Deja Vu

Have you ever had that happen? Deja vu where a wave comes over you and you feel like you’ve been there before but you just can’t put your finger on it. You’re not sure when it happened or even where but you can feel it in your tummy and you say to yourself “This has happened before” or “I’ve been here before”. Welcome to Biden’s America. As for not being able to put your finger on it, let me help you. Review the Obama years or Bush Jr. years. That’ll take the guessing out of it for you.

Just seeing the headlines scroll across the television makes my stomach tighten and heightens my disgust. “RETALIATORY U.S. AIRSTRIKES UNDERWAY IN IRAQ AND SYRIA” and I didn’t think an increase in my disgust for the Mush For Brains was possible. Every single week it’s something else. Notice how the idiot-n-chief takes six days to do anything and notice how he doesn’t go near the people who are funding these attacks that are killing our soldiers. Iran, nope. Why, because he and Obama have a love affair with Iran. I mean what else do you call it when they give billions of dollars to a country who hates us? What other conclusion can you come to when they use that money to do the very things (build nuclear plants and kill Americans) these America haters pretend they are so opposed to. Truth is, all this chatter about kicking Omar and Tlaib out of congress and out of the country is well and good, but we’d make more headway kicking Biden and Obama out. They are openly advocating against America and not just as it relates to the Middle East but in every way imaginable.

Utter Bullshit!

Meanwhile the Republicans are going after that dipshit Mayorkas. First, I don’t believe they will do anything to Mayorkas and we all know that he does nothing but carry water for the evil doers. So just what exactly is accomplished by impeaching his filthy, order taking ass? Other than Republicans saying they did something, that’s about it. These idiotic Republicans should be, no, should have, impeached Biden the first year he took office for what he’s allowed at the border. This pretend whack-a-mole game they are playing is pure hogwash. Man, are we on our own or what? There’s you, me and Trump. The rest are among the enemies of the state.

Just look at what has happened and is happening to this country by these useless Republicans refusing to go after Broken Brain, freaking wars breaking out all over the place, an open border allowing military aged men to stroll on in and you know, beat up New York cops, suck up our wealth, kill our kids and sell their own to the highest bidder. Forget about the stinking economy, this mumbling bumbling old man spends most of his time yelling at us awful taxpayers while dragging this country down to the depths of hell.

If all of this filth wasn’t enough we are also being forced to endure bird brain Haley and all of her nonsense. “America doesn’t want another grumpy old man match up” Trump this, Trump that, all while posting how great she is and how much we South Carolinians love her. WRONG!! Trump is going to perhaps have his biggest win yet in South Carolina. You know there is a reason everyone who is someone in this state has endorsed the President. But hey, as long as the Democrats and the status quo Republican Bush/Romney/Chaney crowd keep throwing money at her she is happy to stay in and spend it.

She’s exactly what this country doesn’t need. Another typical politician who is more than happy to tell you what she “thinks” you want to hear. Although, if that were true she’d tell us shes out and apologize for ever going up against the people’s President in the first place.

This woman is so smart, so engaged, so in touch that she spends most of her time completely pissing off 80 million republican voters. In fairness to her, she managed to do that the very day she announced (stabbed the President in the back) she would be running. As I said last week, the only time she gets on my nerves is when she talks.

I suppose you feel the same way that I do. All we really want is for this pre-election shit show to be over with. We want the side shows (the political witch hunts going after the President, send Bird Brain back to her board seat on Boeing and have Broken Brain hauled off in a straight jacket never to be heard from again) to end and to have the rightful President back behind the resolute desk where he will work as he did before and will again to put this country back on a path of greatness, which means strength, wealth, growth, respect, honor, justice, morality and some damn pride in the country among our people again. Yeah, let’s do that.

Okay brothers and sisters the time has once again arrived. I hope each of you know that I do indeed look forward to the day where these rants turn into raves for the good work our newly re-elected President Trump will soon be doing again for us all. Even those idiots that still think the Orange man is somehow the bad guy, one way or another we will take this country back. What choice do we have? God willing and the creek don’t rise right? RIGHT!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead… Remember, that’s easy to do. Just turn off the television, stay off social media and keep tapping your foot waiting for your turn to vote for the people’s President. #Trump2024

Our President, our country and our time. Let’s take it back!

Happy, Sad & Mad

Id bet I could stop writing right now and y’all could fill in the narrative to each of these. I know this is true because of two things. First, by now all of you know me well enough to know where I’m headed and second, you are plugged in, wide awake and laser focused. Which just for the record, cuts about half of this country out of the herd. While they wait for the Government to show up in their electric pick-up and throw them some taxpayer hay, you all are growing your own. Yeppers, you are a bunch of smart folks who rely on yourselves, plan ahead and don’t need the controlled media to tell you when it’s raining.

Let’s get this going shall we?

Happy: That might be an understatement when describing how we felt after seeing the results of the New Hampshire primary. After weeks of being told New Hampshire was Nikki country and after millions being spent by the Democrats this was going to be the big turnaround for her and the nail in our President’s coffin. Nikki’s “this is now a two person race” turned out to be a one person race. Her name was on the ballet but the good folks of NH sent her the same message that Iowa sent and the same message all of America is going to send. The people want Trump and we’re not going to leave any room for any question about it. When you consider how many Democrats voted for her she might as well have been Chris Christie. It wasn’t even close and it never was going to be close. Once again, the media’s failed attempts, well, failed. The America First movement ain’t buying the bullshit any more. What is blowing my mind is that for two primaries in a row now the polls were right. Wow!

After her second loss she again did the “I won” speech and proclaimed she’s on to her beloved South Carolina where she’ll pretend not to be surprised she’s not so loved. Notice how she pretended the Nevada primary doesn’t exist? As long as the Democrats continue to fund her she’ll stay in the race and damn be to the party and the people. After all, it is all about her… I got a kick this week seeing her post videos of talking heads on CNN and Neil Cavuto on Fox. This woman doesn’t know us at all does she? We don’t watch CNN, don’t watch Fox News and we sure as hell don’t listen to Neil “dumbass” Cavuto. Yeah, go Nikki… Living in South Carolina it will take all I have to survive the level of nonsense we will endure these next several weeks until the election and she posts another corresponding ass kicking. Or you know another win in her case. LOL

Never, never, ever. Not for President and NOT for Vice President either.

