The China Virus

We live in a country where even this title causes the loons on the Left to crawl out from under their safe spaces to scream racist. If you could read the Left’s playbook, every chapter would end with; “If all else fails, accuse your opponent of being a racist.

It has been months since I’ve written in my blog. That’s not out of desire and certainly not out of the lack of subject matter… Good God the craziness has to end. I was excited about the end of 2019 after enduring the complete fraud of an impeachment hoax which endured for months; including the stunt by Nasty Nancy Pelosi delaying the hearings so she could have gold pens made up for glorious signing ceremony.  As if that didn’t have “nasty” written all over it (pun intended), then the nation had to watch her tear up the President’s State Of The Union speech right after we watched her and her ilk in the party sit on their non-loving American butts while the President introduced a 100+ year old black man who flew in WWII saving Europe and our hind ends. Nasty hates to be accused of being hateful all while she performs her “hateful” acts on nearly a daily basis.  Newsflash to my readers, “I don’t like Nancy Pelosi.” Just close one eye for two minutes.  Think about how much better off the country would be without her and her plasticized face, ice cream, $12,000 refrigerators, vodka and those damn false teeth she is consistently trying to keep in place.  The woman, in my book, has overtaken the almighty crooked “what difference does it make” SOB Hillary as the most hated woman in America.

As I said, I was more than happy to put 2019 behind us and looked forward to the New Year. Then along came the China Virus. The President announced the closure of all travel to and from China while Nasty and her puppet Adam Schiff continued to push their lying narrative impeachment over a damn phone call with Ukraine.  Meanwhile sleepy dumbass Joe Biden is seen on tape actually performing the so-called Quid Pro with Ukraine.  Who gives a rat’s ass about Ukraine anyway? The normally spineless Republicans all (except that stupid slime ball Romney) stood with the President. I about fell out of my chair. But I digress…

First the story was that the virus came from Wuhan Chain via the live markets from bats. My question then was; “Who in the forsaken world eats friggen bats?” Then I remembered we are talking about China. You know, the people who say ground up deer balls will make your bones stronger or some sort of nonsense like that.  As the weeks and months passed the Government said the virus didn’t originate from the live market but from their bio lab a few miles away from the market. China of course denies all of it and even had the gall to accuse the US military. Predictable. The most amazing part of the whole damn thing has been watching the Left and their lap dogs in the media actually stick up for China and they still do today. Sleepy even went as far as to condemn the President for shutting down travel. “He’s xenophobic”, he says. Whatever in the hell that means.  Did this come back to bite him after the first few thousand deaths? Nope. Did it bite Nasty Nancy in her wrinkled up ass when she stood in the middle of China Town in San Francisco encouraging us to visit? Nope. Why? Because the lame media are so far up the Democrat’s rear ends that they haven’t seen daylight in 12 years (eight years of Obama and four years of Trump.)

Just as 2019 left it, 2020 kept it. Its blame Trump at all times for all things and the Liberals in this country eat it up like it was ice cream out of Nasty’s own stockpile.

Following the close of travel, the next thing I remember was that talk about people making a run on toilet paper (pun also intended.) Virus, toilet paper, virus, toilet paper, I said to my wife “I don’t get it?”

These idiots on the Left who support the socialism-pushing Democrats were by God gonna buy up all the toilet paper in the country because you know, if we run out of toilet paper, the world as we know it would end. While the liberals were busy buying all the toilet paper conservatives were double checking their ammo inventory.

The Scientists:

You could rub all their heads together at the same time and not one drip of common sense would fall out of their empty heads.

“Don’t wear masks, wear masks. 2.2 million will likely die, no 1.2 million, no 100,000, no wait, if we do what they say maybe only 60, I mean 70, might be 100,000. Don’t touch surfaces, wear gloves. Never mind, it’s not as contagious as we thought, you can touch surfaces but keep washing your hands.

Throughout all of this, and while watching the President go before the American people on a nightly basis I kept saying to myself “how does he do it?” You’ve heard the expression “between a rock and a hard place” well, that’s where our President has been since the day he was elected and this one virus thing wasn’t a rock, it was a damn boulder rolling down a hill toward him. The other expression that fits the bill when it comes the President is “damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t.” If he hadn’t shut the country down you can just imagine what the “scientists” and the lame Left would be saying. Hell, look what they are saying after he did shut it down… Case in point.  He shuts the country down on the advice of the scientists and what does the Left do? Blame him for high unemployment. You can’t make this crap up folks. And again, the Democrat voting base buys into this crap. Saying we have a bunch of dumbasses among the American voter base is, well, the understatement of the decade. Geez.

The Governors:

The best move the President made (although I don’t think he had much of a choice) was to put the Governors in charge of re-opening the country. I say that of course not because it was good for the states and certainly not good for the people but good for him from a political standpoint.

Never in my lifetime has the difference between a Republican-held state and a Democrat-held state been clearer.

The best example of this, and trust me, there are many, is Florida vs New York. We learned early on that the older population was at the most risk. That may well be the only fact that hasn’t changed. What does the Florida Governor do? He focuses on that and puts in place extreme protections for the seniors in his state. What does the dipshit Cuomo do? He writes an Executive Order mandating that seniors with the virus must remain in their senior care facilities resulting in thousands upon thousands of deaths. This is very sad. Those were someone’s grandpa and grandma.  Makes me sick to my stomach even thinking about it.

Not to worry though, Cuomo was right in line with his party, he was sure to blame the President claiming he simply followed the President’s guidelines… WRONG! Prior to that excuse he said he had to protect and preserve all hospital beds. Of course as we now know, not only did he not use all the beds he had, he didn’t use the Navy Ship that the President sent him and didn’t use the 2,000 beds that the Army Corps of Engineers built at the Javits Center.  Every night we endured his cry for ventilators claiming he needed 40,000 of them.  The President saw to it that he got 4,000 and he didn’t even use those. This guy couldn’t organize a two year old’s birthday party. 

This virus crisis has highlighted for all of America to see just what these Democrat Governors and a few of the Republican Governors really are. Socialist Dictators. This should not have surprised anyone with half a brain cell…

It has been good to know that shopping at Walmart is safe but going to church is life threatening… On twitter someone posted a video of this lady standing in line at Walmart.  I kid you not, she was yelling about how the states should not open up the churches or barber shops until a cure was found for the virus. Again, you can’t make this stuff up.

