25 to 1

I’ve been doing what I can to remind folks that it’s not Russia or China or (pick a name) that represent the biggest threat to our nation but rather it is the Main Stream Media.

This morning I decided to take a look on-line to confirm my belief that the media, not just those on television but all of the media including these Left wing so called internet news people. I only visited the home page of Yahoo, which is probably the most viewed website site in the world. My findings are not surprising.

There were 26 articles involving politics. Of those 25 were negative articles against the Trump Administration or Trump himself and only 1 that was somewhat positive.

It is this kind of heavily weighted reporting that makes me say the vast majority of the media are partners with the Left, with the Democrats. On a daily basis, they flood both the airwaves and the internet with their liberal brainwashing. This means, that hundreds of millions of our citizens are receiving only (for the most part) one side of the story and it ain’t our side and it certainly isn’t pro America.

Here are the headlines that the Yahoo readers were exposed to this morning:

  1. Kushner’s real estate firm filed false documents to push out tenants.
  2. Trump made White House Staff sign confidentiality pack.
  3. Donald Trump sure looks like he is planning to fire Meuller.
  4. Trumps legal plan on Stormy Daniels is out of the predator playbook.
  5. McCabe lawyer slams Trump over childish tweets.
  6. Trump error-filled tweets on Meuller probe.
  7. Trump falsely tweets there are no crimes in probe.
  8. Jim Carrey paints ugly picture of Sara Sanders.
  9. Comey fires back @ Trump.
  10. McCabe turns memos over to Mueller.
  11. Washington Blood Bath.
  12. Calls mount for investigation of McCabe firing.
  13. SNL’s bobble-head mocks Betsy DeVos.
  14. SNL mocks Jeff Sessions and Rex Tillerson.
  15. Shady double life of Sean Hannity.
  16. McCabe firing looks like a hit job.
  17. McCabe could potentially corroborate Comey’s claims.
  18. A four star general calls Trump a serious threat to National Security.
  19. Graham calls for hearings of McCabe firing.
  20. Polls show Trumps approval rating low across the board.
  21. Campaign linked data firm to millions of Facebook profiles.
  22. Huckabee celebrates firing of McCabe.
  23. Pelosi doesn’t deserve to go out like this.
  24. Hillary never meant to cause offence to white women.
  25. Brenan tears into Trump.

Positive Posts:

  1. Thousands cash in on Trumps tax cuts.

To be clear, this morning’s findings on Yahoo aren’t anything rare.  This is the norm. The President and the 60 million of us who voted for him are experiencing an all-out assault. Through their negative, and in many cases, false reporting, they get into the minds of hundreds of millions of American’s heads. Let’s face it, the majority of Americans couldn’t tell you what time it is much less have the ability or capacity to read through what’s true or false. The media molds these people and has been for many years now.

When you consider the 24/7 media and internet coupled with their partners, the Democrats, not only do the majority of Americans get a false view of this President, these hit- jobs also affect the world’s view of our President and the United States.

Honestly, what is it that the Left wants? What is their vision for the country, for us? You probably don’t know. Don’t feel bad, they don’t know either.

What we do know is they want power and they get this by promoting false narratives to the masses.

They want illegals to be able to vote. That’s an incorrect statement, really what they want is for illegals to be able to “continue” to vote. They are against Voter ID. What country on the face of the earth allows non-citizens to choose their leaders? None. If you want to see the Democrats do a 360 just convince them the illegals are going to vote for the Republicans. They will turn on the illegals so fast you won’t be able to keep your skirt on. Why? It’s all about the vote which is what? All about the power.

They want to ban our guns. We know that to be true, right? Actually they would never ban their own guns. It’s just like the wall right? They don’t want us to have a wall but you better damn well know they all have walls around their homes and gun carrying security inside and outside those walls. Again, we are back to their single motivation, power over the people.

I would even be willing to bet that if the Right suddenly went on a PR blitz announcing that they are now pro-choice, the Left would switch to pro-life. They need these issues. Without issues they’ve got nothing to run on, nothing to talk about. What would their platform become? Tax cutting? Less regulation? Less spending? I guess they could stay with free healthcare (single payer) for all. You do understand nothing is free, right?

That’s about all I’ll say today. You can be sure I’ll continue my narrative that the media and the Left are out to control the minds of all Americans and that kind of control has nothing to do with our keeping our freedom and everything to do with taking it away.

Stand your ground and keep your eyes and ears open folks. See you on twitter.

We Nearly Lost It All

I think the President has accomplished a lot during his first year in office. When I think about each of his accomplishments, there are two that stand out more than the others.  Neither of those makes the traditional list.

I honestly believe exposing the fake news media might be the most important accomplishment of all. While many of us on the Right don’t spend a lot of our television time watching the MSM, we do occasionally flip over to the other side to see what they are saying. I don’t know about you, but I never last very long. The vile hatred for anything conservative is just too much to endure. I would like to think that I am a fair minded person who is genuinely open to new ideas and differing opinions, but these people on the Left lie so often it becomes impossible to listen.

The President has opened my eyes more than ever before. I’ve been watching the President closely. I don’t miss any televised Trump event, so I’m fairly plugged-in to what he says. He is so transparent and so in touch with us, I don’t need any news organization to explain what he said or what he’s doing. I can’t tell you how many times I have listened to him at a rally, or read one of his tweets and then listened to someone in the media leave out key points. The most obvious example occurred during the campaign when he referred to illegals coming into the country. He said “some of these people are rapists and murderers.” From that day forward and still to this day, the MSM along with the liberal Left wing online ilk like Huffington Post or Newsweek, repeat his words and omit the word “some”.  “Some” is the most important part of the comment because it makes the statement true and it makes him right. This example and many others is the reason you’ll often hear me say “the Left never lets the truth get in their way.”

The reason that exposing the MSM is my top choice of accomplishments is that these news organizations have millions upon millions of viewers to whom they lie, everyday. They have brainwashed our fellow Americans into believing their lies. They’ve managed to convince over half of our country that the President somehow colluded with Russia to steal the election. So, half of the country does not see him as their President. That’s scary folks and if you add the “deep state” to the MSM issue, it would be fair to say, “Houston, we have a problem.”

