Pay Attention

Welcome back patriots. Can you even turn your head fast enough to keep up with the ever changing, major fake outrage coming at us from the Left?

On Monday afternoon I sent out a tweet telling my followers that it has been a pleasure knowing them because at 9:05 pm after the President announces his nomination for the Supreme Court, the Left will hit the airwaves telling us the world has come to an end.  And, sure enough, that’s all we’ve heard from that point on. Some on the Left, in congress have said that millions of us will die because of this. The most amazing thing is that the Left is in all-out “fake” outrage over the possibility of Roe vs. Wade being overturned. Should this happen, according to the Left, millions of women will die, which is about as stupid as stupid gets. What I find so amazing is that they continue to have zero concern, even a thought about the 3000 heart beating unborn kids being aborted on a “daily” basis.

Also on Monday, I tweeted, “After the Supreme Court announcement tonight how much do you want to bet we’ll stop hearing the Left talk about the poor illegal kids?” Not to sound like a know-it-all, but guess what? Kids in cages are no longer “the” talking point on the Left. In fact, as of today, Wednesday, July 11th, I haven’t heard one story about the kids. They move from one fake outrage to another so fast, that you better be fast on your feet if you want to keep up.

The one thing you can always count on from the Left is that no matter what the topic is, it’s bad and people are always going to die.  They told us that we were going to die when the President got out of the Paris Accord. Still alive! We were going to die if we got out of the Iran deal, heart is still beating! According to the Left, the President should have us in World War III by now with North Korea. They haven’t shot off a nuke since Trump called their leader Rocket man. LOL.

This morning, the President told NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) that the United States was done paying the bulk of the cost for NATO members. The US pays nearly 5% of our GDP (Gross Domestic Product). The others (All of the European countries and Canada) agreed years and years ago to pay 2%. Only a very few do, most do not. Germany, the richest of these countries pays only 1.2%. The President told them that the US tax payer is done carrying the load. He said, it doesn’t make any sense for Germany to ask us to protect them from Russia and at the same time, they buy 70% of their natural gas from Russia. They pay Russia billions upon billions of dollars to supply them with natural gas. The President’s point, of course, is that Germany is funding the very country that we are expected to protect them from. Pretty good point don’t you think? Every President has (confidentially) made this same complaint to NATO and the Europeans. The only difference with Trump is that he said it so the world could hear it. We don’t need the New York Times telling us what the President says.  We get to hear it with our own ears. Pretty damn cool if you ask me.

Because of this, the Left has announced that Trump is taking the US out of NATO. Congress, with all the things going on in our country focused on this today.  They came out with a statement saying that they all agree that the US must remain in NATO. What’s so stupid about this is that Trump hasn’t uttered a word about leaving NATO.  These people in Congress have no clue about anything. In business, the only way you can affect change is by acting upon it, making it known you want change, and demand change. You don’t get anywhere by whispering what you want in someone’s ear. You speak up or forever hold your peace which is what past Presidents have not done. The result? The US tax payer pays billions of dollars to protect other countries from a threat that is decades old. Remember, we still have 70,000 US troops in Europe. Why?  Don’t worry, Congress is going to get into it…

A few weeks ago I wrote an article called the Left’s Playbook. I still think that they have a playbook full of fake issues that they can get their party to complain about; but honestly, I think they are just winging it at this point.

These are the most hypocritical people on the face of the earth. Think about this. Last week they marched and showed hysteria over the illegal kids being separated from their parents. This week they are outraged over the possibility of Roe vs. Wage being overturned… So it’s not okay to separate an illegal child from their mother but okay to kill their child via abortion.  Think about that.

In every case, since the President took office, the Left has sided with everything except America or Americans.

Don’t spend too much time on the Supreme Court nomination outrage or the NATO fake outrage because next week the President is having a one-on-one meeting with President Putin of Russia. Their outrage will certainly turn to this any day now.  Lord only knows what the end of the week will bring but one thing is certain, it will be entertaining and unimportant. They are so outraged so often, that it has truly just become background noise for me.  They’ve called wolf WAY too many times. The only people listening to them now are the hard Left wing loonies. You know the party is in big trouble when the face of the party is Nancy Pelosi, Crying Chuck Schumer, ding dong Kamala Harris, Bernie “socialist” Sanders  and Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren. That, my patriot friends is what you call “leaderless.”

I titled this “Pay Attention” but really you don’t have to. All you have to do is read my posts!

The Background Noise

The Left has rallied their sheep and paid protestors to march throughout the country, this time to chant “Families belong together.” This is just the latest act of desperation from the Left. All of us who actually pay attention, know that the Trump Administration is not doing anything that prior administrations did not also do. Bill Clinton was president when the law went into place to separate kids when they illegally crossed into the country. As painful as it is to say, the law makes sense and is actually designed to protect the kids from human traffic gangs. George W followed the law so did Obama. But, this is President Trump so all bets are off. The Democrats are so out of their minds and so lost as to what to do to get their power back that all they cling to is opposition and lies.

