The editor of Let Me Jump in places himself in the category of being like any other normal American. He has worked his whole life, paid his own way, honors his family and friends and cares a great deal about America. Overall very conservative as well as open minded. Editor feels it is important to share his common sense toward everyday topics. Editor is concerned the country isn't always headed in the best direction and very concerned with the state of Washington and politics in general.
This week, I dedicate my weekly blog to all you fathers out
there. If you’re anything like I am you’ll appreciate even a simple phone call
from your kids to wish you a happy father’s day.
While we all know it’s Mother’s Day that gets the most attention and rightfully so, we dads do like to hear from our kids on this our special day.
I’ve spent the bulk of my life doing the best I could
raising my boys. All I have ever wanted
is for them to be healthy, safe and grow up with a high level of morals. Sure,
we all hope our kids are successful and have a life that is better than our own
but in the end, all we really hope for is for them to be happy.
Little do we know, every day we are teachers. Our lives are
on display and provide real life examples for our kids to learn by. One of the
things that I’ve learned is that the kids are always watching and always
learning. Just like I did for so many years, they didn’t know it; but trust me,
it’s true. They’re watching you right now.
My father was a great teacher and his father was too. He’d
be proud of me if he was still alive. I know this because he made sure that I
knew he was proud of me when he was alive.
This was just one of the many things Dad taught me. Let your
kids know that you love them and you’re proud of them. My boys know this about
me and their kids will know this about them perhaps even more so. Dad wasn’t a
hugger but he was a smiler. No matter what went on in my life, my dad loved me
and he made damn sure I knew it. I miss him all the time.
When I hear people say negative things about their parents I
almost always think to myself “at least you have your parents.” Sounds like an
“oh poor me” but I don’t mean it that way. I just want everyone to know that
you won’t always have your parents, so don’t let time pass without letting them
know you love them and appreciate them. They’ve made mistakes, so have you. My
advice to you is to let the bad things go and embrace the good in your mom or
in this case, your dad.
To all you fathers out there, “Happy Father’s Day.” To you who
are young and soon to be fathers, I hope that I’ve been able to give you a few
things to think about. You’ll never love anyone more than you love your kids.
Your time and effort will give you a return in love that you can never buy. You
set the example for them to follow. Be the best you can be. And for God’s sake,
wish your dad a happy father’s day. Trust me, he’ll appreciate it.
On Friday I tweeted “Well friends, what do ya
think, you think the Pres. has earned a weekend off, maybe a few rounds of
golf, some family time, play with the grandchildren? This has been quite a week
for the Boss don’t you think? Join me in saying THANK YOU @POTUS ! Unlike all the Dems and RINOs,
And you should too
Over a thousand America loving patriots responded to tell the President thank you and 48 hours later they’re still coming in.
Meanwhile, all of the Democrats, like their fearless loser,
I mean leader, ding dong Nancy are doing their best to down play the President’s
accomplishments. Woo, that’s some real news there, huh? Pelosi tweeted “That’s no way to treat another country” referring
to his Tariff threat to Mexico. Cry baby Schumer tweeted “Don’t worry, the President is bluffing, he’ll back down like he always
Then on Friday, Mexico folded and agreed to help us stop
this illegal invasion of our country. Ding Dong has been very quiet and cryin’
Chuck did just what you’d expect him to do, he said “See I told you the President would back down.”
Unless you’re deaf, dumb and blind, you can see these two so called leaders of the Democrat party were openly rooting for… wait for it… Mexico. Again, breaking news huh? Not. These people really do hate President Trump more than they love America. As for how they feel about you and me, forget about it.
The Left wing media did everything they could to put a negative spin on the President’s visit with the Queen of England but, the visit was so great and the optics so impressive even their viewers weren’t buying it. Then this (below) popped up.
93 years old. I bet she does have a “sense” about people
But the Left continued to be the Left. If you tuned into any
of these leftist, Democrat propaganda networks, you were likely greeted with
the protestors making fools of themselves and one of the many fake journalists telling
you how the President is an embarrassment. If however you looked beyond the
boring Left, you could feel proud of the President and enjoy thousands of Brits
marching and waving flags saying President Trump is great! I saw one sign that
said “Wish Trump was our President.”
While the Left continued their lies and nonsense, Britain’s Prime Minister May was finishing her last few days in office. She was forced to resign because she didn’t see to the will of the British people who have demanded to get out of the European Union. The Brits want to take their country back. Sound familiar?
Following the State Visit in England which could not have
gone better, the President headed to the Beaches of Normandy to honor the 75th
anniversary of D-Day, the landing on Normandy (Operation Overlord) on June 6,
Again, the optics of the President alongside the WWII
veterans on these hallowed grounds was simply outstanding. If you love America
at all, if you honor those that literally saved the sanity of the world, you
could not help but being proud of our President and even more importantly, our
country and those selfless men who dared to storm those beaches. The President
explained the first wave of men storming the beach. We lost over 90%, then 80% on the second wave
until finally, on the sixth wave, our men broke through and took control of the
beaches. There are no words to describe how those men must have felt after
seeing the results of the first wave. One of the attending veterans was asked
how he felt. He said “I was scared to death.” Another said “I acted like I wasn’t scared but I was.”