It doesn’t end there.  Half the country now believes it is okay to kill babies, even late term babies.  A few years ago, it was exposed that Planned Parenthood was selling baby parts.  Selling baby parts! Yet the outrage was minimal, almost non-existent on the Left. They have managed to turn the country upside down. Many Americans appear to be okay with late term abortions but if you kill a deer or build a pipeline in the path of the caribou, all hell breaks loose. Seriously, this is just one example of how the Left and the Left wing media have slowly picked away at the moral standards of America or even worse, humanity itself. And Obama wondered why we cling to our bibles and guns…

You know the country has lost its marbles when North Korea has asked for talks with the President and every MSM station is talking about Stormy Daniels. Are you with me on this? That means that over half of the country, some 150 million Americans probably don’t know that the President has been hammering North Korea to bring them to the table for talks but, they do know that our billionaire President, 14 years ago may have hired a hooker.


There is no end to the number of examples that show just how one sided and devious the main stream media is. I view them as an enemy every bit as much as I do North Korea, Iran, Russia, and China. In fact, I view them as the number one enemy of freedom, because they are inside every home in the country. There is nothing more important than every Patriotic American to call-out the MSM at every opportunity.  As I started out saying, I think we owe so much to our President for putting this issue front and center. He has exposed them like no other could. Now, it’s up to us to shut them down. Every time you catch them lying, throw the bullshit flag and scream out to anyone who will listen.

I believe that his second greatest Presidential accomplishment is winning the election itself. Do you ever give this much thought? I bet you do.

Earlier this week, Hillary’s comments in India were exposed. For the most part, the Democrats got pretty quiet because Hillary’s words were indefensible. Just occurred to me, maybe Hillary should talk more often!

In her speech, she was explaining the reasons she lost the election. She proceeded to say that she lost the white married female vote because they were pressured to vote Republican by either their husbands, or the sons or their boss. She actually said that. When I first saw this on Twitter I had my republican white wife watch the video to get her reaction. Occasionally, I use a swear word in my posts.  My wife’s choice of words is not meant for print. Ha! Like most strong republican women, my wife was appalled and simply stated, she was angry. She thinks for herself, and I don’t want to debate with her, that I can tell you. Basically, Clinton doubled down calling white voters “deplorables”.

Like most of us, I only saw this one small clip of Hillary’s speech. It made me pause and ask myself, “What would things be like if had she won?” This is where the title of this post comes in, “We nearly lost it all.”

https://youtu.be/FbwKaNzsBsQ  (Clinton India Speech)

Had she become president, by this time, I suspect we would be either fighting against plans for a single payer healthcare system or we would already be waiting in line for a doctor’s appointment because it would already be the law of the land.  Honestly, that would be the least of my concerns.

If you watch Hannity on Fox News, or pay attention to the hearings on Russia collusion or read my earlier post on this subject, you know that there are many questions related to the election. The Right claims that Obama, Hillary, the DOJ, the FBI and many of their staff colluded to ensure that Hillary would win the election.  If those efforts didn’t work, their backup “insurance policy” was to ensure that Trump would be impeached. Trump was and is a major threat to each of these people because they fear he will expose them. Remember during one of the debates when Hillary was lipping off to Trump and he turned to her and said “that’s because you’ll be in jail.” Most of us watching laughed out loud and cheered him on. You can believe she wasn’t laughing nor was Obama or the FBI.  Little did we know; that at that very time, they were all colluding against him.

If Trump had lost the election, we would not know anything about this collusion. We wouldn’t know about the dossier, that FBI agents were pro-Hillary and colluded with her, or that Obama knew about the warrant to wiretap the opposing political party, Trump. If you believe even one-eighth of what we are learning about the election, it’s a “holy-batman” historical moment. Some of it must be true.  The FBI’s Acting Director Andrew McCabe was fired last night for lying to the courts, among other things.  These people worked to rig the election. To this day, the Left is trying to convince the American people that Russia is a huge threat to our democracy. These are the very same people that are totally against Voter ID, controlled borders and the rule of law. Sadly this goes back to their partners in the MSM because they’ve convinced half of the country that Russia and our President are our biggest threat. They will fight to the bitter end on this because they have everything to lose.

I have to hand it to these people. How Hillary and Obama can continue to openly walk around and poke the tiger (Trump & the republicans) is beyond me. If I was being accused of even one of these things, I think I would go hide under my mattress. Not these two, not Mr. Comey.  They continue with their narrative, as if these accusations are all lies and as if they haven’t a care in the world.

A person who can look you in the eye and lie, is a person you don’t want in your life.

I really do believe that we nearly lost it all. I am so proud of the Americans who voted the President into office. I’m proud of him for running as he did, straight shooting, to the point and holds nothing back. It is so true that he says exactly the things that so many of us think.

The tax cuts, low unemployment, great economy, conservative Supreme Court justice, the cancelation of so many harmful regulations and more are great, but minor when compared to his election victory.  While plenty remains to clean up and to accomplish, at least now, with this President, we have a fighting chance against the Washington swamp, the evil Left and their number one partner, the Main Stream Media.

I was so disappointed on Tuesday when the PA senate race finished in a dead heat. Those of us who elected the President must take full responsibility for this. I don’t care how lousy the candidate may or may not have been or how little the Republican Party did to help him win. We the people who gave the majorities to the House and the Senate and now the White House are responsible. If we want to save this nation we must continue our fight and never assume anything. Our nation and our kids are depending on us.

Rural & Urban

When I was a kid growing up in the 60s and 70s living in northern California I didn’t walk a mile in the snow to school but I did walk a couple hundred yards to catch the school bus.  When it rained, Mom made me wear one of those yellow rain jackets with those cool clip snaps and hood. I even had those rubber boots you wore over your sneakers. It was fine though, because nearly every kid on the bus had the same thing on.

Mom knew all of my teachers and they knew her. When I got “lippy” in math class, Mr. Joy made me come to the front of the class, bend over his desk and he would swat me with a homemade wooden paddle. I still remember that paddle, because Mr. Joy was also the woodshop teacher and I helped him make it. Back then, it wasn’t worth going home and complaining to my parents that a teacher spanked me.  Complaining would only increase the odds that I would get another spanking.  Although, I must confess, I can only remember my father bending me over his knee once in my whole life and yes, that was after he had handed me his pocket knife and told me to go cut a switch. The reason for the spanking? I have no idea but I’m certain I had it coming.

