The Reset

The President kept another campaign promise by pulling the U.S. out of the Obama Iran nuclear deal. This of course, has caused outrage among the Left and all of “yesterday’s” political who’s who have come out with “the sky is falling” statements. According to them, the United States will never be trusted again on the world stage, our European partners will turn to our enemies for support, including trade and Iran will increase production of nuclear materials now. And the list goes on.

First, the United States didn’t really make a deal, not in the true since. This deal wasn’t even a treaty between nations because Obama never brought the deal to congress for ratification. This so called deal was between several nations and Obama. So, one man with a pen cut a deal with arguably our worst enemy. He gave them over a hundred billion dollars in US cash, released five terrorist being held in Gitmo and in return, Iran agreed to slow, not stop, their nuclear ambitions. In fact, the deal allowed Iran to produce nukes after seven years, so long as they comply with the terms of the deal; which they have not. Following the deal, Iran held 15 or more US sailors and videoed taped them on their knees with their hands over their heads. Following that, they continued to shoot off missiles and kill American soldiers in Syria and Iraq. All of these acts were strictly prohibited in the agreement. Obama and our European allies simply turned their heads as if none of this was happening.

The thing is; the Iran deal was nothing more than Obama attempting to boost his record as world peace president. Hs legacy was always more important to him than protecting America or the world, for that matter.
President Trump said, during his campaign “The Iran deal is the worst deal of all time.” He continued to say this after being elected and didn’t pull out of it until this week. I suspect because he finally, after 15 months in office, has surrounded himself with people that understand the danger of the agreement and as important, understand him.

Like North Korea, every president in my lifetime has stated that the U.S. will never allow Iran to have nuclear weapons. Also like North Korea, every president except this one has done nothing to truly stop the spread of these weapons. All presidents have talked a big game and in the process have given away hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars trying to buy their way out of these threats. In each case, they have come up empty handed. In all cases these two countries have out-smarted us and have gone back on their word. Reagan’s “trust but verify” was never followed by Bush one, Bush two, Clinton, and certainly not Obama.

When Trump came into office, North Korea was shooting of ballistic missiles that can reach the mainland and an Iran deal that provides Iran with approval to go full-nuclear in seven years. Obama’s deal with Iran only prevented Iran’s nuclear ambitions during Obama’s terms, but not the next President’s term. How anyone can feel good about that deal is frightening. How a U.S. President can have the power to provide billions of dollars to a country that publically proclaims “Death to America” on a regular basis is mind boggling. They burn our flag, burn pictures of our presidents and kill our men and women regularly. I would argue that Obama committed treason. He certainly did not make America or the world safer with this fake deal.

While the Left scream the world is coming to an end, I would say that President Trump, by backing out of the deal, simply reset the field with Iran (and the world) back to reality. It does no one any good to keep our heads in the sand pretending that Iran is playing fair and everything is fine. For God’s sake, Obama’s deal didn’t even allow us to inspect their military nuclear sites. So much for the verify part of the deal.

Other than Israel who praised the president and had all but begged Obama not to agree to the deal, all of our European allies have denounced the president and announced their desire to continue the deal. China and Russia of course like the deal.

In June, President Trump will meet with North Korea’s leader to discuss the complete dismantling of their nuclear program. Finally we have a President that does believe in trust but verify. This meeting will provide promises we can agree with but it will also ensure results; or their will be no deal. In the meantime, heavy sanctions will be reinstated with Iran. Those sanctions will be held in place until Iran comes back to the table or worse case, see the complete forced destruction of their nuclear sites. While all of this is scary and dangerous, pretending that there is no issue is far more dangerous. Ignoring a country who tells you that they want to kill you is not an option. Remember, the only way to stop a bully is to be a bigger bully.
The Europeans will come around. They are always slow on the uptake. Trust me, they need us far more than we need them. China will do nothing and Russia, who continue to pretend they are big boy players on the world stage are weak, broke and will also be defeated if they engage in this battle.
Trump did the right thing. Allowing this deal to continue, would have forced us to provide nuclear weapons to Israel and Saudi Arabia. How would a Middle East filled with nuclear capabilities make the world a safer place?

The entire region has been at war with each other all of my life (and long before that). If you think that the president’s cancellation of the Iran agreement is frightening, picture these crazy ass people all having nukes.
While I don’t want to get ahead of myself because there is much to do, I believe the world and history will be kind to the President and the United States for standing up against these small rouge nations whose history is to cause death and destruction both inside and outside their borders.
The Left has been proven wrong at every turn and the outcome of this move by Trump will be no different. Keep the faith and never say whoa during a hard pull.

What are we to believe?

