What Is Wrong With These People?

I don’t know what happened to me growing up to make me see things so differently from nearly 50% of the country. When it comes to these so called leaders in DC, that percentage jumps to 90%. I’ve got to believe it’s not me, it’s them.

This week 35 Republicans, in name only voted for the commission to investigate the fake January 6th insurrection. How on earth do you have an insurrection without a single weapon and without a single shot fired other than the one who shot an unarmed woman (Ashley Babbitt)?

Insurrection: An organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government or ruler and take control of the country, usually by violence.

So if we now consider breaking windows and sitting in the speaker’s chair violence, then the events throughout the year in Seattle, Portland and DC must be considered all out war. Yet, these have been labeled as “mostly peaceful.” There is no dispute that there was a group of people. Organized people, that is questionable at best. To say they were there to “defeat” the government is outright wrong. They were there to protest the rigged election and demand accountability and everyone knows it; everyone. Yet, here we are. This is nothing more than Russia, Russia, Russia again. Pure made up falsehoods designed specifically to take President Trump down and maintain power over the people.

While the Democrats voting for the commission is completely predictable, the 35 Republicans are disgusting. These same 35 Republicans just spent the previous four years, like the rest of us watching the Left throw everything they had at the President only to come up empty each and every time. It was a four year long witch hunt. These Republicans knew it and you can bet that they privately (some more than others) hoped any one of these scams would have taken the President down. They didn’t like him from the start and they still don’t like him. They also hate that he has the ear of millions of taxpayers. That threatens their ability to control us while they pad their bank accounts. Please trust me when I say, other than a handful, there is little difference between a Republican and a Democrat in Washington DC. Both talk a different game but the ending results are always the same. The people get screwed, the politicians get rich.

So I ask again, “what is wrong with these people?” To the average Joe there are so many things in life that are more important than the almighty dollar yet these DC dwellers don’t seem to care. Observing the current DC nonsense, it seems obvious to this humble nobody that there is literally nothing they won’t do in order to achieve their goal of complete power over the people.

I want to spend just a minute talking about Israel. It has always amazed me how Israel can endure days of bombings then strike back and that very day or the very next day the world is calling for a cease fire. In this latest attack, Hamas fired over 3,000 missiles at Israel. Israel finally struck back and everyone began screaming for cease fire and accusing Israel of exacting overwhelming revenge. In response, Israel agreed to the cease fire.

Here’s the point I want to make. If any country ever launches even one missile much less 3,000 onto our country, the words cease fire better never be spoken. Why Israel allows this nonsense to occur over and over is another thing that I will never understand. Hamas should be very thankful that I am not running Israel because I promise you; there would be no Hamas and no Gaza City. I mean really, enough is enough. Cowards would accuse me of starting an all out war in the Middle East. Yeah, what’s your point? Let’s resolve all this bullshit once and for all. But hey, that’s radical me talking. The bully at school will keep taking your lunch money for as long as you let him. What is wrong with these people? And can someone explain to me why we have United States Congress people standing beside the terrorists and not our dearest ally Israel? One more; tell me why any Jewish person would vote for a Democrat. Finally, if all hell broke loose in our country, who among all the other countries in the world do you think would be the first to help us? With a President Trump it would be Israel hands down, with Tired Brain occupying the White House, who knows. I’d say China except they’re the most likely ones to create the “all hell” scenario in the first place.

My final rant for this week revolves around the masks and the vaccines. I’d like to set the record straight. First, we were told masks don’t work. Then we were told to wear masks for 15 days to flatten the curve. Then they shut the entire country down and tanked the greatest economy the world had ever seen. We must have enough ventilators to last a lifetime. We were told the hospitals were running out of beds. We were shown semi-truck trailers supposedly holding dead bodies. Throughout all of this, we were given statistics showing we had, depending upon your age and health, over a 90% chance of surviving the virus. Just as an aside, we were also told that Trump colluded with the Russians, bribed the Ukrainian President, peed on some woman in Moscow and called for an insurrection. Now we are on the cusp of being mandated by these very same people to get the vaccine.

Here’s the deal, whether or not you get the vaccine is of no concern to me. I honestly don’t care. In fact, I want you to do whatever “you” think is best for “you.”, if that means taking the shots, great, good, fine, well done. If it means you’ve decided it’s not for you, good, great, fine, well done. Not only don’t I care, it’s none of my damn business what you do. I’m not here to try and convince you what is best for you. That’s insane. The only thing I ask is for you to treat me the same way.

Okay family and friends, that’s a wrap. Another week of nonsense is about to be history. Together we’ll watch what Tired Brain comes up with next week. Did you hear him say this week he hardly ever eats meat anymore but eats a lot of chicken? They don’t let Tired Brain talk much but when he does, you understand why. #Idiot

Hold on to your hat folks, this is going to be a bumpy ride. #America First

Wishing everyone a Happy Memorial Day. Make sure you are proudly displaying the great American flag in honor of all those who have given everything. God Bless America and God Bless all who have kept her free. Have a nice weekend & week ahead.

Ranting Because I can

In order to make itself appear to be needed the Government creates problems. I really believe this because there is no way on God’s green earth that so many downright stupid things would occur naturally. And, worse than that, they spend trillions of taxpayer dollars “working” on these problems, seeking solutions, holding hearings, going to court, fighting among themselves and this process never ends. The process is costly, the outcome is almost always ineffective, and rarely are there any real solutions to these artificial problems. 90% of the DC clowns appear to have never had a moment of normal life. You’d think they were hatched out of some laboratory or something, programmed to be problem makers not problem solvers. Hell, you’d think if they can “make-up” a problem they’d at least know how to solve it, right? WRONG! And while I am on the subject of stupid, there a multitude of US citizens who aren’t helping matters much. Make that, “aren’t helping matters at all.” In fact, they make everything worse.

Nearly every law on the books is there because some dipshit lawmaker had a brain fart of an idea or because the zombie citizenry kept doing something stupid and therefore we all must put up with a new law… the cycle is mind numbing.

Oh don’t get me wrong, we are a Nation of Laws. I get it and I understand that we need to have laws to keep the insane from killing off the sane. The trouble is though, by all accounts, the opposite is happening.

The everyday criminal seems to run free but the person who goes to work every day, worships every week, raises a family with a spouse is being taxed to death and they better not own a gun. If you throw some caucasianness into that – all hell breaks loose. There’s no damn reason for this, none.

Want me to wear a seatbelt? Fine. Want me to drive the speed limit? Sure, if it will make you happy. Want me to pay to register my car? Ok I guess. Once it’s registered though why on earth do I have to register it every year for the rest of my car owning life? I mean, I registered it, you know it’s mine, you know I own a car, you know what kind of car it is, what year it was made, why do I have to keep proving that to you? Money, money, m o n e y! The ass-hats can’t very well have a lifelong job and keep up with the cost of living without raising money can they?

