It’s One Thing After Another

Hi friends. I have to say writing this blog each week isn’t getting any easier. Week after week, as the nonsense piles up, I find myself wondering why I bother. I’m not here to pour fuel on the fire. That has never been my goal. I started doing these more for myself than anything else. Everyone copes in different ways. Writing has always been a way for me to unwind but these weekly rants are beginning to do just the opposite. At the end of any given week, I find myself wound up tighter than the skin on nasty Nancy’s face. I mean the depth of insanity going on is nearly unbearable. Oh poor me, right? “Don’t be a baby, put some mud on it & suck it up Dan!” Thanks, I needed that. Uh-oh, now I am talking to myself… LOL

The American Recovery Act huh? Trillions proposed and less than 10% goes toward infrastructure. Don’t worry though Tired Brain says it pays for itself. Where have I heard that before? I’ll tell you where, about 20 trillion dollars ago…

These people in charge of spending our money will never be satisfied. Their greed as no bounds

Hidden deep inside this 2,000+ page candy jar, they have a plan to tax us based on how many miles we drive. This is their way of 1. Making the Green New Deal a reality and 2. Helping the efforts to make this pay for itself. Never be confused when the Federal Government says something will pay for itself. That always means that we will pay for it; always. Tired Brain also set a goal this week. Fifty percent of all cars on the road must be electric within the next eight years – another Green New Deal goal. Those of us who actually put our pants on one leg at a time know that it takes a whole lot of fossil fuel to produce the batteries to run these cars but hey, don’t let the facts get in the way right? Personally, I think the electric car is pretty cool and if I don’t have to listen to these idiots with their tricked out mufflers on their stupid little four bangers I’m all for electric cars. It’s the lying BS way they sell them that drives me nuts. Electric cars for me are like everything else in life. Whatever turns you on followed by “Just don’t try to shove it down my throat” which is where we are headed. My wife has a faux fur coat. One time we were taking in the sights in San Francisco (believe it or not it used to be a fun place to go). It can get pretty chilly in SF when the fog rolls in so she was wearing her coat. One of these environmental liberal pink haired, save the California slug women gave my wife the stink eye over her coat waving her finger at her as if to say “no, no, no”. My wife turned and said, “it’s fake, get over yourself.” Ah, gotta love my wife. I of course was too busy trying to step around the needles and poop. The point is that very soon, driving my gas-eating pick-up truck will be viewed just like the faux fur coat or God forbid, being unvaccinated. As for what else is in the “American Recovery Plan?”, we’ll need to pass it before we know what’s in it… All I know is that we need to pay attention and agree not to vote for any Republican who votes for this Democrat spending spree.

Today the National Debt sits at 28 Trillion Dollars & growing faster than you can count. Tie this with inflation which is already happening and you have Venezuela in the making

The moratorium on renters was set to expire earlier this week. The CDC announced the moratorium will continue over the next 60-90 days. Up until now, most of you, including myself, thought the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) was in charge of controlling disease which by all accounts they suck at. Well, I guess we were wrong. They are now in charge of housing and I guess that includes rent control. I also guess we are supposed to just accept this and move along like good little sheep. Seriously though, I can’t even imagine what the landlords are going through with this nonsense. Many I am sure are no longer landlords and have long since been forced to let their properties go back to the banks that hold their mortgages. Um, was this a part of the plan all along? Nah, now I’m just being silly… The Government, in their endeavor to control everything, has been throwing our money at some of these deadbeat renters since the invention of the China virus. Today there are millions of job openings throughout the country but for some reason, the renters cannot get a job and pay rent. It is pure crap and a mirror of the Government’s college loan forgiveness program. Another Government overreach designed to secure more voters while putting the rest of us further in debt.

Finally, the war continues between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Fighting over this one has even gone inside many households throughout the country. The vaccinated have allowed the Government who are backed up by the media to convince them those who have yet to get the shot are endangering their lives and are now the number one cause for lockdowns, masks and worldwide infections. They are disinterested in hearing anything from anyone other than their beloved Government, the always right Dr. (I can’t throw a baseball) Fauci and the always reliable, CDC all of which are backed up by the most reliable of all, the news media. How can all of these fine institutions be wrong?

I’d share with you my status related to the vaccine but quite frankly, and with the utmost respect, it’s none of your business. Having cleared that up I found it interesting this week to learn the CEO of Pfizer had yet to get his own vaccine. I also found it very communist like to hear that CNN (they’re the most trusted name in news by the way…) fired three of their employees because they had refused to get the shot. I also think it’s somewhat interesting that Senator (I’ll write a letter) Graham has come down with the virus even though he had taken the vaccine. United Airlines announced on Friday they will require all of their employees to get the vaccine as will the United States Military. The great state of New York, under their award winning leadership have launched a new “get a key to the city” campaign which is pretty simple according to mayor Dumb dumb DeBlazio. Get the shot, get the key allowing you to go out to dinner, go shopping, attend the theater, picnic in the park, go to the gym, the city is open to you! Don’t get the vaccine, sadly, no key for you. No dinner out, no shopping at the grocery store, wear a mask & stay away from the key holders. If this commie had any guts he would have just come right out and said “I hope you all die.”

I’ll finish this up by telling a personal story. Unlike the Government, Fauci, the CDC and the media, the story I am about to tell you is true.

Yesterday, we learned that my brother-in-law, who is about as fit as anyone I know, who is 55 years old and never sick, was admitted to the hospital. He had been complaining to his wife that his leg was sore. When he came down the stairs yesterday, he was limping. His wife asked him if his leg was still hurting. He told her yes and that it was swollen. Like any good wife, she insisted he drop his pants right then and right there. Like any good husband he complied. Upon the dropping of the drawers, she took one look and said “I think you have a blood clot, pull your pants up, we’re going to the hospital”. Realizing he had lost all authority, he pulled his pants up and headed for the passenger side of the car. A few tests and hours later he was admitted and told he would have surgery at 7:30 tomorrow (today) morning to remove the clot. While I am attempting to make this sound funny, there was nothing funny about it at all. The clot was nearly two feet long from his hip to below his knee. Had he waited he could have died. Thankfully his operation went well, the clot is gone and he will spend one more night in the hospital for monitoring. They are running a number of tests in order to determine the cause. It could be a number of things. They told him inactivity could be one. I can tell you that that’s impossible. I will tell you he had the Johnson & Johnson vaccine six months ago. I’ll leave this story right there. I am however very curious to see if the hospital even considers this a possible reason for the clot. My guess is that they will not. We are just so relieved they were able to remove the clot.

Okay friends and family, another week and another rant. In the event that nothing stupid happens next week I won’t be posting a blog. Translation: I’ll talk to y’all next week.

Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead! Remember, the only way this Government gets away with all the nonsense is if we let them. Don’t let them.

You See It, Now Believe It

Every week feels like an on-going battle to separate truth from fiction. Those of us who consider ourselves patriots, also known as deplorable, uneducated, bible toting, and defenders of the 2nd Amendment tend to forego what others tell us and instead rely on good ole common sense which by the way we didn’t get from the Government nor was it something we picked up while going to school. Mom and Dad gave that to us and it has been on display throughout our lives. Some folks embrace it while others seem to completely ignore it and I mean completely.

Allow me to provide a few examples of this.

