Democrats have thrown at the country, one would think electing a Republican ought to be a walk in the park right? Nope. The Democrats turned out more voters and out spent the Republicans big time. Combine these two factors with the fact we have way too many stupid people in this country and a voting system that is questionable at best, any surprise in the election outcome that one might have had should quickly melt away. Let’s face it elections will never be looked at in the same lens after 2020. As for the call for big lips Ronna to resign, well poop, we’ve been saying that for three years now. Do they listen, of course not.

For three plus years now Republican voters have made the GOP their Bud-light, Fox News and Disney. Promising to never support what it is they’re selling. Gee, I wonder why…

As for funding, I don’t know about you but the GOP hasn’t seen a red cent from this household. Other than the big donors who are a part of the problem in this country, I don’t know why anyone would contribute to the GOP/RNC. They don’t do any of the things we want them to do and they have been sitting on their butts sucking their thumbs for the past three years while the evil Left and their enforcers put our President through utter hell. Our fellow patriots are rotting in prison, one was shot for zero reason and the rest of us are, well, in a cult and labeled domestic terrorists. So I ask, why would any of us donate to these thumb sucking, all talk no action sons-a-bitches?

As for turn out, I reckon some of that was due to Trump not being on the ticket. It appears he’s the only one that can create the excitement among the base and rightfully so. After all, he’s the only one that listens to us and “gets us.” You know, because getting us is so difficult. Idiots, all you have to do is love the country, want what’s best for it and do what’s best for it. Do that and you’ll get all the votes needed. Well, you still might lose because of the cheating but you get my drift.

With 2024 just around the corner, what are the Republicans doing? Well, not impeaching broken brain (surprise, surprise), not uniting around the guy 90% of the base is united around. Not closing the border, not stopping any of the nonsense being thrown at us. Not addressing the 2020 rigged election, not hiring a new chairperson. They are however funding all the filth, the wars, and that brand new 300B FBI building and why not! Oh sure it was the FBI that did everything they could to sell the country on the fake Russia collusion story, and yes, it was the FBI that was embedded with the January 6th protesters but hey, what’s 300B anyway? And let’s not forget, and this is important, they are protecting the country from us domestic terrorists… Weird, it’s almost as if the Republicans don’t want Donald Trump to win. Again…

Before I forget and move on to the next rant, y’all hear about the mandate for the car companies to install “kill” switches in all cars by 2028? It’s one of those small little things floating around that only the truth seekers probably know about. So as I understand it, if y’all are driving and swerve too many times you’ll get a message giving you X miles to pull over before they hit the kill switch and turn your car off. So, all you ladies out there trying to put your make-up on you better watch it! And all you dudes out there trying to reach for that last french fry that fell between the seat, look out! Y’all are a danger to society! As for the muggings, killings, robberies, rapes, drugs and Lord only knows what real terrorist crossing our borders go, forget about all that, keep your eyes on the road! Before you accuse me of getting off topic, I hate to say it but, several “republicans” voted for the kill switch. No surprise, several also voted not censure that terrorist democrat this week, you know the one I’m talking about, the one whose face doesn’t require a Halloween mask, the antisemite, the squad member, I ain’t gonna say her name. She makes a bag of puke smell good, that one.

Finally the other thing that continues to rattle my cage is this New York fraud of a trail they are putting our President and his kids through. Between that bitch attorney general and that scum sucking judge there’s a good chance I am going to lose my shit. And then there are all the paid ass wipers on X cheering on these two filthy pieces of Soros owned lizard-turds. Anyone who thinks this trial is fair or that there should even be a trial should not ever be called for jury duty and for that matter, never allowed to vote because they are too damn stupid.

I disagree, these five should be disbarred. They’re little more than paid communist sympathizers. They are Barack’s puppets, paid for and installed by Soros.

Let’s investigate these pukes! Let’s see where all their money came from. It wasn’t from running a business or building some of the most beautiful properties in the world, that I can promise you. Just like pudding brain, their money comes from very dark places designed to do very dark things.

The fact that these fraud riddle trials are allowed to go on, much less against a past President during an election year is a stain on America. Allowing these to continue makes America no better than any named shit hole communist run dictatorship country around the world. The amount of time and money our President has spent to fight these evil bastards is unthinkable, unacceptable and cannot, must not, stand. As for the idiots out there that love all this, they’re so damn dumb they don’t even see what this means to them in the long haul. But I repeat myself.

You hear the story about the guy who saved a woman from being robbed by firing a shot in the air scaring off the would-be thug? Yeah, he was arrested. That’s a perfect example of our justice system in this country right now. It’s so beyond disgusting that words fail me.

Between this rotten to the core justice system and that idiot playing President lying ten times a day most Americans are tuned out for their own sanity. These are some times we are living in my friends. Never in my lifetime have I been witness to so much pure garbage as I am today.

Before we know it we will be standing in line to cast our ballots in 2024. I’ll be voting against every single sitting congress person up for election and of course be voting for Trump, even if I have to write his name in. Write, like that’s an option. I’m sorry to say that I have no use for or faith in anyone currently holding a seat in DC. Why should I? What exactly have they done for me, for the country, for you? While I’m certain my vote doesn’t matter due to all the cheating and ballot manipulation, I’ll vote anyway because it’s my duty. Having said that, we are losing our country and it ain’t gonna get any better between now and election day. With each passing week I become more and more convinced that the only way to get our country back and on the right track is for us to take it back. The question remains, is there enough of “us” to do that anymore.

What a messed up, stinky, lousy, situation we’ve gotten ourselves into friends. We can pray and hope, scream and holler, stomp our feet, cross our fingers and vote like there was no tomorrow. But if they don’t fix 2020 and get trust back in our elections I fear the worst is yet to come.

