Extreme Ultra Nuclear MAGA

Woo-hoo! We have really climbed the ladder, haven’t we friends? Think about it, we started off as just a bunch of deplorables and six years later we are the talk of the town! El numero uno, top of the heap, the biggest threat to peace, security but really in eyes of the Left the worst of it all is that we are good ole fashioned God Fearing, love America, common sense, truth telling, home grown folks. Between you and me, I think that’s “ultra cool!”

We are indeed extreme when it comes to how we feel about killing babies up to birth or in the case of some insane filthy places like California, even after birth. We do go all nuclear when it comes to abiding by the Constitution. You see, unlike the party of filth, lies and deception, we don’t see any gray areas in this founding document. We don’t spend our time trying to read between the lines. It says what it says and to us nukes, it’s as clear as the day is long. We don’t twist the words. We read them and stand beside them. These Leftist nut-jobs spews things to their Leftist brain-soiled supporters like “Abortion is a Constitutional right” or “the 2nd Amendment only allowed citizens to have muskets not AR15’s” See what I mean? The Constitution doesn’t contain any of those words. This is what they do. They convince the stupid to believe what they say. You know, repeat the same lie often enough, people will believe it thing…

As far as the ultra part of our title, there’s no getting around it. We are ultra America first all the time. We want to be ultra rich, ultra safe, ultra strong and ultra independent. In this upcoming election our top three issues are economy, border and crime. All three are a threat to our way of life. We want nothing to do with the global, one world order anything. While we focus on these things what does the Left spend their every waking moment on? Trump, it is get Trump all the time.

These morons on the Left and their paid media spend every waking moment trying to nail the President to the cross. They somehow think that if they can take Trump down, all the Extreme, Ultra, Nuclear MAGA supporters will go away. We are never going away. We will however grow larger and stronger and if they ever rig up something against Trump and get one of their Soros owned Judges to play along it will only add to our anger and devotion toward draining the Washington DC swamp. They somehow think the country will come together with Trump out of the picture. That’s just how stupid they are.

Those who call themselves Democrats are the violent ones. They prove this with their words and by their actions. For our safety & those we love it is important to recognize this…

What they fail to understand is that the majority of Americans have always held the beliefs we hold today. We’ve never completely trusted the government and we’ve always believed America should come first. There was never a moment in time where we didn’t want to feel safe or where we didn’t want criminals taken off the streets. We never felt it was smart to buy our energy from countries that hate us and want to remove us from the map. There was never a time we felt we ought to pay more taxes or that the taxes we do pay are put to good use. We have never had a problem helping other countries in time of need however, it angers us to see our wealth go abroad while our vets sleep under bridges and Democrat run cities have homeless Americans sleeping on their sidewalks. I have no memory of our wanting the border left wide open for anyone to come into the country. We’ve always favored immigration, legal immigration. We’ve never been happy with the public school system and today never being happy is an understatement.

You see our positions have remained consistent. It’s always been about America first, our Liberty, law and order, equal justice under the law, truth, honesty and personal responsibility.

The Left’s big misconception is that Trump has brought all this on. Wrong! Trump was simply smart enough to see that millions upon millions of Americans were fed up with the status-quo. Sick of the wars, sick of Government spending and control and the rest of the filth we have been made to endure over these many decades. He took advantage of this and in doing so, he put our voices on the world stage. His message isn’t his, it’s ours. He knows exactly how we feel, how we think and what we want. Taking him away will not change any of that. In fact, there is an argument to be made that it will cause further division, louder voices and for some I fear, even violence as they continue their agenda to silence us. The extreme, ultra, nuclear MAGA movement is an American born movement with the sole desire to keep our Republic and run it as it was designed all those years ago via the written Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is up to We The People to see this through and in the end, that’s it. Signed, sealed and soon to be delivered. “I hope.” 🙂

So there you have it my friends. As the ilk on the Left continue their quest to “get Trump”, we, like him, will remain steadfast in our beliefs and our support remains strong for the man that gave up his billionaire lifestyle to help us take our country back. There isn’t a man on the planet that would have done this and certainly wouldn’t still be fighting alongside us after all he’s been made to suffer. The idiots still think repeating their lies will somehow finally take over the minds of the masses. They continue the old tired narratives, the polls, the media, the accusations of blame others for what they do themselves and all the rest of the filth. It’s not going to work, their time is over, and we’ve had our fill. Together we promise to get out and vote in November. Together we are united against the lies, the theft, and pure filth we see every day. We refuse to accept any of what we see being forced down our throats. In November either we see a turn toward sanity or we don’t. This will be a bridge we soon cross. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Wishing you all a wonderful fall season and I certainly hope, like I do, that your priorities remain with your families and friends. Keep them near and dear. Then fight like hell for our country! God Bless you all and these United States of America. It’s our country, our people, our time. Let it be said, let it be written! We will get our country back. What is it Trump always says? “Never give in, never give up!” Yeah, do that!

What Makes It All Even More Frustrating

Good Saturday afternoon family and friends. Together we have nearly made it through another week of the insanity we find ourselves living in. Because most of you have lives filled with more important things like family, work and paying the bills, my guess is that you don’t eat, breathe and sleep on the Government nonsense like me. At least I hope that’s the case. I know there are a few of you out there that are up on the filth even more than I am. Hopefully we all consume only the amount we know we can take and then, if you’re like I am, when your belly gets full, you step away to let it all digest. We each pull away in our own way, right? Some take a long walk, some go out on the back porch and scream, others go for a drive, play with the dog, the grandkids, golf, exercise, or just start drinking. That’ll make it all go away, ha! Truth is, none of this makes any of it go away, does it? The insanity lingers in the backs of our minds no matter what we do. Thus the saying “you can run but you can’t hide.”

I’ve said many times that the reason I write each week isn’t for you as much as it is for me. These short weekly rants are my way of digesting the ilk that I endured during the week. I’ve had a number of my readers (like I have so many…) tell me that it’s good to know they’re not alone in the way they are feeling. This alone gives me the energy to keep going because you see, that’s a two way street. I rant and rave, you read and reply and suddenly I know I’m not alone too. It’s a beautiful thing during these absolutely up-side down times.

So what about this week? Probably for me the most absurd part of the week was pudding brain celebrating the passing of his so called Inflation Reduction Act. You have to know the one that I am talking about because his moron staff only tweeted about it a thousand times trying to convince us all how great it is and how it’s going to make all our lives so much better. Because you know, it’s all about us. The man stands before the camera and screams his ass off, waving his fist at us, while the little ticker at the bottom of screen shows the Dow plunging downward by 1,200 points followed by inflation going to 8.3% which anyone who buys anything knows is a joke. Try 20-30%. This whole thing is reminiscent of Bagdad Bob telling us Iraq is winning. It’s absurd.

Then we had Kami telling that moron Chuck Todd that the border is secure. Really? Seriously? What kind of idiot filth can look into the camera and say that without even blinking an eye? Just how stupid do they think we are? Really, really stupid I guess. To add insult to injury, they march out the black, gay, immigrant, woman (boxes all checked) White House spokesperson to double down on this absurdity and take it a step further by blaming the difficulties (her dumb-ass words not mine) on the last Administration. Good Lord. I think that was my walk away digest moment for the week. Oh, and I didn’t check all the boxes on her, I forgot lame, disgusting, unqualified, unprepared and stupid.

I don’t know who turned her into a clown like this but I gotta say, it couldn’t have been hard… No disrespect to the artist intended.

