Yeah, those “whatever” they are on the Left aren’t the only ones woke in this country. While they walk around bumping into each other like zombies with their pink, purple and green hair which by the way gives them a total advantage during Halloween, calling for social justice in all their wokeness, those of us fighting for sanity to return are woke too. Just not in the, you know, insane out of your freaking mind way.
We are now “woke” to a lot of things. We might very well have been asleep for far too long. One could make the argument that this mess we find ourselves in is of our own making. While we got up every morning and went to work, got the kids off to school and made sure our taxes were paid, the zombies somehow convinced the ass-hats in Washington that they were the most important things walking the face of the earth. While they only represent a small segment of society, if that’s what you call this mess we are living in nowadays, the DC crowd has embraced them and their insanity. Why? Because DC knows that they can have power over these people. They have figured out that the more they give these folks the more they can control them and sadly, it’s working.
The biggest and best thing Trump did for us is wake us the hell up. All those mean tweets that the cry babies hated so much were like cold water in our faces. “They aren’t sending us their best and brightest” he said and we thought, “he’s right.” “Crooked Hillary” he warned us, good grief was he ever right about that. “Fake News” he chanted over and over again and suddenly the wax in our ears melted and we couldn’t believe what we were/are hearing from these evil sons-a- fill in the blank. Seriously, how many of you used to watch CNN before Trump? Maybe it was just now and then on a casual basis but still you tuned in. I bet you wouldn’t last two minutes watching that fake news junk pile today. ABC, NBC, CBS? How many of us picked up mom and dad’s habit and watched one of those each night? Be honest. The answer? Too many of us. While there are some of us out there (I’m not one of them) that have always had their ears clean and eyes wide open, millions of us didn’t. Like I said, we were busy…
We are woke now aren’t we! We are woke to the filth of Washington DC and those filled with what can only be accurately described as human ilk. The lying, the cheating, the scams, the waste and abuse of the American taxpayer is downright disgusting. We see it, and we feel it everyday now. Truth be told, not a day passes that we don’t hear of some insane thing that these fools come up with under the guise of being good for us. Yesterday it was to look into everyone’s bank account who conducted a $600 or more transaction. The day before that it was to accept a 5.5 trillion dollar spending plan that oh by the way wouldn’t cost us anything. And before that? The list is long my friends. How about the evacuation (which by the way no one talks about anymore) of Afghanistan? According to the DC swamp, it was a tremendous success, remember? My favorite is that Tired Brain got 81 million votes. This is how much respect they have for us. With a straight face and zero remorse, they tell us this tired old man who can’t put two sentences together and couldn’t bring together a 100 people to listen to him, got more votes than any Presidential candidate in history. What makes it even worse is the fact that between Tired Brain’s 81 million votes and Trump’s 75 million, more people voted than we have on the voter rolls and the voter rolls are full of dead people! Yeah, we are woke alright.

They think so little of us that they actually think we are going to accept that Mothers and Fathers who attend and participate in local school board meetings are the new domestic terrorists. Really? Not even some of those on the lame Left are buying this one and these are the people that do indeed believe spending 5.5T will cost them nothing… We’re woke.
The summer of love, ANTIFA and BLM burning, looting, killing that we saw with our own eyes yet we (you know by the leader of the most respected law enforcement agency in the world, the FBI), are told our biggest domestic threat is the white supremacists. Geez, make up your minds, evil doers. Is it the white supremacist or the soccer mom? Yeah, we are woke.
Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask. Get the vaccine and it will prevent you from getting the virus. Wait, what? What do you mean you can still get the virus even though you got the shot? Hold on, why didn’t you tell us we could still pass the virus on even though we got the shot and why are you firing all the nurses? Why don’t you just have them wear a mask? They work right? Right? Yep, we are woke. I can’t even begin to tell you how pleased I was to see the Southwest pilots call in sick earlier this week to send a message to the world that they will not stand for forced injections. I can’t tell you how impressed I am with the basketball player, Kyrie Irving for giving up millions to stand his ground. As the deadline looms for our soldiers, millions have yet to line up for their shot. We are indeed woke and getting more woker (see I can make up words too!)
On the heels of an absolutely disgusting jobs report this week (less than 200K went back to work) Tired Brain tweeted; An average of 600,000 new jobs have been created every month since we took office. Jobs are up, wages are up, and unemployment is down. This progress is attributed to the hard work and resilience of the American people, who are battling through this pandemic by the day.

See, things are great my friends! Wrong! Unemployment down? I don’t know about you but I’ve yet to walk into any store that doesn’t have a “help wanted” sign on their door. Progress? Come on man! We are indeed woke. We may very well still be busy but now, are eyes are wide open and we’re not buying all the BS anymore. I truly hope the Southwest pilot move starts a chain reaction throughout the country. We are seeing the nurses stand up now, American Airlines pilots raised their hands this week too. I hope this grows like wild fire sending a message to these idiotic people and their fake mandates that this is our country not theirs. As they say, “no pain, no gain”. Let’s shut this place down if we have to and yes, lets make America strong again, lets make American rich again and as my favorite President says, Lets Make America Great Again which doesn’t include Tired Brain and the evil doers that for the past “forever” have been working overtime to dismantle the American way of life. Nope, not having it, we are woke and we ain’t going back to sleep any time soon.
I invite you all to stand up and show your support every time you see one of our fellow Americans take a stand. Whether over the vaccine nonsense, this lousy economy, or some insane woke thing like chest feeding or allowing guys in gals bathrooms. Stand beside these folks that stand up for what is right and hell, if you’re so inclined and can, do some standing up yourselves!
We WILL get through this. What we look like afterwards, Lord only knows. We’ve got an awful lot of work to do to clean up this mess. 90% of the evil doers in Washington must go. We need to all but dismantle the FBI and DOJ. The TV Generals need to find their rightful spot on the sidewalk and this media, oh this media. We need to break them apart into little small bits and pieces. CNN, the most trusted in news. WRONG!
Question everything and trust your gut, it won’t let you down! Have a great rest of your weekend friends. Let’s talk next week ok? In the meantime, here are a few of my favorite memes of the week.