My weekends were made-up of self-entertainment.  I had a BB gun at the age of eight.  I can be accused of killing anything that stood still long enough and wasn’t more than 10 feet away. I had toy trucks and caterpillars.  I built a lot of roads and hauled a lot of dirt and logs. We had a railroad track behind one of our houses and I learned from my older brothers how to put my ear on the track to hear if a train was coming.  If a train was coming, I would put a penny on the track so when the train ran over it, the penny would flatten out and become three times bigger. My bike was my best friend.  We went everywhere together. In the morning, after breakfast around the table (usually homemade pancakes and a tall glass of milk), it was typical for me to leave the house and not return home until dinner. My bike took me to friends’ houses, the school for shooting hoops, catching grounders or racing the bike through the hallways. It took me to the community pool, to baseball games, to the movies (didn’t even lock the bike up) and to the local RX where I could sit at the counter and have a cherry cola!

During the summer, when little league season had ended, I would spend time with Grandpa on his 75 acre ranch. I learned a lot about animals, irrigation, hunting and driving. At the ripe old age of 11, Grandpa would let me drive his old jeep pickup around the fields. When I wanted to go hunting he would give me one bullet at a time. Our deal was that I would have to show him what I had killed before he’d give me another bullet. That taught me to really focus before pulling the trigger. It made me a pretty good shot!

Sometimes on the ranch, I’d saddle-up the old mare. She and I would go spend the night up in the hills. Grandpa would pack a can of Chile or beans for my dinner. I’d build a little fire to warm the dinner. For water I would bend down and put my face in the creek and drink away. The water was cool, fresh and tasty.

Most evenings at the ranch I’d sleep in Grandpa’s bedroom and we’d listen to the Giants play on the radio. These are great memories.

When I reached the eighth grade, Mom got sick.  So sick, that Dad moved her to Hayward, California in the Bay Area, so she could get better medical care. I stayed behind in Yreka, all by myself to finish the eighth grade. Dad sent money to me every few weeks in order to buy food and a little extra for movies, candy and a cherry cola here and there. I always felt like I was alone but in reality, all of the neighbors in our little trailer park were watching over me. I didn’t realize that until much later. Looking back, I realized that I ate more dinners at the neighbors than I did at home.

When I graduated from the eighth grade Dad sent enough money to me to buy a greyhound bus ticket to get from Yreka to Hayward. I’ll never forget my two hour layover in downtown San Francisco. This would be my first real exposure to urban life. The greyhound station was huge. In Yreka, there wasn’t really a so-called station.  You caught the bus in front of the Yreka Inn. I recall being in awe at the bus station; at so many of these big buses, all lined up in one place. The station was cold and filled with all kinds of people.  Some that looked pretty scary; long dirty hair, tattoos, old clothes, and some didn’t even have shoes on. The station had an odor I had never experienced. My most vivid memory is that I wanted to leave. According to my ticket, I would be catching bus 36 and it would depart at 11:30 pm. I kept a close watch on the time and located bus 36 well in advance. Translation, I wasn’t missing that bus.

Now, living in Hayward, I entered high school at Tennyson High. That school had more kids in the freshman class than all the classes combined at Yreka High. We didn’t catch a yellow school bus to get to school we rode the public bus to school and it cost .50 cents.

During my freshman year, there were at least five major food fights in the cafeteria. These were violent.  After my first experience, my game plan was to jump under the table and hide. We also had one active shooter event. This was 1969. I hid inside my locker which wasn’t all that bright.

We had a lot of different groups in the school, the blacks, the Hispanics, the jocks and of course, the druggies. There were lots of drugs that I had never been exposed to until then. I didn’t really know what they were but I surely knew that people smelled funny and acted weird. I kept my distance, not because I was smart but because I was afraid.

One day between classes I was in the bathroom and a Hispanic kid came in.  For no reason whatsoever, he started pushing me around and (I assume) calling me names in Spanish. Not knowing any better, the country boy in me unleashed on him. I left while he laid on the floor crying. I was shaken up and scared. If this would have happened in this day and age, I suspect I wouldn’t be around to tell the story. That very same day, all the kids were outside waiting to catch the bus when four brown berets (Hispanic gang) ganged up on the wrestling team captain. He was a big, bulky kid. He nearly wiped them all out and quickly became my hero.

I took a drama class at Tennyson High.  This was my favorite class and remains my favorite of all time. The classroom had its own stage, curtain and dressing room! One of the girls that I became (sort-of) friends with came into class one day, looking really bad.  She leaned over to me; eyes nearly closed, smelling to high heaven and said, “I’m so stoned.”  I had no idea what she was talking about. I just smiled.

Dad rented a lot in town where he was selling firewood.  He had moved two of the little bunk houses we owned, when we were logging onto the lot. These cabins are where the workers would live in the woods until the logging jobs were done.  I remember one day while exploring the lot, I went inside one of the cabins and found four hippies living there. Scared the hell out of me. I ran over to my brother and told him what I had found. He went over to the cabin, yanked the door open and proceeded to throw the hippies out by force. What was I doing at the ripe old age of 13? Crying like an eight year old. Again, if this had occurred today, I’m guessing that my brother would be in jail and the city would have evicted the old man (dad) from the property.

Mom was getting worse. Before school had started at Tennyson, during the summer of 1968, Dad shipped me off to stay with Aunt Fern and Uncle Herold. They lived in Downey California (Los Angeles area). They had kids just about my age. This red neck country boy was now in the middle of the melting pot. Having said that, this was one of the best summers I ever had growing up. Uncle Harold was a big Dodgers fan and took me to several games. Just a few blocks from their house was the local YMCA where I could go and get into a baseball game, play ping pong or play around on the monkey bars. After dinner, my cousin Randy and I would often find ourselves in a street baseball game right in front of the house. Disneyland was only a short 30 minute ride away and Cherry Beach was about the same. I spent the summer going to baseball games, playing baseball, going to the beach and visiting Disneyland. Who wouldn’t like to spend a summer like that?

Mom died the following January of cancer. Dad, my siblings and I all drove to Colorado to bury her next to her Mom and Dad.