The Government, Doctor dumb-ass Fauci, CDC, Media and the Left are carefully and deliberately combining their efforts to push a narrative in order to lock the country down again. For the last several weeks, their momentum has been building around the new so-called “Delta Variant.” We uneducated folks are sitting back watching all of this and saying to ourselves and anyone who dares to listen, “How do they know the difference between the regular China Virus and this Delta Virus?” I mean, they’ve admitted they don’t have a test for it. Heck if you remember it took them quite some time to develop a test for the China Virus so what’s up with that? When Peter Ducey from Fox News asked the White House this very question the spokes person said we know it’s the Delta variant because the experts told us. Ah, the ole “experts to us” routine.

Nevertheless the narrative continues. Now we are being told that people who got the China Virus vaccine can still get the Delta Virus and can still pass it along. This of course flies in the face of their push to get everyone vaccinated. Those of us with a lick of common sense find ourselves saying “um, so tell me again why I must get the vaccine?.” And then as the week rolls to an end, right before Congress leaves town for their six week summer break, they let us know that the unvaccinated and vaccinated all need to put our masks back on. Doctor dumb-ass even recommends wearing a mask inside our own homes because, you know, this Delta virus is way more contagious. It would be funny if not so damn frustrating. All of you who did what you felt was the right thing for you got the vaccine have to be scratching your heads about now. You did what they asked and now it’s almost as if you didn’t even get the vaccine. You can still get sick, you can still pass the virus on to others and you need to put your mask back on. Say what?

The worst part of all of this is that while this narrative is being pushed down our throats these very same people pushing the narrative have left our border wide open allowing hundreds of thousands (over a million) of illegals to enter the country and spread out to every state in the union without, wait for it, even being tested. No masks, no vaccine, no problem.

I am not telling you anything you haven’t already seen so I ask, “where is the common sense” in all of this? There is none. Don’t tell me (Government, Fauci, media, the Left) you care about my health all while you spew this nonsense. In my world two plus two still adds up to four. The Delta variant narrative is building up because the 2022 midterm election is building up. The Delta variant narrative is being pushed because the failings of this Government are being exposed. Inflation is breathing down our throats, people are not going back to work and the real deplorables (Government) need us all looking away from their utter failures. The virus is their go-to distraction. It’s what got them back in power and it’s what has allowed them to spend our money like drunken sailors. No offense to drunken sailors intended. I’d get drunk too if I was working for these ass-hats right now.

Weird huh? And guess what else, people were able to sue Ford and Tylenol but…

I have one more of the “you see it now believe it” examples to share. The January 6th insurrection commission. Oops sorry, the January 6th “bi-partisan” insurrection commission.

The title alone ought to make you go, huh? Nasty Nancy this past week refused to allow the leadership of the Republican Party to appoint who they wanted on the kangaroo commission and instead welcomed the two RINOs (Reuplican In Name Only) Liz Chaney and Adam Kinzinger to the committee. Both of whom, as you know, hate Trump and voted in favor of charging him for insurrection. But hey, the media is on board so the sheep still watching the fake news hear the word bi-partisan and so it must mean both Democrats and Republicans are on the commission therefore it will be fair and honest. Seriously? By the way, just as a side note, did you know that Nasty Nancy’s approval rating among the American people sits at a negative 17? LOL. Gee I wonder why…

Well the commission got off to a bang up start this week by having four capitol police who were there on January 6th testify. I don’t know which was more unbelievable: the cops or Adam’s fake tears. To hear them tell the events of January 6th made the riots of 2020 look like preschoolers fighting over which coco melon to watch. The most unbelievable was Officer Dunn who also took a run at crying. “One woman in a pink MAGA shirt yelled, ‘You hear that, guys, this nigger voted for Joe Biden!’ Then the crowd, perhaps around 20 people, joined in, screaming ‘Boo! Fucking nigger!’ No one had ever—ever―called me a ‘nigger’ while wearing the uniform of [USCP]”

I’m sorry but I have to throw the bullshit flag “again”. You tell me who among all of the like minded people you know would call a 6’6”, 250 pound black man wearing a gun a nigger? No one, that’s who. This guy reads off his script and thinks nothing of taking a shot at the people, hell, the only group of American people who actually stick up for and stand up for cops. His story is utter trash. Of course like everything else nowadays, it wasn’t long after his fake sobbing weak-ass story we learned he is a BLM supporter and Trump hater. Surprise, surprise but once again, the millions of fake news watchers saw his testimony and therefore the stage is set. The narrative continues and the Trump derangement lives on.

Finally, this old deplorable knows for a fact that you can’t walk down a street anywhere in America today without a camera watching your every step. This so called insurrection, I call it a protest, happened at our capitol in Washington, DC. They say there are 14 thousand hours of video tape showing every step taken on January 6th yet they’ve released none. This cop gets to sit in front of television cameras and tell his story and we are supposed to believe every word of it. Where’s the video of the lady in the pink MAGA shirt? Can y’all at least show us that? Where’s the video tape of the shooting of Ms. Babbitt? Are we to believe there were no cameras in that hallway of the Capitol? Is that what you’re telling us? It’s been nearly seven months since the protest, why haven’t the video tapes been made public? You know why, they (the video’s) don’t tell the fake story the Left is pushing because if they did, you can bet your sweet deplorable rear end they would have been released and played over and over and over again. This January 6th commission is nothing more than another Russia, Russia, Russia designed to remove President Trump from running for office ever again. It didn’t work with the Russian lies, it didn’t work with the Ukraine lies nor will it work now with this fake insurrection BS. That’s my story and I am sticking with it.

So you see what I am saying? Believe your own eye’s friends. Continue to seek out the truth in this crazy up-side-down world we are living in right now. The truth is out there. If you go with your own common sense, it’s not hard to find. These evil doers are so far off the charts they make it easy on us. My thinking is this; if their lips are moving you can be sure they’re lying.

Don’t let them silence you, use your common sense & stay united.

This wraps up this week’s DG rant. I doubt I’ve told you anything you didn’t already know. You folks I call friends are full of common sense, it is the very reason I consider you friends. As for my family who read my weekly rants, you have no choice but to agree with me, we’re family and you’d never disagree with me (to my face, lol). At the end of all the nonsense what I am thankful for is all of you. Together we can lift each other up and keep up the fight for what we know we know is right, fair and important. Our freedom, our Liberty, and each other.

Wishing y’all a great rest of the weekend and week ahead. Thanks for letting me rant.

We Didn’t Build That

Remember when Obama, speaking about businesses said “you didn’t build that”. He was trying to convince us that anything we the people had accomplished/built was only made possible because of the Government. Millions of American’s took offense to the statement and rightfully so. If he was an honest and quite frankly smart person he would have said “You built that, despite the Government being in your way.” But, he wasn’t and isn’t.

Every week when I try and decide what I’ll write about I scan through the events of the week and nine times out of ten will pick a few and go with that. Under this current puppet resiegm there is always more to write about than I have time for or that you quite frankly want to read about. The Administration is just one big rolling cluster (you know what).

We didn’t build that huh? Let me tell you what the American people didn’t build and what the Government did build.

We didn’t build a system that allows thugs and thieves to march into people’s businesses and take whatever the hell they want and tear the place apart on their way out. We didn’t allow people who hate our country to take over whole city blocks only to burn and loot and harm citizens. We didn’t allow groups like BLM to spew lies and create racial divide. We certainly didn’t approve of our historical statues to be torn down or cop cars to be burned and we sure as hell didn’t say it was fine to kill innocent people including our police officers. It’s not”we the people” that have given our stamp of approval for the weekly killings in the major democrat cities around the country every week.