Over a year into the “so called” Russian Collusion Investigation the American people still know very little. Either, special prosecutor Mueller has kept his findings close to his vest or he has no findings. If you listen to any of the main stream media or the liberal left democrats, Trump’s days are numbered. If you listen to Fox News and republican controlled house Intel committee, Mueller, Comey and his band of FBI investigator’s days are numbered. The President, of course continues to say that there is no Trump collusion; only Comey, Hillary, Obama collusion. The debate continues and one wonders, at what cost to the nation.

“So, what are we to believe?”  The Intel committee has been asking for, and now demanding information from the FBI and DOJ.  Director Sessions continues to allow the slow walk, and in some cases, no walk regarding all the requested information.  He claims national security concerns are the reason. This is code for “we don’t want you to have anything.”  This may be the most confusing part of this mess. Jeff Sessions was one of the President’s first supporters. Why doesn’t he release everything? Many in his own party are now against him. In the twitter world he is considered a snow flake, a part of the deep state, a part of the Washington Swamp.

This week there is a good chance that the republican held Intel Committee will file contempt charges against Mr. Sessions if he doesn’t release the requested documents by a certain date. That’s a pretty big deal. There has only been one AG ever charged with contempt. That was Obama’s AG, Eric Holder. Prior to that, this had never happened. Never. That’s how serious and frustrated the Intel Committee has become. However, many of us have long since run out of respect and patience with congress; feeling that they should have filed charges months ago.

While I am pretty frustrated too, I keep wondering if Sessions is actually protecting the President in some unknown way. He certainly has information that others don’t have. By releasing the requested documents will they (the docs) reveal something that would harm the President? By concealing the documents is he protecting the country itself? Will the information bring out past actions that would put the country in a bad light around the world? Does Sessions fear that the release of the information will expose Washington’s past corruption?

It’s just so hard for me to believe that Sessions is purposely protecting the deep state, Comey, Hillary and Obama because you know there was no love lost between them. Having said that, I still haven’t forgiven him for recusing himself from anything Russia in the first place. Obama’s two AGs didn’t cower, no matter what went on. On the surface, Sessions looks like he is afraid of his own shadow but, I also wonder if he is the only adult in the room, stuck in the middle of the biggest scandal in history. If I could talk to him, I would tell him that the American people want the truth and we can handle the truth.

This past week, we finally saw a Judge throw the bullshit flag on Mueller. The Judge called Mueller out and told him he would not grant Mueller anything until Mueller presented the Judge with the back-up documents laying out the case. The Right, me included, is hailing the Judge as a true American Patriot. The Judge told Mueller he isn’t allowed to do anything that he wants in order to bring down the President of the United States. Amen Judge, Amen.

My guess is that most Americans are tired of the whole thing and are more interested in getting on to the business of making America great again. While both political sides point fingers Congress has an approval rating of 14%. The President enjoys a 51% approval rating. Seems like the American people have spoken, again. Yet the games continue.

So I ask, “What are we to believe?” Sadly, all indications point to the fact that it doesn’t matter what we believe. The out of control Washington elites are running the show leaving the rest of us in the dark. While Washington plays their political games, we the people, continue to scratch our heads in wonderment. Meanwhile, justice has become the biggest laughing stock of the nation. Most Americans no longer believe equal justice even exists and justifiably so.

I leave you with this final thought, if we have any hope for restored equal justice and any hope to clean up the Washington swamp, it is with this President. President Trump is the right person. He may be the only person who has the courage and the staying power to see through the cleansing of the deep state and the long standing Washington theft of the American Dream.

You don’t get to pick and choose

Floating around as I do each night on twitter, a couple of things jumped out to me. The first; everyone, and when I say everyone I am referring to all the conservatives, Trump Train riders, MAGA devotees, all those people who are like me, can’t post enough about Kanye West coming out of the closet with support for the President.  The second thing was just an innocent tweet about one of the reporters at CNN.  According to the Trump Train, conservative MAGA devotees, this reporter said that Comey is in a lot of trouble and that others in the FBI are now turning on him.

Here’s my beef.  Maybe it’s just me and the way I roll, but I don’t feel we should get to pick-n-choose based on whether the story or the report fits our narrative. In the case of Kanye West, I think it’s awesome that a black American (I’d rather just say American but I guess I have to use “black” to make the point), supports our President. What I disagree with is this.  Just because some celebrity supports someone that I like, that person suddenly becomes credible. Here’s my point.  We can’t scream at every liberal, Trump hating celebrity and tell them to stick with acting or singing or whatever, and then suddenly, when one of them says something we like, automatically cheer about how smart they are and how credible they are. I just don’t think it works that way. Don’t misunderstand me, the more people that we can pull over to our way of thinking, the better and welcome aboard. My beef is with people who want it both ways. The people who say that celebrities and wealthy elitists don’t have a clue about how ordinary Americans live when those celebrities hate Trump, but Kanye West is great, smart, and so cool because he likes Trump. Huh?

