You Still a Democrat?

Are we having fun yet? It’s been quite a week, with never a dull moment. I decided to use the title “You Still a Democrat” this week because after watching the news fly by each day, I honestly don’t know how anyone could possibly support this anti-American party. Everything they’ve stood for this week, and for the past two years has been against American citizens. And their buddies in the fake news; they’ve been on quite a roll themselves. Most of us knew that the mainstream media make it their business to support the Dem party and their Far-Left-Wing liberal views, but this week they managed to outdo themselves. Let’s break it down, shall we?

First, every MSM news outlet hit the airwaves and worldwide web with the false made-up story from Buzzfeed. For 24 hours, no matter what news channel you flipped to, you heard how the end is finally near for the President. According to the fake news story, the President’s former indicted lawyer, Michael Cohen told Buzzfeed that the President told his son, Don Jr. to lie to Congress about their business dealings in Russia. The Left couldn’t control themselves. “The President won’t finish his term” and “This is the final nail in the President’s coffin”.  For 24 hours, all of the MSM jumped in with both feet and the Democrat Congress members; oh my, they had to change their underwear from pissing on themselves in glee.

It didn’t matter that Buzzfeed didn’t have any proof of this.  It didn’t matter that Cohen is a known lair. I mean really, the man is going to prison in March for what? For lying to the special counsel. That didn’t stop the media though. Cohen, who was once considered the devil by the media, suddenly became their hero and suddenly, in their eyes, he was being honest because it fit their Left-Wing/Hate Trump narrative. Well, their other hero Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating Russian collusion, the person who is putting Cohen behind bars, made a rare move by announcing the Buzzfeed/Cohen story is false. What does the media do? They turn on their savior, Mueller. Kind of reminds you of their love/hate relationship with former FBI director Comey, doesn’t it? They hated him before they loved him…

If that wasn’t embarrassing enough, no sooner did the media and Democrats move off this fake story to react to a twitter post of the Native American Indian incident with a white, catholic student wearing a red MAGA hat. The post only showed a small portion of the video of the interaction between the kid and the old Indian pounding his drum in the kids face.  The young man stood his ground smiling which the media called smirking. The headline was “White man wearing a MAGA hat threatens older Native American Vietnam veteran.”  In the blink of an eye, the media and the Left-Wing loonies were back in business! A white guy wearing his offensive red hat was showing his racism. This is the face of the President’s supporters! Translation, the kid is a white supremacist and the President, as we all know, is racist and supports all white supremacists… More liberal underwear changing…

But, wait a minute, someone then posts the entire video and guess what? Another big fat liberal lie was exposed. The Catholic kid never engaged the Indian, just the opposite. The Indian walked up to him and starting chanting and pounding his drum in the kid’s face. This, while a group of black thugs were screaming out the most horrible, racist, threatening things you can think of at the kids. The Hollywood freaks hit the twitter world with things that were even worse. “Burn the school down”, “Smash this punk racist kid’s face in.” And much, much worse.

Once the full video was exposed did the media back off? Nope. The talking point turned to the “fact” that the kid was to blame because he chose to wear that evil red hat. One black racist news commentator said “For me, that red hat stirs memories of people wearing white hoods.” I swear to God, she actually said that.  Translation: It is no longer acceptable for any American to 1. Wear whatever they want and 2. To support their President. Just another Liberal fake news outrage. But, dressing up like a virgina, no problem…

They say “seeing is believing” Not always…

 Following the self-created incident, the Indian hit the airwaves (the media welcomed him with open arms, this was right down their fake news narrative) claiming he was a VietNam vet. He went on about how he was spit on and called horrible things upon returning from the conflict. The Media showed deep concern for this poor man. How dare this white boy make this elderly American-Indian vet feel so threatened. Hasn’t this poor man been through enough in his life? Well I’ll be damned, it turns out that he was in the Marines and his claim as a vet was true, except that he never made it to VietNam.  He was charged with AWOL several times and is a full-time liberal activist. Again, I wasn’t surprised at all. People, the Left, are so quick to jump on anything that fits their “get Trump” narrative.

The best part of this whole story are the memes. As you know, while all of this was going on, the NFL playoffs were being played. As you also may know, the Kansas City Chiefs lost to the New England Patriots which created this meme.  You can’t make this crap up folks.

Finally, “are you still a Democrat?” Another week of the Government shut-down and your (Democrats) party leader, ding dong Pelosi continued with her anti-American stance. The President asked her, “If I reopen the Government are you going to give me the funding for the wall?” Her response, “no.”

This week your party said no to border security, no to paying the government workers and no to the President giving the traditional State of the Union speech in the house, the people’s house, I would add.  Then what did she do? She and her party went home a day early to enjoy a nice three day weekend.

The canceling of the State of the Union was nothing more than her getting even with the President for canceling her trip to the Middle East. You know, the trip she wanted to take with 19, count them, 19 of her family members.

The Right-Wing of the House of Representatives put forward a bill this week, that if passed, would have paid the 800,000 Government workers. This was put forward in order to give the workers a paycheck to help them as the shutdown continued. Every Democrat in the democratic controlled house voted no… 

It doesn’t have to fit, she’ll shove it down your throat if need be

At the end of the day, ding-dong is keeping the American people from hearing our President provide the State of the Union. The 63 million legal American citizens who voted this President into office are being denied the ability to hear him speak. Ding-dong did this because the last thing she wants is for the President to have a national stage to tell the people what is really going on. She fears the President, during his speech might turn to her, pointing his finger at her and say in front of us all Madam Speaker will you allow me to protect our citizens and open the Government?” This would be her worst nightmare.

So to my Democratic friends of which I have none, tell me, do you still support your party?

Democrat Platform:

Border Security:                                           NO

Paying the Government workers:            NO

State of the Union:                                      NO

Open Borders:                                             YES

Three year DACA Extension                      NO

National Emergency Funding                   NO

Translation:                                                  NO

None of this is tough.  It’s all politics, plain and simple. Nothing that the President has proposed, none of it, is anything different than the Dems approved when Obama was President.  All of this is nothing more than the Left hating Trump. It matters not that 63 million of us made him President.

As you know, on Friday the President announced the Government will reopen. Many of his supporters are angry and accuse him of caving. I understand this. I too feel disappointed but, as I suspect many of his supports silently share, I feel some relief for the Federal workers.

What everyone must understand is that the President is and always has been alone in Washington. He is one man doing all that he can to correct the wrong in our Government but he is only one man standing neck deep in the filthy swamp of Washington D.C. and trust me, it’s filthy in politics.

The President’s own party has never fully embraced his polices. Those of us who voted for him didn’t do so because he was running as a Republican. We did so because he wasn’t a politician and he promised to clean Washington up, drain the swamp, lock her up, build the wall and yes, Make America Great Again.