SAD: For me it was a sad state of affairs when I learned that the Supreme Court had ruled in favor of the treasonous Biden open border pukes. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t and can’t for the life of me understand how they came to that conclusion. In the end I had to write it off like everything else, the court is rigged and filled with political activists. It’s pretty freaking sad when there isn’t one single arm of this three legged Government that we can count on to stand with the Constitution and therefore the people of these Un-United States.

We knew Roberts was useless but this one give me heartburn. How can anyone think leaving the border open is good for the country and safe for the people? And what happen to the protect and defend thing in the Constitution?

I’ve long since given up trying to make sense of how anything or anyone in Government thinks. By all accounts and by way of their action they are out to destroy this country and let there be no confusion, they don’t give a rat’s ass about any of us pitiful peon taxpayers. Their message remains clear. “Pay your taxes and shut the hell up.”

I stand with Texas and damn proud of them for standing their ground. Maybe, just maybe this open border nonsense will be this Nation’s new Alamo. #Charge!

Since when does a state not have a right, not to mention an obligation to protect their borders and more importantly, their people?

The Idiot-n-diapers drew a red line in Texas and just like Obama and his red lines now what? The mumbling, bumbling old fool has backed himself into a lose-lose situation and these damn Republicans better not let him off the hook. As for the Supreme Court, I’m all for following the laws. Maybe they ought to adopt the same philosophy… Lord knows dipshit doesn’t and won’t.

Mad: That’s about all I can say about this Jean “weirdo” Carroll lawsuit. The whole thing has stunk to high heaven from the get go. Funded by Democrat Trump haters, held in that shithole New York where Trump couldn’t get a fair trial if his life depended on it and at this point, it looks like it does. This piece of junk trial and the completely off the rails result are nothing more than a get Trump shit show and it pisses me off beyond words.

They should just put a picture of this freak in the dictionary to describe what the word “filth” looks like.

I found it most interesting the jury found their way to decide this case at the very moment the entire country was screaming about the border, about the Supreme Court’s stupid decision and Texas flipping off the idiot-n-chief. But hey, that’s what they do right? It’s one big ass coordinated toilet flushing shit show.

As the saying goes, this, none of this, is over until the fat lady sings and Trump won’t stop until real justice is served. In the meantime we endure all the filth they throw at him and us. For every evil wrong they throw at him and us a new Trump supporter is born. Anyone walking around that doesn’t know the entire ‘get Trump’ show is a coordinated effort to keep him from becoming President is a part of the problem in this country.

Friends, stay the course, steady the wheel, remain calm and focused and yes, beat the drum of liberty by calling out the lies, shouting out the truth and standing your ground. Remember, this is our damn country and there are a hell of a lot more of us than them. This election coming up may very well be the last one we have if we don’t put a stop to this out of control lawless bunch of thieves.

On to Nevada we go, where we will enjoy another Trump win and then back to South Carolina where, if I don’t explode first, I’ll be casting my vote for Donald Trump and why? Because there is no other choice, he is indeed the ‘only’ one who can save this once great Nation. Besides, I really, really like him. 🙂

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead!!

Do We Dare?

Good afternoon friends! Another week is about to pass us by. It was certainly filled with more of the same. The justice system is still rotten to the core. The Liberals are still hanging on to broken brain despite the complete and utter nightmare he’s caused here at home and around the world. And our President is still working his rear end off despite all that they throw at him. That putrid judge that wouldn’t delay a hearing so the President could attend Melania’s Mother’s funeral service is just another example of the ugliness inside and out of these Leftist Democrats. Seriously, they are filled with ugly, hate. Their soul reeks of filth. Good on the President for going anyway.

I see Fat Fani has got herself in hot water due to her filth, cheating with a married man who she’s paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to go after Trump. As I heard it, the guy is like the used car salesman (no offense to used car salesmen) of attorneys and what does that Fulton County DA do? She hires him to go after the President of the United States. Give me a freaking break. Someone needs to kick her and lover boy to curb. It sounds like the lover boy’s wife is up to the task. Go for it! Good Lord these people make me sick. And throw that stupid witch hunt case out the window!

Then there’s that weirdo woman who claimed Trump assaulted her in a department store. How stupid does a person have to be to believe that freakazoid? Totally believable right? A billionaire who can have about any woman he wants walks into a department store, sees an ugly women in a dressing room and says to himself, “Hey, I’m gonna get me some of that.” The whole thing is stupid. She’s stupid, the judge is stupid and the jury is stupid. It’s just more of the get Trump bullshit and do we dare think the country has had enough of it? Do we? Seems like it, feels like the tide is turning and more and more folks are finally rubbing the filth out of their eyes and seeing all this for what it is, election interference designed to damage Trump and keep him off the ballot. Anyone who doesn’t see that is, well, so stupid they’re still supporting Biden the blundering idiot.

Indeed… What the idiot-n-chief has managed to screw up in three years is stuff morons are made of.

It just boggles the mind to think of all the damage that grumpy old man has been able to get away with in such a short period of time. It has certainly highlighted just how useless Congress is and how much they don’t care about the country or taxpayers. These idiots have funded every single one of the hair sniffer’s programs and even after all the failures and his ability through weakness to re-stir up the Middle East they’re still writing him checks. And I don’t even want to talk about the Republicans. Like Trump always says, they’re all talk and no action. A bunch of lip flapper letter writers is what they are. Maddening.

Another thing I’ve had enough of is this “dictator” narrative that the left and their media pals are pushing. Between the word dictator and democracy I’m about to pop a cork. “Trump said he would be a dictator” “Our democracy won’t survive”… Shut up! To be honest I wouldn’t care what these evil SOBs have to say if it weren’t for the fact the slow learners with their hands out believe all of it. The BS that spews out of these people’s mouths on a daily basis is enough to make a junkyard dog break his chain.

He’ll seek retribution! He better, else I’ll be way disappointed.

The evil goings on over these past six plus years cannot, must not, be allowed to stand. In all of these cases those involved and there are many, must be brought to their knees and have the long arm of the law shoved down their filthy, lying throats. There is no moving on without justice being served.

Yeppers, Trump wins in Iowa and by a lot! And it was delicious!!

Do we dare start believing the people have woken up? I swear I about fell out of my chair. The polls were right! Again, The. Polls. Were. Right. Do we dare start believing in the polls? I’ll be honest, I’m too afraid to but holy molly batman, they showed him in a commanding lead and he finished in a commanding lead. Whoa! That’s a first… I’m so damn proud of the good folks in Iowa I’d buy them all a beer if I could. Well played Iowa, well played.

