Whew, we dodged a bullet America

I decided I would find a quiet corner and ponder over the ups and downs of 2017. There were certainly plenty of them. Of course how one looks at these are completely dependent upon what side of the political fence you sit.

After much thought, I can’t decide if I am more thankful for Trump’s victory or Hillary’s loss. There would have been vast differences depending on who won. I really think America dodged a bullet. Like so many Americans, I was certain Hillary would win. My faith in our electoral system has been restored. I was convinced that the election was rigged. Of course the left, once Hillary lost still thinks the election was rigged. The Russians elected our President you know…

When I say America dodged a bullet, what I mean is that if Hillary had won, in my humble opinion, America would have suffered a huge blow. After eight years of Obama, I don’t know if we would have ever fully recovered from a Hillary administration. Think about where we would be right now with a HRC administration. Don’t think about it too long, it’s scary.

It actually isn’t hard to see where we would be.  Just picture Obama 2.0. She and the Dems would have rushed in to save us all from Obamacare by moving to single payer. After all, that has been their plan from day one. They knew damn well Obamacare was a loser. They knew costs would get out of control. We’d also have a stacked “left leaning” deck on the Supreme Court and that might be the scariest thought of all.

Obama did an unbelievable job of moving the country further away from the constitution.  Hillary would have doubled down. We would still be funding the rest of the world via the Paris Climate Accord. There would be no Keystone pipeline, no drilling in Alaska and we would still be stuck in the mud at two or three percent growth. North Korea would be given a few billion dollars after promising to dismantle their nuke program and then, like Iran, proceed as they always have. ISIS would have gained even more ground causing death and destruction in their path. There would be no tax cuts but instead tax increases after she decided who would be winners and who would be losers of course. The UN would continue to set policy for us.  Regarding the Russian corruption charges; the American public would have never heard another word about that.  Mr. Comey would still be running the FBI making certain that any questionable acts performed by Hillary and Obama would have been swept under the rug. The Clinton Foundation would be raking in more money than ever.  The open border policy under Obama would remain in full operation and sanctuary cities would be the sparkle in Hillary’s eyes. The men and women in blue protecting us would still be treated poorly, and our vets would still be waiting in line.

Thankfully, none of this happened. We have a balanced Supreme Court, thank God! President Trump is keeping his promises.  The economy is breaking records, we’ve seen continued growth, and consumer confidence is high. In one year, under President Trump’s leadership ISIS occupies 95% less ground. President Trump did, in one year what Obama couldn’t do in eight. Why? He surrounded himself with great generals and then he did what any good leader would do, he let them do what they do best, win. He saved enough money getting us out of the Paris Accord to build the wall! Illegal border crossings are at an all-time low. Sanctuary cities are on notice to follow federal immigration law or lose federal grants. He has placed heavier sanctions on North Korea than any President before him. He’s had two 100% approval votes out of the Security Council with both Russia and China voting with the US. This almost never happens, if ever. He has successfully cut our taxes and yes, even for the poor and the middle class. He stopped allowing just anyone to come to our country with the travel ban. He really is putting America first. Finally, he has exposed the left wing media for what they are, puppets of the left. While the list contains far more ups than downs, I will leave it here. I think we did indeed dodge a bullet and I for one, am very thankful.

Happy New Year everyone. Let’s make 2018 a great, great year.

That was some week huh?

Taxes, Mueller, the FBI, Roy Moore and more records broken in the stock market. Oh, and a lawyer attempting to pay-off women to accuse the President of sexual misconduct.

These are just a few things that made for a fun filled week in the news.

First, taxes. You have to love the Dems. They were on television slamming the Republicans because the GOP didn’t include the Dems in the tax discussions. These are the very people whose leadership refused to attend a meeting with the two Republican leaders and the President regarding, you guessed it, taxes. You can’t make this stuff up. You (the Dems) have a seat at the table, with name plates, no less and what do you do? You don’t show up. How do people like you get elected in the first place?

If the new tax law didn’t change anything except removing the individual mandate I would have been happy with it. Note to Washington; “don’t you ever tell me again what I must buy and from whom I must buy it”. While the left wing media and congress spew all their hatred for the bill I would simply say that any tax cut is a good tax cut. Nearly every dollar sent to Washington is a dollar wasted. The only exception to that would be dollars for the military. It is crucial we remain at the top of the heap when it comes to protecting ourselves.