The Greatest Generation – When men were men and women loved it
I could go on and on praising the President for the way he represented
all of us. The shameless Left keep asking the President to be more
Presidential. Well, there you go. Are you satisfied? Of course not.
I encourage you to “read” the speech. You’ll find the words
to be even more meaningful. Before you do, enjoy a few pictures of the
President as he speaks to some of the greatest generation and honors this
important day in history.
It was a beautiful week. Not just for the President but for
America. Personally speaking, throughout this week there were times I cried,
times I laughed, times I smiled and times of anger but through it all, I was
always proud.
Did you see the movie Groundhog Day? Bill Murry starred in
the movie that was about a reporter. He was
sent to provide a live report on whether the groundhog would see his shadow but
he was caught in a repetitive state where each new day was a replay of the previous
day. That’s exactly how I feel now.
This week, Mueller provided a last minute, surprise news
conference regarding his 400 page Russia Collusion report. All of media were there with great anticipation;
hoping you can be sure to hear Mueller drop a bomb on the President. Like
millions of other Americans, I tuned in to see what he had to say.
Watching this might have very well been the biggest waste of
nine minutes in my life. I admit that I was expecting him to drop some type of
new twist to the long standing hoax but, in the end it was another “nothing
burger”, as they say. If you are one of the few that missed this news
conference, I can recap it for you in less than six words. “My report speaks for itself.” said Robert Mueller. Well, Mr. Mueller, your report does not
charge the President with anything and in fact, your report doesn’t charge any
American with colluding with Russia, so why the need to call us all together in
the first place?
According the Democrats, Mueller’s hidden agenda was to pass
this case to them to impeach the President. Even some on the right came to this
conclusion. I guess I should have paid more attention because I missed that
Mueller said that it was unconstitutional to charge a
sitting President. Yeah, that’s true. We all knew that before you were even
appointed. Having now heard you acknowledge it, I guess my question is this; “why did you spend the last two-plus years
investigating and spend 35 million taxpayer dollars then?” Seriously, if he knew that he was unable to
charge a sitting President why was the country and more importantly, the
President made to endure this hoax?
Mueller also said “If
the President was to be exonerated we would have said that.” Or something
along those lines. This was gobbled up by the Left. They took this statement
and screamed out to the world that this was Mueller’s way of telling us (Democrats
in congress) that it’s up to them to bring justice to the American people and
impeach the President.
In my simple mind, when I heard him say this I thought to
myself, “So if you found him guilty you
wouldn’t have said that?” Are you following me? If Mueller can say that the
President was clean, he would have said that in his report, then couldn’t he
also say that the President was dirty in his report? The reality here is that
we paid 35 million dollars for this clown to report that he has nothing to
report. What a sweet gig huh? Anyone of us could have done that.
The other thing that stood out to me, back on his
acknowledgement that you can’t charge a sitting President is the fact that he
didn’t charge anyone for collusion. Not Don Jr., not Jared not any of his
staff. Why not? He certainly had the ability to do that. I’ll tell you why not. There was nothing to charge them with. But,
the Democrats won’t let that get in their way…
You can’t make this stuff up
This meme has it right.
Don’t you think? Remember that Comey
went on for nearly an hour telling the American people all of the things that Hillary
did that were illegal and against policy then wrapped it up by not charging
her. Later on, we learned that he didn’t put her under oath when questioning
Mueller spends two years and 35 million dollars, hires all Democrat
lawyers to seek collusion against the duly elected President of the United
States and in the end, doesn’t alleged any wrong doing, doesn’t charge anyone on his staff but spews hidden
innuendo that suggests that the President did collude or obstruct.
My bottom-line, take away from Mueller’s press conference is
this; we learned nothing new. It was like the groundhog movie. The day ended
the very same way it ended when Mueller’s report first came out. No collusion,
no obstruction and the crooked Democrats are, well, still crooked.
Meanwhile, border patrol arrested a total of one thousand illegals in a single day this week. This represents another all-time record but according to the lame Left there is no emergency, no crisis.
The President announced he will be implementing a 5% tariff
on Mexico if they don’t stop the illegal migration from entering the U.S. And, just like the week before, the Left goes
wild. “How dare this President treat a
neighbor this way?” Each of the 200
Democrat presidential candidates jumped all over this, denouncing this hateful,
racist move by the President. The price of avocados will increase, cars will
become unaffordable, and Mexico is an important trading partner to the US and
so on. You’ve heard it all too many
times. (Groundhog week)
What we have here is a President who might as well be all
alone in Washington attempting to deliver on a promise to make America safe
again by securing our borders and stopping the illegal flow of these aliens. He
wouldn’t have to create these exceptional ideas if we had a congress who
actually cared more about our safety and sovereignty than they do about their
own power. Just as they do time and time again, they prove that they hate the
President more than they love America. Their actions couldn’t be more redundant
(Groundhog week/Year). The Left thinks so little of the American electorate that
they openly come before us and speak untruths.