We didn’t tell the Government to fund a lab in China so they could develop some virus to kill off millions of people around the world. We didn’t go in front of the American people and tell them not to wear a mask and then to wear a mask and then to wear two masks. It wasn’t us that came up with 14 days to slow the spread that lasted for over a year. We aren’t the ones threatening to close the country down again if you don’t get one of the experimental vaccines either.

It wasn’t our bright idea to allow men to compete in women’s sports, we didn’t suggest that boys be allowed in girls bathrooms. None of us sat around one day and said “hey, let’s create some more genders either.

I don’t remember the American people coming up with the idea to leave the border wide open. Not only during a pandemic but never? Did one of you suggest we allow illegals to enter our country and oh by the way, don’t test them for the virus, just let them come through? I think not.  

You know what else we didn’t build? We didn’t build this rigged election we became witnesses to in 2020 either. We didn’t elect a President last year, we had one appointed and by who? Not you and me that I can tell you. I don’t need to tell you, you already know that.

These “things” and SO many more have been approved and dealt to us by the Government, by the very people who are supposed to be working for us. The society you and I are living within today is a product of the Government not of we the people. The vast majority in this country are being held hostage by these small, far left wing fringe groups. Groups that I more accurately like to refer to as freaks, thugs, terrorists and haters of our way of life. The Government allows these idiots to have a voice over us. Saying it’s wrong is an understatement.

What we the people want is nothing to do with any of this nonsense. We have a constitution that we’ve all agreed to and should demand be followed. We believe in law and order, equal justice, freedom and liberty for all. We don’t care how one lives their lives as long as it doesn’t impede upon our own life. You do your thing and I’ll do mine. I won’t force you to believe there are two genders if you won’t force me to believe there are 10. If you’ll stop accusing me of being racist I won’t be. I’ll keep paying my taxes if you’ll stop wasting them. I’ll choose to get the vaccine once and if, I know it’s necessary and safe. I’ll believe in Government again once you stop lying to me. I’ll have faith in the FBI when they start earning it. I’ll believe in equal Government when it is indeed equal but as long as you allow these thugs to break the law, to kill and destruct without consequences I don’t want to hear your nonsense. As long as this Government continues to play it’s harmful, petty political games I will have little interest in what you have to say or to follow your stupid rules that “we the people” had no say in.

Normally and before 2020 I’d be blaming ourselves for this complete mess we find ourselves in because we’re are the ones that elect these morons to lead us but, 2020 showed this is not the case. We didn’t elect anyone. They decided who would lead us… And I have a newsflash for “they” we aren’t impressed and are up to our necks with you bullshit. Day after day, week after week it only gets worse. The crap they are shoving down our throats is becoming unbearable.

This is not the country we built, this is pure out of control Government. They fear us so little they don’t even pretend to hide their evil from us anymore. They’ve taken our hard earn money and turned against us. They’ve bought up the media, the banks, the corporations and you name whatever else. They are testing us like never before and guess what, we’re failing. Everyday we allow this nonsense to continue we get further and further down the communist rabbit hole.

This cartoon isn’t funny – It is an example of how bold the Left is nowadays though. The things they say with a straight face is mind boggling and the low info. voter eats it up as truth.

Unite people, scream at the top of your lungs! Remember the “I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore?” That’s where I’m at. I’ve said it over and over, like a broken record, it’s going to take millions of us, not hundreds, not even thousands, millions of us to put our foot down if we have any chance of getting control over this screwed up mess we find ourselves in.

We all know people who think everything is just fine. We call them sheep and low information voters. These idiots don’t even know the border is wide open because they are fake news watchers. They believe the Government has our best interest in mind. Ask them why a Government who pretends to care about us and our health allows illegals to enter our country without even testing them for the China virus? Ask them why the Government demands we get vaccinated yet allows these illegals to roam free throughout our land. These are two very simple questions that anyone in their right mind can understand. The very people who are running the country do not even like the country. They prove this to us every single day. They have turned this place so upside down we’d rather see the American soccer team lose than win. We no longer want to watch football, baseball or basketball. They’ve even managed to get us to a point where we are more likely to believe something Putin says over something they said. Oh it’s a mess alright. One big screwed up mess.

Can it be fixed? Yep, but it’s going to take a whole bunch of us to do it… We didn’t build this mess, but we sure as hell can dismantle it. I say back to the constitution we go. United hand in hand.

Well that turned into quite the rant. Sorry. I do appreciate y’all allowing me to vent. Now get back to your weekend friends and know I wish you nothing but the best. God Bless us all.

We’re On Our Own

It’s not as though we didn’t know we’re on our own but this week for three blatantly obvious reasons it flew in our faces like a bad sand storm without goggles. Watching the nonsense has me putting eye drops in every half hour and Lord knows having clear eyes in this day and age couldn’t be more important. These ass-hats throw so much BS at us, weeding through it all is a full time chore.

Where do I begin? Speaking of ass-hats, how about we start with the one who calls herself the White House Spokesman; oops, I mean “person.” What was I thinking? She proclaimed that all misinformation on social media must be banned and that the administration is working with Facebook to that end. She took it even further by saying if a person posts what they consider to be misinformation on one site, that person should be banned on all sites. How communist of her.

Truth – They are God’s of misinformation.

What’s next, no internet unless you are a registered idiot, I mean Democrat? Seriously though if this doesn’t anger you then you’re asleep. Who died and made them the auditors of truth. These people wouldn’t recognize the truth if it slapped them upside their head. What’s most absurd is the fact that they themselves are the Gods of misinformation. Not even the FBI can hold a candle to these lying leftist machines. They said Trump colluded with Russia, did they ban themselves? Hell they impeached the President of the United States over a friggin’ phone call with the Ukraine President, you know, the one Trump gave them a copy of. Can’t throw a baseball Fauci said, masks are useless, did they ban him? And just look at what the leftist moron Hollywood types spew on social media… talk about misinformation, good grief.

She’s a real beauty this one… Worst Press Secretary ever. And ever is a long time.

Many are saying the Government is now using these social media giants to do their dirty work. I wonder if it isn’t the other way around… All I know is this is beyond out of control and if anyone thinks these cowards who call themselves Republicans are going to put a halt to it they are sadly mistaken.

This week we saw images of the folks in Cuba taking to the streets demanding better everything. Socialism is eating them alive and apparently they’ve had enough. Many in the streets were waving American flags. When I saw this my very first thought was to say “let’s trade these folks for the morons in this country waving BLM flags and burning ours.” Wishful thinking. This brain-dead anti-American Administration won’t even come out in support of these poor souls who live just 90 miles off our coast. Why, because they are anti-socialism. While Tired Brain lets over a million Illegals enter our country, the thought of allowing safe harbor to these folks in Cuba is out of the question. Why, because they’ll vote Republican; although I don’t know why.

It ain’t all rosy over here folks… Bravo for standing up!

I tweeted the following earlier in the week to the Cuba folks. “To our neighbors in Cuba, if you can see this, you’re going about this all wrong. If you want to come to America, throw down those flags and start waving BLM flags and carry signs that say you can’t breathe. That’ll get the job done for you.”

That tweet right there is one of those “funny not funny” things and sadly it’s not far from the truth.

It was good to see so many Congressional Republicans come out on behalf of the Cubans though. Hell, they won’t come out for the Americans being held in prison without a hearing, they won’t stand up for a rigged American election but by golly they’ve got the Cuban’s backs. At least that’s something…I guess.