Want me to wear a mask for 15 days to slow the spread? Seems reasonable until we figure out how this virus works. Eh, a year later and you’re still insisting I wear one. Why? Are the hospitals full of dying people? Were they ever full? At this point we must have enough ventilators to last a lifetime.

The Government has even gone so far as to tell us which words we are and are not allowed to use. That’s because, with the help of the state run media and those idiot citizens I was talking about. It’s no longer “free speech”, it’s “Pre-approved Free Speech.”

We just got done shutting down the entire country over a virus that has 90%+ survival rate. This survival rate is similar to the flu. Depending upon your age and your health, this can be deadly or little more than a pain in the ass that keeps you home from work for a week or out of school for a few days.

Now, the money grabbing control freaks are in lock step with the citizens who are afraid of the sun, the rain and the maskless. They are working overtime to create yet another law. Get the vaccine or be shunned from society. A vaccine by all appearances that will turn out to be much like the vehicle registration law, get one every year or else! Money, money, M O N E Y!

Here’s the deal. I don’t care if you get the vaccine. It’s your life. Do as you think is best for “you.” I don’t care what words you use. I’ll either like those words or dislike them – Now, I’ll either like you or dislike you based on the words you use. If I dislike you I’ll not be around you. Wanna ride your bike without a helmet? Go for it. I did and I am mostly ok. Wanna own a gun? Fine but why do I need to know you own a gun? In fact, why do I even care? Oh I see, because you might be a bad guy, a thief, murderer, a drug dealer, or much worse, i.e. an idiot. Enough about the Government, if you don’t mind, I’d like to own one to…

They passed sometime in the last couple of years, where it is now illegal to lynch someone. Whew, thank God because the lynching was completely out of control. I don’t know about you but I personally feel so much safer now knowing that the person who lynches me will be held to account – after all, it’s now illegal. Ha, like any of these ass-hats would have the brains to know how to tie a knot in the first place. I guess I shouldn’t say that. According to the Government Jeffery Epstein did it with a sheet that he took off the jail cell bed. If you believe that, “Here’s your sign.”

Evidently there are some poor folks in this country who are incapable of obtaining an ID. Don’t yell at me, that’s what the folks in Washington say. We are supposed to believe that. However, it’s difficult to believe because from time to time (daily) I run into some of these folks they’re talking about. Like today I was at the little market at the gas station and I saw a guy show his ID to the cashier because he was buying a bottle of beer. Then last week the wife and I were at the DMV to “RE” register our car and there were all sorts of people in there; white people, black people, brown people and some Asian looking folks too. Oddly enough, the Asian person I saw came and left unharmed. That was nice to see. When it was our turn to go to the window the person behind the counter asked for our ID. I assume we were the only ones who needed ID.

This week I sent out a tweet that simply said; Bullshit. For this I received a fair amount of likes which I thought was great because they didn’t care what the subject was or what caused me to say that, they simply agreed. A few friends asked what they missed and what happened that cause me to tweet such a thing. They know me well enough to know that something must have happened. As I told them, nothing special happened, it was just another day of nonsense and that was the word that best described my feelings. Was it something the Government did? Or maybe something the media said? Maybe it was a video I watched or some moronic tweet from  a Liberal? Try all of the above.

I know that’s all I want, what say you?

This has been another DG rant that goes up and around the bushes and leads y’all to nowhere special but I am so glad you’ve arrived! I get tired every week of talking about this damn stolen election and this complete idiot we have sitting in the White House calling a lid after lunch every day. I also get worn down trying to find the truth in all that is happening. I mean seriously, are you telling me that Tired Brain shut down our pipeline but approved a Russian pipeline and to top it off the media doesn’t care? It can’t be true… The Government didn’t close down our pipeline and then this week say that pipelines are the safest way to transport fuel, did they? It can’t be.

I’ve said it before, Reagan said, trust but verify. He wouldn’t say that today. Today he’d say “don’t trust and try to verify.”

Thanks for tuning into this week’s rants my friends. Perhaps, if you’re lucky and I don’t use any of the Government sanctioned words, I’ll get back on track next week and rant some more about the election and provide feedback on the stupid things that Tried Brain and his side kick Phony Knee Pad Woman are doing.

Have a good rest of your weekend and a great week ahead and remember that you’re not the one going crazy. You’re the one trying to stop the crazies from ruining a perfectly good country. And for the record, that’s why I love ya.


As we all watch the weeks go by in this propped up fake Administration, it becomes more and more ridiculous. It is as though their goal is to outdo themselves week over week and sadly, it is the one goal they seem to be achieving. Between the media and these tech Nazis, one could easily come to the conclusion that communism isn’t coming, it’s here.

Speaking of big tech, as my dear twitter followers know, I was suspended again this week. Unlike prior suspensions, I was honored with an actual reason. Prior suspensions were non-specific. Twitter’s only explanation was that I had done something against their Nazi like policies. This latest suspension however was specific. They said, and I quote: Your account has been locked for violating the Twitter Rules. Specifically for; violating the policy on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19, end Quote.

Here’s the tweet: I can wash my hands, get plenty of sunshine and avoid being around people who are sick so that I don’t catch the China Virus that has a 97% recovery rate or I could listen to the Government and take the vaccine. You know the Government.  They’re the ones telling us Tired Brain got 81M votes. WRONG! 

So you tell me, how was this tweet misleading and potentially harmful to someone? Are they seriously trying to say that little ole @iamjumpingin is going to influence someone from taking the vaccine? I wasn’t talking about anyone other than myself. Perhaps it was the use of the word “China” they disliked or more likely the Tired Brain 81M comment. At any rate, these free speech Nazis need to be brought to their knees. As I sat idly by for 12 hours, the leader of Hamas was tweeting away. What are the words I am looking for to describe this? It’s right on the tip of my tongue… Oh I remember, “BULLSHIT.”

As for the propped up Administration, this week was again one ridiculous cluster after another and the sick part of it is that none of it surprised me at all. The puppet master either has a chip on his shoulder against the American people and the world or he’s just as we all suspected, dumb as a rock. The guy would screw up a perfectly good piece of iron. 

In just a short 5 months, Tired Brain has managed to stir up the Middle East so profoundly that if I had just come out of a coma, I would think Obama was still President. Iran, with their little gun boats is speeding around U.S. warships in the gulf and through their puppet, Hamas, Israel is being bombarding daily. Not to worry though, Tired Brain is surrounded by top notch advisors like Susan Rice and Peter Pumpkin eater; ridiculous. We go from four years of Middle East peacemaking to 5 months of war making. To be sure, the big difference between the pretend President and the real President is this.  Right off the bat, the real President let the world know, that he would not put up with any nonsense from anyone. He was tested early-on.  He shoved a few missiles down their throats and took out a few of their top mass murderers. Contrast that with Tired Brain who has done… wait for it… nothing.  That is a little unfair. I guess he managed not to fall walking up the steps to Air Force One this week. #Idiot

Then he and “not a doctor” Jill go visit the third worst President in modern times Jimmy the peanut brain Carter. Tired Brain may be the only person on planet earth who would actually take Carter’s advice. Immediately following that visit, I found myself back in the 70’s,in line for gas. The day after the pipeline shutdown was announced; the price of gas at my local station increased by ten cents a gallon. I’ve heard of much higher increases. Once again though, never fear, the pretend President was all over it! 

