California on Fire, Again

California on Fire, Again

How horrible are these fires? The deaths and so many homes gone, it is nothing short of heartbreaking.

The President weighed in early when the first fire in the south raged by blaming California for choosing to place restricting regulations on the treatment of the forests. Governor moonbeam Brown moved more than a billion dollars out of forest management to other pet projects like feeding, housing and educating illegals.

Having said that, is the President right to lay blame on Brown and California leadership in general? Translation, Democrats?

You know I am going to agree with the President right? I am sorry for being so predictable. I promise you, when the President is wrong I’ll be all over him! I promise. He is however, right on this.

No one can stop forest fires. I’ll never forget the time my boys and I were driving down the freeway in southern California on our way to Six Flags. While driving we came upon a fire on the right side of the freeway, it was burning the very dry grass and spreading extremely fast. As it turned out, there was someone a few miles ahead of us, who had been stopping on the side of the freeway lighting the grass on the fire. The fire was put out fairly quickly and thankfully no structures were damaged and no loss of life.

Setting the crazy-ass arsonist aside, Mother Nature will cause fires, accidents will cause fires and stupid people will cause fires. Sadly, Smoky the Bear was wrong when he said “only you can prevent forest fires.”  Having lived in the Sierra Nevada Mountains for 30 years and watching Mother Nature throw down lightning bolts cutting trees in half and starting fires, I say it again, there is no way to stop the fires from happening. Some say this is Mothers Nature’s way of ensuring our forest remain healthy. I don’t know about that but I do know that thinning the forest absolutely does create a healthier environment.

Ensuring a safer forest isn’t rocket science. It’s all about the fuel right? The more fuel to burn the more the fire spreads, gets hotter and more dangerous. There honestly isn’t much more to it than that.

California has laws that avoid any resemblance of common sense. Did you know that when an old growth redwood, or any redwood tree falls down due to age or wind or whatever the reason is, California will not allow you to harvest that tree? They would rather the tree lay there and rot than for anyone to remove it and turn it into lumber or firewood or chips or paper. Tell me how that makes any sense at all? This is what the green party people have been able to accomplish in our country. “Save the Forest” right? Wrong.

Forests are just like farms. You plant, harvest and replant just has you do with corn. The harvest turnaround time takes decades not a season but the concept is exactly the same. But, California doesn’t see it this way.

Allowing years upon years of growth creates an overgrown forest that is ripe for major destructive wild land fires. These fires cost the tax payers hundreds of billions of dollars to fight and to rebuild.  The loss of life, while not large in terms of numbers is still priceless and if you personally lose a loved one there is no money you wouldn’t pay to have them back. It is tragic.

Instead of running after the fire breaks out we should be spending our tax dollars on reducing the forests ability to become so massive, destructive, dangerous and expensive.

This would be accomplished by removing the stupid restrictions and adding common sense regulations. Open the forests up to logging again with very specific guidelines. The public can no longer stomach clear cutting so simply define what can and cannot be taken from the forest. As an example, the rule could be that no tree that is less than 30 inches in diameter could not be removed. Any down tree can obviously be removed. The rule should be, that the loggers must remove them. Large piles of slash (limbs) becomes illegal. Make the loggers either burn the slash or better yet spread the slash out so that the piles are no higher than one foot. The slash will actually disintegrate back into the soil giving the forest the nutrients it needs and wants. Finally, make a rule that for every tree taken another is planted. This gets back to the farming example. 20 years later those seedlings will become good sized trees. The logger goes back in and cuts the larger trees that were not cut the first time and leaves the new trees to continue to grow. And on it goes from there.

As far as the homes, barns and sheds that are burning down as a result of these fires; we must go back to prevention. Each structure, by law, must have a well-defined defensible space around them. The men and women of the fire departments and forest service can tell you what they need in order to save your structure(s). Typically, they will recommend that your home or structure has at least 100 feet of clear space surrounding it.  That doesn’t mean you cannot have any trees, it means you have to allow the fire fighters the space they need to get in and around your property to fight the fire and save your property. A tree here and there is fine and actually encouraged. Today though, through stupid regulation we have homes with trees and bushes right up against the house and if you are a responsible homeowner and want to clear these out you are forced to first go to the county, file for a permit and pay for the privilege of protecting your home and loved ones. Make sense? Of course not.

In these large developments, contractors should be forced, as part of the building permit, to create fire lanes (dirt roads) separating the development from the forest. This also provides the fire fighters pathways to bring in equipment to fight the fires. Make sense? Of course it does.

When I see these grassy hill fires in the Santa Anna’s (I see them every single year), I scratch my head in puzzlement as to why they don’t remove the grass hundreds of yards from all structures. I know, I know, that would cost a lot of money. Again, rebuilding homes costs a lot of money too. Losing a love one, your life long pet is, as I said above, priceless.

I really believe that if we implemented these common sense ideas (they’re not new ideas), we could save a lot of the heartache that we are watching unfold this week in California. These are not money issues, we are already spending money fighting these fires and rebuilding homes. A lot of the prevention can be accomplished at the cost of the loggers and contractors. With “reasonable” regulation these free market businesses will thrive and protect so many in the process.

God Bless all of you involved in these horrible conditions. Millions of us have you in our prayers.

Count Until You Win

I am old enough to remember the Bush/Gore election and the nightmare vote tallying debacle that went on in Florida’s Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Remember the bald guy with the thick glasses using a magnify glass to inspect each ballot’s “chads”?

I could be wrong, but I believe these two heavily weighted Democrat counties have pooched every election since. They didn’t get better, they got worse. Voting in Florida today couldn’t be easier. Using a black pen you fill in the circle next to the person or issue you want to vote for. Then your ballot is scanned into the tabulation computer. Pretty simple and one would think, very reliable, not to mention easy to total up the votes.  Then there are the early votes; which this year appear to be where the funny business begins and ends.

Just a few weeks before the election, the Florida Pan Handle suffered a major hurricane that flattened many areas completely and left thousands without homes, power and water. Guess what? They managed to tally all the votes and submit them on time and according to the election laws of the great state of Florida. All other counties throughout Florida did the same. Then comes Palm Beach and Broward, both are still counting as of November 10th.