We were blessed this week toward the end with the DeSantis maneuver when he flew 50 illegals to Martha’s Vineyard. Bless the man for giving us some comic relief. So funny, they get 50 illegals and you would have thought that the world was about to end. Our border states get 50 illegals an hour and not just on a Wednesday but every damn day of the week. Martha got busy working on a plan to relocate these folks ASAP. You know, in a loving humane manner of course.

All joking aside, maneuvers like his and Governor Abbott in Texas show us all just how important our Governors are. Vote accordingly. And “high five” to DeSantis.

Now to this week’s title, what makes all of this (and so much more) even more frustrating. We experienced, just two short years ago what a President who loves the country, cares about the people (all people) and who brought so much common sense and pride to the country looks and feels like. The so called mean tweets were nothing more than “the truth hurts” tweets, while all of Washington went after him and it’s as though he fought them off with one hand while fixing so much that was broken with the other. He opened our eyes to so much. For the first time, perhaps in our lifetime we had someone who was a businessman running the country and not a filthy politician sucking the very life out of “we the people.” We had someone we could understand. He didn’t yell at us, he didn’t accuse the American people of anything. He didn’t wave his fist at us and call us domestic terrorists. He doubled our retirement plans, gave us energy independence, nearly zero inflation and was about as transparent as anyone could be. He didn’t walk away from reporters, although he had every right to based on their actions, nope, instead he stood there for as long as it took. He didn’t stand before us and lie then turn his back on the camera and walk away. And for God’s sake when he did leave, he knew which way to go. He put America first on the International stage and they didn’t like it and he didn’t care and by the way, he was right. When the globalist, the Left, the Media, China, Iran, Russia, the Europeans and the rest come after you, you know you are doing something right.

These things and so much more are what makes this mess we are going through today so much more frustrating. We know that things could be turned around in a hot minute if we had him back. We’ve tasted greatness, we’ve experienced winning and we want it back and we want it back now! Not just for us but for the country.

It was right to close the border. It was right to make us energy independent and stop enriching our enemies. Putting America and Americans first was not only right it is the single most important part of the job as President. He did that & they didn’t like it.

These midterm elections are going to be where the rubber meets the road for me. If this country via the election doesn’t send a message by taking back both the House and the Senate then what we already know to be true will be once again proven. The elections are a joke. They’re rigged against the people. Between now and the election we will continue to call out the lies when we hear them, scream the truth so others can hear and we will vote like no other time. If that doesn’t turn the tide for us then we march and we don’t stop until we get the change we want and so rightfully deserve. This is our damn country, we know right from wrong and we’ve been too patient and too forgiving. Either this election is done on the up and up or we go all ape shit on the evil doers. That must be our mindset if we want our country back. The days of rolling over are, well, over.

This is one of my favorite pictures of President Trump. For me, it says he knows, he’s watching and he’s not fooled. He’s watching these evil doers but I think he’s watching us too. He never let us or the country down. Let’s make sure we don’t let him or the country down either. #United We Stand

And there you have it friends. Another DG rant. I hope you all don’t think I’ve lost my ever lovin’ mind. It truly is so frustrating, at least for me, to know by fixing the 2020 election all of what makes life so difficult right now could be changed for the betterment of all. As the saying goes, when times get tough, the tough get going. Let’s roll!

Have a good week ahead despite what the idiots in DC might throw your way and don’t forget, walk away for a time if you need to but for the sake of us all, hurry the hell back! We need ya.

Well Of Course…

The title sums up my state of mind. Each week as I sit to rant about the goings-on in this screwed up, upside down mess that we all find ourselves in, the topics are like one long groundhog day filled with repeating filth that appear to have no end.

It is bad enough that we are forced to endure the worst installed, pretend, Presidency of our lifetime, but we also have to sit back and watch all the Leftist communist actors make things even worse than they already are. From the Leftist Democrats controlling Congress, to the ABC departments of filth and corruption to the Soros appointed judges all wrapped up nicely with the backing of the media it is my friends, one sorry shit show after another.

So the DOJ is appealing the Judge’s order for a special master in the FBI raid debacle. Well, of course they are. The DOJ (in so many words) told the Judge they are fully capable of handling this case themselves. One can only hope and pray this Trump appointed Judge or the next Judge up the chain will hold firm on this appointed special master. You either would have to have been in a coma for the past six years or just another Soros / Leftist hack to trust the FBI and the DOJ to handle anything themselves. As I keep saying, it will be a stone cold miracle if our beloved 45th President is still standing when you consider all the cards are stacked against him. As I also always say, if there is one man that can do it, it’s him. In the meantime, as President Trump said, the DOJ will waste millions of taxpayer dollars attempting to appeal the Judge’s order. To this I can only say; Of Course they will…

How is it even possible for anyone to take the FBI and the DOJ seriously? I am thankful for not being among the dim witted minds in this country that do. Both need to be torn apart from top to bottom and rebuilt.

The Judge overseeing Trump’s lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and gang of thieves has thrown his case out. In his ruling, Judge Middlebrooks (appointed by, wait for it, Bill Clinton) said Trump waited too long to file his complaint and he failed to make a case that he was harmed by any falsehoods. Once again, either you’ve been in a coma or you’re a Leftist Judge who has little to no interest for actual justice but rather being a political party hack. By the way, in case you’re wondering, Middlebrooks hasn’t been in a coma. Trump vows to appeal. Another BTW, when Trump sues, it’s just like his Presidential salary. It costs the taxpayer nothing. When he wins and this filthy Government is made to pay up it will be the first time my tax dollars were put to good use!

Any American with even one eye open and half deaf now knows that Clinton and gang set-up the whole Russian collusion hoax and we all suffered damages because of it. What damages? Well, millions of taxpayer dollars were spent on this long drawn out hoax but that’s not even the worst of the damages. The worst is the unknown and what I mean there is; just think about all the other great things he could have accomplished had he not been forced to fight day in and day out against this Russian bullshit/impeachment fiasco. Now, what about the 2018 midterms? Would he have lost the House if there had been no Russian lies being told about him? Did the American media play any role in swaying voters not to vote for Republicans because of Russia, Russia, Russia? And let us not forget social media; Facebook and Twitter specifically. Like so many of you, I was personally suspended many times for calling out the lies. To this very day, the weak uninformed American still thinks he colluded with the Russians. There’s no helping them so I’ll move on and end by saying again, I don’t know how President Trump does it. The man makes the Eveready Bunny look sleepy. #Impressive. As for the Judge being Clinton appointed. Well of course he was.

We did have a few laughs this week. Thank God. If we don’t find a way to laugh then it’s over my friends.

The Obama’s, Barack and Michael returned to the White House this week for the unveiling of their second set of portraits. Why two sets? You aren’t seriously asking me that are you? It’s the Obamas… the me, me, me couple. Or in Barack’s case remember, the I, I, I guy. I did this, I did that. Any-who, the portraits were fine, I guess. The white background on Barack’s made the thing look more like a Polaroid than a painting. Having his hands in his pockets I thought was fitting. As for Michelle, I mean Michael, I give the artist credit because in real life she ain’t never looked that good. The artist managed to put the smug look on her smug face quite well actually. Speaking of artist, did y’all know the artist is most well known for her painting of a black woman holding the severed head of a white woman? You can’t make this shit up. Someone on Twitter this week asked us to give him one example of something Obama did for black people when he was President. I responded with what I felt was an honest and truthful answer. I said; He taught the black folks that it is not the content of their character that matters but rather the color of their skin.