My most popular tweet this week was; 


Biden to address the nation to discuss the gas shortage and bombing of Israel.  Just kidding, he’s been in bed since four.

Folks got a kick out of that. Not because it was funny, because it was true. Once again, “ridiculous.” 

Speaking of funny not funny… This is an actual screen at a gas station in Tennessee

What you’re not hearing much about is the ballot audit in Arizona. Nope, the media and DC are tight lipped about that and thankfully, so are those conducting the audit. I am thankful for that. Just count them and report your findings when you’re done. Then, let the chips fall where they may and anyone not in a coma knows where they may. 

Talk about ridiculous things. If any honest person was accused of something that they knew they had not done, they would want to clear their name once and for all. Anyone’s victory that was being challenged would want to prove that they had won. But that’s not what the Left is doing is it. That’s not what Dominion is doing either. They are fighting this audit with all their might. Hundreds of lawyers, refusing to provide the auditors the passwords to the voting machines, jumping from one judge to another until they find one that will put a halt to the recount. Their guilt is as obvious as their claim that Tired Brain received more votes than any President in the History of the country. Hell, he was so popular that he got more votes than we have voters! These ass-hats aren’t even that good at cheating. They do have a clear understanding of just how stupid and disengaged half the country is though. And for those few that begin to question all this there’s the media to make sure they get that out of their heads. 

As far as I can tell, the only thing that is missing from this communist movement are the bread lines.  With inflation on the rise (Really $70 for a piece of ¾” plywood) those may very well be just around the corner.  Speaking of plywood, another tweet of mine last week that got a lot of likes and re-tweets was;

I have a never used before ¾” piece of plywood. Willing to trade for a boat with a full tank of gas. 

Friends, if we don’t have fun and find ways to laugh, the party is over. By the way, the responses to that tweet were much better than the tweet itself. So many Americans get the ridiculous goings-on and find their own way to cope. One follower replied “You are under cutting yourself Garrison, you could easily ask for a good woman to go with the boat” LOL. I of course disagreed, you’d have to give up at least two pieces of plywood and drop the whole full gas tank thing to even have a chance for that. 

Finally this week Tired Brain was kind enough to let us know We The People have a choice. We can either get the vaccine and not wear a mask or wear a mask. “The choice is yours” he said. I took the time to read some of the responses to his tweet (like he knows how to tweet, please…) and had to just shake my head. The people who have been vaccinated are so worried that they will be exposed to someone who hasn’t been vaccinated. To which the obvious question is; “Why did you get vaccinated then?” I mean if the shot is supposed to protect you from catching the virus and you obviously believe it will what are you worried about? Yep, ridiculous.  As for Tired Brain giving me a choice, who died and made you queen? Empty headed old fool. 

I love the people who come up with these memes.

Okay family and friends this brings an end to another weekly rant. Now don’t just sit there, start raving! (Ranting and Raving… nevermind) Have a great rest of your weekend and let us all look forward to another week of ridiculous.           

I am Nearly Done

Right after I post my weekly blog (rants), the very next thing I do is start thinking about the next one. What will I write about and whatever it is, what impact will it have, if any? Truthfully, it’s becoming more and more difficult.

Don’t misunderstand, I am not at a loss for words, just ask my wife. I am however nearly done with the week over week negativity which is about all I seem to find when searching for a weekly topic to share with y’all.

How many times can I say Tired Brain didn’t win anything, Kamala is an unlikable phony and the Government isn’t here to help? Those of you who take the time (thank you) to read these blogs already know that. Hell, some of you know the details of this on-going nonsense better than I do. So… now what?

This last election has turned me and millions like me into a bunch of pissed off Americans who are seemingly bogged down in the overwhelming Leftist assault of the American way of life. Many of us are frustrated with the in your face destruction of the country and to make matters worse we don’t know what to do to stop it. Many have high hopes the Arizona recount will turn out positive for the President and start a chain reaction throughout the other states that all stopped counting on election night. I personally hold out little faith for that. The evil doers are so entrenched in their filth I doubt very seriously they will allow the truth to come out much less follow up on it.

I’ve advocated for hitting the streets. Millions of us, not thousands and that we don’t leave until we affect change. It seems fair to ask; if everything that has occurred thus far hasn’t moved the American people to march, what will move them? I mean seriously, just what will it take for the “normal” people in this country to leave their homes, their jobs, and their families to have their voices heard? If having our votes stolen doesn’t do it, what will? It is starting to feel as if we won’t have to worry about our homes, our jobs or families because they’ll all be taken away or at the very least, unrecognizable. The message we are inundated with is the exact opposite of who we are and how we think. We are supposed to believe that our country is systemically racist, home ownership is racist, the Constitution is non-existent, and the biggest threat to our lives is climate change which by the way is the root cause of the crisis at the border don’t you know.. We are being programmed to believe that the only way to fix everything that is wrong is to fall in line and do as we are told by the all knowing wisdom of the Government.

We The People, LOL. I’m sorry, those beautiful words have perhaps become the biggest joke of all. Apparently “We The People” doesn’t mean jack shit anymore. These ass-hats in Washington don’t work for us. Hell, Tired Brain even came right out and said that. “I don’t work for you.” Remember when he said that during an argument with a coal miner? Every once in a while these political bastards accidentally let their true feelings out. When you hear them you should believe them. Remember right after the start of the first impeachment hearings when nasty

Nancy said “It’s dangerous to let the American people decide Trump’s fate?” She meant that. I believed she meant it when she said it and guess what? In the end the American people did not decide Trump’s fate.

These are her words and just so you know, this isn’t okay…

Sadly, as I sit in my lounge chair in the living room, I don’t see millions of Americans hitting the streets in protest. The very people who I suggest start to march, (I’m one of them) don’t do this. It’s not in our DNA. Oh we’re pissed off and we’ll defend our loved ones but we are mostly private people who stay within our circles of trust – our families, friends and God. We are not the type of people who impose our beliefs on others, and at the end of the day, that is what we want the others to honor. Meaning, do whatever the hell you want, be whatever you want, just leave me the hell alone and don’t shove your shit down my throat. If the good folks who remain in Portland don’t want to take their city back from those freaks, that’s fine with the rest of us. I don’t hear any of you bitching about it anyway so live it, love it and let it go I guess.

