Oh We’re Woke

Yeah, those “whatever” they are on the Left aren’t the only ones woke in this country. While they walk around bumping into each other like zombies with their pink, purple and green hair which by the way gives them a total advantage during Halloween, calling for social justice in all their wokeness, those of us fighting for sanity to return are woke too. Just not in the, you know, insane out of your freaking mind way.

We are now “woke” to a lot of things. We might very well have been asleep for far too long. One could make the argument that this mess we find ourselves in is of our own making. While we got up every morning and went to work, got the kids off to school and made sure our taxes were paid, the zombies somehow convinced the ass-hats in Washington that they were the most important things walking the face of the earth. While they only represent a small segment of society, if that’s what you call this mess we are living in nowadays, the DC crowd has embraced them and their insanity. Why? Because DC knows that they can have power over these people. They have figured out that the more they give these folks the more they can control them and sadly, it’s working.

The biggest and best thing Trump did for us is wake us the hell up. All those mean tweets that the cry babies hated so much were like cold water in our faces. “They aren’t sending us their best and brightest” he said and we thought, “he’s right.” “Crooked Hillary” he warned us, good grief was he ever right about that. “Fake News” he chanted over and over again and suddenly the wax in our ears melted and we couldn’t believe what we were/are hearing from these evil sons-a- fill in the blank. Seriously, how many of you used to watch CNN before Trump? Maybe it was just now and then on a casual basis but still you tuned in. I bet you wouldn’t last two minutes watching that fake news junk pile today. ABC, NBC, CBS? How many of us picked up mom and dad’s habit and watched one of those each night? Be honest. The answer? Too many of us. While there are some of us out there (I’m not one of them) that have always had their ears clean and eyes wide open, millions of us didn’t. Like I said, we were busy…

We are woke now aren’t we! We are woke to the filth of Washington DC and those filled with what can only be accurately described as human ilk. The lying, the cheating, the scams, the waste and abuse of the American taxpayer is downright disgusting. We see it, and we feel it everyday now. Truth be told, not a day passes that we don’t hear of some insane thing that these fools come up with under the guise of being good for us. Yesterday it was to look into everyone’s bank account who conducted a $600 or more transaction. The day before that it was to accept a 5.5 trillion dollar spending plan that oh by the way wouldn’t cost us anything. And before that? The list is long my friends. How about the evacuation (which by the way no one talks about anymore) of Afghanistan? According to the DC swamp, it was a tremendous success, remember? My favorite is that Tired Brain got 81 million votes. This is how much respect they have for us. With a straight face and zero remorse, they tell us this tired old man who can’t put two sentences together and couldn’t bring together a 100 people to listen to him, got more votes than any Presidential candidate in history. What makes it even worse is the fact that between Tired Brain’s 81 million votes and Trump’s 75 million, more people voted than we have on the voter rolls and the voter rolls are full of dead people! Yeah, we are woke alright.

Don’t worry folks, brilliant ideas like this won’t cause folks to make a run on their banks… Who comes up with this crap? The evil doers that’s who.

They think so little of us that they actually think we are going to accept that Mothers and Fathers who attend and participate in local school board meetings are the new domestic terrorists. Really? Not even some of those on the lame Left are buying this one and these are the people that do indeed believe spending 5.5T will cost them nothing… We’re woke.

The summer of love, ANTIFA and BLM burning, looting, killing that we saw with our own eyes yet we (you know by the leader of the most respected law enforcement agency in the world, the FBI), are told our biggest domestic threat is the white supremacists. Geez, make up your minds, evil doers. Is it the white supremacist or the soccer mom? Yeah, we are woke.

Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask. Get the vaccine and it will prevent you from getting the virus. Wait, what? What do you mean you can still get the virus even though you got the shot? Hold on, why didn’t you tell us we could still pass the virus on even though we got the shot and why are you firing all the nurses? Why don’t you just have them wear a mask? They work right? Right? Yep, we are woke. I can’t even begin to tell you how pleased I was to see the Southwest pilots call in sick earlier this week to send a message to the world that they will not stand for forced injections. I can’t tell you how impressed I am with the basketball player, Kyrie Irving for giving up millions to stand his ground. As the deadline looms for our soldiers, millions have yet to line up for their shot. We are indeed woke and getting more woker (see I can make up words too!)

On the heels of an absolutely disgusting jobs report this week (less than 200K went back to work) Tired Brain tweeted; An average of 600,000 new jobs have been created every month since we took office. Jobs are up, wages are up, and unemployment is down. This progress is attributed to the hard work and resilience of the American people, who are battling through this pandemic by the day.

Tired Brain promises not to raise your taxes… Inflation hits us folks harder than anyone else. I am pretty sure the millionaires can afford to have their drivers fill up their gas tank.

See, things are great my friends! Wrong! Unemployment down? I don’t know about you but I’ve yet to walk into any store that doesn’t have a “help wanted” sign on their door. Progress? Come on man! We are indeed woke. We may very well still be busy but now, are eyes are wide open and we’re not buying all the BS anymore. I truly hope the Southwest pilot move starts a chain reaction throughout the country. We are seeing the nurses stand up now, American Airlines pilots raised their hands this week too. I hope this grows like wild fire sending a message to these idiotic people and their fake mandates that this is our country not theirs. As they say, “no pain, no gain”. Let’s shut this place down if we have to and yes, lets make America strong again, lets make American rich again and as my favorite President says, Lets Make America Great Again which doesn’t include Tired Brain and the evil doers that for the past “forever” have been working overtime to dismantle the American way of life. Nope, not having it, we are woke and we ain’t going back to sleep any time soon.

I invite you all to stand up and show your support every time you see one of our fellow Americans take a stand. Whether over the vaccine nonsense, this lousy economy, or some insane woke thing like chest feeding or allowing guys in gals bathrooms. Stand beside these folks that stand up for what is right and hell, if you’re so inclined and can, do some standing up yourselves!

We WILL get through this. What we look like afterwards, Lord only knows. We’ve got an awful lot of work to do to clean up this mess. 90% of the evil doers in Washington must go. We need to all but dismantle the FBI and DOJ. The TV Generals need to find their rightful spot on the sidewalk and this media, oh this media. We need to break them apart into little small bits and pieces. CNN, the most trusted in news. WRONG!

Question everything and trust your gut, it won’t let you down! Have a great rest of your weekend friends. Let’s talk next week ok? In the meantime, here are a few of my favorite memes of the week.

Boy, it that true or what? Tired Brain, a one man wreaking ball
Just shut the hell up and be thankful for what you have. Dear Lord forgive me but, these people…

If You Are A Democrat

When you pause for a few minutes and think about what it means today to be a Democrat, I assure you that you’ll walk away shaking your head and find yourself asking, “what is wrong with you people?” It’s crazy to think there are Americans today that continue to proudly call themselves Democrats. The saying “these are not your grandfather’s Democrats” couldn’t be truer. Think about it and then ask yourself why.

If you are a Democrat you either don’t bother watching the news or worse you tune into CNN. As crazy as it sounds, not watching is a better option. You are far better off being clueless than being told lies and believing them. Anyone with an ounce of sanity can watch CNN or any of these fake news networks and catch them in a bold face lie. Trust me, it’s not a rare event, it’s a daily event. The older folks who remain Democrats are stuck in old habits. They tune in to the nightly news just as they have their whole adult lives. ABC, NBC, CBS. Back in the day they listened to the Walter Cronkite’s of their time and didn’t know what political affiliation they were. That’s because they were reporting the news, not making the news. And when I say making the news, I mean, making it up. That’s what today’s Democrats are allowing into their heads today, made up, fake news. The prime example of this are the millions of Democrats out there still to this day who believe Trump colluded with the Russians. If you are one of these people all I can do is pray for you. Here’s the thing though. What exactly are you made of? Don’t you have a mind of your own? Are you completely void of any common sense? Do you not have any life experiences that allow your mind to throw the bullshit flag when you hear it? Seriously, do you people not have an individual sane thought of your own, ever?