One memory of Mom was a time when she and I drove from Yreka to Delta Colorado to attend a funeral. It was summer time, it was very hot out. We were crossing the salt flats in Utah when suddenly the oil light came on in the car. Mom pulled off to the side of the road and shut the car off. She got out and opened the hood of the car to see if the car had oil. It did not. I was sitting the car this whole time. She walked around the car a couple of times and then looked back under the hood. I was 10 years old. Frustrated, she opened my door and yelled, “Are you just going to sit there or try to help me find out what happened?” I got out of the car, not having any idea of what I was supposed to do. All I knew is that it was hot outside. She showed me that the dip stick showed there was no oil in the car. She said all of the oil had drained out. She pointed to the line of oil on the road where she had pulled over. Still not knowing what I was supposed to be doing, I started to follow the oil line as if I were a cowboy tracking the bad guys. I followed the line for serval hundred yards until it stopped. Guess what? Lying in the middle of the road, right where the oil line stopped was a bolt. I picked it up and ran back to Mom to show her what I had found. She took it from me and with a huge smile on her face she said, “That’s the oil pan bolt that keeps the oil in the engine. Crawl under the car and see if you can find a hole where it goes.”  I did and sure enough, at the bottom of the oil pan was the hole. I screwed the bolt back in.  Now all we needed was oil.

An hour or so went by until a man and his wife in a pickup pulled over to ask if we needed help. Mom explained what had happened. The man crawled under the car and tightened the bolt and then proceeded to pull 3 quarts of oil from the bed of his truck. He poured the oil into our car and we were back in business. Mom tried to pay him for the oil. He wasn’t having any part of it.

When Mom told this story she always praised me for saving the day. I’ll never forget it. It taught me two things. First, even if you don’t know what to do, do something, anything and second, don’t be a lazy ass.

My opinion, we truly do have two different worlds to live in, right here in America. I suppose both worlds have good and bad aspects but kids growing up in one or the other have differences. Differences in how they grew up for sure. In some ways I think the rural life teaches you to be more independent and self-reliant. I also think because those towns in rural America are smaller, more people know each other and look out for each other. People know their neighbors, know the teachers, know the local Sheriff, the gas station owner and the Chamber of Commerce President is likely your best friend’s Dad.

My one year in the Bay Area at Tennyson High was the worst year of all my school years. I can honestly say I didn’t have a single true friend. I never felt safe. Perhaps that’s only because I was a fish out of water. I certainly hope kids who grew up there didn’t feel this way. If they did, how horrible would that be? All I know is that I went from feeling like I was somebody, to being a “nobody” overnight.

These two worlds still remain today, and I believe that the differences are greater than ever. The folks in the big cities can’t understand why the folks in the little towns across America cling to their guns and religion and those folks in the rural areas don’t understand why the city folks don’t care about these things. Not to put all people under one tent, I don’t mean to do that. I can assure you, Aunt Fern and Uncle Herold went to church every Sunday and somewhere, locked up and hidden away, they had their guns too.

If I had to raise my boys today, I’d certainly choose to do so in a small rural town but I’d be sure to expose them to the tall buildings and city streets of urban America too.

I am not sure if there is a point I am attempting to make here but, if there is one I guess it would be that all of us would do each other a great service by simply understanding that we have grown up in different surroundings leaving us with different points of view. While we share our America citizenship, we won’t always share ideals.

It’s the NRA’s Fault

That’s the narrative coming from the Left and many of the kids from the Florida school shooting. Nobody can blame the kids for this narrative.  After all, these kids are the product of today’s liberal educators and parents. That and they’re kids!

It’s something to watch, that’s for sure. I guess the thinking (as if any thinking is actually going on) is that the NRA supports guns and a gun is what killed all those students so there you go…

A guy is drunk and kills someone while driving. Who gets the blame, the car, the alcohol or the driver? If not the driver, why is he jailed?

Someone uses a knife and robs a store. Are we marching against the knives? Are we boycotting the knife manufacturers?

A terrorist rents a Ford U-Haul truck and mows down people on Main Street. U-Hauls fault? What about Ford?  They made that big truck.  Is it their fault?

A few years ago, two brothers used pressure cookers to blow people up during a marathon in Boston. The authorities killed one of the brothers (terrorist) and jailed the other. Was this tragedy caused by the pressure cookers or the brothers who turned them into bombs? Did we ban pressure cookers? Should we? Should businesses ban all Americans who use pressure cookers?

I suspect you get my point. So in each of these cases and based on the current discussions regarding the school shooting, should we consider banning all trucks, all knives, pressure cookers and all alcohol?  Should this be the discussion we should be having? Will banning any of these stop the killings they’ve caused? What if we at least increase the age to 21 before one can own a knife or car? We already have to be 21 to drink so I guess that’s ok or should it be 25 or go back to prohibition? You remember how well that worked out…

Banning guns would be just like prohibition.  The non-law abiding citizens would have guns leaving the rest of us vulnerable or the ban would cause law abiding citizens to become unlawful citizens. Negative and unhelpful either way.

I honestly don’t know what I am missing. I cannot, for the life of me, begin to understand the thinking coming from these liberals who are so against our Second Amendment. One Senator from Florida, during a so called town hall meeting, aired by CNN came right out and said “People don’t kill people, guns do.” He said that out loud, on television in front of all those who had just gone through the school shooting. I’ll repeat it, “People don’t kill people, guns do.”   I never thought anyone on the Left would ever have the courage to make such an insane comment out loud. I was obviously mistaken.

In the simplest terms, that means that a gun is a living, breathing thing. It can load itself, aim itself and pull its own trigger. Amazing thing, a gun is.  Seventeen people were killed and this is the argument coming from a United States Democrat Senator. It goes without saying, but I will anyway. Not a single gun, on its own, killed anyone, ever. Same goes for a car, a pressure cooker, a knife, a box cutter, a baseball bat, an airplane or even a fist attached to a man’s arm. In each of these cases, it was the sick and evil mind of a person that killed innocent people.

As for having an honest discussion about protecting our schools, I can only refer you to the article (Florida Shooting) that I wrote two days after the horrible incident. My opinion hasn’t changed. It scares me that the leaders in this country don’t have productive ideas to protect our children. Everything being proposed is naïve and nothing more than a band aid.

Proposed changes from leadership:

Ban all AR15 rifles: Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. What about M1s, 22s and 500 other gun types?

