What Makes Me Happy

Good Saturday afternoon friends. As you know I’ve taken a step back from X and this blog. Everything is fine within my inner circle. Sure there are plenty of life’s obstacles but those are always there. For me, X and the weekly rant became more of a chore than a joy. No longer do I find either useful. In fact, they both seem to drag me down into the filth that surrounds us.

How many different ways can one express his support for President Trump or his utter disgust for this hate-America government of ours. Well, of someone’s government, because this government sure isn’t mine. It doesn’t like me, does nothing for me and works overtime destroying everything it touches. It lives, breathes, and is eating away at our way of life. And it ain’t doing our bank accounts any favors either…

So, what makes me happy? Thankfully there are plenty of things that do that. Working in my yard makes me happy. I can stick my ear pods in, turn on my favorite music, which is another thing that makes me happy and get my fingers dirty. In the process I get some exercise and in the end, a yard I’m proud of. I’m one of the guys that is in competition with the guys next door. They don’t know it of course because it’s my game. I’m winning though! LOL

Nothing can clear my mind better than a few hours futzing around in the garden

Three, sometimes four days a week I’m on the golf course which also makes me happy although my loving wife would argue on most days I come home grumpy because that damn little white ball won’t go where I want it to. Here’s the thing, I’m outside, I’ve never been on a course that isn’t peaceful, beautiful and filled with like minded folks who love the game and for the most part don’t give a flying crap about what these political morons think. We poke fun at each other, support each other and when push comes to shove, can rely on one another in time of need. It’s pretty cool. Well, except in August. How the pros wear pants in that heat is beyond me. Of course how the pros do a lot of things on the golf course is beyond me. lol #Four!

Family, my family makes me happy, that’s a big duh right. Being retired and watching the boys navigate through life is a pleasure. I don’t spend much time wishing they’d do this or that, I just enjoy anytime I can get with them. They’re busy raising their own families, keeping a roof over their heads, food on the table and finding their own way through these troubled times. I’ve got one son that’s convinced this country has completely fallen off the rails and another one that never thought it was on the tracks in the first place. Needless to say, we all get along quite well.

I don’t have to tell you grandmas and grandpas out there that the grandkids are the loves of our life, their young minds and all that energy immediately takes years off my life. Nothing will make you get out of your chair and down on the floor playing like you were five again like those kids. They make me happy and feel young again. While getting back up from the floor can be challenging, and those aches and pains the next day are there to remind you, you ain’t five anymore, the joy and memories you make far outweigh any of that nonsense. The other thing that makes me happy is watching the kids raise their own. You know what? They’re pretty damn good at it and it makes me smile knowing those grandkids aren’t going to grow up under some woke roof wondering what gender they are.

The mountains make me happy, the creeks, rivers, lakes and oceans make me happy. The ever changing climate does too. You know, like when winter comes and its cold, and when the spring comes and things begin to grow, and the summer when it gets hot and the golf course is green and I have to mow the grass twice a week! Then fall arrives just in time where you’ve had about enough of the heat and mowing the yard. It’s all good and as it should be. Well, except for that stupid time change thing. I don’t care one way or the other about it, I just find it to be a pain in the ass. Pick a time and stay with it already. Some of you live in states that have done that, good for you! #JealousMe

Early morning peace on the water in the low country. I gotta tell ya, it ain’t bad.

What else makes me happy? Well, I’ve got this little pup who is now the same age as I am who brings me so much joy. Just like a kid he keeps me on my toes! He loves to play, swim, and cuddle. What the hell else could one ask for in a companion? By the way, he’s the only Democrat in the house. Yep, just like every Democrat, I have to feed him, pick up his poop, pay for his healthcare and he lives rent free and pisses on everything in his path. <smiling>

When it’s nap time it’s nap time! He’s a sweet little guy (when he’s sleeping). Wife say’s the same thing about me.

Those family members and friends spread out around the country also make me happy. While we don’t get to spend as much time together as we’d like, we stay in touch and hold our common bonds that keep us close. I wouldn’t want to go through this life without ’em. We have our history and like everyone else, that history is full of life’s ups and downs. Those are “our” ups and downs though and nobody can take them from us.

Family time on the back porch. Good memories, good times, our times. Enjoy them and make more every chance you get.

Finally, my wife makes me happy. Yep, it’s true. I don’t tell her that near often enough but I reckon she knows it. I’ll tell you what she sure spends a lot of time making sure I know I’m loved. She makes sure this house is in top running order and by God I best not miss one of the pills she lays out for me and when dinner is ready I better be too! She’s the doctor of the house, the accountant, the director of scheduling activities, and head of technical engineering over the remote control and door locks. LOL She’s as soft as silk and as hard as a rock. We don’t see eye to eye on everything but, you’ll never know that. She’s my partner, friend and we stand back to back through thick and thin. If I could just get her to relieve me from squeegeeing the glass before I get out of the shower life would be perfect! Lol

So I am absolutely positive I’ve left out many other things that make me happy but hopefully I’ve touched on the obvious ones. Why am I bothering with all of this? Because I think y’all have many of the same things, at least I sure hope you do, that make you happy too and you know what, we’d do ourselves a big favor by remembering those things, thinking about those things and being thankful for them.

While by all appearances the world has gone crazy and the loons are out in droves, at the end of each day we’ve got those things that make us happy and for that I can only say, THANK GOD! Take advantage of those things that make you happy friends. May y’all have many happy times ahead!

I’ve got to go now, my lawn looks uneven and it’s driving me nuts! 🙂 Oh, one last thing. #Trump2024.

It’s Been One Of Those Weeks

Good afternoon friends! Yep, it’s been one of those weeks where I just can’t get my head into the on-going political game of nonsense. The things that go on nowadays and never seem to let up are making it more and more difficult for me to remain engaged. I know, I know, that’s just what these filthy idiots want, for all of us to just throw in the towel, stop fighting, stop calling them out just let it be what it is. The level of stupidity and downright criminality of this government and all the paid actors is so bad, so beyond anything one could dream up that it feels fruitless to even begin to change minds. Seriously though, anyone, after all we’ve seen and endured, who continues to support this evil empire that is propped up by the puppet-n-chief with the evil doers pulling the strings is beyond any help I can offer them.