My opinion on this is the same with regard to the CNN story. We yell at the top of our lungs FAKE NEW, FAKE NEWS and put down every story that they report. We believe nothing they have to say related to the President, politics, FBI, guns and so on. Then, suddenly, like the Kayne West story, they (CNN) report something we like and we are believers. I don’t think so. My twitter follower made it sound like the CNN story had to be true because CNN reported it. I don’t get it. By the way, this tweeter got hundreds of likes and retweets from likeminded Trump supporters.

Like I said, maybe it’s just me. If I claim that I don’t give a hoot what any celebrity has to say about the President or politics or the world in general then that’s it.  That’s where I stand. I can appreciate those who support the people or things that I support, but their support shouldn’t make them more credible. Same with fake news, until everything they report is honest, one story that I happen to agree with will not change how I feel about them.

I suppose I am just being too critical. I can certainly understand how others could get excited about hearing, for once, a celebrity liking our President or a Fake News organization suddenly tripping over the truth. I get it.  I just don’t ever want to be like the leftist liberal democrats. I don’t want to be hypocritical.

Buzzing Today: Kanye West Defends Donald Trump, Calls ...Kayne got his hat signed, I’m jealous!

Is it possible?

Like most political junkies, I scan the internet throughout the day; watch television news, and frequent twitter to take it all in.  As I wade through it, knowing some is fake news, some is true, and decide what I actually believe, I am continually amazed with the two very different sides of nearly all subjects. We live, arguably, in the second most divided times in our history. Only during the civil war was our country this divided. Being a conservative, I of course lay the blame directly on the shoulders of past President Obama and I cannot be convinced otherwise.

Those of us who claim to be true patriots have deep beliefs that Mr. Obama set our country back 50 years relating to race relations and the overall meaning of what America is. Obama left us with a country with few values. During his administration everything became okay except standing up for who we are as Americans. Everything that depicted who we are (were) was moved out of the main stream and into the realm of outcast and hatred. The country was founded on Christian principles yet Christians were viewed as evil. Eight years of the past administration turned everything up-side-down. When Mr. Obama said in a speech he would fundamentally change America, he meant it.  That was his greatest, albeit, negative, achievement.

After eight years, Americans who don’t normally speak out, Americans who have always been known for keeping their head down, working hard, paying their taxes, rolling with the punches and those who cherish their Christian values could no longer stand by and watch the systematic dismantling of their beloved America. Once the fundamental changes started to affect their families and their Christian way of life, their voices had to be heard. First, the Republicans took back the House of Representatives. Then they (Patriots) paused and watched for two more years.  Disappointed with the lack of directional change, they turned the Senate over to the Republicans with the hope that things would move back to the center and many of the changes would be reversed. Well, no move to the center and no reversal of the fundamental change.  So, the so-called silent majority stayed home and allowed Obama to be reelected in 2012. By the time Obama’s eight years were over that same silent majority rose up and rejected all of the Washington norms. No Clinton, no Jeb Bush, not even a Tea Party Senator named Ted Cruz. The silent majority took the gloves off and elected someone with no Washington political experience. In came billionaire Donald J. Trump and a divided country became even more divided.

Fast forward to today, a year and half after the President took office.  Those of us on the Right are feeling positive about the future of the country.  Those on the Left have spent every day doing anything they could to destroy the President. Admittedly, we on the Right wanted Obama out.  But, and this is important, we never wanted to see America fail. We disliked Obama in a major way but we never screamed impeachment; we just screamed about his policies and the laws that he broke. We knew he was our President.  We acknowledge that.  We didn’t like it but we knew we only have one President at a time and so we suffered through those eight years. The Left however refuse to give the President any credit for anything. I’m sorry to say, the Left does not believe that Trump is their President.  They are willing to do whatever it takes, even if it means harming the nation, to have him removed from office and not by waiting for the next election.  They want him out yesterday and by any means. They will and have lied and cheated at every turn for the last year and a half. It continues and won’t stop. It’s pretty incredible really. The Left and their partners the main stream media continue to be ruthless.

One of the biggest complaints the Right has is the lack of equal justice. The President has been handicapped with the made up Russia-collusion story while corrupt leaders on the Left continue to walk freely. Those within our law agencies will never regain American’s trust unless real and honest justice is served upon those who, quite frankly, have abused our country. In my opinion, the main culprits that must face justice are Obama, Hillary, Holder, Rice, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Page, Shultz, Clapper and Brennan.

This week we are finally starting to see hope that real justice could come. This is extremely satisfying.  If President Trump can accomplish nothing more during his presidency than ensuring equal justice is applied, he will go down as the President who saved America and restored our legal justice system. This truly is a “future possibility” and one that this writer prays for. Only by Trump winning the presidency has all of this injustice been exposed. A Hillary Presidency would have truly been the final nail in the American Justice System’s coffin. Trump said he would put America first.  15 months later, after having endured hell inside the Washington beltway, he continues to move forward to deliver our country back to the American people; the people who still believe in our flag, our families, our rule of law, and our freedom.  What a huge undertaking. So much to restore, so much to change and there is no question it is a battle every single day. Fight on Mr. President, fight on.

