I told you before that I am sick and tired of talking about the DACA issue. Also, in my prior post, I laid out the terms that I would agree to if the country decides to allow them to remain in the country. News flash, I’ve changed my mind.

I think many of us struggle with “what is the right thing is to do” with these people. I know that I’ve bounced around and listening to congress, I can tell I am not alone.

The caring human side of me isn’t all that charged up about sending all of these people out of here and back to their birth country, a country they know little about. They arrived as kids (the dreamers) so they’ve spent the bulk of their lives here in the U.S.

The American citizen in me who believes and follows our laws isn’t all that charged up with allowing these people to remain in the US. It breaks our laws, sends the wrong message to other illegals and it’s completely unfair to all of those who have been going through the proper legal channels to come to our country.

I’ve made my decision though.  Interestingly enough it is the DACA people themselves that made the decision easy for me.

I am so taken aback by how brash they are, how demanding they are, the things they say, the things their signs say, and the mess they leave after protesting, that I am done.  They need to go, every last one of them. As stated above the law has always been high on my list. By way of their actions they have removed any sympathy I might have held for them.

I tweeted this morning, that every group, Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, all of them have bad apples among them and all of them have good, loving, caring, honest, law abiding people among them too. In fact there are many more of the latter than the former hateful, law-breaking types. This is a true and simple fact. So, that being the case I asked myself, “Where are the good DACA people? Where are the ones that are thankful for being in our country and are thankful we took them in?  Where are the ones that honor our laws and are respectful of our rights?  Where are the ones that love us? Where are those people?”

The left wing media show us pictures of the poor family being torn apart. Daddy being deported and his wife and kids crying in the background. This is all designed to tug at our hearts and it does tug at our hearts but then we see these people protesting and carrying signs demanding that they should be able to stay and calling our President names I refuse to use and camping out in front of Senator Schumer’s home chanting, “if we can’t dream, you can’t sleep.” Believe me, I am no fan of Chuck Schumer but these people should have their heads examined. These are the types of people we want to welcome into our country? These are the types of people we want voting?  These are the people we want to expose our kids to? Hell no! We have enough of these types of hateful LEGAL people in this country we sure as hell don’t need to add to it.

Having seen these DACA people and how they act, would you invite them into your home? Would you knowingly hire them to work and represent you? I wouldn’t.

Where is the humility? Isn’t it true that if you want something, you work for it? If you want a job do you tell the person interviewing you to piss off and then stand up and demand they hire you? No you don’t. If you need help and you want something from someone, don’t you ask politely and don’t you say please? Most sane people do.

The Left would have us believe that these are good, honest people who make America better. They tug at our hearts by telling us they came here as children and worse they still call them children while the average age is like 25. We know that the Left only wants votes.  That alone should tell you how bright these DACA people are. They actually believe the Democrats care about them or at least they did until this last fiasco. But I digress…

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I’ve shared mine. For me, it’s like everything else in life.  I’m not a racist until a racist calls me a racist. I care about all people until they don’t care about me. I don’t use people and I don’t let them use me. I expect everyone in my life to treat me the way I treat them. Lastly, I still believe that you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

New Immigration Platform:

  1. Deport all illegals. The law is the law.
  2. Get rid of chain migration.
  3. Get rid of the VISA lottery program.
  4. Pass voter ID.
  5. Move to merit base immigration.


Finally, my wife asked me the other night, “what would happen if we just deported all of these illegals?”

Wanting to provide her a well thought out answer, I paused to think about the question before answering and then I said “Nothing.”  Without any pause she replied “Exactly.” She’s right. I guess she doesn’t like it any more than I do when an illegal alien tells our President to F off…

FISA – What if?

Americans are you hearing all of this? How many of you even know what I am referring to? Less than half would be my guess. The only network talking about it is Fox. But then again, there are a lot of you on Twitter, and FISA has been front and center on Twitter so maybe you have some idea.

FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act). This is the act that was put in place after 911 allowing our Government, the FBI and CIA primarily to spy on foreign actors who are plotting against the US. The concern has always been that these agencies have expanded their surveillance to American Citizens which is against the law.