The person in charge of the election tally in Broward County, Brenda Snipes, was ruled guilty two years ago for destroying thousands of ballots which resulted in the reelection of Debbie Wasserman Schutz. You remember Debbie, right? She’s the one that was forced to step down as the Democratic Party chair-person during the Hillary campaign in 2016. Ms. Snipes claims to this day the destruction of ballots was nothing more than an accident…

By 1 a.m. the day after the election this year, Republican Ron DeSantis had won his election for Governor. His competitor had conceded. The race for the Senate was too close to call. When Floridians finally went to bed, Republican Rick Scott has a slight 17,000 vote lead. His competitor Nelson had not yet conceded. Which makes since, it was a very close race with only 99% of the votes counted. Yeah, 99%.

Well, three days later and Ms. Snipes announces that some 80,000 non-tallied votes had been found. Found? She ordered the votes be counted. Okay, we all believe in counting every vote. We expect that they would not have been lost and that they would have been counted within the Florida law timeframe which has long since passed but, votes must be counted nonetheless and I agree with that. The problem I have is that to date, these “found” votes have all been for Nelson. He is now just a few thousand votes off the lead with thousands more of the “found” votes still left to be counted. The other facts that reduce any confidence in the process is that these votes were found in a school that had been used as a polling station on Election Day. Nothing weird about that, right? Wrong. These “found” ballots were all early vote ballots. How in the hell did they make their way to some Broward County school? Well, it gets better. A video has now surfaced of a rental truck showing up in the middle of the night containing ballots. There was no police escort for this transfer just a couple of good ole boys and a truck. Voting is the most important damn thing we do in America and it comes down to this. Two guys and a truck, three days after the election is over. I’ve thrown the bullshit flag so many times over the last couple of years I don’t know if I can even find it again but, when I do, I am throwing it again.

Ms. Snipes has quite a history. If you have any interest in learning more about her past this site gives you a pretty good idea of her on-going history.

As of Thursday (two days after the election) Snipes still had not provided the public with the number of votes she still had left to count. This is another direct violation of the state election laws.

It appears, on the surface anyway, that the Democrat policy is to count votes and keep counting votes until they win. Everyone on the Left is accusing the Right of not wanting all the votes to be counted. Wrong again. We have no problem with all the votes being counted.  We do however have a problem with the person doing the counting. She is a Democrat with a proven history of cheating.

Here’s the deal and this runs true with each of the election results throughout the country being contested (Florida, Arizona and Georgia). The winner of these elections, in the end, will have nothing to do with us, the voters. The candidate that wins will be the one with the best lawyers.  Thus is the way of our country nowadays. The very idea that the Republicans maintain their majority in the Senate is something that the Democrats will not allow to happen. They are all-in to make sure, no matter what it takes, that this does not happen. Why? Why do the Democrats have such a problem living with defeat?

A Republican controlled Senate means the President maintains the ability to nominate more judges and most importantly Supreme Court justices. Also, a Republican controlled Senate will halt any Bills sent over from the House. They learned that trick from Harry Reid. Bottom line, the Democrats want their power back and by God they are prepared to do whatever it takes to get it. Hell, they’re even willing to allow non-Americans to vote along with murders held in prison. Am I going too far? The famous Sheriff in Broward County sent county officials into their prison before the election to get the convicts registered. One of the prisoners was the sick kid who shot up the Parkland High School earlier this year. You can’t make this crap up folks. The outspoken Parkland father who lost his daughter in the shooting is an eyelash away from popping a cork and who can blame the man.

To end, here we are in 2018. We have cars that drive themselves, a box in our living rooms that can remind us the time of the day and what happened 50 years ago on the same day and the same time but, we can’t seem to count a damn vote.

I’ll leave it right there. I have to go find my damn bullshit flag.

We Can’t Stop Now!

This coming Tuesday, November 6th, we decide who controls Congress. Currently, by the narrowest margins, the Republicans control both the House and the Senate. As the President says, if just one or two Republicans come down with a cold our majority is gone. It is that close.

This mid-term election has taken on the feeling of a presidential election year. Why does this mid-term feel so much more important than those of the past? Historically, voter turnout for a mid-term election is much lower than a presidential election, yet every indication is that this election will exceed all prior mid-terms. Again, why do you suppose this is?

The American people have been sending a very clear message to Washington for nearly a decade. Obama started his presidency having both the House and Senate. Two years into his first term, he lost the House. This was a message to him and to Washington as a whole that we did not like the direction in which the country was headed. Then the country reelected Obama and for at least half the country this was a huge disappointment. Then, two years into his second term the Republicans kept the House and took the Senate away from Obama and the Democrats. Sending Washington yet another message.

By this time though, Obama had greatly damaged the American way of life. America was forced to endure eight years of Obama but, at least they were able to slow down his agenda. No longer controlling Congress during his last two years, he was unable to achieve anything that would be lasting because nearly all of his accomplishments had to be done through executive orders; which any future President could easily change or erase and President Trump has done that.

During the Obama years, we suffered through high unemployment, millions of families lost their homes, and millions of American workers were laid off or saw their hours reduced at work. The one and only major accomplishment of Obama and the Democrats occurred during his first term when they had both houses of Congress. This is when they gave us Obamacare, or the “Affordable Care Act” which as we quickly learned is everything but affordable. We also learned that he and others lied to us; as we were not able to “keep our doctor” nor if we “liked our plan we could keep our plan, period” as he put it.

Obama gave us open borders, he let our Ambassador and three others die in Benghazi. He signed onto a nuclear deal with Iran and paid them billions of dollars, to boot. He signed onto the Paris Climate Accord, costing the American tax payer to send billions of dollars to other countries, who, in turn spent the money however they wanted. And trust me, it wasn’t to control the climate.

Obama added more to the national debt than all previous Presidents combined. His policies put more people on food stamps than ever before. The Democrats told the American people that this was “good for the economy.”

Businesses moved out of the US due to high regulations and high corporate taxes. This only added to the already struggling economy. Banks were bailed out, even favored businesses were bailed out, all with tax payer money. Obama quickly became known for picking winners and losers. Yes, there was a deep recession but, thanks to Obama’s lack of experience the recovery was the slowest in our history and never truly recovered averaging less than 2% GDP throughout his eight years. Many say and I have to agree that through his borrowing from China the American tax payer all but rebuilt China and turned them into the powerhouse of the world. The on-going battle in the Middle East increased not decreased and the terror group ISIS became stronger under Obama’s watch.

During these years the American people kept working hard and sending a clear message to Washington and Obama. We were not happy, we stripped him and the Democrats of the House, then the Senate and finally in 2016 the White House.

