Dear New York Times

I am currently working for the Trump Administration. I hold a very high level position and I’m closely involved in the most sensitive national security matters. As a trusted advocate of the President, it is important to me and national security that I remain anonymous. I expect this request to be honored.

I am writing to let the American people know, under the President’s watch, we are in very good hands.

Having served many presidents over my lifetime, I can honestly tell the American people, this President has one goal and that is to produce only the very best for the people, the American people.

With each challenge presented to the President, his opening thought is always the same, “how will this affect our people?” Having sat through hundreds of meetings, I‘ve yet to hear him raise concerns related to any political effect on a decision he makes, just the opposite. While I personally have cautioned the President on the possible negative political ramifications over the many different decisions he has made, his response is steadfast; “I’m not here to be political, I’m here to make good on my promises.”

He is much more like the Chief Executive Officer than the President. I once said to him “Good morning Mr. President.” He smiled and jokingly replied, “Thanks for the demotion.”

He has an extremely high level of performance expectations for those of us under his leadership. His biggest frustration is the slow pace in which Washington operates. Sleeping only three or four hours per day, he remains several steps ahead of the rest of us.

While many on the Left and those in the news complain about his ego, I can tell you, it is his ego that makes him believe that all things are possible. He has an uncanny way of taking the most complicated challenges we face and breaking them down to a very clear and simple solution.

Consider any of the major changes he has made since taking office. Paris Accord: He looked at this and quickly directed us to do the work that is necessary to get the U.S. out of it. When questioned and informed of the negative reactions, not only here in America, but worldwide, he listened but never wavered. “The American people should not have to pay other countries to do the right thing. It is not their responsibility and the money we give doesn’t even go toward climate control, it goes into the pockets of world leaders who use it to either do us harm or line their own pockets.” Iran Nuclear Deal: He talked about this when running for President. Unlike prior Presidents, he meant every word he said. While this was a priority from the day he took office, he allowed time to pass and took the necessary steps to listen to his military advisors in order to get a complete understanding of the deal. He even allowed Iran time to show him that he might be wrong. Iran only proved him right. Again, advisors such as myself pointed out the negative fallout that would occur among our allies if we were to get out of the deal. “I’m not the President of the Allies, I am the President of the United States. We are supporting a country that chants death to America. We have signed a deal with a country that wants us dead and by the way, a country that is not following the terms of the deal. I will not allow this to stand.  The days of turning our heads are over.  Cancel it.” That was President Trump, during a cabinet meeting. Trade: Most trade experts have pushed back on the President; advising him not to start a trade war. Worldwide trade is extremely complicated and varies by country. The President however, doesn’t agree. “Trade is simple.  I sell you something and you sell me something. It’s not; I sell you something and you charge me for the right to sell it to you and oh by the way, in the case of China, not only do we pay extra to do business with them, we must also give them the right to copy and reproduce our products. Its nuts, wrong and we will no longer allow this. Don’t worry.  If there is a trade war, we win. We are either treated fairly or we won’t trade with a country.” When the President was ready to take on trade, we asked about our allies.  Many, if not all, apply tariffs on goods coming from the U.S.  His response: “Friends don’t screw friends.” North Korea: When North Korea was shooting off rockets nearly every month, the President went to the UN and stated, “North Korean leader Kim is on a suicide mission. While the US has great patience, our patience is running out.” While all of us urged a more toned down response, in true Trump style, he said he’s not interested in sending North Korea any false hopes. “They stop threatening us and our allies or we will be forced to destroy them.” Before the end of his first year as President, as you know, North Korea’s “Rocket Man” had stopped shooting off rockets, released several hostages, began returning the remains of our soldiers and continues talks about the complete dismantling of their nuclear program. There isn’t one of us working for the President that isn’t completely impressed. The American people should be to.

With the Left and the media filing false charges on a daily basis against our President, I felt it was important to reassure the American people that the President is not only stable and in control but always acting in their (the American people) best interest. By the way, this President is completely color blind. Color is simply not a part of his make-up. He wants and demands “all” Americans win under his leadership.

The Left and the media will continue to work to convince the American people that the President is going to start World War III, or is a racist, or they continue their tired Russian collusion theory. The President will continue to debunk these allegations while moving his promised agenda forward. I know this as a fact because I watch and hear him every day tell all of us working under his guidance, “Stay focused, the American people are counting on us to perform.”

When the President says, “We will make America strong again, we will make America rich again, we will make America safe again and yes, we will make America great again.” I’m here to tell you, he means it.

To my readers; if I send this to the New York Times, do you think they will print it? Of course not. The point is, what I’ve written is no different than what they’ve published this week. They’ve allowed someone who is unwilling to be exposed, to state things about the President that neither the New York Times nor the American people know to be true or not true. We don’t even know if there is such a person. I wouldn’t put it passed the NYT’s having written the Op-Ed themselves.