Pretty much sums it up don’t you think?

If you are a Democrat you voted for Joe Biden. What exactly was it that attracted you to Joe? Or did you vote for him just because you disliked Trump? And what was it that Trump did that made you dislike him? Please don’t tell me it was mean tweets. That just makes you look more stupid than you obviously already are.

Today’s Democrats are fine with all the nonsense the country is experiencing. They are fine with leaving Americas behind in Afghanistan. Fine with higher gas prices, meat, fish and poultry. Fine with teaching our children critical race theory in our tax funded schools. You are okay mandating vaccines that don’t stop you from getting sick nor stop you from passing your sickness on to others. You have no problem with the Government spending more money than we give them. Hell, you don’t even care if the Government produces a budget. Just spend our money freely as you see fit. You see no problem with the DOJ (that stands for Department of Justice by the way) instructing the FBI (that stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation) to investigate Moms and Dads who attend their local school board meetings to demand their kids be taught reading, writing and arithmetic and not that white people are bad. You agree with those you elected that guns are the problem not the people who use them for evil. You must believe that because you keep trying to take my guns away and I haven’t harmed a soul my entire life. You’re so shallow minded you think the law breakers/the evil minded thugs will lay down their guns if the Government decides to ban personal ownership. You’re all about a woman’s right to choose until it comes to taking a vaccine or fighting for their child’s education.

Everything on the planet in your eyes is a human right yet you see no problem at all in aborting a child with a heartbeat. You are opposed to voter ID yet every single one of you has an ID. So why are you opposed? That’s just being an idiot. What you are really saying is that you aren’t interested in fair elections. What you are interested in is winning no matter the cost. The truth of the matter is that fairness is not a part of your make-up. While fairness is maybe the most critical part of a sane society you reject it at every turn. Do you have a problem with the 18 year old black kid who shot up the school this week being released from jail? You do not. Hell, you’re not even screaming for gun control on this one. For the record, neither is the idiot in the White House, nor is Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Jessie Jackson or any of the Democrat ass-hats that pretend to care so deeply about you. Do you have a problem with the people who trespassed into the capitol but didn’t hurt anyone and are still being held in jail without due process? You do not. Are you okay with being censored? Of course you are until the time comes (if ever) when suddenly you aren’t allowed to speak your filth. You idiots were fine with that moron redhead holding up a bloody head of Donald Trump but chanting FJB, that’s an outrage. Millions of your fellow Americans have grave concerns over our last election. Millions do not believe it was conducted in an honest manner. Do you care about that? Nope. Your Tired Brain man is in the White House and that’s all that matters. Is he doing the job he said he would do? Hell, you don’t know what he’s doing because you’re still watching the bullshit news or worse tuning into the View each day to get your daily dose of stupid.

Sadly I am betting not a single Democrat will read this blog. I am however hopeful some of my friends who aren’t overly political or even those of you who do make the right choices when you vote will at least consider some of the things noted in the above. I know some, whom I consider, very smart people that to this day don’t know that if you take the vaccine you can still get the virus and still pass it on and why not, our pretend President just this Thursday said as much. He lied, again. I know people who I consider friends who aren’t aware of any side effects with these vaccines. And I have people in and around my life that continue to watch only the nightly news. I know this based on their lack of knowledge about so many of the things happening in our country today. It is very sad and scary to be honest. The media truly is an enemy of the people. They play a huge role in the destruction of society today. If you are still a Democrat you believe everything they tell you and that is insane.

Or just because you heard it on the nightly news or in a press briefing or read it in the New York Times, or on Yahoo, Twitter or Facebook. Be a Lion not a sheep. If I need to explain the difference, it’s too late for you.

This country is in a horrible mess right now. These Leftist Democrats are on a fast track to take the country as we know it down. It troubles me greatly to watch so many sit on the sidelines while these evil doers tear us apart. In my short 67 years on this planet I’ve never seen so much division. My internal belief system will not allow me to give up what I believe. No screaming lunatic with pink hair, body tattoos and enough metal hanging out of every orifice of their body will convince me of anything. A man is a man, a woman is a woman, a baby is a person, and nothing in life is free. If you break the law you should be made to pay the price. The color of your skin is meaningless to me. What you do under your roof, short of breaking the law, is your business not mine. I take responsibility for my actions and I believe everyone else should do the same. I believe we have a right to live our lives but don’t believe I am entitled to anything. If I shake your hand and tell you I am going to do something you better believe it will be done. I owe it to myself to seek out the truth and I believe it would be shameful for me to look the other way when I see something wrong and say nothing. If we humans are going to live on this planet together we better be honest with each other. We better damn well stand up for what is right and what is wrong. Burying your head in the sand doesn’t cut it yet this is exactly what so many are doing. Just how much longer are we going to allow this nonsense to continue?

I don’t have a problem sharing the country with these Democrats. Well, I mind but understand people are people and have minds of their own. What I do mind though is all the lawlessness and the two tiered justice system. Our greatest asset has always been our being a Nation of Laws. Today this appears to no longer be the case and it’s quickly dragging us into the dirt and building anger that at some point will turn into mass hysteria. We are indeed an eyelash away from being Australia which by the way, if you’re a Democrat you’re okay with. Last year’s summer of love versus the January 6th protest is a clear, easy picture for us all to see what is happening. These Democrats are bound and determined to turn our beautiful America into the next shit-hole country. Either we unite now or we continue to succumb to the evilness of the Left. We can do this, I know we can. Let your voice be heard. At every opportunity, speak up for what is right and scream at the top of your lungs against what common sense tells you is wrong. When I see what is going on in this country and think about what my grandkids will be made to endure it saddens me and quite honestly, pisses me off. Do me a huge favor, get pissed off too!  

This, my friends wraps up another weekly DG rant. As these ass-hats ramp up their rhetoric we must ramp up ours. Call out every lie you hear and point out every evil doer you see. We’ll lean on each other for our sanity and keep doing what we can in our journey to survive the crazy evilness that surrounds us and Pray, after all, what the hell do you have to lose?

I Want To Say Thank You

Every week, the Government led by evil doers provides us with a long list of things to rant about. It really is the one thing we can count on nowadays. Seriously, when all else fails you can be assured these idiots will announce some flat out stupid thing to get the hair on the back of our necks to stand straight up. It becomes tiresome and depressing. Every time I get to the point where I want to throw in the towel and just retreat to my inner self, I realize this is exactly what they want me to do. Just stop fighting them, let it be what it will be, get in line with the rest of the sheep and “hope” for the best. Sadly millions of Americans are doing just that and to be honest, I understand it. No one wants to walk around being pissed off and depressed. Finding the good in a world filled with bad can be pretty damn hard nowadays. A lot of this is how we choose to view the news. You can take something that is bad and flip it over to be good. It’s the cup half full method. Here are a few examples of this.