The problem is that is not what is happening, is it? They are not just leaving us alone. Nope, they are indeed shoving their shit down our throats. It’s disgusting and our elected (right, like we actually elected anyone) officials are not standing with the majority but with the minority of trouble makers. It’s so insane. Those that pay the bills around here are the ones being vandalized by all the nonsense.

Talk about walking in circles, that’s what this post feels like… Grrr. At the end of the day, I may not be able to affect the change we all want but by God that isn’t going to stop me from bitching about it! LOL

On a more upbeat note, best wishes to all the Moms out there today, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! I hope your day is fantastic! You’ve earned it and more. We’d be nowhere without you.

Have a great rest of the day and may you have a pleasant week ahead and instead of living it, loving it and letting it go. How about we “Live it, Love it, And hang on for dear life!”

Back To Normal

CAUTION: This post is full of sarcasm and could be harmful to humans who have no ability to read between the lines. Proceed at your own peril.

As we put another week behind us and look back on the last 100 plus days of the current White House occupant, we should all be thankful that things are finally getting back to normal. Just think about it. We are no longer being forced to read or hear about those awful tweets from President Trump pointing out some insane thing about the fake news media lying or accusing the FBI or the DOJ of being corrupt and not serving up equal justice in the country. We no longer have to hear about the billions of tax dollars being spent on, I don’t know, climate change or immigration, or hell, even the cost in providing military protection for other countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) has had their funding restored so now things are back to normal for them too. The Paris Climate Accord folks have their US credit card back in their wallets so they are free to spend as needed to combat the biggest threat to human life, global warming or cooling depending on which one the “experts” feel sells the best. Doesn’t normalcy feel good?

Under the new regime here in the U.S. we no longer have to hear about how horrible it was that President Trump added his signature to the stimulus checks. Instead of signing the checks, the new White House occupant just sent out a very nice letter pointing out how great he is and how great it was that he sent out his stimulus checks. While having Trump’s signature on the checks didn’t cost the taxpayers anything, I am sure sending a hundred plus million letters didn’t cost anything either. That is just good communications… Ah, normalcy. It’s just so great to be back to the good times…

This week, the FBI raided Rudy “America’s Mayor” Giuliani’s New York apartment, seizing anything he had related to Ukraine (well, everything except Hunters back-up laptop info.) Remember how awful it was when Trump weaponized the DOJ & ordered all those seizures of his opponents. You know, like the time he had the FBI break into Jim Comey’s office or the time he had Brennan arrested? The best was that time he had John Kerry arrested for giving state secrets to Iran… When questioned (a rare moment) about Giuliani’s seizure, Tired Brain said he learned about it the same time everyone else did, he heard it on the news. That’s right out of the Obama playbook. Again, we are getting back to normal and it feels so right, so good doesn’t it?

If you remember, Pelosi, Schumer, and all the Democrats and certainly all of the news media, especially America’s most trusted news, CNN screamed at the top of their lungs about Trump’s request for 10 billion dollars to build the southern wall. As I remember the whole debate, the Left was good enough to point out that we couldn’t afford to spend 10 billion dollars on the racist wall. We don’t have to worry about that kind of thing anymore. Tired Brain stopped that racist wall and while he’s spent trillions of dollars on much more important things as noted above what’s important and such a relief, is that we don’t have to hear about it anymore. Things are most definitely getting back to normal.

For me personally I cannot even begin to tell you what a relief it was, how normal it felt when I filled my pick-up up yesterday and it cost me $75. It just felt so normal, so, I don’t know, good to pay more. It felt like we were back to the Obama years. If the truth was told, I think all Americans are quietly hoping we can keep working toward this normalcy until we get back to the Carter years where we buy all of our oil from Iran and if we have any luck at all just maybe we can wait in long lines on alternate days and instead of spending $75 to fill up perhaps we can get back to rationing so that we are only allowed 10 gallons of gas at any one time. This would be helpful in so many ways. First we would no longer have to spend $75 obviously but also just think about the positive impact it will have on the climate! Cutting down the number of miles we all drive would be fantastic… Cutting the keystone pipeline has us heading in the right direction to meeting this wonderful goal. As long as Tired Brain keeps listening to and continues to get such great advice from brilliant minds like AOC, John Kerry and Susan Rice, I really think the goal of the Carter years is achievable. So great!

I read this morning, due to the increased costs of lumber, the average home being built now cost $36,000 more. That’s per home. This is awesome because single family homes are racist anyway. This increase should slow new home construction down and, once again, it just makes me feel so good, so hopeful for the future…

In his State of the Union speech this week which by the way, I was personally happy to have waited well past the date the Constitution requires, thereby allowing Tired Brain more time to provide a much greater, more in-depth address, he explained to us how the events of January 6th at the Capitol were the worse attack in our history. While no one was killed (well, no one except Ashli Babbitt, the unarmed veteran with zero prior offences) unlike, I don’t know, Perl Harbor, or the Oklahoma bombing, or 9-11, this attack was the worst ever. Thankfully many who perpetrated this worst ever attack are still being held these many months later. While no guns or bombs were found, while the Capitol wasn’t set on fire we must remember some windows were broken and then there were all those extremely dangerous Trump and American flags being waved. As time has passed since this horrific day I am slowly getting to a point where I don’t wake up in the middle of the night remembering those frightening events of the day. I have to ask, the guy who stormed into the capitol wearing horns, and I apologize in advance for this but, has anyone looked into the possibility of him being related to Pelosi? I mean the horns “seem” like a dead give away to me but hey, I don’t want to make any of us relive that nightmare of a day. Let’s just make sure no President ever tells his supporters to go do anything peacefully again. That’s just unacceptable. Thankfully, Tired Brain is well on his way to healing this Nation and bringing us all together…

To end, I just hope I’ve been able to make everyone realize and appreciate just how normal things are becoming again. The Border is back open, fuel prices are on the rise, division in the country has never been greater than it is now and soon our taxes will again increase further pushing us back to, well, the good ole days. Corporate taxes will increase too making it more likely that many of the American companies Trump “forced” to return will go back to China and Mexico. Under this Administration, we don’t have to worry about taking off our masks, he reminds us every day to keep wearing them. God Bless him that masks are here to stay. Vaccine or no vaccine, wearing a mask is the patriotic thing to do and Lord knows there isn’t anyone more patriotic than Tired Brain himself. With any luck, he will further erode our Second Amendment rights and through his close ties with the media even (fingers crossed) our First Amendment rights of free speech can be tightened up to the point where speaking your mind can no longer be accepted. Which is a little weird with us being the Government and all…

As you go forward through each day, just remember, the Democrats, the media and our beloved Government has our best interests in mind. Everything they say and do is for the betterment of your life and our Nation. We should all be so grateful to have such strong, well meaning leadership who by all accounts have taken us back to a more normal place, a place we know because we’ve been there before.

PS: Just a friendly reminder I still have that ocean front property in Kansas that I need to sell. DM me if you’re interested. I need the money and this week only I am willing to throw into the deal, at no extra cost, the boat.