They don’t deserve to hang on the walls of our House. They divided the country like no other. They took race relations back 50 years and he destroyed the once greatest healthcare system in the world. If you voted for him once, ok I guess. If you did it a second time, you should be ashamed of yourself.

The giggle of the week for me was California Governor Newsome, better referred to as the dick-weed. We ended last week with him announcing that California will go to all electric vehicles by 2035 or something. All fossil fuel vehicles will be banned from the state. Then it got hot this week and the idiot called on all citizens to limit their use of electricity by keeping their A/C set no lower than 78 degrees, no use of major household appliances after 4 pm and no charging of electric cars. OMG, you’d have to have a Biden brain to be a bigger idiot than Newsome! I read somewhere, don’t know if it’s true or not that lighting up one NFL or MLB stadium for one night consumes as much power as 5000 homes do in a single night. But, the game must go on! Ha, ha! These idiots running California have the priorities of a slug, which by the way are on the endangered list in California. (SMH)

Tee Hee! That’s funny right there, I don’t care who you are.

In the unlikely event you don’t know, we truly are living in a clown world my friends. Every single week it’s one completely insane thing after another. We are gaining in stature though, never forget that. Just think about it, we’ve gone from a bunch of basket of deplorables to Ultra Nuclear MAGAs! And we’re damn proud of it too! LOL

I mentioned “Clown World” right? I introduce you to just some of Biden’s cabinet freaks, I mean members. Note: Pete Buttigieg not available during this photo shoot. He was home chest feeding his husband, I mean babies.

I’ll wrap this up by respecting the Queen of England’s life, may she rest in peace. I don’t know where you stand when it comes to Queen Elizabeth and it doesn’t really matter to me. When you think about her holding the position of Queen for 70 years and when you consider all that she went through over those years you can’t help but be impressed. While she may have had all the luxuries in the world you can bet there was an awful lot of pain and anguish to deal with too. In my mind, all the way across the pond as they say, she handled it all with a great deal of dignity.

I love this picture, the expressions on both of their faces tell me they truly enjoyed their time together.

Tomorrow of course is the anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that took so many American lives. Americans were united that day and we vowed to never forget. In your busy lives tomorrow find time to remember.

Friends enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. Together we will face whatever nonsense is thrown our way. We will continue to call out the lies, headline the truth and we will continue to demand our President be united with “We The People”. After all, you know it, I know it and the whole world knows, he won the election. #Fix2020

Lighting The Fire Of Liberty

No I am not talking about President Trump. I am talking about this stupid angry old man sleeping in our White House waiting for the next set of instructions from these evil global money exchanging climate hoax thieves.

That speech on Thursday, oh that speech… It’s hard to know where to begin. I sent out a number of tweets following that shit show which for the record I didn’t even bother to watch. I knew I’d see more than I wanted just by being online and reading the many comments from my trusted friends and even those non-trusted idiots too. My personal favorite, because it’s so damn true was; “I don’t know what unites America more, a Biden speech or a Trump rally. Either way it’s a win/win for America.” Biden, through his ignorance and arrogance puts Hillary to shame when it comes to lighting a fire under the Ultra MAGA patriots. My guess is that his hateful rhetoric extends beyond MAGA into the world of independents and even what’s left of the Democrats who have their life vests on ready to jump off the filth ship before it goes down. Hard for me to understand what the hell they’re doing still on the ship in the first place. But, they’re Democrats, they’ve lived a life of lies and deceit so it’s naturally going to take them longer to see the filth they’ve supported all these years. Most never will.

Thursday night pudding brain said the extreme MAGA supporters are a threat to the Nation. He said he wasn’t talking about the normal Republicans, he said he can work with them. It’s those very Republicans none of us want anything to do with. In fact we dislike them even more than the run of the mill Democrat. We know where they stand. They don’t hide under their desk. They make their filth clear every day. These RINO sons-a-bitches are the worst. Sorry, I digress.

He spent his time addressing a Nation filled with citizens that have deep concerns over many serious issues, the border, the economy, the debt, the kids, inflation, gas prices, food shortages, retirement savings, crime, drugs, human trafficking, equal justice, etc. You know; the things that affect their day to day lives. He discussed none. For this man to stand before the American people and talk about uniting and to talk about the soul of the Nation was enough to make this American spit and I suspect I’m not alone.

“MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution.” You stupid bastard we’re the only ones that respect it. “MAGA Republicans call for violence.” What violence and don’t give me the January 6th, minor in the scheme of things, protest. We’re not the ones that burnt cities down, killed fellow Americans, tore down statues, burned the flag and threatened to kill a Supreme Court Justice. None of this surprises me but it does concern me. He’s going to cause the eruption of people who are already walking time bombs. He and they would like nothing more, especially before the midterm election. His entire speech was dark, evil and everything but what you’d expect coming from an American leader. But we’ve come to expect that haven’t we.

Mr. Huffines says it better than I ever could. Let our swords remain unsheathed until our victory (justice) is behind us.

This Government is pulling out all the stops in an attempt to maintain their control. They are so afraid the so-called “Red Wave” is real that they are willing to do anything to stop it. It’s why they raided Trump’s home. It’s why dumb-ass gave a National speech filled with lies about what the majority of America thinks. Remember “we” are the majority and “we” want nothing to do with anything coming from this deranged pudding brain. Perhaps the only truth he told was when he accused us of not accepting the 2020 election. “You got that right pal.” So what? The most shameful act this Government has ever performed on its people was its unwillingness to fully audit the election. I won’t ever let it go. I worry about the up-coming election, I worry about President Trump. These evil, lying, mo-fo’s will do whatever it takes to shut him and us down and they have all the tools to make it happen. The justice department, the FBI scum, the judges and the media to make sure the narrative fills the airwaves for the lame to consume.

There’s nothing funny about this one. It’s all there right before your eyes. Don’t doubt it and don’t run from it. Expose it and step on it until it no longer moves.

The good and thankful news my friends is that none of these filthy maneuvers by this dirty rotten scum sucking Administration stick. With every new evil scheme Trump’s support only increases. Every time pudding brain spews his hate the MAGA movement grows deeper and more determined than ever. They may get away with the “accuse others for that which you do” among their small minority of sheep who in reality many don’t even know there is an election in November but this bullshit ain’t going to fly among those millions upon millions of Americans who continue to stand by the man who gave us peace and prosperity. It just ain’t gonna happen.

At this point the best thing that could happen is for big mouth, pretend tough guy to give more speeches. They do more to light the fire of Liberty than anything else. The man is a walking, (barely) talking (if you call it that), American disease and the vaccine is the American people. After we cure this disease we’ll only need one booster…

This is another example of what the Left would have you believe is a Trump mean-tweet. You and I know it’s another example of a Trump Truth.

I’ll wrap this week’s rant up by simply telling you what you already know. Good wins in the end. It always does and always will. The Government and the media are on the march to change the subject, to quiet down the drums of Liberty, to silence us all. We will not be silenced, we will not go away. We’ve each tasted what real leadership looks like and we yearn for its return. We’ve all learned to pick out and expose the lies and we all know better now than ever before that our Government works against us not with us. So keep beating those drums my friends. Keep calling out the filth, keep exposing the lies and when you tire rest a bit because we’ve got your back. I’ll lift you up when you’re down just as you’ve lifted me when I was down. Biden wants us to unite but little does he know, we’ve always been united. God Bless our country and God bless each one of you.