Yep and the “within” is full speed ahead.

I watch the news, read the posts, listen to a podcast here and there and about all I can do is look up toward the heavens and shake my head. The topics being discussed today are off the charts sick. The actions of this fake installed administration are beyond the pale. I don’t think I’ve ever used the F word more in my entire life as I have in the last 3 years. What the hell… And the thing is it’s all happening in real time. Our border really is wide open and we really do have human-trafficking going on, right now, in 2024, human trafficking? As for this economy, good golly miss molly what has this moron-n-chief done to us? And what makes it worse, it’s all on purpose. The media is dead in this country. As if you need me to tell you that. As for congress, this has to be the all time worst congress. When they do get something done (rare) it’s not helpful to the American taxpayer. In fact, just the opposite, everything coming out of this congress is hurting the people and even worse, they don’t care. They don’t care about the oath they took and they sure as hell don’t care about us. Republican, Democrat, Independent, who cares, it doesn’t matter. It’s frustrating as all get out isn’t it? Then there’s the Supreme Court who have become like the last stand or hope I guess. The trouble with SCOTUS is that it takes an eternity to get a case in front of them and when that finally happens you are flipping a coin as to how they will decide the case. What seems as clear as the day is long to us can get flipped around in a hot minute. Remember Obamacare? I was certain that POS was DOA. Nope, they called it a tax and here we are. Then there’s the military, protect and defend against foreign and domestic. Nope. FBI: crap. CIA: crap. Homeland security: please.

Y’all see what I mean when I say, “it’s been another one of those weeks?” This never ending dribble of destruction is enough to make an old guy want to oil his levers and wait until such time the people of this country decide enough is enough, if you know what I mean. How far down this rabbit hole are we going to go before that happens? As I said at the start, the things we are witnessing, the utter insanity we are enduring are beyond anything I can come up with to describe. It’s just so out there, so wrong, so stupid, so maddening and it seems like the answer is always tomorrow or in this case November.

Anywho friends, dear old Dan just isn’t in the game as much lately. These paid idiots on X (twit) make me crazy and those that agree with them make me want to reach through the screen and backhand each of them for being so damn dumb. None of this sounds like a recipe for good health or life. Heck, all I want to do is enjoy my family, live my life and be left the hell alone. I reckon I’m not the only one.

Feels like we’re down to the last box on the list to me. I suppose this next election will be the decider…

I’ll continue to play along, keep all our eggs in the Trump basket even though I’ve got about as much faith in a fair election as I do Biden being able to wipe his own ass. Certainly y’all know they are cheating as we speak right? I thought you did.

So that’s about all I’ve got to say about that. Brings to mind the famous words “Run Forest, Run!” lol

We live to fight another day. Another week is just around the corner. A week that will indeed be once again filled with a pile of horseshit but one where you and I will march onward calling out all the lies and reminding any and everyone who will listen of the truth. As I always say, this is our damn country. I look forward to a time when we (everyone) start acting like it.

Until then, I hope this week’s rant catches y’all having a good weekend. Oh, before I forget, this eclipse thing, give me a freaking break. It will come and go just like all those before it. Stupid government.

Wishing you a great rest of your weekend and week ahead! And yep; #Trump2024TheOnlyChoice.

You and I will never give up on him but these disgusting people in Government and the Media sure have. We fear them but guess what? They fear him…

What’s It Gonna Take?

As we wade through the disgusting mess this corrupt Government and all the ilk that surrounds, supports and covers for them it’s pretty normal to ask yourself, “What’s it gonna take?” I mean what is it? What has to be done in order for us to get back to a point where we live our lives without having to worry about what shoe is going to drop next. Every morning when I get up I make a cup of coffee and then, with a tight tummy I look to see what happened overnight. Often this is preceded with saying to myself; “Okay, let’s hope Biden hasn’t started WW3.” I’m not kidding, I have such a lack of confidence in that moron that I constantly worry about the next “thing” he’ll bring down upon us. Obviously that dumbass, jackass doesn’t have even the brain capacity to pull off much of anything himself but, as we all know and say, he’s nothing more than a puppet of the world’s evil doers and he hasn’t the desire or ability to stand up for us or our country. He’s little more than a yes man. It’s downright scary really and not a week passes where something occurs making us all just that more fearful. Dear Lord, get us to November and then stand as you always have, for good over evil.

The Biden effect: Every week it’s one thing after another and none of it is good.

Build Back Better huh… please. That’s nothing more than a cute little slogan designed for the bed-wetters to make them feel good when in reality it’s nothing more than; “give me your money so I can share it with my puppet masters and myself. You tell me, is anything in your area better? Are your roads or airports better? Probably a bad time to talk about bridges…

I’m not one to automatically jump to the conclusion this bridge nightmare was terrorism. It certainly could be nothing more than a horrible accident, they do happen you know. The problem is that it’s something every single week, a train falling off its tracks, a wheel falling off a plane, whales washing up on the shore, a dog biting a secret service agent, or 13 servicemen being killed during an ill conceived evacuation and about a thousand other things under this lame administration.

For the inquiring mind, those pictured above are among some of the many evil doers I so often refer to.

To be honest (I don’t know why I say that because I hate it when others use it. You mean as opposed to lying? It’s a dumb thing to say) and to my credit, I never liked or trusted the Clintons, Slick Willy gave me the willies and let’s not bother to go down the crooked Hillary road. As for Obama, I reckon I don’t need to express my feelings about that communist loving peace of shit. That leaves us with the Bush duo. I always gave credit to George for standing solidly by one of my favorite Presidents, President Reagan. Sadly and now embarrassing, I was a solid W fan and then came Trump. Talk about opening my eyes and forcing me to take another look at the Bush family, but then again, isn’t that one of the greatest Trump accomplishments? Opening our eyes to the filth, corruption and insider Washington bullshit?

