Different Week, Same Results

So here we are again, another week of pure nonsense as our almighty Government continues to herd us down the narrative path of their choosing. Almost overnight we went from mandates to Ukraine to some tired, worn out old man standing before the Nation pretending everything is great and the state of the union is strong…


In all of my 67 years I have never seen such a piss poor state of the union speech. Forget for a minute about the lousy delivery. We knew that was going to be awful. The guy they decided would be our spokesperson makes George W. Bush sound like the world’s all time greatest orator and you might remember that W couldn’t spit out two words in a row without screwing them up. The speech itself was awful, depressing and filled with (surprise, surprise) one lie after another. Well, at least we learned that no matter what Russia does in Ukraine he’ll never capture the hearts and minds of the Ikrainians. What?

Anyone who is the slightest bit engaged had to walk away from watching this speech shaking their head and feeling even more depressed. Are we better off than a year ago? “Come on man!” I about lost my shit when he said we need to secure our borders. I no sooner calmed down from that only to hear him say that we need to fund the police. Wait, what? What is wrong with the people who write this crap? It amazes me just how stupid these people think we are. Of course, in their defense, based on these Leftist morons roaming the country, they’re not all wrong.

The only uplifting thing Diaper Boy said all night long came at the end when he said “The State of our Union is strong because the American people are strong.” Two things on that; first, the state of the union isn’t strong, it’s an utter disaster and second, those are the exact words President Trump used in his first State Of The Union speech. This time though, for some odd reason, the Democrats seem to really like those words. He spent some 15 minutes talking about Ukraine yet when a reporter asked the lying redhead Psaki in the press briefing the next day why he didn’t show respect for the 13 service members who lost their lives in the Afghanistan evacuation nightmare (notice that never came up in the speech) she said, “he didn’t have enough time.” Because Presidents can take however much time they want when they speak I can only assume what she meant was “because he can only stand up for so long before his weak ass legs collapse under him.”

Anyway, I can assure you that by the time he was done the American people didn’t walk away feeling any hope and they certainly didn’t walk away feeling more educated as to the state of the union. The man is as useless as a hammer without a head.

Got to hand it to him & his masters, they accomplished all that in 13 short months. Impressive, NOT!


I keep hearing folks say “there is something not right with this Ukraine/Russia war.” I am no expert on these matters but when I hear this, and remember that I have zero trust in just about everything nowadays it makes me scratch my head and wonder. The media posting pictures of burning buildings that were taken years ago doesn’t help nor do the pictures of people walking around with their hands in their pockets like it’s just another day. About the only thing we can be assured of nowadays is the Government and their state run media will not tell the truth about anything. Yesterday I was watching Newsmax and they had some woman in Ukraine who was talking about the war. She brought up their nuclear plant being under attack. I had heard reports throughout the day that it was on fire. She, bless her heart talking about this said “I must be honest, the nuclear plant is not on fire, the fire is of a nearby building.” Thank you, whoever you were. Later in the day I was watching Sean Spicer who made this statement “the Nuclear plant has been attacked and on fire.” See what I mean?

I find it remarkable that in this day and age we still have people who want to take over other countries and have no problem with how many people must die in the process. Again, I am no expert in any of this but did Ukraine do something to provoke Russia to attack? Seriously, what exactly is the reason Putin decided to attack? Everyone says it’s because he wants the old USSR back. Some say he wants Ukraine for its natural resources. Hell I don’t know and as sad as it sounds, I don’t really have a dog in the fight. I do feel sad for the people having to endure this though. It’s awful. I know one thing Putin didn’t try to pull this off when we had a real President in office. Um, I wonder why.

Geez, you’d think the least Biden could do is get Putin to give us a discount… But then again, that would require him to have a functioning brain cell. Oh well, the important thing is for us not to use our own oil. Right? #Idiot

For me, whether it’s a lousy, full of lies, state of the union speech, a war between two corrupt nations or mask mandates, vaccine mandates, cost of fuel, inflation, defunding the police or sending out crack pipes, it’s all a distraction from the root of the problem. A freaking rigged 2020 election. I’ll beat that drum until y’all tell me to go to hell, I don’t care. I’ll never be able to get over the fact that right here in the good ole United States of America we had an election stolen from us. Just as they do in every communist corrupt controlled shit hole of nations around the world. What is worse is we are supposed to be the land of the free and home of the brave. Today we are everything but that. This should be the “only” thing we talk about. Just imagine if you will, if every news station talked about the rigged election, if every Republican in Congress talked about it, if every newspaper in the country wrote about it, if every God fearing American talked about it, if every tweet talked about it. Instead they talk about everything else, every other little shiny object thrown before us. Fix 2020 and the rest of the nonsense will go away. I’ll repeat it over and over.

Thank you Philip, glad someone agrees with me! That’s a joke, millions upon millions agree. Now we just need them to speak up! Loudly!!

So, how was this last week? Same song, different verse, a little bit louder, and a little bit worse.

I of course send out to you my best wishes for a better week ahead. While the nonsense continues I know each of you are living your lives the best that you can and I know, like me, you find joy within your own circles. At the end of it all, it’s about family and friends. At least those are what I care about the most. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and smile. What do you have to lose? 🙂

One Of The Country’s Biggest Threat

If you’ve read any of my blogs or followed me on social media, my guess, reading this week’s title you are expecting me to write about Puddin’ Brain and this rotten to the core Government of ours. After all, one would be pretty hard pressed not to think, at this moment in time, the two of them are indeed our biggest threat and you wouldn’t be wrong.

When we look back over the last year+, there isn’t much that is positive to report, if any. From the minute this installed clown show took office it has been one disappointment after another. The worst one is the very fact that he took office via a souped up rigged election but that was just the beginning wasn’t it. He no sooner sat his skinny butt in the big chair than the border wall stopped and every illegal alien on the planet was allowed in, drugs, human trafficking and not a mask wearer among them. All the while, the American people pay for their housing, food and education while we wear our masks and take forced vaccines. Yep, off to a great start Mr. Tired Brain. That wasn’t enough though, he had to shut down American energy too so his far left “green new bull-shitters” would be happy too. As you know, the list of America last accomplishments by this Administration is quite long and very disappointing to say the least. As you also know, Diaper Boy isn’t in charge of anything really. The big money evil doers are pulling his strings in order to direct us to their grand “one world order” plan. “We are the World” blah, blah, blah.

Don’t you wish it was that easy? I know I do.

We’ve gone from a peacetime President to a war time President, all due to international weakness. You know him, he’s the one during the campaign (if you want to call it that) that warned of grave danger for Ukraine if Trump was re-elected… Overnight we went from being energy independent to buying our energy from our peaceful “we are the world” friends in Iran and Russia of all places. We are literary funding Russia for the war. Who would’ve ever thought it… Eh, anyone who was alive with a functioning brain during the Obama Administration that’s who.