When you hear FISA these past few weeks, the reference is to the FBI using the law to spy on, then private citizen Donald J. Trump, who as you know, was running for President. The Government went to the FISA court (the FISA court is made up of special judges to whom the Government must submit requests and from whom they must get approval in order to spy on someone), at least two times, asking the court to approve their surveillance of Mr. Trump.  The court turned the requests down. This almost never happens. It is well known that FISA requests are always approved. It happened in these two cases because the Government’s arguments were weak, not convincing enough for the Judge.  Which means the requests must have been really weak.

In the meantime, the Clinton campaign hired a group to produce a dossier on her opponent Donald Trump. Translation – go out and find dirt on my opponent that I can use against him during the campaign. She paid this group over 10 million dollars for this dossier. When Hillary was asked about it she said she wasn’t aware of any such dossier. Think about that.  She spent, or rather, the campaign that she was running spent near 10 million dollars.  She isn’t aware of it? This was going to be our President. Ah, 10 million here, 10 million there, pennies, right? Not to you and me. In the end, the findings in the dossier were never used by the campaign because none of the allegations could be backed up.

The FBI was made aware of the dossier by…   Are you ready for this? Senator John McCain. McCain sent one of his cronies to Europe to meet with Fusion GPS, the authors of the dossier headed by a former British Spy. McCain I guess, felt the information in the dossier was a threat to our national security, so he gave it to the FBI. The fact, I am sure, that Trump slammed McCain during the election had nothing to do with McCain wanting the FBI to have this. McCain wasn’t about to let the truth get in the way of his being able to get even.

At least three higher-ups in the FBI (Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe) took the dossier and ran with it. These three have been proven to be huge Hillary Clinton supporters, donating thousands to her campaign. These clowns massaged their prior requests to the FISA court to include the false information in the dossier. This time they hit gold, the court approved surveillance of Trump.

Remember when Trump accused the government of wiretapping Trump Towers? Remember, then FBI Director Comey testified to the Intelligence Committee that this never happened.  Interesting, huh?

Fast forward a month. Trump wins the election. Now we are hearing about text messages between these three FBI agents.  They are talking about some kind of insurance policy, in case Trump wins.  Although, they think that’s highly unlikely. They (Peter Strozk and Lisa Page) talk about some secret society.  They talk about Attorney General Loretta Lynch knows Hillary won’t be prosecuted.  This was prior to the election when Hillary was being investigated over the email/server debacle. We also are learning that the letter that Comey read to the nation, letting Hillary off the hook was written prior to the FBI even interviewing Hillary. The feeling is, the whole Hillary investigation was a hack job.  Comey also testified to congress that he didn’t make up his mind on Hillary until after he interviewed Hillary. Based on these text messages, that’s a lie. Oh and just for the heck of it, Strozk and Page were having an affair while they were playing Maxwell Smart and agent 99.

                                         Peter Strozk                           Lisa Page

It can be very confusing.  It is designed to be very confusing. During the first two months, remember, President Trump fired Comey.  Comey then released private notes to a professor friend.  Per Comey’s instruction, the professor (friend) leaked the notes to the Washington Post.  As planned by Comey, this causes the hiring of the special prosecutor Mueller. Mueller is hired to investigate possible Russian collusion by the Trump campaign. The entire Russia collusion is based on the dossier.  The fake dossier if you listen to Sean Hannity (which I do).  Is this ripe for the next Clancy novel or what?

If true America, we are witnessing a plot to 1. Fix an election and 2. Over-throw a duly elected US President. This stuff makes Watergate look like a child steeling bubble gum.

Also, if true, Comey lied.  Loretta Lynch lied.  Whoever made the actual FISA request lied.  Certainly, the three FBI agents (one of which, Andrew McCabe was on the Mueller investigation team until he was removed once Muller learned of his bias toward Hillary) LIED.  These three did all of this because they felt that they knew best who should be our president.

Last week we learned that congress wrote a memo outlining all of this.  I assume their memo was outlined much better than I just did it.  The memo reportedly contains great details about the conspiracy to rig the election and over throw (impeach) the president. The republican congress is demanding that the memo is released to us, the public so that we know what they know. Twitter has gone wild with #releasethememo.