Two of the greatest uniters on earth. One unites us against his lies and filth. The other with his love for the country and her people. All of her people.

They Hate Us & The Feeling is Mutual

Good grief friends… My first thought was to leave this week’s rant right there and just go on about my business and let y’all do the same with yours. Seriously, just what is it you’d like to hear me say this week about all the pure disgust we’re enduring? Is there something I can add to the conversation that will make a difference? Make you feel better? Make me feel better? You know, if I didn’t care I wouldn’t even bother putting my thoughts out there. The things we see and hear nowadays are so far out of whack it is nearly impossible for a normal human being to sit quietly by. Not one without an ounce of pride anyway. There is, no doubt, some comfort in knowing that others think and feel the same as you. It does help to have others agree with you and when they fight alongside you, you don’t forget that and it brings a little calm into the moment. At least it does for me.

That being said, let’s get to it, shall we. Let’s rant together this week. Some will do it over a cup of coffee, some while sipping a glass of wine or a cold beer, a glass of lemonade or maybe it’s a smooth bourbon or two over ice. The great thing is, ‘you’ decide. Not some DC Washington spit bucket cleaner spending their lives enriching themselves while the rest of us work overtime in our attempt to maintain our sanity, our strength and the country that we love. You know the one, it’s the one “we” own, not them.

This illustrates my feelings perfectly.

Loan Forgiveness: Here’s another real winner huh? And the name, these people are masters at giving these stupid ideas misleading names, aren’t they? If they were honest and up front (you’re a funny guy Dan) this order would be called “Democrats Need Votes Order” or “Deadbeat Lazy Loser Loan Transfer Order” or just get right to the heart of it and go with “You Paid Yours, Now Pay Mine.” Pretty damn disgusting when you think the people fighting to keep their head above water will be paying loans off for these selfish, lazy deadbeats who haven’t learned anything in life and never will. As we all know, if you can’t respect yourself you’ll never respect anyone else. How dare these people who signed on the dotted line for their loans expect or hell, even demand others pay for them. These people spend all that time in school and still when they hear the Government is going to forgive their loan they think it just goes away, nobody has to pay anything. Wrong! The poor son of bitch who rotated your tires will pay. The gal that delivered your pizza last night will pay. Even some of the very students you went to college with will help to pay your loan. You know which ones I’m talking about right? They are the ones that paid for their own loans and have jobs! Enough on this, it’s so aggravating I could spit. Not into the wind of course. Bald not stupid. 🙂

Mandatory Vaccines: Here we are, after all we’ve learned, after all the facts have been laid out, after all that the famous CDC themselves have admitted and what does the DC Mayor do? She announces no kids shall be allowed to return to school if not vaccinated. And to double down on her Marxism, the kids cannot even be enrolled in remote learning. This is the party that shoves down everyone’s throat on a daily basis how much they care for and stand by the black and brown community and are now openly removing their opportunity to get an education. I’ll tell you what, the black and brown Americans better wake the hell up because these Leftist Liberal pukes hate you nearly as much as they hate us Ultra MAGA Americans. And trust me, it ain’t pretty. You’ve been warned. Remain stupid if you want but don’t come crying to me. I’m done trying to lead you to water. Besides, what in the holy hell are you doing living in that DG shit hole anyway.

The Affidavit: For two weeks now I’ve touched on this. I’ve said and continue to say, who cares what the affidavit says? Why would anyone who stands on the right side of the fence even begin to think this, this garbage, would somehow contain anything but lies and deception? It’s from the FBI, it’s from the DOJ, and it was approved by a Soros judge. You tell me the last time either of these ass-hat organizations produced anything that was truthful, good for America, or even lawful? Just where in the hell have these people who wanted to see this blacked out garbage been for the last six plus years, in the basement with pudding brain? Come on. These people are out to get our President and do it in a manner where they get a twofer. First, they get everyone talking about the raid on Trump, Orange man bad and suddenly everyone is no longer talking about the billions more going to Biden’s bank account, I mean Ukraine. We don’t talk about the Bidens at all, not the laptop, not showering with his daughter, not inflation, not the border or any of the real important things occurring in this country. And what’s the second advantage in all of this? It all comes out just 90 days before the midterm election. Timing is everything in life my friends and these evil sons-a-bitches never miss a beat. Just let me say this, there is NOTHING these people won’t do to maintain power. Nothing!

How this man maintains a sense of humor among all the filth he’s been made to deal with is beyond me but God Bless him for it! I continue to maintain that either you laugh or you cry. Laughing is better for your health. Not always easy though.

I don’t respect the MAGA Republicans: That’s what pudding brain said on Friday. Well guess what, let it be said, let it be written, we don’t respect him either and we will do all that we can to see the rightful winner, the people’s President is placed back behind the desk where he belongs. Behind the “resolute” desk for we are certain he won and we are resolute in our belief he will do what’s right for the country, for us, all of us. Never did I think I’d live to see a guy in the White House express such anger towards millions upon millions of the Americans who he swore an oath to protect and serve. These are dangerous times my dear friends. They don’t fear us and in fact they hate us. Well the feeling is mutual so I say, keep poking the bear. She’s gonna wake up one of these days and when she does she will not stop until all the wrongs are made right.

Stay in the fight friends. Correct the lies when you see them. No matter how big or small your platform is, speak the truth and damn the lies. You owe it to yourselves, to your family and especially to the kids. Close your eyes for one second and picture what the crowd of freedom loving Americans would be if they were all standing together side by side. That’s how many of us there are out there that feel the way you feel and believe what you believe. We’ll get through this disgusting shit show, we have to. #HoldTheLine

Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend and remember, when you see the next headline ask yourself this, what are they trying to hide now? Don’t let them guide you. You are in charge of you. Strike out on your own path, the one that leads to truth, justice, family and love. #GodBlessAmerica

I Don’t Get No Satisfaction

I credit the Rolling Stones for this week’s rant title. The fact that I don’t get any satisfaction though is credited to the evil doers in this world and the lame brain people in this country that continue to stand in line for their next government exposure to Monkeypox.

I’ll admit watching Cheney take an all out ass whooping in the primary was both predictable and fun. For me though, it was short lived. Yeah, she earned everything she got and the message it sends is the best part of it. Beware you freaking two faced RINO pukes, we domestic ultra MAGA terrorist cult members are coming after you. Ms. Lincoln joins the ranks of Megan McCain and those pricks who call themselves “The Lincoln Project”, going forward known to me as the “basket of stupid” the “Nuclear ass-wipes”, the “Ultra TDS bed-wetters.”

When the news broke that humpty dumpty Stelter lost his stupid job at CNN it was another “yahoo” moment but again, that was short lived for me. Never paid much attention to that dumbass in the first place and still I don’t really understand why CNN remains in business. I reckon the global money exchanging evil doers as I like to refer to them, keep their lights on because it certainly as hell is not based on viewership. Anyway, I’m happy to take any “wins” when I can but we’ve got a very LONG way to go before I get the satisfaction that I and so many others deserve and rightfully expect.

It’s a little interesting how these small wins we get only seem to last a short while but the evil maneuvers by the dark side seem to never go away. This raid on Trump has my underwear all bunched up. Like the Russian collusion BS, the impeachment BS and the 2020 rigged election, I can’t and won’t let it go.

Newsflash to all the idiots out there bowing to the government gestapo, we the people with fully functioning brain cells aren’t backing down either.