Hillary, this week gave a commencement speech at Hunter
College. Her entire speech to the young graduates focused solely on her loss
and how bad the President is. During her speech, she called for the end of an
administration that tears kids from their parents and locks them up in cages. I
found this especially funny coming from a woman whose husband, when President
actually did tear a child from his parents live on television for of us all to
see. Do you remember seeing the SWAT guys with their gear on, machine guns
pointing at little Cuban Elian Gonzalez?
Imagine if this happened during a Trump Administration…
Newsflash Hillary, there is this thing called Google. It gives us the ability to revisit the past. You might want to think about that before you point fingers… And there’s an awful lot to find when it comes to your crookedness.
As for locking kids in cages (talking to crooked Hillary
still) they’re not cages number one and number two, the President is simply
following the policy you and Obama put in place. Stop lying! Especially to
these young minds who are graduating!
I bet those young college grads left Hillary’s commencement
speech pumped up and ready to take on the world… NOT! Although, in fairness,
they did just spend thousands upon thousands of dollars being brainwashed by
Leftist Professors, so who knows.
Meanwhile, the President also gave a commencement speech at
the US Air force Academy where he congratulated each of the one thousand
graduating. He thanked them for their service, told a few jokes, invited
several up on stage and then stayed through the end of the ceremony to
personally shake the hand of each and every one of the graduating cadets.
Somehow I don’t think these graduates will ever forget that day, whereas the
Clinton grads will seek life-long therapy trying to forget their day.
So family and friends, there you have it, another
weekly blog that in and of itself is like the Groundhog movie. Your favorite Editor-n-Chief stands up for
his favorite President. Donald J. Trump.
With the Mueller
investigation behind us, a normal person would think that the on-going nonsense
thrown at our President would come to an end. For two years, it’s all we’ve
heard from the Democrats and their employees in the media. Instead of the
Democrats and their media pals licking their wounds and moving on they simply
double and triple down and move the goal post. And they do it without any guilt
This last week ding
dong Pelosi, who is under great pressure to call for impeachment felt perfectly
comfortable announcing that the President is involved in a cover-up. With the
blink of an eye, thanks to the liberal media, we went from Russia collusion to
the President is covering “something” up. I say “something” because to this day
none of us have a clue what she is talking about and sadly, neither does she.
Seriously folks, what
is he covering up? That there was no collusion, but really there was? That
makes about as much sense as ding dong makes when she opens her mouth.
You would have to have
serious mental issues if you can’t see that the Left is doing and saying
anything they can to harm the President. The fact that we are only a year from the
next election only makes matters worse. They will accuse this President of any
and everything they can dream up all while hoping that the American voters
believe what they say. This ploy, I am sad to say, works. If you doubt me, just
take a look at some of these clowns who have been elected to lead our nation.
According to a recent poll, Congress has an approval rating of 20%. To me that
means 20% of our country are flat out uninformed and plain ole stupid.
The onslaught of jabs
and misinformation being thrown at our President is at an all-time fever pitch.
Take this example
below coming from the minority leader of the Senate of the United States of
“Mexico refused to pay for @realDonaldTrump’s expensive & ineffective wall so he demanded U.S. taxpayers pay up When Congress said no, he tried to take $ from the troops Thankfully a federal judge just said no, too Perhaps the do-nothing president should try working with Dems?
Let me defend our President. Mexico refused to pay for the wall? I am not aware that the President ever came out and asked Mexico to pay for anything. Are you? Those of us who support the President know what he meant when he said “Mexico will pay for the wall.” He meant through tariffs or via a new and improved trade agreement which he has negotiated and which congress as yet to even consider. Why? The new USMCA trade agreement levels the playing field and provides billions more dollars into America’s hands. And that right there my friends is exactly why Congress wants nothing to do with it. You’ve heard it before “They hate the President more than they love America.” It’s true!
all that aside, this dumbass damn well knows the American people would gladly
pay more taxes if it meant securing our borders and stopping this onslaught of
illegals entering our country. Those of us with even half a mind understand we
are paying billions upon billions to house, feed, educate and provide medical
assistance to these people but Chuck doesn’t talk about that, does he? Stopping
this flow will more than pay for the damn wall…
Then there are these liberal judges stopping the President from doing what he was elected to do. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I didn’t cast a vote for any of these judges. Why are they stopping my President from doing what “I” elected him to do? Judges who make up their own laws should be thrown off the bench and barred from serving for life. They cause us to spend millions in lawsuits appealing only to finally get to the Supreme Court who will then overturn these anti-American Liberal judges. Meantime the country suffers as thousands of illegals storm our borders. It’s wrong.
just amazes me is that Chuck actually thinks we are proud of him for stopping
the President from making us safer. He wears it like some badge of honor when
it is just the opposite. This is the Liberal way though, isn’t it?
Finally, and I quote “Perhaps the do-nothing President should try working with the Dems.” End of quote.