The idiots that support him conveniently forget this happened or just as likely, never knew it did. #Clueless

Next week Diaper Boy will stand before our country and the world and give his state of the union speech. It will be an hour+ of glorious accomplishments bragging about things that simply didn’t happen. He’ll tell the country how he has brought the economy back to greatness! Added more jobs than anyone ever in history, how he beat the virus and now through his great efforts to mandate vaccines (you know the ones Trump pushed through) we can remove our masks and slowly get back to (I HATE this term) our “new normal.” He’ll tell us how tough he has been on Russia. You know, Russia who as we speak is taking over Ukraine. And then we’ll get to listen to how wonderful it is that he nominated a black woman for the Supreme Court. The biggest racist in Washington will once again fool the majority of the black folks with this racist maneuver. Is he the first President to nominate a black woman to the court? No, that was a republican president. She didn’t make it through though. Why? The democrats didn’t like her. The Democrats will stand and applaud at all of these great accomplishments as if they were true and real. And the state run media will send out glaring praise for all these “made-up” deeds AND the low information American voter will play right along. It’s maddening.

While we still have a country!

Now, back to the title; our country’s biggest threat. As we endure three more years of the tearing down of the American way of life, economy, independence, and moral fabric. As crime continues to rage out of control and criminals continue to be released, as gas prices soar even higher and our treasury continues to be emptied. As our border remains open and more drugs flow in, as the price of everyday goods and services continue to excel and interest rates begin to climb our biggest threat in this country lies with all those American citizens, who to this day, knowing all that we know, continue to support and praise this guy and this rotten to the core Government. The very people who continue to watch and believe the lies coming from the state run media, the ones still wearing masks and tweeting “thank God for President Biden” the same ones today blaming everything on Trump. Russia invaded Ukraine because of Trump you know… I’m serious, that’s what they’re saying. These people hate Trump so much they are willing to overlook all that is happening to our country. They won’t stand up for America, hell, they don’t even stand up for themselves. How a full grown adult can condone what is happening in this country is a great mystery to me. Be a liberal dumbass if you want, I don’t care but for God’s sake they hate Trump more than they love their country, their own families, their freedom, their prosperity. If it means the U.S. must report to China before we sneeze it’s fine, as long as there’s no Trump.

As long as millions of people in this country walk around like drones condoning this Government and worse, praising it we will never be able to get back to the America we grew up in. Not even grew up in, get back to the one we had just 14 months ago. The speed in which these evil bastards have flipped this country up-side-down is about the only impressive thing I can report on.

We are not going to change the Government’s mind and certainly bitching and moaning to this ass-hat pretending to be President isn’t going to do anything, the man doesn’t even know he’s alive. But, we must scream, beat the drum of freedom, honesty, integrity, and responsibility to our fellow Americans especially the Left leaning morons who simply don’t give a rat’s ass about anything other than, NO TRUMP. Like many of you, I tend to give everyone the space they need. Just because I think differently doesn’t mean I have to shove my ideas down their throats even though I know I am right and they are being stupid. We can’t do that anymore, sadly, we must be more like they are and what I mean by that, is we must push back and push back loudly. When you hear these people say stupid things don’t just “let it go” push back. You have a right to your opinion just as they do. We simply must find a way to change the hearts and minds, as difficult as that is, of these people who are a big part of the problem in this country. Most of them can’t give you reasons why they like Diaper Boy they can only tell you why they hate Trump. This is our country, it’s not Trump’s and it’s not the Government’s. They can hate Trump all they want but they cannot be Americans and hate America. That’s not okay with me and I know it’s not okay with you. We don’t have to be mean but we do have to speak up. We’ve “let it go” far too long. A guy a golf with the other day when politics came up said “I don’t even listen to it.” I replied “And that’s why we are in the shape we are in.” He looked at me like I had fallen off a turnip truck. For some reason he decided to ride with one of the other guys that day… lol

Whew, another week, another rant. Please let’s get back to a place where I can write about the time I was a kid on grandpa’s ranch shooting squirrels and fishing in the river… Anything other than this weekly discussion about the corrupt world we’ve been thrown in the middle of.

As always I send you good wishes for the week ahead. I got a feeling you’ll need it… Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends and remember, united we stand.

Another Week…

Canada, Ukraine and Durham are the three topics that kept my attention this week. The media spent the majority of their air time on the first two and nearly none on the third. Surprise, surprise. Let’s talk about these in the order listed shall we?


For me if there was ever a way to look at the future this was it. Everything that we saw occur in Canada, can and more likely than not, will happen here. The truckers took a brave stand against their Government and it was text book. Martin Luther King would have been proud. A more peaceful protest there never was and yet, look at how it ended, Government storm troopers marching in swinging their batons and trampling old ladies on scooters (one anyway who ended up dying). While MLK would have been proud of the truckers, it’s fair to say that Hitler would have been equally proud of Trudeau. During the weeks of peaceful protest, the “one world order Hitler-Wanna-Be” never even once considered listening to or talking with the thousands of law abiding citizens who were pleading for their freedom. Not once. He responded like the best of the dictators do, with lies and the power of the state. It was disgusting and my friends it is exactly what will happen here in what used to be the freest country on earth when our truckers roll into DC. The media will do as they are told and paint our truckers as insurrectionist Trump supporters and sadly, all our “back the blue” won’t matter. The DC SS will get in line and mount their Government horses too. If anyone dies it will be of our own Government’s making. Oh ANTIFA and BLM will be most pleased to do their part just as they did on January 6th. And let us not forget about the famous FBI who will certainly be happy to play their role too.

My wife made a point that I kind of agree with. She said our truckers shouldn’t put themselves in harm’s way but instead just stop trucking. Call a news conference, list their demands and let the Government know they will not be moving until they are heard. The result would be the same without them having to deal with the US storm troopers. My guess however is that the storm troopers would just find their way to the truckers homes only to be picked off one by one without the fan fair we just witnessed in Canada. If our truckers are going to take this on, it is up to all of us to support them and join them where we can. My only wish is that the message would be on everything that is wrong, not just mandates. Start with the rigged election. Truckers, bus drivers, farmers, ranchers, cowboys, bikers and every God fearing, bible toting America loving person driving a pick-up who owns a flag ought to join in as well and then some! And to show this insane Government of ours we do have a sense of humor let’s get these folks with ice cream trucks in that line too! That ought to get diaper boys attention… #idiot

A more fitting outfit there never was. This wuss needs to be sent to the curb.
I’ve always backed the Blue, always. I will not tolerate them turning against freedom loving peaceful Americans. I simply can’t. Done be Government Drones Blue!


Tired Brain is really (for him) working overtime pushing this Ukraine/Russia invasion isn’t he? It doesn’t even occur to him or any of the DC swamp riddled America haters how stupid they look

in the eyes of the American people and the world really. For over a year we’ve been all but begging the Government to secure our own border and pushing for them, at the very least, to go to our southern border to see the mess they’ve created which, as you know, they’ve yet to do. Remember diaper boy’s statement at one of the CNN town halls “I probably should go to the border but the truth of the matter is, I haven’t had a whole hell of a lot of time to go.” Yeah, the guy that works two hours a day, takes every weekend off, and sleeps in until noon doesn’t have the time. And then there’s his phony sidekick, the unlikeable Harris who evidently also hasn’t been able to find the time to go but when Ukraine’s border is in jeopardy she’s on a plane in a hot minute… seriously, these people are about as useless as they come. No one gives a rip about Ukraine or Russia. What we care about is the United States of America which is slowly but surely being overrun by the great reset, the new world order of money exchangers pulling the strings of the world and diaper boy is reading the script handed to him. Not well I might add.