In the meantime, Congress is requesting that the FBI release all the text messages between the two FBI (lover) agents Page and Strozk. Guess what? The FBI claims that the text message have been lost! Not kidding.  50,000 text messages from November 2016 to January 2017 have suddenly gone missing.  Where have you heard this before? Remember the 33,000 missing Hillary emails? Remember the missing IRS emails. Every time a case is heating up, something suddenly goes missing. Just a coincidence…I am sure.

So America, what if this is true? Do you think all of this is just happenstance?  Not true?  Made up by Republicans to throw off Mueller in the Russian investigation? How is it that a year later, Mueller hasn’t pinned anything on Trump? If it is true, the entire Mueller investigation is a made-up shame, wasting tax payer dollars and completely harming the President and the country as a whole.

It seems odd to me, that for the past two weeks we’ve not heard a word out of Hillary. Even big mouth Obama has been silent on this and so have their (NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN) media outlets, who have not spent two minutes covering this story. Wouldn’t you think they would at least be screaming about these damn Republicans?

This is another “standby” post, because only time will tell. A few of the congressmen are saying they expect the memo to be released to us, maybe as soon as next week. The Democrats are already planning their strategy. They’re starting to say that this in just another right wing conspiracy. Over 100 Republicans have gone down to the secured room where the memo is and have read it. As of this writing, fewer than five Democrats have even taken the time to read it.

Meanwhile, the big debate that the media wants us to focus on is illegal aliens being allowed to stay in the country.  Focus America.  When the media point to the shiny object in the corner, don’t blink.  Keep your eyes on this FISA investigation. Our democracy depends on it.

Let’s talk again, real soon.

OOPS, that didn’t work

When we last talked, my guess was the Government would shut down and it did. Trust me, I am not patting myself on the back and I hated the last 36 hours. At one point I became sick and tired of the whole thing.

Passing these short term resolutions makes me crazy. Running the Government one month at a time is ridiculous. There is no successful company on the planet than runs this way and for good reason. So, that’s number one. It’s great that the Government is back up and running but the entire thing was stupid, wasteful and a perfect example of what is wrong with those we place in leadership positions. Worst of all, we will be right back here again come February 8th when this resolution expires. How dumb is this? Really dumb.

The Schumer shutdown was a big bust for the Democrats. As I said, their number one goal wasn’t about DACA.  Their goal was to make the President look bad and make him look like he isn’t capable of running the country. 36 hours later, the President doesn’t budge and yes, the Democrats blinked.

This stunt has the DACA people feeling that the Democrats let them down and used them for political hostages. Ya think? To the DACA people (and more importantly, all legal citizens), if you haven’t already figured it out let me make it very clear for you. The Democrats don’t care about you and don’t feel bad, they don’t care about any of us. They care about power and they will go to any lengths to regain it. If you’re still a non-believer consider this;

The Democrats just got done voting NO for tax cuts for all citizens. Why? Because it was proposed by the other party. They would rather you and I not be able to keep more of our money than to agree with something proposed by the other party. That’s more important to them than you are. The Republicans, all of them, voted NO on Obamacare. A big difference here.  The Republicans voted NO because they felt Obamacare was bad for “you”.  Reducing taxes, keeping more of our money can never be a bad thing, never.

The Dems just put their party over our military troops, our vets, and children’s health. Forget about the fact they did this on the false narrative that it was for the DACA people.  It is not as though that makes their argument better, it makes it even worse. They voted NO because the other party proposed it. That’s the only reason. They are hell bent on making the President look bad and convinced this will gain them the seats they need to once again have the power, the majority. To beat a dead horse, nothing else matters to them, nothing. It doesn’t matter what is good for the country, what is good for us, it only matters that they regain their power.

What a great platform they have in November. “Vote for me, I stood against you keeping more of your money! I stood up against the Republicans when they wanted to lower corporate taxes. I know millions of you received higher wages and bonuses because of these lower taxes but remember, corporations are evil. I voted against the repeal of the individual insurance mandate because I know all of you wanted to pay the fine so that you could help others pay less for their insurance. Finally, vote for me because I stood strong for 36 hours in favor of people who are not citizens. I know it looked like I didn’t care about the military but I love the military. I know it appeared I didn’t care about our children’s health but I do, I am a Democrat, I care about everyone. If you honor me with your vote, I promise I will fight for you and work hard to get President Trump impeached. Let us never forget, he is the one that gave you these horrible tax breaks, he’s to blame for this country’s economy, and he cannot hide from producing the lowest unemployment in our history. A vote for me is a vote for the American people.”