Are You Waiting for Me to Apologize?

Listening and watching the race bait crowd, the Left, the media, pro athletes and the Hollywood weirdos, it is my understanding that being a white male is now the most dangerous and despicable thing anyone could possibly be. It is now up to those of us who were born into such despicableness to admit how awful we are, apologize for how privileged we are, and as if that isn’t enough, we must find ways to turn over our many privileges to those of color who, as I understand the narrative, have no privileges, no opportunities, and really no future at all. This lack of privilege and opportunity are why, on a daily basis, we see so much looting, fighting, killing and burning of buildings. Do I have this right? Do I understand today’s race narrative? Have I missed anything?

I won’t spend time today providing examples of other white male privileges, instead I’ll just focus on my own. Before I do though, I’d like to point out that being privileged is in the eye of the beholder. Is it not? What I might think is privileged may be much different than what you think is privileged. And therein lies the problem with this entire narrative. The “white” bum (oops sorry, the homeless) living on the sidewalk in San Francisco more than likely thinks that the black guy who just passed him wearing $150 tennis shoes is a privileged individual. In fact, anyone who actually walked past him wearing shoes period is better off than he, right? Right. I happen to think Mr. Racist himself, LeBron James is much more privileged than I. He has more money, better clothes, drives better cars and has a nicer house than I do. Hell, make that nicer “houses”. Do I think he should give me some of that? NO, I am 5’6” and can’t make a free-throw to save my white ass. Do you see what I mean about privilege being in the eye of the beholder or should I go on? The truth of the matter is, that anyone who thinks they should have something that someone else has is either too damn lazy to work for it or… there is no or, that’s the answer.

Truth. Notice Kami didn’t go with Asian Heritage…

My father, like many of us growing up, had several jobs over the years. He was a rancher, a truck driver, a heavy equipment operator and in the end, a logger and self employed jack-of-all-trades. I was born in a small two bedroom home. I had two older brothers and one sister who, thank God is still alive and kickin’! Mom, who we lost when I was 14 years old to cancer, cooked pancakes on a wood stove and dried her clothes on a clothesline in the backyard. You know, when it wasn’t raining. The old man, at that time owned several logging trucks and Cats (as in Caterpillars, not the insects), the ones with tracks and a winch, the yellow ones. LOL. Grandpa owned and operated a used furniture store and a gas station. He had a small one bedroom apartment located at the end of the furniture store. It was pretty cool. You could step outside of our house, into the side door of the furniture store, walk all the way down the store and right into grandpa’s apartment. Even better, if you kept going, you could open a door inside the apartment and step into the gas station garage, which as a young boy, I thought was pretty cool. The garage had one of those pits in it where you drove the car over it and went down under into the pit to work on it. No lift. Grandpa used to keep his saddle from back in the day sitting on a sawhorse. I would spend hours sitting on the saddle with my toy six shooters and cowboy hat on pretending to tame the Wild Wild West. Sorry, childhood memories are popping up all over the place.

We got our eggs from the ducks and chickens we raised, got our pork from the hogs we kept and my brothers rarely allowed us to run out of venison.

The California flood of 1964 took everything the old man had and wiped it away. There were saw mills on each side of our property. You can imagine what the logs did to our home, the furniture store, gas station and the logging trucks that were all parked nicely in a row at the far end of the lot. When we went back to assess the damage, there was six feet of mud inside our house. We lost everything, including all the family photos and grandpa’s saddle too which as a 10 year old the saddle and my bike were the biggest losses… The one thing I’ll never forget was how my father reacted to all of this. He never once shed a tear, not in front of me anyway. In front of us he was strong and made us all feel like everything was going to be just fine. And it was.

Mom and I lived in a Red Cross house for the next several months while the old man regained his footing. He went to the Bay Area to work. Brothers and sisters spread out working on their own.

Our white privilege didn’t come easy and was taken away during one bad, very bad rainy week. I remember the mayo sandwiches, the second-hand shoes that the old man bought for me from the pawn shop in Oakland and the baseball mitt that Mom purchased for me from her tip jar money, hard earned from cutting hair. All of those things ensured that I would never feel underprivileged. Eventually, Dad returned and moved Ma and me to Yreka, California where he managed to get a job operating a crane. We lived in a one bedroom trailer house. After Mom got sick, Dad took her to Hayward, California for cancer treatment at Stanford, I finished the 8th grade on my own in Yreka. I wasn’t really alone though, the old man had every damn neighbor in the trailer park looking after me. After school let out, I hopped on a Greyhound bus to meet up with the rest of the family in Hayward. I had a layover at the bus station in San Francisco at 4 in the morning. Not a place I would recommend anyone being, ever. To this day, I cuss the family for not picking me up there. Talk about a country boy out of water… Good Lord. Mom died in 1969. Being the baby in the family and other significant life events resulted in an extremely close relationship between my mother and me. She was so sick in the end I remember praying for God to take her so she’d no longer be in so much pain… It was an awful year.

My guess is that everyone has their own life experiences that make swallowing this white privilege bullshit simply unacceptable. So if they are waiting for me to apologize for my whiteness they are going to be waiting a very long, long time. It simply ain’t gonna happen.

I am proud of my family and proud of myself. I’ve worked very hard all of my life and what I have, I have. I earned it and I’ll be keeping it. Thank you very much!

Ben is right but you know what? I don’t give a hoot what these Leftist Asshats have to say.

Have a good rest of your weekend friends. And if you’re white, black, brown or purple stay that way. Individualism is a beautiful thing!

Groundhogs Week

I don’t know about the rest of you but this week reminded me of last week and the week before that and you see where I’m going? Groundhog “year”. One pitiful political nightmare after another that won’t end as long as these Leftist ass-hats are not held accountable for their actions.

I, like so many others, I suspect, am growing weary of the day to day nonsense. The things we are allowing to happen in this country are so in your face wrong it’s becoming very difficult to remain civil.

I was sharing with my wife this week that Hunter Biden’s book didn’t even sell 15,000 copies on opening week. She said, half the country doesn’t even know what day it is, much less who Hunter Biden is. This is hard to believe right? Well she is usually right so I’m going to fall on the safe side and agree with her. This is one of those weeks where I question myself. I’m wondering if these disengaged people have it figured out. I guess they just live their lives in blind blissfulness. They don’t vote, they don’t know who their mayor or their Governor is much less the President. You know these people. They are the same ones that Jesse Waters used to interview in his Man On The Street segments from the Bill O’Reilly show. He would show them a picture of Jimmy Carter and ask if they knew who it was. “Um, is it the guy who wore those sweaters on that kid show?” All while they giggle and adjust their nose ring…

I have to apologize because I just don’t seem to have the energy this week to hash out all of the nonsense deep state BS that occurred. My guess is that you’re okay with that because you are as tired and sick of it all as I am.