Second, Mueller & the FBI. Well what a week it has been with the Mueller investigation. We always knew that his team was stacked with Democrats and Hillary/Obama supporters but, we didn’t know just how stacked, did we?

The senior FBI agent and his wife, who worked for the company who produced the dossier against Trump are something else. The agent alone was going to take matters into his own hands, should Hillary lose. Then there is Comey.  He takes the advice of this super FBI agent and changes his talking points regarding Hillary and her private server. So Comey worked to rig the election and protect Hillary.  I’m sure she was someone he was certain would be his new boss. Wrong! This whole investigation is falling apart at the seams but the Dems don’t give up easily, do they? That’s ok though, they are using their old play book as their backup in case the investigation doesn’t work out in their favor. Yes, if all else fails, fall back to the made up “war on women.”  Only problem with that is that more Dems are being exposed than Republicans for their mistreatment of women. That’s ok too because they still have their final playing card and this is their holy grail. The race card! It is so amazing to me how they can tout these things with a straight face. Their last leader was the biggest racist of all time. He did more to harm race relations than anyone before him over the past 50 years. He actually made people who weren’t racist, racist.

Third, Roy Moore.  Roy Moore lost the election and the left is trying to sell this loss as a road map for the 2018 mid-terms. They’re right.  All they have to do is accuse every republican who is running in 2018 of child molesting and ta da! They will win. Great strategy.

Last, Lisa Bloom .  Ms. Bloom attempted to pay-off the women who accused the president of sexual misconduct.  Isn’t Ms. Bloom Gloria Allred’s daughter? Need I go on? She’s a scum bag just like her mother. I have no doubt Trump had his moments with women. He was a single man who was at least a millionaire. Pretty sure there were plenty of women interested in him.  Being the betting man I am, I’m pretty sure they were willing to do just about anything to hook up with him. It could have been much worse, he could have been the President at the time…

All in all, it was a good week for the President and for America. This horrible President of ours, through his actions has given us another record breaking week on the stock market. Americans with 401Ks must be dancing for joy! Any losses they had during the Obama years have long since been made up. Thank you Mr. President.  Those holding stock are also doing well. Good for them! But wait, the poor are still poor. News flash, there will always be poor people. With more and more jobs being added each month though there is one more way for the poor to get out of that category. All they have to do is get a job! Start with a minimum wage job if you have to and then move up the ladder from there. It works, trust me, I did it, my kids did it, my wife did it and in fact most tax paying American’s did it, even many of the evil one percenters.


Civil Rights, are they really civil?

This week the President attended and spoke at the grand opening of a new Civil Rights Museum in Mississippi. The new museum honors civil right leaders throughout history and provides a place for greater education toward the cause. One would like to believe such an institution with it’s history and education which translate to understanding and healing would be a welcome addition to our country as a whole and it is but…

The President of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) announced he would not attend the opening because President Trump would be speaking. He said, and I quote “We don’t need this President telling us about Civil Rights”. So let me see if I have this right. The President of the NAACP, with the mission of advancing people of color, refuses to attend this grand opening celebrating people of color and their plight for freedom and rights. Instead, he took a stand against the American President who can actually help make a huge difference in the advancement of people of color, of all people for that matter. Shameful.

Then the so called civil rights champion, Senator John Lewis announces he will also skip the ceremony. He, of course is the one that also refused to attend the President’s inauguration, claiming Mr. Trump is not a legitimate President. Not legitimate because, in his view, Russia got him elected.  I guess my vote for the President didn’t matter after all…

I find it amazing that people like those in the NAACP and Senator Lewis can actually claim they care about people of color and even more amazing are those men and women of color that actually continue to support the Sentaor and so many like them. Why can’t people see that keeping people of color down and keeping the civil rights issue alive is a business.  This is the business these so-called leaders of civil rights are in? They make matters worse and they do nothing to actually help the country heal, much less advance those of color.

I keep hearing people like this and many others label the President as a racist yet I am unable to see it.  In fact, through President Trump’s actions, not words, actions, I see just the opposite. The President treats all people the same, no matter your color.  If he disagrees with you he will let you know. If he agrees, he will also let you know. What more could anyone ask?