To the average “normal” thinking American, the things that the Left is doing to this country is so out there that we have a hard time even believing what we see, what we hear them say much less what they are actually doing. Every single day for some 560 days we’ve watched Illegals pour through the border while an old fool does nothing. Doesn’t go there, doesn’t talk about it and a media that rarely even brings it up. We stood by and watched this government managed by the same old fool evacuate Afghanistan leaving billions of American assets behind, 13 soldiers dead and hundreds of Americans left stranded. And once again, a media who asked two questions and then moved on to something more important to them like “what is your favorite ice cream.” When parents couldn’t find baby formula I thought to myself, “oh yeah, this shit ain’t gonna fly,” it got two minutes of news. One announcement of a plane load of formula from Europe which was enough formula to last about two days and the story vanished. To this very day, Moms and Dads don’t go to a store without walking down the baby formula aisle to see if there is formula and more often than not, there isn’t. The inflation, the war on energy, the war on the kids, the debates on when it is or isn’t okay to kill a baby, pronouns, firing white teachers first, guns that evidently fire themselves, vaccines that aren’t, well, vaccines at all, billions upon billions to Ukraine while vets continue to sleep under bridges, and everything else under the sun including a country who continues to put up with this old worn out fool who doesn’t work 20 hours a week and can’t string together two sentences without screwing it up…

The other thing is corruption, a level that we’ve never seen before. It may always have been there but it wasn’t until Trump came into our lives that we started seeing it and oh my God is there a lot to see. The scary part is there is so much more still to be revealed. Just another reason we need the man back. The list is so long. There are congress people who have become multi-millionaires and some after only being in congress a few short years. How does that work? (I refer you back to the evil money exchangers). Judges that make the most absurd rulings, so absurd we shake our heads in disbelief. It’s gotten so bad and the power elite don’t even try to hide it anymore. They just shove this shit right down our throats. The Hillary list of corruption is enough to make the ordinary taxpayer throw up. Obama, who now has more money than God who pulls the strings behind the curtain has done more damage to this country than every President before him. And don’t even get me started with the division he’s caused. The FBI: let us not forget this organization, which by all accounts needs to be dismantled completely and until then at least properly rename them to the Democrat Federal Bureau of Investigations. Or just be totally honest and call them the USKGB. What the hell… At least we have the DOJ to rely on though, right? WRONG! And then of course there are Bidens and their morally deprived adult son. There’s more proof floating around about these corrupt sons-a-bitches than you can shake a stick at and yet we’re raiding Trump’s house. And nearly half the idiots in this country sit back in Mommy’s basement applauding. It’s enough to make a junkyard dog break his chain…

The blatant one sided, in your face arming of the Justice Department and FBI is beyond sickening and unacceptable. It is a down right war against the American People, the duly elected 2020 President and the Constitution. The evil doers roam free creating havoc and division while the law abiding suffers and the country bleeds.

There was a time, long, long ago when I felt it was important to hear different points of view. Those days are over for me. When you think pudding brain is doing a good job I’m done listening. When you are working to create a law that allows you to kill your baby after birth I’ve no use for you. When you promote giving hormones to kids because you believe that they think that they don’t want to be a certain sex, then get the hell out of my life, in fact, drop dead you evil sick freaks. When you come at me with grave concerns over global warming while you fly your jets all the hell over the place and have five mansions, none with a single solar panel and sleep with China my disdain for you is over the top. It’s the very same disdain I have for the idiots out there that buy into this complete BS. When you call me a terrorist because I support a man who did good things for me personally, for the country that I live in, finance and love, you have lost your right, among other things, to even speak to me.

As for “I don’t get no satisfaction”, it’s true. I don’t get any satisfaction writing every week pointing out the complete nonsense we are being forced to endure. The Liz Cheney thing is little more than a single little ant among the hill of American justice thieves. The Brian Stelter firing is a “whatever” for me. I won’t find the satisfaction I crave until all of this nonsense finds its rightful place in history. That involves a whole lot of people going to prison and an election that is fixed and never to be repeated again. And it goes without saying, it involves the rightful winner to be given the four years in office he earned, deserves and we so badly need.

So there you have it friends. Another week is nearly behind us. We had a few good moments and a whole lot more of the same filth we’ve been witness to now for the past six years. I’ll keep fighting for the truth and for justice just as long as you promise me one thing. That you will too. For united we stand and divided we fall. Yell out the truth every chance you get and point out the lies when you hear them. And for you and me, that’s a full time job! Let’s not give in, let’s not give up and for the sake of all that is right in this world of ours never, ever forget what these people have done.

The evil doers on the Left own the FBI and the rest of DC. They (FBI) are little more than pawns in a game of devils chess. It’s all out there in black and white for us to see. They and all of Government have lost the right to be trusted. We’ll stand our ground the best we can.

We are being robbed of our Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness with each passing day under this corrupt and evil regime.

Inflation Reduction Act my ass…

We’re Not Going Away

No matter what this evil corrupt Government does, no matter what the media reports, the people that know better (that’s a lot of folks) aren’t going away. Whether Trump runs in 2024 or not, we aren’t going away. No matter who the FBI arrests or who the DOJ prosecutes, we are not going away. Every past President and every congressional Republican can come out against Trump and it simply won’t matter, we’re not going away. Every liberal bought-and-paid-for George Soros judge can rule the way they want, our minds are made up and we aren’t going away. The FBI can raid his home, provide documents and claim the MAGA terror group is the nation’s biggest domestic threat, we won’t believe them nor will we ever trust them again. Just as a Liz Chaney cannot ever redeem herself or Mike Pence be forgiven, this government, those agencies, the media, justice and the lot will never have our trust again without a Trump and a major overhaul and not without many in prison. And when I say many, I mean MANY!

For me, following the 2020 election it became obvious that this government was not going to allow President Trump to ever hold office again. This shit show we all had to endure by the DOJ and FBI this week only proved there is nothing off the table to make sure that never happens. While this is another one of those “I hope the hell I’m wrong” moments I suggest we prepare our heads for it because these people are disgusting gutter dwellers who don’t give a rats ass what we want or think.

To those out there that still do, I say to you, why? And that injury to your head is showing. Cover it up because you look like a damn fool.

You see, they know that he knows. Having four years in the swamp, he knows where the bones are buried. He knows the level of corruption occurring and has been occurring for many years. Their fear of being exposed is beyond our imagination. And that fear does not just reside here at home but throughout the world. All those NATO countries who know he’ll hold them accountable, all our southern neighbors who know that he won’t put up with them allowing their people to storm our border and yes even big bold China, Russia and the Middle East want nothing to do with another Trump Presidency. As you know, he does not and will not bow down to them.

The commies on the Left and their media puppets work day and night painting Trump the bad guy and all of his supporters are the scum of the earth. It’s the ole “accuse others for that which you do” scenario. The thing is that all the evil doers did this to themselves. We didn’t make up the Russia hoax story, they did. We didn’t accuse the President of a bad phone call with Ukraine, they did. We didn’t let those involved in Benghazi off the hook, they did. We didn’t acid wash our phones nor delete our emails, they did. We didn’t raid the President’s home while ignoring Hunter’s laptop. We didn’t ignore the whistleblower who met with Joe Biden (the big guy), they did. We didn’t get to keep our doctor or our plan. They took that away from us. We didn’t force untested vaccines on ourselves, they did. We didn’t close our schools, they did. We didn’t ask them to spend our wealth on Ukraine. They did. We elected a President because he promised to close the border. We didn’t ask this government to reopen the border. But they did. No one, God as my witness, asked for 87,000 more IRS agents. But they did and finally, I assure you, none of us rigged the 2020 election. They did.