Lock & Loaded

This past Sunday the President authorized another military strike on Syria.  The leader, Assad, according to us, British and French Intel used chemical weapons on his people AGAIN. Remember he did this during the Obama administration also. Prior to that, Obama drew the, now famous, red line.  He said that the use of chemical weapons would be a red line. Assad tested Obama by doing just that.  Obama did nothing. Within the first month of the Trump Presidency, Assad gassed his people and Trump dropped America’s biggest non-nuclear bomb on Syria which let Assad and the world know that he is not Obama and a red line is a red line.

One week prior to the last bombing, the President surprised everyone by announcing that he wanted to pull all US troops out of Syria and soon. So, when he announced that he would be calling for action this past week, many hammered him, saying that he has no policy and doesn’t know what he is doing. No surprise there. As you know, the Left, the media and even some of the swamp Republicans leave no opportunity to take a shot at the President.

This time however, even some of the Trump supporters weren’t happy and shared their displeasure over this decision to retaliate. “We didn’t elect you to start another war,” was the common theme of his supporters.

This time, Russia warned the US that if we attempted to bomb Syria they would shoot our missiles down. This of course only fueled the Left’s fire and like they always do, they hit the air waves with “Trump is going to start WWIII.”

I will admit that I was not pleased with this idea either and that the Russian threat gave me pause.  However, I reminded myself of something that I have always believed.  The only way to stop a bully is to be a bigger bully. We dare not stand idle just because Russian threatens us.  That is exactly when we must do something. Another factor in all of this; is the worldwide message that we would be sending if Trump had backed down. The world’s view of the US, and specifically the President would have shifted if Trump had blinked. More importantly is the message this sends to North Korea and China.

As you know, due to Trump’s tough stance against North Korea, they are requesting talks and have told others they are willing to discuss the removal of their nuclear program. Allowing Assad to gas his people again without any response would have sent a strong message to North Korea that Trump isn’t quite as tough as he acts.

More often than not, these types of actions are about much more than what the eye can see. The world is a big place with many characters continually testing us. Poking the bear if you will. Remember, every bully is tested.

While the Left used every degrading accusation they could against Trump (He’s doing this because he wants us to forget about the raid on his lawyer or Stormy Daniels, or whatever), I believe Trump did this, not because he wanted to, but because he had to in order to maintain his reputation of being a tough leader who won’t back down. My honest opinion is that Trump didn’t want to do this and wished Assad hadn’t tested him again and that he truly does want to pull our troops out.  Let’s see if the swamp manages to talk him out of that.

In the end, over 100 missiles were launched hitting all three targets as planned. None were shot down and in fact Russia didn’t even attempt to shoot them down. They were too busy relocating their ships out of the area. Assad attempted but wasn’t successful. No civilian lives were taken nor did we have any losses except for 100 million dollars’ worth of Tomahawks.

On Monday, Trump announced “Mission Accomplished.”  This, of course, supplied the Left with another opportunity to hammer him. “Mission accomplished, what was the mission?” was their theme this time. As they always do, they make every attempt to scare the American people into believing the world is coming to an end and that the President is out of control.

Simple minded me and many others viewed the statement for what it was meant to be. The mission was to take out these three chemical weapon plants, not kill any civilians or lose any American lives and return home safely. The mission was accomplished.

Let’s face it; the Never-Trump crowd will always be the Never-Trump crowd just as the Trump supporters will never stop being supporters.

So, not surprisingly, I support the action that the President took this past Sunday. While we’ve all grown tired of fighting and killing and spending, there will always be people in this world that will have it no other way. If America doesn’t lead and stand up for people who are brutalized by their governments, who will? Our role as the world’s only hope is costly but important.

Enough Is Enough

Tonight we learned that the FBI raided President Trump’s personal attorney’s (Cohen) office, apartment and home. We don’t yet know what they claim to have found or think they have on the attorney, but it was enough to get a New York Federal Judge to sign off on it.

I am so beside myself tonight I wanted to write while the steam is still coming out of my ears and eyes.

I and so many other Trump supporters are so sick and tired of all of this witch hunt. For over a year this Mueller has been snooping and digging and what has he uncovered? Nothing related to the original collusion charges. Yet, this nightmare continues. This is bad for the country and should no longer be tolerated. Either shit or get off the pot Mueller. Millions of dollars later and nothing.

I’m tired of it all. The whole country is divided while we throw darts at each other as we wait for this big Mueller report. We’re also waiting on the so called Independent inspector general report.  We’re waiting on 1.9 million documents from the FBI, and we’re waiting on the original FISA warrant that started this whole collusion investigation. Waiting, waiting, waiting. It’s bullshit. These people work for us.  What do we have to do to get these people to do their jobs?