Let’s walk down memory lane, shall we? If you are a Democrat, the following will outline your party’s narrative since the president was elected.

“He will start a nuclear war”

And then he met with North Korea who have agreed to dismantle their nuclear program

“He is racist, hates women, blacks and Hispanics”

He put a woman in place to represent the USA at the United Nations. Then he nominated and put the first woman in history in charge of the CIA. That wasn’t enough though. Today black and Hispanic unemployment is at the lowest level EVER. By the way, female unemployment is at a 26 year low.

“The tax cuts are only for the wealthy”

And then hundreds, maybe thousands of companies announce they will be giving bonuses to their workers. Middle class pay increases for the first time in decades.

“The Markets will crash”

And then markets hit all-time records over and over and over again. Working Americans with 401Ks and IRAs are seeing huge increases in their accounts.

While I could go on and on with this walk down memory lane, the point is that the Left continues to throw “stuff” up against the wall just praying something will stick. They are so out of control that they have come out in support of everything that is pure anti-American.

They’ve stood up for the deadly gang MS-13 and they’ve stood up for illegal kids entering our country while maintaining support for aborting the unborn helpless child. They have spent more time fighting for non-Americans than for Americans. I can’t remember a time when they fought for us.

There’s a new movement going on in the country right now with the hashtag #walkaway. This represents disenchanted Democrats speaking out against the democrat party. They are seeing the lies for the first time. They are beginning to understand that the Democrats want votes and don’t really care about their citizen constituents. While many of us always knew this to be true, it sure feels great to see them walk away and finally be free to think on their own and be all they want to be.

This past week, we learned that Justice Kennedy will retire in July. This has the Democrats in quite a tizzy fit. As with everything that comes out of their mouths, the world as we know it will soon end if the President is successful in choosing Kennedy’s replacement. Rode v. Wade will be overturned, gay marriage will be no more and well, pick any Liberal leftist cause and this President through his nomination will have it overturned.  It’s all background noise to me. The vast majority of conservatives care about one thing in a Supreme Court justice and that is they follow the constitution.

So my patriot friends, onward we go. While the background noise will continue and I suspect get louder, we will continue to sit up and support the President of these United States while reaping the many benefits of taking our country back.

PS: #BuyEarPlugs

The Left’s Playbook

Every week there is something new for us and our President to deal with. This is all by design.  It is the combined efforts (or Playbook) of the Left and their partners in crime, the lying fake MSM news.

The whole idea is to keep us looking away from anything good that is happening and focus on what they want. It’s as if they are jumping up and down on the sideline waving their arms in the air and yelling out to us “over here, look at me!”

As I’ve said so many times before, the sad reality is that millions upon millions of Americans fall for this. They buy into the false narrative almost 100% of the time. While on one hand I blame them for being sheep instead of using their own common sense to decide what they believe, on the other hand I almost have to give them a pass because the MSM is so powerful and broadcasted across 99% of all mediums. I know that Americans are smarter than this and so it continues to frustrate the hell out of me.

Seriously, who in their right mind cares what Kathy Griffin, Robert DeNiro, Peter Fonda, a rapper, a football player or one of these late night television hosts has to say? Every week someone from Hollywood or the sports world or a late night TV host is quoted as if they are somehow important, intelligent deep thinking people who actually care about our country.

The fake outrage is so easy to see. Anyone who actually thinks the Left cares about you has completely lost their mind.

Think about it. What has the left been the most vocal about over the past year? What have they screamed about more than anything else? Gun control? Not even close. The poor? Wrong. The middle class? LOL.  They’ve been most vocal about immigration. They shut the United States Government down over illegal aliens, not American citizens, over illegal aliens. What does that tell you? Does that bother you at all? Does it bother you that they give benefits to the illegals that you, as a tax payer citizen cannot get? Do you think they take you for granted? Consider the fact that the Left doesn’t focus on your needs and instead focuses on illegals.  Doesn’t that mean that they are going after the illegal vote because they know that they already have yours? Surely you’re not of the mind that the Left cares deeply about the pool illegals. Isn’t it fair to say that if they care about the poor they’d spend more time fighting for our poor? Wouldn’t they show the same or God forbid even more outrage for our homeless and our vets living under bridges? If none of this convinces you then I ask you, what have they done, specifically, for you?

Last week was all about the poor illegal kids being separated from their parents. The MSM did the heavy lifting as they always do by posting videos and pictures across all news mediums. Some of course were pictures taken during the Obama years but hey, don’t let that bother you. Do you think the parents of these kids are the most responsible for having their kids taken away from them or are you one of these sheep that hate the President so much you think it’s his fault?