I want to say thank you to all of you out there in the country right now putting your jobs on the line over this mandatory vaccination mandate which, for the record, has not officially taken place yet and by the way, just because pudding brain mandates something doesn’t mean we must comply. We don’t have a king or queen running this country. We have a dictator-in-chief but I digress. When you think about the fact that these Americans, nurses, firefighters, police, troops, first responders and all the others working to put food on the table are putting their health and their families first it is impressive, brave and shows this lame Government that people have red lines they refuse to allow these evil doers to cross. These Americans do us all a huge favor and at a great personal cost. Personally, I support them, thank them and encourage more of us to do the same. Stand up to these ass-hats in Government. Think about the New York case where they have now suspended over 50,000 healthcare workers who refused to be vaccinated with a shot that does not stop you from getting the virus nor from passing the virus on. They have suspended the very people who just a few short months ago were considered heroes for taking care of and saving the lives of those who came down with the virus. And to top it off, they are replacing them with National Guard troops who, wait for it, have not yet been vaccinated… National Guard troops have until April of 2022 to get vaccinated… We are being led by morons. Sorry, there’s no other way to explain it.

Whoever did this meme is deserving of our thanks. Common sense on display!

Both of these stories are examples of lousy situations that have positive stories to tell if you choose to look for the good instead of the bad. The cup is half full.

This of course isn’t always possible. You would be hard pressed to find any good in the story about Tired Brain wanting to allow the IRS to track our bank accounts. The only good in this communist idea is that it shows us again, just how rotten this guy is. Having said that, we really don’t need any more examples of that, do we? The man is a walking, talking American way of life wrecking ball. Hell, what’s next? Before we know it he will announce parents who demand accountability from these leftist insane school boards are domestic terrorists. Oh wait… That is exactly what the teacher’s union has requested of Tired Brain this week. BTW, these parents who are attending school board meetings and county supervisor meetings standing up for their kids, they are heroes too and deserving of our thanks! Their kids are their red lines. I certainly hope so! Thank you parents! No masks and no stupid, insane, CRT BS. Geez.

Another “Thank You” to the author of this cartoon. Common sense on display!

Rand Paul wins the DG “in your face” award this week for putting these mask wearing, vaccination Nazi ass-hats in their place. Senator Paul was on a roll in the truth telling department this week and we Americans say THANK YOU!

Here are a few other memes that I personally enjoyed this week. Those folks who take the time to make and publish these are doing all of us a favor. They are making folks think and many give us an opportunity to smile. Some make us spitting mad too.

Ain’t that the truth!
This is an actual photo. Makes sense right? Fake White House, Fake President getting a Fake Vaccine Booster shot. Fake, Fake, Fake!
This is coming but don’t worry, Tired Brain isn’t going to raise your taxes. You know, because the 5 trillion proposed spending spree cost zero… Huh?
Higher gas prices, America last agenda, open borders, Americans left behind, inflation and an unlikable phony for a Vice President

Okay friends. Enough is enough. Try to find some good in all the bad we are being made to endure nowadays. Nearly every ugly story out there has some sort of good to it. All you have to do to find it is stand on one foot, close one eye and hold your breath… Hardly a week goes by that I don’t ask my sons, “What’s the good news”. They hate the question, LOL. I hope it makes them think though.

Have a great rest of your weekend and a good week ahead. We will stay in touch and keep ranting away until we are heard. #United We Stand and I don’t think there’s ever been a time this has been more important.

It’s As If We Don’t Even Exist

Yesterday the long awaited election audit in Arizona was released. To my knowledge none of the networks covered it and according to what I read on Twitter, Tucker Carlson didn’t even mention it. I wouldn’t know because I stopped watching Fox on November 5th, 2020 and never looked back. I understand that Bret Baier took the time to say the audit results showed that Biden won. This was the narrative all over the internet yesterday. If you actually watched the audit presentation you know this to be false. You know that thousands upon thousands of votes were fraud riddled and what most folks fail to realize is the audit was conducted on one, however large, county in Arizona. Just imagine what the results would be if the entire state was done. The other major reveal for me was their proving the election tabulation machines (Dominion) were indeed connected to the internet. That fact alone, by law, is cause for the election to be decertified. Every day after the release of the Arizona Audit, the results will become quieter and quieter. Washington DC and their state run media outlets will bury these election findings hoping to outlast all of us who have demanded accountability. We won’t forget and we won’t stop demanding but will we be heard?

We, the legal, taxpaying citizens of these United States of America are no longer the priority of those we have elected to serve us. When our elected representatives no longer fear us and no longer fear the power of our vote, we open our eyes and find ourselves exactly where we are today; voiceless, unimportant and little more than an irritant to these corrupt millionaire Government ass-hats.

Think about it. A Government that was truly “for and by the people” would never stand for there to be any question as to the fairness of an election. 80 Million+ Americans have questioned the honesty of the 2020 election yet it is as if we don’t even exist. Our elected leaders (99% of them) have turned their backs on us. Making phone calls and writing letters is futile. “Mr. Garrison, Thank you for your letter and sharing your concern over the 2020 election. Please trust that my office takes very seriously the importance of our elections. I will continue to promote voter ID laws throughout all states. Again, thank you for communicating with my office. Sincerely, Joe (I don’t care about you, here’s my form letter) Congressperson.”

My hat is off to all those who worked so hard on the Arizona audit and nobody wants this audit work to spread throughout all the other states that are in question more than I do. Ensuring honesty and fairness in our elections should not be this hard. Proving that the election was fair has resulted in lawsuits being filed, county officials refusing to comply with court orders, and Congressmen & women unwilling and disinterested in what the American people demand. This is disgusting and sadly has become the norm rather than the exception.

Proof that we (the people) are no longer the priority cannot only be found in the rigged election but in nearly everything this current joke of a Government does.

Take the border as an example. The majority of Americans don’t like our borders being left wide open for any Tom, Dick, Harry, Terrorist, Covid-infected, drug dealer, or child trafficker to waltz in and we certainly don’t want to pay for their food, education, housing and healthcare but yet, here we are as if our opinion on this matter doesn’t even exist.

Another example: mandated vaccines. At least half the country is opposed to the Government, you know them, they are the ones “For and by the People”, forcing the vaccine on them and yet this is the path our Government is moving toward. I’m retired thankfully but both my sons and their wives are in fear of losing their jobs over this mandate. All four are taxpayers raising my grandchildren, working hard to pay their mortgages, putting food on the table and trying to live the American dream, yet they live in fear of losing their ability to provide for their families due to a Government mandating that they inject an unknown chemical into their bodies. The chemical that doesn’t even prevent them from getting sick for Christ sake! This is America? Not the one I grew up in…

And they make a good living at it too…

We have allowed this Government to get so far away from the founding documents that now if we quote those very documents (the Constitution and Bill Of Rights), we are labeled by our own Government (who is supposed to work for us and who swore to uphold these documents) as terrorists, white supremacists or worse, Trump supporters. We are witnessing the final stages of an America that has been fundamentally changed. Whose goal was that…

Friends, I don’t pretend to have all the answers or even any answers. I am just like you. I am frustrated as hell and looking for a way back to a time when my voice at least seemed to be heard. It wasn’t that long ago that we had a President that talked and acted just like we do. He made promises and he kept them. Isn’t that what you and I do? He loves America, so do all of us. He believes in us. That is the reason why we feel so strongly about him. This puppet in the White House could not care less about us much less what we want or what we have to say. We truly don’t exist in his corrupt little world surrounded by global evildoers; the evildoers who are devoted to the bringing down of the greatest, strongest, most giving country in the history of the world.