Why should he even attempt to work with these anti-American morons? So we can
abort kids after their born? So we can leave the border wide open only to
invite millions upon millions of illegals to rush into the country for free
everything not to mention the drugs and human smuggling. Should he work with
the Dems so we can get back to the good ole days of high unemployment, no jobs,
no growth and no doctor? Should he work with you Chuck so you can raise our
taxes to fund the world’s climate change hoax? Send more of our money to our
enemies like Iran and North Korea? Just why in the world would the President
want to work with you and your liberal nut jobs?
family and friends I’ll put an end to this week’s post by simply making the
obvious point, these Democrats and the US media are not friends of ours nor of
America. They truly represent everything that is wrong with our country.
Together we must fight on and call them out at every opportunity we have.
God Bless America and all those who died to protect her.
Happy Memorial Day to each of you! Never forget all those who
gave everything for us. We owe it to them to keep America free and strong. God
Bless them all.
So Joe Biden has entered the Presidential race, huh? The
lame stream media can’t stop talking about this so called “good ole boy” and
the fake polls are all lit up with Joe leading the pack by double digits over
the other two dozen moron competitors. These polls even have him beating the
President. You know the poll I am talking about, “if the election were held
today” Biden would win by 12 points… The exact same poll in 2016 said Hillary
would win by 90 points. Will you be fooled again?
And, this good ole boy narrative is pure crap. This guy is a
45 year career politician who hasn’t accomplished a damn thing except sucking
the life out of the tax payers all while pretending that he is a good ole boy
who only cares about the hard working American.
Obama 2.0
When asked what he intends to do for the country, he said he
was going to “Make America Moral Again.” Really Joe, really? This will be the
third time you’ve run for President. You
waited until 20+ announced their candidacy and this is the best answer that you
can come up with?
Tell me Joe, when you say “Make America Moral Again”, what exactly does that mean? Does it mean that you’ll rejoin the Iran nuke deal again? Maybe send them another billion dollars as an apology for Trump pulling us out of the stupid deal? Will you rejoin the Paris Climate Accord again so the USA pays trillions while the rest of the world continues to hold the world pollution records? Will you go hug Germany’s chancellor Merkel and tell her she doesn’t have to pay her fair share towards NATO? And last week you said China was not a threat to the US. So I take it that your moral high ground will include the ongoing legacy of US Presidents (until Trump) making China Great Again… Under your and Obama’s Administration, we, on the backs of the American people, rebuilt China’s military and allowed them access to our most important secrets. Hell, your own Secretary of State (Crooked Hillary) allowed China access to the inner workings of the State Department. Let me ask you Joe, did you trade any emails with Hillary on her basement server? Be truthful now because we’re about to find out…
You spent eight years under “THE” divider-n-chief. If you
become President, can we expect to go back to the good ole days of sky high
unemployment? Will our 401Ks be cut in half again? We want to know, because
what took you and President Obama eight years to ruin, we’ve been able to
recover in two short years under the Trump Administration.
And let’s talk about the “big F’ing deal”, Obamacare. I can only assume you will do what you’ve done your entire career. You will follow in lock step with your Liberal party and push Medicare for all. If I have to pay $2,700 a month for lousy, limited coverage (Obamacare) now, I can’t imagine what Medicare for all will cost. For Christ’s sake man, your administration spent millions just launching the Obamacare website… How do you propose paying for this monster? You’ve been in Washington for many decades, Medicare for seniors is an eyelash away from running out of money. So your answer to this is to quadruple the cost?
All Hands on Deck…
I ask you, how does it “Make America Moral Again” by allowing hundreds of thousands of illegals to storm our borders and, as YOU stated just a few days ago, it’s our obligation to provide them with healthcare. You do realize the actual Americans don’t have healthcare? You’re part of the problem Joe, not the solution.
What the media and Joe don’t want us to know, is that the
good ole boy is actually, a good ole creep. This guy, simply put, is just
another career politician. He has spent a lifetime pretending to show deep
compassion and understanding for the American people all while having a track
record containing the same old tired Washington Political Correctness bullshit
we’ve endured for at least the last 28 years.
It is magical to see the Liberal Democrats who would have us all believe they are the party of diversity put two old white guys in the lead of their party nominations. It’s also funny, to see the Democrat party screw crazy-communist Bernie again, just like they did when he ran against Hillary. Obama will be remembered for picking winners and losers. You have to admit, the Democrats are really, really good at picking the losers… Look at all of their candidates and tell me which one you want running your business, your home, or raising your kids. As the President tweeted this week, “350 million people in this country and this is the best we have?” At now the New York Mayor, De Blasio jumped in the race this week… It’s as though the DNC put a memo out calling for all the nut jobs in the party to run for office. Seriously, these aren’t our best and brightest. So there you have it friends. Don’t be fooled by this fool, Biden. This DC swamp insider will take us right back to where we were with Obama. America last, open borders, high taxes and another grand apology tour around the world. But hey, he’s a good ole boy…
Those were the go-to words this week that were spread throughout the Democrat party and their buddies in the mainstream media. I used to joke that the DNC sends out memos everyday laying out what the talking point must be for the day. Now I actually believe it. “We are now in a Constitutional Crisis” says congressman, humpty dumpty Nadler. “You want to know what a Constitutional Crisis looks like, you’re watching one right now.” says Dumb, dumb Don Lemon of CNN. And on it goes with more examples to use than I care to spend time on. Oh Hell, here’s one more. “I do believe we are in a Constitutional Crisis, the President, though his actions are impeaching himself.” That came my from favorite ding dong, Nancy, I can’t keep my teeth in my mouth, Pelosi.