The title is live it, love it and let go. I wish it was that simple. Those things might get us through today but look out, tomorrow will soon arrive and Lord only knows what that will bring. Remain vigilant my friends. Don’t take anything for granted, assume the worst and hope for the best as they say. Our need for President Trump now makes our need for him in 2016 look like child’s play. This country has gone all communist on us. By their actions there is no end to what they are willing to do in order to hold on to their power. This ain’t no game, it’s happening right out in the open now.

Keep beating the drum of liberty friends, what choice do we have. I believe in miracles and boy, oh boy, could we ever use one about now.

Sorry for being such a Debbie downer, we live to fight another day and fight we shall. Y’all enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. Let’s talk again next week. Perhaps my mood will be better by then. “Perhaps” is the key word. Until then, God Bless all our Veterans who answered when called to duty. I will always be grateful for their service and give them all my respect. Thank you for your service!

Momma Said There’d Be Days Like This

Good Saturday afternoon friends! Well poop… this week’s title sorta spells out how this weekly rant writer is feeling today. Y’all have probably been in the same spot more than once or twice over these past three stupid filled years. Today is just one of those days where I can’t seem to find the will to even engage in all the various, never ending, downright torturous goings on within this lame, corrupt bunch of taxpayer tit sucking, America hating government mouthpieces.

Whether it’s the CDC or any of the other lame government bodies, the filthy Democrats, the clown filled media, the left wing paid shills on X or the jackass RINOs, Snoopy’s answer expresses exactly how I am feeling.

I reckon there comes a time in everyone’s life where the noise level gets to such a high pitch that you either shut the source down or get as far away from it as you can. The goings on in the country are at that high level of stupid right now and I can’t think of anything I’d like to do more than to “shut the source down” but how?

Um, Mr. Jefferson makes a good point and you have to admit, it would indeed lower that high level of stupid wouldn’t it. Y’all grab your flags! I’ll meet you on main street. We’ve got a country to take back! Oh and, don’t forget to set your clocks back.

One wonders just how much longer and just what other filth, corruption and lies it will take until the people of this nation throw out the bullshit flag and make, in a big way, their voices heard. We all play our little roles in pointing out all the insanity but they’ve managed to walk away from us. Once they proved to themselves that they can rig the elections there became no reason to listen to us. Much less care what we have to say. At this point they can and do anything, say anything and no matter the degree of lie they tell, no matter the lives lost, the wars waged, they have nothing to fear. The media has their backs and sadly I must say, so do the courts. Where does that leave us? In nowhere land listening to ourselves bitch and moan as we try to figure out how to pay the bills, stay safe and raise our children to be good people.

Look at all the nonsense this jackass has caused or allowed. And this ain’t half of the pure filth and destruction the idiot has caused.

The only thing that angers me more than seeing all the wrong that this broken brain has thrown upon us is looking back at the Trump years remembering all the good he gave to us. How hard he worked to make things right by the people while the Left picked a fight with him at every turn, while so many loved the man before he took office but turned bat-shit ugly on him once he was in and promising to end the government hold on the American peoples neck. It’s been eight years of complete and total bullshit.

It really isn’t. Anyone refusing to see this is nothing more than a part of the group of people this nation needs to cleanse itself from.

I am going to cut this week’s rant short and bring it to an end right here and now because as I said at the onset, I am in one of those moods where the nonsense, the filth and the lies have gotten the better of me. Anything I say at this point will be filled with stuff none of you need or deserve to hear. Yep, “momma said there’d be days like this” and today is one of them.

My hope is that this finds each of you having a good day filled with all the things you most enjoy. My wife on the other hand hopes this mood I’m in goes away quickly! It will. It always does. I care so much about the country, you folks and my family. Watching the pure insanity being thrown at us leaves me with a strong desire to open a can of whip-ass on the evil ones to remind them just who this country belongs to. As you’ve heard me say, probably too often, this is our damn country and we by God ought to start acting like it. My desires are simple, give me the truth and give me justice. Both of those will give us President Trump back and from there the light begins to shine again.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead friends!

Yes we do and that my friends ain’t ever gonna change.

Here We Go Again

Good Saturday afternoon friends! I could use this title every week and it would be 100% right on because the days, weeks, months and years are a vicious cycle of repetitive filth filled with the never ending stupidity. My loving wife suggested I write something positive this week which I thought was a good idea. When I asked for ideas the room got quiet and as the week proceeded we both found ourselves in the same place we’ve been since they stole the election and forced broken brain down our throats. In the crappers pissing and moaning over the daily insanity they sling at us.

So this week the innocent people of Maine, MAINE! Suffer a mass shooting and the communists on the Left pull out their never ending “gun control” script. Their paid for media of course is happy to follow along. After all, they too already have a treasure trove of repetitive material they can pull out of their sack of bullshit.

So this government who has left the border wide open for every Tom, Dick and Terrorist to waltz in wants to leave us defenseless. You know, the government that wants fewer police officers, the one that doesn’t follow the very laws they themselves put in place but, don’t worry because they have the FBI who to hear them say it has the best criminal minds in the world to protect us. Never mind that they knew (as they always do) all about this criminal with a damaged brain long before the shooting occurred and did, well, nothing about it. The media, who just got done showing us videos of Hamas parachuting into Israel in order to kill as many citizens as possible including women and children and they too are on board with our turning in our guns. All this not to mention the idiot BLM people over turning cars and setting them on fire, robbing stores, tearing down statues and let us not forget the soy boys in ANTIFA taking over city blocks, halting traffic on the freeways and turning parks into dangerous shit zones. Oh and never mind all the college idiots standing with Hamas right here in our homeland. Did I forget anyone? Sure Iran chants “death to America” but certainly they don’t mean it, turn your guns in! And then the biggest threat of all to our way of life, our very own government who has citizens rotting in prison still to this day for trespassing on “their” capitol building. You know the one where the doors were unlocked and the police escorted them through. Finally, If you fear what could happen to you just remember, it could always be worse, you could be President Trump…

Not now, not ever. In the end I’m responsible for my safety and the safety of my family and by the way, by all appearances, I am the only one they can depend on.