The Governor in Michigan banned folks from leaving the cities to go and stay in their second homes up north. Of course soon after that someone took a picture of her summer home up north with her cars parked in the driveway.

Cuomo though did have his brilliant moments. One of the better ones was announcing he was going to have all the subway cars and stations cleaned! Anyone want to bet that was the first time they’ve ever been cleaned? Then there’s Gavin “soy boy” Newsome who announced he would be giving every illegal $500 to help them through the crisis. This of course was followed by an increase in State and Local taxes. Well duh.

The best move by these Democrat Governors (and they weren’t the only ones) was to make the decision to release criminals from prison; because you know, we don’t want them to catch the virus. Hell, they might die from it and save the American tax payer millions. We can’t have that now can we…  As of this writing I know of at least two of these criminals who have killed again. Nice.

In March, I tweeted a message addressed to all Governors. Mind you, this was in March. I told them if they didn’t open their states back up and let businesses open and people go back to work that all hell was going to break loose. I then watched through all of April folks marching on the grounds of their Capitals demanding to go back to work. The media and the Democrats called these folks domestic terrorists. “This is what Trump has turned America into” they said. Not a single window broken, not a single cop car turned over and burned. No one hurt, sprayed painted with some vial liquid, no one walking around with no clothes on, no pink pussy hats (a few red ones though), no threats of civil disobedience just a single message, open our state back up. These were domestic terrorists because they waved Trump2020 flags, wore MAGA hats and some even had their rifles strapped to their shoulder. Again, not one person hurt. I wonder why… 


Good grief, where do I begin? What was the first thing the Democrats did once the country was made aware of the virus and businesses began to close down? Do you remember? They left town and those in the House still haven’t returned. Why should they, we’re still paying them…

The Republicans put forward the first of two aid packages designed to get money in the hands of Americans and businesses to keep them afloat. So just like the hoax impeachment, the Democrats, again lead by Nasty delayed the bill by two weeks refusing to approve the package unless it had some of their goodie gifts included. They wanted money to go to the illegals of course, then there was the money to fund the Kennedy Center which they ended up getting and which was followed by the Kennedy Center still laying off their employees. Then they demanded several million to go to House members so they could better deal with the crisis. They got that too.  You have to give it to them, they know how to play dirty and stick it to the Republicans. And you wonder why I call the Republicans spineless.

After delaying the aid for two weeks, mostly because they had to figure out how to pass the package without having to come back to town as required by the law, what did they do shortly after? Again, do you remember? Don’t worry, that’s what you have me for. The dirty bastards with the help of the media blamed the Republicans and the President for not getting the money in the hands of the people quick enough. Never, ever sell short the power of influence the dirty lying ass media has over people, especially the mindless sheep who believe every damn thing they see and read. It’s frustrating as hell and downright disgusting.

 Then comes time for aid package 2.0. To understand how it went just re-read aid package one above because there’s no difference except it was two trillion dollars higher and again packed with Democrat BS.  At the time of this writing, the Democrats have put forth (all while staying home mind you) aid package 3.0 and it’s a real doozy. Tough guy Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell came to the microphone earlier this week to announce this package was DOA (dead on arrival). We’ll see about that Mitch. Sadly my money is on Nasty. I don’t see why they don’t pass it. It’s called the Hero’s Act! How can you not pass something like that? Nasty and her socialist Dems have thought of everything. More money for the marijuana shops, Planned Parenthood, once again, money for all illegals and of course, big money for State Governments. You know, the ones that were already broke before the China virus was even a thing. More money for education because they don’t see our kids going back to school this year or again, until we have a vaccine… Eh, hello! Thousands of people have been dying of the flu for 100 years and we still don’t have a vaccine for that you nimrods.  Needless to say, some things will never seem to change. The Democrats have never been a part of the solution but instead have always been a part of the problem.

In all of my 65 years I’ve never seen anything like what the country is going through right now. It is very difficult for me not to buy into the theory this was all a part of yet another plan to take down our President. It’s an election year number one. He no sooner brought China to their knees via the trade agreement than the virus hit the world. He beat impeachment so you know those evil doers, too many to mention are ready to do just about anything they can to stay out of jail… The virus seems too big even for the evil doers to throw together but again, it sure makes me scratch my head wondering.

When you think that just four short months ago, America had the strongest economy on the planet, lowest unemployment numbers in our history, highest employment among the blacks and Hispanics, more women working than in the last 60 years and low income wages were on the rise and now look at us. We’ve printed more money than we have, unemployment is higher than during the great depression and the Democrats have picked Joe Biden as their nominee for President. The man can’t even talk much less remember what state he’s in which is a whole other story.

For me the entire debacle has only highlighted what I already knew. The Democrats and pals in the media are, at all costs, determined to take our country down.

Many folks say the 2016 election was the most important one in their lifetime. While I can’t disagree with that I do have to say, this one this year isn’t one to take lightly. These people are friggin nuts!

This too shall pass my friends. Cheers to a better 3rd quarter and an outstanding 4th quarter that brings back our jobs, prosperity, liberty and sees justice served on the evil doers followed by a glorious victory at the polls (don’t mail in your ballot, go to the polls) giving us another four years of the Donald, keeping the Senate and for the love of God, taking back the House so we can yank the gavel out of Nasty Nancy’s old and dying hands. God Bless the USA.

Are You Buying Into This Garbage?

I “think” it’s fair to say that nearly half of the country sees right through these stunts being perpetrated on this country by the radical Left. I use the word “think” because I am not a 100% sure. When you have leaders in Congress who sign onto the Republican ticket and then turn around and act like liberal Democrats, it makes you question the true amount of support we have toward the conservative approach to all things USA.

Take Senator Lindsey Graham for example. One minute he becomes the hero on the right for taking a strong stance in the fight for now Supreme Court Justice Kavanagh and then, in the blink of an eye, he is pounding the President for wanting to get the troops out of the never ending wars in the Middle East. Ok, he is entitled to have different beliefs on different topics.  That’s only fair. The problem with this Senator is that he leaves the American people confused and never knowing what side of the fence he is going to land on, Republican or Democrat, right or wrong, liberal or conservative.  