We truly are living in a groundhog movie right? Except things aren’t really staying the same, they are getting worse. I slammed Tired Brain (it’s what I do) this week when he referred to the winner of this year’s Masters golf tournament as “A Japanese boy.” If the reference itself wasn’t bad enough, the idiot said it to the Japanese Prime Minister for God’s sake. Talk about a National embarrassment. Oops, I just got done saying I didn’t have the energy to talk about the nonsense. Sorry, the energy must be coming back.

Everything President Trump warned us about is coming true. He said Tired Brain would stop the Keystone pipeline and he did. He said the Left would go all-in on the Green New Deal, they are. He said they’d pack the Supreme Court, they’re working on it as we speak. He said they’d come after our 2nd Amendment, they are. By the way, what’s up with all the gun violence lately? It’s almost as if the Left had these people lined up to perform these evil acts so to push more gun laws on us. Nah, now I’m just being stupid… He said they’d put America last and you guessed it, they most certainly are (have ya looked at the border lately?) He bragged about being the first President in decades not to start a new war. He was right. In just under 90 days in office, Tried Brain has managed to pick fights with Russia and China who both have zero respect for and both will run right over this weak old man. Remember the claim that Russia was targeting our troops in the Middle East and because Trump was pals with Russia he wasn’t doing anything about it? Remember Trump responded to this as “fake news?” Well guess what, he was right about that too. I remember during one of his press conferences one of these pretend reporters was pissing and moaning about something the President said (hard to remember all the specifics because that was another groundhog thing) and the President responded to the reporter by saying “I was right, I’m right a lot by the way.” I won’t speak for you but oh how I miss those days. Nobody put these state run media gnats in their place better than President Trump.

We would think it and the President would say it. Good times. Fast forward to today we have an installed guy in the White House who actually thinks he was elected by the people. Really? What people? “You know, those people…”

I am Right A Lot! Everyone should want a President who is confident

If I had to pick out one story this week that bothered me the most, it would have to be the Ashley Babbitt story. The DOJ announced this week that they would not be pressing charges against the person (Capitol Police officer) who shot and killed her. This announcement came at the very time when a white police officer accidentally shot and killed a black man. That man was resisting arrest because he had an outstanding warrant and a gun in his car. The officer was arrested and being charged with murder. Back to Ms. Babbitt, no past criminal record (although she was white and did wear a red hat which as you know in today’s world is criminal), served our country honorably in the military, unarmed at the Capitol expressing her First Amendment right. While George Floyd’s family received a 27M settlement, Ms. Babbitt’s family has to hire attorneys to seek justice. Speaking of George Floyd, you know him, he was the drugged out dude passing counterfeit money. He was the guy who held a gun at his girlfriend or wife or baby mama’s unborn child. That trial will be wrapping up soon and believe me, no matter what the jury decides all hell will break loose. More buildings will burn, more looting will occur, more people will get hurt and the Left will call for more gun restrictions… groundhog day continues.

As for Ms. Babbitt, may she RIP and may her family receive the justice they deserve. The truth will come out, it may very well be long after I am gone but in the end, the truth always comes out. Well, almost always.

Okay friends, another DG weekly rant has come to an end. I’ve nearly awaken myself out of the stupor I was in when I started this week’s rant. Thanks for putting up with me. Let us fight on!

Wishing y’all a wonderful weekend and a great week ahead. I’d say it can’t get any worse but I promised you long ago I’d always be truthful… “When the times get tough, the tough get going”

What Do We Do?

When discussing the state of our union with the 18,000 plus twitter followers that I have, this is the question I hear the most. “What do we do?”’

As a group, we nearly all agree the state of the union is a mess. We nearly all agree that the election was rigged and no one that I know believes Mr. Tired Brain Biden got anywhere near 81 million votes. Everyone within my group knows, and we talk about it, complain about it, point out the obvious missteps and downright dirty dealings of this installed Administration. They know the America that we grew up in, the one that the founders laid out for us in the Constitution cannot stand under this type of communist rule.

Folks are so tired of the nonsense, so fearful for the future of the country, fearful for their families, their grandkids and the Nation herself. These are good and caring people. I see it in their comments and I feel it between the lines they write. The China virus is the last thing they fear, it is the Government they fear the most and rightfully so.

The Government with the continued help from the state run media has lied so often and done things so un-American to everyday working class Americans that the distrust is at an all time high. Those Americans who are not among the “woke” crowd, those who truly are not interested in the color of one’s skin, those who believe in their God given rights, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Equal Justice For All are simply outraged and quite honestly, feel morally defeated as the fabric of the Nation is torn to shreds.

Having just come off of four years with a President who not just by all appearances put America first but took direct actions putting her first and by a President who brought into clear view the lies and deceit of the political class, the global evil doers and certainly the fake news media, the people are literary aghast at what they see happening today. Every headline is filled with lies and deceit. The truth has become nearly impossible to find and with so much distrust, when you hear it, you don’t know whether to believe it. Perhaps that is the problem. Nobody knows what to believe anymore.

There are groups out there who honestly believe that the President will be coming back before the year is over. There are states calling for complete election audits. Some reports are just as we assumed, rotten to the core filled with fraud. That is, if you believe these reports. States are agreeing to remove the deceased from their voter rolls which is great but astounding they had to be forced to do so. Georgia has installed new voter rules for up-coming elections. That’s great. However, remember that this is one of the states who refused to acknowledge that when they counted their election results, fraud was everywhere. All of this is encouraging but it’s nearly impossible to believe the stolen election will be overturned when the Left is in control. The courts have turned their backs on the people, the media won’t investigate on behalf of the people and Congress, short of a few, is full of money grabbing, self interest puppets who put themselves first and the Nation last. These elected officials are millionaires who all have an eye and a step toward their next election; all while pretending to care what the people think or want. I am telling you what you already know and as I type away I know what you’re wanting to say, “What do we do?”

Some say “be patient, trust the plan” others say, like me, “what plan?” I have one follower who thinks there is no need to hit the streets. He thinks we all should simply refuse to pay another penny in taxes until Washington listens. Not a bad idea. Who goes first and how many have the courage to follow? Some say we need to hit the streets just as the Leftists do. Others say that is exactly what the Left wants us to do. Look what happened the last time we did that. We were accused of insurrection. A fence was erected around the capitol and troops were brought in to keep the people out. Both are still in effect to this day. You know the troops I am talking about, right, the ones that are forced to sleep on the concrete garage floors. Did the Government at least give them the same space-blankets the illegals have? The Left and the media played up the events of January 6th as if the white Nationals and all their guns attempted to take down the Government. This, while reality is slowly dripping out that no guns were found and those that entered the capital were not a part of the group that was in Washington that day to demand the Government count the legal votes and elect the rightful winner. Many believe it was the Left themselves who played a role in the breach of the Capitol. Many are asking why we still don’t know who murdered Ms. Babbitt. Why did the family of a drugged-out, wife-beating counterfeiter receive a 27 million dollar settlement while the family of a woman who served her country and stood up for her President by expressing her right to free speech has to hire a private attorney to fight the Government? A government who is accusing her of being some evil hater of America? It’s not as though she’s a member of ANTIFA or BLM or something. Unlike drugged out George Floyd, Ashley was actually murdered.