Still, after all of that, the Democrats are double and tripling down on the same old, tired narrative. During these past two years, they’ve made it crystal clear they care more about illegals than they do for you and me. Even though Americans elected Trump because he promised to build the wall and revamp an old and no longer viable immigration system.  The Democrats don’t care. They make it clear that it is their way or no way. Their hate for the President has been unparalleled. They launched the fake Russian investigation and without any cause, called for his impeachment.

In the meantime, the President has delivered on nearly every promise he made and any promise not delivered is due to the direct opposition of the Democrats. Not one Democrat voted in favor of the President’s tax cuts. None were in favor of pulling out of the Paris Accord, none are in favor of the wall and over hauling immigration. All the Democrats talk about is impeachment, socialism and open borders.

It is for these reasons that our work is not done. While the President works tirelessly, for free I might add, he asks only one thing from us. To vote and to give him the super majority he needs to enact his full agenda, the very agenda we hired (elected) him for.

The Democrats have gone completely off the rails; protests, pussy hats, ANTIFA and even Democratic Congress people calling for unrest in the streets. You’ve heard them. “When their down (republicans) kick them.” There can be no civility in America until we (the Dems) are back in control. “If you see any of the President’s cabinet you gather others and you disrupt whatever they’re doing.” And then there is the main stream media and Hollywood, the Left’s right hand.  “Yes, I have often thought about blowing up the White House.” “When was the last time an actor assassinated a President?” “The problem in this country is white males, what are we going to do about them?” “Trump is a racist.” And finally, deep thinker Robert DeNero’s famous words “Fuck Trump.” This is today’s Democratic Party.

We cannot give up now. We’ve worked too hard to change the makeup of Washington to just sit back and “hope” the Democrats, these deranged hate America people don’t take back all of Congress. If they do, the America-first agenda will all but end and we will certainly restart the slow and painful path toward socialism were the promise is for everything to be free. Socialism, a system where we give all that we earn to Washington and they decide who gets what. A system that has literary failed every time it’s been tried.

Thanks to Obama we are most certainly a divided nation still to this day. He spent eight years splitting us up into groups.

On one side you have the blue collar workers who are now back working. Thanks to President Trump today we actually have more jobs available than we have workers to fill them. We have big business returning to the country and investing in America like never before. Millions upon millions of Americans have regained their losses (and then some) in their retirement programs again, thanks to President Trump. These Americans only want to be left alone, to feel safe and to have the opportunity to provide for their families. Today we have thousands upon thousands of illegals heading to our borders demanding entry and our President promises this isn’t going to happen. He puts our safety first.

On the other side you have the coastal elites, New York and California, two states with the highest poverty combined with the highest taxes in the entire country. It is these elite, globalists who are pushing the Left’s agenda. California is focused on plastic straws and New York wants law enforcement disbanded. Hollywood, California is made up of people who don’t have a clue what it is like to live and work in the real world. These are the same folks that demand that we give up our guns and scream against the idea of a wall while they live behind huge walls in their mansions which are guarded 24/7 by armed protectors. Then we have the New York main stream media who day after day spew lies about this President; trying to get into the minds of millions of Americans. If all you watch is the MSM you know nothing more than this President is a racist evil person working to take America down. Everything he does, everything is bad, evil and racist…

Thankfully, still to this day and hopefully forever, Americans have the power to choose. This midterm election is the most important mid-term election in my lifetime. Please vote as if your life depended upon it, because it does.

If the 2016 election taught us anything, it taught us that our votes still count. We beat all the odds when we elected the President. We must do it again on November 6th.  I ask you, which of the following headline do you want to read on November 7th?

The blue wave was real. The Democrats have regained both the House and the Senate. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has vowed to impeach the President, offer sanctuary for all and repeal the Trump Tax Cuts.



The Republicans win the House and Senate by wide margins giving the President a super majority. Americans have once again spoken. The new leader of the House announces the complete and total funding of the border wall and vows to rewrite the nation’s immigration laws.

The Senate Majority Leader announces a full investigation into Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration’s role in the 2016 Russian hoax and the  Benghazi debacle.


We can’t stop now Folks. I’ve already voted. Have you?


The Caravan

Does anyone want to take a wild guess as to how I feel about this? Do you think I am among those who support the President’s idea of placing the military at the border?

Geraldo Rivera, Juan Williams and the Left describe these folks as poor people desperately seeking a better life in America. The thousand-plus mile march toward the US has been very difficult in extreme heat. Their feet are burning and they are hungry but they continue on in order to escape the dangerous conditions in their home county of Honduras. According to them, the caravan is full of women and children and just as the President is sure that there are bad people among the 10,000 marchers, the Left is equally sure there aren’t any. To hear the Left, these folks are our responsibility. Somehow, it is America’s duty to welcome all those who desire to come into the country. And, if you disagree, you are automatically labeled a racist against brown people.

Do you find it at all interesting that not one family or even 10 families suddenly decided to march toward the US at once but rather, thousands of people decided, at the very same time that now was the time to march? It seems just a little odd, don’t you think? And what about the timing? Does it make you close one eye and scratch your head that they’ve chosen to march just a few weeks prior to our election on November 6th? Does this make you think someone is behind this? Who is paying for all of this? I’ve seen people handing out money and water to the marchers. As it relates to the long walk, every video I see, I see the marchers riding in the back of trucks, or buses, or pick-ups. Sure, I saw the video of the marchers stacked up on the bridge leading into Mexico. I also saw them tearing down the fence to get through. As far as all the women andchildren, every time I see videos on the television of these folks I have to really focus and hunt to even find any women and children. What I see is a majority of men. They are easy to pick out because many are waving the Honduran flag. You know, the flag of the country that they hate so much and from which they are escaping. Then there is the video of these same poor, poor people burning the American flag, the flag they first painted the Nazi swastika on. Finally, I’ve heard some of these marchers being interviewed. It sure makes me feel sorry for these folks and makes me want to invite them into my own home when I hear them denounce our President and call him a Nazi…right?

If you don’t think this is a paid political stunt you might be a liberal, socialist, globalist nut. I suppose there is chance you’re just extremely naïve.

If you think we should just let these people cross the border and spread throughout our country let me ask you this. Are you ok with millions more coming in? I ask because if we don’t take a stand now, this is exactly what will happen. It’s already happening. Back in February we had, although a smaller group of only a few thousand do the very same thing. Had it not been for the screaming bleeding heart liberals we would have sent a strong message that this is not okay and if you come you’ll be separated from your families and you’ll be jailed. But, once again we folded and let the Left drive the narrative.