I have to admit, I got some pleasure out of the Ronna firing.

What I didn’t get any pleasure from was those idiots at NBC/MSNBC having such a cow-fit over the possibility of having someone amongst their lying squad of complete deep state run morons who might (heavy emphasis on might) have an opposing view of current events. Oh what a tragedy that would have been. I love the meme because it’s spot on, the “but sir” made me spit out my coffee. I don’t know who produces all of these but to them and all of you who share them, THANK YOU! Finding something to laugh about nowadays ain’t no easy task…

So to wrap up another weekly rant I repeat myself “what’s it gonna take” to get this ship’s course corrected so it’s not aiming at the next American nightmare. And I’m not talking about a bridge. I’m talking about our country and her people as a whole. While I’ll be the first to admit I don’t have all the answers, I do know that course correction starts with a Trump re-election. We say vote for Trump as if your life depends upon it, because it does. Well, yeah! We don’t have a prayer in the world without first getting that job done and at times, in fact, more often than not, getting that done feels near impossible when you consider all the evil against us and him. While I have every confidence in the world that we will stick together and do our part, the all consuming concern is whether or not these evil, cheating sons-a-bitches are going to let the people decide. The other thing that becomes more important than ever is his choice for Vice President. Why? Because as great as President Trump is, he isn’t going to be able to fix all that is wrong in this country in just four short years. I pray that he is gifted with a smart choice that brings us the best opportunity for a great American comeback. One like never before. Having said that, priority one is getting him back. We do that and we’ve got a chance my friends!

He worked tirelessly on our behalf and he’ll do it again if given the chance. BTW, you see that look on his face? You see his body language? Well, that’s about how we all feel right now. Tired, disgusted but determined to keep going.

This has always been one of my favorite pictures of the President. It captures the man while others sleep. Just as we saw this week as he attended the fallen NY Officer’s funeral while the globalist and Hollywood filth gathered to ooh and ah over the very people who gave us this mess we find ourselves wallowing in today. He is a man for and by the people so as I ask every week, beat those drums of liberty friends! Call out every lie you happen across, speak loudly when you shove the very thing the Left and the media and the bed-wetters despise the most, the truth down their throats. For as the saying goes, “the truth shall set you free.” #Trump2024

Wishing y’all a safe, wonderful and blessed Easter Sunday.

A Thousand Cuts

When you look back over the years starting with Trump coming down the escalator and then add up all the lies thrown at him and the American people, it’s like the country is bleeding from a thousand cuts. A Russia lie here, an impeachment or two there, maybe plan a worldwide pandemic and while you’re at it, force a vaccine that’s not a vaccine here & there. Promote and display some transvestites at elementary schools or have men compete against the girls in sports, a few burned down cities by animals who say white people are the danger, rig an election and give it to a guy that lost twice before but give him more votes than the great black hope got. Throw in some FBI agents here and there so you turn a peaceful and patriotic protest into a riot but then call it an insurrection, add 50 or so CIA liars to the mix to protect their pre-arranged puppet, build a wall but don’t use it, leave a few billion dollars worth of high end military equipment for the enemy abroad to keep and use, as the fire is burning on the homeland douse it with a heavy dose of inflation as you cut off energy production and mandate what kind of vehicle the people can drive. When all that’s accomplished and the people are still standing, light up the justice department and call to action all the Soros, Democrat owned judges to go after the one guy, for me, the only guy, that continues to stand up to the very people funding all of these thousands of cuts, President Trump. Indict him 90 times, hit him with fines never heard of before, and make him out to be the devil. As he always says, Al Capone never got such treatment. If that’s not enough, let’s fund a few wars and what the heck let’s blame that on Trump and those evil MAGA people. In fact, let’s blame the whole damn thing on Trump and those evil MAGA people. After all, we didn’t have any of these problems until Trump came along, right? Nah, everything was peachy! Government did as they pleased and most Americans believed what CNN and the rest of the lying media told them. Oh sure there were all those wars in the Middle East, but hey, only thousands of humans died during those times, besides, they gave us Obamacare so we should fall to our knees giving thanks for that…

A quick stroll down memory lane where the cuts we’ve received are still bleeding:

Just an example of a slice against humanity, normalcy & simple decency
Here’s another one causing the bleeding. If there was ever a picture of filth and corruption…
Let’s not forget about these folks and their knives. We Won’t.
He played his part and walking around as free as a bird.
Stay focused now, remember, it’s the MAGA folks promoting all the violence around here. It’s almost as though they were calling for a ‘bloodbath’ or something…
Nothing to see here… It’s all fun and games and you know, ice cream.
It’s all good friends, this is Biden’s America, just keep paying taxes and be happy…
Don’t worry, the Republicans will stand up for us…
Don’t worry, this will never happen again… You know, until it does, like right now.
Ah, the good ole days… It’s as if I can feel the knife cutting me.
Y’all had enough yet?
Too bad because this jackass doesn’t know how to tell the truth. He’s an idiot and so are his supporters.

As we all watched the illegals storm past the Texas National Guard this week, you know, the ones who are there to protect our border without guns, tanks or helicopters, (well, they have them, they just can’t use them and that’s pretty much how America fights now), these evil bastards in DC send our men and women into danger with a list of “do not use” in their back pocket. You know, stop the enemy but don’t hurt anyone kind of thing.

We all knew this was going to be an OMG kind of year and thus far they haven’t let us down on that front have they? Hell, it’s only March. Meanwhile there is no shortage of ice cream for the brain frozen moron-n-chief. I so wish 80 million and I’d settle for just five would clog every street across this country in protest of the thousand cuts. As we sit back and watch these bastards fund each and every one of these evil acts there isn’t one among you that isn’t completely terrified they will rig this next election and rightfully so, and why not? They got away with the last one without even needing a bandage.