 I would suggest that what I’ve said has as much or more credibility than what this anonymous high level Administration official said. And remember, I don’t work for the Administration or even have access to the President. As the saying goes, don’t believe everything you read. Unless of course you’re reading something from “”

The Frustrated Media

Last week, the media flooded the airwaves in an attempt to convince us that the President had a bad week.  Now this week, with the McCain passing, the media is frustrated because his approval rating has remained the same.

A reporter on MSNBC said; People are simply selfish.  They seem to care only if they are making money. A reporter on NBC said; His approval ratings haven’t moved even after the horrible week he (Trump) had last week. The reporter went on to say; maybe this McCain funeral will change their minds. His supporters only care that they are making money, that they maintain their gun rights and Roe vs. Wade is overturned. Nothing else matters to them.

Think about that.  The media is upset because they believe that Americans only seem to care about making money and protecting their second amendment and wanting to protect the life of the unborn. Selfish bastards…

The media, who work 24/7 trying to change how the country feels about the President, show their frustration nearly every time they speak. His approval ratings did drop from 50% to 48% this week which is still very good. His rally on Thursday was jam-packed with supporters. With 90% of negative reporting by the media flooding the airwaves daily, one wonders what the President’s real approval ratings are.

Just imagine if just 50% of the daily coverage of the President was positive, or better stated, honest. Did you hear about the President learning about a WWII vet turning 100 this past week? The vet’s son posted on twitter that his father wanted 100 birthday cards for his birthday. The vet ended up with more than one thousand cards. One of them was from the President. The vet broke down in tears when he opened the card. Did you see that the President hosted small businesses this week and signed an order allowing small businesses to join forces with each other so they can provide their employees with 401K retirement plans? I could go on, but you get the point.

The entire McCain funeral is more about politics than Mr. McCain. It’s a bit sad if you ask me. McCain was obviously a bitter man bound and determined to have the last word relating to his hatred of the President. He put his party and his voters last by voting no on the Obamacare repeal vote.  He ensured upon his death that he would send a message to the country and to the world that he didn’t like the President. I know I am a big-time Trump supporter and so all of this angers me but, this funeral is way over the top. Watching all of this, one would think that McCain was some sort of savior, a world leader or some very deep high moral individual who made a huge difference in the world. How is he any more important than any of the 40-plus thousand Americans who died fighting for us in Vietnam or the thousand other troops who were held prisoner? Some of whom died in the process. I’ll tell you how he’s “more important”; he was part of the elite and because a political statement (always) must be made. Trump said he wasn’t impressed with McCain’s service; so by God, McCain and the Trump-haters are going to shove that down the President’s throat while hoping this will cause his support to diminish. As far as McCain’s time in congress; what did he do for the American people? He played a huge role in stopping water boarding. Ok.  All the speakers at his service(s) are thanking and commending McCain for his service to the nation. Just for the record, people in congress are paid and most leave their jobs multi-millionaires. Shouldn’t they be thanking us?

I’m sorry, this post is supposed to be about the media and their frustration because they haven’t been able to lower this president’s standing in the eyes of his supporters.  It was not supposed to be about McCain, but, I believe the entire McCain tribute is being greatly overblown just to poke the president in the eye.  Once again, neither the Left nor the media will ever get it. These acts only increase the President’s support. It doesn’t appear they will ever figure this out.

As for McCain, I do feel sorry for those in his family who loved him and those who were close to him. Their loss is real and it hurts my heart to see them grieve.

While the media will continue to be frustrated and continue to fill the airwaves and computer screens with out-right lies and negativity, the President will continue to plow forward and relish the fight.

Mid-term election results this week and last week were very positive. All of those supported by the President won their primaries. The democrat candidates running against the republicans are really a joke. I never realized we had that many anti-American people in this country until now. Based on this, the election in November appears to be quiet favorable for the Right. Even the thought of the House and the Senate remaining in power is enough to make the media go completely off the rails. To the media, the mere thought that the President could end up with a super majority and be able to move all of his agenda forward, is literally (to them) the end of the world. Just imagine if, by the end of this year, it is reported that there is no Russian collusion by the President, but proven that there was collusion by Clinton and the deep state.  Imagine if the Republicans have complete power over the congress and the presidency; that, my friends will be an OMG. I am looking forward to it!

Tough Week for the President

At least that is what the Left and their partners, the main stream media would have us believe. Both are giddier than two kids about to go through the gates of Disney World. After the results of the Manafort trial and then the Cohen plea, I think that Fox News’ Sean Hannity counted the MSM using the word “impeachment” over 100 times. You have to give the MSM credit.  They are always pushing their narrative, aren’t they?