On Thursday, seven Senators of the Republican Party voted no on the senate bill that would have given the President the funding he has requested. Half of those voted in favor of the Pelosi/Schumer no funding bill. This isn’t a first, but it is another perfect example of the challenge our President faces. The filthy swamp has members of both parties.

If anyone believes that we wouldn’t already have a big, beautiful wall and many other things by now “if” it were left only to the President, then you are wrong.  This challenge our President has taken on is bigger than any of us can even imagine. He has opened our eyes to the evils of Washington and the media. He has exposed them for who they really are.

Personally, I pray for the President to be safe and to prevail. It’s so important for we Americans and for our country as a free Nation. Please join me. God Bless the President and the U.S.A. We live to fight another day.

One man against all of Washington and the media. Let history show he fought for the people


Well folk, our President has a reputation of breaking records. He has broken all-time records in the stock market, lowest ever black unemployment, Hispanic unemployment, biggest ever tax cut, biggest ever rallies, cut the most regulations of any President ever and now he holds the title of the longest Government shutdown ever.

The Left will have you believe that this is a horrible record to break. I am pretty sure it’s not a record he wanted to break either but, (there’s always a but), if you consider why it’s happened you can either come to the realization that he is not to blame for it or you can champion him for taking a stance on an issue that has been draining our nation for many decades or finally, you can realize both of these are indeed the case.

I hate seeing the 800,000 workers going without pay. I’d be a heartless SOB if it didn’t bother me but these fellow Americans are being used as pawns in this political fight. It especially bothers me that the Coast Guard, Border Patrol and Secret Service Agents are among this group. Many say that some who are not being paid are nonessential workers so no big deal. To be honest, I don’t even know what that means. I would say, without question, we have far too many people employed by the Government but labeling these folks nonessential is simply rude. It is not their fault that our Government opened these positions and hired these folks. It’s ours. We’ve been asleep so long we can hardly blame anyone else. I digress.

The President has called immigration a national crisis. The mainstream media have pushed the Left’s talking points which is really saying that there is no crisis. Oh ding dong Pelosi says a wall is immoral. Crying Chuck says walls don’t work and are old school. Remember? That’s when the President, in response said “so are wheels” but we still need them and use them… “We need innovative high tech solutions” says the Left. To that I say, “Can you be more specific?” Because more drones or cameras don’t stop anyone from crossing the border. All they do is provide us with better pictures of people crossing the border… Pelosi said “We need additional border patrol agents.” This was followed by her saying “the wall is too expensive.” Huh? How can you take these Democrats serious? Honestly, their “stupid” is truly on full display. Our President has a way of bringing out the best in people doesn’t he?

Everything is simple until you include a Democrat into the issue

 Just in the rare case you’re not following me. What do you think is more expensive? A. Employing thousands more border guards or B. Building a wall? C. Think about it, I’ll wait…

At an estimated cost of $150B a year to house, feed, educate and proivde free medical care for illegals, how many years will it take until our $5B investment in a wall pays for itself? If you are one of these folks on the Left who champion the fact that our tax dollars are used to help illegals, I would ask you to consider using these same dollars to help our vets and our homeless.

If you are unable to answer these questions get the hell off my blog! Just kidding. Everyone is welcome here. While I don’t pretend to have the ability to fix stupid I never the less remain committed to pointing out your shortfalls.

To Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Schumer and the sheep who follow their lead, when you say there is no crisis and that Trump is just using this to scare us and achieve his political pet project; please tell that to the thousands of families who have lost loved ones at the hands of an illegal. Tell that to the vet sleeping on a park bench or the mom and her two kids sitting on the sidewalk on skid row in any one of your Democrat-run cities in America. You don’t even talk about these people and you won’t even utter the name of a single American who has been taken away from their mom, or dad, or brother or sister. Ms. Polosi wouldn’t even come out of her office to listen to the angel moms this week. What does that tell you?

None of us like the Government shut down. We should have compassion for those directly involved. As Spock from Star Trek famously said “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” This battle is bigger than the shutdown. Had the six or more former Presidents done their jobs, this President wouldn’t have to. I for one could not be more proud nor more thankful that we finally have a President willing to put everything on the line for the American citizen. #AmericaFirst!

While Pelosi and the Left play their political games the President is more than happy to play along. The latest example of this was ding dong writing to the President urging him to cancel the State of the Union this year. She claimed that due to the shutdown the security of congress and the President could not be ensured. Of course she failed to call the secret service and ask them about this… They responded though, “We’ve been planning for the State of the Union for months and are more than prepared to provide security for this important event.” She suggested the President simply put his speech in writing and send it to congress. Another 1st! Then she complained for the next 48 hours because she never received a response from the President. Not even one of his famous tweets! The man is so beautiful! Let’s be honest here, the last thing Pelosi and the Left want is for the President to have the nations ear.

Then, when the time was just right, the hammer fell. The Democrats had their bags packed and were on their charter bus ready to depart to Joint Base Andrews to meet up with their illustrious leader ding dong Nancy for a 7 day trip to Brussels and the Middle East. The President finally responded by telling her he was not authorizing the use of a military plane to fly them. The result? Trip was canceled. Off the bus Dems! Unpack your bags Nancy!


And the Left went wild! “This is nothing more than polictical payback” They said! Eh, ya think? And tell me, what was that stunt Ms. Ding Dong pulled?  We have a President that’s all in on “an eye for an eye.”

The truth be told, all of the Washington swamp want the President, like those before him, to just roll over. Not this President! Not now, not ever. His supporters are behind him 100 percent.

Only this President could set the stage in a way that would cause the Left to put illegal aliens, non-tax paying citizens ahead of the American citizen. You know, those people they are supposed to be working for, the ones who pay their salaries. Yeah, you and me.

If you think taking the Government back is hard, try being the President…

They may force him to fight in the courts but in the end, believe me, the wall is coming

To the 800,000 Federal workers, it’s painful I know but, understand that we the people need you to remain strong and steadfast. Remember both Pelosi and Schumer were in favor of a wall, they are both on record saying “we must control our borders”.  Pelosi in 2008 even said “We don’t want anymore illegals.” They are playing politics.  They cannot allow the President to win. He is fighting for each of you and all of us. He wants more safety, less drugs and no more human smuggling. He wants immigrants, he wants their best and brightest, he wants them to help us build a better America. But he wants us to be in control of who comes not them. United We Stand! God Bless America. The Wall is coming.  #Winning

Don’t Meme Me

In the twitter world memes are used more than words. They don’t count against your limited number of word restriction and as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.  Some of them are downright hilarious, some are pretty crude and rude and many get to the truth. So, pretty much like the way the American population acts and speaks.

Just for kicks I’ve listed a few I came across tonight.  In no particular order.

Democrats – This is your leader

The twitter follower who sent this didn’t even have to type out a word. The picture says it all don’t you agree?