These idiots may have convinced their stupid ass sheep that the gun is the problem but they’ve yet to convince anyone with at least one functioning brain cell. It’s pretty ironic if you think about it. These idiots who scream for the disarmament of their fellow citizens will be the first ones begging us to protect them when all hell breaks loose, although that might be stretching the truth some. For all I know they will gladly bend their knees to whichever evil doer it is coming after them. What kind of moron do you have to be in order to think the gun loaded itself, walked out the door and started shooting itself? I’ll tell you what kind, the kind that thinks Bidenomics is working, the kind that thinks the economy is better because CNN said so, the kind that thinks men have periods and women with purple and pink hair, 12 pieces of metal stuck in their bodies wearing combat boots and a tattoo across their forehead that says “I’ve had ten abortions.” Oh and don’t forget the real brainiacs who think January 6th was an insurrection and Mr. “I’m going to the beach” broken brain got 81M votes. Yeah, those are the idiots who think the gun is the problem and jump for joy each day because Trump is no longer in office keeping us out of war, yeah, idiots all of them and a complete waste of perfectly good air. No mean tweets though!

Don’t be too hard on the Liberals, they simply don’t own a mirror and who can blame them? (see description above of the pink
& purple haired woman)

As we get closer and closer to the Bush/Obama years we are told it’s for our own safety. Sure it’s scary when a Chinese jet flies a few feet from one of our jets or when you hear we are back to dropping bombs in the Middle East we at least can have some comfort in knowing the guy in charge of all of this is incapable of speaking, riding a bike, using the big boy stairs on AF1 or changing his own diapers. Besides, don’t you ever forget, he said “his plan is working”…

As for the new Republican Speaker of the House: Whatever. I maintain that it doesn’t matter who the speaker is. Without President Trump in office to provide cover for these sissies it will continue to be “government as usual.” These Republicans have no stones to do what’s right and they sure as hell don’t listen to any of us. Just watch, the government will get their funding, Ukraine will too and the border will remain wide open. They won’t file articles of impeachment on dipshit nor any of his America last, China First staff. If I’am wrong we’ll celebrate my wrongness together!

Like every week, I really struggled to even publish a rant. The high pitch of pure nonsense has gotten so loud, so out of control I just want to polish my tools and wait for the “all go.” This sitting around waiting for the next stupid thing to fall is enough to make a guy go berserk. The things we are allowing to occur in this country fall well outside this boy’s ability to describe. My in depth vocabulary keeps bringing me back to the same four words, stupid, filthy, corrupt and the ever so popular, morons! I’ve got nothing else in my arsenal. Lol

All that said; my hope and gratitude and what strength remains inside of me lies with my family, friends like you and the fight inside our President. Let us all have his strength, his determination to fight on. Let’s not bend but stand, let’s not whisper but yell, let’s not give in nor give up. No sir, we will keep our eye on the ball, our heads about us as we call out the lies, shout out the truth and continue to beat those drums of liberty, truth and justice for all. This is after all, our country, our time. Let’s remain united and pull each other over the finish line, you, me and our President.


Wishing y’all nothing but the best for the rest of your weekend and week ahead. Let it be said, let it be written, “Here we go again!”

Insane? Try Stupid

Good Saturday afternoon friends! Another week is about to come to a close and the bucket of stupid overflows once again, week after week, month after month, year after year just one insane dumbass thing after another. These idiots in Washington just keep rolling out the stupid and you know what? It’s as if we don’t even exist. We yell and scream, piss and moan, write letters, tweet, call, throw things at the TV, and give our opinion every chance we get and does anything change? Do they even respond? Even acknowledge we aren’t happy? Show any sign at all that they get it? Hell no, they just continue on down their dirty little twisted road that leads to a place none of us want to go.

Not only that, they keep blowing our minds with their ability to outdo themselves.

I don’t want to send my money to Ukraine, I don’t want to see war breakout in the Middle East again, and I don’t want to see thousands of people be killed. We just got done watching that with that stupid Chynia virus/depopulation, take a vaccine that’s not a vaccine shit show. I don’t want an open border, I don’t want seven million people in my country that I know nothing about and didn’t invite. I don’t want a president that didn’t win the election and who does nothing but mumble and lie. Good God man, his brain is broken, get him out of here. I don’t want an FBI that calls me a terrorist, I don’t want a one-sided justice department, I don’t want judges who were put on the bench by some communist Left wing nut job. I don’t want to pay the salaries of people in congress who pay no attention to me, much less the ones that support everything that is anti-American and I sure as hell don’t want people in congress who display any flag other than the American flag outside their freaking offices that I pay for. And you know what, color me petty but, I don’t want to pay four dollars a gallon for gas either and if I want to buy an electric car (I don’t and won’t) I’ll buy one, that’s my choice, my decision. You can bet your last gallon of gas I don’t want some pudding for brains Jackass telling me what I have to buy. The best way to get me to NOT do something is to tell me I have to. I reckon I’m not alone.