The Democrats and their authorized mouth piece, the MSM
would like us to believe that we are in a crisis because the newly elected
Attorney General, William Barr refused to come before the House Committee to
answer questions regarding the Mueller report. We are in a Constitutional
Crisis because the AG is refusing to release the full unredacted Mueller
report. We are in a Constitutional Crisis because the President has invoked Executive
Privilege by not allowing anyone under his purview to testify regarding the
Mueller report.
First, the Attorney General released the Mueller report to Congress
with less than 5% redactions. The redacted parts concern Grand Jury information
which, by law he cannot release. So, in a nut shell, these Democrats demanded that
the Attorney General break the law. When he refused, they voted to hold him in
contempt of Congress. This now goes to the full house… The AG went even further
though, he placed another copy of the report in a secure location with even fewer
redactions and invited the Republican and Democrat leadership to come read it.
As of this posting, only five Republicans have taken the time to review the
report. No Democrats have bothered… What does that tell you?
Second, the AG agreed
to testify before the House just as he had done in the Senate but, two days
prior to testifying the dastardly Dems changed the rules and informed AG Barr
that for the first time in the history of the House, they would have their
staff attorneys question him. Barr told them to stick it.
Finally, the President, evoking executive privilege by not
allowing anyone on his staff from testifying about the Mueller report was the
final straw to the Constitutional Crisis. Most people don’t know this but, by
law, the President could have done this long ago and thus Mueller would not
have been able to interview anyone in the Trump Administration, but he didn’t.
Clinton did when he was under the thumb of a special counsel and he was smart
to do so. Trump has said all along he has nothing to hide so allowed hundreds
of hours of testimony by his staff. He gave over a million documents to
As you know, two years later and some 35 million dollars
spent, the final Mueller report came up with no collusion. Trump is done with
this hoax. And when I say done, I mean done. In his view, he has gone above and
beyond playing the Russia collusion game. Mueller was allowed to finish his job
and write his report. Ah, but the Dems don’t like the report and will continue
this hoax for as long as the President is in office. And even worse, with the
report clearing the President, the Dems are now going to look at everything
Trump. Is there anyone they haven’t subpoenaed?
I do agree however, we are in a Constitutional Crisis but it
sure as hell doesn’t have anything to do with the President. Our crisis is with
Congress. Our do nothing Congress spends their waking hours trying to figure
out how to get rid of Trump or at least make him look like such a buffoon that he
won’t be reelected; all while allowing our borders to remain wide open allowing
hundreds of thousands of illegals to flow into our country bringing with them
drugs, crime, disease and further debt as we pay for their every need. It’s a
crisis, it’s unacceptable. That’s not all. Over two months ago, the President
successfully secured a new and much better trade agreement with Canada and
Mexico (USMCA). This now sits in the House awaiting for approval. Unless you
stay in contact with the President you/we don’t even hear about this anymore.
What’s the hold up? Everyone knows and agrees that it is much better for us.
The hold-up is simple, Trump did this and therefore it must not become law.
These Dems hate Trump more than they love America. It’s the truth. They (Congress)
don’t stand with him on anything. He is fighting with China to correct what’s
been wrong for decades but all we hear is how he is damaging the country with
the tariffs. Hell, the very people getting hit hardest because of the tariffs,
the ranchers and farmers and iron workers aren’t complaining, they’re
supporting the President. Not the Dems though.
The Constitutional Crisis in this country is that we have
the Democrat Party clearly and without question, putting party over what’s best
for the country. In the early years of Trump’s presidency, I used to joke that Trump
could cure cancer and the Dems would question why it took him so long. Today I say, that’s no joke and by the way,
it’s not funny either.
By the way, non-political comment: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all you Moms out there. I lost my mom when I was 12 years old. I can tell you, all of the good I have in me was given to me by my mom. My father, if alive, would agree. Wishing you all a wonderful, special day.
We heard a lot of discussion this week about the big tech
companies censoring conservatives. Facebook and Twitter both received an ear
full; not just from conservative citizens but from the President himself, who
tweeted his surprise about James Woods being banned from Twitter. Those of you
who are not big Twitter users may not know it but, James Woods is considered
the rock star of conservative/common sense thinking with over a million
followers. Laura Loomer is another one that wasn’t only banned, she was banned
for life by twitter. Laura is an independent investigative reporter or if
you’re a liberal, she’s considered an activist. She got herself in trouble for
waging a campaign which warned against the likes of IIlan Omar and other Jew
haters. When Twitter banned her, she handcuffed herself to the doors of the
Twitter headquarters. LOL. Go Laura!