To Me, as with so many other memes this is both funny while also being true. Our illustrious Speaker of the House, ding dong Nancy Pelosi actually said this, I know I heard it with my own ears…

The face of the new Democrat Party

Ms. Cortez may have caused a meme revolution among conservatives. I’ve seen more of these from her than from all of the other politicians combined and she was just sworn into office!

I swear she is the gift that keeps on giving if there ever was one. Every single time she opens her mouth, she makes a fool of herself and all of those completely clueless New Yorkers who voted her into office. Seriously, she has to be the most under qualified person ever to be elected into Congress.

How many American lives must we lose?

Ding dong is on a roll right now with her nonsensical obstruction to a border security wall. She takes the same approach over the wall as she does with guns.

Her mansion in San Francisco is surrounded by a 12 foot wall. I guess she doesn’t want any uninvited guests… Regarding guns, she’s against them for you and me and why not, she has 24/7 armed security watching out for her.

You and me on the other hand, we’re on our own. But hey, she cares about you… This is another meme that is both funny while also being true. Actually, it’s not funny at all.

But I thought they wanted open borders for moral reasons…

The people that send out memes, like the one here actually do a great service because they help educate those that are clueless. There is nothing but truth in this meme. This current battle over border funding is nothing more than politics, and complete Trump Derangement Syndrome. Ding dong’s opposition to funding the President’s request for 5.7 billion has absolutely nothing to do with the dollar amount. Pelosi puts forth bills that make this request look like what it is, pennies. She’s all for funding billions of dollars for killing babies via Planned Parenthood and not just in the US but worldwide. Nope, she hates Trump and wants more federal funds for her party. I like the saying at the bottom, “Politicians Lie! Numbers don’t…”

This is not really a meme but rather an actual picture showing our troops driving past a border fence in the Middle East.  You and I paid to have it erected so to protect the people over there. You didn’t hear any argument about this did you? The Democrats don’t have a problem protecting the borders of other countries nor do they mind paying our troops to protect the lives of non-citizens of America. Funds for these types of things flow freely. Hell, we blow up their bridges, homes, roads and businesses and then we build them all new stuff. Do you see anything wrong here? If you don’t I can’t help you.

This might have been my favorite of the day. When you think about the outright stupid comments, laws and ideas coming out of the mouths of our government and sadly our fellow citizens, you have to wonder.  How did this happen and why.  If America is so bad, why won’t they just leave?

Simple, America is the best country on the planet. As dumb as all these people are, you have to give them some credit because they’re not so stupid that they would go live in one of the other countries that they try so hard to turn us into. Our President calls them Shitholes. I love him.

The only thing between the enemy and us is him.

This meme is another “truth teller.” Many of us focus on the Left and the MSM having TDS; thus doing anything they can to make him look bad and prevent him from achieving anything. It doesn’t matter what it is, if the President makes the request, it must not prevail, he cannot win at all cost is their motto and they prove it every day. So much so that they actually come out against the very things they were once all for; the border wall being just one example. Clinton wanted a wall (both of them), Bush wanted a wall (built 700 feet) and even Mr. Divider-n-Chief himself, Obama wanted a wall. But… you know the story.

This meme however is the real story.  The Left is after us more than Trump because we represent votes and tax dollars. We want less government, they want more. We want safety at all costs, they want more votes. We want to save the unborn, they want to kill them. We want freedom of speech, they want freedom of their speech. We want the right to bear arms, they believe this right only belongs to them… and on it goes.  It’s sick & wrong.

Here’s another truth telling meme. Ding dong Pelosi announced last week that walls are immoral and the President is racist for requesting funds to build one. There is no crisis at the border according to the Left. They say this while never speaking the names of any of the Americans killed at the hands of an illegal and sadly there are far too many for me to name, thousands.

Yet as you can see all those BT (before Trump) spoke of the crisis at the border, the need for a wall, or barrier, or fence… somehow what you call it is important… Politicians – the only thing that stinks more than used toilet paper.

The President gave his first address to the nation from the oval office on Tuesday of this week. I thought he did a very nice job, laid out the issues, and calmly stressed the need and importance of border security. By far, my favorite quote of the speech was “People don’t build walls because they hate the people on the other side.  They build them because they love the people on the inside.” End quote.

So my friends, that’s about it for this week’s post. I hope you enjoyed these memes and just maybe you learned a few things along the way. At the very least, these act as a good reminder as to what we are up against. We truly are living during a time of pure insanity. Stay awake my friends because we’ve been asleep for far too long. 

The Queen & Her Politics

On Thursday of this week I endured the swearing in of Nancy Pelosi as the new leader of the House of Representatives. So many thoughts went through my pea brain while watching. I was nearly as disappointed as I was when Obama was elected for the second time. Just like then, I kept asking myself, “Why would Americans do this?”  

Speaker of the House of Representatives

In her acceptance speech she called for transparency. This is the same women who only a few weeks ago, during a public meeting with the President, asked him to have their discussion in private. Now we are to believe she wants transparency. I wouldn’t even bother bringing this up except she called for just the opposite a few weeks ago. It’s not as though we have to dig into her past. She raised her hand and swore to follow and honor the constitution but refuses to perform the most basic function of the Government, which is to protect us. Just this week, she said that walls are immoral. Even though she voted for a wall several times in the past. If walls are immoral then certainly she should propose the deconstruction of the current walls, right? Not to mention the 15 wall around her home. In her acceptance speech, she said she was looking forward to working on a bipartisan basis, yet has made it crystal clear that there will be no funding for a border wall.

Look, I don’t need this entire post to explain to you why I am frustrated that we now have a Speaker Pelosi. I know you get it. Why Americans gave the house majority to the Democrats will never be something I will accept. It’s just a simple fact. It will however always frustrate and confuse me.

This week, the President made the point that the wall was important to him because it is important to the American people. He said he could have a much easier Presidency if he just dropped the issue. Once again, he is so right. Any other President, any other President would have done just that.  In fact, they did. Reagan fought this fight and gave the Democrats everything they wanted on the promise that they would support major immigration reform. He did his part and gave amnesty to millions of illegals. They never did their part though (surprise). George W made this his signature deal during his first year before 9/11. He gave it a half-assed try and then moved on. President Obama controlled congress with a super majority and didn’t do a damn thing about immigration.  Now, he and his party sure have a lot to say about it now.  Don’t they?  This President is getting slammed by every left loon on the planet and thus far hasn’t blinked. God Bless this man.

 So here we go. With a newly divided congress we can expect stalemate like never before. The Democrats in the House will go into investigation mode demanding a hearing on everything including what socks the President wears and why. They will put forth one bill after another knowing damn well that the Senate will never take them up; much less the President ever signing them. Global warming will go back to the top of the pile of major concerns along with every other stupid made-up issue we just got done smartly walking away from.  Pelosi proclaimed how important the middle class in this country is and how she will make them her priority. It’s exhausting. Under their leadership we had high unemployment, and half the country on food stamps. But yeah, the middle class will now suddenly be her priority. Remember, this is the same woman and party that doesn’t want to fund border security…

Wait a minute.  They say that they are for border security, just not a wall. What does that even mean? They keep talking about Drones. What the hell are more drones going to do to protect us? Show us more pictures of our country being invaded? More border patrol agents? They just got done having a hissy fit over the President backing the patrol up with our military… So what is their plan? Obstruct the President, period.