Only in politics can such spin occur.

To the DACA folks I will end by saying you should rethink who you put your faith in. Your faith in the hands of the democrats and their leader Chuck Schumer obviously was a huge mistake. I hope you’ve learned by this and understand it was really never about you. The only hope you have is in the hands of the very person you’ve spit on, marched against and called a racist. Your only hope indeed is the President of the United States, the leader of the Republican Party.

You still standing by?

Today is the deadline day for the budget. No one has blinked yet. The house passed a four week stop gap budget last night and shipped it over to the Senate where things become much more difficult.

One of the things I’ll give to the Democrats is that they stay the party line no matter how ridiculous the line is.  Not so with the Republicans.  Inside their party, they fight with one another, so much so that more often than not, nothing gets done.  It drives me out of my mind.  Example, tonight Rand Paul was a guest on Fox where he let us know that he will not support the stop gap budget.  Why, because he is tired of the Government spending beyond their means.  Who would disagree with that?  Not me, that’s for sure.  The trouble is, Mr. Paul, whom I like, has been a senator now for many years and what has he done about this?  Nothing, except to put on a big show every time a big important vote comes before him.  In this case he is going to stand on his beliefs even at the demise of the military funding.  He knows damn well that his non-vote will have zero impact on any change.  If he wants to change things he needs to actually work on it and get it done.  Grand-standing a few times a year obviously isn’t getting anything done and makes him no better than the Left.  All talk; no action.

John McCain is home fighting cancer and Jeff Flake is, well, a flake.  His only goal, on his way out is to get even with the President.  Then we have Senator Lindsey Graham, who like Flake is in the get-even mode.  Senator Graham’s reason, the President sent him walking when he and his pal on the Left, Durban gave the President a POS proposal on DACA/Immigration.  Graham, throughout the years would have us believe he is the champion of the military.  Yet, like the Left, he is willing to shut the Government down until such time that the President agrees with him regarding DACA.

In order to pass, the Senate needs 60 YES votes. There are only 51 republicans and three or four of them are grandstanding, again.  The Left of course, loves this.  Why wouldn’t they?  The Republicans look like fools.  I believe, or at least hope, that each of them will pay the price come November. Let’s face it, when the President says we need to drain the swamp, that’s not exclusive to the Left.  At least I don’t think it is.  We have congress people on both sides that have to go if we are ever going to have a Government that works for us.

In my last post I said “my guess is that the Democrats care more about hurting the President than keeping the Government open.”  After the  recent events “my guess remains and the blame will be on the swamp dwellers made up of both Democrats and those few Republican standouts.  Don’t get me wrong, the President will get the blame from the media, that’s a big “duh.”  The Swamp however will get the blame from Trump’s supporters including yours truly.

Who gets blamed, Left or Right, I don’t care.  What I care about is funding the Government, period.  All of these other issues are important, for sure, and they need to be dealt with but not at the expense of the military or even those employees working in the Government.  Why should the guy emptying the trash in the Senate offices not get paid?  Some Senators on the Right and all the Senators on the Left sure don’t care.

So there you have it, my two cents on this dramatic budget showdown.  Everything has to be so hard and so dramatic in Washington, doesn’t it?  Maybe after a good night’s sleep cooler minds will prevail.  Great, now I’m lying to myself…

Government Shut-Down: Who Will Blink First?

I chose this topic with only three more days left for congress to approve a spending bill for the Government or it shuts down.

The party standoff is over DACA.  Yes, DACA is still the number one topic in the news. The Democrats say they will not fund the US Government unless they get amnesty for these 800,000 illegals. The Republican’s, under President Trump refuse this notion unless they receive the border wall that the President promised to his supporters, the elimination of chain migration, immigration lottery and a move to a merit based policy. Basically, the President isn’t going to accept any deal on DACA unless we solve the illegal immigration problem once and for all.

American Political Parties Stand-Off by GeoImages | Toon ...