I honestly believe that past President Obama did more to harm and set back relations in this country than any president before him. Certainly more than any modern president. His own racist views were clear.

People like Obama, Lewis and organizations like the NAACP or the Senate Black Caucus do more harm than good. These groups can actually turn a non-racist individual into a racist, which is horrible and unfair to people as a whole. I do not believe and would argue that the vast majority of the American people are not racist. The pot-stirrers will claim that I think this way because I am white and don’t understand. Well, I am white and they’re right, I don’t understand.  I don’t understand why the color of someone’s skin makes any difference in anything. Here in 2017, people are people in my eyes and in most people’s eyes. I don’t care what color you are. What I care about is the type of person you are.  I care about what kind of heart you have and if you are a man or women of your word? Do you care about our country, do you love and take care of your family? Do you work hard to make a good life for you and your family? Do you take responsibility for your actions? Those are the things I care about and those are the things on which I will judge you.

Finally, let me say, no matter color or lifestyle I do not hate anyone. Disagreeing is not hate. I didn’t like how President Obama ran the country and this had zero to do with his color. I don’t like Senator Lewis’ policies nor the way he disrespects the President but, I don’t hate him, I don’t even know him. The President of the NAACP should be fired.

So I finish as I started.  Is Civil Rights really civil? No, it’s not. Not every black person has been held down and not every white person is racist. Not every black person is racist either. Maybe Rodney King was more intellectual than he was given credit for. “Can’t we all just get along?”

How is this justice? Kate Steinle verdict

The jurors in the Kate Steinle case announced their NOT GUILTY verdict last night.  Both my wife and I (and most loving Americans) almost came out of our chairs. The verdict left us both feeling empty inside. How could the jurors possibly come up with this verdict?

You know the horrific story. Ms. Steinle was walking along pier 14 in San Francisco with her father when suddenly she was struck in the back by a bullet. Laying in her father’s arms, looking up at him she said, “Help me Dad.” Kate later died in the hospital.

Jose Zarate, an illegal Hispanic man shot her. According to his defense attorneys it was an accident.  The jury bought it.

The claim is that Zarate, who had been deported over five times found the gun under a park bench wrapped up in something. When he took the gun out he dropped it and it fired. The bullet bounced off something and struck Ms. Steinle in the back. That’s the claim, that’s what the jurors believed.

There are probably many things that we, on the outside don’t know that the jurors do know. I understand that and respect it. But, yes there is a but… what I don’t understand and can’t accept are the facts that 1. He was here illegally, something the jurors were not aware of. You might say “what does that have to do with anything?” Well, it has everything to do with the character of the man.  In what way, you say? It shows the man has no regard for the law, he is a law breaker.  2. During his illegal time in the country, he had been arrested on several occasions. This was another fact that the jury was not privy to.  Now we know we have a man in the country illegally who broke our laws on several occasions. This again shows the character of the man, he is a lawless person. 3. He picked up a gun off the street that was reportedly not his. So what! What does that have to do with anything? “He” picked up the gun. So now we have an illegal man, who has prior convictions walking around with a loaded gun.  He had the gun, the bullet that came from the gun killed the young women. He had the gun, the gun didn’t jump out from under the park bench, out of the wrapping and pull its own trigger. Remember, guns don’t kill people, people kill people.

That’s about it, how much clearer can this be? How is the case more complicated than that?

Let me recap; a man is in the country illegally, he has prior convictions, he has a gun, the gun is fired, an innocent women is killed, period. I will even accept the story that Zarate didn’t mean to kill Kate so no first degree murder charge.  I don’t like it but, I can close one eye and live with it. But no charge at all? Not even man slaughter? This is an awful and unjust verdict.

As a father, picturing this just turns my stomach.  It makes me so sad for the family and so angry.  Justice has let the family down; let us all down, really. It makes me despise the state of California even more than I did before. The leadership in this beautiful state endangers all those who legally reside there and all of us throughout the U.S. with their sanctuary city policy. They actually passed a law that basically says “go to hell America, screw federal law, we accept all illegal people and care nothing about your background”. Is this the world we are living in today? This is truly dangerous and unacceptable. To top it off, this arrogant state is suing the Federal Government because they are (the Feds) threatening to stop all funding to the state for breaking federal immigration law.  They’re suing the Government which is you and me, because they are breaking the law.  That’s where we are in this country. It’s like the bank robber suing the bank because he slipped and broke his ankle while jumping over the counter… And in California, the robber would probably win the case.