Finally and last but not least we got a taste this week of the findings of the Arizona audit and they didn’t disappoint, did they? Thousands of pristine “mail-in” ballots, not a fold in one of them. I don’t know about you but I can’t get the post office not to bend something I send…even when I write on the envelope in big black letters “Photo inside, DO NOT BEND” yet thousands upon thousands of these ballots made it to their destination in perfect form. Thousands of ballots received and counted from people who never received that ballot in the first place. Say what!? One of the Arizona Senators asked the spokesman of the audit “how is that possible?” The spokesman replied “I cannot think of a reasonable explanation which is why we’d like to speak to the election officials, but as you know, they refuse to speak to us, much less answer questions.” My personal favorite was the finding of thousands of counted ballots from folks who don’t even live in Arizona.

And what’s even worse is these are only of few of the findings.

One would think that such outright fraud of an American election would draw a whole lot of attention right? I mean this type of thing ought to draw out every news station throughout the country and the world, right? And one thing you can be sure of is the party who had the election stolen from them is going to have a conniption fit, scream from the rooftops, demand accountability, insist on a nationwide recount, demand the Supreme Court get involved, the DOJ, the FBI… not a freaking word from any of them. The media is as quiet as a mouse and so are the useless, coward stricken Republicans. Can you even imagine what the Democrats would be doing right now? Look what they did when the President held a rally in DC on January 6th for God’s sake? Insurrection, impeach the President, jail Americans, put a fence up around the capitol, the worst attack since the civil war… Republicans – give the Cubans internet.

So you see, we really are on our own. The only one I can count on is you and me because the Republicans are of no use, the media is out to get us, the dirty Democrats hate us, the FBI, DOJ and sadly it appears the leadership in the damn military which was one area of this rigged up creepy Government I was counting on. All are working against us. As for the Hollywood and pro athletes I never cared what they thought anyway. We all fought like hell for Trump’s three picks for the Supreme Court which at this point I assume even President Trump regrets so hard to believe America will get any sanity there.

Here’s the good news, there are a whole lot of us and if we stick together and at some point, sooner than later hopefully, we let our voices be heard and our numbers be seen we can turn this ugly time around. It won’t be pretty I suspect but what’s the alternative? Wait in line for bread?

And that wraps up this week’s rant from the bald guy. Let the truth come out friends and justice be served, because in the end, if our system of justice fails us we have some heavy lifting to do. And I ain’t getting any younger! Have a great rest of your weekend and good week ahead my friends.

Divide and Conquer

Isn’t that what all the nonsense is about? Divide us into tightly packaged groups and then control our every move? In my humble opinion it is and it all started with Barack Hussien Obama. I know for sure that this is when the nonsense started. Remember when he said that the cop had acted stupidly or “if I had a son he’d look like Trayvon.” We endured eight years of this divide and conquer strategy. I remember saying at the time that Obama has taken race relations back 50 years.

Then we got a break. We elected a non-politician in Donald John Trump. Despite all the dividers who make a living on race baiting gullible Americans, Trump was and is color blind. However you see him, he is an equal opportunity ass kicker or lover of people. If he kicked your butt via something he said, the chances are extremely high that you had it coming. If he showed you his love the same is true. You had it coming but never did he ever attempt to put people in separate boxes. In fact he did just the opposite. One American flag, one America defined by its people and its borders. Not Black or White, or brown, or women or men. He saw the good in all people (“there were some good people on both sides”.)

He absolutely highlighted the nonsense and called out those that worked overtime to divide us; whether that was the fake news or the evil doers in DC and again, he was an equal opportunity nonsense flag thrower. Democrat or Republican if he saw you trying to undermine the America First Agenda he called you out. He called out (deservedly so) CNN a lot but he also made sure Fox News heard from him too when one of those ass-hats took a shot. When he said to us “The truth is they’re not after me, they’re after you”, He wasn’t kidding was he. Look where we are today… Never mind, don’t look, you’ll never be able to sleep again…

Truth and I wish he was in the way, again!

This rigged, pretend administration that we, as a country and people are being forced to endure within just a few months feels as if Obama never left. Many honestly believe he’s pulling Tired Brains strings. I personally don’t give Obama that much credit. He’s little more than a highly paid employee of the big global money elites. Nevertheless, the divide and conquer agenda is back and in full force.

I honestly believe the vast majority of Americans aren’t buying it. If it weren’t for the lying fake news pushing the Democrat agenda 24/7/365 I question whether there would even be a BLM or ANTIFA. I’m certain there wouldn’t be a statue of some drug addict criminal nor do I think we would have been wearing masks for a year or for God’s sake debating if it’s okay to let men go into women’s bathrooms and challenge them in weight lifting. The nonsense is so out of control it boggles the everyday American’s mind. Why are we even talking about this crap? Why on earth are we having to defend the police? It’s insanity these fake narratives these fringe groups come up with and double insanity that they get the air time they get. Just stop it already.

Did y’all see the video on Twitter of the kid on the skateboard who stopped and pulled out the American flag from someone’s lawn then threw it down on the lawn while his mother stopped on her bike waited for him to finish and then rode off together as if nothing had happened? What type of parent is that woman? I’ll tell you, the type that’s all for Critical Race Theory to be taught in school, the type that watches CNN every day. She represents the brain washed minority in this country and she is a poster child for what is wrong in this country. I’ll tell you what, you’d be hard pressed to convince me these white liberal women aren’t the worst that America has to offer. Just ugly to the bone is what they are.

Sorry friends, I am all over the board this week. My most popular tweet of the week was the story about my giving a thumbs up to a trucker who had a “back the blue” flag tied to the back of his trailer. (In case you are out there…. I-40 east of Knoxville headed west around 7pm on Friday the 9th). I talked about how he honked back at me after I stuck my thumb out the window. So many of you liked the story and you know why? Because it was just a small story that represents what America is and always has been about. We are good people and we appreciate and stand by each other and we acknowledge folks when they do good. Later that same day I was waiting inside a gas station to go into the bathroom. It seemed like it was taking forever and I really had to go! Lol. After a bit an older man opened the door with a cane in the other hand. He looked at me and said “sorry”. I looked at him and noticed he was wearing a Veterans hat. I smiled at him and said, “No worries, thank you sir for your service. He smiled at me and said he really appreciated me saying that. You see what I mean, these are the small things that unite us. Before the wife and I left on our trip two of my neighbors who I haven’t known for more than a few months asked if they could do anything at our house while we were gone. My son a while back pulled into a gas station in South Carolina to get gas and smokes. He was towing his kayak and a little worried about leaving all his fishing gear sitting in the kayak exposed while he ran into the store. Two guys were on the other side of the pump filling up their car. My son said to them, hey guys would you keep an eye on my stuff while I run into the store? 

Both nodded their heads in agreement. While they were there before my son I’ll be damned if they didn’t wait until he returned before they left. Both were black. I hate to even mention this because it doesn’t mean anything to us, except that in today’s world we are being told we don’t trust each other, we are enemies. It’s not true and it pisses me off to no end for the race baiting Democrats and those moronic liars in the media to push this narrative on us. 

I guarantee you there are hundreds if not thousands of stories like these small little stories above happening across our country every single day. Will we hear about them? No. It’s sad, sick and wrong.