Of course let’s be clear, Nikki won right? LOL. What in the hell was that? “I can honestly say after tonight this is now a two person race” What? These politicians are something else. She’d have her supporters and the dumbasses who keep funding her believe she won in Iowa. Oh my God, I told you, I’ve said it a hundred times friends, we are surrounded by idiots.

The honest truth is, I actually liked her a lot more until she started talking.

Things got better for her on Friday when Tim Scott announced his support for President Trump. I mean, if she wants everyone to believe she won the race in Iowa after spending a gazillion dollars and taking third place I assume she feels the Tim Scott endorsement for Trump is another win for her. Right? Gotta love a politician. And trust me, that is all she is.

New Hampshire is next and again the polls have him in a commanding lead. Do we dare believe them? New Hampshire where they let Democrats vote in a Republican primary? If he wins that I’ll be tickled pink as they say. And that’s an understatement! What does tickled pink even mean? Whatever, I’ll be a happy camper!

Nothing however, as this race goes anyway, will make me smile more, jump up and down more than watching the President wipe Nikki off the map in South Carolina, my home state. I don’t want to over use the word delicious but YUM! Just the thought of watching the media melt down into a slithering pile of dung is enough to make a grown man cry with glee. And then there’s ole build back better, borders open, three wars, student loan vote buyer himself, between him and his party coming unglued well zippidy do dang dah. I see the chatter about them throwing Michele Obama in the race has picked up. To that I have two things to say. First, who cares and second, she ain’t going to run, she hates the flag and the country. Besides, she’s lazy.

And there you have it friends. We’ve arrived at that point again where it’s time to wrap up this rant for the week. May y’all stay warm, may your teams win this weekend, and may our quest to re-elect President Trump become just a little bit closer this coming week. We’ve got the votes, the energy and momentum. By the grace of God and a fair election, do we dare think we are going to fix this mess? What do we have to lose! Beat that drum of liberty friends, call out the lies and shout out the truth. Remember, this is our country, our time. Winning is the only option. Not Nikki winning, real winning. Maybe even the biggest win ever!

The peoples President

I Don’t Like Feeling This Way

As it relates to government and politics, I suspect I’m not the only one who doesn’t like feeling the way we feel right now. It’s almost as though I’ve been in a constant state of anger all the way back to 2016 when the filth came up with the “Russia, Russia, Russia” hoax. To add insult to injury nothing or no one has been made to pay for that treasonous failed coup. Nope, we are to move on and just forget about it. You know, that was a pretty damn big deal and a whole lot of people, inside and outside this filthy, not to be trusted government ought to be sitting in a prison cell for it. Nikki would call this “drama” I call it “justice.”

Then came the complete fraud impeachments led by some of the most disgusting evil people on planet earth. And once again, none of that bullshit has been made right. The evil doers on the Left accomplished what they set out to accomplish, they made Trump out to be something he’s not or has never been, some kind of evil dictator working to take America down. And boy howdy was the media ever happy to oblige.

We no sooner get past that shit show & we’re/he is greeted with a worldwide pandemic which I’m convinced was nothing more than another planned attack to get rid of the President. Mail in ballots, drop boxes and the rest of the social distancing, mask wearing, vaccine that’s not a vaccine followed by the booster bullshit and once again, mission accomplished. The vast population bought it all hook, line and sinker. Left in its path was a beat up economy, a work from home mentality and a devoid education system that was never anything to brag about in the first place all while individual freedoms and rights were rounded up and put in a tidy little government basket.

Then came the final nail in the coffin, the blankety-blank 2020 election. There’s absolutely no reason for me to tell you how that made me feel because y’all damn well know how it made me feel, the exact same way it made you feel. PISSED OFF! Yeah, all caps!

For me it has to be that Joe “broken brain” Biden won the election and got 81 million votes. This of course followed by the belief that the 2020 election was the most fair and secure election of all.

I don’t like feeling this way, I don’t like that I can’t trust our government, can’t trust the media, have no faith in our justice system, the judges, the prosecutors, DAs, Attorneys General, the FBI, the CIA, Homeland (No) Security, the DOJ, the educators, these woke colleges, these filthy scum sucking politicians in both parties, I don’t even trust our own military brass and maybe the one group that keeps me in a constant state of anger the most are the damn American people who continue to walk around with their (excuse my french) heads up their ass. Good Lord forgive me but, we’ve got some dumb ass people in this country who are lazy as hell and just as happy as can be to flush the American dream down the toilet.

I want to be proud of this country, proud of our people and our institutions, I really do. I want a kick ass media that holds everyone’s feet to fire. I want these people in Washington to follow the constitution, not interpret it. I want us to actually be what we say we are a nation of laws. From all that I see, we are a nation of lawlessness. What in the name of Batman has happened and more importantly why in the name of Superman are we putting up with it. This government has so many of us scared we’ve all but become mute. In what world do we live today where there’s nothing, NOTHING good to report on? We’ve gone from a prosperous nation with no wars, to a broke nation involved in two wars and arguably an eyelash away from another world war. We went from a stable genius to an utter diaper wearing moron. I can’t even say that there is one Congressperson that I trust or one arm of this filthy machine that stands with the people. In many ways it feels like the takeover is a done deal.

I don’t like feeling this way, I truly don’t but… I do and it’s awful.

My friends we’ve got to find our way through this thick fog of outright filth. We all have hope in this next election all while our guts are churning knowing the cheating hasn’t been corrected and the cheaters are still walking free. We are living in a time where trust is a rare bird very difficult to find much less hold on to. Take these primaries for an example. No one wants to believe these polls more than I do. They’ve had our President way ahead of these other ass-hats but I, like everything else nowadays don’t trust them, I never have. I am however down on my knees hoping they’re right this time. If they are, the President should come out a clear and obvious winner. If they aren’t and stupid bird brain wins any of these or back stabber wins then we know, the polls are what they’ve always been, a propaganda tool designed to lead the slow learner in the direction they want. You see, one can think that by showing Trump with big leads the polls are simply designed to get larger turnouts for the traders running against the President. Listen to me, Mr. No Trust in anything anymore. The only thing I know for sure is that no amount of cold or snow will stop a true Trump supporter from voting. We are a rugged group that won’t be held back when it comes to voting for our guy.