If not for the Left and the media pushing their hate-Trump agenda, an independent thinker who had heard about Manafort and Cohen would actually have had the opposite reaction to impeachment. Nothing about the Manafort trial had anything to do with Trump or the election. The charges were nothing more than an appointed (not elected) group of US Government employees veering from their assignment in order to find something against a man just to save their credibility. For me, they just ruined any credibility they had with this so called victory. Manafort was charged for crimes he committed 12 years ago, which is fine, if you break the law you should be held responsible. The problem that I have with this is that the law seems to only go against the Right side of the aisle. Where are the charges against Hillary or Comey or any of the others on the Left? They’re not even being investigated as far as I can see. What grinds me even more is how the Left and the MSM spin this so that their brain dead lazy listeners think this somehow has something to do with our President. It has zero to do with our President.

As for Cohen, the Left and the media are really having a hay day. The Democrats are now calling on a postponement of hearings for the Supreme Court nomination because they claim the Cohen plea proves the President has broken the law.  Cohen’s attorney, Lanny Davis, who is a lifelong Clinton choir boy convinced Cohen to plead guilty to breaking the law when all he did was pay off the porn star, Stormy Daniels in order to shut her up. Here’s the problem, it’s not against the law to settle disputes and it’s not against the campaign finance laws either. This should give you an idea of just how scary it is when the strong arm of the government comes after you. Cohen did break other laws.  Again, none that have anything to do with the President, but, the government had him by the balls. They threatened him with big time jail and fines. To avoid this and being torn from his family he pleaded guilty, and in return is only looking at 3-5 years in prison. The only way he was able to get that deal was to implicate the President in the whole payoff of Daniels. The man actually pleaded guilty to something that is not against the law.

Lastly, we now hear that Mueller has granted immunity to the owner of the National Inquirer and to The CFO of Trump International. Supposedly the National Inquirer has been holding several tapes (locked up in a safe) which will shine a bad light on the President. Whatever these are, the tapes were made before he was President. As the story goes, these tapes are now missing. I don’t know what they are pushing here. My guess is that they are pushing out a narrative that 1. There are tapes or 2. That somehow Trump had someone break into Inquire headquarters and steal the tapes. In either case, you get an idea of just how hard Mueller and the government are going after our President. Remember folks, this whole investigation began because of claims of Trump colluded with the Russians…

The immunity for the CFO is designed to dive into the middle of Trump’s business dealings. Giving the CFO immunity I guess, allows for greater cooperation. Just like the above, what does Trump International have to do with Russian collusion?

We are witnessing the greatest attempt to take down an American President in our life time, if not in the history of our country. No other man could have lasted as long as this President.  I am behind him to win this fight and become a two term President. No President in our lifetime has fought as hard for the people than this President.

It is so frustrating to me that so many Americans have become so lazy that they don’t even think for themselves anymore. They let the MSM do the thinking for them and just follow along like a bunch of sheep. If they just took the time to look at actual results they’d suddenly realize the MSM and the Left are pushing an anti-American narrative; The President is a criminal, no borders, illegals first and give back the tax breaks. That is their narrative. That is their vision for the country.

Trump supporters did not elect him because we thought he was an angel. There has never been an angel in the White House. Every President has had baggage. You don’t become President without a wheelbarrow load of dealings in your life. Most all politicians are an eyelash away from being scum bags as far as I am concerned. They go into office without a penny and come out of office multi-millionaires. You figure that one out.  Trump entered the office a billionaire and will leave office after two terms with less in his bank account. That will be another first with this President.

In conclusion; yes, the President had a bad week but primarily because the Left managed to contort the news about Manafort, Cohen, and the immunity deals into the President did something evil. For his supporters, the week wasn’t much different than any other. No collusion, no obstruction. He did manage to kick out the last living Nazi from the country; something that the presidents before him just let slide. Kind of funny really. The Left call him a Nazi. What’s not funny is that millions of brain dead non-thinkers hear this and believe it.

Mollie Tibbetts

For a month, we watched and prayed for a different outcome for this beautiful young woman who had disappeared. We heard and watched her father plea for help and wondered how he could even stand-up, much less speak.

This week, the story ended like so many others. They found this precious girl’s lifeless body lying in a Iowa corn field. We learned that she had been killed by yet another illegal alien. Alien, not immigrant, alien.

I don’t even begin to pretend what her parents and friends are feeling right now. Their lives have been turned upside; down never to be as it once was.

There are many, too many murders in this country every day. The fact that this one and so many others was preventable makes it so much harder to accept. It makes me so mad and so sad it is difficult to put into words.