It’s things just like this that has so many people up in arms and this is just one story… There are many just like it. Y’all hear about the guy who shot up an entire family earlier this week in South Carolina? Of course you haven’t, he was a black football player… And guess what, in a sane and just world I wouldn’t have had to use the word “black” in front of football player would I. The entire “race” narrative is so out of control it makes people want to scream.

As for “what do we do”, I don’t pretend to have the answer. I am doing all that I know how to do. I am expressing my free speech while I can by talking about this mess that we find ourselves in and hoping it at least keeps the conversation going. The Left want nothing more than for us to forgive and forget. What I am certain of is that tweeting and writing letters isn’t going to get the job done and based on the 2020 election the idea that we can right the wrongs at the ballot box is out the window. Cleaning up the voter rolls, stopping ballot harvesting, voting by mail and ensuring honest counting in the future is all well and good. It doesn’t change the fact we’ve had an election that was rigged giving us an installed President who doesn’t love America and who doesn’t have the brain capacity to change his own underwear and it doesn’t do a thing about imprisoning those who played a role in this evil take over.

Now and finally, and again the broken record: I see no way around this mess without mass peaceful protests in the streets of every state in the union including the well guarded US capitol. Yes there will be violence, blood, sweat and tears. Yes people will die, yes the media will be against us, yes lies will be told. We need our own William Wallace (a famous Scottish rebel who led the uprising against the English) to inspire and lead us. Please don’t misunderstand me, I do not advocate violence, I hate it. Peaceful protesting is what I am suggesting. I just know however these evil bastards on the Left will not allow that. They will do everything in their power to turn peaceful into terror. As the saying doesn’t go, “what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.”

Well, maybe this idea is a little extreme but he did rally his people didn’t he.

As for the tax revolt idea that I mentioned above; while it has merit and does send a strong message, my fear is that it will only allow the Government to pick us off one at a time which will eventually lead to the very protests I speak of anyway.

So there you have it. Just how upset are we? Do we stand and fight for what is rightfully ours or do we sit idling by and moan? I fear the later. They’re coming (have been for years) for our guns. Once that is accomplished you can turn off the lights because the party’s over.

Now that I’ve cheered you up, I send my most sincere wishes to you and your loved ones for a wonderful week ahead. May you be safe, healthy and find ways to smile. I do every week by rolling around the floor with the grandkids and being thankful for my wife who takes such good care of me.

PS: We are still unpacking boxes. Does anyone know where I put the hummingbird food? And for the record, I am seeking financing to build my workbench in the garage. Plywood is now $70 a sheet. Are we having fun yet? LOL

They Keep Pushing

Hello friends and Happy belated Easter. I sincerely hope each of you had a wonderful day with those who are important to you. My wife and I spent the day and several days prior moving into a new home. Same area but a home we can be comfortable in for quite some time! “I hope”. Moving, tops the list of the things I find no joy in, right next to going to the dentist and that’s putting it lightly. Enough of me though. I feel grateful for having the ability to live where I want and having the ability to move when I want. For now…

These Leftist “woke” idiots just keep pushing and pushing, don’t they? They don’t even try to hide it. It’s in your face all the time. I keep wondering when and if the people who have a lick of common sense are going to say “enough” and put a stop to all of this stupid Leftist, Communist insane nonsense.

Every week it’s something else. This past week it was all about boycotting. The MLB claimed their fake outrage over the voter law changes in Georgia which like everything else is a big joke. Tired Brain called the changes an outrage saying it made Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle. Of course everyone on the planet has been trying to figure out who the hell Jim Eagle is… Another made up “thing” Joe tired brain style. Voter suppression, voter suppression! I will never understand how requiring an ID to vote has been turned into voter suppression. These ass-hats think so little of the American people’s ability to think. In the very same week that they talked about voter suppression, they talked about a vaccine passport. They know damn well that receiving the vaccine requires an ID, but asking for an ID to vote is suppression. If that’s true (it certainly is not) then wouldn’t that mean that they are suppressing the people’s ability to get the vaccine? To insinuate Black and Hispanic people cannot get an ID to vote is just insulting. How any of these groups vote for these insane a-holes continues to remain a mystery to me. Same goes with the Jewish-American people who continually vote Democrat. How stupid can someone be? The Democrats do nothing but work overtime to harm Israel yet, just as the Black and Hispanic majorities do, they vote for these idiot Dems.

The new Georgia voting laws are actually less restrictive than many of the Blue states throughout the country. In fact, they are far less restrictive than those laws in the State of Delaware. You know, the state Joe Tired Brian calls home.

As for the MLB threatening to move the All Star game out of Atlanta because of the law, I say don’t let the door kick you in the ass. I mean, seriously? Play baseball and keep your trap shut already. Millions of Americans are all but done with professional sports anyway. Most have simply had enough of these billionaire leagues all of which receive millions in subsidy dollars from the taxpayers. It’s no different than Planned Parenthood. We fill their bank accounts with millions of taxpayer dollars and they turn around and funnel money back into the Leftist Democrat campaigns. It is the same with big tech, big banks and why? So these idiots on the Left can raise their corporate tax rate? Again, why do people vote for these Leftist commies? They help no one accept themselves and for Christ sake, it’s 2021, we’ve watched it for decades upon decades. I must be the stupid one because I just don’t get it.

The other absolutely communist move this past week was Facebook, Youtube and ten other Leftist “woke” morons banning the Lara Trump interview of President Trump. Not only banning the interview but Facebook came out and said they were banning his voice from their platform. Really? These ass-wipes allow terrorists on their site calling for beheadings of Americans, they allow China to post any damn thing they want but we can’t hear from a former President of the United States? I’ve never been a Facebook guy. For me, there has always been something about it that didn’t seem safe or right. I get the feeling that I am the only one on the planet without a Facebook account. We wanted to sell our sofa before we moved and our kids said “post it on Facebook Marketplace”. The little HOA where we live has a website. That site directs you to get all Association news, up-dates and documents, it’s all on Facebook. Why? It’s a big outfit, a big communist outfit who isn’t at all interested in free speech. They are a private company and can do what they want I guess. My question is this: Why would you want to associate yourself with a company who decides what you can, what you cannot say, and who decides that a former and well-loved (by millions) American President is not allowed to communicate? Come on people. Stick it to these commie bastards. I get that you may be fearful of marching in the streets but at least take a stand somewhere on something!