The President threatened to cut off aid to the Central American countries who did not stop the caravan. I applauded this. Sadly, that didn’t work. I hope he stands by his threat. We’ll need the money to feed and house these marchers… You do realize that’s your money, right? Let me ask, if suddenly you were given a choice, would you rather send money to our Government to feed and house and educate the illegal aliens entering our country or would you choose to have the Government help the thousands of homeless vets sleeping under bridges throughout America? Or maybe you’d like your money going to the poor folks living in the gutters of the many American cities. Cities that are run by Democrats, I might add… Finally, you just might be going through difficult times yourself and choose to keep ‘your’ money to help you get through those tough times.  Which would you choose? The point here is that you don’t get to choose, do you? Me either.

Congress is unable or unwilling to pass reasonable immigration laws, they have refused to fully fund the wall and with no help from Central America or Mexico, the President is being put in a position to take serious matters into his own hands. It is the American President who takes an oath to protect the country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. A caravan of 10,000 and growing waving other country’s flags, burning the American flag and denouncing the American President meets the definition of enemy in my book.

The President has called for shutting down the borders and bringing in the United States Military to stop the invaders. I realize using the word “invaders” will make Geraldo and Juan and the Left go off the deep end but, isn’t that what the caravan is? Dictionary Definition: Invader – A person or group that invades a country, region, or other place.  The caravan is most definitely a group, they are certainly intending to invade our country, I mean we didn’t invite them, they aren’t intending to come in legally. They are a true threat are they not? What would you call a group that busted down your front door and broke into your home, ate your food, slept in your bed and never left? You pick the word, I can think of many. None are good.

I have a real problem with using the military at the border. I have felt that we should never use our military unless we are willing to allow them to do what they are trained to do and that is to protect and win at all costs. Historically, one of the most frustrating and unacceptable  things I’ve seen is when we  send our troops into a situation with a standing order that ties one of their hands behind their backs. “Never shoot first.” In my opinion, if you aren’t sending our patriots into a situation to win then you shouldn’t be sending them in the first place.

I usually have an answer for everything. It may not be the best answer but it is an answer none the less. This one really has me scratching my head.

All I can do is picture the strongest military on the face of the earth being ridiculed by the invaders on live television. Spitting at them and holding up signs calling them and America the most dreadful things one can imagine. I can hear the MSM now calling the President a murderer and bleeding all over themselves in favor of the poor illegals just wanting a better life.

Worse, I know the President isn’t going to order the troops to shoot anyone trying to cross the border. And I picture thousands of them doing just that and then what? We can hose them down with powerful water cannons, hit them with smoke bombs and other nonlethal weaponry won’t that look great on the evening news? You know the caravan leaders will have the women and children in the front of the line…

I can’t paint a picture that makes us look like anything other than non-caring nationalists. Maybe I shouldn’t care, maybe this is what it is going to take to send the message that coming here illegally isn’t ok. This situation falls directly in the laps of the far Left. They are the ones that have created this mess. Will the rest of America (voters) agree with that? How many Independents will not have the stomach for this kind of strength?

Perhaps the real solution is to enact what I call the Putin Rule. Instead of us being invaded we do the invading. If these Central American countries treat their people so badly perhaps we should just take them over. That would certainly stop the immigration problem. I am kidding of course but, it is a bit funny if you think about it. If these 10,000 poor mistreated people took to the streets of their own countries there is a very good chance that we (the US Government) would come to their aid.  Instead, they show zero love for their own country and they march toward ours; and by all indications, they have no love for the US either. I do feel sorry that they are being used by the Left’s political elite. Just as they used Dr. Ford, the blacks, and the poor in this country.

God give our President the knowledge he needs to handle this made up crisis on the border. To my patriot friends, vote.

How many women & children can you count? The MSM says most are. Fake News folks, Fake News.

The Violent Left

Are you seeing all this violence going on around the country? All brought to you by the violent Left.

The Left are such users and abusers of ordinary people. They take advantage of their followers in every way possible. They’ve been using the black and Hispanic communities for decades. Promising them the world every four years and delivering absolutely nothing. Most people are living in the same conditions they’ve always lived in.

Now they call upon their supporters to hit the streets and fight against anyone (The Right) who dares to disagree with the party. They do this while sitting in their safe places surrounded by armed guards. Sadly, their supporters are unable to put two and two together. The very people, Booker, Waters, Clinton, and Hollywood never put themselves in harm’s way yet have no problem demanding their supporters do.

These ANTIFA idiots are rioting and attacking innocent people for no reason at all. They’ve managed to make it very dangerous to even wear a tee-shirt with an American flag on it; much less a MAGA hat in support of the American President. As far as I am concerned, anyone who wears a mask is a coward and should be in jail. It’s hard to understand how leftist cities in American allow these domestic terrorists to conduct such acts of violence against, we, the people. All of these cities, by the way are run by Democrats.

Senator Susan Collins has been forced to move out of her house do to a letter sent to her home that possibly contained ricin. This was all because she voted in favor of the Judge. She did that because there was zero evidence he had done any of the things he was accused of. (Innocent until proven guilty)

Republican candidates are in danger 24/7. One was blindsided yesterday when one of these sheep nutjobs hit him from behind. Another received a letter warning “they” are coming after her.

Ted Cruz, out to dinner with his wife was forced to leave due to a mob screaming at them. Sara Sanders was asked to leave the Red Hen because she works for the President. Majority leader McConnell was approached by a mob outside his home. Senator Rand Paul’s wife is afraid to go to bed without having a gun nearby.

These events and so many more are real and these Democrat officials just keep promoting more and more violence. Former attorney general Eric Holder tells a group to kick Republicans. Think about that.  A former United States Attorney General, the nation’s top law enforcer promoting violence.

We have thousands of Hondurans walking toward the US to cross our borders and the Left are all for it. So much so that they are actually paying these people to come and break our laws. This is the new Democrat Party. They are promoting open borders and sanctuary cities; all in the name of votes and power. How can anyone possibly believe these people care anything about this country much less it’s citizens?

Mark my words that someday, very soon the violent Left are going to attack the wrong person and someone on the Left will lose their life. Then the Left will have the gall to call the Right violent. And don’t you worry, the MSM will back them up and hit the airwaves promoting this lie just as they do now on a daily basis.

As the election nears, you can bet that these dangerous tactics will only get worse and all for what? Power and hate of the President. These people are unhinged, they are seriously out of control and out of their minds. Sadly, there are millions of Americans who blindly follow the un-American Left making all of us less safe.