Where am I going with all of this? My point is that we didn’t cause all the distrust for the government. They did and we’re not going to forget and we’re not going away. These idiots somehow think by taking Trump down they will get us to shut up and just go away. How can they possibly be so damn stupid to believe that? Anyone with a pea sized brain knows it will do just the opposite. Every single time (starting with the day he came down the elevator) that they poked him, they angered us. They kept poking and our anger only grew. The FBI fiasco this week pissed off so many of us that our resolve has tripled and so did Trump’s donations. I keep hearing people say “release the warrant!” Why? Does anyone believe what the warrant says? Does anyone really care what the judge has to say or the DOJ? These are all the same people who accused him of colluding with Russia… The warrant is meaningless, useless. They keep calling wolf, didn’t they ever read that children’s book?

Whether it’s this fake January 6th nonsense or this FBI document raid it’s all about getting Trump so that he cannot stand for re-election. It couldn’t possibly be more obvious.

How this all ends is anyone’s guess. All I know is that America is divided like never before and Government trust is at an all time low. Fact is, anyone still buying into any of this is simply stupid and honestly have no damn business being allowed to vote. You can be a Democrat, I don’t care but for the love of all things good, do you have to be so damn stupid? They can yell and scream, protest, burn down their leftist cities, wear pink pussy hats, dress like complete freaks, cut their dicks off, and think Joe Biden was actually elected, I simply don’t care. What I do care about is keeping my family safe, my life’s work intact and my country free. So they can have all the hissy fits they want and the government can continue to display their complete and utter corruption if they want but, we aren’t going away.

Stand up son when I’m talkin to ya. Ha, ha, ha. This Government, as they say, is going to keep fooling around and find out…

That puts an end to this week’s rant my friends. I am so looking forward to watching the great state of Wyoming kick Lizzy to the curb this coming week. Put the final nail in her political coffin so that millions of us have something that we can jump for joy about. Along with many others, I sent Trump a few bucks this week. It was the only thing I could think of to let him know I was thinking of him and still supporting him. It actually made me feel better too. Figure that out?? I was also quite relieved to hear there is zero inflation now. LOL. The things these ass-hats will say with a straight face and what these media pukes will repeat have become hysterical really. The only thing funnier are the mindless drone sheep who believe it. You know, while they put just $10 in the tank because they can’t afford to fill it up. Wow… they are the same people on twitter who reply to pudding brain’s tweets (like he tweets…) with “thank you Mr. President, I’m so glad we have an adult in office now.” All you can do is laugh. Did y’all see the video of him trying to put his suit coat on? Oh My God. That’s a real Commander-n-Chief, gonna take Trump behind the Gym stuff right there. Just looking at him reminds me of those used socks I left in my gym locker for a year. Ugly, smelly and completely disgusting.

This slime will go down smoothly, no plunger needed.

Enough, until next time then. Wishing you a great rest of your weekend and a fun filled Lizzy flush week ahead. #Fix2020 (Stupid Republicans)

Don’t Be So Damn Stupid

The Left and their drones in DC are on a full court press to convince as many people as they can that they are the party of the people. They’ve always lied, that’s nothing new but, man they are certainly pushing the envelope right now.

Just like the Obama years where one of the big narratives (lies) was that the Republicans want to push granny off the cliff. Y’all remember that one right? Today it’s that plus so much more.

According to Pudding Brain this multi-billion inflation reduction act (who comes up with these names?) is not going to cost anything to any American who makes less than 400K a year. And that’s a fact, he says. I heard that and I couldn’t help but be reminded of Obama’s famous words; “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period.” I get a kick out of (not really, it actually pisses me off) people believing this crap. But that’s not all this inflation reduction extravaganza will do for us. It’s also going to reduce inflation. You know, the very inflation these spit buckets caused in the first place. But wait there’s more! This billion dollar waste will also fix the biggest threat to the world, climate change, by moving us into the green new deal. Oh, now pay no attention to facts. Sure China and India will continue their coal burning, oil consumption ways but ole Pudding Brain is gonna fix the world’s made up climate problem. This is the biggest transfer of America’s wealth ever. I am no climate expert, in fact, I’m no expert on anything but (there’s always a but) I am willing to bet my worldly wealth (don’t get too excited, it ain’t much) that no matter how much they spend of our hard earned dollars, and no matter how many years they spend it, August will still be hot and January will still be cold. History is on my side. So is common sense. In the meantime get ready because if you think things are expensive now you better hold on to your hat because you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

You can put this information in front of some people and they’ll yell and scream in disbelief. You see, they actually think they are in charge of their lives but they are not.

What else are these ass-hats pushing on the American people? Well, in case you didn’t know it, according to the Left, if we don’t agree to abortions, i.e. killing babies, or to use their words, “women’s health” then we are out to destroy democracy as we know it. Wait, what? California right now is pushing for a law allowing the killing of a newborn up to 29 days, 29 DAYS after birth! You know the worst, most disgusting part of this is? They have support for this insane death squad idea. Yeah, forget about pushing granny off the cliff, these morons don’t want anyone living long enough to become a granny. Blows my mind.

Biden declares Monkey Pox a National Emergency. Color me homophobic if that turns you on but how about we declare those causing Monkey Pox a National emergency. Our country is being run by the biggest group of idiots ever to exist in one place. Washington DC. Hell, as much as this inept government makes us bend over we’ll probably all catch the pox…

What other stupid crap did I hear this week? The DC Mayor is up in arms with all these illegals that the Texas Governor has bussed into their city (well played Gov. Abbott, well played.) She said it has become a big burden on DC’s budget, hospitals, jobs, housing and education. Well you don’t say, Governor. Hello, anybody home? Just what in the hell do you think it’s doing to the states on the border? Then the brain dead “first black, gay” press secretary when questioned about this said, “the Republicans are playing politics with immigration.” And what exactly are the Democrats doing? Oh that’s right; they care about the poor illegals. ILLEGALS, not poor immigrants. Call it what it is you rat bastards.

What else? The basketball player who decided he/she/it was above the law brought illegal drugs into Russia and is convicted and sentenced to serve nine years in a Russian prison. The Left goes wild! Here’s the thing, when you have a county with laws and that county follows those laws, and you break those laws, you’re gonna get in trouble. A wild concept I know. The one thing I can promise y’all is that you won’t see any “I am a black, gay, superstar” athlete take drugs to Russia anymore. Holding people responsible has that effect on them; another wild concept, right? Geez. Listen, I think nine years is insane but then again, I have no interest in visiting Russia and certainly no interest in packing drugs in my suitcase before I go. Here in America if you bring drugs in you get a wide open border and an escort. Hell, here in America you can break the law and never even go to court. In fact, you are more likely to be heralded as a hero by the Left. For that matter, under these Leftist George Soros owned judges you’ve got a good chance of suing and winning millions of dollars if you break our laws. How dare a store owner shoot me while I was robbing him… Stupid, stupid, stupid.

The Left spews lies while our voices are all but shut down. The net result is a bunch of people in this country believing what they hear and it’s gonna be the demise of the country if they don’t stop being so damn stupid.