Have no fear, Underdog is here! That would be you and me and 70 million other patriots who refuse to be defeated by this “StupidMan”

I told you what I don’t want, now let me tell you what I do want. I want the guy who won the election back in office. At this point, anyone who doesn’t isn’t just insane they’re stupid, really stupid. Not only that, they are a part of the problem. To say it is maddening to know that just three short years ago under the leadership of the mean tweeter everything about our lives was better is an understatement and not just our lives but the lives of people around the world. You cannot name one thing, not one, that is better under the current mumbler-n-chief. Having Trump back in office will fulfill 99% of my wants for this country but I do have a few other things on my list such as the complete and utter destruction of the media, whether it’s the mainstream media or these sons-a-bitches in the print media. Dismantle them all. The role they play in this screwed-up sewer filled America-last clown show is immeasurable. Then we come to the GOP, these people are so much worse than the Democrats. Yep, I said worse. We all know exactly where those Leftist commies stand but, we can’t say the same for those pretenders, those thumb suckers in the GOP, although now that I say that, we are closer to understanding just how backstabbing they are. With Trump back in office and with our help, we can and must, clean up the rat-infested GOP and we can do it. You know, if our votes count. One thing is for certain, speaker or no speaker, this group of idiots ain’t gonna do us any favors.

It’s about as simple as that! Well, and closed borders, cheap gas, low interest rates, and not having to take a loan out to buy eggs.

I guess that’s about it from me this week. I simply don’t have much to say that y’all don’t already know. It remains so darn disheartening to watch all that’s happening around us. It feels like a blink of the eye and we are right back where we were during the Bush/Obama years, wars, division, lies and deceit. The taste of Liberty that we had during the four short years of Trump remains forever instilled in our memory. While he fought off all the filth thrown at him he still managed to deliver good things for you, me, the country and the world. While the evil doers work day and night attempting to erase those memories and tarnish his reputation we, the people, know better and will never stop reminding people of the good he did. So my friends as the shit show continues let us all remain focused on the most important issue of our time, fair elections. As you’ve heard me say, probably way too many times, Fix 2020 and you fix the rest of the nonsense. The scary part of this is that the nonsense has turned out to be a deadly force against everything we hold near and dear to our hearts. We shall remain steadfast no matter the evil forces we face. We will correct the lies and beat the drum of liberty for as long as it takes.

Wishing y’all a good and safe rest of your weekend and week ahead. I’m sure next week will be better… now who sounds stupid. Lol Thanks for letting me rant friends!!

I am A Non Believer

Good Saturday afternoon friends. Before you get your panties in a wad, I do believe in God. Don’t let any stupid headline that I might come up with make you ever think differently. I am however a “non” believer in all things put before me by this government, the world order money exchanging suck faces, the media and the many morons out there who carry water for these same evil bastards who are bound and determined to take this planet full of people and turn it up-side-down until they have complete and total power over us all. I don’t like them, I don’t trust them and you can bet I damn well won’t surrender to them.

How’s that for starting this week’s rant with an attitude? Oh I’ve got an attitude alright and how can I not? How many weeks, now years, must I face this computer screen without having a single good thing to say about those who rule over our lives? If anyone thinks I somehow find pleasure in these weekly puke fests, think again. It is taking everything I have to even make my fingers move today. I have wanted to open a can of whoop-ass since the rigged election but the home of the brave (what a freaking joke that has become) insists on waiting until “someone” else fixes this world order garbage. Friday was supposed to be the day of Jihad. Hell, I was half looking forward to it. I don’t need some bullshit headline to be on high alert. I’ve been there for a long time now. I sound tough don’t I? One never really knows how one will react until confronted by evil at your doorstep. My goal is to keep the evil the hell off my porch. Too bad our government doesn’t feel the same.

We’re told some 6 million illegal aliens have entered the country (our porch) since dipshit was installed. You know what that means right? It means at least 12 million have entered & are now roaming our streets. Don’t worry though, not all of these folks are bad folks. Um, tell me again how many bad folks did it take to take down the Twin Towers…

I can’t put my finger on it but the attack on Israel smells to high heaven if you ask me. For my entire life I’ve been made to understand that the Israel intelligence folks are among the best in the world. But, then again, I’ve been told a lot of things. Like the FBI is “the” elite law enforcement agency in the world and that the CIA remains way ahead of the curve. You know, in the “intelligence” business. Yet, here we are, bomb, bomb, bomb away into Israel. Hundreds of armed Jihadists gliding down from the sky killing at will. Bullshit! This smells like more global war on humanity, more de-population, more push toward a third world war, more power grabbing to me. I’d guess that if we knew all the players involved in this evil take over we’d all fall out of our chairs and off the damn porch. Thanks to President Trump we’ve learned so much. Hells bells friends, BT (before Trump) we all voted for George Bush and Mitt Romney… let that sink it.

In fairness to our stupidity, what was the alternative, Obama? 300 plus million folks and these were the choices we had. The filth and destruction of this nation didn’t start yesterday…

Here we have another meme that’s not funny but illustrates the truth. You know what else is true? These two idiots with the shovels are mere puppets on the world order payroll. They ain’t calling the shots. They’re following orders given to them by their employers. I’ll tell you what else they are, haters of America.

Enough of that for now, if things go as they normally do, the goings on in Israel will be a distant memory soon and all the innocent lives will be all but forgotten by everyone except those that mattered most to them. In the meantime don’t y’all worry, broken brain is building America from the bottom up and middle out… We are living in a very sad and sick time my friends.