Do you think it’s at all interesting that the “family separation” outrage hit the news just about the same time that the IG report came out? It always works this way. Anytime there is something coming that is positive for the President, the playbook comes out. The Left flips through the pages and decides what outrage they will display so that we look away from the positive and focus on their fake outrage. The MSM jumps to their selected outrage issue and before we know it, the entire country and the world is looking over at the Left, jumping up and down and waving their hands. It’s so transparent, so obvious yet so many, hopefully not you, buy it.

Do me one favor (I’m talking to Americans who follow the Left’s playbook), the very next positive thing the president does, watch for the playbook narrative. If you just read this and said to yourself, “the president hasn’t done anything positive”, then never mind. I cannot help you.  You have TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). You are a follower, a sheep crying out for some of mommas (the Government) milk. As for the rest of you who continue to fight for your independence, love our country and want to make your own decisions, watch for the Left wing playbook narrative.  Its charter is “anything good is bad”. We Trump supporters joke that if the President was to cure cancer, the Left would respond by saying “why did you wait so long?”  Last week, at the request of the Left, the President signed an Executive Order allowing the children of illegal aliens to stay together. The ink on the executive order hadn’t even dried before the Left was yelling “what took you so long.”  Since then they flipped the playbook page and moved on to “The President now holding entire families in jail cells.”

Just as fast as the made up outrage over the illegals spread throughout the country yesterday when Justice Kennedy announced his retirement the fake issue instantly died. The Left’s outrage blows with the wind. You have to really be dumber than a stump if you don’t see the two faces of the Left. Last week they screamed about the poor illegal kids, screamed! This week, they are screaming about the possibility of the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs Wade… Save the illegal non-citizen kids, kill the unborn, helpless American Child. Let that sink it.

For me and all Trump supporters, every time the Left pulls out their playbook we become more and more devoted to the President. If you don’t believe me, consider last week as a perfect example. We were being bombarded with negative news about how the President doesn’t care about children which is one of the most disgusting lies ever. Tune in and watch any of his rallies. Listen to him & his supporters. The Left makes us stronger, louder and more determined than ever to take back our beloved USA.

Be Careful What you Ask For

Over the past few weeks, the Left has really amped up their hate. It is getting so bad that I wonder if there are more Democrats turning away from the party. It’s hard for me to believe the Democrats in the middle of the country will continue to put up with these Leftist antics.

First, the Left turns the national discussion toward the illegal children being separated from their families at the border. To blindly listen to them you would think, and in fact they came right out and said it, that Trump hates children and families.  This is meant to leave the impression on those with TDS that Trump hates children.  None of this is possible of course without the backing of the MSM who jumped on-board with these lies. You know how I feel about the media… 24/7 for over a week they’ve spewed the lies of the Left into millions of American homes and throughout the world. It is downright sad and unacceptable especially in light of the fact the only thing the President has done is followed the immigration laws. Of course, this alone is something that none of us have been used to seeing for quite some time now. Although, in fairness, both Obama and Bush, as it relates to border control, did the same things as Trump is doing. The only difference here is Trump.

Time magazine puts a picture of a small Hispanic girl looking up at the President standing in front of her with the caption of the President saying, “Welcome to America.”  As it turns out, the girl was never separated from her mother and in fact the mother had paid a smuggler $6,000 to get them across the border. The news coverage on this fact was minimal. Time refused to apologize stating it didn’t matter who the girl was, the picture was symbolic of the actual issue occurring, i.e. Trump separating the children from their families.

The radical Left demanded that Trump, via an executive order stop this separation. Under pressure Trump finally buckled and did just that. Of course then the Left said this wasn’t good enough that he was now uniting the families just to hold them in jail together. What the Left really wants is open borders. No wall, no ICE, no immigration agents. Just let whoever wants to enter the country and do as they please. Their claim of course is that the drug smugglers and MS-13 gang members are a small percentage of the illegals coming in the country so no big deal.  Tell that to one of the many Americans that have lost a loved one to an illegal, to a gang member or a drug dealer.  Their policy is clearly all about putting Americans last on their priority scale. The media’s reaction? Zero

All of this prompted Hollywood’s Peter Fonda, brother of Jane “Hanoi” Fonda to tweet out his desire to have someone kidnap the President’s 12 year old son Barron, put him in a cage and have someone perform sexual acts upon him. This is where we are in the country right now.  This is how far the Left has gone.

Later in the week the President’s Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders was asked to leave the Red Hen café. They claimed their beliefs wouldn’t allow them to serve her. She left and they followed her out the door to continue their harassment of her. The media’s reaction? Zero.

Finally, Representative and racist Maxine Waters called upon all Democrats to be on the lookout for Trump Administration officials in public spaces. She urged the Dems “If you see one of these people gather a crowd and harass them”. Again, pretty amazing to have someone in congress promoting harassment upon fellow Americans. Can you even begin to imagine what the reaction would be had this been a republican saying this against Obama or Hillary? Oh my.  But, this is a black hypocrite racist millionaire congress person so it’s ok. She’s done nothing but scream out “Impeach 45, Impeach 45” since the day he was elected. Her reason? She doesn’t like him…

These kinds of things are prompting many on the Right to be more aware.  Many have begun to arm themselves; so as to have the means to protect themselves and their families.