Be careful folks, walk with your eyes wide open and keep your back up against the wall because these people are cowards, they will come up from behind.

Republicans are for tax cuts, killing terrorists, jobs and pride in America. The Dems are for power at whatever cost. They don’t care about anything or anyone, just that they are in power and control. They honestly don’t care what it takes to gain this power. Burn down a city if that’s what it takes.

I’ve always known the Left were an odd group of people. President Trump however has exposed them in ways I had never seen before. He has forced them to lay their cards on the table and the hand they are dealing is not pretty. Never before has it been so obvious that the Left is made up of evil people with an agenda of power and control. The new Democrat Party is no longer made up of the mid-western farmer.

They hate everything, God, jobs, wages, the flag, the anthem, the bible, the pledge, the forefathers, the constitution even males being males and women being women. They push to divide and conquer us all.

I don’t worry about a civil war so much because at some point they will have their hat handed to them. Sadly, a few folks will lose their protesting, pussy wearing hat, sheep following lives in the process and then things will somewhat calm down. As the President continues to do so many things that are good and pro-America, more and more people will support him and leave the sheep and the Democrat Party behind.

In the meantime all we can do is watch out for ourselves and each other and show up in full force to vote this November 6th.

God Bless our President, our country and each other. Be safe patriot.

The Choice Is Yours

In a few more weeks millions of Americans and sadly it appears, illegals and those who have long since passed away will vote. On November 6th Americans will decide the direction of the country.

If the Democrats win the House or the Senate they will block anything the President was elected to do. This isn’t a prediction, this is a fact because they’ve openly stated as much. This new Democrat Party was born during the Obama years. Today’s party has absolutely nothing to do with the old Democrat Party of JFK or even Bill Clinton. This is the party of hate, disruption and divide. One only has to look at their daily events to see this is true.

This week, their leader, Hillary said that democrats can no longer be civil. This statement falls right in line with Maxine Waters’ call for all Democrats to seek out Republicans wherever and whenever possible and raise hell. 2020 Presidential hopeful, Democrat Senator Cory Booker, while in Iowa, called out to all Democrats to, and I quote “Please, get up in the face of some congress people.”. Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder this week said, ‘Remember when Michelle said when they go low we go high? No, no, no, when they (republicans) go low we kick them.’ The fake Me Too movement is not really a movement to protect women and expose people who abuse women. It is a made-up liberal movement designed to destroy all right leaning men, most specifically the evil white men. If you pay attention at all, you’ll notice that they never hit the streets yelling and screaming wearing their pink vagina hats when a Democrat is involved in violence towards women or even when an MS-13 gang member kills a woman. The protesters we all witnessed during the Supreme Court hearings were paid protesters. Again, this isn’t just me. The protesters were caught on tape admitting it. We now have a video of their handlers telling them, while on the bus riding to the protests ‘do not tell anyone you were paid.’ Why does this matter? It matters because these aren’t people who care about issues.  They do what they do because they get paid. Finally and the worse of it all, the main stream media promotes these lies and deceptions. Over 92% of all news coverage is negative towards the President. That means that 92% of the time when Americans watch the news they are hearing only negative things about the President. They are nothing more than an arm of the new Democrat Party. Their goal is the same; divide and conquer the American voters.

For me, it all comes down to common sense. The Democrats haven’t voted for any of the good things this President has done for the country. They have been against everything.

When you go to vote next month and for God’s sake, please vote, be reminded of all the good this President has done. For the first time in 50 years we have more jobs available than actual people to fill them. Unemployment hasn’t been this low since WWII. Black and Hispanic unemployment has never been this low. More women are working today than in the last 30 years. These are very good things folks. Trump wants to make the tax cuts permanent. If the Democrats win, this will never happen. Then there is immigration. The President wants to protect our border and his followers, all 63 million of us want the wall. We want to take control of who comes into our country. All other countries on earth do this with the exception of Europe and look at the mess they have; constant terror attacks, all of which are within their own open borders. He wants to end catch and release. This is where border patrol catches the illegals crossing the border and as the current law requires, they release them into the US on the promise to return for a court date. They never return. How stupid is this? Gangs, drugs, high tax payer costs and all the violence that comes with these illegals and the Democrats vow to keep immigration laws as they are. Actually they vow to make them worse by promoting sanctuary for all no matter what. If you agree with this, it’s only because you’ve been lucky enough not to have a loved one harmed by an illegal. We need immigrants, the President says this all the time. Remember him saying the wall will have a big, beautiful door? But, “we” must be able to decide who we allow in. It’s our country. With no borders we have no country, no control and far less safety.

The Democrats have moved so far left that they are now the party of socialism. This is what they’ve decided will create the votes that they need to regain the power they so desperately want.  Only a fool would be for this. They proclaim everything will be free. Nothing, NOTHING, is free. Socialism hasn’t worked throughout history for anyone ever. Socialism means you pay more of what you earn to the government than you get to keep. Think about that because it is true. Do you really trust these people to control your money more than you trust yourself? That is what socialism is. Government control of your life, cradle to grave.

Under the President’s leadership we’ve seen a record breaking stock market which means millions of Americans are seeing their 401Ks and IRAs grow like never before, record breaking jobs, higher wages, low unemployment and higher GDP growth than we’ve had in a decade and still growing. Stronger military, vets are now able to seek treatment from any doctor or hospital no longer having to depend on the VA. Right to try, this new program allows those who are terminally ill, the right to try experimental drugs giving them at least some hope and some actually save lives. There literally is only good news since Trump was elected. The Supreme Court has now been rebalanced protecting our constitutional rights. Law and order is once again respected and important. This would be an awful and scary place without law enforcement and due process. The President has made this a priority.

It’s not important whether you like or dislike the President. What’s important are the pro-American policies he has put in place that benefit all Americans.

So, the choice is yours. You get to decide if we stay on the current positive path or if we turn back to high unemployment, lower wages and a more divided and weak America.

To me the choice has never, in my lifetime, been more obvious. Please join me in giving our President a super majority in November. Help me send another very clear message to Washington that we stand with this President because we stand with a stronger America, one that allows our people to prosper and grow.