I’ll quit now friends, as you might have gathered, dear ole Dan finds himself in one pissy mood this afternoon. What these evil people are doing to this country and to our President Trump is beyond anything I could dream up and they ain’t done either. Not even close.

If we’re not going to hit the streets we at least better hold our ground the best we can. We do that by voting like we’ve never voted before. As November inches closer our efforts to slam the idiots when they lie becomes more important than ever. So does our sharing the truth. We’ve got to keep the truth front and center at every turn. Shove it down the evil doer’s throats at every opportunity you get. Don’t roll over, don’t sit down, don’t bend or break. I don’t care what anyone says, this remains our country, our time and we by the grace of God and the creek don’t rise better act like it.

I know none of you will, let’s make sure no one else does too.

So friends keep the bandages handy, more cuts to come. We’ve come this far, we sure as hell ain’t throwing in the towel now. Together we will lean on each other to get through it all and in the end, together, we celebrate! As Trump would say, we will celebrate like never before, maybe the biggest celebration ever! LOL

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Rest up because we’ve got another round of filth to attack this coming week. Remember, it could always be worse, you could be Trump. If we don’t fix this mess, they’ll come for us too. #Trump2024

Same Crap, Different Week

Am I right or am I right? What a screwed up, rigged up, dishonest, filth laden time we are living in friends. I mean really, you have to work double time to find anything good going on nowadays and even then, you best be creative to do that. Writing this blog each week is getting harder and harder. Not because of the lack of material but because of the lack of interest on my part. Seriously, I’ve been doing this without missing a beat for what now, four or five years? I lost my main account on Twit twice and it’s gone for good at this point. Don’t “yeah Musk” to me. The place is still full of bed-wetters getting off on slamming conservatives and just blink and they’ll take your free speech and impound it. You know, because your voice is such a threat to democracy and all, a bunch of freaking communist sympathizers if you ask me. But, it’s not about me is it? Well, it kinda is, LOL. I started this weekly ranting to let the air out of my balloon before it popped. The trouble I’m having is the ranting ain’t relieving me of the pain like it once did. Fact is, about three quarters of the time I finish my weekly piss & moan feeling more angry than when I started. Now that IS a ME problem isn’t it? Oh well, you know what they say, all’s fair in love and war right.

Speaking of screwed up times… let me see, this week we’ve got tires falling off airplanes during takeoff, passengers letting the crew know they’ve got an engine on fire, the National Guard standing guard in an American subway (NY), freaking illegals we don’t know anything about who, by the way, in fairness to them which why they are deserving of fairness I couldn’t say, were invited by the dumbfk-n-chief to come to the country in the first place killing our daughters, and sucking down taxpayer money like it was candy. Oh and don’t forget, us morons that put up with this junk allow the US Census to include them in our count. You know, so these filth ridden Leftist s-hole cities can get more, well, filth ridden Leftist s-head congress people to, you know, “represent” us… I don’t know how much more stinky air this balloon can take in.

Well of course they didn’t, they’re all a bunch of communists.

What else this week? You don’t seriously want me to weigh in on the courts do you? Look, I don’t expect every court case to come out the way I want but, holy moley batman, can one every once in a while come out in favor of common sense, common law you know be decided based on facts not political biases. Do we have any damn judges in this country who aren’t on the Leftist payroll? Where the hell are all those judges Trump put in office? Not in DC, Georgia or Florida evidently.

Well, just to set the record straight, we already knew Georgia is corrupt. That ship sailed in November of 2020. And guess what, we’ve got another election just around the corner. Y’all feeling good these cheaters won’t cheat again? I ask because none of them went to jail and nothing of substance has changed since then.

That wimpy Democrat Fani contributing judge wasn’t ever going to do the right thing. His ruling was always going to be lopsided and never be based on anything other than the ‘you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’ followed by “the checks in the mail judge.”

Yeah, how does that work?

Truth be told, having Wade resign was another gift to filthy Fani anyway. I mean, did you hear that guy during the trial? The man is dumber than a stump. In fact the only thing dumber is anyone who would hire that idiot. Think about it, who in their right mind would leave their wife for that thing? A sloppy, arrogant, corrupt, mouthy piece of work is what she is. I must be racist to say such things right… bullshit, the woman is trash. Just to show my equal rights side, so is the Carol woman. Hey, it’s pretty clear. In fact it’s black and white.

I’ll tell you what friends, if it weren’t for our President Trump I don’t know how or even if I could do these weekly rants. Without question he remains the “only” bright spot in our country about now. He, and he alone (well, other than the good Lord above obviously) allows us to remain hopeful for better days to come. While we all toss and turn at night worrying ourselves to no end whether or not they are going to either jail him or rig the election again or both, he keeps us in the game. I don’t know about y’all but if it weren’t for him I’d be putting camo on my face and building a moat around the house which I’d fill with Democrats so the gators didn’t go hungry.

The one piece of good news we did get this week was the removal of any question about whether or not President Trump would indeed be our nominee. Not that it was ever a question. At least not by any of us with fully functioning brains anyway. All the Nikki and Ron chatter boxes have now calmed down for the most part. What were they thinking anyway? We no sooner come off of four fantastic years under Trump and these ass-hats turn on him and want to take a chance on someone else? Good grief. You’d have to be completely out of your mind to think there is anyone on the planet other than Trump that can and will clean up this friggin’ nightmare of a cesspool government. Hell, I don’t even know if he can. I just know he’s the only one talking about it and therefore remains our only and best hope.

Alright then, enough is enough my friends. I once again say THANK YOU for allowing me this time to let some air out of this bald headed balloon of mine. I hope this reaches y’all enjoying your weekend. Keep pounding those drums of freedom, truth, duty, justice and honor (you know all those things the young folks at West Point can no longer vow to stand for…). Call out the lies, pound home the truth. We are MAGA Americans and our cause is so simple, Make America Great Again… how deplorable of us. LOL Until next week friends!