Never before, not even when Obama was President have we so clearly seen the depths of the Left’s evil hatred toward anyone who disagrees with them. They are actually, openly promote violence. They really should be careful what they ask for because the so called deplorable, unemployed, uneducated, POS Hillbilly Trump supporters aren’t going to back down. His supporters, myself included, are convinced Trump is our last hope for saving America.

When Obama was elected, especially the second time those of us on the Right were not happy. In fact, we were downright pissed off. But, we were more pissed off at ourselves for not getting out and voting. I can promise you that none of us made public outbursts such as we are seeing today toward Trump. And I promise you that nobody suggested that one of Obama’s daughters be kidnapped and raped.

There is good news in all of this. As I said above, the good news is that the Left has finally been exposed for who they really are. What I find so fascinating is that they are the ones who exposed themselves not us.

It is my guess, or at least my deep felt hope that the November election will once and for all make clear what the American people want. A President who upholds the laws of our nation. And a damn wall!

The Summit

It’s been nearly a week since the historic summit between the US and North Korea. I don’t know about you but it was thrilling to watch it unfold before our eyes.

The Left, once again showed the nation their complete disdain for the President. Even during this historic event where a president is doing all that he can to ensure our and many other’s safety, the Left has to oppose him.  This certainly proves, again, how the Left puts politics ahead of the country.

One of many things that this President is so good at doing is exposing the truth about the Left, the liberals and their partners in crime, the main stream media. He did something that any loving American would like and then sits back and watches the Left demonstrate just how hate filled they are and how easy it is for them to lie to the American people. It is truly incredible.

Senate minority leader, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer stood before the microphone and announced that the President had given North Korea everything they wanted and got nothing in return. Politics first! Don’t mention the release of 17 hostages, don’t talk about the destruction of one of their nuke sites, it’s not “nothing” that they’ve ceased all nuke tests, all missile testing and it certainly isn’t nothing that they’ve agreed to return all of our fallen soldiers.

It’s not that leaving these facts out makes his and all liberal’s comments so bad, it’s the fact they do this without any hesitation, even after we just endured the Iran nuke deal that their savior Obama negotiated. This is how brash these Democrats are. Obama gave Iran billions, billions of dollars, opened up the banking system to them, released several Gitmo hostages and agreed to allow them to develop nukes in ten years. That’s the Obama/Kerry Iran deal. Yet, the Democrats have the gall to stand before us and tell us that Trump gave North Korea everything. He gave them a meeting. That’s it.

As for the great Iran deal, the one where we are unable to inspect their military managed sites; it’s dead.  Our President campaigned on getting us out of that deal and that’s exactly what he did. This is another thing that the Left just can’t stand. A president who does what he says he will do. It’s an outrage!

While there are many details to be worked out to achieve de-nuking the North, the notion that talks are happening should be greeted with open arms and bring hope to the world. I believe that anyone denouncing this and not encouraging it is either un-American, or stupid or both.

We should all pray that the President and his team have the knowledge and expertise to bring this across the finish line. As the president said during his campaign, referring to the black voters, “what do you have to lose?”  For the Left, the answer is “future elections.” For the world, the answer is, “nothing.”

Do I think the President will be successful? How do I know? What I do know is that he hasn’t let us down yet. He keeps winning so you can be sure I won’t be betting against him.

IG Report

After months and months of waiting with great anticipation the IG (Inspector General) report was finally released this week, on the Presidents birthday no less (June14th).

With so much build-up to the report, I silently feared that the report wouldn’t stand up to all of the hype.  Now, having seen the report, I would say I was only half right. The report is scathing for sure, but the finishing touch at the end of the report was disappointing and puzzling. The report reminded me of Comey’s Hillary Clinton news conference speech where he went on and on listing all the illegal things that Clinton had done, building up our expectation that she was hosed and going to jail, only to finish the speech by saying that they did not find any intent to purposely hide information by using her private server and email.

The IG report exposes the FBI’s very clear bias toward Clinton and then proceeds to end the report by saying there was no clear bias found.  This left all of us on the Right scratching our heads, puzzled, dismayed, angry and disappointed. Once again, justice is not being served and the deep state just got deeper.

Considering the communications between the agents which shows their clear dislike of the President and what we’ve seen with the fake Hillary investigation and the fake Russian investigation, it doesn’t take a great legal mind to know that there was and is a clear and obvious bias.

The FBI never put Hillary or her lawyer or her aide under oath. They simply had a chat with these people. No special counsel, no one, not one person was charged with anything. They clearly broke laws using the private server but still no charges. Ms. Clinton, according to the now disgraced FBI Director Comey simply used poor judgment. When it comes to the Russia/Trump investigation, we have a special counsel, a number of indictments (none of which has anything to do with the actual charge of collusion) and there appears to be no end to the investigation. Twenty million dollars spent and no collusion being reported, none. Yet the fraud continues.