Finally this week, we heard that the mighty FBI are tracking fellow Americans using key domestic terror words such as, Ashley Babbitt, or rigged election or even worse, posting a picture of the Betsy Ross American flag. I expect them to knock down my door any minute now. In fact, I suspect y’all are taking a huge risk reading my rants or even knowing me. What a joke this narrative has become. Thanks to the filth of DC, the politicians and the departments they run along with the cover they get from the media, the sheep in this country actually believe we are the evil ones. You know, the ones that haven’t burned any towns down, haven’t killed any police officers, haven’t robbed any stores and by the way, haven’t rigged any friggin elections either. #ClownShow

I’ll wrap this up by saying to all our fellow Americans, this time only the ones that buy into all this pure nonsense, pure lies, stop it, stop being so damn stupid already! These people running this country don’t care about you, they never have. Tell me, what exactly is good for you to have them spend 87 billion of your tax dollars to hire an additional 80 thousand new IRS agents, heavily armed IRS agents no less. How does that help you? How does emptying our oil reserves and giving half of it to China help you? About the only thing happening right now that’s actually good for you are these America First candidates winning their elections and Joe Pudding Brain being held in the basement due to his second bout with Covid. You see what happens when you walk around sniffing everything…

Seriously, how do they do it? These are the people that to this very day will come down with Covid and say “I’m glad I got the vaccine and my boosters” And then go to a new doctor because they lost the one they had.

In 10 days we America First deplorables will be gifted with something we’ve long waited for and so, so look forward to, watching Ms. Piggy lose her re-election bid in Wyoming. It’s gonna be a glorious day my friends! Unlike that fraud riddled Arizona election debacle, my expectation is for Wyoming to hit the ball out of the park. Let it be a huge blood bath. Once and for all send a message to these hate Trump/America Leftist/RINO wusses. Let them know that we stand for Trump and more importantly, America. Give us Liberty Wyoming!

Until next week then, I’m wishing y’all a wonderful weekend and week ahead. And I ain’t kidding! #BeatTheDrumOfLiberty and for the love of country #Fix2020

Let’s Just Talk, Shall We?

Let’s Just Talk, Shall We?

Good afternoon y’all. What’s the good news? These days, most, if not all of us have to do a little digging to come up with an answer to that question, don’t we? If you stand on one leg, tilt your head to the right, close one eye and stick your fingers in your ear you can turn almost anything into good news. The key word there is “almost.”

Let me give you an example. After I retired, my wife and I moved across the country to be closer to my two boys. It was great and then came the grandbabies, which made the move and retirement that much, well, greater! Having them over, swimming in the pool, joking, playing around, and just being a family together was pretty much a dream come true. Then after a few years my older son and his young family decided they wanted to move. They had their reasons and it wasn’t my place to try and stand in their way, nor would I nor would have it mattered. Then just this week my younger son and his family announced they too were moving, this time for job promotions. At least a bit closer though so that a day trip is possible. That leaves “guess who” in a state where we have zero family. Both kids said, as they were packing, “you can always move too Dad!” Wife and I love our home and have managed to meet new friends here and we both said when we moved out here this was it, we weren’t going to chase the kids any around the country. So, what’s the good news? Hold on a minute while grab my shovel, (you know, to dig for the good news). Well, the good news is that both my kids have been successful enough to live where they choose. For that I am grateful and proud of them. Being successful in this world today isn’t exactly a walk in the park. Both are healthy, both have beautiful families and despite their leaving I know they love me. Will I ever forgive them? Maybe. LOL just kidding, we wish them nothing but the best and stand beside them in anything they want to do. The good news is, they’re really good kids and we share a bond that span’s any distance between us.

We all have choices in life. We can choose to wallow in the “oh poor me” mud if we want to, but I gotta tell you, if you do that, you’re going to get dirty and you sure as hell aren’t going to get happy. Find the good news in your life and focus on that!

Let’s see, what’s going on this week? I hear that Nasty Nancy is on her Asia tour. Why? Can anyone tell me why we need that word slurring, have cocked, multi-millionaire, stock trading queen, ice cream hoarding, loose teeth, plastic head, drunk mask-less beauty salon patron representing us in Asia? What could she possibly do over there that is in any way good for We The People over here? You know, we the people trying to scrape enough together to fill our gas tanks. China evidently (remember we hear this crap from the media so…) has warned her not to stop in Taiwan or else! What’s the over-under on her stopping there? Personally I find it all a bit comical, China owns her and pudding brain so stop all the bullshit. One thing is for sure. If she does go to Taiwan and China does intervene, you can bet they won’t keep her. They aren’t that dumb and besides, they aren’t in the business of doing us any favors. On a scale 1 -10 of I don’t give a care, this comes in at #10.

According to the Government and the media, we’ve had two consecutive quarters of declining GDP. The second quarter came in at 0.09% negative growth. Y’all know what that means right? It means it came in at 10% negative growth or there about. How can you trust anything coming from a government that tells you something is going to cost between one and five billion dollars? Can you imagine running your household budget with this kind of variance? What is it, one billion or five? I’ll give you a 3% margin of error, that’s it. Besides this is the same Government and media that says two quarters in a row isn’t really considered a recession right? Yep, and the same one that said Trump lost the election. The same one that said you won’t get Covid if you get the vaccine, and then, you’ll get it but it won’t be as severe. The ones that tell us there are 22 genders, men can get pregnant and that we are experiencing the greatest economy in 50 years! 0.09% LOL.

I dedicate this one to all those still supporting Pudding Brain and still believing what they hear in the news.

Next on the agenda for pudding brain is to declare a few new National Emergencies. These are important as we get nearer and nearer to the November election right? First up, Monkey Pox! According to the media both San Francisco and New York have thousands of cases and both are seeking additional “vaccines”. Not to be a complete jerk but, who comes up with these names? Why is it called Monkey Pox? Wouldn’t it be more accurate to call it Doggy Pox? The damn monkeys can’t catch a break. So as I understand it, Monkey Pox is caused by folks engaging in anal sex. The breakout cases are among the gay community and if that is true, then why the “National Emergency”? Might this be a San Francisco emergency? Yes. Might this be a New York City emergency? Yes. Might this be a South Beach (no cases yet) emergency? Perhaps. The other 99.9% of the population? No. What am I missing? These idiots running the Government will go to all ends to put fear into the lazy minded fools in this country. Y’all better not worry about inflation or gas prices in November. You better vote for Democrats so they cure the Monkey Pox… #Idiots

Next up is the ole standby itself, “Climate Change.” Yep, they just passed a multi-billion dollar spending plan to combat “the” biggest threat to the world as we know it, climate change. Don’t worry this isn’t going to cost you a single penny. Pudding Brain said so. It’s going to be great because it’s not only going to save the world by changing the climate but it’s going to create hundreds of thousands of jobs and not only that, it’s going to reduce the deficit and help the economy. You know the economy that’s already the best it’s ever been. I’ve been laughing listening to folks say “what happened to Joe Manchin?” Or “What do they have on Manchin to make him change his vote?” Folks, he’s a Democrat! Always has been, always will be. Sheez.

Every time these clowns spend our money I think back at what a nightmare it was for Trump to come up with four measly billion dollars to build the wall. These bastards are on a spending spree like no other and it’s about to break this country in two or you know, “transition” us…

Seriously you have to be a complete moron to think a Government that can’t even keep our children safe in school is going to somehow change the climate. You wanna help the climate in this country? Put all these SOBs in prison and watch the temperature decline. I know they keep me walking around with 110 degree temperature. I’m guessing y’all are the same. They have a way of making your blood boil, don’t they?