Raise the age to 21 to buy all guns:  There are sick, evil people of all ages. How old was the Vegas shooter, 50, 60?

Boycott the NRA: See above.

Arm the schools:  This will reduce the number killed but not stop the killing.

Increase and improve background checks: Again, this will help keep guns from people who shouldn’t have them but, it will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals who want to kill. It will help but not stop the killings. Don’t forget about all the other ways to perform evil…

Better care for the mentally ill: Good, but our kids are going to school tomorrow. Another band aid

What ideas do you have?

In the President’s round table discussion, with a number of the victim’s families, there was a father who lost his daughter.  He had his two sons with him. He was pissed off and he said so. He was smarter than everyone else in the room, including the school officials, law enforcement and yes, the President. This sounds like bragging on my part because he said the same thing I’ve been saying about the solutions.  They’re just band aids. The father wanted the schools secured. No one gets in without being checked, without having their bags checked and then the doors locked. He truly wants to fix the problem and not in a year or even a month, tomorrow before his boys go back to school.

To finish, as for the NRA, Americans should thank the NRA and stand beside them. If not for the NRA, we would be without our Second Amendment entirely. They have fought for this constitutional right on our behalf. One teacher in another state said, and I quote, “give me the right to carry, at least give me a chance to save my children and my life.” End quote. Of all the school massacres this one in Parkland, Florida provides us all the importance of individual responsibility and the need for our right to bear arms. Both the local and Federal Government failed in their most important promise, they did not protect us, not our teachers nor our kids.

Florida Shooting

Another horrific school shooting. It’s so sad and heartbreaking. I cannot even begin to imagine the horror that the kids and the parents are going through. There are simply no words to put this into proper perspective. I can only pray for their healing and strength.

As with every shooting incident, fingers of blame are pointed everywhere. In this incident, it may be even worse than past events.

Finger Pointing:

#1- Some good citizen did exactly what we are all encouraged to do. He saw this sick kid’s post on social media and he notified the FBI.  The FBI interviewed, of all things, the guy who reported it.  They never tracked down the kid.  They never even spoke to him. Ridiculous.

#2- Lack of focus on mental illness in the country. No doubt we can do better.

#3- No armed security guard(s) at the school. Schools around the country that have armed security have a better safety record. It seems to me that armed security could reduce the number of injured or killed, but it likely won’t stop the attempted killers.

#4- The standby favorite – Gun Control. You know where I stand on this. I did see an excellent quote this evening though. “In Africa an idiot kills a Lion and they blame the idiot. In America some idiot shoots a human being and we blame the gun.” End Quote.

So as the finger pointing continues and everyone fights over what should be done, our kids will get up in the morning, say goodbye to their parents, and the parents will worry for their safety as they go off school.

The time has long since passed.  We need to fix this problem and stop all the chatter and finger pointing. It won’t be cheap but what price would we place on our child? The fact is there is no amount of money we wouldn’t pay to ensure our kid’s safety. While nothing is 100% we could do so much more. We spent billions on climate change for what? This is just one small example of money wasted in this country.

So, what’s the solution?  It seems to me, as sad as it is, the time has come when our kids enter their school the same way we all board airplanes. We have to show ID, we are body scanned and our bags are physically checked. When the airplane door shuts, nobody else gets in and we have good reason to feel safe.  As I said, nothing is 100% fail safe, but if you think about it, airline safety has a pretty damn good track record. The other thing is how we build our schools. School construction planning should revolve around safety. Secured access. Put open play areas in the middle of the structure so access is protected.

A determined killer can do harm to our kids before school and after school, on the weekends, at a parade, or even in the safety of their own home. Does that mean that we shouldn’t commit to making sure that when our kids are in school, they are safe? Shouldn’t we attempt to control what we can control?

Is securing our schools more realistic than pretending we are going to collect 300 million guns from our fellow citizens? We know the bad guys aren’t going to turn their guns in. Would protecting our kids in their schools be more effective than our trying find and stop every person with mental problems? Wouldn’t this type of security be better than hoping two, or three, or four armed security guards are in the right place when evil unleashes evil? Are we really going to leave our kid’s lives in the hands of the FBI and law enforcement, hoping that they find and arrest every evil sole in this country? Unrealistic. While Washington and the special interest groups argue over the “what ifs”, our kids go off to school in the morning…

To me it’s time for less talking and more doing. These are our kids and enough is enough. The kids should be safe when the school door shuts behind them.  For God’s sake, we cannot have someone walk onto school grounds with an AR15 hidden in a bag.

I finish as I started, by praying for every child and family affected by this horror.

“Lord please hold each of these families in your loving arms. Comfort them Lord as only you can. Give them the strength they need to get through each minute, each day, and for all of their lives. Welcome their loved ones Lord to your Kingdom. Take away their tears, their fears and fill them with your love. Hold them close until we can once again be near them. In the name of Jesus Christ our saviour, Amen.” 


What Happened?

As they say, My Cup Runneth Over.  I don’t know when it happened and I certainly don’t know why it happened but, between you and me, this country has gone crazy!

The girls are now allowed to join the Boy Scouts. Men can use the girl’s restrooms and girls can use ours. Thousands of women march in cities across America wearing hats depicting vaginas. The Government shut completely down over a debate on illegal non-American citizens. The Black community continues to vote for people who have never done anything to improve their lives. Hispanic illegal aliens demand to stay in the country, stomp on the American flag and tell the President to F-off. The FBI, CIA, DOJ and possibly, the former President teamed up to rig the 2016 Presidential election. The main stream media doesn’t care. The Democrats, who represent at least half of the 300M Americans voted no on tax cuts for the very people they represent. The former Secretary of State actually took a hammer and smashed her cell phones, then she used bleach bit (whatever that is) on her computers to erase all her data and then claimed she has nothing to hide. The former President gave a billion dollars in cash to a country that publically chants “death to America.”  The Government wouldn’t listen to the people so they elected a billionaire, builder and TV celebrity to represent them.

You see where I am going yet? This is just a short list of things that make me say, “What happened?” What on earth has happened to us and our country that made these things AND so many other stupid and unexplainable events take place? I use the word “stupid” because my vocabulary is so deep… That and it is the perfect word to describe all of the nonsense.

Honestly, every day it’s something else. Just when you think we’ve reached the bottom of the barrel along comes some other stupid thing.