Ban my President’s voice? Really? They just push and push… Coke wants us to stop being so White, Bank of America won’t let you use their services to buy a gun, airlines talking about having to have a vaccine certificate to fly. White people are killing Asian people. ALL WRONG. That narrative fell apart pretty quickly, didn’t it. Almost the only way that any story is going to stay in the news now is that it either has to be something bad that a white person did or some harm that came upon a person of “color”. This is pure racist, in your face nonsense.

I know I am like a broken record but honestly, when is enough going to be enough? We have all this wokeness going on and yet, at the same time, we have a guy living in the white house that is a national disgrace. Hell, the whole world is laughing at this tired brain clown show. And to top it all off, the media is working overtime to convince all of us he has a 65-70% approval rating… another “really?”

United We Stand – Divided We Fall – True back in the day, true today

Okay, okay, I’m done with this week’s DG rant. I’ll finish the way I started, Happy Easter friends, God Bless y’all and God please, please bless these United States of America! We need your help like never before. Well, more like, we need your help “like always.”

A Poorly Written Soap Opera

Were you able to catch “As The Tried Brain Turns” on Thursday? In case you don’t get it, I am talking about the well scripted, pre-planned press conference. If you didn’t, no worries, that’s what I’m here for. Before I get started let me award you five gold stars for being smart enough to forgo a complete and utter waste of your time. I can honestly report that I am dumber for having watched it. I also want to be upfront by admitting I wasn’t able to watch the whole thing. Well, I was able, I just didn’t have the staying power to do so. Okay, off we go!

Whether you believe me or not, I honestly try to go into these things with an open mind. We all know that Biden is old and while I make fun of his brain, by all accounts you have to admit, it’s tired, actually, it’s worn out. Age doesn’t have anything to do with it. I know people older than this fart whose minds remain sharp. I also know people who are younger with minds that are shot. Ole Joe falls into that category. I actually feel sorry and embarrassed for him and it makes me want to put Jill Biden behind bars for the abuse she allows this poor bastard to endure. Ahh, but all the power and fame right? It’s awful.

I think I managed to watch a little more than half of the press conference. In that time I did not hear one truth come out of tired brain’s mouth. Not one. He lied about the crisis at the border and not just lied but dog face pony soldier lied. He said that none of the Trump immigration policies were working. He also said that it’s not a crisis and that this happens every year at this time when the weather is cool so the migrants can make the journey before it gets hot. In 2020 approximately 20,000 illegals stormed the border. In 2019 the number was double that. To date, this year, the number is 100,000 and, assuming you were alive in 2020, you saw for yourself that the wall was working, that the deal Trump had made with Mexico was working and Trump’s tough stance against those countries in Central America was working. If on the other hand you were not alive then you get a pass. You voted for Biden in 2020 and that’s about it…

I don’t really want to focus on Biden and his lies. Those were expected and neatly written down for him to spew as truths. Instead I want to focus on what the real problem was with that soap opera. The media, the state run media. They were awful, calculated and scripted. This fake, fraud of a press conference was unlike anything I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. No reporters raising their hands or jumping up and down to be called upon with their hands waving in the air to say “pick me, pick me!” No, this was a calm almost love affair like conference with all the T’s crossed and all the I’s dotted. Even still, with all the preplanning by the Federal Government and their media pals it was not without its flaws. But in all fairness,their lead actor’s brain is fried. Moments of complete brain freeze, dead silence as tired brain worked through his mind lapses. Sometimes, he filled in the frozen gaps with such words as “ok” and “let’s see.” All the while, the media sat silently, patiently waiting their turns like good little communist foot soldiers.

Their questions were laughable. Many started out by first praising the old man and then setting him up so he could lay blame on Trump. Example: “Mr. President, are the migrants coming to the border because they know you sir are a good guy, kind and compassionate? And if so, do you think you might have acted too quickly to remove some of the prior administration’s policies?” Biden’s response; “What was the first part of your question?” Idiot.

It really was a sad thing to watch. First he would struggle to find (in his pre-printed notebook) which reporter he was ordered to call upon and then when the so called reporter asked their canned question, he would struggle to flip the pages in the notebook to read off the canned, preplanned answer(s). Again, I’ve never seen anything like it. On the rare occasion he’d adlib, it was a disaster and more often than not, he’d talk about something that had nothing to do with the question.

Tired Brain referring to his cheat sheet at the filming of Thursdays Soap Opera. In front of a live audiences mind you…

The media continues to do such a disservice to the country by allowing the administration to script them. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the questions were provided ahead of time and prescreened. I can only assume some of the proposed questions were rejected. Not one reporter from Fox News, or OANN or Newsmax was called upon. Why, because their proposed questions were unacceptable. Not one reporter brought up that embarrassing meeting with China. Not one question was asked about Biden spending 70 million on hotel rooms for the illegals, not one question about the razor wire fence around the Capital or our National Guard troops sleeping on the garage concrete floor, not one question about allowing illegals into the country without being tested for the China virus. Not even one about falling three times going up the stairs to Air Force One. Not one that I heard anyway…

If the Government doesn’t tell the American people the truth; and they don’t, and the so called “free press” doesn’t call them out on it, then we don’t have a chance. Because the vast majority of the population doesn’t stay engaged in the affairs of the Government we end up with a country filled with a population of uninformed drones just standing in line waiting for their next meal. It’s scary as hell if you ask me. The media has always been feared by the Government, they have always been the last line of defense for the American people. Sadly, this is no longer the case. Today they work hand in hand to misinform the masses. As I’ve said so many times, one has to work very hard nowadays to seek out the truth and really even then it’s only the truth if you believe it. I can honestly say, I don’t know what the truth is anymore. I only know how I feel, how I see things. Trust is now limited to family and close friends. Everything else is conjecture.

The calling out of the “fake news” media was just one of the appealing aspects of the Trump Presidency. While the media didn’t like it (duh), most “normal” hard working Americans did. The far Left loons hated it and why not, he was calling out the most powerful arm of the Left, he was slowly dismantling the very source of their power. You know the game and how it works right? One of the Leftist loons, say nasty Nancy for example, spews some crazy ass lie and then she gets one of her media pals to print it as if it is true. From that point on it becomes the truth when in fact it remains a lie. It’s the whole “blame others for that which you do” thing. It’s awful and harmful to say the least.

What we watched on Thursday was not a press conference it was a staged poorly written soap opera. And that is all I am going to say about that.

Stay awake friends and remember, it’ll get worse before it gets better. Next on the list, tax increases and gun grabbing… I really have a knack at lifting y’all up don’t I? Sorry, I love y’all though. That’s the only reason I spend the time I do ranting and raving about this mess we find ourselves in…

Seriously wishing y’all a wonderful weekend ahead and believe me, it’s doable, just turn the TV off and stay away from my blog. 🙂

Friday Funnies:

That’s funny, I don’t care who you are.
Why not? Everything else has failed… Lord knows we need to reboot.