I guess that I’ve arrived at that rambling point in my weekly rant. So, the time has come to say goodbye. Somehow, someway, we’ve got to get our guy back at the helm to steer this sinking ship back to the dock where she can be renovated. Yep, only Trump can clean this mess up and put to bed, once and for all, these evil people who have worked so hard to get us in this place we are today. So beat those drums of liberty friends, call out the lies, preach the truth and don’t take no as an answer. It’s Trump or bust to the bitter end. Our country, our time, Take it back and remind everyone that;

Because we do!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends, stay warm and safe! #Trump2024ToSaveAmerica

2024: The Final Stand

It feels that way doesn’t it. So many of us continue to live in perpetual anger with a dose of depression over the 2020 election and the many filth filled events that have followed. Today is January 6th which for millions upon millions of Americans represents the day our evil, corrupt government turned a peaceful protest into a staged ANTIFA/BLM like shit show. We’ve all witnessed hundreds of Trump rallies throughout the entire country with hundreds of thousands attending without any riots, any damage to buildings, no fights, no lawlessness just people showing their support for a man who stood up for them and for their patriotic love of country. To be clear, those folks on January 6th, each and every one of them were true patriots. And no, I’m not talking about the paid fakers.

Suddenly however this communist like government and all their evil players want us to believe these very same folks went to DC with intentions to storm the capitol in some sort of hostile takeover. You know, with their red hats and flags… Sadly, and this only adds to our anger and depression, many Americans have bought this “big lie” just as they believe everything else they are fed by these filthy people in government and the media. These are the people that watch the View, CNN and evidently find a billionaire telling them the government is corrupt more offensive than their broken brain dictator showering with his daughter and stealing their wealth. Not to mention the hundreds of American ideals he’s thrown out the window in the name of power and greed.

It will for those of us who remain awake and refuse to just roll over. Forgetting is not an option for us. And like everything else we endure today, it’s all an ugly product of the stolen election.

God Bless those folks sitting in prison. The country owes them a lot, starting with their freedom. The best way we can help them is by doing everything in our power to get President Trump back in office where he belongs. These folks turned out on January 6, 2020. We by God better do the same in 2024.

As for this big speech given by broken brain, all I can say is “really?” This idiot can’t talk about anything he’s accomplished because it’s all bad. The only thing he can do is spew lies (he’s really good at that) about President Trump and this bullshit about their staged insurrection. As I said, his brain dead supporters buy it and the media is happy to promote it.

Biden yesterday: Today I make this sacred pledge to you. The defense of American democracy will remain the central cause of my presidency. Democracy is on the ballot. Your freedom is on the ballot.

This might very well be the first truth that idiot has ever told because never in my lifetime has the defense of our democracy (republic) been so important, and he’s absolutely right when he says it’s on the ballot. If we don’t take this country back, if they rig (not much of an “if”) this next election again we, my friends, might as well kiss this country goodbye. To see what the country will look like look no further than these past three years and then triple it as all you will hear is “the people have spoken!” “They’ve given us a mandate.” As we talk this very minute thousands of illegals are storming the border, billions of our dollars are being planned for things we don’t want and didn’t ask for. Those we’ve elected have done nothing to combat any of it and instead just the opposite, they’ve funded it all and there is no reason to believe they ever will do anything to help. Oh in this election year you’ll hear more of what they are “going” to do but results will remain void.

Another truthism from the truth teller himself. The truth remains their biggest threat. Let’s make sure we join ‘our’ President and spread it at every opportunity.

You can certainly tell the election year has begun can’t you. The media would have us believe Nikki has all but won. Notice how broken brain didn’t spend two seconds talking about her or DeSantis? Wonder why? When you hear the Democrats want another Trump/Biden match up don’t you believe it for a minute. They fear that man like no other and they should. While they work double time trying to get him off the ballot around the country this piece of work puppet in the White House is trying to sell the country that he is the savior of democracy. Man, you really have to be some kind of stupid to believe that. These evil creeps are all in though. There is no amount of our money they’ll spend to damage Trump and no lengths they will travel to shut our voices down. January 6th was a ploy to put fear in all of us. These lawsuits against the President are designed to paint the President as some evil doer that will bring the end to America as we know it. It is crazy how true that they accuse others for what they actually do. The lies are so transparent to those of us with eyes & ears. The morons who buy all this democracy bullshit are the very same who don’t think anything of a dictator who mandates what kind of car they can buy or what stove they can have. Man oh man we are surrounded by so many lame people in this country. They want the illegals to vote, their all for it and why? I can only assume they want to be told what to do, what to buy, how much to pay. Let us remember, as Nikki said, these people (illegals) aren’t criminals. They’re just families looking for a better life… And let us remember pudding brain says America is about people being who they want to be. I took that as; “if you want to be a girl, be a girl, if you want to be a man, be a man. You know the American dream and stuff… #WeAreANationInDecline

The worst “pretend” President ever. This guy is one filthy, corrupt piece of work.

I am starting to ramble now. That’s always my clue to call an end to my rant. Y’all know how much I appreciate you taking your valuable time to read these and share your comments. I often hear from you thanking me for saying what y’all are thinking. Well, please know, you give me hope in knowing someone out there thinks the same way, and believes in the same things as I. You’ve heard me say we are on our own. It’s true and I personally remain so grateful to be on my own with each of you. Y’all are good, honest folks who care about the truth, you care about justice. You proudly display our flag and like me, you just want to be left alone to enjoy your life, your families and friends. We can get back there but boy howdy do we have our work cut out for us. I think it’s worth it though and I know you do too. So my friends I’ll finish as I almost always do by saying; call out the lies, spread the truth and keep fighting for our country, for our President. Beat that drum of liberty and don’t stop! Never give up, never give in. This is our country, our time and by the good grace of God we’re gonna take it back. #Trump2024 he’s our only choice, our only hope, our pathway to that very liberty we all desperately want back.

By the way, another good thing about Trump, he doesn’t yell at us and call us terrorists. I kinda like that in a President, don’t you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends!

A Year To Forget

Good Saturday afternoon friends! I can’t speak for anyone else but personally, I am more than happy to say goodbye to 2023. I’ve spent most of my life working hard to remember the good in my life and letting the bad go. In fact, I work extra hard at simply erasing it from my memory.

While there is plenty to be learned about the bad things we experience in our lives, holding on to them isn’t a healthy way to move forward. Learn what you can so as not to repeat and then move on to better times. Saying this is way easier than actually doing it… Boy is it ever.