Yeah, well we are sick and tired of you doing the
things you do. “Pal”

So I’ll wrap up this week’s ranting and raving by hitting on this Speaker of the House thing. First and foremost, I don’t know what the hissy fit is about. We’ve not had a leader in the house for as far back as I can remember. Not one who works on behalf of the American people anyway. They call it “the people’s house”, why? What exactly has the House of idiots done for the people? I wanted the wall built, they refused to fund it. I don’t want to fund the Ukraine war so what do they do, they fund it. I want them to get to the bottom of the 2020 rigged election so what do they do, nothing. Hell, they won’t even talk about it. I wanted them to drag Nancy Pelosi’s silicone face into hearings over the fake January 6th hoax. Nope. Bring in Hunter Biden, nah. Stop funding the FBI, no sir. Instead they give them funds for a brand new, fancy building. Well shit, at least stop funding that treasonous, global warming bull-shitter John Kerry. You can at least see your way to do that right? Wrong. Hey, what about all those CIA intelligence people that signed the letter saying the laptop was Russian disinformation? Their response, “who?”

Here’s the deal my friends, it doesn’t make a bit of difference who these idiots decide to have as “their” speaker because none of them, none have the balls, desire, skill, or love of country to do what is right for the country and her people. Until such time we have President Trump back in the White House to take the heat, all of these idiots will continue to play in their government sandbox. Most will remain under their desks hoping they are not seen again until they’re re-elected to serve their 50th term. They’ll continue to work with the other side while cutting their self enrichment deals. And right there is why none of them ever want to see another Trump Presidency. If any of them were true America First people they would have been screaming day in and day out about the rigged election, about the January 6th set-up but, you don’t hear any of that do you? The people’s house? I’m a non-believer. I think it’s the government’s house. All flag waivers not allowed.

Well there you have it friends. Another week of ranting… reading back over it I probably should have kept my fingers still this week. At least I stayed on the porch right? LOL Man oh man, what a mess this country finds itself in nowadays. We all think things couldn’t get worse only to be met with a new challenge. Here we all sit in a big beautiful country filled with millions upon millions of people (and sadly growing by leaps and bounds with the unknowns) and what do we have one guy, just one guy out of millions that stands up and fights for us every day. Just one guy who tells us the truth even when he knows it will ruffle the evil doers and the Leftist Lame’s feathers. Let us all be thankful there is at least one, let us all stand in line next November and cast our votes for President Trump. If they cheat us out of our voice and vote again we’ll have a decision to make. If they don’t, he’ll make the decisions for us and you can rest assured, those decisions will put America first, you and me first and well, wouldn’t that be the best gift of all. It’s Trump or bust for me. I just pray we still have a country to fight for come 2024.

Got that right!

Y’all have a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. Something tells me we’ll talk again soon and who knows maybe something good will happen by then. #Maybe #Trump2024

I’m Not Playing That Game

Good Saturday afternoon friends! It sure would be nice to finish a week, just one week, where the insanity of our country took a break. This on-going, seemingly never-ending insane train can really wear a person down can’t it? I no sooner finish this weekly rant and before I hit send these awful people running this country into a ditch start up with some more government nonsense. When the time nears where it’s time to rant again my brain is fried, mood has gone from bad to worse setting me up by mid-week to check out for my own self preservation. If you were to track my X posts (still a stupid name) you’d find I am a pretty decent guy at the start of the week. By the time mid-week rolls around my posts end up being reduced to one four letter word always followed with the word you.. I’ll let your imagination decide which word that might be…

Real class act huh… here’s the thing, after only a few days, sometimes minutes, listening to these idiots in Washington, or the repeaters in the news or all the moron Trump haters on social media a normal every day, freedom loving, common sense guy can lose his ever lovin’ mind. So, it’s either take a break or break. If ya know what I mean.

So yeah, “I’m not playing that game. What game you ask, the game of running me all over the place with their latest and greatest fake crisis in the hope that I lose focus on the real crisis. That’s what they do, you know. OMG the House has no speaker! This has never happened in all of history! The House of Representatives is in complete disarray. It’s leaderless! Eight MAGA extreme terrorists have caused an utter disaster to befall upon the people’s house! Just shut the (that four letter word I was talking about earlier) up.

Bring it on huh? LOL oops…

First off, the House has been a complete disaster for years! Certainly during the eight years of the divider-n-chief, you know, Mr. Fundamentally change America, racist, married to the line backer dude. The four years during Trump’s time in office sure as hell was a complete hate America shit show as are these last three years under dirty diaper, broken brain, I never talked to my son about his business, can’t ride a bike, walk up stairs or stop lying, liar-n-stalled chief.

So these “the sky is falling” people can spare me the nonsense.

Who should be the next Speaker? Don’t care, doesn’t matter. Until such time as President Trump is back in the White House it really doesn’t matter because these Republicans without the cover of bold President Trump are weak pukes afraid of their own shadows who spend most of their time hiding under their desks hoping not to be seen or heard of until and after they are re-elected. You know, for their 220th term. As for the eight reps who saw to the kicking to the curb of McCarthy, good for them. I found it hysterical when the talking heads complained the gang of eight had to team up with 200 democrats to oust the Speaker. Idiots, where were they when it took 200 Democrats to pass the stop gap spending bill? As for all the pretend “drain the swamp people” they sure showed us who they are. I’m no genius but, if you truly want to drain the swamp you have to actually start by, well, draining the swamp. One down, many, way too many, more to go. Next!

At the same time it was a week filled with the real President spending his time dealing with what has to be one of the most idiotic Judges on the planet along with one of the most corrupt, filthy attorneys general in the country. Anyone with even a brain the size of a pea can see this is nothing more than election interference all designed to make the President out to be some criminal, in other words, the continuation of the “get Trump” operation. It’s disgusting, it’s wrong, it’s dangerous and somehow, some way has to stop and cannot ever be tolerated.