God forbid the politicians and the media hacks work even half as hard as they do to divide us to unite us. You’ll be pretty damn hard pressed to find any good stories on the nightly news nowadays. The truth of the matter is we are a stronger, more powerful and more united as a nation when we stand together. We got a small taste of what we can do when Trump was President. I won’t even begin to list all the good he was able, with our help, to accomplish and accomplish with 90% of the Federal Government fighting his every turn.

He opened our eyes and gave us a taste of what can be done and now anything short of this just doesn’t cut it.

Okay, enough of my rambling friends. I sure thank you for taking the time to let me vent and share my thoughts each week. Wishing every last one of you a great rest of the weekend and week ahead. Y’all are good people and I am damn glad to have come across your paths even if it was on the Nazi site. I did join Gettr, I have a whopping 56 followers! If you decided to join Gettr please let me know so I can follow you. It’s quiet over there but the good thing is, you don’t have to stop and think before you say something, you can let it fly!

Until next week then. Have a good evening friends.

Independence Day

As we all get ready to celebrate Independence Day tomorrow with our family and friends I think about how far we’ve come from fighting a King. Taxation without representation, tea thrown into the harbor, our boys fighting in the swamps of the south under conditions which are unimaginable today, all of the lives lost, property destroyed, and historic acts of courage which allowed us to form a more perfect union and enabled us to leave the monarchy behind.

Here we are in 2021 and you have to scratch your head in wonderment, “what happened to all the independence?” Today millions of Americans look toward our Government for everything and the thought of being left alone to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has long since vanished. Today, the questions are, how much unemployment can I receive and for how long can I receive it? As for the whole “taxation without representation”, forget about it. As American citizens we are taxed to death. Even the “no state income tax” states have found other ways to get into our pockets whether it is toll roads or property tax, cost of gasoline, etc… Today’s United States Congress makes the 1700’s King of Britain look reasonable. We may be a free and independent nation but we sure as hell aren’t free from King rule; at least not in my humble opinion.

We fight amongst ourselves for basic fairness really. We expect free and fair elections and we were promised “equal justice for all.” Instead we have neither. The blatant two tiered justice system is tearing the country apart. If we truly had equal justice for all so many of the wrongs would be made right.

By their own doing the Government is forcing millions of its citizens into a corner. Every branch of the Government it would seem has turned away from the Constitution leaving us to stand divided, alone and without honest representation. Pick a branch of Government you feel you can count on today. Congress? I think not. They want complete and total power over us. These ass-hats spend our money as they see fit and without consequence. As far as the President, please, talk about power without consequence. The idiot sitting in our White House right now doesn’t even know he’s alive. He does what he’s told. How about the DOJ, do you feel they have our best interests in mind? No! If they did we wouldn’t be on month seven of a rigged election. Then there’s the FBI. Surely they will not allow the lawlessness to continue. Right? Wrong again. While these bastards hold hundreds of protesters in jail, without representation I might add, they continue to turn a blind eye on the real domestic threats. BLM and ANTIFA. The DOJ and FBI are busy working overtime selling the Nation on the threat of white supremacy all while cities burn and people like Hunter Biden walk around free as a bird. By all accounts there is enough hard evidence on his laptop alone to throw him and his father in prison for the rest of their lives but wait, first we must put handcuffs on the Trump organization’s CFO because you know, he had a meal comp’ed and didn’t account for it in his taxes seven years ago or some stupid non-impactfual BS like that. While real crimes against the country have occurred and are occurring these Government institutions are following the lead from big money leftist power hungry evil doers.

I am here to tell you, our fight for independence hasn’t ended. As we should, we celebrate the 1776 signing of the declaration but know the only difference between us and the boys who fought in the swamps of South Carolina those many years ago is the year. Well that and we are a bunch of wusses now.

So y’all can trust that this humble boy proudly displays his flag, has a refrigerator full of hamburgers and hot dogs (you know because they are so cheap now…) and will have the backyard filled with family and friends tomorrow but trust I am not satisfied nor convinced we’ve done right by those who ran the King off and in fact would I would say, the King is the least of our problems this July 4th, 2021.

Let us celebrate while we commit to our ongoing endeavor toward an independence from the evil doers that lie in broad daylight within our own borders. I love America and all that she stands for. God Bless her. Fight on friends and may your Independence Day be filled with love and laughter and as many of those cheap hot dogs as you wish! Happy Independence Day!

God Bless America, land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her Through the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans white with foam, God bless America, My home sweet home.

You Can’t Be Serious

Hello family and friends. I hope this week’s DG rant finds y’all doing well, healthy and finding your way through all the craziness that appears to be the norm in this country. My guess is that you are a lot smarter than I because you spend far less time listening to the nonsense going on around you and far more time living your lives and enjoying family & friends. There is certainly a case to be made for that. Setting the nonsense aside that is.

At the end of each week, I typically write about event(s) which occurred during the week that hit me the hardest. Sometimes the event is the top news story of the week and sometimes it’s not. It is however always the thing or things that grind at me the most because, you know, it’s all about me. LOL

This week it’s a compilation of everything. Sometimes I get so fed up I want to throw in the towel and just say screw it. Someone online this week tweeted “don’t forget to take a break from social media to clear your head.” Not bad advice. I actually thought he was talking to me directly. Did I take the advice? Of course not. I’ve never pretended to be the sharpest tool in the shed.

Now to the point of the title “you can’t be serious.” Every week without fail it is just one moronic thing after another. It’s as though the Left is on a full court press to inundate us with pure insanity. Are these freaking weirdos ever going to run out of craziness and more importantly are we as a Nation ever going to take a stand against it?

This week, we had General Milley, Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff testify in front of Congress. During his opening remarks he said he looks forward to understanding white rage and feels it is a serious problem. While I will admit I have little command over the English language, what exactly did he say? How do you admit you don’t know what something is and in the same sentence say it’s a problem? Tucker Carlson called the General a pig, a stupid one at that. “How dare he say such a thing to a General who has served his country honorably” asks every woke Leftist in the country. Again I say, “you can’t be serious.” What on earth is a General, the damn chairman of the joint chiefs doing talking about white rage and how the military must address this very important issue? An issue he himself openly admits he doesn’t understand. I don’t know about you but I want my Generals disinterested in politics and solely focused on the defense of the Nation. The fact of the matter is, I want our Generals to be kick ass sons-a-bitches so that I have confidence when and if the shit hits the fan we are going to be safe from evil. We don’t spend more money than the rest of the countries combined on our military to be “woke”. We spend it to be safe, powerful and intimidating. It keeps the bullies at bay. Yet here we are, the top General spending time trying to understand white rage which as far as I can tell is just another made up term by the Left to keep the division of the country moving along toward ruin.