The IG report concludes that there was no bias found and yet, the report contains biased remarks by the very people who were in charge of the investigation. When you read this, your head explodes. Furthermore, the IG says that he didn’t find that any of the bias affected the outcome of the Clinton investigation. So, he exposes the bias, says there wasn’t any bias and then declares that the agents in charge didn’t allow their bias to change or skew their investigation. How on earth he can come to that conclusion must be well above my pay grade. My simple pea brain tells me that if someone loves a person and hates another they cannot help but to protect the person they love. Hillary becoming the President was a must. In these agents minds, Comey included, failure was simply not an option. They were, and still are prepared to go the distance and do anything necessary to protect her. When she lost, the report clearly shows they lost their minds.

Look at the conversation that took place between two of the FBI agents when they realized that Hillary lost. It’s remarkable.  Please note how one agent describes Trump voters.

Is it just me or do you see any bias in this? First they’re “numb” because Hillary lost.  Then, the FBI Employee says, “You promised me”; which is an obvious reference to some promise that Trump wouldn’t win. Finally, the FBI Employee explains his view of a Trump voter. We are uneducated, poor, middle class pieces of shit. Pretty remarkable that people with these qualifications could manage to get the President elected don’t you think?

Lisa Page talking to Peter Strzok -No Bias here folks, move along…

The report states that Comey was insubordinate when he took it upon himself to become judge and jury. The IG states he didn’t follow FBI guidelines and should have turned over his department’s findings to the attorney general’s office. Here, in Comey’s defense, I disagree. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, after her famous meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac, all but recused herself from the investigation.  She announced that she would accept whatever the FBI Director’s findings were to settle the case. She never formally recused herself though and that’s what has Comey in trouble. Why didn’t she formally recuse herself? Because doing so would have put in motion a special counsel and Lord knows, they didn’t want that.

The whole think stinks to high heaven. The report shows clear bias.  It also shows that Obama lied when he said he didn’t know about Clinton having a private server; “I learned about it on the news.”  And with the report now public, the spin on the Left is simple, there was no bias. I also find it laughable that when the President fired Comey, the Left went wild condemning the President. With the IG exposing Comey for what he is, a bias lair, the sound bites from the Left are what?  Crickets!

After the report was made public, the new Director of the FBI held a news conference where he proceeded to stick with the deep state plan. The first words out of his mouth were the last words in the report.  “There was no bias in the investigation.”  Then he spent the rest of his speech telling us that he will honor the report and everyone will go through bias training. You can’t make this stuff up. “No bias, everyone will attend mandatory bias training.” Are you F’ing kidding me?  Are we, as a nation buying all of this bullshit?

For me, the bottom-line in all of this is that the fight isn’t over, not even close. The deep state continues to dig the hole they’re in. Director Wray had the perfect opportunity to begin the long process of healing the nation and restoring faith in our justice and FBI.  Instead, he chose to stay the course, protecting the deep state. Instead of giving the American people hope, he doubled down and in doing so he doubled the distrust of the people.

Meanwhile we have a President with the entire state against him. He is working everyday against everyone except his supporters. Democrats, many Republicans, all of the main stream media, and all of the liberals continue their efforts to undermine the President; making his job to govern as difficult as it could possibly be. This is one strong incredible man, that, I can tell you!

Don’t look for him to give up anytime soon and don’t think for a minute that the 70 million Trump, POS, uneducated, poor supporters will ever turn their backs on him. This is an “us versus them” if there ever was one. The more that the deep state doubles down on their biased treatment of the President the stronger his base becomes and not only stronger but bigger too.

The Trump Supporters

When the President, during his campaign said he could shoot someone in broad daylight and his supporters would still support him, he wasn’t kidding. The full-fledged supporter defends the President at every turn no matter what.

The “kind-of/sort-of” supporter is the person who voted for the President but he probably wasn’t their first choice.  When it came down to voting, these supporters are either republican, independent or simply could not vote for Hillary. These supporters are easy to pick out because they constantly make discouraging remarks. The one you hear most often is “I just wish he would stop tweeting”, followed by “I wish he would think before he speaks.” These people are dead giveaways. Although they’d never admit it, deep down, they wish Trump would have lost. Not to Hillary but to anyone else. These folks don’t even realize it, but they are for the status quo. I actually call this the “Obama Effect.” Again, they wouldn’t admit it but eight years of Obama policies have somehow creeped into the skulls. Globalization, climate change and government run healthcare are ok things to them. They actually like many of the things that the President is doing but they want to see these things done in a quiet calm more presidential way; whatever that is.

The “all-in” supporter loves everything about Trump. If you even mention that you want him to cut down on the tweets you’ll get an ear full. I know, I am one of them. I might have been on the fence during the campaign, but I did vote for him during the primaries and in the general election. I wasn’t really on the fence so much as I was watching and listening and not jumping to any conclusions like so many other supporters did. This is called, “slow genius.” Ha.