For the past 15 years, we’ve been doing things in the Middle East “The Graham (and his buddy John McCain) Way“. How’s that worked out for us? To me, the obvious answer is, not well. Why? Because we’re still there. I make this comment as a guy who has always said we are smarter to fight in someone else’s backyard. I still feel that way but, for 15 years? When your strategy has no end I hardly think it’s much of a strategy… That’s much more like a “let’s go and see what happens” than an actual strategy to fight, win and leave; which by the way is the Trump doctrine.   

The other thing that’s changed over the years is our ability to be anywhere around the world quickly combined with our ability to create major damage in a short period of time. The days of needing 200 ships off the shore of the enemy are over. The point being, if we have the beginnings of a problem, we can quickly put an end to it and more often than not, from 70,000 feet above sea level. Graham and others would have us believe that we must have boots on the ground in every nation on earth. Somehow I have to believe those who think along those lines have something to gain other than our National Security.

After the President’s recent announcement that he was pulling troops out of Syria, Graham, most of the military generals and the majority of the Republicans opposed him. Once this was made known the Democrats of course, who remember would have you believe are the party of peace, jumped on board too. Once you have the Democrats you have all of the media. At that point it appeared the only support the President had was Rand Paul and me… I can’t even begin to imagine what the President must put up with when it comes to battling Washington & the military industrial complex.

For the record, I am done with the Middle East. Enough is enough. Too many years, too many lives, both our own and theirs. The time for us to depart is long overdue and just as the President did last week when he arranged for the death of the ISIS leader, we see that we have the ability to react when necessary. Following this raid, a reporter asked the joint chiefs general; “Do you think the mission would have been harder to accomplish without the help of those on the ground?” The General Responded; “The US military has the ability to hit any enemy at any time at any location.” Enough said. And by the way, two faced Lindsey Graham was suddenly back on the President’s side of the fence. How big of him… As for the Democrats and their pals in the media, if those are the only ones you listen to, I doubt you even knew the leader of ISIS was killed last week.  These are the very same people who wouldn’t shut the hell up about the President wanting to leave the Middle East but, any victory the President has is not worth two minutes of coverage.  We did however hear from ding dong herself Nancy Pelosi. “Why wasn’t I informed prior to the mission?” she asked and then complained that Russia, Turkey, Iraq and even Syria were informed but not her. The woman who at every opportunity works to impeach the President, the women who during the last three meetings with the President has stood up and walked out on him wants to know why she wasn’t confided in. Seriously, are you buying this? By the way, Russia, Turkey, Iraq and yes even Syria were actually helpful towards the mission. If he had informed Ding Dong, the ISIS leader would have escaped after learning of the mission in the New York Times.

Yesterday the Democratic controlled House of Representatives voted and passed the rules of impeachment. Even though Ding Dong said on many occasions a few years ago that she would never consider impeachment unless there was a majority of both parties. Well, she moved forward anyway without receiving even one Republican vote and in fact losing two of her Democratic stooges. Following the vote, Ding Dong did what she always does.  She headed to the microphones. “We have no choice but to move to impeach this President, it is a matter of our National Security.” That’s what she said, it’s a matter of our National Security.  This over a normal and pleasant phone call with the President of Ukraine.

So the Left would like us to believe that the President is placing us in great international danger. Right?

Never mind it is this President who has fought against the Left to secure our southern border so that any murder, drug dealer or child trafficker can no longer freely enter our country. Pay no attention to the fact that it is this President who stopped the immigration into our country of those people who reside in terrorist thriving countries. The fact that it is this President that killed off ISIS and their leader makes no difference. And remember, the very people telling you that the President is a National Security threat are the ones who fought the President on each of these real life examples of his putting our Security above all else.  I believe he calls it, America First.  What a concept…

Ladies and gentlemen if you don’t see through this joke called Washington then you truly are deaf, dumb and blind.  This President hasn’t done anything except to fight for the American people and our way of life.  For decades upon decades these politicians, the deep state actors and their mouth piece the media have been screwing us at every turn all in the name of power.

From day one, they’ve been single minded, impeach Trump. Russia didn’t work, Stormy didn’t work, her screwy lawyer who at one time was going to be the next President didn’t get it done, his taxes which remain private and now the latest is Ukraine and guess what, it won’t work either. All the kings’ horses (deep state) and all the kings’ men (lying media) couldn’t take the peoples President down. With each of these made up schemes the only thing accomplished was to strengthen the President’s support.

Now there is a race going on, the race between the Democrat’s Adam Schiff and William Barr. Who’s your money on? If you want to learn just how stupid Nancy Pelosi is, just think about this. She’s put her entire career and reputation in the hands of Adam Schiff. This man has lied continuously to the American people since 2017 and is lying to all of us right now. He has pieced this made up case together based on hearsay and when he doesn’t get what he wants from hearsay he just makes up what he wants, leaks it to the lame stream media who print it as if it were the Gospel.  We don’t need to hear from the so called whistleblower who isn’t a whistleblower at all, he is a spy. We don’t need to hear from Shit for brains either; we have the actual transcript of the President’s call, you morons.  While it’s shameful that the President had to release the transcript at all, at the same time it was simply brilliant. Now he’s talking about having an old style fireside chat wherein he himself will read the transcript to the American people. Again, brilliant.

If you have learned anything watching these Democrats over the past three years, it ought to be this. The next time some big mouth tells you that the mid-term elections don’t matter, slap them upside the head and then drag their butts to the voting booth. These last three years of lies and Presidential harassment could have all been avoided had we taken the mid-term election as seriously as we took the 2016 Presidential election. Had we maintained the House along with the Senate, our country would be so much further down the road of recovery from eight years of the anti-America Obama wreaking ball.

Hold the line patriots, don’t give an inch. Your President is fighting for you and you damn well better be fighting for him. Your liberty depends on it.

Just love him because hating him is hating America

Serenity Now

I haven’t posted as of late because, at whatever point, I felt like a broken record. I’ve been trying to figure out how not to sound like that but honestly, our political arena is just one big broken record.

The Left hates Trump and the Right hates the Left. For two and half years, this has been the revolving record and there is no end in sight. While there have always been differences and always will be, what we have endured these past few years is insanity.

We are at a point where the Left, in my humble opinion is just making fools out of themselves. Seriously, is there even one sane Democrat in congress? The things these people come up with are insane.  Then, their supporters, our fellow American citizens; how on God’s Green earth can people support these loons?  What happened in their lives to make them support such nonsense?