Pictured above in a Democrat at the annual congressional baseball game flipping off the Republican bench as she wobbles by. Classy huh? The entire Democrat party is flipping us all off. The Republicans won the game 10-0. Great, now win our country back.

Well, there you go, that’s about enough of the “good news” for this rant don’t ya think? I have to believe a time will come in this country wherein our people will throw down the interference flag on this lame government of ours and take them out behind the barn. We have to take back control of this mess or our country will become just another shit hole third world Nation run by the kings and queens of the cesspool we all know as the One World Order. Every day that goes by we get further and further from what our founding fathers envisioned for us and what our Constitution guaranteed us. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness is about to be erased from our memories if we don’t say enough is enough. Millions upon millions of us in the streets, in their face, all the time until this nonsense comes to an end. The rigged election didn’t move us, will the mid-terms? Will 2024? What will we look like by then? Scary times my friends. Keep calling balls and strikes. Good always wins in the end. Just so you know, I’d like to be alive to see that so hurry the hell up! 🙂

As always enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a good week ahead.

A DG Educational Moment

My Twitter and Truth followers will recognize this title. My family and friends will see it and think to themselves “now what.” I use this in tweets to point out some of the most basic facts that one would think are not necessary to be pointed out. Things you’d think everyone already knows. Some have been funny and all have been factual. Because this week has been a yawn, I thought I’d give y’all an expanded educational moment. By the way, Pudding Brain having Covid and/or saying he has cancer is a yawn to me. Don’t care. He’s a walking talking disaster. Bannon being convicted of Contempt of Congress is also a big yawn. You’d have to be living on planet dumbass not to know that was going to happen. He’s a Trumper, like the rest of us, he must be painted as a bad man. And don’t even get me started on climate change. A hoax brought to you by the world’s money laundering evil doers. They, BTW, are easy to pick out. They are the ones flying private jets all over the place giving speeches about fossil fuels destroying the earth. They’re the ones spending their down time on some of the most expensive beautiful yachts in the world. Finally, they are the ones who have multiple lavish homes. Most of which are water front. But remember, the seas are rising at a most dangerous rate. Oops, I told you not to get me started.

A DG Educational Moment(s): In no particular order of stupid

Black Lives Matter, the organization, better known as “thugs” does not, I repeat, does not care about black lives. The country would be far better off if these racist money grabbing, city burning, statue tearing down, cop killing, store robbing domestic terrorists were disbanded and their so called leaders put in prison.

ANTIFA is another domestic terrorist group that has no business in society. They openly hate America and represent the lowest rungs of the human ladder. They destroy everything they touch and play no positive role in this country whatsoever, another group that ought to be served with justice and in the harshest way possible.

We are not a country that provides equal protection under the law. We are indeed a country of laws. The problem is, we (they) don’t follow them. Sadly, it appears the only ones who get the book thrown at them nowadays are the ones that didn’t even break the law. Our Government makes the mob of old days look like the church choir.

Trump did not collude with Russia. Tired of talking about this? You shouldn’t be because the evil empire worked overtime to frame an American President. If that doesn’t bother you then you, well, bother me. Do you know there are still, after all we’ve learned, people in this country that believe Trump was/is in bed with Putin? Worse, these people are allowed to vote.

Anyone who even pays attention just a little bit knows that Ukraine is filled with corruption. It is known as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Billions upon billions of our tax dollars have been and continue to be, sent to them. No receipt required. This is happening while millions of Americans struggle to pull together enough to fill up their gas tanks to go to work, Vets living under bridges, homeless citizens living in tent cities in our biggest leftist run cities in America, retirement accounts are being drained and inflation is climbing making a $100 bill the new $20.

There was no insurrection on January 6th, 2021. There was however a rally followed by a protest. There were no firearms found on anyone that day except the coward capitol police murderer who shot and killed Ashley Babbitt. With a big mouth (Ray Epps) telling folks to enter the Capitol, and capitol police removing barriers, and Capitol doors left unlocked or opened, with Capitol police waving folks in, with the DC Mayor and Nasty Nancy not preparing for the day’s event by not installing fences or taking Trump’s offer to have the National Guard present anyone with an ounce of common sense would conclude that the storming of the Capitol was a Government imposed set-up. Instead of watching and listening to the Kangaroo January 6th hearings consider the fact that Trump has held hundreds of rallies with hundreds of thousands supporters in attendance and not once did any violence take place. Not once.

Biden did not win the 2020 election. They took a guy who hasn’t accomplished anything his entire life and coupled him with a woman who couldn’t even get 3% of her own party to like her. Then neither of them even really campaigned. When they did, we saw the 12 circles in a parking lot filled with mostly reporters and family members, while thousands upon thousands of Trump supporters attended his rallies. Then on November 3rd when Trump was well ahead across the country they stopped counting the votes; weird at best, complete voter fraud at worst. America woke up the next morning being told by the media that pudding brain had won the election. Not only did he win, he got more votes than any President ever. Ever! Again, the guy who didn’t even campaign, the guy who lost severely in two prior attempts to become President, the known liar, the known racist who once championed the first black President as being clean and articulate. The guy who said he’d shut fossil fuels down, who would raise your taxes, who said that climate change was “the” most dangerous thing facing the country and world, the guy who said he’d defund police, the guy who when he spoke no one could understand what the hell he was saying won the election. The election was rigged and nearly two years later our citizens and our Nation suffer.

I’ll never accept the results of the 2020 election and neither should you nor the country

There are only two genders. There are however people that are attracted to other people of the same gender. There are also some people who prefer the look and conceived lifestyle of the opposite gender.

Men cannot give birth. That’s it, I just want to clear that up once and for all.

The Covid vaccines and their highly government rated boosters do not (despite what pudding brain said) stop you from catching the virus. There are no proven facts that they make the virus milder either. There are however many proven facts that the side effects of the vaccine can be and have been deadly and side effects are many. We are just now seeing the effects of these vaccines. The media and government suppress this information but it’s real, from the young to the old. It is sad to watch.

While I openly admit I am not a well educated man and I do not hold a degree in the study of anything, I will tell you this. The summer months in the country tend to be warm, sometimes even downright hot. During the periods of the year we call winter, more often than not we experience cold temperatures. In some areas it snows. A lot! In other areas the rain at times freezes making travel difficult, even scary. As I said, I have no degree, just 67 years of personal experience.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these DG Educational Moments. Having read them you have to admit. You’re more educated now than ever before. Lol

As I put an end to this week’s blog I remind you today represents Pudding Brains 550th day in office. Can you come up with even one single thing this puppet has accomplished that is good for the country? Good for you and your family? Remember he said he’d bring back civility to the country. Would you call what he’s done civility? His supporters don’t talk about the great things he’s done, they just celebrate that Trump is out of office. It has been a rough 550 days and sadly, as his age and medical condition grow we the people will be made to endure even more. We’ll never look at our Government in the same light as we once did. Perhaps his and Trump’s greatest accomplishment is just that. Together they’ve opened the sleeping giants’ eyes. We’ve experienced the best of times and the worst of time. Let us all do our part to get us back to the best of times again. Beat the drum of liberty my friends. Be accepting of nothing less than the truth.

Build Back Better huh? Nearly two years later and literally nothing is better. #Fix2020

Have a good rest of your weekend and a great week ahead! #MAGA