At this point, I wish the President would fire them all and just start over. Fire Mueller, Fire Rob Rosenstein, and Director Wray, fire Jeff Sessions and give this inspector general until the end of the week to file his report or fire him too.

Mueller raids Trumps attorney, but Hillary, was her office raided? Was her so called attorney’s office raided? Did anything happen when she deleted 30,000 emails after she was told not to? She wasn’t even sworn in when she was interviewed. This is the biggest rigged-up scam of all time. Just a huge cover up and one sided Washington middle finger to the American people.

If this raid has anything to do with the porn star I swear I will come out of my shoes. He wasn’t President when this occurred. It has nothing to do with anything.

It’s time for the so called silent majority to get up off their butts and make their voices heard. We need to send a signed petition to Washington from millions of Trump supporters.  We need to demand that Mueller’s crack pot, money wasting investigation is canceled and throw him out onto the curb. We need to demand that the people who are still in the FBI, and played a role in this are fired and maybe go to jail. Because, we also need to demand a second independent counsel to once and for all conduct a full and honest investigation into Obama and Clinton. If they’re innocent, fine.  It’s doubtful, but fine. I’m filled with too much hate to be fair, so let the law do what the law is supposed to do. By the way, this second investigation doesn’t need to take a year either.

We have a President, elected by the people who has a full plate; dealing with the border, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Trade, Russia and the leftist main stream media.  Instead, he has to also endure this made up fake witch hunt too. The Democrats want to impeach him because they don’t like him and many in his own party are so buried in their own personal elections and donors they too are a part of the so called swamp – only making his job that much more difficult.

Enough is enough. It’s time for us to support our President.  That doesn’t mean sending another tweet. If we unite, we will have millions of signatures. A bit disappointing in that I made this suggestion via twitter to the thousands of so called President supporters, MAGA, KAG, etc. and I got two replies saying they are reading to sign the petition. Talk is cheap folks.

If millions of signatures doesn’t get Washington to act then welcome to the second civil war. In reality, we’re already at war. We elected a President to do what he said he would do and everyone in Washington are doing everything they can to stop him.  It’s not right.

They Still Don’t Get It

15 months and counting with our new President and the Left still haven’t a clue as to why he won in the first place. I know this to be true based on how they react to everything the President does. It’s also true that Trump could cure cancer tomorrow and the Left would demand an investigation as to why he waited so long. It’s an all-out “hate Trump” war for the Left.

They and their partners in the main stream media slammed him over his brash hard remarks to North Korea. He called the leader Rocket Man and the Left went wild. “He is an embarrassment”, they screamed. Fast forward just a few months, the Korean leader requests a meeting with the President.  He told South Korea that he is willing to discuss complete destruction of their nuke program.  Furthermore, he said that he understands that the joint U.S. and South Korean military training drills and current heavy sanctions will continue.

No other President has ever had the courage to take a hard line and mean what they’ve said.  Every President, before Trump has handed our tax dollars to NK in an attempt to buy their way into the North’s favor.  Still, the Left cannot seem to give any praise to this President for actually wanting to do something to stop NK while giving them nothing in the process. IF this president is successful and it’s a big IF, this will be nearly as amazing as curing cancer. Will the Left finally get it, will they finally give in and admit this President loves America? Hell no.

One of Trumps main talking points during the election was trade.  He talked about how unfair it is, how so many countries take advantage of us and how he didn’t blame those countries.  He explained that they are just smarter than our leaders. He ran on fixing the trade deficits.

He gets elected and after a busy first year, he dives into fixing trade. Both Mexico and Canada are on notice to change NAFTA or be prepared to have the US walk out. He then moved his sights to South Korea, who has now promised to play fair. Now he is in the middle of negotiations with the big one, China. He throws out a threat.  They come back with a bigger threat.  He doesn’t back down.  He doubles down and promises to apply tariffs amounting to $150 billion.  That is more than China counter-threat.

Meanwhile, the Left, Wall Street and the MSM are freaking out.  They say that the world as we know it is about to come to an end. Of course, even the Left and Wall Street, in fact everyone agrees that China has never played fair and have been totally hosing us and every company who does business with them. Even past Presidents have complained of unfair treatment. Yet none have taken this on. Why? Because they are afraid of their own shadows and honestly, they don’t know how to be strong and believe in the strength of the USA.  The Left simply cannot believe the President is doing this.  They don’t even understand why he is doing it because in their minds he has so much to lose. Again, they simply have no clue.

Trade and cheating tariffs remind me of bullies. When I was a freshman in high school there was a kid who was a known bully. Every school has at least one. Nearly every day, when I would to the snack machine to buy chocolate milk and warm chocolate chip cookie, this kid would show up and bully the other kids for their money.  Before he was done, someone always handed over their snack money. I’ll be honest, there were some days that I would see the bully at the vending machines and I would just walk away and forego the snack. Then my day came.  After watching so many other kids cower and hand over their money, I wasn’t having it. When he approached me, all 5’6″ of me, I turned and faced him.  With the angriest, most pissed-off expression, and tough talk that I could muster, and before he could say a word, I said “You’re not getting my money and get the fuck away from me.” (Sorry for the language.) Thankfully, he turned and walked away. I was shaking but he never approached me again and I again never went without my chocolate milk and cookie.