Stay strong Steinle family, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Chuck & Nancy refuse to attend the meeting

So, you heard the story yesterday right? Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi were no-shows for the meeting with the President and the two republican leaders. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed tax bill.

Early Tuesday morning, well before the meeting, President Trump tweeted “Chuck and Nancy are for open borders, weak on the military and illegals. I don’t see a deal.”

This morning all over the internet the headlines read “Chuck and Nancy refused to go to meeting after Trump attacked them!”

Here’s my two cents:  First off, I hardly call President Trump’s tweet an attack. These two, so called Democratic leaders are crybabies. All Trump did was set the stage for the meeting with them. His tweet was letting them and us know that he is not interested in open borders, illegals walking the streets of America and not interested in lack of funding for the military. Fat boy Kim of North Korea actually did the President a favor (hey maybe there is collusion there. We better investigate) by shooting off another rocket.  That only proved the President’s point that building up the military is more important than ever.

Their absence reminded me of a school boy telling his mommy that some other boy was mean to him so he isn’t going to school today. Seriously though, this was truly childish. I guess, somehow, they think this was showing how strong they are, they took a stance, “we refuse to let the President insult us anymore.”  Of all people to talk about insults, the Dems have done nothing but insult the President from day one and not by some tweet but in front of microphones. Impeach the President, they decry. Sure, impeach him for what? Because you don’t like him or don’t agree with him? I hate to sound like Fox News but, they are OK with all the stunts Hillary, Bill and Obama pulled over the last eight years but, Trump should be impeached? No hypocrisy there…

It’s stuff like this that makes the Democrats look so stupid and why they lost the election in the first place but, I digress.

In the real world, wouldn’t a stunt  like Chuck and Nancy pulled have gotten them fired or at least written up.

Example:  A large company with shareholders. The CEO calls a meeting with his top four executives. Knowing that two of these executives do not see eye to eye with him, the CEO sends out a memo letting the company, the shareholders and these two know exactly what his stance is. Like Chuck and Nancy, neither show for the meeting because in their eyes they were “attacked.”

Same question, are they fired, do they quit? Worse, have they let their shareholders down? Yes they have because some of the shareholders agree with their stance and not the CEO’s. But, because they didn’t show up, there is no discussing their concerns nor their ideas. There is no back and forth, and zero chance of somehow convincing the CEO to see their side of anything.  The CEO moves forward with his/her plans.

The reality is, the two attending the meeting may have had a few good things to bring to the table for their shareholders, they might have been able to help the CEO see things differently making whatever plans he/she had even better.  But, the shareholders, the CEO and the two executives will never know, will they? Because instead of a good ole fashion debate, these two took their handkerchiefs and hid in their offices instead of doing their jobs.

I don’t see how the stunt these two so called Democratic leaders pulled is any different than my example.  But, in Washington you get away with crap like this. I think both Chuck and Nancy should resign! They let half of the entire country down by not attending the meeting.

What do I know? I feel like Trump is willing to deal with anyone to be successful. He wants these tax cuts for America and for him personally in order to put a W on the board. Both of these leaders had an opportunity at least to try to debate and get some of what they want. Instead they got nothing but a news conference.

I completely believe that President Trump does not want to kick the dreamers out of the country. Like a smart businessman however, he is playing hard ball and using this issue to make sure he gets the things done that won him the election.  In this case tax cuts and a big, beautiful wall.

Manson Dead

The top story this morning is the news of Charles Manson dying at the age of 83, after being jailed for 48 years .  Whatever he was, he has finally died and left us with the joy of no longer having to look at his face.

48 years in prison is a perfect example of waste beyond waste of tax payer dollars. I understand we want to do everything possible to make sure we get the conviction correct, but 48 years? Millions upon millions have been spent holding this murder and feeding and housing him on the tax payer dime.