Listen, the majority of the American people just want to live their lives and feel good about their country and the people they’ve elected to represent them. They want to focus on their families and loved ones. Instead we are bombarded with all of this nonsense, nonsense that leaves most of us shaking our heads and just walking away. I can see why so many are clueless about such matters. I used to think they were a part of the problem. Now I am starting to think they are the smart ones.

I wish I could tell you that “this too shall pass”.  In our 24/7 new cycle world, where everyone feels they have special rights, and personal responsibility has long since passed us by, I can’t say “this too shall pass”. All I can do is tell you to keep your focus on the things that matter the most to you and fight-the-fight at whatever level makes you comfortable.

In the meantime, if all else fails, we can always bring our service-peacock to sit on the airplane with us to calm us…

That makes sense

Last night I watched Martha MacCallum interview Trey Gowdy. In case you don’t know, Mr. Gowdy is one of our Federal House Representatives. He is currently the chair of the House Oversight Committee.  He came into the spotlight during the Obama administration while investigating such high profile issues as Benghazi, the IRS, and the Clinton email debacle.

Most people that I know respect this man and believe he seeks the truth in all matters that come before him. The Left hate Mr. Gowdy because he is hard hitting, well prepared at congressional hearings, and doesn’t appear to give a hoot about anything other than the truth. As you can tell, I am among his fan base. Not that he would care or rather find important.

Mr. Gowdy announced that he would not seek reelection.  This is the reason that Martha was interviewing him.

Ok, you’re on the same page now!

One of the questions that Martha asked Mr. Gowdy was, People say to me that you’ve done good work.  They want to know why anyone hasn’t gone to jail.  She was making reference to each of the cases I noted above (Benghazi, the IRS and Clinton email/home server).

Just when I thought I knew everything, Mr. Gowdy’s answer taught me something new. Having heard his response I have to admit, I felt pretty stupid because it was so obvious and made so much sense.

Mr. Gowdy’s response: I get asked the same question every Saturday when people come up to me at Publix. Why haven’t you put these people in jail? Well, Congress doesn’t have the power to put anyone in jail. You could come before us and admit to robbing a bank and there is nothing we would be able to do about it. We provide oversight.  We seek to uncover the truth for everyone to see but, only the Executive Branch through the DOJ has the power to prosecute. Duh… until tonight, I’ve been among the many Americans disgruntled with Congress for not seeing these investigations through. Now I get it.  It makes sense.

It’s not as though the Obama’s DOJ, Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch were ever going to prosecute one of their own (Hillary Clinton and the IRS).

Martha asked Mr. Gowdy, Do you think any of these cases will ever be prosecuted?  Gowdy’s response: We are our own worst enemy. I mean, we decided who would be our Attorney General. We picked the new FBI Director.  You tell me Martha.  Interesting, isn’t it? I won’t forget this comment.  I know that if Hillary is never brought to trial it will be because the Republican Attorney General, Jeff Sessions either didn’t have the stones to do it or he is just part of the Washington swamp. You know damn well that the President wants these cases and people brought to justice. Hillary is not alone either. Many, many others played key roles in these cover-ups, including Mr. Obama himself. It is clearer to me now more than ever, that Sessions was a bad choice for AG.

I enjoyed the interview and I feel even stronger that Mr. Gowdy is a man of great integrity. He said that others will take his place and do a better job than he. I disagree.

Thank you for your service Trey, all the best to you.


The Memo


While the memo confirmed what most of us who were paying attention already knew, I have to admit I am a bit disappointed with it. There was so much hype about the memo that I probably “jumped in” more than I should have. My expectations were probably unrealistic too.

I was hoping for something like; On June 3rd at 3 pm Obama met with Hillary Clinton and FBI Director Comey to discuss the plan to bring down Donald Trump. Obama was quoted as saying “We cannot let Trump win because he will undo everything I did as President.” And Hillary said “I am entitled to be President, you know that Mr. Comey.  So, how do we ensure this happens?” Like I said, my expectations might have been a little too high. Of course, now that I say all this, we don’t know if that didn’t happen do we?

Let’s have some fun. Perhaps the conversation continued.

Comey:  What we can do, is leak a fake report saying Trump is colluding with the Russians. Everyone hates the Russians. We will get buy-in from some of the Republicans like McCain and Flake. We will need to come up with some dirt to help the story along.

Hillary: I can have my campaign pay for opposition research. Will that work?

Comey: That would be helpful. I think my guys can use that opposition research to go to the FISA court and get permission to spy on Trump and his campaign. We leak tid-bits now and then to further discredit Trump and sell the Russian story.

Hillary: I’m willing to pay up to 12 million dollars to get the dirt we will need. To keep distance from us, I’ll hire Steel the British spy. While all of this is going on Jim, you can pretend like you’re investigating me over the email bullshit.

Comey:  Are you okay with this Mr. President?

Obama:  I’m ok with anything that keeps Trump from becoming President. I didn’t work this hard to screw-up America only to have him take office and expose all that I did. I’m sure I can get the DNC to pitch in some money too. Hillary, do you have Bernie taken care of?

Hillary: Don’t worry about Bernie, Debbie has that covered.

Comey: Ok, sounds like we have a plan. Remember, this meeting never happened. This goes without saying but, Hillary, I assume you’ll keep me on as Director, right?

Hillary: Of course Jim.

Interesting, isn’t it? When you look at it this way, it sounds quite possible doesn’t it…

Exposing all of the true events is going to take a long time and require a lot of money. Not to mention, a lot of courage by the Republicans. The Democrats will fight this every step of the way. The country will never be able to move on until someone higher up than some FBI agent goes to jail. Until that happens the idea of equal justice under the law will remain only words on a very important piece of paper.

God be with us!

What Am I Missing?

Last night millions of us, less the 13 Democrats who protested, watched the President give his State of the Union speech. Admitting I favor conservative policies and fully understanding half of the country does not, I ask you “what am I missing?” What did the President say last night that the democrats hated so much that they couldn’t stand and cheer?

I honestly can’t remember a time when the Left has so blatantly shown the world what they stand for. Seriously, the results are in.  If there was ever any question, the Democratic Party clearly showed last night that they put Americans last. They couldn’t even get out of their seats to applaud “In God We Trust”. They hate the President so much and they want their power back so badly, they’re willing to turn against our core beliefs.