While nothing would make me happier than to see audits like that in Maricopa County, Arizona occur throughout the country, I know in the end, in order for the election to be overturned, this corrupt Government would have to admit that the 2020 election was rigged and no one can make me believe that they will ever do that. The best that we can hope for are changes to the election process such as voter ID and going back to paper ballots counted by humans not machines and time is running out for that for the 2022 election.

Short of a civil war, I fear that America will remain under a regime that doesn’t stand with its people. These are sad and dangerous times my friends. When I hear folks say “pray for justice” (believe me I get it) I think of this joke… A guy prays to the Lord, “Please God, let me win the lottery. I really need the money and promise to do good Lord.” The lottery numbers are called and the guy doesn’t win. The guy gets back on his knees and prays again, “Please God, please let me win the next lottery.” Once again he doesn’t win. “Again, the guy gets back on his knees and prays “Oh Lord, please grant me this one gift to win the lottery, I promise you Lord I will do good with this gift, Amen.” This time God answers the guy; “Do me a favor and at least buy a ticket.”

As long as we allow these evil doers to do as they please, we should not be surprised when they continue to do as they please.

Have a great rest of the weekend friends and thanks for letting me rant. Y’all are great Americans and I am proud to know you. Enjoy the Rally tonight!

Never A Dull Moment

Tired Brain left the White House on Friday just after lunch time for a long weekend. When you consider he works, maybe, four hours a day, this ass-hat can really get some evil stuff done in a short amount of time. It doesn’t matter whether pudding brain is in DC or licking ice cream cones does it? Unlike him, his puppet masters are working around the clock to make our country and our lives miserable.

Let’s take a look at what Joe Biden’s accomplishments were this past week shall we?

Via another Woodword fiction novel we learned that General Milley made an under the table call to his counterpart in China warning them that Trump could launch a nuke at them. According to Woodword, who is about as trustworthy as Adam Shit for brains, Milley told his China counterpart not to worry; that he (Milley) would give them advanced warning and he (Milley) wouldn’t let it happen. Oh for Christ sake. Really? As much as I distrust Woodword, Milley hasn’t denied he made the call, nope, instead he announced he did indeed make the call and it was nothing out of the ordinary. Perfectly normal. Nevermind that his boss wasn’t aware of the call nor did he authorize it. Like Trump, I am sure Milley will release the transcript of the call to put any concerns we have to rest. Wrong!! What gets me is that no one seems to be thinking this whole thing through. Let’s say Trump was considering bombing China, which is absurd, what was Milley going to do? Give China advanced warning so they could strike first? I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound much like “protect and serve” to me… This woke clown needs to be investigated and not by Adam Schift.

On a 6-2 vote the FDA advisory committee voted down giving a booster shot for the China virus stating there isn’t enough data showing this is warranted or useful. This no-booster-vote follows on the heels of dumb-dumb spending the week pushing the vaccinations and pitting Americans against each other. After all, his patience is running thin, remember? Don’t wear masks, wear masks, take the vaccine but not the booster? Biden and his sidekick Mr. (I can’t throw a baseball) Fauci have made a complete and utter mess of this whole thing. Going all the way back to the beginning, Americans would have been better served had the Government stuck with “wash your hands and keep your distance from sick people.” I could be wrong but I have this feeling the results would have been the same or maybe even better. At this point half of the country is concerned about catching the damn thing from the vaccinated… Here we are a year plus later and we don’t really know how many have died from this virus. Oh we have a number given to us by the liars but that, to me anyway, means nothing. When the annual death rate from the flu goes from 30 – 40 – 50 -even 60,000 to less than 2,000, common sense kicks in and you say to yourself, “huh?” Crash your motorcycle and die, Covid? Weigh 600 pounds and smoke your whole life and die, Covid. And what is with all these blood clots? Picture DG growling right now and you get where I am in this whole nightmare.

Biden, through his red headed unlikable press secretary announces they will be cutting back the distribution of monoclonal antibody medication. These are some of the treatments that Trump took when he got the virus, these are the ones Florida has been successfully using. When questioned about this, the dead in the head red head said they weren’t holding them back; they were simply making sure the distribution was equitable throughout all the states. “We are going to be giving these out in an equitable fashion so that a state like Oklahoma receives their fair share and a state like Florida doesn’t receive more than they need. Translation: We are the all mighty Government and we shall decide who gets what and when.” Which makes a lot of sense when you think about it because you know, everything they’ve done over the past 9 months has been so right and good for the country… In case you are worried about the U.S. turning to socialized medicine, stop worrying about it, it’s already here. By the way, anytime the Government uses the word “equitable” you can be certain whatever they are referring to will be anything but equitable. It’s similar to when they say, “trust me.”

Did y’all see the pictures of the illegals under the bridge in Texas? Some 12,000 have set up camp under the bridge in Del Rio, Texas causing the Mayor to close the International bridge down. By the way, the total population of Del Rio is only 36,000. I love how we shut the bridge down “after” all the illegals arrive on U.S. soil leaving the American taxpayer to rush in with food, water and medical attention for the next however long it takes. I love Texas but if I lived there I’d be pissed off at the Governor for not closing their border down a year ago. I understand that it is the job of the Federal Government but “come on man”, the Federal Government is being run by pudding brain. He should have stepped in much sooner and let the chips fall where they may. “Shoulda, woulda, coulda…

We will feed and care for all of these folks. Meanwhile our homeless vets living under a bridge near you are on their own. #Disgusting
American’s protesting while pudding brain takes another vacation.

Finally one of our top notched Generals this week admitted that the airstrike that Biden ordered to kill the ISIS-K terrorists last month (the ones who killed our service members in Afghanistan), actually ended up killing 10 Afghan civilians. General, “I warned China” Milley at the time of the strike said “It was a righteous strike.” Tired Brain came out and bragged about it using his tough guy voice, remember? The MSM praised Biden for his quick, targeted strike. Senator Rand Paul called the whole thing into question right out of the shoot. Once again, Paul was right and the ass-hats pretending to run this country were wrong. Maybe they were just lying… “Lying? This Government? Dan, have some faith.” (Just so y’all know, I am aware that I am talking to myself) I’ll have some faith when these idiots do something, anything, right. Not holding my breath.

Speaking of Afghanistan; the pretend President can point fingers at all the shiny objects he wants. Let it be known, let it be written, let it be said, “We still have Americans stranded in Afghanistan.” And we are not going to forget about them. Just as we’ve not forgotten about Benghazi, Kate Steinle, Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, rigged 2020 election or any of the other outlandish nonsense these evil doers up till now have gotten away with.

Finally Mr. “I got 81M votes” Biden held a televised press conference (I love it, a press conference where the press is invited to listen but not ask questions) with Prime Minister Scott Morrison (better known evidently as “the guy down under” (because puddin’ brain couldn’t remember his name) of Australia and Prime Minister, Boris (comb your freaking hair you idiot) Johnson of Great Britain to announce their joint submarine deal. This announcement set one of our closest allies, France, hair on fire. Following this grand sub deal, France announced they would be pulling their Ambassadors out of the U.S., Australia and U.K. LOL I swear to God, you could hand Biden a steel ball and he’d find a way to screw it up.

Not to worry though, as soon as Biden heard about France’s reaction to the deal he immediately did what he always does, left DC without a peep.

As for the California recall election I’ll just say I feel bad for the millions in the state who worked so hard to sack pretty boy. Sadly, there was never a time I ever thought they’d be able to send Nasty Nancy’s nephew walking. Of all the states in our union, none are more corrupt than California.