It is absolutely beyond me to think that the Democrats would actually shut the Government down to protect illegal aliens. You mean to tell me that they favor non-legal citizens over legal citizens? That’s what they are saying, right?  As hard as I try to understand the mind of these Democrats, I obviously fall short. The idea that they are willing to hurt our troops and all those working in the Government is simply unconscionable.

The truth be told, in my humble opinion, the Democrats really don’t care about much of anything other than being elected. They are so concerned about the up-coming mid-term elections that they are willing to do anything and say anything to ensure that the President doesn’t get another win. They are turning their backs on the country and the very people they would have us believe they care so deeply for.

They have found themselves in a real pickle, if you will. While they really, really want all those 800,000 votes and they really do, in order to get those votes they are being forced to give the President a historical win on one of the most contested topics in our history, immigration. That said, watching all of this is better than any movie in town. Let’s see just how much the liberals care about these poor, poor kids (90% of these illegals are now over age 18, 70% are over the age 25.) My guess is they care more about hurting the President. It’s a tough one though because they do care a lot about these votes!

Stay tuned.

Another Political Firestorm

The week started out with a bipartisan meeting at the White House to discuss immigration.  It was the closest we’ll ever get to a love-fest. As Sean Hannity from Fox News said, “Hell has frozen over.” Even a few of the left wing fake news media outlets gave the President credit for the meeting. Like a CEO, clearly in charge, he let everyone talk and share their opinions. This was a brilliant move on the part of the President because he was just moving away from the “Fire & Fury” fiction novel which gave the Left more fire and fury against the President. They were actually talking about impeachment again, because of a “tell all” book… I kept tweeting to the liberals, “don’t believe everything you read”.  Guess what, listening is not one of their strengths. Inviting the press to the meeting was brilliant. No one, after watching the meeting, could say that Trump doesn’t have all of his marbles.  That’s for sure.

During the meeting, the President couldn’t have been clearer in terms of what he wanted. He also let them know that he intended on signing anything they came up with. This is a classic move from the Chief Executive (President), let the group actually feel like the decision is completely up to them. The dunce Dems in the room and (to be fair) some of the dunce republicans took his words literally.

Based on their proposal a few days later, they forgot the list of things that were a must for the President. During their presentation a few days later, I am guessing that the President, all but “lost it”.  The proposal was so horrible, so far from what he expected, and so far from what he had requested, that he couldn’t control his anger. Somewhere around this time (still guessing obviously) is when the President asked “why do we have to take all these people in from shithole countries, why can’t we take people from Norway?” Norway came up because earlier in the day he had met with the President of Norway.  He could have mentioned any country but Norway was top-of-mind.

I don’t know about you, but whenever I’ve attended an executive meeting, what is said in the room stays in the room. This is a good policy because it allows for an open dialog of ideas. To no surprise, things don’t work this way in Washington and that was Trumps biggest mistake. The enemies in the room couldn’t wait to get out of the meeting and run to the media.

When will he learn that he can’t always speak the truth,              not out loud anyway

The rest of the week was dominated by media interpretation of what the Dems claimed had occurred in that meeting. It took Trump nearly two days to tweet a rebuttal and the Republicans, two of them, said they didn’t “recall” the President using those words.  Weak.

In my opinion Trump probably did used the language he was being accused of using. The Dems and their co-workers, the left wing media, went wild and called the President’s remarks, what else? Racist. At one point during the week my favorite democratic senator, Nancy Pelosi (favorite? Not!), came to the microphones and proceeded to say, “Why are five white guys deciding what our immigration policy should be?” Then in her attempt to be funny she referred to the Five Guy’s food chain. The trouble is, some of the five guys were her fellow democrats, one of which was her Number Two. He wasn’t happy. Even still, the left wing media didn’t say a peep about this truly racist comment from Ms. Pelosi and instead kept up their onslaught against the President.

The President is always getting in trouble for speaking his mind and worse, speaking the truth. These countries he called shitholes are, well, shitholes. How this is racist though is beyond this simple minded American.  He didn’t say the people in these countries where shitheads or holes, he said the countries they come from are. Just because the people living next to me live in a shithole house doesn’t mean I think they are shitholes.  (So sorry about the language here.)  His point was that these countries are dumps thus the people cannot be the best and brightest the world has to offer which is what he wants for America. The color of their skin had zero to do with any of this. Look, he shouldn’t have said it, I get that but that’s the way he talks, that’s who he is, that’s what got him elected. People, myself included, are tired of the PC politicians and tired of America always being on the losing end of every situation. We elected him because we really do want to make America Great Again. We really are concerned for our safety. Never the less, the President started out having a brilliant week and then he proceeded to step in it. When will he learn that he can’t always speak the truth … not out loud anyway.