Look no further than the group of Democrats running for President. In theory, these folks are the Democrats best and brightest. I say “in theory” because my God, there has to been someone better.

Their platform:

Medicare for all:  Depending upon who you believe, the cost for this runs in the trillions, which makes sense. You could take 100% of the top 1% earner’s money and still fall trillions of dollars short of paying for this socialist brain fart of an idea. The only candidate that’s been remotely honest about the cost is Bernie, The Communist.  When Bernie was asked if Medicare for all would mean raising taxes on the middleclass, he said “yes.” Of course he followed his answer by saying how everything else would cost them less. I don’t want to give this creep credit though. He’s also the one that placed an ad that stated Medicare for all means medical and eye care would be free. Sadly, this is an effective ad to the braindead masses. “Woo free? I’ll vote for him!” #Idiots.

What’s funny is that Bernie, “wrote the book on Medicare for all” is falling in the polls and all the other lame candidates have adopted his plan. So no matter which of these morons America chooses, we get Medicare for all because you know, it’s free…

To be fair, Uncle Joe is the only candidate not running on Medicare for all. Good for Joe except this tired old man thinks the answer is to “build” upon Obamacare. Unbelievable. Did you know that the Obamacare website cost more money than President Trump requested to build the damn wall? Let that sink in. Joe is so lame that he actually thinks being Obama’s VP is a positive for his campaign. Eh, hello Joe, anybody home? The very reason we have a President Trump is because we had a President Obama… And Obama hasn’t even endorsed you… What’s up with that?      

Open Borders:  Do I even need to get into this one? If you don’t know, every single one of these candidates are for open borders. Fact is, they spend more time on behalf of illegals than they do for the American citizen and there is no arguing that fact. If you don’t already know this then you’re a part of the problem.

Climate Change: By raise of hands, how many of you, on day one in office, would rejoin the Paris Climate Accord?

Not an individual among them

So, just so I understand it, without even getting into all the other insane platforms these fools are attempting to sell America on; we are going to “give” medical coverage to 340 million Americans and (guessing) 10 – 20 million illegals which for the record, based on their open border policies will increase by another 1-2 million annually and finally, at the same time, we are going to spend whatever it takes to solve the world’s fake climate problem.  I say climate because it changes every year or so. Remember when it was Global Warming? That didn’t work out after a few years of awfully cold weather so then it changed to Global Cooling. Climate Change is the latest and greatest but hold onto your hats because coming to a theater soon will be “Carbon Pollution.” Be patient.  It takes time to reprint the fliers and for Al to make another movie. 

Just to be clear, every one of the Democrat candidates supports the Green New Deal.  As you ought to know, The Green New Deal is the brain fart of a freshman Congresswoman who just one year ago was a bartender…

In the shameful odd chance you’re not aware of the Green New deal let me give you the main objectives which must be accomplished in the next 10-12 years or, according to the bartender the world is doomed.

  1. Removal of all modes of transportation using fossil fuel (cars, motorcycles, planes, etc.)
  2. All cows (they fart a lot which creates a huge amount of greenhouse gas. To accomplish this, beef must be banned.) You think I am trying to be funny don’t you? Wrong, I am being completely serious.
  3. Finally, the Green New Deal requires the tearing down and rebuilding of all, that’s right all buildings in the US because they are not Climate “Green” compliant. Whatever the hell that means.

Gun Control: Speaking of a broken record. By raise of hand how many of you are prepared to ban these dangerous guns?

After the first debate they demanded a “raise your hand” question never be asked again and it hasn’t

The tall drink of sissy water Beto said, in the last debate, and I quote “hell yes we’re going to take your AR15’s.” End of quote. Many in the Democrat party were actually upset that Beto said that because they don’t like it when the real goals of their party are exposed. But, no worries because Beto said he believes Americans will gladly volunteer to turn in their guns.  Yeah…

So if you are considering voting for one of these loon Democrats, I hope you are prepared to give up your life to the Federal Government. Once they have our guns, control all of our medical needs and tax us so much that after we get out of the medical service line we’ll be stepping into the government food line. #Socialism with a splash of communism.

As I said, every single one of these candidates are insane and the entire Democrat party supports them.

To my readers I only ask one thing, “Don’t be insane.” Vote for President Trump.

Finally, just to put things into perspective I leave you with this. I want America to go back to a time when football players looked like this;

This is back when women loved a man to be, well, a man

Instead of like this;

Welcome to 2019 where a woman can be a man and a man can be a women or both… Serenity Now

God Bless y’all and God Bless the USA. We need Him more now than ever before. Trump 2020

Political Finger Pointing

There is no getting around the fact that the last few days have been awful. The shooting in Texas followed by the shooting in Ohio are sick, sad and all “loving” Americans send our prayers and sympathy to all those involved. No one that I know, none of my nearly 18,000 followers have uttered a single word in support of these two evil doers. Just the opposite, all want harsh justus to be served.

While real people have had their lives changed forever, the political Left and their lap dogs in the media focus in on blame. Nearly all of the presidential candidates have laid direct blame on the President and as I said, the media is all-in on this the false political narrative. It’s actually quite predictable and despicable.

These politicians might as well come right out and say “The President caused these deaths, send me money and I will keep lying about it.”

For me it doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not these shooters were supporters of the President or supporters of some Left wing Democrat. To use Hillary’s famous words, “What difference does it make?” In the end, these shooters are deranged mentally damaged individuals who for whatever reason have lived a dark life filled with hate, desperation and need for attention. At some point along the way, there was either no one around them to see that they needed help (unlikely) or didn’t care enough to get them help (more likely.) Whether it was their parents, their siblings, their teachers or classmates or even law enforcement, someone saw something but did nothing.  I don’t believe these young white shooters were born killers.

These politicians and people supporting the far Left however are insulting and only add fuel to the fire and promoting further division by pointing fingers at the Right and directly at the President. They do this while never considering their own language or even worse, their own actions. This of course is nothing new. What was it that Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel said? “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.”

This trend that is going on right now that all things “white” are evil and Hitler-like is really out of control. And what is really sad is how the Left completely overlooks everything else. Their fake concern and pandering for votes of all people of color is obvious and equally disgusting. And remember, the media pushes this agenda driven message 24/7.