In my eyes, Ukraine is little more than a distraction to keep our eyes off the awful job this moron is doing. As inflation continues to climb and his poll numbers continue to fall nothing will divert this disastrous failure of a Government better than a war. Russia, Russia, Russia… Honey, where’s my bullshit flag?


I have to be honest, every time I hear just a little bit about what Durham has found or is doing my heart skips a beat. All of us are so starved for justice any good news is more than welcomed. I have a very hard time believing any of the main players in the Russia hoax will ever see the inside of a prison cell but like so many of us, it’s about the only thing it seems we have to hang on to. Hauling crooked Hillary off to prison would put a smile on a lot, (millions) of faces in this country and go a long way to restoring hope of a fair system of justice. While she roams around laughing it off we all hold our breath praying Durham is the real deal and somehow, someway he is able to plow through all of the Leftist judicial ilk that has now permeated our courthouses and legal system. There are many more that need to be hauled in as well, many! Hillary however would be the cream of the crop for me. The only other thing that would bring a smile to so many American faces right now would be the fixing of the 2020 election. You know where I stand on that. Fix 2020 and everything else will fall in place.

Before this is all said and done, I will fall out of my chair if Durham is successful. Hell, I’ll fall out of my chair if the man remains alive. Godspeed and protection Mr. Durham. Somewhere around 100 million Americans are rooting for you sir.

Lock Her Up, Lock Her Up, Lock Her Up

Family and friends as you celebrate the long President’s Day weekend just know that someday we will, once again, have a President worth celebrating… In the meantime, take care of yourselves and your families and enjoy those hotdogs and hamburgers! God Bless the U.S.A. and before I forget #Fix2020

From Truckers To Crack Pipes

These are the two top stories I got out of the chatter this week. One story is about Canadians and soon (hopefully) Americans standing up to their Government over the insane vaccine mandates. The other is about an insane fraud-riddled pretend President spending our tax dollars to send out crack pipes. Oh sure, there was some Russia/Ukraine invasion thrown in here and there and even the super bowl came up a few times but that was tied to the possible truckers convoy threat of disrupting the game. Oh what a tragedy that would be right? Good grief…

The reported 7.5% inflation rate barely made the news. 7.5% huh? If you’ve wandered outside your house to buy anything you know that number is well below the actual increase in the cost of goods. Beer is now cheaper than gas. That’s why they say “Drink don’t drive” ha! Funny, not funny.

Then there is DG’s favorite topic, the one that I harp on daily. The 2020 election. Not a peep except from my trusted and faithful followers on the communist Twitter site. Just as planned, the obviously rigged election never happened. The Government and their media sheepherders have made sure that topic is a distant memory and for most, not even a memory. Every week without fail someone, bless their heart, will say “We’ve gotta get out the vote and take back Congress this year!” And every time I reply with “I agree but, it seems like we did that in 2020 (75+ million of us) but here we are… listening to some clown that didn’t have 12 people to show up to hear him lie to them tell us he’s spending 30 million taxpayer dollars on crack pipes.” Excuse my language but, we are watching what I like to refer to as a “shit show.”

If we don’t laugh, we cry. The man is a National embarrassment.
This is a perfect example, perfect example! Between a worn out tired brain criminal and a serious U.S. President.

I fully expect, thanks in part to the Canadian Truckers, to see these mandates slowly be pulled back. The Truckers are certainly credited for some of this but honestly the fact that it’s an election year plays an even bigger role. It won’t be long before the media, following instructions from their Leftist political hacks will make the 900K deaths seem as if they never happened. This brain-dead Administration will claim a great victory against the China virus and the mindless drones still proudly claiming to be Democrats will celebrate diaper boy’s great victory. You and I know that more people died under his watch with the vaccine than died when we had no vaccine but the media and the brain-dead will buy into this narrative lock, stock and barrel.

As I talked about last week, if there is going to be a trucker’s convoy in this country I wish it was going to be about the primary issue that has this country in the horrible spot we’re in, the rigged 2020 election. Until such time that this is addressed, fixed and those involved prosecuted we don’t have a country. Not one we actually play a role in anyway. A pretend election like in 2020 where we all go out and vote and then the cheaters, the evil doers tell us who won is not a free and open election. It is an election ruled by the money exchangers, the global elite and their vast network of employees such as Obama, Biden, Clinton and the news media. Just a few more examples… you can throw in the Mitch McConnels and Romneys, Chaneys, Bushs, social media and big pharma for good measure. But there’s even more, much more. It’s not as though the FBI, DOJ, CIA, IRS are not under the global elites thumb as well. The only thing we’ve got going for us are the numbers. There are ALOT of us and when we stand shoulder to shoulder we are a force to reckon with. When we don’t, they pick us off like fruit on a low hanging tree.

As I have also said over and over, we fix the nightmare election and suddenly ALL these other things get fixed too. Had the true winner of the 2020 election been in office this past year+, these mandates would have never happened in the first place. Fauci would have been fired or at the very least, no long in front of the cameras. Russia and China would be very quiet so to not stir Trump up causing him to apply more sanctions and I promise you, our money wouldn’t be spent on crack pipes. Oil pipes maybe but not crack pipes. Store shelves would be full, gas would be even cheaper than it was before he left office and the world would be marching to the American drum instead of beating America over the head with their drum sticks like they are today.

And believe me, our President Trump wouldn’t pick this, obviously unstable individual as our Nuke Waste Disposal Director either… What in the name of two genders is that?

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for the American trucker convoy. Any push back against this Government I am in favor of. Those folks out there though who are letting go of the biggest scam of all scams, the 2020 election are making a Yuge mistake. Our country will never again be, well, “ours” again if we allow this to stand. Sadly, all indications are, it will indeed stand. Short of one or two, the Republicans don’t even talk about it. The GOP never whispers a word about it even though those of us focused on it learn of more and more blaring examples of voter fraud that occurred. In the end it’s pretty simple to understand. When you have more votes than you have voters the election stinks to high heaven.

Will I go out and vote this year? Will I vote in 2024? Yep and I’ll ask myself each time, “why?”

Family and friends I wish you a good rest of your weekend and week ahead. As a matter of information I don’t give a hoot who wins the super bowl. I haven’t watched even two seconds of the winter Olympics, I’ve contributed not a single penny to GoFundMe nor to the GOP. I don’t watch Fox News much less any of the other media liars and my flag flies proudly on my front porch. Am I making a difference? Hell I don’t know. But I sleep pretty well. I hope y’all are too. #Fix2020 #BeatTheDrum #TrumpIsMyPresident

Go Big Or Go Home

Unless you are among the few people still blindly watching one of these state run media outlets like CNN or MSNBC you’ve been watching with glee the Canadian Truckers Convoy protest. I suspect that the majority of Americans are watching and jumping up and down in support of these truckers and now farmers who finally found their red line. I know I am a fan and based on the communist based company “Go Fund Me”, millions have donated to the Truckers cause. If you remember, I spoke a little about this in last week’s rant when I said whatever we do, don’t use Go Fund Me. That California based liberal outfit did the same thing with Rittenhouse. Pulled the funds that is… But I digress.