When it comes to this dreadful year, at least from a political, governmental standpoint, forgetting the evil dealings we’ve all been made to endure is nearly impossible. The whole idea of forgive and forget just isn’t happening, not for me any-who. This, by the way, is exactly what every politician in our country would like us to do. Bird Brain Nikki touts that her administration would be drama free. And now you know why Trump labeled her a bird brain. DeSanctimonious claims the 2020 election wasn’t rigged, Trump simply lost. And now you know why his numbers are in a dead heat with the Michelin man. Remember, these are the two top tier republican politicians who are asking for our votes. When I hear them speak it’s like revisiting the days of Bush or McCain or Romney. A lot of lip flapping without an ounce of confidence they would or even could produce the results we need in this country. Some would say “I’ll take Haley or DeSantis over Biden any day” which is certainly true but we’ve long since moved beyond the whole idea of “hold your nose and vote” haven’t we. That is the very philosophy that has given us all of the useless, backstabbing politial ilk we see today in Congress. No, we don’t do that anymore. Today we vote for the person we best feel will do what he or she says they’ll do and that starts with America First and you’re auto disqualified if you deny the election was rigged or that the J-6 was an insurrection and sure as hell don’t get any points if your are of the belief the vaccine was, well, a vaccine.

I hope and pray the people in this country understand just how much trouble we are in, another subject which I have little confidence in. The depth of filth and destruction we are witnessing is beyond my ability to express. Needless to say, this is a complete takeover by the greedy, evil, world power money changers who are bound and determined to put an end to American greatness, American wealth and the American way of life. They are working double time to bring us down to the level of just another ordinary piss poor, down on our knees country filled with people who have their hands out begging for food and water. I sound extreme don’t I? I suppose this is what happens when you sit back and watch all that has come before us over this past year and those since we lost our voice in 2020.

What this ass-puppet has been allowed to do to this country simply cannot be allowed to stand. It simply cannot. America as we know it cannot be recaptured and preserved without justice being served.

One of the reasons I’ve never really taken the House seriously when it comes to their threat of impeaching this broken down old pudding for brains liar-and-thief is because they’ve slow rolled the whole thing but mostly because they are pretending to go after the hardest thing to prove. I have zero doubt that he used his name to sell us down the river while enriching himself. That’s easy to believe but hard to prove, especially when he has the entire justice system in his pocket throwing up roadblocks at every turn. If the Republicans were sincere, and if they truly cared about the country and us, they should have already impeached him for his unwillingness to protect and defend us. You know, the whole constitutionally responsible stuff he swore an oath (what a joke that is) to do.

The American people as a whole don’t have the brain power or willpower to “follow the money” but they sure as hell can see what’s going on at our borders. What borders? This act alone should have sent this senile old fool walking long ago. It’s all a part of the plan though isn’t it? Steal our wealth, remove affordable energy, shoot us up with a vaccine that’s not a vaccine and then replace us with illegals from every corner of the globe who will gladly bow before them and why not? You and I don’t get free anything, certainly not housing, education or healthcare. If allowing this invasion is not an impeachable offense then no such offense exists.

While our so-called justice system protects this idiot they work just as hard or harder going after the only man we the people can trust. It’s insane and damn maddening too.

Amazing isn’t the word that comes to my mind… but then again, I can be a potty mouth can’t I…

The Left has all their operatives in a full scale swing to get their messaging out in the world don’t they? States threatening to take or actually taking Trump off the ballot are all using the planned talking point. He caused an insurrection. Yep, he and all of us were going to take on the government with our flags and red hats. The whole thing is so ridiculous and the only thing that makes it more ridiculous is the stupid, STUPID people who believe it. It angers me beyond your imagination. You know, assuming you have an imagination. LOL

All these Hollywood people threatening to leave the country if Trump gets re-elected and now even everyday Democrat voters. Golly, don’t leave… seriously?

Take your masks, vaccines, 32 genders and your precious whittle feelings and leave! No one cares.

I’ve had my fill of these Liberal morons. At this point I’m willing to take my chances with the illegals. Seriously, for every illegal allowed to enter the country can we at least deport a liberal. What the hell do we have to lose? And for the record, the liberals don’t speak English either so don’t let that be your argument. Boys can be girls, I shouldn’t have to pay off the loan I took out, the people robbing the stores are just hungry, our biggest threat is climate change, the economy is great, Biden has brought dignity back to the White House, Trump is a racist, we must pass it to see whats in it, you want your doctor you can keep your doctor, I never spoke to my son about his business dealings, the border is not open, gays for Palatine, say what? Men can have babies… it’s never ending. These people are insane and a negative force on society not to mention they have the morals of the devil himself. Or I guess “herself”, what’s the difference right? Idiots.

So there is little to be thankful for when it comes to 2023. Surely, if history is written truthfully, this year will go down as one of the worst ever, a year where everything in our lives was turned upside down and inside out. A year where we actually had to fight not to allow kids to be transitioned into a different gender without parent’s approval no less. As if that would somehow make it okay… A year where billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars were just handed over to other countries, no questions asked and no receipts either. A year where suddenly gas stoves are the problem and sending illegals to sanctuary states was unconscionable. Huh? A year where the woman of the year is a man and buying Advil requires an ID and someone to unlock the door to hand you a bottle. A year where a guy with fake boobs is showing them off on the white house lawn, during Easter no less. The list of ilk is quite honestly too long to name. Right here, right now, in America. It’s disgusting. It’s unacceptable and it by God cannot be allowed to continue.

2024 is going to be a year of all years my friends. The level of filth is going to heat up. As if it’s not already at a boiling point. It will take all we have to remain in this fight, keep our eye on the prize and forgo all the other nonsense thrown our way. President Trump has so many fires he’s being made to fight, let’s make sure we aren’t among them. Let us stand up for him at every turn. Denounce the idiots, call out their lies and keep pounding the drum of truth, liberty and the American way. You’ll have to dig deep to find and remember what the American way is as these people, the politicians and the state run media has all but erased what that means and what that was just a few short years ago. We cannot “Make America Great Again” without Trump. So pull up those trousers folks, put your gloves on, wear a hard hat and waders because we are in the fight of our lives. Look out for each other too because we need you all. We need you, you and you! To get this job done. If they rig the election again, and I don’t see why they won’t, we better have prepared ourselves for what may follow. Personally, I hope it’s all out hell because it seems these people will have it no other way. We will flood the voting booths as the President has asked but, we did that in 2020 and look at us now. We can only do so much and then we’ll have to decide what’s next. Hope, pray, beg, borrow and steal whatever it takes to get our man back. It’s that important.