Did you know or hear that 2,538 babies are aborted every day? Do you know that 22 vets commit suicide each day? Did you hear any of the Presidential candidates cry out for the end of violence in Chicago? 297 people in that city alone have been killed this year. At least 46 people were shot in Chicago just this weekend, seven were killed.  Remember the Left’s and media outrage when Obama was President and all of the killings took place at Sandy Hook, Orlando Nightclub and the Charleston Church?  Yeah, well, me either. 4,300 people were killed during Obama’s eight years in Chicago alone. That’s more deaths than on 9-11. And the media says?  Nothing. Hope and Change folks, hope and change…

I don’t blame Obama for any of these horrible things. I do however call out the hypocrisy of the Left, the Left wing media and Mr. Obama himself. They literary work around the clock to brainwash the public into believing that the President and all those who support him are evil and the cause of all things that are bad in this country.

For the record, I am sick of it and throwing the bullshit flag.

No one did more to divide this country than Obama and no one has ever treated all people equally more than President Trump. The man is color blind. If you’re an idiot, he calls you out. Period.

God Bless all those who are suffering right now over the loss of a loved one. It is very sad and most unacceptable. Mental health is a serious and dangerous issue in this country. If you see something, say something. Our lives depend on it.

The Truth

On Saturday, having heard enough from Left wing racist representative Elijah Cummings, the President threw out yet another truth bomb and the Left has once again gone wild. It is a never ending political shit show which always ends with the Democrats calling the President a racist.

The President pointed out that the district in Baltimore from which Rep. Cummings was elected is a rat infested shit hole. He called on Cummings to focus on this and the people who elected him. According to the Left, when you use the word rat combined with a predominantly black and brown neighborhood you are a racist. Just so you know…

Either agree with this man or you’re a racist

 Representative Cummings has been in Congress  for more than 20 years. Just like all of the major cities governed by Democrats, Baltimore has one of the highest crime and poverty rates in the country. Cummings is heralded (by the Left) as a civil rights champion. While it’s true that he suffered during the years of segregation, what is also true is that he has done absolutely nothing for the black community except to keep racism alive. He is among the other race baiters, Jackson and Sharpton who make a living keeping the black communities down. If you’ve ever watched this man in congressional hearings you know what I am talking about. The picture shown here was taken this week as he yelled and screamed at the Acting Director of ICE, accusing him of killing poor illegal alien kids. It was horrible and unjust. It is exactly what this man does. When pressed the Left always revert to their old standby calling the President and anyone else that gets in their way, a racist.

If Bernie says it, it must be true, right?

Bernie Sanders

Residents of Baltimore’s poorest boroughs have life spans shorter than people living under dictatorship in North Korea. That is a disgrace. May 5, 2016

This above is a tweet sent out by socialist/communist Bernie Sanders just a few years ago when he was running against crooked Hillary. Was he called a racist? No. Did the Left go wild when he spoke this truth? Nope. Did the media jump all over him? Hell no.  This is just another example of the “get Trump” policy of the Left and their pals in the media.

You have to live in a hole or under a rock not to see what our major cities under Democrat control have become. San Francisco has been forced to actually have a human waste disposal department. That’s a fancy way of saying they are paying people $175,000 a year to walk their streets to pick-up human feces.

Places like New York or even Portland, Oregon allow mask-wearing Nazi-like ANTIFA people to take over their streets, burn their police cars, and beat up anyone who happens by. In cities like Chicago, you don’t even think about going out after dark. Yet the poor people continue to elect these Democrats because they’ve successfully made them victims of poverty. “Don’t vote for anyone else because they’ll put you to work and take away your cell phone and food stamps.” I blame a lot of this on Obama but the truth is, this has been going on my whole life. It’s just worse now and with 24/7 media it’s in our face daily.

It doesn’t take a lot of brain power or research to see the honest differences between the Right and Left. Just look at the states held for decades by the Democrats vs those held by the Republicans and you’ll learn all you need to know. Democrat held states have high taxes, high gas prices, high crime and very high poverty rates. Sorry, now I am just stating the obvious.

Sadly the people in these districts have lost their voices

Nancy Pelosi has been in Washington for 40 years. She is worth 400 million dollars while drawing an annual salary of $174,000. That’s some kind of savings program she has, huh? Give me a break. All of this wealth and luxury yet her streets look like this:

This is what socialism and sanctuary cities look like across America. All run by Democrats

The Left has done nothing for the very people (poor & middle class) who continue to support them. Their big donors, and the Hollywood millionaires who thirst for more power via socialism continue to prop them up and run 365 days a year against the new, non-politician in town, our President.

The President speaks the truth which is something the Left and way too many on the Right want nothing to do with. The truth exposes them for what they really are. While they scream racism, the President keeps calling them out.

If you are among the folks that wish the President would be more Presidential, then you are a part of the problem. Being more Presidential is what got us to where we are today, it is what keeps us down, keeps us in wars, keeps the poor, poor, and keeps the middle class paying all the bills.

I love that the President calls these corrupt politicians out. Whether it’s the so called squad last week or the beloved civil rights champion or the $400 million dollar plastic face ding dong Pelosi or the deep state evil doers inside the FBI, CIA and Hillary/Obama camp, this President isn’t interested in keeping them safe, he is interested in keeping all of us safe and prosperous and free. “The truth, it shall set you free.”

The truth exposes all of Washington. This is why they fight Trump’s every move

The Squad

The Squad

These four represent everything but America. They are now the face of the Democrat Party

This is where we are in America. These are the faces of today’s Democrat party. America-haters, every one. If you are white, just know that these four hate you and are out to get you. These four are the ones that were hiding inside the Trojan horse. Sadly, the American voters (the stupid ones) unlocked the door and released these awful women into the halls of Congress. Even old, tired, ding dong Pelosi cannot control them.

This week, our President said to them exactly what all of us, who have been watching and listening to them have wanted to say. “If you don’t like America, leave!” And when he did, the Left went wild! If you listen to the Democrats and their friends in the media, you’d think this has never been said before. Y’all ever heard the words “Love it or leave it?” Hell, Merle Haggard wrote a great song about it and sold millions of records singing it. “When you start putting down my country man, you’re walking on the fightin’ side of me.”