The moral of the story, the only way to overcome a bully is to be a bigger bully. That’s exactly what our President is doing with China and others. Like any of us, he would prefer to have these countries play fair and he would be more than happy to do the same. Sadly, life doesn’t operate that way.

Finally, there is immigration. This was another big part of his campaign. Everyone knows he ran on building a wall, putting Americans first, stopping illegal immigration and all of the bad things that come with it (MS13, drugs, jobs, tax payer funds, etc). Based in part on these campaign promises, the American people elected Trump.  Once again, the Left and their partners, the MSM call him a racist and every other name in the book. Even (not surprising) his own party on the Right have been less than helpful. When he learned about a caravan of nearly 1500 people heading for the US from south of the border, what does he do? He sends in the military to help the border patrol with security. Other Presidents have done the same thing but in this case, the Left will not stand for this President doing it. Out comes the word racist again and the bleeding heart liberals accuse him of having no compassion. It’s sad really because most Hispanics actually think the Left cares about them. They do not, they care about your vote.

Do you find it as amazing as I do that the Left actually hates Trump for protecting our border? Think about that for a few minutes.

The Federal Government has a law suit pending against the State of California over their sanctuary city law. Speaking of amazing, can you even believe California refuses to work with ICE?  They are refusing to inform ICE when a criminal illegal is released from jail. How does this protect legal California citizens and how does this not endanger all of America? The Left wants to take our guns away but they are not interested in deporting illegal criminals who have committed felonies, including, murder. You know why, don’t you? It’s because guns don’t vote. You know how I feel about voter ID…

What the Left still doesn’t get, is that we elected President Trump because we want him to do the very things he is doing. We want a President that stands up for us and who isn’t afraid to do what’s right for our individual citizens and the country as a whole. We like that he is taking on China and we’re not afraid of the outcome.  In fact, we are fully prepared to support the President by paying higher prices for some goods. We want our country to be treated fairly or, just like in our personal lives, we will take our business elsewhere. This is a philosophy that the Left simply doesn’t understand.

The President ran on building a wall, putting Americans first and deporting criminals. Same as above, we elected him because that’s what we want too. We are sick and tired of being overrun by illegals and we are really tired of watching our Government provide them, via our tax dollars, with benefits we don’t get.

As for North Korea, ISIS, Iran, you name the evil, we elected a President that will not bow before other world leaders and if he draws a red line you sure as hell better not cross it because he will do what he said he will do. He proved that during the first few months he was in office, when he dropped the mother of all bombs on Syria for using chemical weapons. Something Obama said he would do but never did.

While the Left continues to live in their Liberal world and continues to believe that American didn’t really want President Trump, our President keeps plowing forward and standing by his promises; which in itself is historical. The millions of us who voted for him continue to be both impressed and thankful.

I can imagine the President sitting in the oval office by himself, shaking his head in disgust regarding the amount of corruption and downright stupidity that goes on in Washington. Like so many of us, he wasn’t on the inside. Now that he is able to see everything, he probably would like to burn the whole place down and start over. The Left still doesn’t get it, but we do.

Stormy Times

Do you remember my post about DACA? Do you remember when I said that I was sick and tired of hearing about it? Well, DACA no sooner quieted down and porn star (so I’m told) Stormy Daniels enters the picture.  Just like DACA, the MSM can’t get enough of her. Last Sunday, 60 Minutes, the once very popular and dare I say educational program devoted the whole show to Stormy Daniels.  I’d like to report on it, but I didn’t watch it.  Why would I? I have seen some of the clips, and well, pretty sick, to say the least.

There isn’t a sane person in this country that believes that Donald Trump was elected because he led a sinless pure life. The Left and their partners in the media are working overtime to make this a big story. A Bill Clinton impeachable offense, if you will. But wait, there are significant differences. The most significant is this; whatever occurred between the porn star and Mr. Trump occurred prior to his presidency and they were nowhere near the White House. The more important difference is that one of these men has been accused of rape and the other accused of, what? Having sex with a porn star who admits it was consensual? These are pretty big differences don’t you think?

The worst part of the Trump accusation is that, if it is true, he was married at the time. So was Clinton, but I’d cheat if I was married to Hillary too (just kidding but you get the point.) Melania however… I’ll just say he used pretty stupid judgment.  He is married to one of the most beautiful people in the world. Men and their man parts; they can be real idiots.

All of that said; Trump was elected for the very reason that so many people dislike him. He was elected to be an asshole. We always knew it would take someone like him to clean up the mess in Washington. He is someone who has courage, a big ego and knows how to win at all costs. No one fits this description more than our President.