Or Racist
Isn’t this so true? The Liberals are the biggest hypocrites of all. Think about it. Nobody spews more hatred than these far Left liberal ilks and they will actually beat you to a pulp if you dare to openly disagree with them. But, they are the first to cry foul and “demand” an apology or worse, jail time if you verbalize a differing opinion. These are the very people who have gone so far as to suggest the introduction of a bill that makes wearing a MAGA hat hate speech. According to these loons, wearing anything that promotes our President is tantamount to inciting violence. How many of you are brave enough to put a Trump 2020 sticker on the bumper of your new car? Actually, bravery has nothing to do with. You simply aren’t interested in having one of these special people defame your car.
As far as I’m concerned, we’ve allowed this one sided nonsense to go on for far too long. Free speech is free speech, including the speech you or I might despise. None of this “having your cake and eating it too.” Do you have any idea how many times I watched one of the Obama supporters stand in line with a “Yes We Can” tee-shirt? What did I do when I came in contact with one of these morons? I silently said to myself, “moron.” I didn’t scream at them and attempt to rip it off of them, that’s for sure. When I pulled up behind the Prius with an Obama/Biden bumper sticker I didn’t honk my horn and stick my bald head out the window screaming profanity. Instead, I sat there looking at the sticker, shaking my head and daydreaming about being in a tank. This is true because I remember the liberal behind me honking his horn because the light had turned green and I was sitting their dreaming about how fun it would be to drive over the top of the Prius. Not that there is anything wrong with a Prius…
The reality is that we conservatives have no time for
protesting, marching or dressing up like a vagina. We’re too busy working,
raising our families and paying our taxes so that the Government can put it to
good use, like funding Planned Parenthood and studying the mating habits of the
endangered snails in the Amazon…
Meanwhile, we look up and wearing a damn red hat is inciting violence.
Or after a long day of work, dinner and kids settled in bed, we find a private
minute to reply to a tweet from a goofball politician who says that our
President colluded with Russia or from some dipshit has-been Hollywood actor who
stands in front of a camera and says “Fuck
Trump.” (Excuse the language) and
what happens? We get banned. Umm… If we express our sorrow over Christians
being slaughtered by Muslim terrorists, we are accused of being racist towards
Muslims. Huh?
Guess what No. 5 is…
Number Five? Don’t you say it, don’t do it! God. How dare
you! You are BANNED!
The thing is, these big social media outfits have a huge
impact on society and as scary as this will sound, on elections too. There is a
lot of talk about governing Facebook and Twitter. The people running these huge
platforms have even gone so far as to encourage oversight. That should give you
a good idea of what side of the political fence (I prefer wall but I digress)
they stand on. There isn’t a true conservative on earth that favors government
oversight of anything. You know how we
liberty-loving patriots always say, “let
the free market run”, well that’s how I feel about this subject. Free
speech is free speech. The last thing we need is government oversight or some
billionaire nerd like Zuckerberg or Twit Jack deciding what is ok to say or not
say which is exactly what we have today.
It’s easy to get caught up in the debate. We can all wish
that folks would choose common sense & their words carefully and with
caution so as not to insight outrage or violence or even insults but, drawing
any line is to silence free speech. The 1st amendment doesn’t speak
to free speech if we like it. Simply stated it says Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the
press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
Government of a redress of grievances. Dan’s translation – say what you
want, I’ll choose to listen or not, I’ll choose to like or not. Let me take
this topic down to a level we all can identify with, “Sticks or stones will break my bones but names will never harm me.” Ha, in today’s PC world you probably aren’t
even supposed to use this saying anymore because you know, calling someone a
name can damage their whole life. To
that I say “walk it off, you’ll be just
fine son.”
Take another pill, you’ll feel better in the morning…
The President held another rally last night in Green Bay,
Wisconsin and like all of his rallies, the stadium was packed with supporters.
Four More Year, Four More Years!
Following the rally, I tweeted “I don’t know about all of
you but, I am always in a great mood following one of the President’s Rallies”,
I received hundreds of responses from fellow patriots agreeing and adding their
own positive reactions to the President’s speech.
The thing that sticks out so much is that he has the ability
to talk just like we do. He doesn’t attempt big fancy words that most don’t
even know what they mean and instead just speaks good ole down to earth,
everyday American English.
It was great when he introduced Sarah Huckabee. The crowd went crazy with applause. This same
time last year you might remember, Sarah attended, on behalf of the
administration, the annual correspondence dinner. She sat there for two hours
while a filthy mouthed nobody comic berated her. Not this year. The applause
went on and on until finally the President waved her up to the microphone. She
thanked the President for the job he is doing, pointed out how the Left and
Media had been wrong on so many fronts then hugged the President who gave her a
kiss on the cheek. The crowd applauded her all the way back to her seat. The
President being his usual funny self said “Wow, you’ve become too popular,
you’re fired!” Which I am sure the media will spin to make the President some
sort hateful person. I can hear it now. “The President will not stand for
anyone else being in the lime light.” Idiots.