When that soy boy Canadian leader announced that truckers would not be allowed to cross their border unless they were vaccinated, the Truckers said enough is enough. Good for them! Now the Canadian Government in conjunction with their pals in the media are working overtime attempting to paint the protesters (truckers) as being racist, violent and white supremacists. You know the ole “go to” list of accusations but no one is buying it. Every video of the event shows a completely opposite picture. Peaceful people singing, dancing and something the idiots on the Left would never think of doing, cleaning up after themselves. It really is a beautiful thing to watch.

Rumor is that the Truckers in this country are busy organizing their own convoy here in the U.S. starting in Communist California and ending in Communist Washington DC. On twitter, I am seeing folks ask “would you support an American convoy.” My circle of friends on twitter of course would whole heartily support that. Me too with a bit of a twist though. More like a YUGE twist.

I’d love to see the truckers here in our country do this and I’ll be the first to show my support but… not just for these insane mandates and not just over the C-hina virus. I want to see them and millions more meet in protest of the whole ball of American killing nonsense. “Go big or go home!”

Peddle to the American Metal – That’s a Big 10-4!

This Government needs to be sent a clear message that we’ve had it, starting with the rigged 2020 election. Let’s be honest. If you fix the 2020 election, all and I mean ALL of the other nonsense comes to a screeching halt. The border will be closed, the Illegals will be rounded up and deported, mandates will end on day one, people will go back to work, new jobs will be created, China will be put back in their place, Russia will have their pipeline yanked out from underneath them and energy production will once again start back up here in the homeland. But that’s not all. Law and order will be restored. This whole “defund” the police thing will die a thousand deaths and these punks robbing stores and killing our men and women in blue will be held accountable. We’ll stop buying everything under the sun from freaking countries who hate us too and folks will finally be able to decide what’s best for them as it relates to this awful virus.

Then the real fun starts, diving into the many evil doers who have systematically been tearing this country apart, exposing them to the American people and seeing to their punishment. Again, begin with this rigged election that got the ball of destruction started in the first place. Laws have been broken and dirty pockets have been filled. These people need to face the music, all of them! Our country cannot be great again without justice being served.

These words are so easy to write down but the work to make them a reality is no quick and easy task. The amount of corruption is mind boggling to say the least. We are living in a country right now where no part of the Government is trusted. Not the White House, not Congress, not the courts nor any of the alphabet agencies. It is an insurmountable mess that only a non-politician like Donald Trump would have the courage and love of the country to tackle. It will take his term and several terms after him to get this ship corrected. What happened in 2020 can never happen again. Look what we did to Nixon for just spying on the Democrats. 2020 makes the Nixon thing look like a kid who sneaked a piece of grandma’s candy out of her jar on the coffee table.

They rigged the 2020 election, that’s how…

And let us not forget the media who played (and continue to play) a big role in the fraud riddled election. As much as anyone else, their lies, deceit and theft of the American dream must not go unattended to. This includes social media and newspapers like the New York Times. None should be let off the hook. Go Big or go home.

Americans have been through so much and all in the name of a rigged election so that these globalist evil doers can have their way with the world and our lives. The mandates are awful and unconstitutional for sure but what they did in our election must be the singular focus of any protest. That alone is the singular catalyst for the situation in which we find ourselves today.

I’ll continue to beat the rigged election drum and refuse to just “let it go.” I hope the American truckers feel the same way. At any rate, I’ll be supporting them. Any push back against this Government is alright with me! Lord knows it’s completely out of control.

You can bet your bottom dollar President Trump agrees with my philosophy that fixing the election fixes it all.

As always, wishing each of you a great week ahead. I won’t be watching a minute of the Olympics. Why would I? Watching this Government led by pudding brain is all the entertainment I need. Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends. #Fix2020

Biden doesn’t even know he’s alive -Donald J. Trump

Different Week, Same Results

Good grief friends. Isn’t it true though, week after week, month after month and now a full year of one stupid result after another. This fake installed Commander-N-Diapers has made a complete joke out of our beloved United States and not just here at home but worldwide. When the President of a small little country filled with corruption has to tell the pretend President of the (once) most powerful nation on earth to “calm down” you need not hear anymore to know, he’s screwed the pooch. The world does not respect nor fear us anymore and in all fairness, why should they?

Take off your “Make America Great Again” hat for a moment and pretend you live in a different country. Now think about what you hear coming from the once great, powerful and giving America. Cops are being killed almost daily. Cities and businesses are being burned, statues are being torn down, stores are being robbed, criminals are being released, open borders, human trafficking, high inflation, leadership that closes down energy production only to buy our energy from countries who chant “Death to America”, men who want to be girls competing in sports and using ladies locker-rooms, emojis of pregnant men, chest feeding, birthing persons, 50 genders, BLM, defund the police, 330 million citizens and Pudding Brain has said his pick for an open seat on the most powerful court in the land will be a black woman, not the most qualified person, just a black female. We have a guy who once said Hunter Biden was the smartest guy he knows getting ready to nominate someone to the Supreme Court… really? For five years now we’ve had a media and the Democrat Party accusing the real President of things that they themselves have done and half of the citizens in this country bought it and are still buying it.

Sue the media into bankruptcy, throw the evil doers in prison and suddenly things are looking up again.

We have a Government forcing us to wear masks and get a vaccine that they themselves have no idea what the long term side effects might be? The fact is, they don’t care and why should they? They don’t have to get it. We’ve got people in line for life saving transplants being refused because they haven’t got the vaccine. Think about that, your heart is failing, your liver is shot and they want you to get the vaccine? We had an election where you could just drop off your ballot in some random box on a street corner, where you didn’t have to show an ID and they were all counted by some machine programmed by a foreign country. They blacked out the windows so we couldn’t watch them counting and pulled suitcases out from under tables filled with ballots; in the middle of the night no less. When the people yelled “fraud” the courts turned their back on them and the media pretended nothing happened. The list of stupidity and corruption is so long I’d have to write a novel to list it all and many folks have.

This meme is a new DG favorite. Short and to the point and even better, perfectly describes my feelings.

When history writes about this time we are living in and this tired brain of an angry old racist man it will read: The *46 President of the United States – Forget about it, it was a disaster. Notice the asterisk next to 46? It’s the same one they used for the number of home runs Barry Bonds hit…

Inflation is running rampant and only going to get worse. The supply chain is broken causing the shelves in our stores to slowly look like the shelves we all have seen in other shit hole countries. Interest rates are about to increase for the first time in over a decade I think and what does this useless pretend Administration propose, more spending. If I have to hear about this so-called “rescue plan” one more time I swear I am going to pop a cork. Just exactly what has been rescued? When we finally do get a good and proper result from the courts what does this corrupt Government do? They ignore the ruling and instead put pressure on businesses to follow their illegal mandates or else. And what do the businesses do? They buckle under that pressure and American lives are left to suffer. The person who has a limousine and driver doesn’t really care what gas costs do they? The people that have service staff don’t really know or care how much milk costs, do they? The people who have private security, they have no interest in anyone else having a gun for protection, in fact, they’d prefer you don’t. These are the very people to whom we entrust to lead us.