Judge Engoron of New York City. Talk about the poster child of a Left Wing, Soros owned nut job! Good Lord. Combine this piece of work with that Soros owned Attorney General and you got yourself two bought and paid for commies right here, right now, in America. #FixIt And leave my President the hell alone!

I can’t help it. I get so damn mad watching what this country is doing to President Trump I find it near impossible to breathe sometimes. This is just another reason why I have to walk away from time to time. What they are doing to him is beyond the beyond. The man spends 70 plus years of his life without being charged for anything and the minute he ran for President and every day since all these filthy lying sons-a-bitches make him out to be worse than Al Capone. So freaking ridiculous that any of this bullshit is allowed. And these people who cheer it on… (That four letter word followed by) YOU!

This would be funny if it weren’t for the fact there are actual Americans that are this damn stupid. And that evil witch Hillary thinks we are the ones that need to be deprogrammed? Please…

So again, I’m not playing this game. I don’t care about the House nonsense, Ukraine, these corrupt prosecutors, Judges and Attorneys General. I don’t care about Biden pretending he’s going to build 20 miles of wall, or if they send a million illegals to New York. The idiots on the Left can spew their stupidity all they want, I don’t care.

What I care about is the 2020 election. I want it fixed. None of this bullshit goes away until such time we get our voices back. I will never be able to get over the fact they rigged a U.S. election and worse that nothing was ever done about it. This and this alone is the demise of this country. We wouldn’t be watching the nonsense in Washington, or the flow of illegals crossing into the country, or billions of our tax dollars going to corrupt Ukraine, or broken brain trying to walk, talk, or poop, or any of the other hundred stupid idiotic going-ons in the country right now had they fixed 2020. They don’t like us, they’re out to get us, and the only way to fix it is to stand up, speak up, and get fed up with it all. But, y’all already knew that. It’s the other brainless fools we’ve got to turn around. While they play the destroy America game the rest of us better figure out how to call time out, re-group, and take this country back.

As Forest Gump once said; “And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.” For now, I shall call it quits for this week before I start using that four letter word again.

In the meantime dear friends, y’all enjoy the rest of your weekend and let us all cross our fingers, stand on one foot with a rabbit’s foot in our pocket hoping for a better week ahead.

Let us all keep reminding each other and all the slow thinkers sitting on the fence.
We stand with President Trump. 100%, now and forever. We will not waiver,
will not bend, break nor give up. #Trump2024

That Dog Don’t Hunt

Good Saturday afternoon friends! Where did September go? It’s all one big blur to me and just as the months before it, it was certainly filled with plenty of filth, lies and downright deception, wasn’t it? It’s pretty darn sad when you think about how used to it we’ve become. No matter what these evil morons throw at us we hardly even blink anymore and that’s because they’ve gone so far off the reservation any tiny bit of credibility they might have had has long since been dead and buried by those of us who continue to pay attention. Today, they open their mouths and we close our ears. They paint a picture and we close our eyes. And why not, they do nothing but lie as they continue their attempt to mold the weak minded and mostly clueless public.

While some appear to be waking up, the millions out there who continue to promote this fool in Washington simply have no excuse for their downright stupidity.

So, how about that debate? I didn’t watch it so in fairness I’ll spend little time on it but I heard viewership was dismal. I heard praise for DeSantis because he came out against President Trump which is about the dumbest, albeit predictable, thing ever. All these idiots who are running have zero chance of winning and so what do they do? They go after Trump. You know, the guy with some 80 million loyal (there’s something they know nothing about) supporters. Let’s be real, there is no path to the White House without us evil MAGA people, none. And just to say it, when any of these idiots slam Trump they slam us and that my friends make them no better than these stupid, STUPID Democrats.

I did however (surprise, surprise) watch the President speak to the auto workers and just as he always does, he spoke the truth. Also, like he always does he thinks beyond the obvious and gets to the heart of the problem. He told them they shouldn’t be striking about more pay. They should be striking about losing their jobs due to pudding head mandating all electric vehicles. Everyone on the planet knows that’s right up China’s alley. “Why do these car companies agree to this anyway?” he said. That’s the question I’ve been asking from the start. I reckon the answer lies in the taxpayer grants, just another word for “Payoff.” God forbid these CEOs at the big three tell poopy diapers to fly a kite! As always, the President is completely reasonable when it comes to this electric vehicle sandwich. “People who want to own an electric car should own an electric car. Just as those who want to drive a gas car can own a gas car. People shouldn’t be told what they can and cannot buy. #CommonSense #TheAmericanWay #FreeMarket

The contrast between corrupt old bedwetter spending twelve minutes on the picket line and Trump, on his dime, flying to Michigan in his own plane and spending hours sharing with them what he would do and what they should be concerned about is the difference between a real President and a guy that truly needs the corn cob pulled out of his rear end. One mumbles and bumbles the other speaks clearing and in a manner all can understand. One yells at you and the other yells with you.

The expression on the man’s face represents the way most Americans feel. Well, most American’s with a fully functioning brain anyway.

Now, “That Dog Don’t Hunt”. The corrupt justice system keeps rolling along down their filthy path of lies and one sided politic “in” justice. This week they accused the President of over valuing his assets in order to gain favorable loans. Gee, I bet no developer except Trump ever did that. Then they accused him of devaluing the same assets come tax time. Again, who ever heard of such a thing! Finally, they really drove off the cliff when they announced that Mar-a-largo had a net worth of 18 million dollars. Why you stupid sons-of-bitches. 18 million dollars? Really? You idiots do realize we aren’t all democrats right? We didn’t just fall off the turnip truck…

If you know of anyone who thinks this one of a kind property would sell for 18M dollars my suggestion is that you work to un-know them because they are damn fools.