So there you have it my friends. All of this was accomplished in less than four full days on the job. Don’t tell me Biden isn’t productive. No wonder the ole guy needed a long weekend to relax. What’s the bad news? He’ll be back next week… and I’ll be writing to you laying out all the wonderful accomplishments he has made for the American people. To all you liberals out there, if you’re not missing Trump by now then sadly, you are simply beyond any hope. I suggest you put your mask back on, take the booster shot anyway and by all means, STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!

To my friends who take the time to listen to my weekly rants I send my sincere wishes to you for a good, safe week ahead; one where you find a way to smile and be near your family and friends. When all else fails around us remember, we have each other to lean on. Take care y’all.  

The Great Divide

As if the country wasn’t divided enough, this week Tired Brain doubled those efforts during his six point plan speech to fight the China Virus. By the way, it really wasn’t a six point plan was it? It was a two point plan, them against us. Like that was something new…

During the dictator’s speech he said he’s been patient waiting for all of us to get the vaccine but his patience is running thin. He said it isn’t about freedom. It’s about doing the right thing. What else do we have to do?” he asked. “We’ve made the vaccine free, safe, and effective.” Those of us with a lick of common sense know each of these is a lie. They are not free. You and I are paying for them and not just for our fellow Americans. We are paying for vaccines for countries all around the world. I suppose that is ok. That’s what we Americans do, but please don’t say they are free, they are not, not by a long shot. Safe, there is not a person on the planet that can say that without lying. No one knows what the long term effects will be. This time, it is we humans who are the lab rats. Only time will expose all of the side effects. We already know that in a small percentage of the population, there are negative side effects. Some have caused death; others blood clots, others of a more minor nature. The question I have is what, if any, effects will the shot have on me and my loved ones? The answer, no one knows. Effective, I don’t know how you say that with a straight face. We know the vaccine will not stop you from getting the virus. We also now know that getting the vaccine will not stop you from spreading the virus. So I ask, how on earth can Tired Brain or anyone else say that the vaccine is “effective?” Well, they say if you get the vaccine and then come down with the virus your reaction to the virus will be less severe. How do they know how severe my case would be if I get the virus? Some folks got the vaccine, caught the virus, ended up in the hospital and died. That seems pretty severe to me. “Oh come on Dan, those are rare cases and you know it.” Well it didn’t seem so rare for the wife who lost her husband did it. Nor did it feel rare to the kids who lost their mom.

This is my ‘KISS’ Chart. “Keep it simple stupid”

Knowing that the vaccines are not effective, free or safe, what does our Dictator-n-Chief do? He mandates them and all but blames the non-vaccinated for the new cases we have in the country. You know, like the Delta variant that they have no test to tell if it’s a Delta or China virus… And even though Israel, the most vaccinated country on earth, has one of the biggest breakthrough outbreaks of any country, somehow it is the evil unvaccinated that is the cause of all new cases. Finally, the fact that these mandates are ordered for all federal workers and companies with 100 or more employees but not mandated for any Congressperson or any of their staff should be enough to make anyone want to throw the Biden flag. In case I didn’t tell you, I no longer say bullshit flag; it’s now the Biden flag. Same difference, right? The sad and sick reality is that the vast majority of these large companies will adhere to the mandate putting politics ahead of their very own associates. That’s pretty damn sad if you ask me. The company I ran would have never done that, never! As for the Government workers, I feel for you but this is what you get when you turn your life over to the all knowing, all powerful Government. If they had their way and they are working at a very fast pace to make this a reality, all of us would be under their employ. And you wonder why I didn’t like Obamacare. How much longer until the Government says you are no longer eligible for Obamacare unless you get the shot? Then what, Medicare? Social Security recipients? “Come on Dan, now you are being ridiculous!” Eh, these are the same people that think it is ok to kill a baby after it’s born so…

To all of you out there working for a company who follows this insane mandate, do not quit, make them fire you. Why? Because then you can draw unemployment and who knows, once the lawsuits are settled just maybe your commie company may have some back pay for you for wrongful termination.

Coming to a Divided We Fall country near you…

Every single week of this fraudulent Administration they seem to find a way to insanely top their idiocy of the prior week. To have this tired brain of a man claiming to care about us while the border remains wide open and while he brings in 90 thousand un-tested, unvaccinated Afghans is nothing less than a pure outrage.

It’s true, sad, dangerous and downright embarrassing

I do want to spend a minute honoring all those who lost a loved one on 9-11-01 and all those who worked so hard to save lives. It truly is a day never to be forgotten. Those of us who were alive then know we will never forget. It becomes our job to make sure the younger folks know what happened as well. While the loss of lives was horrific and it was, we must also recognize the loss of freedom too. It is all relative isn’t it? To this day we cannot check-in for a flight without first taking off our shoes yet our border is wide open. Today those of us who love our country, fly our flag and get upset when an election is rigged are considered “the” biggest threat. We are today’s biggest domestic threat. Don’t take it from me. Ask George W. Bush or Joe Biden or the director of the FBI Wray or any Democrat in Washington DC. It was despicable to listen to some of these bastards compare 9-11 to January 6th. Politics never ends, not even on 9-11.

Pictured above are many of the evil doers who stick together putting America last. Compare this with the picture below…
Pictured is President Trump on 9-11 posing with New York’s finest. Now you tell me who the “Peoples” President is.

Friends, I hope what’s left of your weekend is enjoyable. As always I am sending my best wishes for your week ahead. It sure would be nice if this Government of ours would try not to outdo this past week but don’t count on it. We are being led by American hating imbeciles.

Pretending Won’t Make It Better

As we begin the Labor Day Weekend, the word pretending comes to mind because apparently that’s what most Americans are doing, pretending America is still the one we grew up in. We’ll all have our three day weekend which is more about having an extra day off than anything to do with celebrating the hard earned labors which built this country and made her so great and why not. After all, Obama said we didn’t build that right?

The amount of pure nonsense we see today makes you realize just how sleepy we’ve all been at the wheel. It is our job to steer this ship, drive the car we call America but somewhere along the way, we lost our road map, we left the constitution in the drawer while we were all too busy “not” building anything like our families, our children, our businesses, our schools and our friendships.

For me it started with Viet Nam and the peace, love, dove revolution. Sex, drugs and rock-n-roll. Despite the fact that the vast majority of Americans didn’t think we should have been in Viet Nam, the way so many of those same Americans treated our troops was despicable. In my small mind, this was the first conflict where our all-knowing Government sided with the minority of drugged out morons and in doing so turned the conflict into one of politics rather than war. Our troops, for the first time in history were sent off to fight while being held back with one arm tied behind their backs making the conflict last longer than it needed to and causing more death than was necessary. The traditions of war have all but remained the same ever since. These TV Generals play each day based on what might hit the nightly news cycle instead of what will win the day on the battlefield.

Admittedly I am talking a bit out of my ass having never served (Tried to join the marines at 18, deaf in one ear, it was a no go) but right, wrong or indifferent, this is how I see it. From that conflict on, the country has been on a steady decline toward what we see today, woke-is-um. A once strong and powerful Nation has been pussified into a nation where the Leftist march us toward socialism. Our elected leaders march to the drum of the vast minorities in the country leaving the ones footing the bills behind and it’s even worse than that, we are now vilified as being the evil doers. We have approximately 500 American citizens rotting in a DC jail for marching on the Capitol. No one was hurt, no buildings burned, no cops killed, no weapons found by these marchers and yet there they are without due process. When you think about all the actual riots over these many years, Berkeley comes to mind and then fast forward to the 2020 summer of love in Portland and Seattle, the evilness of ANTIFA and BLM, remember this, virtually no arrests and if there were any, you can be sure that those looters, arsonists, the cop killers, the defilers and desecrators of statues, the flag burners, the traffic stoppers, and the freaks were released within hours. It is so outrageous, words are hard to come by to adequately describe the horror and complete lack of fairness, not to mention true justice which as we all know, is dead.