Don’t believe inflation is real? Look here at what they are charging for one fire starter kit…

We had a President who has all of these things (limousines, service staff, and private security) but he was different wasn’t he? Can you now see just how rare he is? That’s because he’s a builder, a producer of “things” who knows firsthand the importance of the worker. Why? Because he had to rely on them to produce the work he wanted done. He knew he could not be successful without them so he did what any person with even two brain cells would do, he paid attention to them and made sure they had what they needed to get the job done, whatever that job was. Today we have a racist angry old fool who hasn’t worked a day in his life making decisions for us. We didn’t want him, we didn’t vote for him and yet here we are. And the multi-trillion dollar question is; “What do we do about it?” Right? Right.

These truckers in Canada have inspired us all. Many of my twitter friends are asking, why don’t the truckers in the U.S. do the same thing? You have to admit it would be great to see wouldn’t it? Thousands upon thousands of our hard working truckers closing down the filthy streets of Washington DC and not budging until the people are heard. Not just about the mandates, not just about the supply chain or inflation or any of the other nonsense we’ve been made to endure but about it all going all the way back to the time Trump came down the escalator. Don’t budge until it’s all addressed and this rigged 2020 election is made right by the people. If the idiots on the Left and the stupid corporations can fund the racist fraud riddled BLM movement then why can’t, 30-40-50-60 or 70 million patriots like you and me fund these truckers? They have bills to pay, families to care for. We should let them know we support them and back it up with contributions, millions of dollars of contributions. Make it profitable for them to sit in their trucks, waving our flag. I for one would love to see it and be the first to write a check. And for the love of God, let’s not use Go Fund Me! Rat bastards. <mad face>.

Okay friends, enough of my rambling rant of the week. I seriously don’t know who these people think they are. I do know they better put an end to the daily nonsense because they truly are an eyelash away from causing the American people (at least I’d like to think so) to open up a can of whip-ass. I have to believe, for my own sanity, that there is a red line for the American people. I thought for sure the rigged election was it but obviously I was wrong. Then I felt certain we’d hit the streets when the border was left wide open, again I was wrong. When they started these mandates for the vaccines and mask wearing I knew for certain this would be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Sadly I was wrong again. Between you and me, I’ve had about enough of being wrong. Stand up folks. Let your voices be heard. If not the trucker idea, then what? This standing around waiting for the next ball to drop ain’t cutting it. The Republicans aren’t going to help us, the courts aren’t, the media has blood all over their hands and the Democrats are, well, Democrats. We are on our own!

As always I am wishing y’all a good weekend and week ahead. We all have a lot going on under our own roofs. I truly do hope all is well with you and thank you so much for letting me rant each week. My goal is never to bring you down. You don’t need me for that. I do this to vent and along the way hope it brings you some sort of comfort knowing you are not alone in this crazy, up-side-down time we find ourselves living in. God Bless every last one of you oh, before I forget, y’all can put your Make America Great Again hat back on now! 🙂

Why Are We Talking About This?

As another week is logged in the history books, I at some point or the other asked myself this question. Why are we talking about this? “This” being the many downright insane topics we find ourselves discussing on the national stage every day. I’ll explain this in a bit but first I want to comment on Diaper Boy’s second news conference. For the record, I have little interest in spending much time on this so let me just say; it was long, it was full of lies and ignorance and the man obviously lives a life in complete denial of the utter failure he is. In millions of American’s eyes, he is an installed puppet President and a very, very, poor one at that. And that sums up my input of Tired Brain’s second of only two solo press conferences. That in itself says a lot about him.

There’s truth behind every joke… This one being a case in point.

Now, on to the topic I’ve chosen to write about. Why are we talking about this? If you pause for a minute and think about the insane things that have become a part of our normal conversations in this country, you have to ask yourself how this came to be. Here are just a few examples of what I am talking about.

Abortion at birth: really? This is something we are debating? This is something we have to stand up against? We are seriously having a debate in this country as to whether or not we should make it legal to kill a new born baby “after” he or she is born? Why are we letting these loons, these awful people in this country even have a voice on this? These people should have been shut down 2.1 seconds after they spewed this devilish thought. Kick them off the stage never to be heard from again. These babies are human beings for God’s sake yet here we are, having a discussion about legalizing murder, disgusting.

120 Genders: again, really? This is a serious discussion we are having? Chest feeding, men having babies, birthing person, men in women’s sports, shared locker-rooms, paid sex change operations, let the kids decide what gender they want to be? What kind of world are we living in? Why are we allowing any of this? Hell, why are we even considering it? We’ve got a male and we’ve got a female. Do we really have to have this discussion? The LGBTQWXYZ people who, by the way represent a tiny percent of the country, thanks to the far Left crazies are allowed a national stage to spew these insane ideas all in the name of equality. If they had their way, and it appears they do, about the worst possible thing one can be nowadays is white and straight. Straight, who the hell came up with that? We now have to disclose who we are, or what we are. I am a white, straight, male, for now anyway. At this rate I may want to change who I am so I can, I don’t know, get a loan, buy a house or you know, hold some high level position in the Government or some ‘woke’ ass corporation, insane.

Voting IDs: Here’s another completely insane conversation we have been forced into. We are actually debating whether or not we should require someone voting in our elections to have an ID. It reminds me of the discussion we had a couple years back that even made its way to the courts, should only American citizens be allowed to participate in the American census? What?

How is this even a question? As for IDs, this is maybe only one of hundreds of stupid topics where the vast majority of Americans agree. 81% of all ‘Americans’ want voters to show an ID to be allowed to vote. 81%! When you remind these Leftist politicians of this, including Diaper Boy himself and Mutt & Jeff (Pelosi and Schumer) they act as if you didn’t even say it much less if it matters or not. Now we hear that places like New York (what a friggin’ joke that place has become) is going to allow illegal aliens to vote. They don’t even pretend to care or hide it. That’s how far we allowed the Left to take us. They’ve gone so far that today they can say anything, propose anything and we hardly even blink. As for the 81%, forget about them. Now, when it comes to dining out or going to a museum, you better by God have your vaccination card with you or else! You see the story this week of the NYPD arresting the nine or ten year old for being in the museum without proof of vaccination? Nobody backs our law enforcement more than I do but these bastards are making it harder and harder every day. Oops, getting off topic. Blacks and other minority folks can’t get an ID, don’t know how to use the Internet, don’t have access to get an ID. How insulting is that? How racist is that? Why any black or brown or pick a color folks vote for these morons on the Left will remain a mystery to me. While I stick up for y’all the majority of you must really be too stupid to get an ID because you keep voting for these idiots. Sorry but, wake the hell up man! Geez. Reminds me of the Jewish community who continues to vote for Democrats. “Hello, (thumbing them on their head) anybody home.”

Secure the border: Here’s another stupid debate and conversation we allow these ass-hats to shove down our throats. This shouldn’t be a debate. You know that, I know that and they know that but again, here we are. Wide open border in a completely insane world filled with drugs, human traffickers, murderers and terrorist. “Give me your tired and poor” has nothing to do with give me your terrorist, murderers, drugs and child molesters. But when it comes to someone else’s border, Katy bar the door! The idiots in Washington spend more time talking about the Ukraine border than our own border. Hell, we may very well send our troops over to fight the Russians over Ukraine’s border. Our border, nah. It’s simply insane this border discussion even occurs. Close the damn thing down, protect our citizens, do your freaking job! We’ve handed this country over to evil doers and getting it back ain’t gonna be easy nor peaceful. If we even try…

When you think about what these idiots in DC put forward as their priorities for the Nation this cartoon makes the perfect point. Like I said, there’s truth in every joke. Newsflash! This ain’t no joke. These people are NUTS!