He absolutely loves the country.  He must.  What billionaire would give up a dream life and put up with all that he is enduring? He’s been called every name in the book, accused of rigging the election, colluding with Russia; under investigation from day one and many members in the party that he belongs to don’t even support his agenda.  This means that party doesn’t support the 60 million Americans who voted him into office.

Everything he has accomplished thus far has been pro America.  It has been good for the country and that means good for the whole country, even the people that spew ugly unacceptable propaganda. Yet, he continues forward doing his job and working to make the Nation whole again.  Yes, great again.

So my friends, I am now officially sick and tired of the Stormy stories and I can tell you that his female supports are too. They will tell you that they don’t care about Stormy and they will confirm that they weren’t looking for a “good” guy.  They were looking for a bad-ass that loves their country.  That is exactly what they got. Trump wasn’t wrong when he said he could shoot someone and his followers would still back him.

Many of his supporters were very upset that he signed the Omnibus spending bill and they let him know it.  At the same time, they also let him know that they forgive him and still support him. Most people think he is playing chess with Washington and is several moves ahead of them. Let’s face it; he seems to win at every turn and dodges every obstacle that is thrown at him. I won’t name all the victories, you know them as well as I do.

As with DACA, this Storm shall pass too. She’s had her day in the limelight, so it’s all downhill for her now. Soon there will be another DACA, or another Stormy, or maybe more Russia as a fall back. The good news is, Mr. Trump will keep moving his agenda forward and keep winning.

The Media and the talking heads are convinced that the mid-terms are going to be a blue wave, believing that the Left will take back both the House and the Senate. Will it? I don’t think so.  I don’t think these people on the Left have learned anything from the last election. They still believe in their own talking points and hang onto their Leftist polls. Have you been called? If you have, did you take the call? Did you take the poll? I haven’t and wont.

Those of us who support the President are thankful for his staying power. We don’t understand how he does it but we are so thankful that he does.

Wouldn’t it be something if he maintains a full majority, makes North Korea stop their nuclear program, finally repeals Obamacare, and builds a big beautiful wall? The great thing is, these things are actually possible with this President.

God Bless you Mr. Trump, thank you for standing up for us and America. The country was looking for something different and you came along just in time.

PS: Melania, thank you for standing by his side. You’re the bigger person and our country adores you for your loyalty.

Times Change

How’s this for a turn around from the last post?  Just goes to show, I am losing my mind.

One day, when I was a young boy, my father was in a conversation with another man. I don’t specifically remember what they were talking about, but I’ve never forgot something my dad said.

The man said, “They don’t make them like that anymore.” Dad replied, “Thank God.” The point being, that while some old things were great, some of the new things are greater than they ever were.

When it comes to technology, dad was right. I can start my truck without sitting inside of it. I can call my kids while driving down the road. I can fly coast to coast in five hours (as long as I remember to take my pocket knife out of my pocket before going through security). I can buy a pair of pants from the comfort of my home and have them delivered in two days. I can ask this little round thing sitting on a side table in my living room how to spell technology and get the answer faster than asking my wife! She’s actually quicker but if you throw in the “did you go to school at all?” comment, Alexia wins.

Though, on the social level, I don’t think Dad would have had the same answer. Simply put, the social make-up now-a-days is a mess. A man’s character no longer seems to mean much. For that matter, just using the word “man” can get you in trouble. “My word is my bond”, if you’re talking with someone over the age of 60. A man can be a women, a women can be a man, in some cases they can be both. The number one killer in America is abortion.  Illegals have the same rights or more than legal Americans. The thought of requiring ID when you go to vote is unacceptable. I’ve called five electricians in the last five days and not one of them has called me back. Owning a gun has become the devil’s work. Gun owners are being attacked. I remember driving around with my guns on a rack behind my head in the pick-up. I don’t remember any mass shootings growing up, do you? Half or more of the country are liberal democrats. So 150 million Americans vote for democrats while the record shows that every state in the union lead by democrats has the highest crime, stickiest gun laws, most debt and more citizens living in poverty. As far as I can tell common sense is all but gone. I remember watching the nightly news with interest and trust. Now-a-days, the nightly news has taken the place of The Inquirer. If you seek the truth, you’ve truly got your work cut out for you. Then there is social media. Everyone with fingers seems to be online sharing their great knowledge.  I’m one of them. If you’re not on social media then your voice is lost. You can still go to the county commissioner’s meeting if you want to, but why would you when you can sit on your ass and type out things you’d never have the courage to say face to face. That’s part of the problem, isn’t it? The keyboard warriors crack me up. They’re tough guys, aren’t they?  Actually they’re just the opposite. Everybody now-a-days is an expert. That’s almost always been the case though.  The internet just brings all the so called experts out.