Much of what the President says in these rallies are
repetitive but for whatever reason, I don’t get tired of hearing him repeat his
many accomplishments. I suppose that has
to do with having to endure the daily bombardment of lies from the media and
those goof balls in the Democrat party. All of them are negative with messages
that might as well be from Mars. Kill babies, free everything, let murderers
vote, open borders and for God’s sake, when we do a census of Americans, let us
not insist that only Americans participate… See what I mean, these people are
from another planet. And I’m being nice because I am in a good mood. LOL
“With every last ounce of heart & hope & sweat
& soul, we are going to make our stand! We are going to stand for liberty.
We are going to stand for justice & freedom! We are going to stand for the
sacred rights given to us by the hand of almighty God!” President Donald J. Trump 04.27.19
What else could any of us ask for? This
simple sentence from the President spells out what every American should be
able to embrace. I want the President to make a stand against the deep
state. What they’ve done cannot be
allowed to stand. We should all be standing for liberty. It is our right to live our lives and be left
alone to enjoy our families and friends. Justice and Freedom! You’re damn right that we want justice and
millions are standing ready to fight to maintain our freedom. Our sacred rights
given to us by the hand of almighty God. You betcha Mr. President, by the hand
of the almighty! Love it! Thank you for these words.
I am fighting for all of us
Let it be known and let it
be written, we lose God we lose it all. I stand beside our President because he
stands beside me and our Lord.
For nearly three years now the American public has been inundated with Left Wing lies about the President colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 election. 99% of the American media spewed this lie on an hourly basis. The Democrats Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Elijah Cummings and Mr. Racist himself Al Green, to name a few, all of which are supported by their leaders Nancy, ding dong Pelosi and cryin’ Chuck Schumer have screamed impeachment at every turn. “We have the evidence proving the President colluded” says Adam Schiff. Yet he’s never come forth with any. “Impeach 45” yells all mouth mad-Maxine. At least she doesn’t even pretend to have any evidence, she will simply tell you, she doesn’t like him. And then we have the deep state. Fired FBI Director James Comey, Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan and the Director of National Intelligence clap on clap off James Clapper. These three so called experts haven’t missed an opportunity to slander the President and deceive the American people.
The President had no sooner taken office than a special
counsel, Robert Mueller was appointed to investigate the Russian interference
into our Presidential election and to learn what role the President himself
Hardly anyone in the media and no one on the Left or any of
these three deep state lapdogs cared at all that Obama was the President in
2016 and did absolutely nothing to constrain the Russians. Many truth seekers
actually believe President Obama helped, if not lead, this whole Trump/Russian
For two years now as the Trump supporters attempted to fight
back, the Left’s and the media’s go to answer was united and consistent, “we
must wait for the Mueller report”.
Well guess what? The Mueller report was finally released this
week and after 3 years, 500 witnesses and 25 million taxpayer dollars spent,
Mueller came to the place that the President and his dumb, deplorable, Walmart,
uneducated supporters have been since the beginning. There was no collusion by
the President, no collusion by those working for the President, no collusion
within the Trump family and in fact, there is no evidence that any American
citizen colluded with the Russians.
The hoax on the American People
With the Mueller report in hand, did this resolve this issue among the Democrats, the media and the deep state actors? Hell no. What did happen, as if it was their plan all along, they turned away from their savior, Mueller and immediately redirected their anger and lies toward the new Attorney General, Bill Barr. Why Barr? Because the President nominated him and I guess because all that Barr has done is receive the three yearlong Mueller report and then, as his job requires, presented the report to Congress and the American people. Not good enough say the Democrats with the media agreeing as they always do. The other immediate narrative shift was to drop the collusion narrative and move full steam ahead to obstruction. “It is clear this President obstructed Mueller’s investigation”, says the Leftist choir. “Look no further than the President’s own words and actions in the Mueller report” says the Leftist choir continuing their lies and deception.
The report provided examples where the President wanted Mueller fired and where the President showed great anger to his staff over the special counsel and the investigation. He yelled profanity at Jeff Sessions when Sessions recused himself from the investigation. “This proves the President worked to obstruct the special counsel’s work.” Adam Schittt for brains proclaims.
I am an open and obvious supporter of the President. When I hear all of this, what comes to my mind is “of course he was and is pissed off”. The Left, the media and the deep state have accused him of cheating by using the Russian Government to win. The very Attorney General he first nominated turned his back and ran from the President. This lie was being spewed around the world as this new, non-politician President was attempting to manage the affairs of the country and it was/is undermining his every action. And just as frustrating, if not more, all of this went on while no one was seeking out the people who started this fake narrative. Clinton and the DNC bought and paid for the so called Russian Dossier which has since been proven to be unverified, not true. The FBI used this fake dossier made up of lies to secure a warrant from the FISA court allowing them to spy on an American citizen who, oh by the way just happened to be running for President.
Hillary was supposed to win. The media gave her a 99% chance of winning, remember? But, she didn’t and when that was clear, the Left and the deep state put their plan into action.
Not to mention the American Media…
I will be the first to admit that I am not a legal expert.