Vote republican across the board in November then sit back and watch America become greater, safer, stronger, and more prosperous than ever before. This is a once in a lifetime President who is more open than any President before him. He is truly doing the business of the people. Something we’ve not seen before. He has exposed the deep state that we always knew was there but never had the ability to do anything about it. He may be a billionaire but, he thinks, acts and talks just like you and me. Give him the tools he needs to do what he said he would do, Make America Great Again.  I’ll see you at the polls on November 6th!

The Many Gifts of the Left

No one can argue that it has been another week of pointing fingers, playing the blame game and politics at its very worst.  There is a striking difference however between the two sides. The Republicans fought too, but never in a way that was personal or caused anyone harm. The Democrats however continued their hateful and dangerous rhetoric.

This past week, the Left managed to absolutely ruin a man’s life and put his family in great danger. So much danger that they were forced to move out of their home. How do you explain this to their young daughters? His home has been vandalized with spray paint.  The “loving” Left painted messages that were fit for Hitler. This family’s life will never, ever be the same.

A soy-boy leftist prochoice guy on a street curb began to argue with a prolife woman. As the woman stated her belief, the loving soy- boy didn’t like what he was hearing, instead of debating he decided to end the conversation by kicking her in the head.  He took her sign, proceeded to rip it up, threw it on the ground and walked off.  Sadly, this has become an everyday occurrence.

Last Thursday, envelopes were sent to the President, Republican Senator Ted Cruz, General Mattis and the Admiral of the Navy. Thankfully, these envelopes were stopped before they reached their targets.  The fear was these envelopes contained ricin. As it turned out, it was ricin, but it had not been developed into a killing white dust yet. The sender was a young Democrat who hates the President and others. He is in jail.

Also, on Thursday, an intern working for Democrat Senator Shelia Jackson Lee released home addresses and cell phone numbers of three republican senators. Worse, he threatened them by saying if they said anything he would expose their children. He is also in jail tonight.

My favorite Democrat of all time, Mad Maxine Waters, the famous, and useless I might add, Senator from the great state of California was hit with three ethics violations.  The violations are related to insider information (provided to her husband).  She holds a seat on the finance committee.  This allegedly aided her in helping her husband’s bank get a 20 million dollar bailout during the 2008 banking crisis. Mrs. Waters is famous for spewing the words “impeach Trump, impeach Trump.” She is also the one who is to blame for so much violence today. Senator Waters, during a speech, told the crowd, if you see one of Trump’s cabinet members, get in their face and get a crowd.  Soon after Waters’ speech, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders was forced to leave the Red Hen restaurant with her family, Mitch McConnell was mobbed outside his home, and recently, Senator Cruz had to leave a restaurant with his wife, due to these loving Leftists. The restaurant has had to hire security people so this doesn’t happen in the future.

The caring loving Left sold the woman, Christine Ford, down the river. They put their politics and rabid desire for power ahead of her safety and privacy. First, Senator Feinstein held Ford’s letter instead of bringing it to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Had she brought it to the committee, both the Republicans and the Democrats could have looked into this matter privately while maintaining Ford’s privacy and Judge Kavanaugh’s reputation. Instead, Feinstein held onto it until one day before the vote after it had been “mysteriously” leaked. It gets worse though. Chairman Grassley, as the whole country knows (because it was on every television station) continuously offered to interview Ford and hear her testimony in California (or wherever she wanted).  The Democrats and Ford’s Democratic leftist lawyers didn’t want that.  They wanted the whole country to hear from Ford, something that Ford claims to have never wanted. Her attorneys never told Ford that Grassley made that offer.

Early in the week, the Democrats demanded (in fairness…what a joke), that the FBI conduct a separate investigation of Ms. Ford’s allegations. This time they managed to get one Republican (if that’s what you want to call him), Jeff Flake who is not running for reelection this year or ever again, to go along with them.

They announced that they wanted a quick FBI investigation and it should not take more than a week. Once again, the Republicans caved and agreed. Four days later, the FBI concluded their supplemental investigation by interviewing all of the so called people that Ford claimed would know what happened to her. What did the Democrats do? They started screaming that the FBI didn’t do a complete job. They also blame the President; saying he ordered the FBI to perform a fake investigation. Like the President has some great relationship with the FBI right.  Wrong.

Senator Cory Booker, he is a real doozy, announced that it is no longer a question of whether the Judge is guilty or innocent, that doesn’t matter. Booker says that Trump should pick a different Judge to nominate because of the way this Judge reacted to being accused of rape. “He does not have the temperament to be a Supreme Court Judge.”, said Cory.  What a farce he and his party are.

The Democrats are truly steering their party and the millions of Americans who follow them toward violence. It is all they have left. They lose on the actual issues every time. Let’s hope and pray that they lose in November, because they have nothing to offer this country except hate and further division.

I and so many others who believe in the rule of law and love our country can’t wait to vote. I implore you to do the same. This may very well be the most important election in our lifetime.

He Said, She Said

Did you watch the hearing this week with Judge Kavanaugh and Doctor Ford? If so, what was your reaction? Did either change your mind after listening to them?

It is no secret that I am a supporter of the Judge. With that acknowledged, I went into the hearings with as much of an open mind as I possibly could. I was genuinely interested in hearing from Ford and I didn’t miss one second of her testimony.

All of the Senators and most of the talking heads said they believed something had happened to her. Those on the Left believed everything she said (predictable). Those on the right said they believed the Judge, also predictable.  If you ask me, neither left or the right give a hoot about Dr. Ford, they care about reelection, so they tippy toed around their true feelings.

Well, I am not up for election and this post will ensure I never am. Here is my take. Doctor Ford came across to me as someone who spent a week or more role playing and being lead down the exact precise path her democratic handlers wanted her to travel.