I understand it is politics.  I know this isn’t the first State of the Union where one side sat and the other side stood. But Mom taught me that two wrongs don’t make a right.

What I find appalling is that the Democrats didn’t stand for those very things that “anyone” who loves our country and who loves our people would willingly stand and cheer for.

The members of congress who are among the racist Black Caucus didn’t even stand when the President announced black unemployment is at the lowest level ever. The Black Caucus! What part of that statement isn’t positive, isn’t encouraging, and good for our fellow Americans? When the President spoke about standing up for our flag and putting our hands over our hearts, the Democrats never moved. Again, if you are an American and you love our country, why no reaction? When he introduced us to the two couples who had lost their daughters to the MS13 gang they remained in their seats while my wife and I wiped the tears running down our cheeks. When he said we are no longer going to send our money to countries that are not our friends, the Democrats remained in their seats. What part of that statement could they possibly disagree with? When he announced, against the wishes of his own party, that he is willing to nearly triple the number of illegal aliens’ amnesty (amnesty that the Democrats had requested), they booed. One of the leading Hispanic congressmen stood up and walked out. Does that make any sense at all? Again, “What Am I missing?”

Every single thing the President spoke about was good for the country and therefore good for you and me. He talked about the growing economy, tax reform, higher wages, bonuses, removal of the individual mandate, the dismantling of ISIS, less regulation, manufacturing on the increase, highest stock market ever, lowest unemployment among Hispanics and Blacks and women’s unemployment lowest in 17 years. He wants to, for once and all fix the Nation’s immigration problems, rebuild our aging infrastructure, strengthen our border to protect Americans and stop the flow of drugs. He restated his devotion toward our military and our vets.  He stated that it was we, the people, who are making America Great Again. None of these goals, none of these very good things for America were greeted positively by the Democrats. Through their inaction one can only assume that they are against it all. Even if you set aside the fact they didn’t stand or cheer, the looks on their faces told the real story.

If you ever questioned my earlier posts, telling you the Left only cares about regaining their power. If you have an ounce of common sense, last night’s reaction to the President’s address, should have dispelled any questions you have.

You simply cannot love America, care about her people and be against any of these important initiatives that the President presented to the world. You can disagree about the details of how we get these things done and you can fight to get more of what you believe is important but you cannot remain in your seat when you’re presented with positive and hopeful ideas that are good for our country and our people. When a President says “You (me and you) are making America Great Again,” you must stand and cheer. The depth of the Left’s hate for this President harms us all in very deep and scary ways.

Any of us can dislike, even hate what the President may have done when he was a private citizen. We don’t have to make excuses for any of that. He was a billionaire who used his power to get what he wanted. In the process people were used and hurt. Today however he is not a private citizen, he is the President. He was elected because millions of Americans could no longer stand by and watch the politicians steal our wealth, take away our freedoms, and make promises that never came true. This brash billionaire stood before us and didn’t pretend he was a saint. He openly told us he was a part of the billionaire club that paid for special interest to get what he wanted. He spoke in a way that wasn’t fancy or deep thinking, but in a manner that every-day people could understand and appreciate. Suddenly the politically correct crowd was being called out. The left wing media was exposed. He said the politicians are all talk and no action. Who among us can disagree with that? When he asked the Black community, “what in the hell do you have to lose?” we thought to ourselves, “What do you have to lose?”

So, I finish as I started, “What Am I missing?” What part of the President’s speech was bad for us or bad for the country, what part?

Never in my life time have I been so adamant about the need for Americans to vote in November. We must all come out and vote. We must give this President a huge majority so that he can continue to fix this country, and as the king of branding always says, “Make American Great Again.” We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to make a big and important difference in our own lives. Obama ran on “Hope and Change”, the problem was, it was the wrong type of hope and change. This President offers us a chance for real and positive hope and change. We can’t let him down and more importantly, we can’t let this opportunity pass us by. Assume nothing.  Vote and tell everyone you know to vote! United we Stand. This is our time.

 President Trump Quote on Immigration

“My duty, and the sacred duty of every elected official in this chamber, is to defend Americans, to protect their safety, their families, their communities, and their right to the American Dream. Because Americans are dreamers, too.” 


Look Beyond The Nosie

By now you can obviously tell I lean heavily to the Right. Sitting here tonight, thinking about all the news coming at me via the television and web I asked myself, what’s the truth? Who can I trust? Who cares about me?

Let’s face it, in today’s 24/7 news cycle with all sorts of opinions constantly thrown at us, finding the truth is difficult.

The vast majority of the news feeds are liberal.  That’s one thing that isn’t hard to see. Even the Left cannot argue that point. Well, they can but it’s not a serious argument. NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN versus FOX News. On the web, most of us have Yahoo as our home page and finding Right-leaning articles on Yahoo is challenging. Almost every other article is from Huffington Post and Newsweek. These two organizations are about as Left as you can get. Couple that with news from Hollywood (don’t understand why their political opinions matter) and it’s fair to say the web is also dominated by the Left.

This means that those on the Right have to work very hard to find stories that represent our view. It also means that the vast majority of Americans only see Left wing sourced stories. I have friends who share my views but are not as compassionate as I am. By the questions they ask I can tell that they never look any further than Yahoo’s home page or one of the major news networks. Many people think they are getting both sides of every story because they watch CNN or read USA Today. Little do they know, they are being brain washed to believe that everything from the Left is right. See, even that statement is confusing. Right? LOL

I do my best to seek out the truth but it is pretty difficult. I think most of us believe what we want to believe.  We seek out the story that meets our need, the story that gives us the answers we want. Whether those are true or not remains questionable.

How we view an issue boils down to our core beliefs, doesn’t it?  I think it does.  I think our core beliefs come from our personal life experiences, our upbringing, and even our friends and co-workers. Our current status in life also plays a role in how we view a topic.  No smooth political ad or slippery politician can sway how we feel on a topic that we have dealt with or are dealing with on a personal level. Example: If you’re poor, Obamacare looks pretty good to you and no one can tell you otherwise. Consider that and then throw in the fact that 99.9% of the information this poor person receives comes from the liberal media. This poor person will be a liberal forever. Sadly, they will probably also be poor forever.