Mar-a-largo is a National landmark sitting on 17 acres & containing some 60,000 square feet of only the finest materials. Forbes valued the property at a low of $300M and a high of $700M. It has 58 bedrooms, 12 fireplaces and three bomb shelters. Not to mention the pools, tennis courts, spa and a minor thing called “beach front.” 18M dollars… see, these people don’t care how they look or what they say or what they do. They know the majority of idiots we share air with will read the headline, believe it and then get back in line for the next COVID shot…

Needless to say, this one really pissed me off. What these bastards are doing to this man blows my mind and to think he’s fighting this all alone makes me pop an artery. All I can do is throw him a buck now and then, stick up for him at every turn, slam the idiots that side with the most corrupt government on the plant which by the way includes those pieces of work running against him… frustrated much and yeah, that dog won’t hunt. Mar-a-largo is worth twenty times that amount. They know it and we damn well we know it.

I’ll wrap this up for this week. I’ll spend no time talking about Feinstein’s passing. Mom said if I don’t have anything good to say then shut up. Boy how she must be tapping her foot right about now. As for the budget talks, please, theater and I’ve seen the show too many times to even begin to think anyone in DC wants to actually do anything about anything. Leave the border open, keep sending our depleting dollars to Ukraine, watch our police go hand to hand combat with a bunch of robbing thugs in Philadelphia as the idiots on the hill say they care about crime and pretend dumb fuck is our President… Again, that dog don’t hunt. They’re all in it together and this boy’s cup overflows.

To end I’ll share with you the one highlight of my week. I attended the Trump rally in South Carolina this week. My first one and really, there was no way I could pass it up as it was within 10 miles of my home. The traffic was horrible and yet somehow, that put a smile on my face. Not being a big fan of crowds I told myself to get over it, suck it up anyway. After nearly a mile walk to get to the rally, then standing in line for another hour to get in, I found myself a shady spot near one of the buildings. The rally began with a prayer, a PRAYER! This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance! How dare they right! LOL. As for the crowd, wow, just wow! I cannot even begin to express how wonderful it was to be among so many (thousands) of like minded, America loving folks, young and old, black and white, and everything in-between. America was everywhere, on our heads, our shirts, our pants, in our hands and on our minds. It was beautiful. A local gal, a soldier sang God Bless America and I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you a drop or two fell from my eyes. The whole experience was so uplifting for me, so hopeful to see that I’m not the only one supporting this man who’s given his all for this country, a man whose entire life is in peril as he fights with one hand against an all powerful government out to put him away while also connecting with the people to drive home his love of country. Being there is way different than watching it on television. While I knew just about everything he was going to say, it was if I was hearing it for the first time. He made me laugh, he made me mad and as always, he left me proud and hopeful for a better day. He said we have to swamp them at the ballot box, our turn out has to be so strong, so great, we overwhelm them. I hope he’s right, I’ll certainly do my part as I know you will too.

How we turn out more votes to beat fake ballots, cheating counters, and illegal votes is beyond me but if he thinks we can do it, well, what the hell do I have to lose?


One other quick story at the rally. As I was walking to the event an elderly man pushing his walker was slowly making his way to the rally. He had to stop often and sit for a bit to catch his breath but he continued. As folks made their way around him many asked, what appeared to be his daughter, if they needed anything. Isn’t that the true MAGA way. I was beyond impressed to see this man inside the gates, he made it, he wasn’t going to be denied. I share this for two reasons. First, I was so taken back by this mans determination and obvious love of the President. Secondly, let this be a reminder for us all. If this man can bare the heat, line, walking and crowds, so can we.

Should you ever have the opportunity to go to a rally, to lay your eyes on the President and just as important, stand shoulder-n-shoulder with people who get it, who care, who want our country back, I highly recommend it. It was good stuff, America stuff! #MAGA

Okay, enough already! I wish each and every one of you, my friends, a great rest of the weekend and week ahead. Whatever the nonsense will be in October we shall throw stones at it and continue our quest to get the one man, the only man, back at the helm to steer this ship we call America out of these rough seas that we each continue to endure#Trump2024

Why yes, yes we do!

It’s The Election Stupid

Good afternoon friends. Bill Clinton’s famous line, “It’s the economy stupid” like Reagan’s “Trust but verify” are quotes that stand up through the changing times and there is an obvious reason, they contain common sense and truth.

While both quotes hold true today, today “It’s the election stupid” that holds the key to our future. The country’s future. I don’t have to tell you, but without free and fair and secure elections America as we know it is dead and gone. All the things we endure today, “ALL” of them are without question a direct result of the rigged 2020 election. The Left have been honing their election cheating skills for decades. When you combine those skills with the planned pandemic the gates of cheating hell flew wide open, and we’ve suffered ever since.

The amount of pure nonsense, filth really, we endure today is down right mind numbing and it has a way of sucking the life right out of you. The fact is most can’t handle it, so they simply turn it off, hide from it and just pretend none of it exists. While on one hand you can’t blame anyone for that, you do begin to see why these evil doers feel so free to perform their never-ending acts of insanity.

You’d be hard pressed to convince me that most Americans don’t find the situation this government has created with the open border completely out of control, unacceptable and dangerous as hell.

Did you know that over 300,000 illegal crossings occurred just in August? And keep in mind, that is a number that comes from the very people allowing these people to come in. Thus, as you and I well know, the number is likely twice that.