Then I read about how we’ve erected two statues of George Floyd. Seriously? The division agenda continues, full court press toward crazy. We spent nearly all of 2020 watching the real terrorist (BLM/ANTIFA) deface and tear down statues only to have a statue erected of a want-to-be porn star/drug addict who stuck the barrel of his illegal gun in the belly of a pregnant woman. And we allowed this during the same week it was announced the statue of Teddy Roosevelt is being removed, I guess, because he was white and had an Indian and African standing next to him? Whatever floats your boat huh? Good grief and whatever. All statues have value and point to a history of the country. For me and I suspect many others, these Floyd statues will always represent a time when America fell off the turnip truck. The guy represents everything no one should ever want to be. Let us not forget him… Dumb. All I know is that it’s a good thing the cop that arrested Floyd was white otherwise we wouldn’t know who George Floyd is. The racist narrative continues. By the way, the white officer received 22.5 years in prison. Seems fair…

After six plus months Kami, the phony was finally shamed into visiting the border which as you know wasn’t really visiting the border. She was hundreds of miles away from the actual border but hey, at least she was in a border state right? Let’s be fair. She walks up to the microphone where she’s asked “why haven’t you been to the border before now?” With that disgusting smile, her FU look on her face and her index finger pointing at the reporter she replies “First, I’ve been to the border many times.” And then proceeds to say “As you know, we inherited a very bad situation at the border.” What makes me sick about this is not what she said, although nothing but lies, it’s that we have so many complete fools in this country that actually believe her and worse, just love her to death. All 13 of them. This is the woman who will be in the history books as being the first black/Asian/Women Vice President. You can’t be serious. Nope, it’s true. Many in the country believe she’ll replace Tired Brain before the end of his term. Think about that and then tell me how you’re sleeping at night. #Nightmare

God Bless these folks who took the time to greet the phony as she arrived.

Make-A-Wish announces it will only be granting wishes for kids who have been vaccinated. Somebody, anybody, please tell me this story isn’t true. Lie to me if you have to, I can’t handle this one. I have supported Make-A-Wish for nearly 40 years because I have personally seen the good things they do. It is beyond my ability to picture an organization forgoing the wish of a child because they are under the Leftist Fauci spell. This is literally putting politics over the well being of our children in need. It makes me sick to my stomach and that’s putting it mildly. “You can’t be serious.”

Make-A-Wish Foundation Announces They Will Only Help Fully Vaccinated Children

Rudy has been disbarred yet the porn lawyer is good to go. You must have an ID to get the vaccine but not to vote. The American pipeline is shut down but the Russian one is approved. Unarmed civilians who didn’t hurt anyone are being held without bail, no court date in solitary confinement while ANTIFA and BLM burn down cities, kill, loot, and ruin thousands of lives. The White House, the DOJ, The FBI and now the military proclaim white supremacy is the number one domestic threat but nobody knows who these supremacists are or what they’ve done. Hunter Biden uses the N word and then the yellow word and the media is silent. Biden meets with Putin and two days later he rescinded military assistance to Ukraine. Media is silent. Gas, meat, lumber, housing prices spiking, the media is silent and the Left celebrates what? No mean Trump tweets. The United States is so bad, so awful, so racist, that no one ever leaves and our border is stuffed full of others wanting in. There are millions of job openings throughout the country yet the Government continues to pay people to stay home. I can do this all day long… “you can’t be serious.”

Another one of these memes that would be funny if not so damn true…

Free speech – So you’re on the telephone talking to a neighbor who is a die hard liberal. You’re in a heated debate about the election. You claim the election was rigged and stolen. The neighbors’ only response is that Trump was bad. You begin to point out all the good things Trump did for the country and suddenly the AT&T operator comes on to the line and tells you, you are suspended from using the phone for 12 hours for saying the election was rigged and that Trump did good things. Before hanging up the operator tells you, “if we hear you say these things again your telephone service will be canceled.” This is what Twitter and Facebook actually do every day to thousands upon thousands of conservatives.

Ok, enough is enough for one week friends. What we are witnessing right now in this country is beyond anything I could have ever dreamed up. Let us hope and pray the ole Red, White and Blue can withstand all the nonsense and prevail in the end. It’s going to be touch and go that’s for sure. Did you hear some are now calling for a different flag, evidently the one we have is just too outdated for today’s woke society… the “you can’t be serious” is serious.

Enjoy the Trump rally tonight and find a way to have a great week ahead. I’ll talk to y’all next week as “we” celebrate the birth of our Nation on the 4th. Get them flags out!!

Can’t They Hear Themselves?

While I disagree on nearly everything, I do my best to be reasonable and try to understand Liberal thinking. You know, they are not the only ones who want everyone to have good and affordable healthcare. Everyone wants that. The disagreement lies in how we get there.

Everyone wants clean water and fresh air. We all cherish our wildlife, our forests and great oceans. How we ensure that these things are sustained is where we disagree. World peace? Of course. Equality for all? Certainly.

What I find so frustrating is how they don’t seem to have the ability or perhaps the desire to question this Government. I guess that’s not fair. They questioned the Government on nearly everything when President Trump was in office. However, no questions asked when it came to Obama or now Biden. This is where they lose me.

How can they sit silently about the 400 fellow Americans who protested on January 6th? How can they be okay with the death and destruction by BLM and Antifia but unyielding toward those who marched on the Capitol to have their voices heard? They should not have stormed the Capitol. No one disputes that. Many question, like me, who really did that anyway. However, despite what they have had drilled into their head by the media and the Democrat party, they harmed no one. A few windows were broken, some furniture was tossed around and evidently a laptop stolen but there were no fires, no weapons, no looting and NO killing. Unlike what has occurred and continues to occur with BLM and ANTIFA, this really was a peaceful protest. Yet these protesters, these fellow Americans are sitting in jail, reportedly in solitary confinement with no charges being filed against them, no lawyers, no due process, and their right to a speedy trial has been unlawfully withheld. I ask, what reasonable person, what kind of person who claims to believe in equality, healthcare for all and feels that climate change is the most important issue of our time can also ignore this injustice being perpetrated right in front of their own eyes?

How can they possibly support the killing of police officers, the tearing down of statues, the complete destruction of so many small businesses, burning, looting and killings and then turn your heads away from the Americans who simply wanted their Government to hear them.

Joe Biden, in his press conference following his meeting with the Russian President Putin said that the protesters (he called them rioters) killed an officer. That is a bold faced, proven lie. How can Liberals support this man? Why do they support someone like this over their fellow citizens? I’ll never understand it.

There was no insurrection. This is a Liberal Democrat narrative being supported by a Liberal media who have been proven many times over to lie. Trump didn’t collude with Russia, it’s been proven. Trump didn’t bribe Ukraine, it’s been proven. Trump didn’t order the clearing of Lafayette Park so that he could walk to the church, it’s been proven. Trump was right, the virus came from a lab in China. It is a China virus. Hillary really did pay for the fake Russia hoax.

Biden really did threaten Ukraine if they didn’t fire the prosecutor who was prosecuting the company his son was affiliated with. Hydroxychloroquine really is safe and has been proven to increase the survival rates by 200% of those who contracted the virus. It’s been proven.

The biggest domestic threat to our country is NOT white supremacist groups. Can they name these groups? Can they list the evil deeds they have committed? Of course they can’t, because they don’t exist. Yet this Government that they (the liberal) blindly support and the same media that they watch night after night says it’s so and therefore it must be, right? Wrong, damn it. WRONG. Why don’t they change the channel, have an independent mind, take a chance to view other sources of information. Just what do they have to lose?

What would they be thinking if the tables were turned? What if Biden was accused of colluding with the Russians. I mean he just gave the Russians the ability to build a fuel pipeline while at the very same time closed down the one in America. He has said that the transportation of oil via a pipeline is the safest way yet he killed thousands of American jobs and caused the increase of fuel prices by closing ours down. Why? Why do they support this?