He may very well be out nominee but just so the record is clear, he’s always been our President.

The SOTU/The Rebuttal

Needless to say that State Of The (Political) Union speech was about as awful as they come and that’s a gross understatement. Quite frankly the Republican response, for me, was pretty pathetic as well. At least it was well meaning but after an hour plus of the screamer-n-chief it was underwhelming and missed the opportunity to wake people up. In fairness, the lines have long since been drawn and anyone that is still sitting on the fence is most likely too damn stupid to see the truth anyway. Why President Trump didn’t do the rebuttal escapes me.

This sums up his STOU speech quite well. The entire thing was horseshit.

I don’t have to tell you but, we are living in times of great danger, a time where we must be bold in our convictions and for the love of God, way, WAY less accepting. The Left is giddy because their installed leader didn’t trip and fall on his way to the dais and he was actually able to stay upright for a couple of hours. Forget about what it took to make that happen. A slow drip from an IV comes to mind but, what do I know? Well, I know how he looks, talks, walks and sounds 99% of the time and those long two hours wasn’t it. You’ll be hard pressed to convince me this wasn’t a pumped up drugged Joe Biden.

Nearly everything about this guy and the rouge government he and his puppet masters are running is a national crisis and arguably a world crisis. We literally have an installed President who puts the American people last and friends, that’s not okay. From the out of control border, to the wars, inflation, and so much regulation that the country can hardly breathe, from corporate boardrooms to the kitchen table, American’s had better get in the fight and do so with the gloves off. This is not the time to have that lovely, soft spoken mom/congresswoman go up against this evil machine. We are living in a time where we need our boots on, not slippers. We don’t have to come across as a screaming lunatic, but we do have to drive our message home and do so under no uncertain terms.

The list is long, dreadful, and much, bigger than just the economy stupid.Starting with the unresolved rigged elections.

I reckon y’all know this but humor me and let me say it anyway. Biden didn’t win the 2020 election and the virus came from China. Biden hasn’t reduced our debt, he added trillions to it. In fact under his policies we add another trillion every one hundred days. For the record, we DO NOT have the best economy in the world. The border isn’t closed and those that are coming into the country are doing so illegally and because of this Americans are going to (and have) die by a thousand cuts. The wars we are funding are a direct result of Biden’s weakness and he is bankrupting us, through our oil reserves, depleting our ammunition/arms and the American dollar. Everything he does is done via a loan because we are broke! While he waives $8 credit card fees for the slow learners the American credit card is under water and the interest payment is beyond our ability to pay back. Nothing is being built back, much less built back better. Every single aspect of American life, its culture, our families, our government, and our media is in decline. These are simple facts, there’s no arguing these facts and they need to be shoved down every congress person’s throat every minute of every day.

This is just one example of where we are today. There isn’t anything funny about this and sadly, it’s absolutely true.
Here’s another one that isn’t funny and is equally true. Democrats and Republicans alike are allowing this crap to occur and worse, to continue.

These times we are living in friends are pretty (F word) up and again, that’s an understatement. The amount of filth, lies, and corruption surrounding us requires, as they say, all hands on deck. It’s bad enough that none of us have any faith in how our election will be run this year when you add all the rest of the takeover it becomes hard to even breathe. This is why I am so disappointed in the Republican rebuttal. Broken Brain’s medically induced shit show didn’t even make me blink. It was all that I suspected it would be. The rebuttal though proved once again that we the people are indeed on our own.

So now that I’ve managed to depress you even further, let me finish as I always do by telling you we are fighting to win the war. While we endure these daily circus acts it’s the long game we remain focused on. While we feel like we are just one of the ants on the hill I’d remind you there are a lot of us. Together we must continue call out the lies, drive home the truth and be accepting of nothing else. What we are made to endure today is simply NOT OK and we will not, must not allow any of it to stand. You and I know that President Trump is the only one telling the truth and without question then, the only one with the brains, balls and determination to gather all of us up and go kick the living shit out of these evil sons-a-bitches doing this to us, our country, our children and really the world. When he said they aren’t coming after him but after us he wasn’t kidding. We will get through this, friends. I don’t know how, I just know we have to do it together and we can’t have it any other way. So speak up my friends! Let your voices be heard. If this feels like our last stand it’s because it is. No Trump, no country.

Trump 2024 because the American way of life depends upon it.

Somedays Are Harder Than Others

This has been a long hard pull, this being our never-ending fight against the evil doers in this country. Some days, like this one, are harder to stay in the battle than others. There’s no doubt these ugly heartless people have some staying power. No one can drag you down better than they can. Everyday it’s ‘we the people’ against a huge pile of dung. Democrats, RINOs, media and then there’s all the idiotic American people who are either rooting for the dipshit-n-chief, Nikki the drama queen who’s all about, you know, no drama or these courts that couldn’t possibly be more corrupt. It’s a heavy load of crap we are made to deal with and attempt to fight off every day.

Of course every time I start to piss and moan about the ilk being shoved down our throats I always return to the “it could be worse Dan, you could be Trump.” The other thing that comes to mind comes from a personal experience many, MANY years ago. My brother who was newly married was complaining to Dad about life in general, how hard it was and how tough he had it. I was in my teens still, probably trying to pop a pimple or something while this was going on in the background. When my brother finished the ‘oh poor me’ dialog, the old man started laughing and said “hell son, you’re young, get up, slap the dust off and get back to work.” By this time Dad had become rich, then poor, then rich again, then poor again, LOL, true story, rich of course being a relative term. You know the whole ‘one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’ thing. My guess is that if one of us could get in a room with President Trump and started whining about how tough we have it, he’d probably laugh at us too. Lord knows the man is carrying the entire cesspool on his shoulders and just think, he only has 100 million of us depending on him. No pressure right, piece of cake.