I’ll stop now by wishing y’all a most sincere Happy New Year and tell you to enjoy the countdown because what comes after that ain’t gonna be no walk in the park. Which by the way, don’t do that alone at night… We’ll get through this mess my friends, what choice do we have? 2024 is all about TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP. Without him the picture is dim. Stand up and speak up otherwise they evil doers will make you shut up. Forget walk softly and carry a big stick, it’s time to stomp loudly and carry two sticks!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends as we bring in the new year. Our country, our time. God Bless the USA, President Trump and each one of you. #UnitedWeMustStand

You Know I would If I Could

Good Saturday afternoon friends! With just a few more days until Christmas I’ve got to tell you, I’m having a hard time ranting. Not because there isn’t anything to rant about, good Lord, will that time ever come? No, it’s not that, it just doesn’t feel right in my tummy to spew such negativity during the one time of the year where only joy should be shared.

Having said that, trying to find joy during these troubling times is a tough nut to crack. There’s nothing I can think of more that would give us all the joy we seek than to report President Trump has been vindicated and “you know I would if I could.” I am certain if I could change the results of the 2020 election so that it was honest and all our votes had counted it would bring a smile to each of you and “you know I would if I could.” If I could lock up all the evil doers who have done us all so wrong, “You know I would if I could.” If I could bring back all the lives that have been lost over these past several years, those lost due the virus launched upon us, the kid’s deaths from fentanyl and school shootings because our government won’t protect them like they protect themselves, the 13 soldiers lost out of an incompetent disaster of an evacuation in Afganistan, poor Ashley Babbitt and officer Dorn trying to protect a friends pawn shop and so, so many more. You know I would if I could.

If I could wave a wand and close our borders, deport all the illegals and jail the human traffickers surely “you know I would if I could.”

If I had the ability to instill simple common sense among our fellow Americans who either refuse to open their eyes or sadly are just too far down the government rabbit hole to care about the truth, too willing to believe their own eye’s, or feel the rumbling in their stomachs when they are being lied to. You know I would if I could.

How simple is this to understand? Yet it’s lost on so many. How sad.

I know for a fact that each of you know that the so called “Bidenomics” scam is nothing more than a gimmick, nothing more than a money laundering scheme to enrich the Washington thieves. While the liars push it as being some great accomplishment designed for the betterment of the American people, you and I know it’s none of that. We don’t see it. We don’t feel it and therefore we don’t believe it. There is no new bridge, the roads still have pot holes in them, the airports are a nightmare and the trains can’t seem to stay on their tracks.

I’d change all of that and you know I would if I could

If I could stop the funding in Ukraine I would, if I could deliver peace in the Middle East, or stop the threats from around the globe I darn well would. If I could fire all the Leftist Judges I would, if I could make us energy independent again I most certainly would. If I could erase all of the disgusting Biden executive orders it would have been done long ago. If I could remove wokeness from our daily consumption, stop all the gender nonsense, make education, well, educational I would. If could re-erect all our statues or make our cities safe, if I could put our vets ahead of everyone else, or protect the unborn I would.

The simple truth is, during this season of joy and thankfulness we can have all of this and so much more. We can actually make America great again and not just in words but in reality. All we need to do is get our President back in office. That’s our only job. I’d do it all by myself and “you know I would if I could.” But;

Let us all rally behind the one man who has rallied for us. The One who was cheated, the one who is being prosecuted over made up crimes, the one that we watched with our own eyes make our lives better. Lets all 1o0 million of us at a time rally behind Donald John Trump.

Well there you go friends. How was that for a non-rant? LOL There is no possible way for me to more sincerely express my hope for you to have one amazing Christmas. If you have a roof over your head and a heater that works and food to eat and a family that loves you, you my friend are blessed. Have a very Merry Christmas and no opening presents early! No peeking either. Santa is watching. By the way, did you know all the reindeer were female? No wonder Santa never gets lost.

It All Boils Down To This

Good Saturday afternoon friends! It feels like the weeks are in overdrive to me as it was only the other day I was sitting in front of this screen trying to think about what I would say to y’all. As you might well have figured out, I don’t have a staff feeding me articles or telling me what the American people want to hear or filling my in-box with me latest trends. I know darn well you figured out I’m not the most educated feller. Well, unless y’all are kind enough to give me credits for walking down life’s winding roads the last, almost seventy years. Good or bad, I did learn a few things along the way. Big things too like how to be kind, respectful, work hard, be faithful, dependable and the value of honesty. Heck, somehow I even managed to figure out the difference between a man and woman and even better yet, and all on my own no less, I learned that’s all there is, “a” man and “a” woman. Don’t be trying to feed me anything in-between, that’s nonsense. In some ways I reckon you could consider me a regular genius. I mean, I’m no pretend President or anything but I know enough not to shower with my daughter and you ain’t going to find no video tape or diary showing me running down the hall naked trying to pull my damn dogs tail either. Nope, I’m just the guy around the corner that feels the need to release his penned up frustrations with this evil empire we are forced to fund. With me, it all boils down to this, I’m your friend and I’ll stand alongside you for as long as takes. To the bitter end some might say…

When it comes to boiling down the honest state of affairs in this country we can agree we aren’t gonna find those at Harvard and we’re certainly not going to get a correct understanding listening to these politicians and then of course there’s the script readers in the media. Nope, not gonna get them to boil down the facts for us either. Let’s face it, we have arrived at a moment in time (my Kami impression) in this country where you better be able to read between the lines, look under the covers and wear hip boots if you are going to get to the truth of any matter.

Take these Republicans for an example. What exactly have they “done” that they said they would do? Anyone? Not a doggone thing. That bunch gets an A+ for lip service and a flat out F for accomplishments. Unless you consider a yearlong “inquiry” to be an accomplishment these ass-hat cowards can’t seem to get out of their own way. Talk about tripping all over yourselves. These “pet rock salesmen” ass-hats have funded everything that’s come before them including this latest stamp of approval allowing the government to continue spying on us.

I don’t know about you but, I only trust the guy with the beard and the Christy like belly.

They worked with the Democrats to fund the new FBI building. They’ve put their stamp of approval on the billions we’ve sent to Ukraine, the DOJ has all the money they need to keep that border wide open and buses and airplanes running all over the country finding a home for the illegals. ATM cards and free hotel rooms to boot! FISA court is up and running as smooth as a porcupines butt, all these Leftist mind stealing educational institutions continue to receive their annual contributions. Even good ole John Kerry, you know, the guy nobody voted for, the one flying all over hell’s creation spewing climate lies got his billions and I reckon ole Joe’s mattress is nice and clumpy too.