Not even in the slightest. But you tell me how the President obstructed this
fake, made up nightmare of an investigation. My simple mind looks at it this
1. Was a special counsel hired? Yes
2. Did the President, which is within his right, fire the
special counsel? No
3. Did the President stop the special counsel from
interviewing anyone he wanted? No
4. Did the President provide the special counsel with
everything requested of him? Yes (over a million documents. But who’s counting.)
5. Was the special counsel able to finish his investigation
and write his report the way he wanted? Yes.
6. Did the President have any say in what the report
contained? No
So tell me, where in the above true statements did the
President obstruct this made up hoax? Also, you tell me how you could possibly
be charged with obstructing something that should have never been something. I,
once again, have no choice but to throw the bullshit flag on the Democrats, the
media and those deep state actors including Mrs. Bill Clinton.
The Hoax ends but justice has yet to come
Sadly, while the above is true and looks great, the game is
not over and never will be over in the eye of the evil doers.
The uneducated, gun toting, bible carrying, Walmart shopping
Trump supporters now live for the day that real justice is brought forward. All
of these actors must now face the music and trust me, they will not hold up as
well as the President has these past three years. They will turn on each other
like the rats that they are. Brennan will point to Clapper and Clapper to Comey
and Comey to Clinton and Clinton to Obama. And it can’t happen soon enough. As
the President says, this cannot ever happen again to anyone.
We’ve just lived through a period where the American
Government attempted to overthrow an American President. That’s not supposed to
happen in our free America. But it has and it must be exposed and corrected.
Congratulations Mr. President, I never doubted
you. Now let’s go get these bastards.
This week’s brilliant award goes to the President. Late in
the week, he suggested that he is considering releasing all the illegals into
the so called sanctuary cities. This of course caused the reaction our 4D chess
playing President expected. Outrage!
First, to state the obvious, the Left is outraged about
everything so let’s not get all up in arms about that. Let’s face it, anything
that has anything to do with putting America and Americans first, in the eyes
of a Demo”rat” is outrageous… They really are an embarrassment.
Back to the brilliance of the President. What his suggestion has done is for all those on the Left who have preached to us for the past three years about how important these illegals are and how much wealth they bring to our country to express their true feelings. “How dare the President weaponize illegal immigrants against the American people?” Nancy Pelosi. The Governor of California came out in strong opposition to the President’s idea. He said the President’s idea was, and I quote “asinine.”
Whoa, hold on to your hats folks! According to the Left,
these illegals are good people who bring great wealth to our economy.
Leadership (what a joke that is) in California and New York, to name just two,
turned their states, without a vote mind you, into Sanctuary States so these
wonderful law breaking illegal aliens could have a safe harbor. So, what’s the
problem? Where are the open, loving arms?
Please, don’t tell me that you idiots are being
hypocritical? Say it isn’t so… Now that y’all have made your real position
clear, what I am hearing you put down is that you are all in favor of illegal
aliens entering our country just as long as the Feds drop them off in states
other than yours. Do I have that right?
You see ladies and gentlemen, these blue state leftist Shit
holes don’t want or need any more illegals.
They have enough votes already to keep their states blue. They need more
of these law breakers to be dropped off in red states where they desperately
need more votes. But wait, illegals don’t vote, right? WRONG!
I am probably over thinking all of this. It’s more likely that
these Leftists are against this idea for the simple reason that it came from
the President. There is a stronger probability that these idiots don’t think
beyond the toilet seat.
When I first heard about the President’s proposal and the
Left’s reaction I tweeted; I never thought I would say this but, I am beginning
to feel sorry for the illegals. I mean they walk thousands of miles to get out
of their shit hole countries, arrive in America and what does the President do?
He places them in shit-hole states. The poor bastards must be thinking, “If I wanted
to live in a shit hole I could have stayed home.” A few hundred of my followers
got a kick out of that.
You gotta love this President. Only Trump has been able to
turn the tables on these snakes. He has made them come out in favor MS 13 gang
members, drug lords, child traffickers, and socialism over the American taxpaying
citizen. Or rather, he has exposed them for who they really are and have always
been. They bite every time. #Triggered.
On a serious note, I like the idea a lot. Perhaps unloading
100,000 plus illegals into these states will give cause, once and for all, to
the good people of these states to stand up and fight for their rights.
Hundreds of billions of dollars per year are being pissed away by these states
to house, educate and provide healthcare for these aliens and all at your
expense. To you folks in California; there is a reason that your gasoline cost
twice as much as everyone else… this is one of the reasons. Until the red
blooded, tax paying, patriots in this country stand up and are heard, this crap
is going to continue. When is enough, enough? What more do you people have to
have thrown in your face until a light bulb comes on?
A vote for a Democrat is a vote against your liberty. For the love of the country and your family, I hope and pray y’all wake the hell up soon. Instead of worrying about Cortez’s 12 year “world coming to an end” climate change, you better start doing something about these Leftist, socialism wanting, anti-American, pink hat, terrorism loving A-holes. “Doing ALWAYS beats saying.” So get to doing!
Have a great week everyone! Oh, almost forgot, how great was Tiger today? I’d have to say he was “masterful!”