The President is always two or three moves ahead of the rest of us. He is making sure that these four freshman, anti-American, socialist-loving, Jew-hating, racists are the face of the Democrat party. Every one of the Democrat candidates have endorsed these woman.  Whichever of them becomes the nominee, you can be sure that the President will be pointing this out in the debates. This week, one of the President’s tweets informed these four that they are welcome to leave.  That tweet took all 20 of the candidates right out of the news cycle. It was awesome! 

From the Green New Deal to dismantling ICE and Home Land Security, the Democrats continue to make clear that their priorities do not lie with the safety and prosperity of the American Citizen.

The Squad made certain to let their boss, Pelosi know that when she talks down to them, she is talking about four woman of color. In the Twitter-Word, these ass-clowns never stop talking about being women of color and of course, they accuse the President of being racist toward them. These four children do not seem to understand that Pelosi, the President and at least half of America doesn’t give a crap what color their skin is. What we despise is what comes out of their hateful mouths.

When the Trump supporters at this week’s rally starting chanting “send her home” when the President talked about Omar, the Left, the Media and even a number of Republican political correct cowards demanded that the President disavow this. Sadly, the President did distance himself saying that he was not happy when his supporters chanted this. This might have been the first time that I can say I was disappointed in him.  All they were doing is repeating what he had said earlier in the day. The following day and since, the President came back and stood up for his supporters. Good thing because for a minute there I thought I was going to have to call him. 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rahida Tlaib, lllan Omar, Ayanna Pressley #EnemiesWithin

 I’ll end this week’s post by giving you a warning. Don’t ignore these young, freshman congresswomen. They are a threat to our liberty. Not because they, on their own are powerful but because they’ve managed to hijack the entire Democrat Party.  As far as speaking up, don’t worry, I’ll do that for you and do every day. I just need you to make sure you vote next year for our President.  Remember to be aware of who you’re voting for, for Congress too. We need representation in congress who are in support of our President. America First, Americans First. Do your homework because this Green New/Profanity/Bigotry and downright Insanity must not continue.

Fake Outrage

I don’t know if you caught the congressional hearing this week regarding the immigration and the detention centers. For the most part, you didn’t miss much.  It was just another hearing where Congressmen and women bring in people to testify but instead do 99% of the talking as they grandstand and use the hearing to get “their” word out. Nearly all of these hearings are like that. The congress people use the hearings to push their agenda driven narratives, work to promote themselves for the next election and those brought in to testify end up not being heard.

The hearing this week didn’t quite go as the Congressmen/women had planned because of one man who wasn’t having it. Former Acting Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Tom Homan did not stand idly by while these so called law makers pushed out their lies and quite frankly, fake outrage over the treatment of these illegal aliens being lawfully held in the detention centers.

Famed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attempted to accuse Homan of being the author of family separation. Homan fired back reminding this twit that he enforced the laws that congress put in place for the illegals. She then pushed back saying there is no such thing as illegal people. Homan quoted the law to her. She then slammed him for allowing families to be separated. Again Homan put her in her place. “When I or any American is arrested for breaking the law we are going to be separated from our families.” Hold on a minute Homan, you mean to tell me if I am caught breaking into someone’s home and arrested I don’t get to have my wife and kids come to jail with me? Outrageous!

“You want to claim asylum? Go to a port of entry and do so legally”

Representative Gerry Connolly of Virginia screamed at Homan, “have you ever held a dead child in your arms?” Homan responded “Yes I have congressman when we found children left inside a 130 degree semi-trailer after being kidnapped. I held the young child in my arms and prayed for her.”

Homan blasted the lawmakers and accused them of political grandstanding and challenged them to do their job. “Change the laws if you don’t like them.” As he reminded them, he and the men and women of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement simply follow the laws that Congress puts forward.  “Stop blaming the men and women wearing the uniform and doing the best they can.  It’s outrageous. This is political grandstanding at its best.” Homan said.

For me, Mr. Homan wins the American Patriot of the week award. He wasn’t about to let these political hacks get away with demonizing these folks who are charged with protecting our borders. You almost never hear someone fight back in these hearings and call out the lies coming from these congress people. Homan not only called them out, he made down right fools out of them. AOC was made to look like what she is, an uneducated teenager attempting to play grown-up. For once someone shut her down leaving her without words. It was quite enjoyable.

“You in congress make the laws, you can fix this. Fix it!”

When the President declared that the situation at the border was a crisis, the Democrats responded by saying there is no crisis. Then they called it a manufactured crisis and now, they call it a crisis and somehow want you and me to believe that it’s the President’s fault that these people are in over-flowing detention centers. Remember, when the President first declared the emergency (months ago) and requested money to help border patrol better deal with the thousands of illegals, the Democrats denied him.  In fact, they removed any money that would go toward more beds and more detention facilities. Remember when AOC called for a boycott of Wayfair because they signed a contract with the Government to provide beds? Then, just a few weeks ago, she voted against the bill to provide more funds to help ease the crisis in these centers. All the while, she was going on national fake news screaming about the horrible conditions and claiming that officers were making the illegals drink out of toilets…

Today, ICE begins rounding up thousands upon thousands of illegals who entered our country, went before a judge claiming asylum, were given a court date, and never returned to court. Translation, they broke our law when they arrived and then broke another law by not showing up for their court date. The very thought of ICE rounding these people up and deporting them has the Democrat minds exploding but it’s all for show. The Obama administration holds the U.S. record for deportations. Remember all the outrage from the Democrats then? Yeah, me either.

The only people I feel sorry for are the immigration law enforcers. They are called every name in the book, spit on and demoralized by these Democrats and the news media when all they are doing is their job. We actually have lawmakers in congress, some of which are running for President telling the illegals not to answer their doors and providing them with numbers to call in case ICE shows up. Meaning, they are advocating that these people continue breaking our laws or better stated, “their laws.” That’s outrageous.

Those of us with our heads screwed on right have no problem with immigrants and immigration.  We encourage it, welcome it and realize how important it is to have people come to our country and help us while they are also helping themselves. We simply expect and/or demand it be done legally.

The way things are going in this country, the next thing we’ll learn is that it’s unacceptable to ask in the U.S. Census if you are a U.S. Citizen. Oh wait…

You are either insane or dumb as a rock if you even consider voting for one of these Democrats

A Tribute to America

From the second that the President announced a special tribute to America on July fourth, the Left and their pals in the media became unhinged accusing him of turning the special day into a self-serving political event. When he announced there would be military equipment on display, I thought they would lose their minds and they did. “He’s nothing less than a dictator.” “He is acting like his best friend Kim Jong Un.” “This is unbecoming of America.” “I believe having tanks in DC is a threat to all Americans.” “The President is hijacking our holiday.” And on it went. The most hypocritical comment coming from the Left was their fake outrage over the cost of the celebration. Please… All of DC spends money like drunken sailors. 