This is an oldie but remains as true today as ever. Like most of these cartoons, they paint a real picture for us to laugh but followed by tears running down our faces.

In the first press conference of the year on Thursday Sarah Sanders came to the podium and announced that they were doing something different this year. She then proceeded to introduce the President, who came out with several people standing on the stage behind him. Each were either from ICE or Border Patrol.  After congratulating Nancy on becoming speaker (which could not have been sincere), he spoke about the importance of the wall and explained that he has received more support for the wall than on any other issue since becoming President. He then introduced a few of the people behind him. Each of these men spoke of the importance of the wall in order to protect Americans and each thanked the President for taking the hard line stance he is taking. One asked “Do you want people knocking on your door or climbing through your window?” He said the wall is no more complicated than that. Another announced that over 17,000 illegal alien murders, drug traffickers or human traffickers were arrested in 2018. Without a wall they will just return.

Build “our” Wall

As you read this post another caravan is organizing in Central America and this time, reportedly 15,000 alien strong. Yet, the Democrats are playing politics, putting our safety last and their power of office first.

This is a picture that the President sent out several weeks ago. It is 20 feet tall and goes into the ground 15 feet. The spaces in between each slate are at the request of the border patrol agents so they can see through to the other side.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have this in place right now before the new caravan arrives?

The truth of the matter is that there would more than likely not be another caravan knowing this is what they would be greeted by when they arrive.

The President is asking for 5 billion to construct this wall. Today we spend 5 billion a week in Syria alone. A week! Congress is willing to spend this fighting to protect Syrians but not to protect you and me. Does that bother you? It bothers me.  Make your voices heard! Call Pelosi’s office @ 202-255-4965 and politely leave a message to fund the wall. Call Schumer’s office @ 202-224-7433. Do it!

Who do you believe? Nancy and the Democrats or the guys with boots on the ground fighting to keep you safe?

And he has done absolutely nothing but that. Every action he has taken, he’s taken for us, all of us.

What Will It Take?

I can hardly find a civil word for what I hear out of the mouths of the Left and the media. Just when I think they’ve reached the very bottom of the barrel, they prove me wrong.

Just what is it going to take until people on the Left finally come to the realization that they are the party of fools? What will it take until they admit the media is indeed the enemy of the people?

If this week hasn’t pushed them over the edge, then I don’t know what will. In fact, if this week didn’t move them to walk away, to disavow their party and the media, then sadly I believe there is no hope for them.

The media hit the screens this week proclaiming that the President should be ashamed for not visiting the troops during the Christmas Holiday. They no sooner finished their made-up fake news lie than the President landed in Iraq. Instead of apologizing, what did they do? They doubled down and took credit for his visit. “He only went because of the pressure we placed upon him”, they proclaimed. They want us to believe that the President of the United States doesn’t plan ahead; that he just decided to fly into a war zone, called up Air Force One and said, fuel her up were going to Iraq tonight… Good grief. Every flight is planned weeks and even months in advance. Setting that aside, the truth of the matter is that he was in the air as the media went on the air to shame him. And just to make a point, Obama visited the troops once in eight years. His time on the ground? 40 minutes. Just more of the Trump hate game.

It gets worse of course. A few of the troops had MAGA hats and asked the President to sign them, which of course he did. CNN, instead of reporting how wonderful that is, does a whole segment on how the President may have broken the law by handing out campaign propaganda. Really? He flew half way around the world to hand out MAGA hats. I swear to God, I am going to pop a cork!

I’m still not done… Oh my God, Melania was wearing Timberland boots. Last time it was her tennis shoes, now it is her boots. Who the hell wears boots to a war zone right? Right.  Then, as she came off Marine One back home at the White House, the media went off the rails again because she was wearing leather pants. Just shoot me, someone please, put me out of my misery. The only thing that made me even more irate was to learn that Gallop had done a poll and the American people voted Michele Obama as the most admired women in America. Folks, it is taking every ounce of will that I have not to use the F word right now.


Meanwhile back home, while the President is in Washington, Congress is home opening presents with their families, drinking fine wine and wearing their slippers. In fact, Nancy Pelosi is spending her Christmas at the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka’upulehu Hawaii. This has become a tradition for her. For the last several years, she has reportedly stayed in the resort’s $10,000-a-night suite. Before leaving town though, the leadership on the Left made sure to get in front of a microphone and say “If Trump wants to open the Government, he must drop the wall” and “There will be no wall today, not next week, not next year.”; brought to you by crying Chuck Schumer and ding dong Nancy Pelosi.  This is their strategy.  They actually believe that the majority of Americans would rather we open the government to put the so called nonessential federal employees back to work than to give the President the funds to make us safer by building the wall. What is more ridiculous are the millions of the mindless Leftist sheep who agree with them. This isn’t just ridiculous it is downright scary.  This week a veteran who lost three limbs fighting for our country started a Go Fund Me to raise funds to build the wall. What did the Left do? They tweeted to this man, this veteran, “great, raise funds to build a stupid wall instead of supporting our troops.”  So, here we have the Left suddenly pretending to care about our vets? They don’t even want a vet to get a signed hat by the commander in chief for God’s sake… To the 800,000 federal employees I ask; do you still support the Democrat party? Do you still support them even though they have put illegal aliens ahead of you? Because that is exactly what they’ve done. They’ve said that it is more important to them that they not allow us to have a wall to add to our safety than it is for you to go back to work. They continue to prove over and over again that you, as legal American citizens are not as important as non-American “aliens.” You cannot seriously blame the President for this mess. All he is trying to do is make us and our families safer. Your party clearly doesn’t care about you. What is it going to take for you (the Left) to wake the hell up?

On Friday, the Modesto Sheriff held a press conference announcing the capture of the person who had killed a young police officer just a few hours after the officer had celebrated Christmas with his wife and young child. The officer’s brother attended the conference and when he spoke, he broke down in tears with a heart so heavy he could barely speak. The Sherriff announced that the person is an illegal alien who has been in the country for several years. They had also arrested two others who had attempted to throw the investigating officers off the suspect’s trail. These two are also illegal aliens. The Sherriff then put his job on the line by explaining that his office was not allowed to contact ICE because this murderer is protected by California’s sanctuary laws. Jerry Brown, Diane Feinstein and President wanna-be Kamala Harris promoted and pushed for these sanctuary laws. Feinstein and Harris are adamantly opposed to a border wall. Neither have ever even uttered the name “Kate Steinle” who as she laid on the sidewalk in San Francisco after being shot by an illegal alien looked into her father’s eyes and said “help me dad.” What do you on the Left need to happen in order to leave your hateful party? What?    