The most amazing thing to me is that the Democrats are now threatening to allow the Government to shut down unless the DACA people are given amnesty. Think about that. The Dems are willing to hurt legal American citizens including our military in favor of illegal, non-citizens from shithole countries. That my friends is your democratic party. Votes are that important to them.

The good thing about all of this, actually there are a couple of good things, is that there is now a chance the DACA people will have to go home because there will be no deal. That’s a win for America as far as I am concerned. The other great news coming out of this is that Maxine Waters and Mr. Lewis, both democrats, both perhaps the biggest racists in congress have announced they will not attend the State of the Union this year because of the shithole comment. I guess the President truly is a stable genius smarter than he gets credit for and don’t be confused, his comments and the Left’s swipes against him only further energize his base of deplorables.


I don’t know about you but, I am about sick and tired of the 24/7 talk about DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). All of our elected representatives, including the President coupled with the media and the online tweeters are more focused on these illegals than they are on the citizens of this country. These so called dreamers are protesting demanding we allow them to stay. Demanding…

So, having said that let me continue the insanity by “jumping-in” on the debate.

The Left will have us believe they are the party of love and genuine care for these 800,000 illegals. This week there was an internal memorandum that clearly stated the importance to the party that DACA people be allowed to stay in the country. In so many words the memo said “Their votes are crucial to our party this November.”  When you consider my last post about voter ID, this stance by the left is nothing new nor surprising.

The President this week signaled that he too wants to work out a deal so the DACA people can remain in the country. The conservatives about had a heart attack. I wasn’t thrilled myself. The law is the law. Cold hearted, I know. The President also made it clear that there can be no DACA amenity without the removal of chain migration, elimination of the immigration lottery, and The Wall. This of course doesn’t fit with the Democratic narrative.

The Democrats attempt to pull on the heart strings of the country by accusing the Republicans of being heartless.  They ask, “How would you feel if you couldn’t live near your family members?”

They don’t seem to do much arguing about the lottery. In today’s world of terror that’s a difficult one to support.

I love (not really) their argument about the wall. Their two main talking points are #1. The wall doesn’t stop people from entering the country. One of the congressmen said the wall only gives the border patrol a few extra minutes. I’m pretty sure a border patrol agent will take every extra minute they can get when dealing with these armed drug dealers. At any rate, the statement itself is a lie. The border patrol have supported Trump and have clearly stated the wall works and it is important. #2. This one is laughable. They complain the wall is going to cost 1.8 billion dollars. Wow, suddenly the Democrats are concerned about spending money. This is the party who was in charge for the past eight years who allowed Obama to increase the national debt more than all previous presidents combined. Yeah, laughable. By the way, the savings alone by pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord will more than pay for the wall…  In the end, it will indeed be interesting to see just how bad the left want these 800,000 illegal votes. My guess is they will agree to the Presidents demands.

True conservatives are not happy about the possibility of amnesty. Wall or no wall, most of the Right do not want 800,000 illegals in the country voting for the Left. To be clear, I don’t think the Republicans are any better than the Democrats as it relates to the real issue which is votes. In my eyes though, I tend to fall on the republican side of the argument only because, as I’ve said, the law is the law, no one should get to pick and choose which law(s) they want to follow.

So where does this leave us? Now and going forward there has to be 60 votes to pass a bill so the republican’s must bring over some democrats in order to pass anything. This means they must be willing to give some things up in order to get some of the things they want. In other words, the days of being able to do what you want are over. You can argue that this is a good thing because it allows for a larger swath of the country to be represented.

I know you’re dying to know what I would do if I were in charge of writing this bill so here you go.

I would call the democrat’s bluff.  I know I need some of them to pass the bill so I’d keep that in mind but, mostly, I’d keep the legal American citizens in mind.