As I’ve noted on so many occasions, the truth is, these people don’t love nor appreciate America. They actually dislike all the things that she stands for. Freedom, respect, sacrifice, hard work, innovation, and the most giving nation the world has ever seen. Close one eye for a minute and think about a world without America and tell me what you see. I see the United States of China. Perhaps over time, the world would be made up of just two countries, China and Russia. When is the last time you heard of China rushing to the aide of anyone or anything? What has Russia done in the fight against AIDS? Does China have a Red Cross? Does Russia have a Salvation Army? Do their people contribute to charities around the world? Of course not, how can they, they have no means. The average annual income of a Chinese citizen is $10,000. In Russia? $8,000. These compared to America which is $32,000. 

You get my point. Those that hate America and fight our President’s every move are the least likely to ever pack their bags and move and why would they? Thanks to our constitution and all those who have bled and all those on patrol now protecting our constitution these people are granted the right to be complete freaking idiots.

All 192 Presidential Democratic candidates denounced the President hosting the July 4th celebration. How on earth do you vote for someone who dislikes the idea of the President of the United States of America taking the time to address the nation on our country’s most important birthday?

I of course watched every minute of the President’s tribute and found it inspiring and the thousands of twitter followers that I have felt the same way. As he walked us through each branch of the military the pride and thanks I had was unending and each of the fly overs gave me goosebumps and again a huge amount of pride. Unlike the Left who couldn’t use the word “shameful” enough, all I could think was, “Wow.”

When the President walked the country through our history and named so many of the great Americans throughout our 243 year history, I tweeted “Our schools won’t teach our history so our President will.” Many of my followers agreed.  One of my followers tweeted, “In one word describe how you are feeling about this tribute.” Thousands, myself included, replied with “Pride.”

You’d think after seeing the celebration and hearing the President’s speech that the Left and their pals in the media would at least have the decency to admit the tribute was not a political stunt but rather what it was designed to be from the beginning; a celebration of our great country. Other than Fox, none of the other main media outlets televised the event. Think about that. They refused to show the American people this wonderful and patriotic tribute on our Nation’s Birthday. And you wonder why you hear so many of us say “The Left hates the President more than they love America.” It’s true and it’s sad and mostly it’s Shameful.

Land of Liberty, home of the brave
That’s odd, the media told me attendance was poor… Fake News Folks.

Yes indeed, thank you for putting American greatness on display for all her citizens to watch, learn and enjoy. One Nation Under God.

The Debates – America Last

Did you watch these? Did you learn anything? Were you inspired? Did you leave feeling hopeful for a better America? Was there one single thing said that caused you to think to yourself, “that would be good?” Did you believe anything that was said? If you did, you need to plug your brain back in.

I had to keep reminding myself that I was watching a debate by people who are wishing to lead America because 90% of the chatter was about everything but America or Americans. Not to mention the clowns who kept speaking Spanish during the debate. English, we speak English in this country. Son of a B…

When asked by the moderator “please raise your hand if you are in favor of giving free medical care to all illegals” (I changed the word to illegals, they would never call them what they are), every single one of them raised their hand.

Raise your hand if you hate America

It blows my mind that any of these people could even remotely have a chance to run our country. Sadly, and don’t ask me why, there are millions of people in this country who will vote for one of these anti-American morons. Those in the audience applauded when all the candidates raised their hand.

It drives me out of my mind knowing that we have people in this country who are living on the streets, we have vets living under bridges desperately needing care yet the narrative on the Left is all about taking care of these non-Americans who broke our laws. It is absolutely fine being concerned for all people and doing what we can to better the lives of everyone but for God’s sake can we first help those in our own house first? A sick and broke America cannot help anyone.

Free college for all! Why is it so hard for people to understand that nothing is free, nothing? Not only do these clowns propose free college they want to pay off all outstanding student loans. And when I say “they” I mean you and me… They pander to the weak minds in this country. They are never going to provide free college and they aren’t going to be able to take our money to pay the debt of these people who took out loans to go to college to become liberalized.  But the sound bite, the promise sounds so good to the brain dead drones they will get their vote. 

Medicare for all! You pay nothing, zero cost for drugs, free, free, free! So I work my entire life watching my hard earned dollars taken out of my weekly paychecks on the promise I will have health insurance coverage in my golden years but now, come one come all. It will only cost trillions of dollars but that’s okay we’ll take it from Wall Street… Bullshit. There isn’t enough wall street money to pay for this nightmare. Even socialist/communist Bernie Sanders who is the number one pusher of this grand socialist scheme, when pressed in the debate had to admit taxes will have to be raised on the middle class in order to pay for this. “All medical costs will be free but yes, people will have to pay more taxes.” The good ole middle class. You know who they are right? They’re the ones that carry the bulk of the burden of this countries wasteful brilliant ideas. You know like, fighting climate change or sending billions of dollars to Iran as the chant death to America or the breeding habits of the northwestern cricket…

Soon you won’t need a paycheck. Everything will be free… Period.

These people did such a bang up job with Obamacare now they want us to turn over the entire healthcare system to them. They shout out “30 million people have lost their healthcare because of President Trump’s policies” While that alone is a lie at the same time they are proposing to discontinue employer base healthcare which will remove some 180 million people from coverage. And guess what folks, you and I don’t pay a single dime for those 180 million people’s healthcare. But let’s change that so we can… #Stupid.  

Reparations – I hate to say this but, if the black community falls for this again then they deserve what they get which will be nothing. This is what the Democrats do every four years, they pander (fancy word for lie) to groups in order to garnish (fancy word for get) their votes. They have managed to convince the average American “drone” that they are the party of the people, the working man, and the sensitive caring party. They are everything but that. Simply said, they are the party of hate & lies.

How many times will you allow these democrats to use you? #WalkAway

I want to believe there are more Americans that see through these lies and more of us who clearly see the good things this President as done for us and our country but, you can bet your bottom dollar I won’t be counting on it and so I’ll be voting for the President and calling these pandering leftist, anti-American morons out at every opportunity I have. I pray you will be doing the same.