I have loved this country my entire life, still do. 40 years ago, if you had told me that we would be allowing what we allow today, I would have run you off. Wide open border and on our dime paying to feed, house, educate and medicate these invaders? Departing a 20 year long conflict and leaving behind fellow Americans in the process? That’s not what we do, that’s not who we are. Well, that’s not what we “used” to do and that’s not who we “used” to be. Killing a child “after” it’s born? Oh come on now, have you lost your ever loving mind? America would never do such a thing. Well it’s true. They have gone so far with this hate today we find ourselves arguing to at least allow the baby to live once we hear its heartbeat… That’s how far they’ve dragged us down into the sidewalks of hell.

Today I read where Tired Brain has pledged $500 for everyone affected by the hurricane. You know, the American citizens who lost their homes, cars, jobs and in some cases family members. $500. The Afghan refugees? Well, reportedly they will each receive $1,250. Both groups would have been better off sneaking into Mexico and then crossing back through the southern border. Then they’d be fed, housed, educated and have free medical care… It’s insane, the whole damn country is completely insane.

Another one of these memes that would be funny if not so damn true. As we celebrate Labor Day the Tired Brain in the White House just armed a country filled with terrorist who want all of us dead… Happy Labor Day.

HHS seeks direction from the Biden Administration as to how to handle the fact they have Afghani men here with their child brides… Don’t be surprised if this woke and brain dead Government of ours makes the decision that this is ok. And then ask yourself how much longer will it be until they consider it ok for all of us to marry the 12 year old of our choice… What a sick thought huh? Yeah well, had I told you 10 years ago that we’d leave a newborn on a table until the “birthing person” decides to keep it alive or not, you would have accused me of being a sick SOB wouldn’t you? These times we are living in are rotten to the core. Rotten.

We left Americans behind, 80 billion worth of American arms and evidently thousands of Afghans who assisted our forces. Doesn’t that beg the question, “who in the hell are all of these men and their child brides we did bring over?” We have an installed President that is not capable of even reading a teleprompter, an economy that’s in the tank, and a Government on the verge of mandating we put a chemical into our body that doesn’t prevent us from becoming ill or from making others ill and in fact down right kills some folks. We have a Congress that is working overtime to print money to pad their own pockets all in the name of “build back better” under the supervision of a clown who hasn’t built anything ever. What TF are we doing folks?

The media fact checkers said he wasn’t looking at his watch. You see, we are not even supposed to believe our own eye’s anymore… #Disgusting SOB

Oops, never mind, it’s Labor Day Weekend. Put those masks on, go to the beach, grill some burgers, drink that beer and enjoy that extra day off! Hell, half the ass-hats in this country aren’t even working and won’t be anytime soon. As long as we allow this corrupt Government to keep sending them our hard earned tax dollars and buy into the next killer variant we will remain as we are. Up-side-down and inside-out. Good is bad, right is wrong and if you question any of it you’re a white supremacist out for the total destruction of all things good… You know, like God, Country, Family, Friends, personal responsibility and saving the life of the unborn. Awful things like that.

As you might well have noticed my friends, I am in a foul mood. I look forward to the day when more Americans get into a foul mood because at some point we are either going to wave the white flag and call it a day or get foul… For the love of God, if we are going to lose this battle can we at least go down fighting? I for one shall not “pretend” everything is fine and that those we’ve elected to lead will lead. Actually they’re leading alright, leading us down to the gates of hell.

Despite all that I’ve ranted about in the above, I seriously do wish all of you a fantastic weekend with your families and your friends. They are the only things in your life right now that truly make a difference. My goal as always is to just release all this crap we are being made to endure right now and if any of it makes you think just for a minute then that’s icing on the cake for me.

Enjoy your weekend, be safe, soak in some sunshine and keep all those who are having a rough go of it right now in your prayers.

Why Would Anything Change?

Another week and another blog post. I wrote months ago that we are living in the groundhog’s day movie where every day is a repeat of the previous day. Oh sure the events from day to day may differ some but each day always ends the same way with disappointment and discouragement from DC.

While we say that we “demand” Washington to change, we don’t actually demand anything. Not really. Not only are we allowing the evil doers to take us down, we are doing so without even putting up a fight. Still to this day, in spite of everything we’ve been through and everything that we’ve seen and know to be true, we sit idly by somehow holding out hope that someone in Washington is going to save us. Through our inaction we give them permission to carry on as they will. The days of writing to your congressman, flooding the DC phone banks or hitting them at the ballot box are over and have been for a very long time. You see, they don’t fear us and certainly don’t respect us and now, they see just how outlandish they can be and still get away with it. I won’t list all of the things they have done and are doing (that would be quite the chore) but so many of these things were unheard of just a few short years ago. Some would have been simply unthinkable just a few short years ago. These people in DC are like a bank robber who is never held accountable therefore there is no reason to stop robbing the bank. Why would they? By all appearances, they own us. This shouldn’t be a shock. They own the media, the banks and they have weaponized the Alphabet Agencies against us. The worst of all of it are the “Woke” Generals in the military. The military has always been the one American institute we thought we could depend on to uphold the Constitution. It no longer feels that way today.

If the wide open border during a worldwide pandemic wasn’t enough to get us out of our chairs then why would anyone think this nightmare in Afghanistan would? If allowing a capitol police officer to fatally shoot an unarmed woman is allowed to stand, what is it these people in DC can’t do? If the highest court in the land rules renters must pay their rent and the Administration along with Congress simply ignore the ruling then what else do they feel empowered to do? If they can shut down every business “they” want to shut down, then I say it again, what else do they feel completely empowered to do? The sky’s the limit my friends. We the people and nobody else are allowing them free reign over us.

A follower of mine said that until these outlandish acts start personally affecting people, the people will continue to sit idly by. The problem with that, while I totally understand what he’s saying, is that these outlandish acts have directly affected millions of us and yet, we continue to sit. As I seem to say week over week, it seems like we in America could learn a lot from the folks in the streets of London or Sydney or even Cuba for that matter.

In simple terms here’s my deal and I’ve lived my whole life under this ideal. If some tuff guy is trying to take my lunch money, they’re going to earn it. By standing up for yourself you accomplish two things, first, some self respect and second, the guy attempting to take the lunch money will think twice before he comes after it again. In America today, we seem absolutely happy to give up our lunch money without a fight….

Now that I’ve depressed the hell out of you; how about a fun story about President Trump? In 2017 I had a neighbor Art who was retired military and a retired private sector engineer. He told me that years before, he had worked for a company out of Jacksonville, Florida who had landed a contract to work on the yacht engines for then private citizen and billionaire Donald Trump. Art is a salty old guy. You never have to guess where you stand with Art. He’s upfront and right to the point.

He said all the big wigs in his company (The President, the CEO and the CFO) were on red alert one day because Trump was coming for the final walk through of his yacht. Art had met Mr. Trump on each of his prior visits even though Art was not one of the big guys in his company. Art was the guy down in the belly of the boat working alongside the people doing the actual work. Art said that when Trump arrived that day he was on the boat making sure all the final touches were completed. The company bigwigs greeted the (not then) President as he rolled up onto the dock. Soon after (Art chuckling as he told the story), the CEO of his company found Art and said to him, “Art, can you come up on deck, Trump is asking for you.” Art told me that Trump infuriated the company big-wigs every time he visited the boat to check its progress because he never really cared about meeting with the power-guys. He wanted to meet with the people who were actually working on the boat. He asked good questions, always made sure the boat was going to be the best ever (lol) and always appreciative of the guys with dirty hands. I love this story because it displays the man I believe Trump is.