When will you finally admit that the fake news media is your enemy? They are lying to you.  They are doing everything they can to make you hate our President. Please do me a huge favor and ask yourself exactly what the President has done to harm you. Be honest with yourself. Then take a few moments out of your busy lives to think about all the things that the Left has done over these past two years that are good for you, good for the country. Be honest with yourself.

This hatred for the President has got to stop. It is not good for the country, it is not good for you. I disliked President Obama’s “policies” with every bone in my body. But I always loved our country and our people. This President has exposed everything that is wrong with our government and our media. So you don’t like his tweets, so what. Appreciate what he is doing rather than condemning what he tweets and keep in mind, he is attacked like no other President ever. 90% of the fake news media is negative.  That’s a proven fact. 90% folks. The media is as corrupt as 90% of those cashing our taxpayer checks in Washington DC.

What do you need to see the truth? What will it take? You are choosing to live a life of anger and angst during a time when there is real hope for exposing all that is wrong with our government; a time when wrongs can be made right, a time when justice can finally be served, a time when we the People can once again regain control of our nation.

You folks on the Left and your leadership keep pushing and pushing. There is a limit to what loving Americans will take and you are very near that point of no return. Your plight to destroy this country and harm your fellow citizens must end and end now. The silent majority who elected this President is an eyelash away from stepping over your liberal politically correct line. Be careful want you ask for.   

What was designed to be funny has instead become truth and not funny at all.

Tis’ the Season, Washington Style

Another fun filled week brought to you by our friends in Washington DC.  This week was full of drama, wasn’t it?

First, General Flynn went to his sentencing hearing. I was certain that the Judge would give him zero jail time and perhaps even dismiss the whole case. The Judge had previously made a number of statements that where not favorable to the prosecution (Mueller). Boy was I ever wrong… write that down because it’s a first (ha, ha). As it turned out, the Judge delayed sentencing until March of next year. Why? Because he learned along with the rest of us that Flynn was still cooperating with Mueller’s investigation. Like that, the Judge went from hero to zero in my eyes. Does this mean we are going to still be dealing with Mueller’s fake Russian collusion case until March?  Yippee…

The second thing to get us into the spirit of Christmas is the ongoing debate over funding of the Government. It all started with the President inviting the two Democratic leaders to the white house to talk about funding the President’s request for 5 billion for the wall. The fireworks began almost from the onset of the meeting. Incoming leader, ding dong Nancy Pelosi informed the President that he doesn’t have the votes in the House and she told him not to under estimate her power. As you know, three days later the House approved the President’s request. When she and the President’s debate became heated, she said, in front of the cameras no less “Let’s have this debate in private Mr. President” to which the President replied; “Let’s be transparent Nancy.”

Then it was cryin’ Chuck Schumer’s turn. He proceeded to tell the President that there will be no wall that it is too expensive and doesn’t work. I thought that the President was going to come out of his chair and slap Schumer. “Walls work!” he said. Schumer stuck to it and told the President that if he shuts the Government down it will be on him (the President).  The President proceeded to tell Schumer that he will be proud to shut the government down over the safety of the American people. Of course the Democrats and lame stream media have played this statement over and over again, “Trump says he is proud to shut the government down.”  Those of us who don’t have TDS (Trump Derangement Symptom) know what Trump was saying. What he meant was that he would be proud to stand by the American people and to put their safety first. He believes in the wall, he promised the American people a wall and will not allow the Democrats (and some Republicans for that matter) to pressure him into dropping his pledge.

Picture is worth a thousand words

We then endured 48 hours of “the world is coming to an end” again if the government shuts down; which it did at midnight Friday night. Saturday morning, I tweeted. “I am surprised the internet is working this morning with the government being shut down and all. Crazy, my coffee pot still went off and my dog still wanted to go out and pee.” Just like every government shutdown, the impact is next to nothing and for those on the Left that say 800,000 federal employees will not be paid, trust me, they will be paid, they are always paid. Fake news folks, fake news.

                                                                                                                                                            This is the second time that the Democrats have chosen illegals over the American citizens. Walls work. Don’t agree? Go talk to Israel or the border patrol for that matter. Where we have (real) walls, illegal passage is down by 90%. By the way, just to be clear, it is absolutely laughable to hear anyone in Washington attempt to sell the line, that the reason they don’t want the wall is because it’s too expensive and a waste of taxpayer funds. Washington is a lot of things, being concerned about spending taxpayer funds isn’t one of them.

Pelosi held a press conference where she said “The wall is immoral.” To that I say, “Go tell that to Kate Steinle’s father or anyone of the families that have lost a loved one to an illegal alien.”  

Any other President would have buckled under by now and would be sitting in the corner of the White House sucking his thumb. Not this President. He fights on and loves every minute of it.

Finally, the next big shocker happened when the President announced that he would be pulling our troops out of Syria and drawing down at least half of the troops out of Afghanistan. This was followed by General Mad Dog Mattis’ resignation. The Washington war mongers went ballistic and the Democrats suddenly became great fans of war. You can’t make this crap up. When the President was elected the Democrats said that the President was going to start World War III. It’s just another real life example of their hatred of the President. None of this has anything to do with the actual act, it’s all about making the President look bad.

The entire Washington establishment and of course all of the fake news media would have us believe that the President has gone rouge and the entire administration is out of control. Again, these people just cannot get their heads around a President who actually does what he said he would do. He clearly stated, many times, during his campaign that he didn’t like the Middle East conflicts and he would be putting an end to them. Never the less, when he actually makes a move to do just that, they act as if it’s the first time they’ve ever heard of it. 

Where do I stand on pulling the troops? I wouldn’t have voted for him if I didn’t agree with him on this. If you can’t get the job done in 16 years then something is very wrong. Trillions of dollars later, thousands of lives lost fighting with our hands tied behind our backs. Enough is enough. The Washington war machine has been given notice. My favorite is hearing these people who are showing grave concern for the Kurds. “If we abandon the Kurds they will be slaughtered”, said Lindsey Graham. Hey Lindsey, if you are so concerned about the Kurds, why haven’t you given them the actual tools they need to fight. They don’t need tents and toilet paper, they need missiles and tanks…   

Ms. Pelosi weighed in on Mad Dog’s resignation. She said, and I quote “I am physically shaken by the loss of General Mattis.” End quote.  When I heard this, I tweeted; “Pelosi said she is physically shaken by the loss of Mad Dog. She didn’t say anything when Obama fired him, um, that’s odd.”

So there you have it folks and I didn’t even get into the stock market nightmare… “Hey Federal Reserve, keep raising rates it is doing wonders for our retirement plans…”

In all seriousness, I send each of you best wishes for a wonderful Christmas! Enjoy your time off and your families.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas!