Defund the Police: We allowed the idiots to play with this fire and look at what it’s gotten us. More crime than ever, more murders than ever, more cop killings than ever yet again, here we are, STILL talking about it. You tell me how it is we put up with groups like BLM and ANTIFA? Hell, I am bewildered as to why we put up with the insane far Left much less these anti-American hate groups. White supremacy my ass. There’s another stupid discussion we continue to allow to be shoved down our throats. What a stupid, awful, downright dangerous track we find ourselves on my friends and all due to a rigged election… (You didn’t think I was going to let a week go by without bringing that up did you?) You know damn well that if the actual winner of the 2020 election had been given the four more years he earned these insane topics would be shut down and shunned from the National narrative. Or at the very least, exposed for the stupidity they are.

To put an end to this week’s DG rant I’ll just finish by saying the amount of work to be done to bring back the America we love, the society we want and the greatness we can be is overwhelming. There has never, in my lifetime anyway, been a more important time for us to speak up and be heard. Every single one of us must stop looking the other way, stop accepting these completely insane conversations. Being polite and minding our own business isn’t cutting it. The days of going along to get along are over and that is the reason we find ourselves in the place we are today. When someone says we need to move on from the 2020 election don’t wave your head up and down as if you agree, just to avoid conflict. State your mind and be heard. Stop avoiding the leftist insane narratives and instead hit it head on. If you think killing a baby after birth is wrong then let the world know it! If you think defunding the police is dangerous and bad for the country, make sure everyone knows it. If tearing down a statue of Teddy Roosevelt bothers you, then speak up! I couldn’t possibly list all of the moronic topics we find ourselves discussing today. You know what they are and when you hear them take a stand against them. The evil doers have taken our country away from us. It was only 5 years ago we had placed a leader in office who shared our values. They took him away from us too. I urge you all to say enough is enough. Speak up now or forever hold your peace… We aren’t going to get another bite at this apple folks. #Resist

We take responsibility for our actions. It’s time we insist the Left take responsibility for theirs. These people are out of control and we’ve put up with their nonsense for too long. #BeatTheDrum

As always, sending you all my very best for a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. When all else fails, we have each other and guess what? There are a lot of us!

It Is Unimaginable

My father never trusted the Government. He grew up during the depression and had experienced their evil workings. He didn’t trust the banks (money exchangers) either. He never owned a credit card, never bought a new anything if he could find used to suit his needs. He always tried to trade something before buying. Cash was king and if there was any opportunity to hold on to it he did. He accused the Government of being the biggest law breakers in the country. The biggest drug dealers, the biggest money launderers, the worst mass murderers, the biggest thieves, well, you get the picture. He loved the country and all her people, just not the ones running it. Between the military complex and the money exchangers he knew the deck was stacked against him. The Constitution was a well written document he would say but meaningless if not followed.

As I graduated from high school and became an adult I found myself more often than not at odds with the old man. I agreed with many of the things he said about the Government but many I didn’t. It was beyond my young inexperienced years (that’s the excuse I am going with) to believe that our Government could be as evil as he always made them out to be.

I lost the old man in my early 40’s to cancer. That was another outfit (the AMA) that Dad didn’t trust. He was convinced there was far too much money to be made treating cancer than curing it… Fast forward to 2022 and take a guess whom I think about almost on a daily basis and try to count the number of times since his passing where I’ve said to myself, “Dad was right.” More fingers and toes than you & I have, that I can tell you.

The current state of affairs in which we find ourselves today is nearly unimaginable to me. The old man was so much smarter than I. Back in his day, the Government and the rest of the evil doers weren’t so bold. They did all their dirty work under the sheets and in the dark of night, so to speak. You had to damn near be some kind of Sherlock Holmes to see the dirty dealing going on around you. Today things are much different, aren’t they? Fact is, today you have to be hiding under those sheets not to see the amount of corruption going on around us.

This Government of ours has become so emboldened that they are in our face 24/7/365 and why? Because they don’t fear us and why should they? What have we done to make them respect us much less fear us, nothing. Most folks agree that the protesting Americans who entered the Capitol last year were wrong in doing so and I don’t know if I disagree with that or not. What I do know is they certainly got the attention of the evil doers didn’t they? While we watched cities burn the year prior, statues being torn down, cops being killed, stores looted and whole city blocks taken over, the Government didn’t even raise an eyebrow. In fact, the Left not only approved of it, they cheered the law breakers on. Many folks don’t remember the fires and rioting that went on in the Capitol when Trump was President. That’s because the state run media suppressed it. Remember “mostly peaceful” was the talking point when it was covered. Remember the famous CNN reporter who said that, just as a building was on fire behind him?

I wasn’t able to find the picture with the reporter and fire behind him because when you search 2020 riot, for some odd (planned) reason you get mostly pictures of the fake insurrection… I did find this one however. Makes what happened at the Capitol look like a 1960 sit in…

One had to work at finding what was really going on, unless of course you happened to be one of the people that lived in one of those hell holes. You know, like retired officer David Dorn, RIP. But the great so called “insurrection” of 2021 wasn’t hard to find was it? It was on every news station, every website and front page of every left wing newspaper in the country, hell, the world.

The more time that passes and the more unimaginable things that continue under this communist rule, I am beginning to think that the folks who stormed the Capitol had it right and the rest of us should have been there to back them up and we should have never left. Sounds radical I know, not to mention dangerous. Look what they’ve done to those folks. But here’s the deal. We aren’t going to get the Government’s attention by tweeting and writing blogs… They (Government) would have been hell bent on arresting us all. If every time they hauled off a few hundred of us we backfilled it with a few thousand and kept that up until they stopped and listened perhaps, just maybe, we wouldn’t find ourselves in the shape we are today. Easy stuff to write about I know, sitting in my lounge chair this morning. Even if this is too extreme, we ought to at least be in the streets peacefully protesting by the millions. Instead we are “hoping” someone will do something to make this all go away. The old man is flat out laughing at me right about now.

On the “someone do something” front, it appears we are relying upon one of three things to occur. First and the most popular “something” is millions of us keep pushing (if you call tweeting pushing) for the rigged election to be overturned and the rightful winner placed “back” in office. We pound this message on a daily basis but, not much appears to be happening. Courts won’t hear the cases, states won’t stand up and fight and the GOP is quiet as a mouse about it. Best I can tell there are less than a handful of Republican representatives in Washington who even have the guts to say the election was rigged. On a Dan scale of 1 – 10 of the election being overturned I give it a 1. And trust me, it flat out pisses me off. Secondly, there is this hope that the Republicans take back the House and Senate this year which is possible although based on 2020 and the Left’s ability to cheat I have one eye closed even on this happening. At any rate let’s be positive and say that happens. Now we are in 2023 and the Republicans are in charge. What are they going to do? Do you think these cowards are going to impeach Diaper Boy, seriously, under McConnell and McCarthy? Do you think the new majority will oust these two career politicians and replace them with one of the handful I spoke about earlier who seem to have the guts to do the right thing? Every single time the Republicans have held power they’ve disappointed us. It is almost as if they don’t know how to be in the majority, how to wield their power or is it? Dad’s voice rings in my ear telling me the vast majority of the Republicans are no different than the Democrats. They are in love with their cushy jobs more than they are the country and her people. You know, you and me… On a DG scale 1 – 10 of the Republicans taking power I give it a 5. On the Republicans impeaching Biden, I give it a zero. Besides, who the hell wants a President Kamala (nobody likes you) Harris anyway.