Has their hatred of President Trump removed any ability to see clearly? Have they ever seen clearly? Were lower fuel prices really so bad that they caused them to hate President Trump? Is controlling our border so offensive to them that it caused this hate? Do they seriously blame him for the virus that came from China? Can they even hear themselves? Do they honestly believe a thin layer of paper made in China covering their face has protected them from catching a virus with particles so small they cannot be seen without great magnification? Do you really believe climate change is the number one threat to our world? And if they do, do they honestly believe taxing Americans to death will solve the problem? Do they truly think it will matter what we do when at the same time other countries, large countries like China don’t care. They keep polluting at high levels and laugh at us while they gladly take our tax dollars to pretend they will join in the global climate fight. But that’s all they do. The whole thing is a hoax making the climate global elite richer and richer. How blind does one have to be not to see this?

Dear Liberal, do you think we owe it to our homeless and our veterans to feed and house them before we do the same for non-American citizens? It’s not a trick question. I am trying to understand your thinking. And don’t answer the question by saying they all should have these basic needs. That’s avoiding the question. It’s not an answer. If that question is too difficult for you let me ask you this; “Are you ok with Hunter Biden using the N word?” A better question is; “Did you know Hunter Biden uses the N word?” I suspect not…

Why can’t these people look beyond the norm, change the channel and go into all things with an open and conscious mind. Do they not have any common sense? Politicians do not make the Liberal their priority, they make themselves the priority. The more we give, the more they take. Any normal person look’s at each issue and ask their common sense self, your life experienced self, why are they doing this or that, why are they saying this or that? Ronald Reagan once said about foreign nations “trust but verify”. Wise words back then. Today however in my mind it’s a

little different. Today it’s “don’t trust and try to verify.”

If American’s, no matter what side of the fence they stand on only spew the narrative of the nightly news or a corrupt selfish power grabbing Government then they become a part of the problem and worse, those things they hold dear, the things they feel are important will remain out of reach. We had a President who made promises and kept them. Now we have a guy who doesn’t even know he’s alive and our back-up is worse and her back-up is even worse than her. None of these three represent the America I grew up in nor the one I want my grand-kids to grow up. It is so disheartening to know so many of our fellow American’s can’t or refuse see what is happening. Someone said “This isn’t your dad’s Democrat Party” To whoever that was I say “You ain’t kiddin”

And that is my rant for the week my dear friends. Happy Fathers Day to all you fathers out there. I hope you enjoy the tie the kids got you, lol.

Wishing y’all a great week ahead. Let us all, in our own small way, keep fighting for the truth for it will indeed, set us free.

Nonsense Galore

Nary (always wanted to use that word, lol) a week goes by we aren’t made to put up with some sort of nonsense in this country. This week managed to live up to the standard with ice cream on the side and a cherry on top. In fact, there was so much nonsense I don’t even know where to begin.

How about we start with Dr. “I can’t throw a baseball” Anthony Fauci. As Leg Horn Fog Horn would say to the young chicken hawk “I say, I say, what kind of boy can’t throw a baseball?”

So we once again learn something we always knew about this political scientist. I say political because he sure as hell sucks at being a real scientist. This asshat has flip flopped more than any fish I’ve seen out of water. Hell, he even makes John Kerry look like a novice. I am getting a real kick hearing these breaking news stories about a topic most of us with a pea brain knew to be true from the start. This week it was that it looks like the China virus was man-made (the media uses the term “Engineered”) from a lab. No shit Sherlock. Geez. And within the same breaking news story which is all being collaborated via his own emails “Fauci authorized funding for the lab” supporting the study of virus engineering. The media, scientists & politicians term for this is “gain-of-function” research. Bullshit, it’s developing a man made virus to kill people. Stop making up names most don’t understand. Especially me. It’s just the same old crap. Lie, cover it up, get caught and then deny. Meanwhile, don’t let the number of deaths get you down. It was all in the name of science. Senator John Kennedy, who might be my favorite Senator up on dumbass hill when talking about Fauci said “I know Dr. Fauci, but Dr. Fauci needs to cut the crap. This isn’t about his feelings, and I’m sorry if his feelings were hurt. You know, maybe he ought to buy an emotional support pony because American’s have more faith in Dr. Pepper than they do Dr. Fauci” End quote. My kind of guy Senator Kennedy.

To top off what I have decided to be the Fauci shuffle we had confirmed this week that Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc was indeed very effective in preventing folks from getting the virus. And those that did get the virus and were put on the drug that cost less than a dollar had a 200% increase in recovering. 200%! But oh no, once the President shared what he had learned about this cheap drug that has been around for over 70 years the so called “scientists” backed up by the all knowing Liberal Left, and then triple confirmed by the proven truth tellers (not)

the media… hit the airwaves denouncing any such positive effects using the drug. Remember the doctors in the white coats that did the media interview promoting the drug? Remember the black doctor who was so outspoken and adamant the drug was effective? Try finding her today… Then there’s good old Fox News Neil Potato head Cavuto. With his many years as a doctor and a scientist (wrong) he devoted a whole show to the dangers of the drug “Hear me, if you take this drug you could die!” he said. These sons-a-bitches ought to all be locked up. You tell me how many lives were lost because these evil people all but took the drug off the market. Doctors were not allowed to subscribe the drug without facing penalties. I and many others had our accounts suspended on twitter just for saying Hydroxychloroquine. And finally, where are all the apologies? Don’t hold your breath. Once again, it’s all about the money and oh boy have some big evil doers made some money off this China Virus. It’s disgusting.

There is some good news though. Tired Brain is investing a millions of dollars of your money to buy over a half a million doses of the vaccine for, wait for it, other countries to use. And can anyone, someone explain to me why isn’t China paying for all this BS? This has gone from nonsense to downright stupidity and I only use that word because my wife gets mad when I use four letter words too much.

Now let’s talk about the smartest guy Tired Brain Biden knows. His beloved son Hunter. You know Hunter he is the crack smoking, sex with minor loving guy who makes sure the big guy gets 10% of everything ole Hunter can get by selling access to Tired Brain himself. This week some of the crackheads text messages hit the airwaves. Well, hit social media anyway and we learned he uses the N word as if we were living in the 1950’s. OMG look out, BLM is going to eat this crack head for lunch, right? Wrong. Fine but when the MSM gets done with him he won’t be able to show his face in public ever again, right? Wrong. Well poop. At least the President of the United States will stand up and denounce his own son’s filth. Right? Of course not. First his father isn’t really the President of the United States and second, the N word has been used around the Biden kitchen table ever since Biden was born. I don’t know that for a fact but based on his track record and his hero Senator Bird, prove me wrong.

My Guess is the N word is used around the Biden kitchen table on a regular basis

One of my followers on twitter, great guy, tweeted about how all hell is going to break loose when the results of the Arizona audit goes public. I, being the smart ass I can be replied; “let’s hope it gets better coverage than the crackhead using the N word did.” Not the NYT, not any of the mainstream media, Washington Post, none of them have even spoken the word Hunter… Talk about nonsense galore… disgusting. I know you’re tired of hearing it and I am tired of saying it but I can’t stop. The media in this country is every bit as responsible for the thief of our liberties as anyone, maybe even more so. Unlike AOC, I say build more prisons and let’s fill them up with these media hack jobs.

Finally there is Tired Brain on his trip to Europe. While addressing our troops over there, which is a whole other DG rant some day, he said “the Joint Chiefs have declared global warming as the number one threat in the world, that’s no joke.” Now forget for a minute the day before he said white supremacy was the number one threat. I mean cut the idiot a break, he can’t remember to change his diapers. Houston we have a problem. If indeed the Joint Chiefs of Staff said this they should all lose rank and be sent home to attend to their gardens. You have to wonder what the troops listening to this nonsense were thinking. “So I am deployed over hear away from my family and friends to combat the threat of global warming? Really? How come we have all these tanks, airplanes and ships and stuff?”