If you approach every topic  by asking yourself, “what is best for the country?” then chances are you’ll arrive at a different answer than if you approach every topic with “what’s best for me.” The two rarely line up with each other. However, I believe that the odds of those two lining-up are much greater if you lean Right. The Obamacare example is a perfect example of what I mean. The poor person, personally needs health insurance but what he really needs is a job. Free insurance doesn’t provide an incentive for anyone to get a job. Why should they, the more they earn the more they will have to pay. In other words, Obamacare is good for the poor guy but bad for the country. You with me? On the other hand, if you lean Right you believe in personal responsibility. You are likely a very proud person who would be ashamed if someone else had to pay your bills.

On the surface, in my view, the Left’s whole platform is based on keeping the majority of Americans down and keeping them dependent upon the Government to provide for them. The more they (the Left) can give you the more likely you will be their slave and vote for them. They want you to believe that they care about you.  They portray themselves as the loving party who is always looking out for your best interests.  There are many examples of how they keep you down without you even knowing it. This horrible cycle relies upon the poor staying poor and the middle class staying middle class. By extending unemployment insurance they want you to believe they’re helping you, right? And why wouldn’t you believe that? You don’t have a job, you need money to buy food. It’s the same argument I used above with Obamacare. As long as someone can get unemployment the incentive to find a job is less. I understand, but these social programs will never give you the chance to better your situation. The more food stamps you get the less need you have to work. Again, these are perfect examples of the Left vs. the Right.

The biggest problem I have is that the Left doesn’t care at all about you, they honestly don’t. For them it’s the vote and the vote only. The Left actually doesn’t want you to have any personal pride.  In fact, they prefer you remain right where you are.

Now the right has a different approach.  Their approach can be perceived as “not caring”, but trust me, they actually do care. Don’t misunderstand me, they care about votes too, a lot! But their policies can actually provide you with growth. The Right’s approach is a tough-love kind of care but none the less, their ideas are designed to make you more self-reliant. Their policies provide a pathway to regain your pride, your life, your independence.

When we were growing up, our parents forced us to do things we didn’t like, right? Many of those things made us better people, right? If you went to your father and asked him for $20 and he handed it to you it was great! Right? But what happens when Dad isn’t there anymore? What happens when Dad doesn’t have $20? The better answer to your request would be, go clean the garage and I’ll pay you $20. It’s the whole teach a person how to fish thing.

I think the food stamp program is important and needed.  I also believe that there have to be limits.  Those who can, should be made to do something to earn the stamps until they can get on their own feet. Such thinking on the Left is considered outrageous, unthinkable, inhumane and without any compassion.

Let’s look at the differences with a current topic, immigration.  Consider what you’ve read and seen on television. Who has your best interests in mind, the Left or the Right?

According to everything I’ve seen, the Left wants us to believe that they support illegal aliens and are willing to do anything it takes to make sure that they will be given the right to remain in the country. Just last week they even went as far as shutting down the Government over this issue. They demanded that the Right provide a pathway to citizenship for the 800,000 DACA people (Remember, Obama had granted temporary rights to DACA people so they could remain in the country). That’s pretty serious, right?   They must really care about the illegals.  So it’s understandable that the majority of Americans think the Left really is the caring party.

Fast forward to this past week and the President, from the party on the Right announces a proposal.  The President is attempting to overhaul the nation’s immigration policy.  His number one goal is to end the mess we are in and never return to a situation where the flow of immigrants is out of control and we don’t have any idea who is (even) in the country.

His proposal would allow 800,000 DACA people a pathway to citizenship and he doubled that number to include some 1.8M illegals. His proposal came with certain requirements. These illegals could remain in the country and prove (clean the garage…) they were good citizens by not breaking any laws over the next 10 years. If they break the law the deal is off and they are deported. The President’s proposal also included a wall and other illegal immigration protections along the southern border (Controlling who enters the country and stopping the flow of drugs into the country).  His proposal also stops chain migration and stops the visa lottery program. Every year the Government randomly awards VISAs to 50,000 people from “underserved” countries. Randomly!

Now remember, the Left just got done shutting the entire Government down over DACA, refusing to approve a stop gap budget until the Right agreed to provide a pathway to citizenship for these people. Based on the news, the websites, the liberal politicians and social media, the Left is outraged with the President’s proposal. What? Why?

That’s right, they are outraged. The minority leader of the House held a news conference where she accused the Right of wanting to turn American white again. The minority leader of the Senate accused the President of being racist. Last week he told us he had agreed to give the President the money needed to protect the border.  This week after the president announced his proposal, the Senate minority leader said that deal was off the table. So what the hell is going on? The DACA people continue to protest and “demand” that they should be allowed to remain in the country.  Wait, the President’s proposal offered that to them.  If you are confused by where the Left actually stands on this issue don’t feel bad, you’re not alone.

Here’s the deal. The Left doesn’t care about the illegals they never have. What they care about is votes.  With the elections coming up in November they cannot allow the President to win on anything because it makes them look bad. So, while last week it appeared the Left cared deeply about the illegal aliens, all they were really doing was trying to hurt the President.  In their minds, that would translate to more votes for them in November. It is honestly no more complicated than that.

Many on the Right don’t like the President’s proposal.  Many believe in the rule of law and therefore the illegal aliens must go. Some are against his proposal because it doesn’t include voter ID which is a whole other article.

All that said, the President is the leader of the party and nation. He seeks a middle ground that shows real compassion for the illegals while also doing the right thing for the country. One would think that any liberal American who truly cares about the country could and should support the President. But they don’t.

Where do you stand? I can tell you that I stand in the middle, boots pulled all the way up, hoping the mud doesn’t get all over me. While I strongly believe in the rule of law, I also want the borders protected and the immigration policies fixed once and for all. I’m tired of talking about this and really tired of listening to the illegals make demands. Not once have I heard one of them say, thank you or show appreciation of any kind for the time and energy we are putting forth on their behalf. Finally, never in my life has it been clearer how fake the Left’s care is for any of us or the country. They call the illegals dreamers and American citizens racist.

The whole purpose of this post is to suggest you look beyond the noise of the media, the World Wide Web and Politicians and do some thinking of your own. If you take the time to think about your life, your experiences and apply some good old common sense, I am certain you’ll make good decisions for yourselves, your family and our beloved America.  Let’s face it, the only one that cares about you, is you.