Never once during her testimony was I moved. I never felt sorry for her. The lack of memory she claims to have is just too much for me to believe. She didn’t know how she got to the house or even where the house was. She didn’t know how she got home after the incident. The Judge was on top of her, with his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. She feared he would accidently kill her. The Judge’s friend (who by the way denies all of this) who was also in the room was jumping on the bed and that caused her and the Judge to fall off the bed allowing her to escape. She got up and ran into a nearby bathroom and locked herself in. She heard both the judge and his friend laughing as they left and went back downstairs to join the party. The party with no music according to Ford. After a short time she left the bathroom, and “escaped” from the house. That’s all she can remember. Doesn’t know where the house was, what day it was, what time it was but pretty sure it was in the summer. The only thing she remembers about the room is that the bed was on the left.  She never told anyone about this until 2012 when she and her husband went to couples therapy because they were having problems during a remodel of their home. She wanted two front doors; I guess he didn’t (who would).  She wanted two doors because of the high school incident, and she wanted another door to escape from in case something like this ever happened again. During her testimony she laughed while explaining the Google students use that door when coming to the house to study. I thought that was a bit weird. Is that the real reason for the second door? When asked about the polygraph test, she said it took a long time.  She remembered being hooked up to wires and answering many questions. The polygraph person asked her only two questions. She has more degrees than the average lifetime student yet we were to believe she really doesn’t understand how polygraphs work. She couldn’t come and testify the week before because she is afraid to fly. We learned at the hearing that she flies all the time. Ok, people are afraid to fly but they do it. I get that, but the excuse was dishonest. When asked if she knew the Senators had offered to come to her house and interview her she said she wasn’t aware of that and said that would have been much better. Either she is lying about that or her democratic attorneys never told her. When asked if she paid for the polygraph she said she didn’t know. Another lie. She knows damn well she isn’t paying for anything. As of this writing she has over $900,000 in GoFundMe funds. Who’s donating? She claimed she doesn’t really know how that works (GoFundMe). Again this is a well-educated person, I don’t believe her. All of her social media had been wiped clean just prior to her coming out. Why? All of the people she listed as being at the party have been contacted and none of them, none of them remember the party or have any knowledge of this incident. This includes her best childhood friend.

I am sorry, enough is enough. You cannot make a charge like this without at least having some evidence, any evidence. She has none. We are asked to simply believe her. I can’t and won’t.

As for the Judge. I tried to think what it would be like if someone did this to me. How would I feel, how would I react? Well, The Judge reacted in the very same way that I believe I would have reacted. Mad, not mad, pissed off. His testimony moved me to tears. The look on his wife’s face sitting behind him as he spoke hurt my heart. Why weren’t Dr. Ford’s parents and husband at the hearing supporting her? This is a big deal, right? Wouldn’t you want those closest to you by your side? I would. When the Judge spoke about his mom and dad, who were both in attendance, he broke down.  He could hardly breathe. Ford had times during her testimony where she smiled and even laughed. When the Judge told the story of his family and him praying and his 10 year old daughter said “we should pray for the women (Ford). He broke down; real tears, real loss of breath. He had reasonable and believable answers to every question asked of him. He kept a monthly calendar of his daily activities. There was no listing of a party as Ford described.

The man has been accused not only by Ford but two others have now come out; also not surprising. I predicted this in last week’s blog. The last accusation coming from a woman who has hired Stormy Daniel’s attorney, better known by conservatives as the “creepy porn lawyer” claims the Judge was involved in gang rape parties. Not once, not twice, but 10 times. According to the woman, she attended all of them and was the victim of one. She was in college at the time, the Judge was still in high school.  Damn, none of the college girls ever came to any parties I went to in high school. So, we are to believe she was gang raped at one party but returned to 9 others. Like Ford, we are supposed to just believe this. The Judge of course was outraged. Who wouldn’t be?  And once again, not one childhood friend of the Judge knew anything about any of this. Somehow we are supposed to believe the high school kids kept all of this gang raping quiet.  I was a high school kid, we couldn’t keep anything quiet. This story is just a made up sleazy story designed to shock everyone who is looking for any reason to delay the Judge being seated. Period.

Any fair minded person cannot possibly believe these women. They tell their stories without even one other person backing them up, without an ounce of evidence. I don’t believe that every woman should be believed. I do believe every woman should be heard. I’m a firm believer we are Innocent until proven guilty. The democrats of course want more investigations. As I said last week, it’s all about delaying the vote in hopes that they take back the Senate in November. It’s so obvious.

Hold on to your hats folks, more people will come out from under their rock to accuse the Judge. The Dems and all their resources are in play. Sadly, the real damage is done. The Judge will now forever be known as the Judge accused of rape. It’s awful.

Meanwhile, pray for the judge and his family. They are living in hell right now, pure hell.


The Democrats are at it again with this woman, Ford, who has accused the Judge of a sexual act 35 years ago.  They have automatically made it clear that the woman is telling the truth and that the Judge is guilty. Case closed.

While most people are focused on the accusation, I am focused on just how stupid these Democrats think we are.

This is a hard article for me to write and to be civil in the process is near impossible. This is obviously a political stunt designed to stop the confirmation vote for Judge Kavanaugh. They want to delay until after the November election, hoping they take over the Senate, which is highly unlikely. It is so damn obvious that it infuriates me to no end.

Liberal Senator, Diane Feinstein was made aware of this accusation in August, yet said nothing. She even had a two hour one-on-one meeting with the Judge and again, said nothing. She held this in her pocket, hoping she didn’t have to use it.  At the final hour, when she knew the vote was going to happen, she let it leak out.

There is literally nothing more to this than a scheme. The Democrats are so damn afraid that their precious abortion law may get overturned, that they are willing to do anything to stop a conservative judge from being seated.

Then we have the GOP Senators. Every one of them, in my book are spineless SOBs. They always kowtow to the democrat’s games. They are so damned afraid of their own shadow that they become frozen. Harry Reid announced that Mitt Romney never paid taxes. This was a blatant lie. He knew it and we knew it, but the low information voter didn’t. After the election, Reid was called out on the lie. You know what his answer was? “Romney lost didn’t he?” Meaning, the lie worked so shut up. That’s balls.

I am not suggesting that the GOP senators lie. I am suggesting they grow a pair and learn how to fight. You can’t win being a nice guy. You have to take the gloves off and start swinging.

When this character assassination first came up, the GOP should have announced the vote will go forward and Ms. Ford should file a police report.  How on earth can one woman stop the entire congress in their tracks? Easy if the party in power is cowardly.

Finally, Ms. Ford, a known Trump hater, a known liberal defender of Planned Parenthood is a fraud. First off, any woman who has experienced what she claims to have experienced doesn’t forget a single moment of the incident. If you interview any woman who has gone through this, they will tell you that they remember the day, the time, where they were, what they were wearing, what the rapist was wearing, what was said and go into great detail as to what occurred. They will tell you that they will never, ever forget it. Why, because it is tragic, horrifying, and life-changing. As of today Ford as provided four names of people she claims were at the party where all of this happened. All four have responded in the negative. They weren’t at the party, don’t know of the claim and never even knew Brett Kavanaugh. Ms. Ford herself doesn’t know where it happened or when it happened.  That is interesting, in and of itself. She claims that she was 15, but doesn’t know when it happened? Do you know how old you are now? If so, count backwards. Please…

All of Government comes to a halt.  They clear their schedule so that she can come tell her story and what does she do? She does exactly what her Democrat handlers tell her to do. She refuses to attend the hearing claiming that she needs more time to prepare. I guess 35 years isn’t enough time.  Again, it’s all about delay, delay, delay.