Lions, Tigers & Bears, Oh My

The media would have us believe that it’s over.  It is now just a matter of time until our President is convicted of crimes and impeached. This is their message 24/7 right now. Actually it’s always been their message. It is just at an all-time fever pitch right now.

The latest, and the straw that will reportedly break Trump’s back is the sentencing of his former attorney, Michael Cohen who received a three year prison sentence this week along with a number of fines. It matters not to the media that none of these crimes have anything to do with Donald Trump or even the election. But, Cohen pleaded guilty to breaking campaign finance laws which, according to highly respected experts, attorneys and law professors was simply stupid on Cohen’s part because no laws were broken. Respected democratic law professor, Alan Dershowitz challenged anyone to show him the statutes in the law that prove Cohen broke any campaign finance law. What amazes me is that even “if” Cohen broke a campaign law (which he hasn’t) that’s a Cohen problem not a Donald Trump problem. Cohen is now a known liar and everyone knows it,even the FBI. But, once he turned on Trump in his desperate attempt to save himself, the Left was all-in and now they believe everything the known liar has to say and of course, now he has a lot to say. To hear him, he has seen the light and now is a God like saint.

Come January, when the Democrats take over the House of Representatives, you can believe they will be putting our tax dollars to work in an all out effort to impeach the President or at the very least to harm him politically with an eye on 2020 and winning back the presidency.

The media and the Democrats continually like to point out that the Mueller investigation has indicted over a dozen people involved in the election of the President. That is about all you hear from them. What they don’t spend any time talking about is the fact that every one of the indictments have had zero to do with the election or the President. They leave that minor (not minor at all) detail out. The mindless sheep hearing this however take it all in and consume it as Gospel.

It is absolutely incredible that the President enjoys a 50%approval rating with all of this negative  fake news. The man has everyone against him and even his own party; the Republicans are less than supportive. Yet, he has a higher approval rating during the same time as the prior three or four Presidents. I can only imagine what his approval rating would be if he had even some allies talking about his accomplishments.

Can you even believe the country is having a debate over putting America first? Me either, but that’s what is going on. The Democrats pledge there will be no funding for the southern wall. Any person with any common sense would translate this pledge into the Democrats choosing an open border which favors illegals entering the country; bringing with them all of the drugs, murders, child trafficking, and costing us billions upon billions to house, feed and educate them. The Democrats make it clear that they would rather allow all of this to occur rather than to make the American people safer. Whether you are for a wall or not, the President’s intentions are good and right. By the way, if you’re not for the wall then you’re just being naive.

Let me ask you, if you want to break into a home, are you going to choose the one that has a tall fence around it or the one where you can simple walk up to the home, break the window and go in? It’s really as simple as that. If you answer you’d rob the house with the fence then I don’t know why you are even reading my blog because you’re lacking any common sense whatsoever. I’d call you a moron but that would be rude…

I’ve said this before but it’s worth repeating. The President’s supporters do not care, at all, what he did or didn’t do prior to becoming President. We all knew when we elected him that he wasn’t a saint, infact, that’s exactly why we voted for him. If we wanted another globalist, go along with the status quo President we would have voted for anyone of the other 16 candidates. We wanted a kick ass businessman who owes nothing to anyone in Washington or the world. We wanted a man that would view the Federal Government through the eyes of a successful businessman. Do we think the billionaire cheated on his wife and paid the whores off to keep them quiet? Do we think he took every advantage allowed by law when doing his taxes? Hell yes. So what?

The Left and the media want to hang him for paying off the women. This all while we learn Congress maintains a slush fund to pay off interns when they are accused of sexual misconduct and keep in mind, their misconduct has occurred while they were and still are, senators on our dime! Whatever the President did he did as a private citizen. Huge difference in my eyes. Huge difference.

As for the media, please, give me a break. How many of these media guys have been throw out on their butts for sexual misconduct? And, where were all these Democrats and media when then, “President” Clinton was using cigars as sexual toys in the oval office of all places? I wish there was a stronger word to describe these people because hypocrites doesn’t do them justice.

In an alternate world, I’d love to have a president that’s exactly like Trump without the baggage he had in his personal life, however,when asked, Jesus refused to run for office.

As for the midterm election, I couldn’t be more disappointed in the Republicans losing the house. Thank the good Lord we maintained and even increased our majority in the Senate.

Why anyone would even begin to support a Democrat right now is beyond me. Can anyone tell me what they stand for that is good for our country and that is good for you and me? Anyone? They openly call for open borders, free healthcare for all (you understand nothing is free don’t you?),and socialism. Speaking of understanding, certainly you understand what socialism is, right? Let me pare it down in very simple terms for you. Socialism is a program where you give all of your money to the government and then they decide who gets what. This is the reason you see so many empty shelves at the grocery stores in these socialist countries, while government leaders live in palaces, have personal jets, security guards and live the highlife. The people turn their leaders into Kings and Queens. You want to be an Engineer? Nope, we have enough of them, you will be a street sweeper. Don’t panic though, both jobs pay the same… So lions (Mueller), tigers (the Dems) and bears(media) folks; these animals are working overtime to make every effort to turn us against our President. Turn us against the one person who openly proclaims a policy which puts us ahead of everything else. Not only that, he has delivered on every promise he has had the single ability to do on his own. You can trust that we would have our wall already if left up to him. You can trust Obamacare would have been buried during the first six months in office if left up to him. You can trust new bridges, roads, and airports would already be under construction if left to him. The lions, tigers and bears are without a doubt an “oh my”.Keep the faith, the wonderful wizard of the USA will get us through it all.       

Bush 41

This week has been mostly about giving our 41 President, George H.W. Bush a respectful and well-earned fair well. My first thought, when I heard he had passed was “that’s too bad, he was a good man.” My second thought, having just recently endured the week long goodbye to SenatorMcCain was, “here we go again”, but, you know what? I’ve enjoyed the coverageand while I thought I knew a lot about the man I learned a lot more.

There is no man or woman walking the face of our beloved earth that is perfect. Not-a-one. Each and every one of us have our issues. To that, I think we can all agree.

When you think about 41’s life and pause to put it into perspective, it is pretty damn amazing. Whether you are a fan or not, Bush 41 lead a life that any American loving patriot should be in awe of.

He was born into wealth but at 18 he joined the Navy. That’s “joined” the Navy, not drafted. Here is a kid who could have basically done anything he wanted but instead chose to join the fight in the Pacific during the height of World War II. He would go on to be the youngest naval fighter pilot; landing and taking off aircraft carriers, an art in itself, especially back then.

During his service, he flew over 50 missions; one as you know, that ended with his plane being shot down. His fellow crew members lost their lives, something he carried throughout his whole life. As he floated in the middle of the Pacific, he hoped and prayed that the US would find him before the Japanese did. When a submarine surfaced near him, one can only imagine the feeling he had when he saw the American Flag on the side of the sub.