Even having learned about this sad moment the politics kept going.  It always does. It is hard to understand why so many of our fellow citizens are apparently so opposed to increasing their safety. We finally have a President that has made it one of his top priorities. He wants to build a wall to help protect us from illegal entry into our country, to help slow the flow of drugs, and to stop the human trafficking.  Yet those in the opposing party dislike him so much that they are willing to put us at risk rather than agree to help. Even worse, by their actions, they openly put non-citizens ahead of citizens. They want this President gone.  They want it so badly that they are willing to do and say anything to accomplish their goal. Simply said, it’s power and politics over the health and safety of those they are elected to serve.

On CNN, Elizabeth Warren said, in reference to Mollie Tibbett’s being murdered, “I know this is hard for the family, but they have to remember that we need to focus on the real problems, like illegals not being separated from their families.”  She made this statement without remorse. Doesn’t she know that an American child has been separated from her family permanently? Sure she does, but she and so many others on the Left could not miss an opportunity to                                                                                          be on television and take a swipe at                                                                                      the President.

When a guest contributor on MSNBC was speaking about the death of Mollie, she said, “Instead of focusing on some girl in Iowa, we should be talking about the fact that two key people in the Trump Administration were just found guilty.” Some girl in Iowa… That is what an American life means to this woman. I read this on twitter. I responded by saying I am sure this black contributor doesn’t spend any time talking about the many deaths occurring every day in Chicago either. It’s obvious that American lives are not important to these people.  What is important to them is getting us to believe how horrible our President is.

When we get to a point that our elected officials no longer place the health and safety of the people who elected them over everything else, we can be sure that America as we know it is gone.

I am what one would describe as, a political junkie. I am reading and watching everything political for many, many hours per day, seven days a week. I can honestly share with you that I cannot give you a single name of a single democrat in congress that has done or said anything to make me believe they care about us. It is all “down with Trump”, and protect the illegals.

According to the reports, this illegal alien has been in the country for five or more years. During his first hearing today he had an interpreter. So, either he was doing what so many of these people do, faking it or he has been in the country for all those years and still doesn’t speak English. Based on his age he would be one of Obama’s so called dreamers. President Trump was right when he said “Trust me, they (Mexico, Central America) aren’t sending us their best and brightest.”

How many more deaths at the hands of an illegal alien must we endure until we allow the President to help make us safer? The wall isn’t the end-all solution; but if Mollie was your daughter and the wall could have kept this man out of the country, wouldn’t you want it built?

Rest in peace dear Mollie. I am so very sorry this happened to you and so sorry that we’ve let you and your family down. You had so much life left to give. Please forgive us and know we will honor your life by fighting for others. God Bless You. You are not some girl in Iowa, you are Mollie Tibbetts, a beautiful young American.

Tough Week for th Dems

It is not nice to kick someone when they’re down and if I thought, even for one minute, anyone on the Left would agree with that, I wouldn’t be so quick to point out the utter failures promulgated by the Left this week.

In no particular order, I’ll start with the far Left governor of New York, Mr. Cuomo. Every now and then, someone has a slip of the tongue and they give us a glimpse into their true feelings. During a speech this week, Cuomo, when speaking about President Trump’s “Make American Great” platform, he said, and I quote “America has never been that great.”  Even his far Leftist hate America audience gasped at this, some even booed. Governor Cuomo has spent every day since then attempting to explain his comment away. News Flash: It’s not working Governor.

It is, and always has been my honest opinion, that most of the democrats feel as Cuomo feels. They just haven’t come right out and said it. Remember when Obama was President and was asked if he thought America was exceptional? Very aggravated by the question, he responded in a very nonchalant manner; “Yes I think America is exceptional, just as other countries think their country is exceptional.”  I translated that to what he really said which was, “No, we are no more exceptional than any other country.” Just remember, he was the President of the United States.  Cuomo’s comment is now being compared to Hillary’s famous “Basket of Deplorables”.  If you don’t know what that is then none of this means anything to you.

As for Cuomo, that slip of the tongue will not age well.

At the start of the week, Hillary jumped onto twitter to applaud an 11 year girl who chose to kneel during the national Anthem at her school. Ms. “I wanted to be President”, lying Hillary, congratulated the young girl for standing up (you know what I mean) for what she believes. This is just another example of the Left not loving or respecting America.  As for the kid, I don’t know about you, but when I was 11, I was more interested in catching crawdads, riding my bike and trading soda bottles in for money so that I could buy a popsicle than in making any political statement. Does anyone want to guess where her parents stand when it comes to America? The most amazing part of this story was hearing that the teacher was upset by the girl’s action. That gives me some hope. Way to go Teach!

Early in the week, some hundred-plus newspapers joined together to unite against the President for what they believe is his promotion to get rid of free speech. I know what you’re thinking; they continued to do what they always do.  Like they always do, they took a comment he made last week where he accused fake news of being the enemy of the people. Where have you heard that before? The media turned that statement into the President saying “The media is the enemy of the people” and they left out the part about fake news” being the enemy. Sadly, this is what millions upon millions of Americans heard when they stupidly tuned into any one of the main stream media shows last week. Perfect example of fake news, the very thing they are outraged over.