When it comes to the Republicans it all boils down to this; I’ll say anything you want just as long as I get re-elected. Too bad they don’t at least have the courage to say it out loud. “Boo”

And then there are the Democrats or as I often find myself referring to as “the evil Left” – “the evil doers” – “the filth” – “the liars” – “the thieves” or my favorite (watch for my extensive vocabulary to get in now) “the sons-a-bitches.” The only things I can give them credit for is their openness. Unlike the Republicans, these SOBs are so empowered they don’t even bother to hide their dirty agenda. Nope, they’ve got no problem coming right out and telling you they hate America and guess what, they hate you too. Feelings mutual wouldn’t you agree?

Pictured above is our President but don’t be confused, that might as well be me or you…

Now when it comes to the Democrats it all boils down to this; “Pay your taxes and shut the hell up or else…” Or else=the entire weight of the Federal Government will knock down your door and haul your little American loving, flag waving ass off to the gallows. And don’t forget, as you rot in that dark, cold hole, the media will do one of two things, 1. Praise the Government for doing it or 2. Silence, not a peep. I reckon it will depend on what color you are and if you ever posted anything radical like #Trump2024 or worse #TrumpWon.

Many are screaming “don’t let them turn us into a communist state!” The uneducated me is screaming “they already have!”

I’ll wrap up this rant thing by talking just a little about the loving father of the poor, poor, pitiful me, my life has been so hard, son Hunter. Broken brain doesn’t love his son nor does he give a rat pellet care what happens to him. That pretend tough guy, pretend President, pretend blue collar good ole boy from Scranton, you know, the one who paid three million for “one” of his beach side homes in cash, the guy with three alias names (nothing weird about that), the guy who pointed his finger in your face and said he’s never discussed anything with Hunter.

And in the end it will all boil down to a pardon. Not because he loves his son but because he loves his 10%

It’s been a fun ride, all this Hunter BS. First the laptop wasn’t real and then it was. Then it was Hunter didn’t have any business ties with Ukraine or China or Russia and then this week he himself told us he did. The best and most predictable of it all was his blaming Trump for all his ills. “The President keeps saying where’s Hunter,” yeah, that’s why he’s a crack head, pedophile, filthy creep on two feet. When it comes to Hunter, it all boils down to his abusive, filthy, lying, cheating, selfish father. If the guy wants to blame someone, that’s who he should be pointing his finger at. Not Trump, not the Republicans or all us extreme MAGA’s. All that is wrong in that family begins and ends with blue collar Joe. Let it be said, let it be written, let it be so.

Alright friends, enough is enough! I hope y’all enjoy what’s left of your weekend. Let us all get the rest we need when we need it and then jump right back into the fire to fight for our rights, for our real President, for our kids and their kids too! Let us always remember, this is our damn country and we ought to take it back. #Trump2024ToSaveAmerica otherwise, we’re gonna have to save it ourselves & that won’t be pretty. Talk to y’all next week.

It’s At Least Good To See

Good Saturday afternoon friends! Yeppers, it’s good to see that some of the filth are peaking their ugly heads up out of the hole enough to be exposed for who they really are.

While most of us didn’t learn a damn thing this week we did enjoy watching a few of the real deplorables get some air time as they were exposed for who they really are.

The Hunter indictment that popped up out of nowhere on Friday was delicious not because anything about it was surprising but because it actually happened. The first thing that went through my mind was, why? Why all of a sudden did this indictment show up? Was it due to the up-coming, behind closed doors Hunter congressional hearing? Is it the Left eating the Left? Meaning are the Democrats finally done with Broken Brain so they are going all in on Hunter so they have a reason (like there aren’t a hundred of them) to send him to a retirement home and run some other scumbag (coughing – Newsome) they have waiting in the pits of hell? Who knows and really, who cares. It’s at least good to see the slime ball gets some well deserved air time.

I guess we aren’t the only ones going through tough times under Broken Brain. The filth industry must be missing all that Hunter revenue.

Another delightful (good to see) thing this week was watching those three Leftist liberal college presidents get exposed. What a shame to see the famous & respected (by who?) MIT, Penn and Harvard institutions being exposed for who they really are? Anti-Semitic, leftist whores who stand for everything that is bad about our so called higher learning institutes. What leaves my mouth watering is to see some of their big donors threatening to pull millions in donations if the pukes aren’t fired. Good on them.

If I were still in business today and about to conduct interviews for one of our management positions it would sound a lot like this;

Me calling my scheduler: I’m going through these applicants and see you’ve scheduled two with Harvard degrees, one from Penn and one from MIT. Are you out of your friggin’ mind? Cancel these ASAP and get me some applicants that actually have an idea of how the world works. You know, someone who can find the dipstick not be it.

Seriously though, with few exceptions I am sure, these kids spending all that money to attend these big name expensive colleges come out dumber than when they entered. I guess I should have said; these kids spending all “our” money to attend…

Finally there was the Republican debate this week. Having not watched any of them, the wife and I thought, what the heck, if just for giggles let’s see what these four people all running for last place are saying. I am here to report our decision was not of sound mind as we both ended up yelling at the television for the ten or so minutes we lasted. There were a few things I enjoyed though. One was that donut boy was given about 3.2 minutes of air time which was 3.2 more than he deserved and hearing Vivek call out Bird Brain (Nikki) for the RINO she is was quiet enjoyable. I also appreciated him proclaiming January 6th as an inside job and acknowledging the 2020 election was rigged. As you know, acknowledging both publicly is a rare thing to see and hear so kudos to him for that.

No? Then why all the chirping?

What really caused me to jump up out of my chair was during Haley’s closing statement when she said as President there would be no drama, no vendettas and no whining, clearly sending the message that she would not be like President Trump.

That little statement of hers says a lot, A LOT! It is further proof that she is indeed just another political, deep state, status quo politician. The no drama is what they all wish for, the no vendettas is precisely what they all fear and what she refers to as whining is really Trump refusing to allow the filth to go on without being exposed. There’s nothing more the DC government crowd wants than for everything and everyone to just settle down, just accept the 2020 election, just accept the lies, the government corruption, the fake news, the wrongful prosecution of the President & the wrongful prosecution of January 6th. They want us all to pretend none of it happened. It’s all good in love and war right? WRONG!

This Government wants NOTHING to do with the truth. In fact, in the world in which we live today, it’s no longer “the truth shall set you free” It’s “The truth will get your ass locked up.” It’s disgusting.

So for me it was a week where it was at least good to see some of the slime be exposed, albeit on a small scale. Why the stupid RNC would host a debate on a small little network that most of the population doesn’t even know about much less have the ability to find is beyond me. But then again, they keep fake lips on the payroll so that alone tells you how bright they are.

