Another Week, Another Rant
What on God’s green earth are we doing in this country? I swear (I’d like to but my wife said no) we’ve all gone off our rockers. Do y’all have any idea how badly I want to post just one time an up-beat story about how we are turning the corner, or that there is finally a light shining at the end of the tunnel. You know; cup half “full” stuff? Maybe it’s just me; maybe I’m the only one wallowing in the political mud.
I guess I can say at least this week wasn’t any worse than the prior or the one before that or… It’s a pretty sad comment though when the only positive thing one can say is that things aren’t any worse. And I don’t even know if that’s completely accurate.
The Border Crisis:
Yes, it’s a damn crisis! Tired Brain won’t admit it and the lame media won’t admit it but trust me, it is. Thousands upon thousands of illegals are crossing into our country with a line on the other side growing bigger and bigger by the day. As we speak, they are busing some 3,000 boys ages between 12 -17 to Dallas where they’ll be held in their convention center. The Democrats, this week voted down a Republican bill that would have required the illegals to be tested for the China virus prior to allowing them to be released into the country. I have two problems with this. The first is obvious, why would the Democrats be opposed to this? These are the same idiots who have had most of the country shut down for a year out of fear that I might somehow infect my sister or my son or his kids and yet, no problem with Jose or Saddam or somebody from a foreign country roaming free. This is such “in your face” bullshit it makes me want to scream. Secondly, the weak GOP has now resolved that illegal entry is ok or at least not worth fighting over. At least, they want these people tested. Seriously, the GOP does not know how to fight. The vast majority are afraid of their own shadow. Before every issue that comes before them their first and only thought is, “how will this make me look, will I get reelected?”
For the first time in decades, Trump had this border mess under control and here we are less than 60 days later and we’re right back in the Obama years. It’s disgusting, it’s dangerous and it’s expensive. It makes me sick.

This week we witnessed just how disrespected we are around the world. Everything Biden’s handlers have done has sent a message around the globe that America is back to being the weak-ass woke country it was during the Obama years. Biden is a complete and utter fool with the brain capacity of gnat and the world leaders see it.
North Korea wouldn’t even take Tired Brain’s call and has publicly called him an imbecile and fool with a low IQ. Sadly, these idiots aren’t wrong. Unlike Biden, Trump didn’t stand down to such nonsense. I remember when North Korea called him old and Trump’s response was “Why
would Kim insult me by calling me old, when I would never call him short and fat?” LOL. And history will never forget “rocket man”. How people don’t miss Trump is beyond me. While I make light of this, it’s serious, Kim Jong-un is dangerous and communication is vital. In their defense, how do you communicate with someone like Biden who, “come on man” doesn’t even know if he’s alive?
This week Biden called Putin a stone cold killer. This came up as the administration and media pal’s renewed efforts claiming Russia again interfered in the election. Like Russia wanted Trump right? Please. Putin, in a Trump style reaction responded by recalling his American Ambassador and saying “it takes one to know one.” Later in the week he challenged Biden to a public debate saying it would be good for the Russian people and the American people, the whole world to see. Many (myself included) took this as Putin’s way of saying, “Biden is too far gone to debate me.” He finished his challenge by wishing Biden good health… The world knows Biden isn’t all there.
Finally, this week the Biden Administration held their first talks with China. First they agreed to meet with them in Alaska which Trump jumped all over saying he would have never agreed to that. Meaning, if you want to meet with the Americans then you’ll need to travel to Washington DC. I don’t know if you watched any of the videos of the meeting on Thursday, but China steamed right over the Biden team showing zero respect. While our team read from notes the guy from China looked across the table directly in the eyes of our new Secretary of State Antony Blinken (OMG where’s Mike Pompeo) and spoke. Blinken attempted to convince China of America’s global strength and China fired back with “America is not strong.” When Blinken accused China of human right abuses they fired back accusing the US of mass murdering of black people. They used our own media false narrative against us. Mass murdering of black people, really? “Hands up don’t shoot.” Where’s my bullshit flag?
It certainly wasn’t a good week for tired brain. He wrapped it up on Friday by tripping, three times no less while boarding air force one. Twitter fans had a hay day. Later the White House spokesman cleared it up saying the fall was due to the wind. LOL it was coming from the NW @ 14 MPH.
What’s next on the Biden agenda? Tax hikes, yippie! Makes sense though don’t you think? I mean after a year of the country being shut down and spending money like drunken sailors, with gas prices on the rise, unemployment numbers going up and flooding the country with thousands upon thousands of illegals needing homes, food and medical attention, Mr. Tired Brain (see I have respect for the office, I used Mr. in front of his name) is going to need some more dough. Don’t worry folks, Biden’s plan won’t affect you…
Well, there you have it. Dan’s rant of the week. Maybe next week will be better… Who knows, we might even have a President Harris by next week. And y’all thought it couldn’t get worse.
Despite all the nonsense folks, have a good week inside your inner circle of family and friends.
We will get through this mess. What we look like afterwards is a whole other rant.