From there, he finished college at Yale. Wanting to make his own way, he moved away from the family in Massachusetts to Midland, Texas where he became an oil man. W spoke about the family living in a small apartment sharing a common bathroom with ladies of the night.

Becoming filthy rich with his own hands and smarts he decides to, as he said, give it back by running for public office. His first attempt to run for congress was met with defeat but two years later he won his bid and served two terms in the House of Representatives. During his public career he also held the position of Ambassador to the United Nations. In 1971 he became the head of the Republican National Committee during the Watergate scandal. He was also made the U.S. envoy to China and in 1976 became the Director of Central Intelligence Agency.

Bush then set out to become President but failed to win the party’s nomination to Ronald Reagan. I guess if you have to lose, losing to Reagan isn’t a bad way to go. As you know, Reagan would pick Bush as his Vice President and Bush stayed with Reagan throughout his two terms. Bush was extremely loyal to Reagan and stood by him at every turn. Following the Reagan years, Bush successfully won the office of the Presidency in 1989.

During his one year term, Bush is credited with skillfully seeing through the dissolution of the Soviet Union and oversaw the military’s removal of Panamanian dictator Noriega. Bush was especially known for his ousting of Iraq when they invaded Kuwait in 1990. This was by far Bush’s biggest achievement. No American lives were lost during this assault, which is remarkable when you think about it. Many however, criticized Bush at the time for not going all the way to Bagdad and removing Saddam Hussein. I would like to think those very same critics now understand why Bush didn’t.

This week’s tribute to our 41st President was nothing less than impressive. When you think about all of the planning that it took and how each phase went off without a single flaw you know that George had to be proud.

I like that we honor our Presidents and I think this week gave all of us a lot to think about in terms of our own lives. We aren’t Presidents, or congress people, many of us don’t even like the United Nations much less want to be its Ambassador and I am guessing that running the CIA would make it hard to sleep at night, but, we are fathers, brothers and sisters. We are Americans and thus we can learn from this man’s life. From what I’ve learned, Mr. Bush’s basket was full of many honorable deeds. He liked people and people liked him. He felt a duty to the people and he did the best he knew how to fulfill that duty.

When given the choice to pick and choose the good or bad of a man, I choose the good. I was very proud of our country this week and grateful for learning more about our 41st President. God rest his soul.

What makes you Smile?

Believe it or not, there is more to me than just politics. While I admit I am a political junkie I do enjoy other things in life.

What makes you smile came to me this afternoon when I was surfing around on twitter and happened across a video of a female soldier.  She had just landed and was walking through the airport when a friend of hers lets go of the leash so her dog could greet her. Watch the video below, I am certain it will make you smile too.

So for the fun of it, I thought I’d share with you some of the things in life that make me smile.

In no particular order:

  • When I get up in the morning and the coffee is already made (Thank you hon!)
  • When I crawl into bed at night at the sheets are freshly clean and the pillows are cold
  • When my dog catches the ball in mid-air
  • The look on my wife’s face when I bring her flowers
  • When I am sitting in the lobby and the massage therapist comes out and says Dan?
  • When following a medical procedure, the doctor says “everything looks good”
  • When one of my boys says “Love you”
  • Anytime my wife brags about me
  • When the lady in front of me at the grocery store has a full basket turns to me and says “go ahead of me” And when I do the same to others
  • When a neighbor says “Your place really looks nice”
  • When one of my boys gets a promotion at their job
  • When something is broken and I fix it
  • When someone is sad and I make them laugh
  • When one of the boys call asking for advice
  • Whenever I think of my mom, my dad, my grandpa and my brothers (they’re all gone now)
  • When someone tells me they are going to do something and then does
  • When I open the door for a stranger and they say thank you
  • When I thank a soldier for his/her service and they smile
  • When anyone asks for a hug
  • When I fell a tree and it lands where I wanted it to
  • When I find something I thought I had lost
  • A good country song like; “I’m Proud To Be An American” or “Okie From Muskogee” or “A Father’s Love Never Dies.” Among many.
  • Going back to places where I lived as a child
  • Saying Merry Christmas
  • Looking at old family pictures
  • Holding my breath underwater longer than the kids can
  • Flipping the toggle switch raising the gear (wheels) up after take off
  • Driving a new car off the lot
  • Having the entire family sitting around our dining table for dinner
  • Seeing your son tear up with pride
  • Having your grown kid say “now I know what you meant”
  • When my flight departs on time
  • When my flight lands
  • My sister’s fried chicken
  • My wife’s potatoes
  • When I weigh less than I thought
  • Floating in the pool
  • Winning
  • When God answers my prayers
  • Making this list
  • You taking the time to read it

These are things that came to me without much thought. I highly recommend you take the time to make your own list because you know what? You’ll be surprised how many things actually make you smile and even better, you’ll no sooner get done with your list and look forward to your next smile.

It is so easy now-a-days to get buried in the negative. Sadly, we are surrounded, bombarded with it 24/7. Just remember the one thing you have control over is you. Choose to smile.

The Mindless Drones

The Mindless Drones & Civil War

The days of taking the middle ground have long since passed. Sitting on the political fence is no longer an option if you care at all about personal liberty. The invasion of our country is real and I am not just talking about the one at our southern border. Although, to be clear; that is a part of the organized movement toward the removal of the America that we’ve been fighting for since the beginning.

I’ve been asked if I think there will ever be another civil war. My response? “Today’s version of the civil war began after the first year Obama was elected and has been quietly growing ever since.”

Michelle Obama wrote in her book that she will never forgive President Trump for promoting the Barack birther question. I was never one of the theorists that bought into this. I must say though, Trump has been right so often, I’d be lying if I don’t consider it. This theory, coupled with the fundamental anti-American actions taken by Obama makes it hard to believe he is an American. Then again, just look at the millions of mindless, almost drone like people who still promote the Obama globalist agenda.

I think what makes President Trump so dramatically shocking to the liberal left is the fact that he is the exact opposite in his beliefs from those of Obama. In this, there are no gray areas. One promotes America first and one doesn’t.

I used to be more open minded, willing to listen and make an earnest attempt to understand the Left’s point of view(s). Under Obama’s leadership though, those days are gone. Obama has moved half of the country so far off of the common sense cliff, I can’t understand them and in fact I can no longer even listen to them. Their radical anti-American stance on nearly everything is beyond unacceptable and it is a pathway to literal destruction of the American way of life. Our liberty, freedom and justice is slowly eroding into chaos and millions of the mindless drones are allowing it to happen.

Also this week, Hillary (will she ever admit defeat and just go away?) announced that Fox news was the right arm of the republican party and is playing a role in the demise of the moral fabric of the country. The drones hear these comments and believe them even though they never watch Fox News. The free minded American hears this and asks; “It isn’t enough, is it Hillary, to have ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, All of the major suburban newspapers, most of the internet and all of Hollywood, but you need Fox News too?” By the way, those of us who consider ourselves free minded American loving patriots aren’t all that happy with Fox now-a-days either but for very obvious and different reasons.