Finally coming in at number three on the “somebody do something” list is the military. Just look at what this pretend puppet in the White House has done to this country. It is truly an OMG! He is bankrupting us, killings us with unconstitutional mandates (it’s not okay the healthcare workers were left out to dry by the Supreme Court,) and has put the country in a very dangerous situation on the world stage. Both China and Russia have never felt more emboldened. Both are testing Tired Brain to see just how far they can go. History shows when our country has economic problems our beloved Government finds a way to start a war. It’s a great distraction and believe it or not, a money maker for the evil doers. When you look at everything this clown has done to the country you wonder just what more has to happen before the military steps in and says “hold on a minute?” This ass-hat in charge doesn’t follow the Constitution, doesn’t follow the courts and Congress allows it to continue. So does the justice department and sadly for us, so does the Military. How dare they follow his orders and do what they did in Afghanistan! I don’t need to give you the DG scale on the military stepping in. You already know the answer.

This week he accused anyone who doesn’t agree with him of being enemies of the state. Even terrorists. If being an enemy of the state means we want the unimaginable to stop then he’s not wrong. This angry, mean spirited, racist, incompetent old fool needs to be removed.

My friends, I apologize for being such a party pooper this week. Sometimes even dear ole Dan has a hard time putting up with the unimaginable. I am thankful nearly everything Diaper Boy has proposed has been shut down thus far. Thank the Lord above for Sinema and Manchin. The Supreme Court really disappointed me this week with their ruling. While most folks cheered over their ruling for private businesses (I did too) it aggravates the hell out of me that they didn’t have the courage to stand up for our healthcare workers too. It is unimaginable that they’d allow healthcare workers to be fired during a pandemic. Unimaginable. It’s constitutional because the hospitals and alike are Government funded? Really? So if your paycheck is somehow tied to Government funding they have the right to inject you with an unknown substance? “Dad please forgive me for I was young and ignorant.”

Onward we go friends. Sending each of you my best wishes for a good week ahead. As long as you are healthy and your families are safe and sound I will remain thankful. God Bless y’all.

Another Week Of Nonsense

To nobody’s surprise, this week is finishing up just as all the others have over the past many months; a week of complete and utter nonsense.

I don’t even want to talk about it because as I keep pointing out, it’s all distractions from the real issue at hand, the same issue we’ve been avoiding since November 4, 2020; the damn stolen election. We are literally being “led” by a worn out life long fool who is actually an installed puppet who is taking orders from unknown elite communist loving, American hating evil doers. This pretending to be President has become very old, very quick. After watching the display on the Supreme Court yesterday over the pretend President’s vaccine mandates, I now understand why they’ve refused to hear any arguments on election fraud. Short of Justice Clarence Thomas, it’s a three ring circus, so much for scholarly thinkers. Good grief. Think about it, the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, the so called be all-end all in justice is arguing over whether or not to require people to get shot with a vaccine that does not stop them from getting the very virus the vaccine is supposed to stop. You know how long it would take me to make my mind up on that argument? About the same amount of time it takes me to sneeze. Worse, Justice Sotomayer spews fake news that you can only get by watching CNN or MSNBC. No! There are not 100,000 kids in the hospital on ventilators. No, Omicron is not more deadly than Delta and besides, what in the name of Biden-Wears-Diapers does any of that have to do with the constitutional rights of the American people?

I have always found listening to the Supreme Court interesting and more often than not, educational and enlightening. Yesterday I might as well have been watching the View. The topper for me was waking up to learn that Sotomayer had dinner with Pelosi, Schumer and Amy “eat a salad with a comb” Klobuchar last night. How does that give the American people confidence in the court? That would be like finding out the lead prosecutor in the Maxwell case is, I don’t know, James Comey’s daughter. Oh wait… you can’t make this crap up. Optics means nothing to these people and you know why? Because they have no respect for We The People.

The more time that goes by the less I believe in anything related to this virus and the treatment thereof. I don’t believe the tests are accurate, I don’t believe the vaccines work and I don’t believe the number of reported dead people. They’ve made such a nightmare out of this whole thing I honestly don’t know how I can ever trust another so-called anything coming from this insane Government of ours. If I believe that these Covid vaccines don’t stop me from getting or spreading the virus, and that makes me an “anti-vaxxer” then color me an anti-vaxxer. At this point, I don’t care. How do you trust a Government that withholds drugs that have a proven track record of keeping people out of the hospital (monoclonal therapies)? Today, about the only way you can get these alternative treatments, you know the ones that have been around for longer than I’ve been alive and don’t cause blood clots, death, heart attacks and foaming at the mouth is if you’ve been fully vaxxed and a skin color other than white. Where do these people even come from?

Some of the things you hear from people makes you wonder what planet they came from. Certainly not from planet common sense…

Finally, we were made to suffer through a day-long solemn remembrance of what pretend phony and unlikable VP Harris described as the equivalent to 9.11 and Pearl Harbor the great insurrection of 2021. Then, Republican Senator Ted Cruz shot himself in the foot as he described that event as terrorists entering the Capitol. Terrorists! Followed by the great amount of gratitude he has for the men and women of the Capitol Police who were nothing less than heroic that solemn day. Heroic!

This doesn’t come to mind when I think about January 6th. The woman owes every American an apology.

You know what is the most sickening part of all this bullshit? The most sickening part of all of this is knowing that there are Americans who actually believe this crap. They’re the same ones who cheered when Seattle was burning, when Washington DC was burning and statues were being torn down. The same ones that didn’t & don’t care about the innocent businesses that were burned to the ground or police officers who were killed and yes, they’re the very same people who at this very moment are standing in some long line, in the middle of winter to be tested to see if they’re sick. Worse, these idiots get to vote.

Someone on twitter asked “What lessons have we learned from January 6th?” He received many answers of course such as “people should not have entered the capitol” and “Nasty Nancy should have taken President Trump’s advice and brought in the National Guard,” and many more. My answer was “That we should have never left.” I know, I know, I am a radical SOB… No, I am not, I just want my vote to count, I just want the rightful winner to be our President. Come on, you have to be a stone cold moron to think Joe Biden got 80 million votes.