If the twitter world is any indication of number of his supporters, I can tell you that his approval rating is much higher than being reported. My guess is that you can add 10 points to whatever the reported approval is. The same is the case by voter groups. There are far more women than being reported, more blacks, more Hispanics and more democrats supporting the President.

Since the election, between the successes he has delivered and the constant negative reporting from the main stream news, not to mention the liberal democrats, his popularity has grown even stronger. Supporters make fun of these two groups every time they open their mouths. While they continue to struggle to find a way to combat the President what they don’t seem to understand is that they only pour fuel on the fire.  Most of us are convinced that Nancy Pelosi is secretly working on behalf of the President because every single time she talks she does more damage to her own party than any of us or the President himself could possibly do. The President plays the Left like an old banjo. He announces people belonging to MS-13 are animals. What does Nancy and the liberal news do? They come out in support of MS-13 gang members. It’s crazy, sad, funny and just a little scary. He triples the number of illegal amnesty, educates the country in the process by teaching us about the lottery system and the chain migration system, which any true loving American hates, and what do they do? They turn him down. Suddenly the democrats who pretend to be the saviors of the Hispanics are saying no to the dreamers and thousands of other illegals in the country. Brilliant. What’s next? Bill Maher saying he hopes the economy tanks? He said that over the weekend…

Bill Maher hates President Trump so much he is ‘hoping’ for another crippling economic recession   Jun 9, 2018 9:20 am

The fact of the matter is, still to this day, the Left doesn’t know how to handle the President and they sure as hell don’t understand what got him elected in the first place.

As any of his supporters will tell you, eight years of Obama was more than we could take. The broken laws, broken promises, high debt, lack of jobs, endless wars and the complete division of the country was too much.

We want America strong and proud. We want justice to be served so we can get back to our values and trust. We are tired of giving our wealth away. We want to go back to work. We want to feel safe and we, his supporters are not racist. Neither is the President. These are all things that Obama didn’t do and the division in the country sits in Obama’s lap.  There is simply no argument there. When the President announced he was putting America first, he had the election in the bag and patriotic Americans will go to the grave before they allow the Left to harm him.

In my 64 years I have no memory of the country standing so strong behind one man. Reagan was very close but even he didn’t have the support this President has. The biggest reason for this isn’t about Reagan or even the President, it goes back to Obama. During Reagan it was Jimmy Carter who had run the country down and didn’t stand up to our foes. Obama tripled down, and in the end, made Jimmy Carter seem like a right wing conservative. Trump speaks to his supporters in a way that they completely understand. Nothing fancy; which is what Middle America wants. Just tell us like it is and we will deal with it. Other Presidents gave us long winded answers to questions.  We either didn’t understand the long winded answer or we became so bored we stopped listening. This President is known for his one word honest answers.  How many times have you heard him answer some liberal with a simple “WRONG.” Simple, to the point, we love that, we actually appreciate it.

President Trump is the right man at the right time for this job. Only a confident brash person could take on the mess left behind. A weaker man or woman wouldn’t have lasted a year.

The Trump supporters stand solid behind the President. It is going to be a very long time before, if ever, you see a democrat running this country. The Left, the Main Stream media and Hollywood do more to ensure we have a two term Trump presidency than the President himself. He is simply the puppet master pulling their strings and it works every single time.



The first 500 days

Monday June 4, 2018 marks the President’s 500th day in office and what a ride it has been. To use John McCain’s words, “my friends” we are living in an historical time for our country and the world. While the Left would certainly disagree, we deplorables could not be more pleased with the actions this President has taken.

The President has made such an impact that the boring, middle of the road, John Kasich stated yesterday that the GOP is “no longer”.  It’s now a Trump party. Congratulations John, you finally said something right.

While we can celebrate the many, many Trump accomplishments, did I say many, we also look back at these 500 days and remember the daily bashing, lying and hypocritical dialog that has hammered our President by the Left and by the one-sided, America-hating main stream media. They’ve thrown everything that one can imagine at the President; only to watch him continue to win and get stronger and stronger. It continues to blow my mind that these people, still to this day, do not understand why the President is so popular among his supporters. The Left doesn’t get it and neither does the media.

The fact remains that the President has outsmarted these people at every turn. He has exposed them in ways that most people never thought was possible.  If you think about it, all he has done is say the things that millions of Americans have been thinking. During the Obama years, we felt that justice was not equal.  This President used his voice to repeat that. We wanted jobs, we didn’t want Obamacare, we felt divided, we felt Washington was broken and not working on our behalf. We don’t like the Iran deal, we don’t believe the number-one threat to America is global warming, we wanted to crush ISIS, we want our vets taken care of, we want to be protected, we want to keep more of our own money, we want a supreme court that bases its rulings on the constitution. We want less government oversight, and we believe in our flag, our country and our God. These are American things, these are patriotic things, and these are the things that the country was founded upon. These are the things that millions of fellow Americans stood and fought and died for. Based on everything we are seeing today, after 500 days, these are the things that the Left and the MSM doesn’t stand for and they prove it every single time they speak. The President has brought all of this forward.  He has given us our voices back.