So we’ve gone from illegal aliens to undocumented workers, to poor immigrants to newcomers huh? Reminds me of climate change which as you know, is the reason all these ‘newcomers’ have come to America. What? That’s what the dipshit-n-chief and his side-kick said. It must be true. This reminds me of climate change because that’s changed over the years too hasn’t it, from global warming to global cooling to climate change and probably a few others I’ve long since forgotten. This is what the global ass-hats do. They change the words to hide their utter insanity. Well I’m here to tell you, it’s still ILLEGAL ALIENS and it was never climate anything and always, the weather.

The kind that is a corrupt global ass-puppet who was never elected.

Did y’all spend any time watching the closing arguments in the Fani trial? Wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t and besides, that’s what you have me for. It only took this MAGA extremist two minutes to know two things. In all honesty though, I had come to the same conclusions well before this song and dance production began. First, the Trump attorneys made it obvious to even the most brain dead among us that this woman is as crooked as Lombard Street in San Francisco and second, the judge is another Leftist who won’t send this sloppy racist packing. Hell, there were times during her attorney’s closing argument (which was awful, worse than awful) where I couldn’t tell who the attorney was and who the judge was. Her idiot attorney would make a statement that made no sense at all, the judge would question it and when the attorney didn’t have an answer the judge gave him one. He (the judge) might as well have said “so you’re saying she’s innocent and I shouldn’t do anything.” He damn near did.

A white leftist judge hearing the case involving two corrupt black leftists, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out where this is going. But wait, it’s not about race. Isn’t it?

I hate to be so negative but I reckon this trial will leave us feeling like everything else nowadays, which is that the courts are rigged, justice is broken and the get Trump shit-show will continue. Remember, they cannot afford another Trump presidency. In order to fix all this nonsense it appears our best bet is to take a lesson from Commander (dipshit’s dog).

If we don’t get our President back we will need to do some biting ourselves and not of the Secret Service but of, well, you know. I mean, what are we supposed to do?

It’s time to wrap this thing up my friends. I’ll finish by saying if there is one place Haley has even the slightest chance to win it’s in DC where they are voting as we speak. All of DC hates Trump. Gee, I wonder why… Should for some miracle Trump beat her in DC you’ll find me on the floor holding my gut from bursting out in laughter. Super Tuesday can’t come quick enough. I’m tired of hearing and looking at Never Nikki and all her leftist, globalist, war machine bullshit.

I’ll finish where I started, some days are harder than others but somehow by y’all allowing me this time to rant it makes it a little easier. Knowing I’m not alone in my quest to get our President back in office makes all the difference in the world. As for the idiots who obviously hate America, dislike that old piece of paper the constitution is written on and who are bound and determined to go all communist on us I simply say this, “nope”, this is our country and we fully intend on keeping it. So while the battles continue we shall remain focused on winning the war. Remember, our country, our time. #Trump2024TheOnlyChoice

Yep, buckle up, while the road is bumpy we’ve only just begun to fight.

Same Message, Different Day

That’s about where my head is this afternoon. I’m at a point where the only thing different with these weekly rants is the day. Everything else is a seven year repeat of the same underhanded dirty dealing from this corrupt government of ours. Well, not ours but the one we are having forced down our throats anyway. I mean let’s face it, if the proverbial “we” had any say in this country we sure as heck wouldn’t be facing all this filth and nonsense. Of course, having said that, one has to remember that half the people in this country are completely out of their minds so there’s that…

This seemingly never ending shit show we are living in right now is enough to drive a normal person right out of his mind. The things these people in government say and do are more often than not nearly impossible to even believe much less accept. I mean holy shit batman! And just think, it could be worse, you or I could be Trump… I’d say we could be Biden but then I’d be lying because on our worst day there’s no way we could be that gross, that feeble, that corrupt, or that evil and that’s not to even mention that stupid.

Yeah, we’re supposed to believe this idiot got 80M votes and among Presidents ranks higher than Trump. #ClownWorld PS: Thank you Rip for these memes.

The upcoming State Of the Mumbler, I mean Union ought to be the best comedy hour of the year. The idiot-n-chief will spend an hour mumbling his lies and nonsense to the country and when he’s done none of us will know what the hell he said. One wonders what kind of juice they are going to stick him with just to make it possible for him to stand up that long. You know for certain they will double up on the diapers and they’ve put the word out, no sand bags on the stage! I know the entire country can’t wait for him to tell us how great our lives are now and how important it is we send more money that we don’t have to Ukraine. Earlier this week I heard he placed 500 new sanctions on Russia. The word is these sanctions are going to severely hamper Putin’s ability to continue the war. Gee, if that’s the case why didn’t he do it two years ago before he borrowed billions to give to Ukraine? Oh yeah I forgot, 10% for the big guy right… This Ukraine debacle has to be the world’s biggest money laundering scheme of all time. Hell, Biden is so tough on Russia that Putin has endorsed him. Did I say clown world already?

Today, we South Carolinians are at the voting booths doing our patriotic duty. Just so everyone knows it’s a refreshing ordeal here. In order to vote you have to show your ID! What a concept huh? Like the rest of you, I am banking on the polls being right once again which between you and me and the gate post, scares the hell out of me but all indications are that Trump will not only beat birdbrain but beat her hands down right here in her home state. That sounds delicious doesn’t it! When it’s all said and done I’ll raise my glass of low country sweet tea in praise of my fellow Carolinians and then watch gleefully as Haley announces her victory! You know, because losing to her is winning. After all, that is the Democrat philosophy, right? Right. Up is down, left is right, bad is good and the border is secure, build back better is great, the economy is on fire and Biden likes black people. I said clown world right?

What is this, some Seinfeld skit? I don’t know but it’s certainly the bizzarre-o world this women lives in. (Again, thanks for these memes Rip)

How many times does this neo-con birdbrain have to be told NO by the people until she stops? I reckon it comes down to how long it takes until her Democrat funders have finally had enough. Between you and me that may not ever come. She has become their number one go to person to slam our President and get their word (lies) out. It doesn’t bother them in the slightest that she takes shots at the mumbler-n-chief along the way. After all, it’s not as though they intend on running him anyway. At this point any shots across the Biden bow only helps their ultimate goal of kicking his skinny corrupt ass to the curb and placing the next dictator, I mean puppet of choice. And the fact that they can rid themselves of Kami in the process is, well, the cherry on top of the ice cream poop pie.