Wishing all of you a wonderful week ahead and hoping you all have a chance to celebrate the 4th. Display that flag patriots! God Bless America, hamburgers and hot dogs too!  No relish though, that’s un-American.

What about Us?

With the election just around the corner and the mob of candidates that have thrown their skirts into the ring (normally I’d say hats but with this group… doesn’t fit) you’d think we’d be inundated with ads, tweets and speeches telling us about all of the wonderful (lies) things they are going to do for us tax paying Americans. Right?

Well, not with this mob of morons. Listening to them, I swear if I didn’t know better they were all running to become the President of Mexico. Worse, the leadership in the Democrat party are in lock step with these anti-American candidates.

  Rep. Eric Swalwell‏Verified account @RepSwalwell 

To immigrant families: We see you, we are here for you and we will not stop fighting for you. Families belong together. Period.

This goofball from California when he’s not proposing his mandatory gun buyback program or nuking us if we don’t comply tweeted the above this week. Don’t worry patriot friends, I replied to him on your behalf.

Dan Garrison‏ @iamjumpingin 

Replying to @RepSwalwell

Translation: American families, we don’t hear you, we don’t care about you and we will not fight for you… Period

This next one from the same useful idiot was even better;

Eric Swalwell‏Verified account @ericswalwell

If you’re Hispanic, there’s nothing @realDonaldTrump  won’t do to break up your family, cage your children, or erase your existence with a weaponized census. And there’s nothing we won’t do in the streets, courts, and at the ballot box to stop him. #FamiliesBelongTogether #FamiliesBelongTogether

My response;

Dan Garrison‏ @iamjumpingin 

Dan Garrison Retweeted Eric Swalwell

If you’re Hispanic, there’s nothing the Democrats won’t say to get you to believe they care about you. They’ll promise you free everything and deliver you nothing but keep you in poverty. Don’t believe me? Ask our Black American friends. They’ve endured this from the Democrats all of their lives.

Notice in Swalwell’s tweet that he refers to fighting in the streets. It’s as though they want a civil war which I guess gives us a clue why they really want to take away our 2nd amendment rights (right to bear arms).

He’s not the only one dedicating their candidacy to the non-American. Below is a tweet from good old Bernie Sanders. I prefer “communist” over good old but hey, trying to keep this clean.

Bernie Sanders‏Verified account @BernieSanders

Here is my promise: As President I will:

  • protect the undocumented
  • pass comprehensive immigration reform
  • reinstate legal status for DACA recipients and their parents

Not willing to let these opportunities go unattended, I responded in kind;

Dan Garrison‏ @iamjumpingin 

Dan Garrison Retweeted Bernie Sanders

Translation: I will do everything I can for non-Americans. Vote for me… Wow…

What am I missing? Why do these Leftist think they’ll garner more support by promoting illegal entry into our country? I mean they’ve got the looney left vote without saying anything… oh, I get it, they’re pandering to the looney Left in order to achieve their party’s nomination.  I guess we’ll have to wait until one of these clowns gets the nomination to find out what they actually plan to do for us…

Shall we continue?

Chuck Schumer‏Verified account @SenSchumer

It is a miserable state of affairs when you have to remind @realDonaldTrump that children have human rights. The Trump administration must be held accountable for their egregious mistreatment of infants and children. We must put a stop to this. Now.

This is cryin Chuck tweeting about our holding the illegals (as required by law, law that he himself passed) while we attempt to understand who they are, are they healthy and find out if their parents are really their parents. Don’t worry folks, none of this is costing us much… This is also the senator who favors late term abortion yet he feels free to preach about mistreatment of infants and children. He is the Democrat leader in the Senate…

My response:

Dan Garrison‏ @iamjumpingin 

Dan Garrison Retweeted Chuck Schumer

What’s a matter Chuck? The free clothes not good enough for these illegal kids? Free food taste bad? Not enough TV channels on their free cable? Not enough air in their soccer balls? Is the free medical attention too expensive? #YourAMoron

Finally, my weekly post wouldn’t be complete without our discussing ding dong Pelosi. Here’s her tweet on Friday of this week.

Nancy Pelosi‏Verified account @SpeakerPelosi

Nancy Pelosi Retweeted Donald J. Trump

Mr. President, delay is welcome. Time is needed for comprehensive immigration reform. Families belong together.

This tweet from ding dong is referring to the President deciding not to have ICE begin major raids on Monday to round up the thousands of illegals who have failed to show up for their court hearings. Instead he has agreed to give Congress two weeks to reform the lousy immigration laws or else the raids will go forward. By the way, this decision by the President was not well received by many of his followers. To no surprise to any of you, I am taking the high road on this and assuming the President is playing 3D chess. He is throwing this back in their laps so, when they fail to reform the law he can point to them for failing and then, start rounding up the illegal law breakers.

My response to ding dong was short and sweet, just like me…

Dan Garrison‏ @iamjumpingin 

Dan Garrison Retweeted Nancy Pelosi

Good Lord Lady, how much time do you need? We’ve only been waiting for 30 plus years… And for the record, we’re not waiting for you to tell us all illegals must be given citizenship. #AmericaFirst

While I could provide you with many, many more examples of how the Left continues to focus on everything but Americans, I won’t beat the dead horse, you get it.

I think Socialist Bernie Sanders put everything in perspective in his tweet on Friday;

Bernie Sanders‏Verified account @BernieSanders It is my very strong belief that the United States must reject the path of hatred and divisiveness—and instead find the moral conviction to choose a different path, a higher path. A path of compassion, justice and love. It is that path that I call #DemocraticSocialism.

While all of you are busy with your lives, working, raising and attending to your love ones, I had the time to respond for us all.

Dan Garrison‏ @iamjumpingin 

Dan Garrison Retweeted Bernie Sanders

Couldn’t agree more with you Bernie. That’s exactly why we elected @realDonaldTrump  We sure as hell aren’t going to elect a communist. #Trump2020

So there you have it my friends. This week was the Left’s continuation of their America Last Agenda. I clearly realize I am a Right Wing loon but seriously, how can anyone support these people?  While they want to be all up in our business our wants are so simple, we simply want to be left alone.

Fight on friends! Tomorrow is another day and wishing you all a wonderful and safe week ahead.

Our Government has failed these Americans and their families. Remember this when you vote.