In the middle of all of this, probably the most laughable thing that has come out is Hillary Clinton saying Ms. Ford deserves a hearing and deserves an FBI investigation.  Tell that to Juanita Broaddrick Hillary. Hillary doesn’t have an ounce of decency.

Needless to say, I am not buying any of this. Ford is nothing more than a tool being used by her beloved democratic party. On the surface, it appears that Ms. Ford has taken on the role of the seagull. She swooped in, shit all over everything and flew off. I am sorry (not really) I have to throw the bullshit flag on this one.

Mostly, I feel very sorry for the judge and his family. In today’s world a single accusation can destroy a person’s life. It doesn’t matter if they are proven innocent, by that time their reputation is in the shit can. The judge will now always be known as the judge who became a Supreme Court justice even

though he raped a 15 year old girl.  Pretty damn sad if you ask me. Do the democrats care? Hell no.

Meanwhile the Republican held Senate continues to draw a redline for Ford to come tell her story and then allow the Democrats to cross it. They are as weak as Obama. Rest assured, while time is passing by the Democrats are role playing with Ms. Ford day and night to get her ready for the hearing. They have all their pussy hat wearing MeToo protestors lined up, signs are made and with more time and money, they WILL find someone to collaborate Ms. Fords fraud.

The whole thing is disgusting. The idea of being innocent until proven guilty has long been thrown into the constitutional heap pile. Very sad & very scary.  People make fun of VP Pence because he refuses to be alone with any women other than his wife. I’d say he’s looking pretty smart about now.

I Don’t Get It, Do you?

Seriously folks, I really don’t get what so many people on the Left see in their party’s agenda. To be perfectly honest, I don’t really know what their agenda is, other than to remove the President from office. Other than that, I don’t have a clue.

Obama, the Democratic Party leader gave a speech this week.  He went on and on about how horrible things are in the country and then in the very same speech took credit for the great economy. How can everything be horrible but the economy be great? At another point in the speech, he compared Benghazi to the birther issue. “The Republicans push their conspiracies like Benghazi and my birth certificate.”  I actually get the conspiracy over his birth place, but Benghazi? Where is the conspiracy there? Our people were under attack, Obama and Hillary did nothing to help them. That’s a conspiracy? No.  That is a proven fact. Yet, the leftist liberals in the audience, all 750 of them, applauded this out-right lie. Finally, he announced that the Republican Party is the party of division. What? This man was the divider-in-chief. It was he who caused all of the division in the country. Today’s policies of the Left are truly The Obama Policies.  Eight years of those Lefty/Obama policies are the reason we have a President Trump.

In congress, the Democratic leadership has made two things clear. First, not a day goes by that one of them doesn’t complain about Trump and how the end of the world is near if we don’t remove him from office. The second thing is pro-immigration everything; no borders, let illigals vote, give them benefits that even American citizens don’t receive and finally, entering our country illegally is, well, legal.

The Left actually paid the protestors to attend the Supreme Court Nominee Senate hearings last week.  Did you see these people? How on earth does the Left believe that outbursts like those are supposed to garner support for their party or change someone’s mind? One lady, I don’t know if you saw this or not, actually let blood run down in between her bare legs. I guess this was supposed to be a statement that the Supreme Court nominee would kill women’s health. This was about the grossest thing I’ve ever witnessed during a congressional hearing. But again, I don’t get it.  Does the Left really think that acts like this are going to move people to their way of thinking? And the Democrat Senators questioning the nominee, did you hear them? They made absolute fools of themselves. Senator Booker who wants to run for President in 2020 released confidential documents in what he hoped, would be an “I got you” moment. The problem is, he obviously didn’t read the documents because they were positive and actually helped the nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. And Booker wants to be President? You can’t make this crap up. Another wanna-be President, Kamala Harris asked the nominee if he had ever spoken to anyone at a law firm that has over 300 people working there and I guess, is part of the Mueller Russia collusion investigation. Kavanaugh said he wasn’t sure, and asked her to tell him what her concern was or who it was she was referring to. Her reply. “Just answer the question.” Just a big game, that’s all that was. Contrast that with a question republican senator Ted Cruz asked the nominee. “Judge, tell me what your thoughts are on the 1st amendment.” Then Cruz shut up and listened.

Finally, I guess the trend for the Democratic Party is socialism. Old man Bernie Sanders started this Brainiac idea and apparently the entire party is all-in.  Sadly, most voters on the Left have no idea what socialism really is. Most, especially the young voters just think it’s about getting everything for free. Wasn’t Margret Thatcher who said “Socialism is great until you run out of other people’s money?”

These are the things, and SO many more that we see coming from the Democrat Party.  Vagina hats, ANTIFA gangs, hating the police, no borders, everyone is a racist, no pledge of allegiance in schools, tear down historic statues, MS-13 gang members are people too, forcing people to buy insurance from the government, get rid of the right to bear arms, continue to fund abortions with taxpayer money, kill coal, kill steel, ban straws, develop safe places for people to shoot up drugs, don’t clean the streets of people who are defecating in the street, hire others to clean up after the people defecating instead, crazy concerns about Russia meddling in our elections but against voter ID, claim they are the party for the people but not one voted for the tax cuts, claimed they are for the dreamers but didn’t vote to allow the dreamers to remain in the country, they have worked to brainwash the black community into believing that they are the party who cares deeply for them, yet every city with a high minority population that are run by Democrats is full of murders and poverty. Finally, socialism; give the Democrats 90% of your money and they will decide who gets what.  Sure…

How can you be a sane person and still be a Democrat? Seriously, how? How can you possibly claim that you love freedom, America, or safety for your families and be a Democrat? That’s an easy answer.  Democrats don’t love freedom or America and as evidenced by their open-borders policy and police resistance, they certainly don’t care about your safety.

Crazy times folks.  Scary times really. John F. Kennedy, a Democrat said “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”  I wasn’t a big fan of Kennedy but, if he were alive today, he’d be a Republican.

To finish, if you care at all about any of these things, then for God’s Sake and love for each other, vote Red in November.  If you don’t, we, as a country and American citizens are going to be tossed aside in favor of these radical disastrous ideas.