That was a long way around the bush; bringing us to the next thing that happened this week which gives the Left/Dems another black eye and further points out their obvious hypocritical behavior.

The Left’s new super star, Cortez; she’s the young women who won the midterm primary election over a 10 year senate democrat. Ms. Cortez has since become famous because she has openly favored America becoming a socialist country. She’s gained a lot of attention on the Right as someone with very shallow depth of knowledge. In several interviews since winning, she has been unable to answer fairly basic questions. This week she held a town hall meeting in New York and guess what she did? She banned all media from attending and covering the meeting.  E.g. she was against free speech. Don’t worry though, none of the main stream media nor will any of the hundred plus newspapers cover this story so she’s good…

To wrap-up this post, probably the worst part of the Democrat’s week came when the President’s approval rating hit 50% which is several points higher than Obama’s approval was at the same time in his Presidency. Even more damaging than that is his jump to 36% approval among the Black American community. That is huge! Only 14% voted for him. Many say that if the President gets 25% of the black vote in 2020 his opponents are toast.

Oh well Democrats, one week doesn’t make a year. Keep swinging and maybe, just maybe you’ll have a good week very soon. If it helps at all, to score a victory it would be in your best interest to at least pretend you love America. It would also help if you developed some sort of platform that actually puts the American citizen ahead of illegals, terrorists, kneeling millionaire football players, and plastic straws. Oh, and get treatment for your TDS.

The NFL – Here We Go Again

On Thursday the new 2018 NFL season began.  It began the same way it ended, with players making personal statements by kneeling and holding their fists in the air. This of course caused the President to weigh-in and well, like I said. “Here we go again.”

This has gone on for so long now that I am not sure if anyone even knows what the player’s beef is anymore. If you ask, most people would say that the players have a beef with the police. They claim that the black community is treated poorly. Others will tell you that it’s about Colin Kaepernick not getting hired; because he started all of this. Translation, the NFL Owners are being racist for not hiring a player who has caused so much loss and bad press for the NFL. Having said that, what most people will say is that they don’t like or appreciate the players kneeling for the anthem and feel it is un-American and dishonors our service men and women.

As with most political topics, the Left and MSM back the players and their right to protest. The Right do not back the players.  The Right’s position is America first, honor the country and the flag and protest on your own time. Guess which side I fall into?

Having run a company for most of my working life, I can tell you that this wouldn’t happen more than one time.  The very first time one of my team members decided to make a personal political statement on my dime, they would be looking for another company to earn their dime.

Why the NFL and the Owners allow this bad negative press to continue is puzzling to me. They know it is hurting their pocket books.  They know their viewership has dropped off for the past two years. They know it takes away from the game, yet they continue to struggle as to how to stop it. More than likely, it is the player’s union that stands in their way. Good ole unions.

Never the less, union or no union, the NFL and the Owners should come out with a united message and put a stop to the nonsense. Tell the union and the players that they will no longer allow this to continue.  Put the players on notice, that anyone breaking policy will be suspended without pay and fired if they repeat the behavior.

I realize that talk is cheap.  The owners have to be willing to back up their ultimatum.  If they do that, the problem will go away after the first Sunday and the owners who follow through will enjoy hearing from millions of Americans who show their gratitude, not to mention a likely boost in ticket sales.

The union will threaten law suits and the players will scream racism which is nothing different than what they are doing right now.

Once the dust settles, I would be interested to see exactly what the players do to continue what they would have us believe is the very important message that they are attempting to send to the country. I have no reason to believe we will hear any more about it. Did you hear anything about their plight during the off season? Me either, but if you put a camera in front of them and give them an audience (on someone else’s dime), look out!

Now before you accuse me of being against free speech let me be clear. I am all for free speech. Just exercise it on your own time, not mine.


Vote Damn it!

On Tuesday voters went to the polls to cast their ballots in Ohio for an open House seat previously held by a Republican.

The republican candidate was trailing his democratic opponent by double digits. Thanks to the President, who held a rally last week for the republican candidate, the race became a near tie going into Election Day.

The republican squeaked out a lead with less than a 2,000 vote difference. The state is now counting absentee ballots which could sway the election to the Democrat. The general opinion is that the Republican will maintain his lead and go on to be declared the winner. As they say though, it ain’t over until the fat lady sings.

A republican has held this seat in Ohio for many decades, so why suddenly was this race so close? The answer is turnout. The Democrats turned out their voters in much greater numbers than the Republicans. This is the exact same thing that gave us Obama for a second term.

In many ways, this mid-term election may be the most important mid-term election of our lifetime. It certainly is every bit as important as the last Presidential election.