I don’t honestly know how you can possibly care about our country and still remain a Democrat. Better said, you cannot honestly care about our country if you remain a registered Democrat. Even better, are you an American or a Democrat? You can’t be both.

This week, another liberal judge in the leftist California 9th circuit ruled on Trump’s Executive Order which stated anyone seeking asylum into the U.S. must do so by going through any one of the official border crossings. Translation, you cannot swim across the Rio Grande, sneak up through the bushes, climb over the fence and illegally enter the country and be granted asylum. You must do it legally. The liberal judge ruled this unconstitutional. The Left cheered the ruling, Hollywood cheered the ruling, every mainstream media outlet cheered the ruling and thus the mindless drones followed.

Even seeing thousands of migrants occupying Tijuana and committing crimes, and observing Mexican citizens clashing with these occupiers, our own courts and our own people on the Left cheer this ruling; basically giving the green light for these people to storm our country and do as they wish. Tell me how this is good for America, good for you and me?

This isn’t surprising.  The one thing I’ll say about the Left, they’ve been extremely clear as to their intentions. They’ve been telling us all along that they care more about the illegal alien than the American citizen. They have called us racist because we want to control our borders and want to have a say in who can or cannot enter our country.

When we didn’t elect Hillary, we became sexist, deplorable, uneducated, pieces of shit Walmart shoppers. I believe it was former Vice President Biden who called us the dregs of society.  In a speech just this week, Obama even added that we on the right have mommy issues. This is the Democratic Left.  This is who we have allowed to run our country for the previous eight years and this is who the country gave control of the House of Representatives to just two weeks ago.

Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, the Left is in an all-out civil war with us. They have only one goal in mind and that is to again gain their power back and they will do so at all costs.

When I went to bed a little after midnight on election night the Democrats had won 27 seats in the House. Two weeks after the election, that number is nearly 40 seats. Does that bother you at all? Do you find it at all questionable that not one of these too-close-to-call races for the House, not one, turned in favor of a Republican? Every race that counted ballots after the polls closed went to a Democrat. I am not a sore loser, I know how to lick my wounds and keep working but, not one of these favored our side? Please. When a Democrat loses an election the Right is charged with voter suppression. When a Democrat wins an election the people have spoken… Take the Governor’s race in Georgia for example. The Republican winner beat his opponent by 50,000+ votes on the night of the election. His Democratic opponent refused to concede and in fact it wasn’t until two weeks later that she had no other choice but to concede. In her speech she said that she will concede to the fact that her opponent received more votes but made it clear that it was not a fair election because of voter suppression. In this case, voter suppression occurred because Georgia cleaned up their voter rolls prior to the election. God forbid a state should do that…  What does that mean? It means that they removed anyone off the voter rolls who had since died or had been identified as not being a legal American citizen. That will lose a Democrat an election every time. Those bastard-Walmart-shopping Republicans stole the Governorship. The dead have rights too! I know for a fact that the only time you’ll catch me voting for a Democrat will be when I’ve long since passed.

The Left’s entire platform is anti-American and completely devoid of any common sense. They have openly stated that they want to completely dismantle ICE.  What does ICE do? They arrest criminal aliens who have committed crimes such as drug and human trafficking. Those bastards in ICE are even so bold as to bust down doors in the middle of the night and arrest illegal aliens who have committed murder upon one of our fellow Americans. Bastards! No, unlike what the Left attempts to make you believe, ICE has nothing to do with border control. That is the responsibility of the border patrol agents. Thus the name… The mindless drones aren’t interested in the facts though. They watch, hear and believe the MSM.

The Left knows that their mindless-drone-followers are so programmed that they can say and do anything and still be supported. The Trump supporters are the same way. The only difference is the Trump supporters love America and want Government the hell out of our lives.

Davis was a Democrat who aligned with the confederacy

A great example of this is Obamacare. No one in their right mind can say that Obamacare was a good thing (unless of course you don’t pay taxes and get it for free). We lost our doctors, couldn’t keep our medical plans and today we pay double for coverage than we did BOC (before Obamacare). Yet, the Left made this one of their number one political talking points in the last election. Why? Because their base is the non-tax payer, the ultra-elite rich billionaire/Hollywood and the illegal sucking the tit of the American taxpayer. The Left promotes socialism (all things free at the cost of you and me). The mindless drones will march in the streets and beat you with a club if you disagree. You have to laugh don’t you? I mean if socialism is so damn great why aren’t all of these Central Americans marching into Venezuela instead of the U.S.? Hell, it’s even closer.

Another example of the mindless drone voter is the economy. Nancy Pelosi, when asked what she and her party would focus on if they won back the House said, among many things, the economy. Even with more Americans back to work than ever before, more black and Hispanic employment than ever and more women working than in the past 30 years, she and the Left feel so emboldened, they say that they will make the economy better. They say this with a straight face even though we all just came off of eight years of economy hell. For the first time in 20 years, wages have increased. Increased! Yet the Left knows their audience, they know the mindless drones have been so brainwashed that they will believe anything they say.

The Left, mostly to Obama’s credit has convinced not only the American drones/sheep but all of Europe that loving one’s country isn’t patriotic and in fact is a very bad thing. Trump said he considers himself a nationalist, meaning he puts America first. This has been condemned by all of the American Left and Globalists around the world. It is unimaginable that an American President would put his country first. Even the German Chancellor this week condemned this; stating that all nations must be prepared to give up certain rights in order to bring the world together as one. Sounds so nice doesn’t it. This is maybe the worst country of all countries to have this mindset. We lost thousands upon thousands of American lives to save Germany from the very thing she is now promoting. This One World Order approach would make Hitler proud… Had the Chancellor made this speech at any college campus in America or during the Oscars she would have received a standing ovation.

So there you have it patriot friends. Do I think there will ever be a civil war again? It is upon us as I type. Our enemy this time isn’t the south or the north, it is however our mindless neighbors, our elite globalist media and the far Left Democrats backed by our beloved Hollywood (not an ounce of real life common sense among them); all morons.

Fight for your liberty or lose what little of it you have left. It’s bad enough that I won’t be allowed to sit my granddaughter on my lap and let her steer the car or ride in the back of my pick-up. It’s a shame a man can no longer open the door for a women. It’s too bad I can’t keep more of the money I earn. So sad that in today’s America I am afraid to promote my President with a bumper sticker or hat. But the mindless drones are out there looking for me just waiting for a chance to put me down. We are living in a time were tax cuts are considered a bad thing. Where more people working and less collecting food stamps is simply unacceptable. The Left will punish you if you choose America first. We are like the old underground in Germany and France during WWII. Today, we dare not stand up for our flag much less openly recite the pledge of allegiance. But don’t worry, there will never be another civil war…