I don’t have a lot to say about this and really don’t want to give this rotten individual another minute of air time. I simply want to point out that keeping people like him alive for this many years is an insult to those he killed and their families and an insult to tax payers. He should have been hung by the neck in downtown San Francisco three decades ago.  Hopefully now, the very face of evil will no longer hit our television and news stands. You know, once all the media outlets get done printing his story, again…

The fundamental changing of America

As is my routine, this morning I was browsing through online articles. This is always a depressing adventure because now-a-days finding a feel-good story is nearly impossible and trying to weed through what is real and what is phony is, well, impossible. All I can do is rely upon my own opinion and if proven wrong somewhere down the road, learn from it admit it and keep plowing forward through all the BS.

This morning though it hit me. Obama made it clear during his acceptance speed that he would fundamentally change America. Whether you’re an Obama fan or not, and I certainly am not, you have to admit, he accomplished this task.

Just for fun, think about it. Today, being white is bad, being successful is bad, wanting to have secure borders, bad. Being against anything that is illegal, bad. Being a man and choosing to stay a man, bad. Oil, bad. Coal, bad. Corporations, bad. Wall Street, bad. Wanting to save the life of the unborn, bad. Owning a gun, bad. Believing in God, bad. Being married to a women, bad. Not wanting to be forced to pay for other peoples insurance, bad. Disagreeing with nearly anything, you’re a racist, hell, I’m a racist for not liking Obama’s policies. I’m a racist if I think the black, brown, yellow or purple person was wrong about anything. If I voted for Trump I am a deplorable person not fit to walk the face of the earth. Putting America first, bad. Putting family first, bad. Having a different opinion from the left, bad. Demanding legal immigration, bad.  Being patriotic, bad.

There is simply no end to this list and the few things noted above weren’t always true. If you want to be the scum of the earth then be for any or all of these things and then you’ll join me in being, “bad” and be part of what is wrong with America – or  so says the left wing loons. Not all, but most. Obama has indeed succeeded to fundamentally change America. And it’s fair to say, not for the good.

I’ll stay a man, stay married to my wife, work hard, pay my own way, call people out despite their color when I think they’re wrong and stick up for them when I think they’re right, I’ll go shoot my guns, read my bible, put oil in my car and proudly hang my damn flag. As deplorable as that may be.

Sincerely, Mr. Bad

Impeach The President

So yesterday, five Democratic law makers stood before the microphone and called for the impeachment of President Trump. The reasons given are completely baseless and the worst part is, they know it. Yet, they stood before the cameras to announce this to their fellow law makers and the world.

These law makers are perfect examples of what is wrong with Washington. Both houses have as low an approval rating as one can have yet they plow forward with their political agendas basically flipping the voters the middle finger.

Do these morons have any idea what impeaching the President would do to this country? The division we have is bad enough (thank you Obama).  Impeaching the President would truly create a second civil war.  Even the stunt they performed yesterday creates further divide and the message it sends to the rest of the world, one can only imagine.  Such announcements not only divide us more but undermine our national security and standing in the world. We have a President trying to get things done, trying to protect us, trying to enlist the help of the world and we have these five guys cutting the legs out from under the President.  Translation: cutting the legs out from under us, the American people.

It is my humble opinion these law makers should be impeached. I understand free speech and know the importance of it but, these are people in leadership positions who are literally working to undermine our country, our people, they are no better than Russian spies. Free speech is one thing but these idiots are supposed to do the work of the people not the work of a party. They don’t care about us and by way of their actions, they certainly don’t care about America.

I keep blogging to these radical leftest asking them to tell me specifically what it is that the President has done to be impeached?  Don’t make shit up, give me factual evidence. They can’t because there isn’t any.

The same is with all of the claims that the President is racist. Where does this come from? What has he specifically done that is racist?  And for God’s sake, don’t tell me it’s because of his stance on immigration, the wall or the dreamers.  None of these are racistl.  These are things that involve up-holding the law of the land and protecting us.  The travel ban, that’s racist too according to the left. Really? Where do these people (the left) come from, what planet do they live on? We finally have a President that is doing something to keep us as safe as possible and the left wants to impeach him.

I work really hard attempting to understand what goes on in the heads of the left.  When it comes to putting America first, I can’t get to a point of understanding.  Open borders, sanctuary cities, Obamacare, being okay with Hillary deleting emails after the FBI telling her not to, oh hell, the list is so long you hardly have the time to hear it all.