Trump’s Princess

*Art was in his late 80’s when he told me this story and was showing early stages of dementia. I was unable to find anything online to collaborate his story. This doesn’t seem like a story one would make up nor was Art that kind of guy. #disclaimer

What prompted me to tell this story was a clip of President Trump that Greg Kelly played the other night on Newsmax. The President was speaking at CPAC I think and telling the story of the aircraft carrier’s catapult system. The Navy was in the process of changing out the systems from steam to electric. “I got onto the beautiful ship and was met by these beautiful ship commanders. These were some good looking guys. I told them I didn’t want to talk to them. I wanted to talk to the guys running these catapults. Sir we can answer any questions you have, said one of the officers. No, no, I want to talk to one of the guys operating the catapults.” Trump replied. The officers proceeded to walk the President down to where the catapult operators were working. Trump asks “Sailor, what do you like, the steam or the electric?” “The steam sir!” the sailor replied. “Why?” the President asked. “Sir, I can fix the steam catapult with a ball ping hammer, the electric is crap sir.” I of course am giving you this conversation based on my memory of the clip but trust me, I’m close. Ha, ha! Does this story line up with Art’s story or what? They’ll never be another President like Trump.

These are the types of things we love about the President, the people’s President. He’s not impressed with the elite in this world. He’s impressed with you and me, the ones that get our hands dirty and the ones that don’t make decisions in our lives based on dirty politics. We use common sense. We do what is best for ourselves, our families and our country. Period, everything else is just political nonsense devised to fill bank accounts and gain control over others. This country is made up of millions of people just like you and me.

This week we sat by and watched a tired old brain of a man turn his back on us and walk away.

With the press in his pocket and zero respect for the American people, this is the view we most often see as he walks out of briefings refusing to answer questions

You can rest assured this pretend President, had there not been an up roar in the country, would have never gone back and rescued anyone in Afghanistan. If he had his way he’d pull out today and never look back. He’s a coward and he certainly doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone other than himself and those he reports to.

As for the ass-clown who shot young Ashlie, it makes my skin crawl. Why didn’t he fire a warning shot? Why didn’t he shoot her in the leg? Why didn’t he tase her? Where was the social worker to talk to her? Aren’t these the things that the Left always asks when there’s a shooting? I hope and pray the family gets their day in court. They deserve that, we all deserve that.

This guy was looking for trouble from the start. His life wasn’t threaten. He murdered unarmed Ashlie Babbitt.

Finally, my heart and prayers go out to those fine men who lost their lives this week doing the dirty work of a failed installed puppet. I also pray for the safety of those still there doing this dangerous work. Tensions will only get worse as August 31st draws nearer. To all those Democrats and Republicans who signed onto to Trump impeachments I look at you and spit. You were willing to take a President down that had done nothing wrong yet you sit idly by right now as the whole world watches a tired old man make ruin of a once great Nation. You people are disgusting scum of the earth.

And with that I bid you farewell until next week when, Lord only knows what will happen. One thing is for certain. As long as we sit by, the evil doers will continue to take our lunch money. Don’t sit by, keep your lunch money and stand up for yourselves and your country!

Wishing each of you a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. As Forest once said, “life’s a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

What Is Our Red Line?

After what can clearly be defined by anyone with a functioning brain as another week of one cluster (you know what) after another, this thought came to me. What, if any, red line do we have? Meaning, what is it that this Tired Brain of a man, and this Government as a whole have to do until we throw up our arms and say, “oh hell no!”

If leaving our border wide open and allowing a million unknowns to waltz into the country wasn’t enough, if making Covid and the vaccines a complete and utter confusing joke isn’t enough, if destroying our energy industry, promoting critical race theory in our schools, doubling the cost of gas, allowing inflation to grow, calling a protest an insurrection, killing a young unarmed lady, allowing the certification of clearly a rigged election and so much more like passing bills that we cannot afford and do nothing to fix anything isn’t enough, this week, we were presented with the “Afghanistan Fall-Face-First into a pile of shit” maneuver. Americans are left stranded, billions in military equipment are left with the people we’ve spent 20 years fighting as they chant “death to America” and then there are the lives lost and the humiliation of those who served, those without a leg or legs, without an arm or arms, moms without sons and daughters, wives without husbands and children without moms and dads and a grateful Nation just watched 20 years of blood and treasure turn into another nightmare. As we sit in our living rooms watching plane loads of Afghan men being transported to the U.S. without face masks, I ask, “Where are the women and children? Where are the Americans? Why are they coming here? Have they been vetted? Have they been tested for the virus? Will they assimilate to the American way of life? How much will this cost?” The sick part about all of these questions is that our Government could answer every one of them and it would mean nothing to us because we no longer trust them. A reporter asked the State Department head, “How many Americans are in the country and need to be evacuated?” His response? “We don’t know.” When asked what the plan was to get all Americans out, the spokesperson for the military said “We’ve told everyone to get to the airport.” Has he not seen the Taliban in the streets of every city in the country? How in the bloody hell is an American supposed to get to the airport and even if they do, have they seen the thousands upon thousands of Afghans crowding the barrier surrounding the airport? What a complete F’ing joke…

Just weeks ago Biden told us leaving Afghanistan would be nothing like leaving VietNam. It was everything like leaving VietNam.

Meanwhile, days passed without hearing from Tired Brain as he ran off on vacation (what exactly has he done to warrant a vacation anyway?, Mr. Lid). Congress people were calling on him to address the nation and twitter was lit up calling on him to address the nation. I tweeted that he should stay on vacation knowing damn well he’d only make matters worse if he spoke. I was right. Tired Brain spoke for an entire 10 minutes while he blamed everyone else and told us that getting out of Afghanistan was important. Nobody except the warmongers like Graham and Cheney had any problem with getting out. The topic at hand was the way we got out. Biden’s handlers knew that and they knew it was not a popular subject. “The buck stops with me” he proclaimed. Really? That was followed by “I don’t apologize.” Whatever; he did nothing to answer the important questions and certainly did nothing to ease the concerns of the nation. And anyone in their right mind knew that before he ever wobbled up to the podium. And finally, when he finished, what did he do? He turned his back on the reporters as they yelled out questions and he walked out. The very same thing he did throughout his campaign, the same thing he always does. Coward.

Not to kick a guy when he’s down but, he’s never had our backs & never will.

This week, I’ve watched a few Republican Congress people calling on Biden to produce a plan to get our citizens out of Afghanistan. That actually concerns me. If these Republicans actually think Biden is capable of coming up with any plan to accomplish anything then they themselves need to resign. Seriously, the man can’t even read a damn teleprompter or wipe his own ass. So you ask him to come up with a plan to evacuate Americans who are in a terrorist controlled country? Give me a freaking break. The only thing they should be calling on Biden to do is to resign and knowing that’s not going to happen it should be a full court press to impeach him along with the “hiding under the covers” Vice President. Never in the last seven months has the country been more leaderless. Just what on God’s green earth is it going to take for these people in Congress to throw in the towel and say enough is enough? What else does this non-elected buffoon have to do or not do until they impeach this idiot? Like all Democrats in Congress, he doesn’t care about the American people. Stop calling for him to do anything? We don’t need hearings on why he did this or that. We need him gone and now! For Christ sake the Democrats impeached Trump over a dumbass phone call. This nonsense has to stop.