The people did what almost no one thought was possible by electing President Trump. Remember there were no polls who gave the President a chance of winning.  But, the American silent majority came out and voted; turning the election over to the President and half of the country is still in denial over this.

I am very disappointed in the electorate. We are flirting with complete disaster by not getting out the vote and not voting period. My guess is that many Republicans committed the ultimate sin. They “assumed” the Republican would win this race because a Republican has held the seat for so long. We all know what assume means and it couldn’t be truer than in this case.

We did all this work to get the President elected. We beat all the odds and put this President into office. The President is making good on his promises thus there is nothing for us to complain about.  Yet, by not voting we are actually voting against the President that we just elected.

Just think about it. If the Republicans had a super majority in congress we would be much, much further down the road to Making America Great Again. With a super majority we would have already over turned Obamacare. We would have a new, improved immigration law. The wall would be much further along. The tax cuts would be permanent, the second Supreme Court nominee would have already been approved and infrastructure improvements would be in process.

Instead we are stuck in the same old Washington DC deep state mud because we don’t have enough Republicans in the Senate to allow the President’s agenda items to pass.

We owe it to ourselves and the President to get out the vote, to get off the sofa and make the effort. We need to encourage our families, our friends and co-workers to vote. Our country depends upon it. We learned in the last election that our vote does matter. To sit back now and not vote is simply unacceptable.

The Left are on a mission to destroy our Republic. They have clearly shown us what they stand for and trust me, it’s not for you or me or America in general. At every turn they stand for everything that is anti-America and anti-Trump. They want open borders even though not a week goes by where an illegal kills one of our own. They want to eliminate ICE, whose single mandate is to keep us safe. They want socialism even when they cannot point to any example where socialism has worked.  In fact, in every case it has been a complete failure and a disaster for the people who are forced to live that way. They want to and will impeach the President if they gain control in Congress. That’s very clear.

I implore all of you to find out when your state primary elections are scheduled and make plans to vote and to get the word out to all those around you to do the same. This is so important. This is our time to stand up and be counted. Don’t assume anything.  Get this done. It is important for all of us. We may never again have a President like this one who is not a politician and who is willing to fix so many wrongs in our Government. We must give him the power he needs to do the work of the people, not the work of the Government. Don’t treat this like just another election.  It is not.  It is the most important election in your lives.

Well Done Beats Well Said

So over and over when talking about politics and specifically the President, I hear “I mean, I like him but don’t you think his tweets are stupid?”  One could argue that the main stream media makes a living off of his tweets, broadcasting every one of them and then spinning them to mean something other than what the President said. Millions of non-Trump supporters will tell you that Trump is a racist and hates the gay community, but I dare you to show me a tweet or something he said that validates these accusations.

His haters, when pressed on the racist accusation, will quote the President’s speech during the election, when he said, “many” of the people coming into the country are murderers, human traffickers and drug dealers. The haters conveniently leave out the word “many.” As you know, many does not mean all.

To all the Trump haters and even those of you who are on the fence, I will repeat my favorite quote, “Well done always beats well said.” If you continue to struggle with the President’s words or just his tweets, set those aside and take a look at his actions. While his supporters love his tweets and cheer at his rallies, it is his accomplishments they most admire.

If you are like the vast majority of Americans, you don’t even know what his accomplishments are. All you really know is what you hear on one of the fake news networks, in an article you stumbled across, one of the many liberal newspapers you’ve read, or surfing online at Amazon for the next great pair of shoes, or purse or both. Free shipping and all…

Here are just some of his accomplishments. All fact, no spin.

Not bad, huh? And this is an older list compiled after his first few months in office.  That list doesn’t include:

  • Lowest black unemployment in history
  • Lowest Hispanic unemployment in history
  • Lowest female unemployment in 17 years
  • Highest GDP growth in four years
  • Nomination of second constitutional conservative to the Supreme Court
  • Return of 14 hostages
  • Return of 50 fallen soldiers from North Korea
  • First American President to meet with North Korea’s leader
  • Secured a written pledge from North Korea to dismantle their nuclear program
  • Secured tax cuts across the board
  • Secured billions to rebuild our military
  • Withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal
  • Moved the US Embassy to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem
  • Stood up for our flag and the national anthem
  • Brought back the steel industry
  • Secured drilling rights in Alaska
  • Put the word “Christmas” back into Christmas
  • Works for free donating his salary every month to causes important to him and the country

These are accomplishments just off the top of my head. I know these to be factual because I pay attention, not to his tweets so much but to the results of his actions.

Are there items on these lists you disagree with or just don’t like? Maybe, but tell me, what “perfect” person do you know?  Why didn’t they run for President? For the record, I am 100% in favor of every single accomplishment on the lists.