Yet, where is the outrage? We are literally becoming the minority in our own country. It’s happening right before our eyes. The jackass-n-chief is so emboldened he even announced we horrible people of European descent would soon be the minority and he thinks it’s just great. And remember this one single act (open border) is all because of one rigged election.

Fifteen entire states! Mostly military aged men from nearly every country on the earth. Not to worry, I am sure they are the best and brightest from around the world…

Speaking of outrage, just what is it about life under this takeover we shouldn’t be outraged over? The economy? Please… We went from things are getting way better to holy shit, what in the name of bend over and take it all in a matter of one rigged election happened. The National average of gasoline is an eyelash away of being $4. I paid $78 for three bags of groceries yesterday and one of them just had a box of cereal in it. And none had a piece of beef, chicken or fish. These are just small examples of an economy that isn’t getting better, was never planned to get better and with this steady march towards communism it ain’t gonna get better. Unless you’re a banker collecting 17% interest on your plastic this economy down right sucks! So yeah, Bill Clinton it is the economy stupid but, if our vote doesn’t count what say do we have in how the economy is run? I’ll tell you, none!

How about this Ukraine nightmare? Where’s the outrage there? You cannot (well you could but I’d have to throw out the bullshit flag on ya) tell me the majority in this country are in love with our involvement in Ukraine. We are spending money like a fleet of drunken sailors inside a whore house and the house is open 24/7/365, meaning it’s never ending. Our oil reserves are all but gone, our military equipment is dwindling and hell, it took us three days to find an 80-million-dollar F-35 earlier this week. Speaking of and I admit I don’t know squat, why was the autopilot on before the pilot bailed? So that the plane knew where to crash? It was closer back to base where he took off than where it flew after he bailed? I don’t get it… I’m sure some smart ass will explain it to me though. Back to Ukraine, can anyone explain to me how the U.S. rigged an election, no wait, I know how they did that, explain to me though how they managed to install a King instead of a President? I mean they are pretending to fight over a budget in DC right now and according to most on the Left and the Right, as they always do, the world as we know it will come to an end if we don’t give them everything they want and, in the meantime, the installed U.S. King gives GI Sally over there another 300 million dollars? Really? Vets sleeping under bridges, citizens drowning in debt, illegals getting paid more than me on social security and hell, they don’t even have to pay someone else’s student loans like I have to and we’re over there footing the bill for this war that one could argue we started in the first place? Nonsense, dangerous nonsense at that. It gets worse right? We support Ukraine, well, the war machine does. Iran supports Russia. What do we do? Release 5 or 6 billion to Iran for some hostages. Gee, I wonder how they’ll put those billions to use. I’d say “what a clown show” but this is much worse, it’s a (pardon my French, I get it from my evil European descendants) it a cluster fuck. And we’re the ones being… enough Dan, they get the point. “Pun intended”

See the difference? The picture on the top shows the reaction when you set across an America First President who doesn’t buy your bullshit. The one on the bottom displays the look when you are pocketing billions of taxpayer dollars for personal gain.

Then we move over to the Congress side of things and the story doesn’t get any better does it? Don’t let the media, the politicians or the guy next door fool you, these rat bastards are all in it together. They continue to approve nearly everything the “King” asks for and let’s be real, they installed him because they knew he’d do as he is told. As you well know, the squinty eyed, diaper wearing, mumbling moron doesn’t even know he’s alive. They hand him a script, he reads it, takes no questions, falls, gets helped up and walks away. One inch at a time. Rinse and repeat.

And he’s not the only one that has long since passed his prime years is he. When you look at leadership as a whole in Washington you come to the obvious conclusion, we are not a serious country and no one seems to even care.

For those who say we need term limits I agree but again, I’d be happy at this point knowing my vote counted. Please don’t tell me there are enough people in these states that think people like those two or hoodie wearing Fetterman are good for leadership positions in Congress? The whole government is one big cluster filled time bomb if you ask me. None are following their oath of office and you can throw the military leadership into that pail of piss too. Protect and defend my white European ass. I get so pissed off when these idiots are elected and then when (if at all) I calm down I am left wondering if the people really elected them or not. Zero Trust in our elections anymore. ZERO!

And we’ve arrived at the point where anything else I have to say will only be filled with four letter words and spit all over my laptop screen. Translation: Time to stop.

Everything I spoke about today is indeed a direct result of the rigged election just as everything you hear from Washington and on the news is propaganda designed to keep the slow learners in their lane and us listless vessels too afraid to get out in the streets and pitch a Trump style, big league bitch. It’s maddening to say the least.

For going on three years now I’ve not missed a day preaching the importance of fixing 2020 even while knowing it ain’t ever gonna happen. Or if it does it will be too late to correct the wrong and jail the filth. I’ve said a gazillion times, if our vote doesn’t count we have no voice. No voice, no country. You’ve heard me say it right? Well damn it, it’s true and somehow, some way, through whatever means it takes, we by God better figure out how we fix this. We really, really are just one election away from full on get in line for food if we don’t. Never fear though, did you hear they are considering government run grocery stores now? How China of them. Wonder how much those gnat hamburgers will cost? Whoops, jumping back in again. Sorry.

Friends, I don’t know how we get through this mess, but I know one thing for sure, I am awfully glad you’re keeping me company. Without you, there is a good possibility of my going either completely crazy or so far underground you’d have to send one of those moles in my backyard to find me. And if you do, be careful cuz you don’t want to know what I do to moles in my back- yard.

Wishing you all most sincerely a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. Remember no matter how bad things get you always can depend on me, like these phony Rinos, to point them out and do nothing to fix them. Grrrr #Fix2020 Yeah, do that and these blogs will turn into a love fest. 🙂 #ItsTheElectionStupid #FixIt