  1. The wall must be approved and built
  2. Chain migration must be stopped
  3. Visa lottery program, gone
  4. DACA people can stay with conditions. A) They must not have had any criminal violations. B) Those of the age of 20 years old or older, not in school, must be employed. C) No government benefits afforded to illegal “Arrivals” for 10 years. D) At the end of the 10 years, those that have remained clear of the justice system will be granted citizenship. Those that violated our laws during the 10 year period will be removed from the country. E) The annual legal immigration number would be cut by 800,000 so that we end up neutral at the end of the 10 year period. F) Finally, I would require all Americans to show ID in order to vote. This is a must and is an obvious law to put in place to further protect the credibility of our elections. If both parties are truly concerned about voter fraud, agreeing to voter ID should be a snap. Right?

The above accomplishes a lot. First, the Left and the DACA people can’t say this is heartless. They will but they shouldn’t. This allows all of the DACA illegals who haven’t broken further laws to remain in the country. This also controls the total number of immigrants entering the country. This is accomplished via the wall, no more chain or lottery migration and it doesn’t expand the total number of new citizenship. This of course isn’t fair to all those who have been standing in line which is regrettable. Finally, this requires both parties to vote based on honesty and not on votes … and … it puts Americans first.

If the parties cannot agree to this then the bill doesn’t pass and the DACA people go home which by the way, isn’t the end of the world as we know it.

The Dichotomy on the Left

Those on the Right say it all the time, “the Left only cares about the votes.” Could this really be true?

While I honestly want to understand the liberal mind it seems as if the accusation from the Right is true. Take for example, the most recent election. To hear those (Liberals) tell it, Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election. Somehow, they are convinced that Trump worked with the Russian Government to change the outcome of our election in 2016.  At the same time, the Left is completely opposed to voter ID. They claim that requiring an ID will disenfranchise the poor Hispanic and Black Americans.  So, on the surface one would conclude that the Left cares deeply about protecting our elections against foreign intruders and of course, they care deeply about the poor Hispanic and African Americans. Let me ask this.  We know that our country has millions of illegal aliens inside our borders, so doesn’t our “no ID required to vote” policy have a much greater potential for election fraud? If the Left is truly concerned about the integrity of our election system and if they are opposed to outside influence then how can they oppose voter ID?

As far as the concern for the poor not being able to get an ID, you’ve heard the conservative responses.  I mean really, you can’t do anything without an ID, well, except vote for the leader of the free world… This excuse about the poor is a fraud anyway. The Left doesn’t care about the poor.  They care about the illegals being able to vote. If that’s not treason I don’t know what is. As for the poor, they can’t cash their food stamps with an ID so let’s please come up with a different excuse for not making voter ID a law.

Seriously, what am I missing? How do you claim to be outraged over the possibility of Russia meddling in our election while at the very same time you don’t care who votes in our election. I don’t know what else to do other than to throw the BS flag. “Election Interference by the liberals, 15 yard penalty, Trump is still President.”

The online chat

In this world of 24/7 news, television, internet, Twitter, Facebook, and smart phones it is pretty easy to get caught up in all of the crazy things going on around us.

Today I was on Twitter providing my two cents on the many different topics of the day, mostly politics. At some point, I realized I was being pretty negative, even mean in some cases. This struck me because I’m actually a very positive guy.

It’s easy to get riled up when listening to people who have the exact opposite view of the world than you. Reading some of these posts I will more often than not silently say to myself, “How can he/she actually think this way?” In fairness to me, there are people online that are brutal and will say things that are unacceptable, mean and yeah, crude. I don’t think this helps matters at all and it certainly doesn’t help their credibility. In my worst moments when I see one of these posts I will reply by slamming the person with a verbal two-by-four. The point they were attempting to make is quickly lost and instead, the focus is all about how rude or crude they are. When you start by calling me a Nazi just because I want legal immigration, the 2X4 is coming out and I’ve lost all interest in the person.  I guess I’m not smart enough to just ignore and move on.

It’s fine to be passionate about your beliefs and I think it’s healthy for all of us to see different points of view. If you want to be convincing you really have a better chance by being thoughtful and open minded. When I have found myself in a verbal battle of opinions with a stranger and I’ve said something like “you make a good point” or “Um, I never thought about that”, 99.9% of the time I have an instant fan and suddenly the debate becomes a more honest sharing of ideas. We all like to be heard and we really like to be right. You’d be surprised what you learn when you really listen instead of talking or worse, yelling. This is true whether in an online chat session or with a spouse, child, co-worker or the guy on the street corner.