The President ran on all of these and once again, just as he tweets like no other President in history he also makes good on his campaign promises like no other President.  His tweets tell us what’s on his mind, his actions tell us what’s in his heart.

Earlier this week, he held one of his now famous rallies in Tampa, Florida. CNN’s Jim Acosta was there broadcasting live. While Jim was on air the supporters in the crowd chanted, “CNN sucks.” To hear CNN and the rest of the MSM tell it, this was a very angry crowd. “It didn’t feel like I was in America” said Mr. Acosta. That’s because this is no longer Obama’s America.  This is “our” America and we are done with the MSM constant lying and Liberal activists. If you don’t like what the President is doing, I suggest you tweet him. Don’t worry, he will respond and we will more than enjoy his response.

Actions speak louder than words. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Never say “whoa” in a hard pull and when all else fails, do something, anything.   Doing ALWAYS beats saying.

They’d Have You Believe

I’ve been encouraged to see so many Americans who have spent the better part of their adult lives voting democrat announce that they’ve switched to republican. The #WalkAway movement feels like it is growing; which gives one hope that our country is veering back to the center with the right-hand blinker on.

The hateful Left would like the world to believe that those of us on the right are the hateful ones. They, (the Left) work very hard, day in and day out, to label us as racist, homophobes, polluters, and non-caring capitalists who are set out to destroy the world. We supposedly have no feelings for the poor, the sick, the children or anyone of color. We don’t care about clean water or clean air and if we had our way, states like California would fall off into the Pacific Ocean; never to be seen again. Because we defend law enforcement, we must be for wrongful deaths or imprisonment. Because we want our border to have a wall, to control who comes into our country, we are surely racist toward Hispanics and I guess terrorists. If we believe marriage is between a man and a woman, we then hate all those who live an alternate lifestyle. After all, don’t you forget, we are indeed the party of hate.

If you don’t believe me, I encourage you to pick up a newspaper, go online or turn on the television. Our make-believe hate is on full display to hammer this narrative into the population’s brains and it works. At least on the feeble minded anyway.

There are bad apples in every segment of society, speaking for myself and I honestly believe many others on the so-called Right, none of this propaganda is true. While we fight to get our word out, we are fighting an up-hill battle. To be perfectly honest, like so many on the Left, I almost fell out of bed when I learned that Trump had won the election. Like so many, I voted for him, but I didn’t think we had a prayer of winning. As far as I was concerned, Obama had moved the country so far to the Left that the thought of being able to win the election was beyond our reach.  I can tell you, I was never so happy to be wrong in my life. There really is a silent majority in our country and oh thank God.

The truth is, the typical Trump voter and Trump himself are not any of these hateful labels placed upon us. We don’t care what damn color you are, where you came from or who you hold hands with. I can assure you there are more outdoorsmen on the Right than the Left and so trust me when I tell you we care deeply about clean water and fresh air. Isn’t it interesting that the vast majority of the folks on the Left live in the big cities where the cost of living is beyond the reach of most people? They pollute more than the rest of the country and if you don’t believe me, try driving anywhere during rush hour. Millions of cars sitting idle on the freeways hoping to move forward an inch at a time. The narrative of the Left is all contained on both coasts. Between California and the northern East Coast where taxes are out of control and housing costs are beyond the reach of today’s youth, we find the Left in full control. The very people who would have you believe that the evil hatful Right is going to throw granny off the cliff, spew this narrative 24/7 all while they protest, vandalize, and preach to us how unfair and hateful we are. They scream at the world pretending to care for the poor, while the poor have no opportunity to live down the street from them.  They spend all their time on banning plastic straws and the size of soda you can buy instead of having any real concern for the very things they accuse us of. We make fun of these folks and accuse them of only caring about votes but what choice do they give us. If you take an honest look at every democrat stronghold in the country, you see the highest level of pollution, highest crime, the most debt, the largest population of poor, drugs, filth and murder. Turn off the television, keep your computer in sleep mode and just look.

They accuse the rest of the county’s population of hate. In reality; the rest of the country only wants to live their lives, work hard, raise their families, and have a strong America with a government that has as little impact on them as possible.

We believe in “to each his own” and yes, it’s true, we believe in “don’t tread on me.” This is not about who is right and who is wrong, Left or Right. It is about individual freedom.  We want to live our lives and be happy. Black, brown, white, and all the colors of the rainbow have these same rights and beliefs. Don’t push yours on us nor should we push ours on you.

While the Left would have you believe that we, on the Right are the evil ones, who are out to destroy all things dear to you, remember and believe that the more productive, successful and happy you are, we all prosper. We don’t focus on who you are, what the color of your skin is nor who you sleep with. We focus on our families, our friends, our safety and our work. I encourage you do the same.

The End of The World – Part 22

So the President meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin and according to the Left, the world as we know it is yet again going to explode. Have they even heard the term “crying wolf?”