To end, when we have elected officials undermining our country we have a problem and that’s where we are today.  The Democratic leadership better put these five law makers in their place and fast, otherwise to paraphrase Obama, the bible carrying, gun holding folks are going to revolt.  God Bless America.

God Bless our Veterans

Today is Veterans Day, a day we should all pause to say thanks for their service and sacrifice. Without them our lives would be much different.

I cannot tell you how many times in my life I’ve watch a news story or a documentary showing the awful living conditions in other countries, the killings, the oppression, the lack of food or water or clothing and mostly the lack of freedom. Each time I see this, I find myself silently saying, “thank God I was born an American.”

We all take so much for granted, most of us really have no clue how very fortunate we are.

While we can argue about the wars and conflicts we’ve fought, those that have gone out in uniform to serve on our behalf must always be remembered, must always be given our deepest respect and heart felt gratitude.  Without their sacrifices we would not have the freedoms we have nor enjoy the lives we enjoy.

Stand up for our veterans and thank them for their service. When you see the old retired vet proudly wearing a hat announcing his/her service walk right over to him or her, look them squarely in the eye and say “thank you for your service.” They appreciate it and it is the very least we can do, they’ve earned our unending gratitude.

Today especially, stand up and be counted, show your respect and be thankful.

God Bless our Veterans and all those who serve to protect us.  Veterans Day Free Clip Art - ClipArt Best

Roy Moore is Guilty

On Thursday the media went wild over the allegations that Roy Moore, who is running for the open Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions, has been accused of sexual misconduct with minors some 30 years ago. Republican leaders also jumped on the news calling for Moore to step aside.

I have absolutely no idea if Moore is guilty or not and neither does anyone else except Moore himself.

What I do know is that “innocent until proven guilty” has been sent to the heap pile. With 24 hour media, reporting whatever they want, the accused is found guilty before he/she even reaches the court house. Once the media and others are done, the outcome of the actual trial doesn’t even matter, the accused’s life is ruined forever.

So many people are so quick to jump to conclusions. If the allegation(s) meet with their political view then they are ready to convict.  As I like to say, don’t let the truth get in your way…

I look at this and ask myself, “how did this man win so many elections and hold so many offices over so many years without this coming to light?” It’s difficult for me to wonder if this is another made up story coming from the left because Moore is leading and there is only a month to go. Is this the left’s last ditch effort to kill Moore’s chances?  It is certainly a possibility and wouldn’t be a first.  At the same time, if found guilty, put this sick man in jail and throw away the keys. The key word here is “if.”

At any rate, Moore’s career and reputation is over. To all those who jump to conclusions I would invite you to think about this and what it would mean if you were accused, how would you feel?  Of course, we are nobodies and wouldn’t be on the 24/7 media hate group’s radar.  Thank God.

Follow-up – Moore loses race – 12.13.17 

I want to follow-up on the earlier post regarding Roy Moore. The post was more about people being accused and the loss of being innocent until proven guilty. Never the less, Moore lost the election and this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. The trial of public opinion killed his election hopes. This gives you an idea of how powerful public opinion can be, whether true or not. None of us know for a fact what Moore did or didn’t do and I am certainly not going to make a case for him one way or the other. I must say that I still question the timing of the allegations though. Unlike so many, I refuse to just blindly believe everything I read. Moore’s loss means nothing to me personally and from afar I will say he wasn’t all that impressive to me, he actually gave me the creeps to be honest. That’s just another personal opinion. I don’t know the man.

What I find amazing is all of the hype out there today from the left claiming this is a sign of more to come (Republican’s losing) in the 2018 mid-terms.

If ever there was a one-off election this one in Alabama is it. The Democrats are declaring a great victory which makes me laugh. They won the election against a Republican opponent who was accused of sexual misconduct with children and to top it off, the Democrat Jones won by one point. One point against an accused child molester, one point.  How on earth they can spin this into being some great victory is beyond this humble writer.

Is this the new Democratic election road map? Accuse the other side of sexual misconduct? Why not, they’ve been running on the “war on women” now for years. Of course that hasn’t worked but why stop now?

To end, I would just say; what times we live in… put up a tent because we’re witnessing the greatest show on earth.