What pisses me off is that we have plenty of rope but we don’t put it to good use.

Speaking of putting it to use, that’s exactly what we will achieve if we can get Trump across the finish line. And that right there is exactly why all of government, the media and all the rest of the idiot evil doers roaming the land around the world spend their every waking moment going after the man. They know better than we do that he will turn this shit show up-side down should he make it back behind the resolute desk. They also know all of us will stand and cheer him on as he turns the wrongs back into the rights. They know wall construction will begin again and the biggest roundup of illegals in the history of the world will occur. How frightening it must be for them to even think about all those future voters sitting on a bus headed back to their shit-hole counties. And then there are all those so-called allies who have been sucking on the America tit draining our wealth and expecting us to carry all the water. And don’t let anyone fool you, China and Russia don’t want anything to do with another Trump Presidency either. As for the scumbags in the FBI, CIA and DOJ, well, maybe we do need some more rope.

He changed the New York skyline for the better. He’s looking around, smiling, knowing he has our support and just waiting for another chance to Make America Great Again.

And there you have it friends. Another same ole rant on a different day. God bless every last one of you for putting up with me and for your continued quest to get our guy back at the helm.

You know the drill, call out the lies, scream out the truth and never say whoa in a hard pull. This is our time, our country and we damn well better take it back. Use a sledgehammer if you must but whatever you do, don’t you ever give in, don’t you ever give up. We got this! You know, if they don’t cheat. If that should happen, be prepared! Stock up on sledgehammers and rope and when you do, buy American! lol

Have a great rest of your weekend and week ahead friends! #Trump2024ToSaveAmerica

It’s Only February

I think it’s fair to say that we all knew this was going to be a year filled with slime. I mean every election year is, right? I also think it’s fair to say that this year is blowing all past election years out of the water and hell, it’s only February.

These court cases against Trump, every single one of them are complete and utter bullshit. This isn’t a show about how bad Trump is. This is a show about how corrupt our government is. And if you don’t see it that way then you’re a part of the problem and too ignorant to realize how, in the end, such corruption, such lawfare, such weaponizing of the legal system will bite you personally in the ass. When I think about the harm they are causing Trump, his family and his businesses I become enraged. But, just think for a minute what harm it will cause you and me and this Nation if these evil acts are allowed to stand.

And that’s being kind… While she fills her bank account with deep state filth money, Americas outrage grows.

You’ve heard Trump say a million times, “if we don’t have a border we have no country” Same with elections “if we don’t have free and fair elections we don’t have a country” and both are true. Well, if we don’t have a fair and honest justice system we don’t have a country either. What we have is a country run by dictators and by evil money changers throwing down their filthy orders. It’s not just the government, as if that wasn’t enough, who don’t want Trump back in office. It’s the money changers and just about every shit hole country leader on the planet and they all dislike him for the same reason. He’s not for sale, he won’t play in the pig sty with any of them.

And they’re not alone. Under another Trump Presidency their evil doings get exposed, stopped and well hell’s bells, they can’t have any of that now can they…

I’ve said it a million times, I simply don’t know how he stays in this fight. No one has ever been attacked from so many sides all at once. I’m absolutely convinced they’d kill him if they thought millions of Americans wouldn’t throw a freaking “don’t tread on me” fit. Well, that and if there weren’t millions of Americans armed. To be clear, what they are doing to him is no less wrong, no less painful, and no less illegal than what Putin did/does to his opponent(s).

Can you even begin to imagine how pissed off the President must be? It took me less than one minute watching that trashy Fani this week in court before I wanted to climb through the television and… pick a verb. What an arrogant low life bitch. Apologies to all other low life bitches… Not! Bite me! Talk about disgusting and our President has been made to sit in court and put up with all these wacko, bought and paid for pukes. I wish all 70M of us would get together and shut New York, DC and Georgia down. Yep, whenever there’s a Trump court date I’d love to just flood these shit holes down by filling their streets with red Make America Great Again hats.

I don’t know what frustrates me more, watching all this filthy corruption or having to sit on my ass doing nothing about it. As for those so-called ‘fellow Americans’ cheering this bullshit on. You don’t want to know what I think of them or what I’d like to see happen to them. Needless to say, it doesn’t include remaining in this country.

Speaking of people I no longer want to share my country with… This stale ole turd is among them.

While everyone, myself included, knows (prays) Trump will win these court cases in the end via appeal I’ve got to be honest, it scares the hell out of me because the level of corruption inside our justice system is so deep and so unafraid I say he will win on appeal but I also carry a level of fear at the same time. I mean, these people are soooo damn bad. To say it’s maddening is an understatement. We are living in a time where our government is making (pick a dictator) look like a teddy bear.

Needless to say, without law and order we are back to the wild, wild west where anything goes. The only difference this time is the law is being abused by the judges, prosecutors, DAs and this spit bucket of a government and we, lonely ole taxpayers are the good guys. Right? We sure as hell aren’t the ones robbing stores, shooting up schools, illegally crossing borders or suing our enemies. It’s a good thing I don’t have Elon money otherwise these filthy sons-a-bitches would find out what it’s like to be in court every five minutes of the day. Too many names to list… Obama, Biden, Clinton, those CIA mother…. , Wray, Pencil neck, Fartwell, nasty Nancy… like I said, the list is too long.

Okay friends, I can’t do this any longer. Mom used to say “if you don’t have anything good to say, zip it” so I reckon I better zip it. This has been a shit stain week and sadly I suspect there are more to come.