Now that I’ve calmed down and taken a little time for some reflection, I’m jumping back into the vast online jungle to share my great wealth of knowledge. Based on that, I should be done in a few minutes.

Maybe you and I will cross paths, I hope so.

California High

I was born and raised in California. It might be the most beautiful state of them all.  Consider all that it has to offer; Pacific Ocean, snowcapped Sierra Mountains, Desert, Redwood Forest, Farming and even the big city life of LA and San Francisco. To me, the state has so much to offer however between the politics and high taxes it is difficult for me to understand why anyone would want to call it home.

Following my ritual review of the morning headlines I have to jump in. “We are a Sanctuary State” signs are being installed under their “Welcome to California” signs. And, as you know, today they celebrate their ability to legally purchase marijuana for recreational purposes. Recreational purposes, that’s some spin huh? What do they do, get high and then play basketball? Go jogging? Give me a break.

I grew up around pot users. If you live and go to school in California, there is simply no way around it.  You are exposed to it as a young person.  You have to make choices in life, hopefully good ones, but it’s not easy. I grew up around it and tried it.  What I came away with is that using makes you stupid, in most cases it’s worse than that, it makes you an idiot.  While you users think you’re cool, calm, and relaxed, those of us with a clear head can tell you – you’re not cool, you sound and act like a moron. That’s what weed represents to me. It alters your brain and not in a good way.  Although I don’t know that altering your brain can ever be a good thing. This morning there’s an article slamming conservative Laura Ingraham for expressing outrage over CNN’s New Year’s Eve coverage of Californians smoking pot and how to use a bong.  Laura is a responsible parent and she doesn’t appreciate CNN displaying this so that her kids and young people in general see it and somehow think it’s ok or cool or fun. I don’t appreciate it either.

I really don’t judge anyone for what they choose to do privately.  It’s your life, do with it what you want. It’s not as though I am a puritan, I am not, but what I do, I do in private. When some people’s negative actions affect other people then I have a problem with it. This display on CNN is irresponsible. Why don’t they show the youth how to drink, show them how to take shots too so they can get higher quicker.  How does any of this help parents raise their kids responsibly? How does any of this help the kids who in today’s world already struggle with so many choices before them? It doesn’t help and it’s harmful and it angers me.  Yes I know, “don’t let your kids watch CNN New Year’s coverage.” It’s getting to a point that turning on the television with the kids in the living room is a risk. Where’s the Ed Sullivan show when you need it…

As for the sanctuary state signs, this is California being California. First they defy Federal Immigration law by allowing illegal immigrants sanctuary.  Then, they raise taxes to cover the cost increases in social services and education. They stand behind their policy even when legal Americans are killed in their streets by the very illegal aliens they gave sanctuary to (Illegal aliens with prior convictions). Then the state files law suits against the Federal Government when the Feds threaten to take away Federal Grants. We better add the cost of all the law suits to their immigration policy too. Then to top it off they’re angry because the new Federal Tax Law no longer allows them to write off their high State Income Taxes.

I swear, I don’t know how you people in California can stand to stay there. Better yet, I will never understand how you vote. Do you get high before entering the ballot box? Maybe that’s why you vote so stupidly. When you come out of the fog, take an honest look at what the leadership in your state has done to you. The state is all but broke because of their liberal policies and those of you working hard every day just keep voting for them and paying taxes that are simply outrageous.  For what, so you can say you’re a loving state that welcomes any and all even if it places you and your loved ones at risk?

I moved out of California in the 80’s and I’ve never looked back. I do watch your politics and I have to tell you, you’re out of your minds to remain in that beautiful state and you’re high as a kite if you think voting for more liberals will solve your many problems.  I guess I need a reality check myself because you obviously don’t think California has a problem.  It breaks my heart.  Watching the actions of California has turned me against you. At this point, I wish you would separate from the union and I hope President Trump builds his big beautiful wall around your eastern border. Then you can do whatever the hell you want, even pay more taxes to change your signs to “Northern Mexico, Americans not welcome.”

Whew, I feel a little better now.