Having said that, the week was same song second verse. Broken Brain touting what a great economy we have, the FBI denying everything put before them and some loon shooting up a school so the other loons can blame it on guns. This on-going shit storm is getting old and that, my friends is an understatement.

My Response: WhateverAll I asked for was coal.

Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. As we inch closer and closer to Christmas I hope y’all realize at the end of it all, it’s your family, your friends and your health that matter the most. Life is short. Let us be reminded of that as we go through each new day. Find your smile and feel free to spread it around my friends, a laugh here and there, with a hug or two thrown in for good measure. Oh and tell that ding dong liberal next door to, well, stop being a ding dong! 🙂

I Was Just Thinking

Good afternoon friends. It’s hard to believe it is December. Where did the year go? It has been one big ugly blur as far as I’m concerned. As I was thinking about the rant today, I spent some time attempting to come up with some positive things that we experienced this year, key word “attempting.” If y’all have some (positive things) please let me know what they are because I’ve got nothing. How sad is that?

Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of positives when I focus on my inner circle, my family and friends. The birthdays, holiday gatherings, visiting new sights, playing with the grandkids, bantering on the golf course, on X with some of you close friends and even playing with the doggo in the backyard. All brought a smile and a sense of good feelings throughout the year. Surely, as you look back over the year y’all can relate.

I was just thinking how good life could be if it weren’t for the fact we have this evil empire to put up with. These rat bastards have a real knack for keeping us in a never ending state of pissed-offness. These folks on the Left who tout all the good things this broken brain old man has done aren’t really participating in real life are they? Nope, instead they are towing the evil empire line gladly repeating the lies and doing so while they themselves wallow in the filth, struggle to pay their bills, lock their doors and take a pass on a midnight stroll down main street. There appears to be no end to their ability to hear no evil, see no evil or speak no evil. Well, except when talking about those red hat white supremacist people… you know, the ones on the listless vessel. Or as I like to describe them, those people who have their eyes and ears wide open and do what they can each and every day to speak the truth. They call them MAGOTS, I call them patriots.

This week has been no different than every week before it for the last three years. Seriously though, what exactly is the good news this week? Is it that the January 6th communist committee videos have vanished?

Do you know there are actual Americans who believe what these hate Trump/Hate America lying pukes had to say about our President? It’s true and it’s disgusting. I wouldn’t care what they think if it weren’t for the fact they get to vote… PS: I know whoever did this meme misspelled Trial. Like I’ve never done that right? lol

Gee, I wonder why they would destroy all that testimony. Surely they want the people to see President Trump’s guilt right? Well, not exactly, they destroyed the videos for the opposite reason, they didn’t want the people to see that their committee was a one sided shit show that proved the President didn’t do anything wrong. They’ve accomplished their goal though, they got their headline and that’s all the sheep will remember and stupidly believe. As for the listless vessels, all we remember is the President saying “I know you will be going over to the capitol to peacefully and patriotically make your voice heard” #Peacefully. You see, we actually heard him say that, most of us watched him say that so we don’t need the media or the evil spinsters telling us what to think or what to believe. If the idiots on the Left spent two minutes away from CNN maybe they’d know the truth too.

Dicky Dumbass Durbin stopped the release of Epstein’s flight logs. How about that? Is that good news? Whatcha think, why wouldn’t he want the American people to see who took trips to filth island? We know why, don’t we? I bet we’d fall out of our chairs if we were to learn who all the big wig filth masters are. Hell, who’s kidding who, the only way that log would be released is if Trump’s name was on it and if that were the case, it would have been released years ago. These people are beyond disgusting. They need to be weeded out and removed.

Still in search of the good news… but hey, at least they kicked that weirdo George Santos out of congress! That’s good news. Right? I mean sure the slim majority the Republicans already have becomes even slimmer now but hey look at the bright side, that filth, communist New York Governor Kathy “woo I can’t stand her” Hochul gets to appoint his replacement. Certainly she will do the right thing and appoint another republican right? LOL Pretty amazing when you think about this nobody getting thrown out the door while the likes of Schiff, Swalwell, Menendez, Waters, Omar, Tlaib, Mayorkas, Pelosi and Broken Brain to just mention a few get to keep their jobs… it is unconscionable that we have a guy pretending to be President absolutely ruining this country and putting all of us in grave danger yet the Republicans focus in on some dumbass that doesn’t make a difference to anyone or anything. Idiots!

And the search goes on… These awful people pretending to be serving justice for the people in New York including that moron leftist, Soros owned judge with the Trump hating wife who put a gag order on the President only to have it over ruled and now put back on… what a clown show that whole thing has been.

This meme might very well be the only good thing to come out of this week! #LoveIt

I know I’ve harped on these court hearings over and over and I apologize for it but they make me crazy. When I think about what they are putting our President through it makes me want to open a can of whoopass on all these scum sucking SOBs. It’s awful. It’s wrong. It’s completely unacceptable.

By all accounts it appears to me that about the only “good” thing I can think of this week was Musk telling these woke, climate, Hamas loving, American hating companies to F-off. It must be nice to have FU money! LOL

Much, much bigger!

While I wasn’t able to come up with anything positive to report I will on the other hand keep my eyes focused on winning the war. There must come a time when true justice is served and as the picture states, the list of evil doers will be huge but, between you and mean, I doubt it will be at all surprising. The evil Left and their pals in the media have been pushing the lie that Trump, if re-elected will throw everyone into detention camps. While the trained seals find this idea horrifying and even worse, true, those of us floating on our vessel can’t wait to see all these people who played their roles in undermining our President and our country face a true and honest justice. May they each get what they deserve and may it be painful. I don’t care what side of the aisle they’re on, what color they are nor what sex they claim. Let justice be blind, swift and unforgiving.

And that’s all I’ve got to say for this week my friends. I didn’t bother discussing the DeSantis/Newsom debate, if that’s what you want to call it. They got 10 minutes of my time and its 10 minutes I’ll never get back. DeSantis did fine. I mean a monkey could have won that debate against that filthy idiot. Short of Biden himself, who else has such a horrid record? Trump would have wiped the floor with that commie and that I would have paid to watch! I do like to be entertained you know. LOL

Have a good week ahead friends, we are on a fast pace to Christmas now. As you’re out in the mess of the holiday season remember to be kind to those having to put up with all the crazies out there. A bottle of water to the UPS worker, a thank you and a “hang in there” now and then to the cashiers goes a long ways. If they’re grumpy remember it could be worse, you could be them. Finally, be safe, be aware and in case you are wondering, all I want for Christmas is justice.