All of the BS only strengthens my support for the President. This of course is something the evil doers don’t seem to understand. Either that or they simply don’t care. Likely both are true. These people have taken this ‘get Trump’ so beyond the beyond that I’ll never have trust in any of them ever again. Dad never did trust them. He’s looking down on me right now laughing his ass off. That I can tell you.

Let us all stay focused, we know the truth when we see it so let’s promote the hell out of it. Equally, we’ve learned how to recognize the lies too and so we shall throw out our BS flag at every turn. We live in a country right now where the lies far outweigh the truth. Pretty sad if you ask me. One thing is for certain, actually two things. First, Trump ain’t going to give up or give in and I, your humble ‘ranter’ will be right here each week reminding you this is our country, our time, and like Trump, we aren’t going anywhere until this unlawful, screwed up mess is cleaned up. It’s truly crazy isn’t it? All we need is for a Trump victory and all of this filth, all of it, gets fixed. Y’all know the saying ‘vote like your life depends on it because it does’ to that I say, giddy up! #Trump2024ToSaveAmerica or at least make it a whole hell of a lot better. Biden NO! Nikki NO! Trump. <-That’s a period.

Enjoy (somehow) the rest of your weekend friends and the week ahead.

I’m Not Going There

Nope, this week has been an overdose of stupid and I just don’t have the will to repeat it all. I mean, good God, are we living in a clown world or what? And tell me, just what exactly was accomplished this week for the betterment of the country, or her people?

Sometimes I have to throw cold water on my face to shock my system out of all the filth and pure stupidity I/we have been subjected to. It was if they were working overtime trying to outdo their moronic behaviors of the past. I realize it’s an election year and I knew it was going to get worse but geez, it’s only February.

Did I tune out too soon or did the Republicans actually fail to agree to impeach Homeland ‘not’ Security Secretary Mayorkas? Certainly if these idiots can agree on anything they can agree this puppet, politician butt licker needs to go, right? Wrong! We’ve always known the Democrats will stick together no matter what the topic is. Seriously, these evil drones will always do what they’re told. They could be told to support the bombing of Dallas Texas and they’d vote unanimously yes and have no problem going to the microphone telling us why it’s so important and, with a straight face, how good it will be for the country or my favorite saying “the American people overwhelming support this.” We’ve long since learned that’s what they do but, these Republicans… Talk about an embarrassing group of nimrods…

Nope, let’s just keep that border open and let the filth come on in. You know because the border doesn’t reach high crimes and misdemeanors… #Idiots

I’ve reached a point with these people where I dislike the whole lot and I refuse to vote for any of them and I sure as hell ain’t going to donate to their campaigns. The truth is, they have played as big a role in the destruction of our country as the Dem’s have. Their inaction, to me, is every bit as bad as the Democrats evil actions. The Republicans have allowed it all. Hell, they haven’t even pitched a bitch really. Oh sure, they can rattle off all the wrongs, and they’re the first to tell us what should be done but… here we are three plus years later and look at us. What a Cluster…

Listening to Special Counsel Hur, who by the way is everything but ‘special’ was like Comey all over again. He said Mr. “I don’t remember shit” broke the law but he wouldn’t be filing any charges because he’d come across as just a likable, forgetful old man. Really? He never had the authority to take the documents, classified or not in the first place. Special Counsel, my ass. Law and order is so gone in this country right now it makes me sick.

Then what does diaper boy do? He goes to the microphone and makes Hur’s case. He screws up who he met with and then proceeds to yell at us like, well, a senile old man. What are the words I’m looking for here? Shit show, yeah, those are the ones.
Unlike the picture of the Trump documents, the FBI didn’t fake the look of the Commander-n-filth’s garage. Look at this. Tells me a lot about this idiot and all you guys out there know what I mean.

This ‘not made for prime time’ show makes me believe the evil doers have had about as much as they can take of pudding brain. They are seeing the strong support for President Trump and are in panic mode knowing damn well Biden is a losing ticket. You have to laugh when you think about who their number two is! Oh my God. Talk about backing themselves into a corner. Everyone, including me, talks about how they might bring in Newsome at the last minute which wouldn’t surprise me at all but, if you think that knee pad Kami will go down without a peep, think again. Would they really bypass a half black female? I mean, they are the diversity party right? It will be hilarious to watch them bypass her and instead go with a white (and oh so privileged) male.

This week just like all the ones before it sends the same message, we need Trump and we need him now more than ever!

Like you’ve heard me say over and over, he is the only one with the brains, balls and energy to put things straight again. He’ll enjoy doing it and we will enjoy watching it.

When I think about what they’ve put this man through and are still putting him through I only become more and more impressed. He doesn’t like losing and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to win and don’t think for a minute he doesn’t fight like hell for himself, of course he does. Why shouldn’t he? The thing is though, we get to ride along and it is all of us who really, really win in the end. Think about it. What does he get some small meaningless salary and a whole host of headaches? But, he gets his name cleared, gets the opportunity of going down in history as America’s greatest President and again, we are the ones who reap the benefits. It’s all good my friends.

Our President is going forward and nobody is going to hold him back.

While we all continue to support President Trump I think we also suppress our biggest fear which is another rigged election. I feel just like I did in 2020 where the support for the President was overwhelming (Stole that from the Democrats) but now knowing how these evil bastards cheat I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I continue to worry about this election being fair. Trump says we must swamp ’em, and swamp them we will. We did it in 2020 and we will do it again this year.

That’s the only option we have right now and so let’s take it all the way to November. Haley is nothing but a Democrat shrill pretending she is actually in this race. Like Hunter Biden, she’s little more than a side show. We want Joe Biden in prison and Donald Trump in the White House. Nothing else will do!

So my friends, I once again sincerely thank you for letting me rant away. Y’all give me hope. Together let us call out the lies and scream out the truth. Put the ass-hats in their place, then move on to the next one. Let them be reminded this is our damn country & our damn time. We’ve had enough of the insanity. We shall overcome and together we will celebrate the greatest victory of our time . #Trump2024TheOnyChoice

Why yes, yes we do!