Those with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), despise the fact that the President tweets. That’s because they can’t control what we hear. We, the deplorables love it and feel honored to have this direct line to the most powerful man on earth. The media really, really hates that he tweets.  Why? Same reason, they can’t put their biased Left wing spin on his words. They try, but we, the people, can read and no longer need them. That scares them and it should. They’ve been exposed for who they really are.

For me, the treatment of the President weighs heavy on my mind.  This is sad because there is so much to be happy about. This could be the most joyful time, if not for the continued shame coming from the Left and their best pals, the media. If these people want to see all hell break loose, impeach the President. The radical Left claims that the President is a racist.  They say it repeatedly. The fact remains, he is by far the most non-racist President in our lifetime, probably in history. The Left and all those groups who protest and spew hatred can’t get their arms around the fact that this President doesn’t treat individuals differently. The gay rights group; as one example, proclaim that the President is a racist and that he hates gay people. The truth of the matter is, I’ve not heard him say anything negative or positive about this group. Many Hispanics call him a racist because he said that “some” crossing our borders illegally are not good people.  “These are not the best and brightest”, he said. They refuse to consider the word “some.” Is that not the truth? Only this President could actually force the Democratic Party to stand up for a group like MS-13 who are known rapists and murders.

The greatest accomplishment in the first 500 days might very well be the slow, consistent dismantling of the Left and the fake news media. Tax cuts. Great. Unemployment lowest in 30 years. Wonderful. Lowest black and Hispanic unemployment ever. Fantastic! Lowest female unemployment in 21 years. Super. Overall economy booming. Nice. The possibility of peace on the Korean peninsula. Hope. Tearing up the Iran deal. Thank God. Over turning 100s of Obama-era regulations.  Another, Thank God. The freeing of 17 hostages held in enemy lands. Putting Americans first. Fighting over fair trade. Bold and the right thing to do, again, America first. Pardoning people that he feels have been unjustly charged and convicted. Outstanding.  Not afraid!  Not a politician.

You see I’ve only listed some of his accomplishments and the way I see it, these are the things that in the President’s eyes simply go with the job of being a President. He can do these things and much more in his sleep. Taking on the Left and the MSM is another story and takes up more of his time than anything else.  Taking them on, he has and doing so is by far the most important thing he can do for our nation. If we don’t set the record straight and make the American people see these folks for who they really are, we will lose our country, our freedom, our guns, our bibles and our God. That is the path Obama took us on and is the path we would still be on if Trump had not won.

Nearly half of the citizens in this country, sadly, wanted that to happen and still want that to happen so our work is far from done. While a huge amount of progress has been made, much more is left to do. The up-coming midterm elections cannot be more important to our effort in taking our country back.

I urge everyone, stay strong, keep your head down and assume nothing. Just as we made history electing Mr. Trump, we must again make history by overwhelming voting for republicans that will follow the Presidents lead.

Thank you Mr. President for all the good you’ve done for our country and for honoring candidate Trump’s words by Making America Great Again. We remain steadfast behind you. Don’t change anything.  You are doing exactly what we want you to do and more. We deplorable people look forward to your next 500 days and more.

Doing always beats saying…


If you ever had any doubts about the hypocrisy on the Left, the firing of Roseanne should leave you doubt free.  To the Left’s credit, they don’t even attempt to hide their hypocrisy and they sure as hell don’t apologize for it.

Roseanne’s biggest mistake wasn’t the tweet, it was apologizing for it. Her apology was the green light for the Left to pounce and destroy. Her apology was a small crack in the door which the Left took full advantage of. It was almost like they wet their pants in glee. Their barrage actually has little to do with Roseanne and everything to do with hitting back at Trump and yes, all of his deplorable supporters. You and me.

I honestly think that Roseanne could sue ABC for wrongful termination. A company, including ABC, cannot fire one person for breaking their sudden new ethical standards while allowing others under their employ to do the same things without any consequences. Just one example of this, and there are many is the ABC show, The View. These women make hateful, unacceptable, ugly, hurtful comments on a regular basis and ABC condones this. This is hypocrisy. The Left in totality does the same thing. Watch a Bill Marr show, remember Kathy Griffin holding a severed head of the President? Listen to Morning Joe, take a day and watch CNN and tell me what you see. Read the front page stories on Yahoo. You’ll soon see that our President is compared to apes, Nazi’s, and Satan himself. Where’s the outrage? Where are the firings? Where are the show cancellations?