Finally, if January 6th was an insurrection then we folks that support President Trump and the million supporters who made their way to DC that day absolutely sucked at taking over the Government, even the ones that entered the Capitol. They have to be the worst terrorist wanna-bes on the planet! Hell, they even stayed within the velvet rope walkways as they entered. And none of the idiots even thought to bring a weapon or take a hostage and none of them blew themselves up or for that matter blew anything up. The only shot that was fired was from that murdering SOB who somehow wants us to believe an unarmed veteran being lifted through a broken window was a grave threat to him. Oh wait, there was a broken window, maybe it was an insurrection after all… nonsense, pure utter nonsense. This is all just another narrative by the Left and this so called January 6th commission? It has two pre-designed goals. The first is to distract the lame public into thinking the President caused all of this nothing burger and the second is to come up with some fake, made up bullshit charges so they can somehow disqualify the President from ever holding office again. That’s it, there’s nothing more to it. President Trump running again is “the” worst nightmare of all nightmares for these Leftist piles of lizard poops and the only thing worse than that thought to these pricks is for a complete and fair audit of the 2020 election. They know they cheated, we know they cheated, and the world knows they cheated. They will distract, hide and go to no ends to ensure this never happens.

Broken record? You bet. This country cannot and will not ever be able to heal and come together until such time that the 2020 election is fully vetted and trust regained. We can bounce around and talk about vaccines, open borders, high gas prices, inflation, mandates, schools, Afghanistan, Russia, China, equality, genders and the rest of the nonsense all we want but until such time that we know our vote counts none of it matters because we don’t have a country. Let me put it this way, don’t be surprised that on my gravestone I don’t have my wife put “Fix the damn election.” LOL

And that my friends is the truth. (Picture me slapping a politician and saying with anger in my voice “don’t you ever go against the family.”) The American family.

Well, there is another DG rant of the week my friends. The only thing y’all can honestly count on nowadays is that no matter what nonsense they throw at us, I, your humble ranter and raver will continue to “Beat The Drum”. Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead. Might I recommend to you to keep the television in the off position. That alone will make the “wonderful” part of your week a reality.

Let’s Pound That Drum

Happy New Year family and friends! I’ve been sitting in front of a blank computer screen this morning for quite some time trying to figure out how to put a positive spin on, well, “things.”

That’s my reading stuff look. Not pretty… and where in the hell is my hair?

At the start of any new year we’d like to at least begin with some positive thinking right? Some renewed hope maybe. A new year ought to be about new possibilities, personal resolutions and a time to let go of the past. Forgive and forget as they say.

I think most folks are like I am. On the personal front we are hopeful for a better year and we set out to change those things we don’t necessarily love about ourselves. I am told that most New Year’s resolutions fail because most set the bar too high. I don’t know if that is true or not. It sounds reasonable. Kind of like the Miss Universe thing right? “I want world peace.” Eh, how about we start with just you committing to be a good & and kind person and we’ll go from there. Seriously though, the new year can be whatever you want it to be. You’re in charge of you. Sort of. 🙂

I can tell you this, I don’t know a single person who isn’t more than happy to say goodbye to 2021. Most have used the term “good riddance.” I am sure we all have “personal” memories during the year that were positive, fun and worth remembering. A new member joined your family, your health was good, a new home maybe, hell, if you’re like I am, you might even celebrate the time last year where you played a full round of golf without losing a single ball! For the record, that didn’t happen for me but it is a renewed hope of mine for 2022. LOL. The world around us, specifically our Government however, kept us in a constant growling state of mind or rather I’ll speak for myself and say, “It did for me.”

Do you know “one” good thing Biden has done for the country?
Yeah, me either.

I think it is safe to say that this Government of ours would like nothing more than for you and I to just move on, just look forward, pretend nothing happened. You know, the forgive and forget thing. I refuse and in fact it’s my New Year’s resolution, to not forget and not forgive. How Christian of me right? Wrong! I am fully prepared to forgive the evil doers just as soon as they are made to stand in front of the world and accept justice. The American people, you and I have been used and abused. We’ve been lied to and many, many among us have lost their lives and all of it, all of it, in the name of politics, power and greed. I refuse to let the rigged 2020 election go. I will never stop hollering about it and I will never stop calling out those that allowed it. The list is long; the Democrats for sure, but the media and the Republicans too. I am appalled that so many Americans seem to be more than willing to just move on. “What can we do?” “Just face it, they got away with it,” “There will be a red wave in 2022.” “Let it go already, we lost.” These are all things that I hear over and over. The 2020 election was rigged and the evil doers stole the American election from the people. They installed arguably the dumbest son of a bitch on the planet to “rule” over us, rule, not lead and I’m supposed to just “move on?” I’ll be on my deathbed, wave one of my sons over (you know if they allow them to visit me at all) and in my old and weak ass state, I’ll whisper, “Don’t let the evil doers win.”

The work to clean this mess up is insurmountable. It’s not just the rigged election and all those involved. It’s the Russia, Russia, Russia folks, starting with Ms. Crooked herself Clinton. It’s the Ukraine impeachment folks, it’s the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA. It’s the CDC, Doctor (I can’t throw a baseball) Fauci, its Nasty Nancy Pelosi who once famously said “It’s dangerous to let the voters decide Trumps fate ”, Adam (pencil neck) Schiff, Eric (Chinese spy fart boy) Swalwell, the entire Biden Administration and these awful, lying people in the media who to this day continue to black out the truth. It’s also these local election officials in these states that not only allowed the election rigging to occur but participated in it and in a big way. From the very top to the very bottom we must see justice through. These evil acts must not, and cannot be allowed to stand.

While I admit my desires here make Miss Universe’s “I want world peace” seem more likely, I still think it’s imperative for us to keep fighting to turn the wrongs into the rights. To make sure good wins over evil. If we don’t hold these people accountable, all of whom work for us damn it, then there is no end to what they will do. Never before has it been so easy to see what our future holds. These people are so emboldened that they don’t even try to hide their evilness. Today they come right out and say what they want for our country; Socialism, which in the end is communism. Not just rule over us, but do so with an iron fist. Wear a mask, get a shot, show your papers. Soon this Government will take their lead from C-hina and tell you how many babies you can have, what job you’ll work at, how much you’ll earn and what hat you’ll wear and trust me, it won’t be a “Make America Great Again” hat.

So there you have it my friends, Happy freaking New Year! Let it be known, let it be written, no one on the planet wants to see a so called “red wave” this year more than I do. Do I have faith a republican controlled congress will undo the wrongs we’ve been made to endure? I don’t but I do hope they will at least slow the spread of pure nonsense. No red wave is going to tackle the insurmountable hill we must climb. That is going to take a bold, brave, non-political, unafraid leader to do that. You know, someone like the guy we voted for and who won in 2020…

Yeah, I guy like that… plain talking, hard working, unafraid. Donald J. Trump

I send my best wishes to all of you for a prosperous New Year. I hope you all have good health and achieve any goals you may set for yourselves. My biggest wish for 2022 is for you and I to watch, the slow arm of justice being served. While hope is not a strategy I do hold out some hope that John Durham is a true justice warrior. Why not right? What do I have to lose? Anywho, as they say. Only time will tell. If you find yourself growing tired of my continued beat of this same drum all I can say is, the Government is winning you over. Stay with me friends. Let’s pound the drum even harder here in 2022. God bless you all and once again, Happy New Year!

Don’t accuse me of wanting to throw granny off the cliff, accuse me of wanting to throw the idiotic Left off the cliff. #DontBeIdiotic