I am going to have to stop before I pop a cork so to speak. Before I go I’d ask all of you the same question, what is your red line? How much more damage are you/we going to allow before we throw down the bullshit flag and stand on every street corner in America demanding justice in this country. We are owed justice. We pay the bills around here. It is our duty to make things right. The level of injustice in this country is deep and I am not just talking about Afghanistan or even this joke of an election. We can start with Benghazi as far as I’m concerned. These ass-hat clowns in DC think they got away with everything they’ve made us endure over these past years and to this day guess what, they have. Trump is one man, I’ll keep harping on it, he ain’t God and he ain’t going to be able to correct the wrongs this Government has perpetrated on us. If we don’t stand up and demand justice and demand to be heard then all will be lost. Look at Australia right now. A once free nation is on complete lock down. They are arresting their citizens for not wearing a mask; a stupid, useless mask. Look at New York with their “key to the city” bullshit. No vaccine equals: no theater, no nightclubs, no gyms, no indoor dining and the communist nonsense goes on. Every day that we sit back bitching and moaning about the next freedom that is being taken away, the harder and longer it will take for us to regain control, if ever. Soon the Tired Brain handlers will mandate the booster shots and Katie bar the door once the FDA is forced to announce these vaccines are now fully approved. The Government has screwed up the border, screwed up the election, screwed up the economy, screwed up the withdrawal in Afghanistan, made the entire country less safe, lied to us at every turn but we are supposed to trust them with our health.

I couldn’t have said it better myself… #If it looks like a pig, smells like a pig…

Now is the time for us to stand together, to be united, to meet the challenges before us. Tweeting, writing blogs and displaying our flag on our front porches is all well and good, none of those things are going to get this country back on track and none are going to get us the justice we deserve. Hell, the only thing these things have done is get us on a terror watch list and be accused on attempting a insurrection. Think about that.

Just so you know, this is what an insurrection looks like…

Okay friends, I’ll keep pounding this message as long as you’ll keep listening. I truly wish our country was filled with folks just like you. Oh my, what a wonderful world it would be. But it’s not, is it? Evil is all around us and up to this point we have been just small little gnats that these evil bastards keep flicking away with their powerful gazillion dollar fingers. They use their Government lap dogs, their state owned media, their pukes in Hollywood, their paid-for bugsy, louie and knuckles in the FBI, CIA and DOJ to push us around and do as they please. It’s awful, it’s wrong and it must stop. It will take millions of us and a whole lot of staying power to fix this mess.

Oh crap, shut the hell up Dan, enough already. LOL. Have a good weekend friends and thanks so much for letting me rant like this. I do believe we’ll find our way out of this. I just don’t know when. I do know one thing, “Doing always beats Saying”

We Give Him Too Much Credit

Biden did this, Biden did that. Wrong. Biden doesn’t even know he’s alive. I’d fall out of my chair if Biden is in charge of his own bowel movements. You can bet someone is telling him whether to go #1 or #2 because the man is gone. His brain was never exceptional and now completely shot. While Kami (the now confirmed & undisputed worst VP ever) and not a Doctor (I want to be first lady no matter what) Jill lead the feeble old man around from room to room and microphone to microphone the entire world is laughing, which would be funny if not so damn dangerous.

Many say this is Obama’s third term. I don’t think so. I think he is another one that gets too much credit. He’s just a puppet boy too although one that at least has a functional brain, albeit with stupid anti-American racist motives.

I believe it’s the big money globalists who are behind all of this communist nonsense. They are using all their petty paid puppets to perform a full court press to take America down. They own the likes of Joe Biden, The Clintons, Obama, Bush, Kerry, Brennan, Clapper, Wray, Pelosi, Schumer, Graham, McConnell, the DOJ, the Press and the damn courts. Oh and let us not forget the voting machines. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if they aren’t the ones that gave the order for Cuomo to step down. After all, they can’t have some aggressive guy like Cuomo running New York. It’ll be interesting to see what they decide to do with the other Dick-weed Governor running California. Will they save him?

I don’t know friends, maybe dear old Dan has fallen off his rocker. I just watch and listen to these people who are supposed to be running this country and I say to myself, “they ain’t that bright”. My guess is that even these so-called Globalists I speak of shake their heads from time to time when they see some of the stunts that their puppets pull. They (The Globalists) must spend a great deal of their time herding these sheep to keep them in line and focused and they spend a lot of money in the process.

Trust me, Biden doesn’t have the brains to pull all of this off.

One fact remains true, you take America down and the world becomes your oyster. I just find it hard to believe that Joe “tired brain” Biden is running this country and that is exactly what we are made to believe. First they attempted to make us believe he won the Democratic nomination. Remember that? Do you even remember how lousy he was in the debates? That was when he was running against a host of complete idiots. Tulsi Gabbard was the only one on that stage that looked and sounded even remotely reasonable. She didn’t last very long, did she? Then we were made to believe that he won the 2020 Presidential election. That wasn’t good enough, we had to believe he not only won, but received more votes than any President in history! We were to overlook the fact that he didn’t even campaign really and when he was out holding rallies it was pathetic. I don’t think he ever had more than a hundred attend and more often than not it was less than a baker’s dozen and half of those were paid press. But here we are. Our CEO is Joe Biden. Wrong!

Ole Joe had no sooner moved into the White House when he had in front of him hundreds of pre-written executive orders all designed to put things back to where they were before the people’s President came on the stage. These EOs were all done by good old honey badger himself, William Barr. Honey badger, my ass. This paid actor had us all fooled, for a minute or two. He ended up being just like the rest. Bought and paid for. No one on the planet was handed a bigger opportunity to become a National hero than Barr. Instead, he took the money and ran, leaving Americans (some anyway) and President Trump to fight on their own.

Why beat around the bush, just say if you believe in America and freedom you’re now a terrorist… The evil doers are working overtime.

Tired Brain didn’t come up with these orders just like he hasn’t come up with anything during these last disastrous eight months. He is the point man though so he does get the spotlight doesn’t he. To the deranged on the Left, he is a hero. It is hard for me to even type that. To those of us on the right, he is an utter disaster. However, remember that he isn’t in charge and doesn’t even know he’s alive. #FollowTheMoney

I remain hopeful that we the people will get to a point where we’ve collectively had enough (I was there months ago) and we stand up. As ugly as it will be, it has to be or else Motel 6 will not be leaving the lights on… so to speak. I guess the question that I have is, “How much more do we have to endure until the country says enough?”

As I put an end to this week’s rant, I apologize. As you might detect, I am not in a happy place when it comes to our country. My cup runneth over if you will (and not in a good way). On a personal level, in my small little world, I couldn’t be happier. My retirement is going as planned. Both of my boys are doing well, they are working hard, raising their families and the wife and I are so pleased to be a part of their lives. We have granddaughters spending the weekend with us and we couldn’t be happier. Oh like all families out there, we have our share of challenges but we deal with them as best we can. What matters is that they are all safe, have roofs over their heads with food in the refrigerator. You see, it doesn’t take much for the Garrisons to be happy.

I hope y’all are doing well and as I always do, I send best wishes to each of you and your own for a good week ahead. Lord only knows what the world will send our way. Whatever it is, we shall overcome. Steady peck breaks the rock and “doing always beats saying.” All the best friends!