In 1948, Grandpa told Dad to load up the truck with all the supplies to lay tile in front of Henderson’s Hardware Store in town. Dad said, “But I’ve never laid tile before,” Grandpa replied, “Just go down to the store, park out front and start unloading the supplies and don’t worry son by the time you get unloaded some smart son-of-a-bitch will come along and tell you how to do it.”

So my friends, times have changed and there’s no getting around it. Change is good, most of the time.

I do miss the time when character was important. I miss the days when a man shook your hand it was as good as any contract today. I miss the times when we were at awe when amazing things occurred. Like the time Grandpa was sitting in his wheel chair on the front porch looking up at the moon. “Whatcha looking at Grandpa?” I asked. “I can’t believe there’s a feller walking around up there right now.” He replied.

The civil discourse in our country is messed up.  Whenever you get the opportunity, share some of your Grandpa stories with the kids. They may look at you like you’ve fallen off your rocker, but trust me; they’ll hear you and it just might make a small difference.

Some Things Never Change

Just when all indications pointed to real change in our country, the second largest and wasteful budget in history has passed.

In this post, I will be venting about the GOP and this new $1.6 Trillion budget Bill.

During the Obama years, all eight of them, I screamed and complained and condemned the spending, the bail outs, and the picking of winners and losers. When Trump was elected I was both amazed and gleeful. The thought of having a President with a successful business background was and still is, thrilling. He just got into office and I started hearing things like, the cost for the new Air Force One was way too high and he got Boeing to reduce the cost by a billion dollars and said the cost was still too high. I said, to myself, “That’s what I am talking about”. I was referring to the way a business person looks at such things. He wants things as cheap as possible, wants the quality to be better than ever and in the end, still isn’t completely satisfied. Then he pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accord, saying it was a big waste of American tax dollars. Again, I couldn’t have been more impressed. Then he let all of the allies in NATO know that the U.S. expects them to start paying their fair share. Beautiful.

Fast forward to the current budget bill.  The swamp, as he calls it is up to the same old tired ways. It’s as if we don’t even exist. We quickly get our fill of Obama controlling both houses and in 2010; we send a message to Washington by giving the GOP control of the House. Then, and sadly, Obama is reelected in 2012.  So, we give the GOP the Senate. They accomplished nothing during Obama’s second term, with the possible exception of being able to hold their ground and not allow Obama to nominate a Supreme Court Justice. Other than that, Obama had his way and I should have realized then that the leadership in Congress weren’t any different than the Liberal Democrats.

With all of the ilk Obama gave us and the lack of progress in the GOP controlled House and Senate swamp, the Nation said, “enough is enough,” and we elected President Trump. “Now we get our Nation back!” I said, to myself, “Now we’ve given the GOP all three branches of Government. Winning is going to be fun.”

While there is no question things are much better and much has been accomplished, this latest budget makes clear that the swamp is alive and well.

The GOP has been promising for years that once they were back in power they would repeal Obamacare, it hasn’t happened. They would stop all funding of Planned Parenthood. This budget continues to fund them. The GOP yelled and pointed out how our National Debt was going to cripple the country, that Obama added more to the debt than all the Presidents before him combined. This budget does the same thing, it borrows more money and increases the debt by another trillion dollars.

We the people just got done voting the President into office for very specific reasons. We want a Wall to protect our borders, we want out of Obamacare, we want ISIS killed so we can get out of these wars in the Middle East, and we want Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.

We didn’t vote for the President nor did we give the GOP both houses so that we don’t get a wall, so that we prop up Obamacare (keep it alive) and we sure as hell didn’t vote them all in so we can continue to borrow money from China and increase our debt.

The things that the President can control, he has controlled. Unemployment is at an all-time low, the economy during the first year was on fire. Consumer confidence is high. ISIS really is the JV team now that Trump allowed the Generals do what Generals do, WIN. But sadly, the President signed this rotten-to-the-core budget. For me, that is strike one. From here on out I’ll have one eye closed watching his every move. I was fooled by Bush.  I won’t be fooled again. As if, that is some big threat… All I am saying is that some things don’t ever change. Congress is and always has been a drain on the Nation. These clowns spend our money like there is no end. They don’t listen to us, they lie to us and probably laugh behind our backs.

As Americans, we did our part.  It wasn’t easy taking our Government back. Sadly, we need to keep working because all of the swamp dwellers who voted for this budget must go and that’s a lot of Senators and Representatives.

It could be worse I suppose, we could be forced to gather our arms and go to war fighting for our liberty. Don’t be confused though, this needs to be treated as if it is war. Lie to us once, shame on you, lie to us twice, shame on us. Lie to us three times and all-out war, it is. Maybe the time has finally come for a third party. Let’s face it, there really isn’t any difference between the two we have now. As President Trump has said, they’re all talk and no action.

I hope to see you at the ballot box in November. I’ll be voting for folks who are truly conservative, if any are running…