I don’t condone what Roseanne tweeted, but if the Left, Hollywood, black lives matter, ME-TOO protesters, and the MSM can tout free speech even though its ugly, racist and hateful, then Roseanne’s tweet is little more than child’s play. It all reminds me of grade school chatter. “Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”

Most good and honest people would like to see all of this kind of speech go away but, it never will because people have differing opinions and the right to express them.

What bothers me the most is the one sided free speech attack. Because we no longer can rely upon the media in this country, we are left to fend for ourselves. I’ve written many times about the MSM being the number one enemy and I believe it as strongly today as I ever have. This one little tweet has caused the complete fake melt down on the Left.  It would be laughable if not so serious. Not the tweet, but the actions taken by the enemy. Of all the things that have been said, this Roseanne tweet is a nothing burger turned into a national conversation.

North Korea, fake Russia collusion, MS-13, immigration, China, Iran, economy, healthcare, ISIS, police killings;  these and many more important subjects have taken a back seat to what? To a tweet calling a person a monkey. Welcome to the MSM’s America.

All we can do is keep fighting for our rights to be heard and for a fairer and equal discussion in this country. Thankfully, we currently have a President who is our mouthpiece. After eight years of complete one-sided Leftist narrative we have a lot to do in order to bring civility back to this country. We can continue our fight for justice and our fight to bring back greatness in America in November by showing up once again and making our voices heard.

“You can always get better. Nobody can stop you from getting better, and nobody can stop you from trying to make something right.” Roseanne Barr

The Trump Interview

Donald Trump responded to an ad in the paper for President of the United States. The ad read: Wanted, a strong self-motivated individual with proven leadership skills. Successful applicant must have excellent communication and negotiation skills. Potential candidates must have the ability to travel and work long hours. Prior public speaking a plus. Qualified applicants can send resumes to

After reviewing Mr. Trump’s application, he was invited to interview. Applicants were narrowed down to just two. The other applicant was prior Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham-Clinton. While her resume did not meet the position qualifications, she was granted an interview because she claimed she “deserved” the job because she is a woman.

The Interview:

Mr. Trump: “I think I have an idea what the job entails. Would you mind telling me more?”

Washington: “As you know, the job is for President of the United States. You need to know, should you be selected, that no one on the Left will like you and in fact at least 150 million people will hate you. The position is a four year term with the opportunity to renew your contract for an additional four years based on your performance. As President, you’ll need to secure peace in the Middle East which will include convincing Iran to cease their nuclear program. You will also be charged with the responsibility of removing any and all nuclear capabilities currently enjoyed by North Korea. Worldwide trade has been out of balance for the past 50 years; fixing this will fall under your office’s responsibility. Domestically, during your term, the country will expect you to secure our borders, stop terrorism, solve the on-going immigration problem and develop a new healthcare program that is both affordable and effective. As part of your employment you will be challenged to create millions of new jobs, reduce taxes, rebuild our military and once and for all see to the proper care of our veterans.”

Mr. Trump: “I see, thank you for that. What type of staff can I expect to have?”

Washington: “Well, of course you’ll have the usual department heads reporting to you. In fairness, we should tell you that you will have to fight for each one of your nominations. The current head of the FBI and several of his assistants have made clear that they don’t like you and will do everything in their power to undermine you. In your cover letter you noted that your pick for the Department of Justice would be current Senator Jeff Sessions.  That is fine, however he will recuse himself from the Russia collusion investigation.”

 Trump: “Russia collusion investigation?”

Washington: “Yes.  Once we announced that you were one of the two applicants, the FBI Director informed us that they would be investigating you for possible collusion with Russia. Will that be a problem Mr. Trump?”

 Trump: “There’s been no collusion so I am a little confused by this but, no problem, I like challenges.”

Washington: “We should tell you that the Left has made it clear, that if you are chosen for this job, they will make every effort to impeach you.  Are there any other questions we can answer for you Mr. Trump?”

Trump: “Impeach me; on what grounds?

Washington: “Funny you should ask.  We asked the same thing.  After listening to them for over two hours, this committee has determined that the only grounds that they have is that they don’t like you and want the other applicant.”

 Trump: “Interesting.  May I ask who the other applicant is?”

Washington: “She has asked us to keep that confidential.”

Trump: “You do realize that she is the biggest liar, maybe ever, right?”

Washington: “To whom you are referring?”

Trump: “It’s not important.  I appreciate the time you’ve spent with me this afternoon. Tell me, what does the job pay?”

Washington: “It depends. If the job goes to the other applicant we expect it will cost us our nation. What will it take to get you on the team?”

Trump: “The job sounds challenging, interesting and I really love the people I’d be working for. I’d do the job for free.  Would that be of interest to you?”

Washington: “Free? You mean that you’ll take the job without being paid anything?”

Trump: “Yes, that’s what I mean. My payment will be the personal satisfaction I would get by fixing everything that is broken and in Making America Great Again.”

Washington: “You’re hired. When can you start?”

President Trump: “I already have.”