Seriously friends, we live in a world filled with complete nonsense that if we’re not careful is going to get us killed. The other world leaders must be licking their chops right now knowing they are going to play the Biden fiddle all the way to the bank. The American taxpayer bank.

I better call an end to this week’s rant. Notice I didn’t even bother talking about the phony and her south of the border disaster. There’s nothing I can say about that unlikable worm you don’t already know.

As far as I’m concerned these folks carrying these signs have earned instant U.S. Citizenship

I also skipped the “breaking news” that President Trump didn’t have Lafayette park cleared so he could walk to the church after all. Another breaking story that 80 million American’s already knew.

As always thank you for listening to my weekly rant and know that I wish y’all only the best for your week ahead. We will endure the nonsense together and fight on.


My boss for over 30 years was someone I looked up to. I give him credit for so many things in my career. He would lift you up when you were down and humble you when you thought you were all knowing. Over the years, the one word he would use that always stopped everyone in their tracks was “why?” We’d be in executive committee meetings having a discussion about some important matter and as with everything in life, everyone had their own opinion or excuse as to why something wasn’t going as planned. More often than not, after an hour of everyone bloviating, the boss would throw cold water on all of it by simply saying “why?”

The word/question makes you stop talking and start thinking. I remember in one such meeting one of the managers got a bit lippy. He decided, I guess, to take the boss on. When the boss threw out the famous “why”, the manager did what you should never do, he kept talking instead of thinking. He replied to the boss, “Well if we knew why we wouldn’t have the problem in the first place, would we?” To which the boss responded with “that’s very true, I suggest you spend more time figuring out “why” this happened and less time telling me it did.”

The bottom line was that the boss wanted us to notify him about problems but he also pushed us to bring along solutions. Most successful leaders I suspect are the same way. There will always be problems and there will always be solutions. Sometimes the solutions are great and sometimes they are like swallowing a whole watermelon, i.e. “painful”.

So let’s put the why theory to test, shall we?

The FBI is doing nothing about the illegal acts of ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter. Both groups have broken a number of laws. If anyone of us broken similar laws, we’d be behind bars. In fact, the perfect example of this is the January 6th protest in DC. The only difference between the acts of ANTIFA and/or BLM is the January 6th protest was, well, a protest. No buildings were burned to the ground, no government or city official was injured, no stores were looted… you get the point. They riot, we protest. Yet many of the protesters remain in jail to this day. They’ve yet to be charged and the rumor is that they are held separately in confinement. Back to the question, why? On the rare occasion someone among the domestic terrorist groups is arrested they are released within 24 hours. Why?

As the boss said, you figure out the answer and you have a pathway to solving the problem. It seems to me the problem lies within the FBI. Nowadays they are little less than the modern day Gestapo for the Democrat Party and we (Trump supporters which is really an unfair label, we are really American Freedom supporters) are the Jews. Harsh? I don’t think so. For me it’s pretty damn obvious. For at least 12 years now the FBI as well as the DOJ and the CIA have been doing the bidding of the Left. Their actions didn’t just start with Trump, they just became more obvious with Trump. He exposed them and they doubled down.

How do the American people correct the wrongs within the damn FBI? That’s a pretty big endeavor don’t you think? The natural path would be through our duly elected officials, right? Right.

Now we come to the second “why?”

We can certainly understand why the Democrats hate Trump and stick together. We detest their policies because we believe those policies are anti-American, thus they are what we call the opposing party. Well, we call them a lot of things, opposing party is the nicest of the terms. In this case “we” stands for you and me, the people who voted Trump into office because we believe in being free. What about the Republicans? Why don’t they stick together? Why don’t they all align with us, the people who elected them? Why have so many of them voted with the opposing party on important matters? “Why?”

How on earth do we correct the wrongs such as the FBI and the Democrats when our own party or at least the other party undermines us at nearly every turn? The answer, we don’t.

The reason so many of the Republicans vote with the Democrats is because when all the dust settles on whatever issue/problem we face, they are (most not all) no different than the Democrats. They seek to secure their power, maintain their leadership positions, and continue to enrich themselves off the backs of the American taxpayer. I seriously don’t think the issue is any more complicated than this. By all accounts there isn’t anything they won’t do to maintain their positions.

How did we get to this point where it feels near impossible to right the wrongs? We made the fatal mistake of trusting those we elected and being busy with our own personal lives. While we worked and raised our families we let the power brokers in Washington run amok. We didn’t hold them accountable and here we are. After four years of a President who wasn’t a politician, and because of that, he sounded different, acted differently and brought into stark view all of the things “We The People” have been neglecting, you can bet your bottom dollar that the Left and the Right will never make that mistake again (allowing us to elect who we want.)

Right now, it appears that President Trump’s main focus is on 2022. He wants everything to go through him, which ensures only people who think like him and like we do are elected during the mid-terms. No more Mitt Romeys, Jeff Flakes, the dingbats in Alaska and Maine, etc. And there are many etceteras.

Most of us still haven’t gotten over the 2020 election. We cannot understand how our vote will make a difference in 2022 if the blatant fraud of 2020 isn’t reliably adjudicated first. I know that’s how I feel anyway.

It’s pretty remarkable how so many people think that one man should have been able to correct decades of corruption in DC. A few folks this week on twitter took shots at Mike Pompeo. They questioned why he didn’t do more against China relating to the virus. Pompeo tweeted that he ran into road blocks at every turn when attempting to get to the bottom of how the virus came to be. This is what I mean. DC is filled with lifelong evil doers, liars whose pockets are filled with blood money. I don’t blame Pompeo any more than I don’t blame Trump. Both men have shown us the evil but it will take much more than two men and four short years to turn this huge evil ship around. My fear remains the same as it always has. This is going to take an outright revolution and honestly, I don’t think it is within the make-up of today’s American citizens to take this on. Trust me. I hate to sound so defeated. I hold out some hope as it relates to the States. I pray they, via the good people within them, will not stand for the consistent gavel of injustice. If even a few of the Red States stand up by refusing to allow the Federal Government to eliminate the constitutional rights of their citizens then perhaps we have the chance anyway of having safe havens within these States. The Arizona election audit is hopeful if only to expose the dirty dealings that occurred. While I don’t believe this will give us our duly elected President back I do hope it creates a wave of election corrections within the Red States. At this point who your state Governor is can make all the difference. Example – Ron DeSantis in Florida.

The Nation could not be more divided. Those people who refuse to see the evil that goes on are officially a part of the DC establishment. Sadly they don’t even know that. As impossible as it is to believe, 30 percent or more in this country actually think Washington and even Biden are the good guys. I am here to tell you, they are not. When a brainless bartender becomes a United States Congresswoman you know the Nation has lost her way…

So following all this bloviating, I leave you with this. When you learn that a new law is being proposed, or you hear about some body tattooed thug with metal piercing hanging on every corner of his body nearly beat someone to death is going to be released from prison early, or if some brain dead congresswoman claims that building fewer prisons cause fewer people being incarcerated, or even if you hear a little jackass who can’t throw a baseball to home plate instruct you not to wear a mask one week but then to wear a mask the next week, ask the question, “why?”

Figure that out and you’ll have a pathway to fix what is broken

In the meantime, keep fighting the fight, hope and pray for the best, do what you can and most importantly, keep those you love near and dear. Have a good week my friends. We live to fight another day.