First they screamed at the President, telling him that he should not meet with Russia.  They said that it was a very bad idea because he, the President is under investigation for colluding with Russia. This of course is referring to the Mueller investigation. You know; the one that the democrats set up to protect Hillary, Obama and the rest of the deep state characters.

During the joint press conference, the President said he had spoken to Putin about meddling in our election and said that Putin strongly denied the claim. The President went on to say that he didn’t know why they would. This of course caused a complete and utter melt down of the Left. “This is Treason”, they yelled with backup from every news organization in the country. It got so bad that the President had to come out with a clarification. He said he used the word “would” in the summit press conference when he meant to say “wouldn’t.” Of course, this did little to calm the outrage from the Left and even many on the Right.

Now the Senate minority leader, crying Chuck Schumer is calling for congress to demand the transcript from the interpreters so they can see what the President and Putin spoke about during their private one on one meeting. This is something that is unheard of, never been done and won’t happen but, it is a good sound bite and the media loves repeating it.

Every President in the last, “I can’t even count the number of” years, has met with Russia. Because it’s Trump though, the Left is unhinged. Honestly, as Rand Paul stated, it appears that the Left, and sadly, many on the Right would rather see us go to war with Russia than to have the President meet with Putin. “Hold your friends close and your enemies closer.” Ever hear of that, liberals?

As the President has said and repeated many times, the US and Russia hold 90% of the world’s nukes. He thinks maintaining an open dialog with Russia, if for only that reason, is important and within the National Security interest of the country. My response to this? Duh!

Watching the reaction from the meeting sent me as close to over the edge as I’ve become since the President was elected and, as you know, I’ve been pretty close on a number of occasions.

However, there was some good to come out of this. Although you’re not hearing it from the media, during the joint conference Putin let it be known that someone in Russia delivered 400 million dollars to Hillary during the campaign. That’s interesting. 400 million is not exactly chump change, not even for the Clintons. The other positive, is that it finally exposed all those in Washington who are against the President. Many on the Right who would have us believe they are supporters, came out against the President. The big charge among both the Left and the Right is that the President is siding with Russia and Putin over his own intelligence community.

So let me understand this charge. The Left and many on the Right and of course the media, this time even Fox News expect the President to favor the FBI, the CIA and the Justice Department regarding election meddling over what he heard the President of Russia say. Well, on the surface that seems pretty reasonable doesn’t it? The problem is, each of these so called “intelligence” agency department heads have done nothing but try to undermine the President. Why on earth, at this point, would he choose to believe anything they have to say? These are the same people who said that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. You know how that turned out… These are the same people who favored Clinton and let her walk Scott-free, even though she clearly, that’s right, clearly, broke the law. These are the same folks who have shown “proven” bias against the President.

While I wouldn’t trust Russia as far as I could throw them, and by the way, neither does President Trump, I sure as hell don’t trust the intelligence people either.

The point is, none of this has anything to do with the President meeting with Russia. He met with Russia in order to try and improve the relationship, have an open dialog, and work together on things we might have in our common interest like terrorism and nuclear weapons.

The most extraordinary part of all of this Russian election meddling threat is that the whole thing began during the Obama Administration. Obama and the famous Intel community knew the meddling was occurring during the 2016 election and, because they were certain, like so many others, that Hillary would be elected they kept it as quiet as they could and did nothing to stop it. It was only after the election that Obama did something.  He told Putin to “knock it off. That must of frightened Putin…

While the Left and the fake news continue to push the dialog that Trump is in Putin’s pocket, it is Trump who has been the hardest on Russia. He has imposed new and damaging sanctions on them and ejected over 60 of their diplomats from our country. Yet still, they want you and me to believe that the President is somehow a puppet for Putin.

Just so I understand it, Putin wanted Trump to win the election so he (Trump) could;

  • Strengthen NATO by 70 billion dollars
  • Provide tank busting arms and missiles to countries that border Russia
  • Build up our military by 100s of billions of dollars
  • Create a Space Force
  • Strengthen our economy
  • Kick Russian diplomats out of the US
  • Impose heavy financial sanctions and
  • Suggest to Germany that they buy their natural gas from America not Russia

This is what the Left and the mainstream media is asking us to believe. Their hatred and bias for this President is so deep and so obvious that you have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see it.

I wish the President would hold a press conference and announce that he is done with all things involving Russia collusion, fire every Intel Chief, put people in charge who will do the work of the President, (the President We the People duly elected), and finally, kill the Mueller witch hunt. Then do a real investigation of Ms. Clinton/Obama Russian hoax.  Justice for all will never become believable again until both Clinton and Obama are prosecuted.

Thank you for reading this post and allowing me this time to vent. Look for my next post soon, right after the Left proclaims the next end of the world.