The Dark Winter

It took 50 days for the citizens of this Nation to hear from their new President. Under normal circumstances I’d say “duly elected President” but then again, I am not CNN. Having skipped the long standing tradition of giving the State of the Union address, the pressure had been mounting on Tired Brain to, at least address the Nation. His handlers choose the one year anniversary of the China Virus to have him speak.

To no one’s surprise, no one with at least a pea sized brain anyway, he literally opened his remarks with a lie. “A year ago, we were hit with a virus that was met with silence and spread unchecked, denials for days, weeks, then months.” This from a tired brain that criticized the President for stopping travel from China and Europe nearly the minute he learned of the virus. The outrage I felt, only seconds into the speech is nearly indescribable. It’s not that it surprised me, it did not. It is the fact that we have so many weak minded people in this country who believe it. Just like the fake news media or even the person we all know that spends his/her life lying, it’s disgusting and causes great division and strife. I believe that lies like these and all the others that we are made to endure from this Government incite violence. Everyone has their own tipping point. At some point if these lies do not stop, and justice is not served, some citizens in this country, perhaps millions, will reach theirs.

Last night in a very rare moment on Twitter, ABC news tweeted the President (Tired Brain) had not acknowledged the good work that President Trump had done to make possible all that Biden was taking credit for. After I knocked over my coffee and got back up off the floor, I thought to myself, “You know what, I am the first to slam these lying SOBs when they spew their fake news, I am going to thank them, kind of.” I responded with, So… ABC for once decides to take a truth pill. Good for them, I hope they become addicted. Meanwhile, just look at the responses from the stupid blind sheep. It’s disgusting. Predictable, but disgusting none the less… We share a country with these evil bastards. You see, I made the grave mistake of reading some of the responses to ABC’s tweet and quickly became more irritated with those than the fact Tired Brain was lying, again. These people (Leftest-sheep) either have so much hatred for Trump or they are truly the dumbest, most vile people on planet earth. To each their own as the saying goes but having to live alongside these people is stomach turning. I won’t share these responses with you because I don’t think you should have to endure such stupidity. You’re getting enough of that on your own. I’ll just say it was awful and void of any resemblance of the truth. I do have to share one though. One responded by saying; “Stop it, just stop it, we don’t need to hear your fake news.” Speaking about ABC’s tweet. That one was actually funny. Here you have a leftist living his life watching fake news, believing the fake news and then calling them fake news. #Idiot. I’ve lived my life believing you give credit where credit is due even when it was painful to do so. Too bad more folks can’t find a way to do the same. And by the way, the minute that Tired Brain does something good I’ll be the first to say it. Don’t hold your breath.

Biden went on to say that total deaths in America are 527,726, “that’s more deaths than in World  War I, II, the Vietnam War and 9/11 combined.” Note to Tired Brain’s writers, according the Leftist Google 116,516 died in World War I, 405,399 died in World War II, 58,209 died in Vietnam and 2,605 died on 9/11 bringing the total American casualties to 682,729. Four comments, 1. I guess those that gave their lives so nimrods like Biden can lie in the Korean War didn’t matter. 2. The sheep will only remember his lie and 3. No one, not anyone, knows the real number of deaths by the China virus. Did I say no one? I am however grateful there hasn’t been a single death by the flu this past year. It’s a miracle… and 4. Using this comparison to wars was pure nonsense and served only to bring fear among those so dim witted to believe it. Biden’s way of making his dark winter, dark.

So many parts of his speech angered me. A few made me want to throw up. “So many of you had to make that same walk this past year. You lost your job, you closed your business…” How dare he say this right after closing down the pipeline sending thousands to the unemployment line and causing so many others to lose their incomes such as cafe’s, motels, bars and others because they no longer have these workers to serve. And besides, it is the Government and the Leftist States that caused so many to “make that same walk” not the damn China virus. It’s nonsense. This didn’t have to happen. Trump screamed and is hated for continually calling on the states to open up. He was right all along. Tired Brain continued; “Watching a generation of children who may be set back up to a year or more (take note of the word more) because they have not been in school because of their loss of learning.” The schools are closed because of him and these communist rat bastard unions to which, he bows. Kids are the least vulnerable to this virus and while my son can serve the general public day after day in the grocery store, covid-free, I might add, the teachers are afraid… those unwilling to do their jobs should be fired, all of them. We’ll not learn of the real harm to our children for years to come, if ever based on this corrupt Government and lack of truth tellers in this country. It’s disgusting.

He went on: “instead of working with each other, vicious hate crimes against Asian Americans, who have been attacked, harassed, blamed and scapegoated.” Really? I think it’s fair to say, I watch a lot of news, I read a lot of articles. I am aware of the idiots in BLM harassing and attacking fellow Americans. I’ve seen buildings burning and cops killed at the hands of ANTIFA but I missed all the horrific attacks on our Asian American friends. It is disgusting that Tired Brain would spew such nonsense.

“Look, we know what we need to do to beat this virus. Tell the truth. Follow the scientists and science. Work together. Put trust and faith in our government.” Seriously, tell the truth, put faith in our Government? In the words of tennis great John McEnroe, You’ve got to be kidding!”  

Finally, the part of his speech that got my goat more than any other was; “In the coming weeks, we will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated” We will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do… Who died and made this tired old fool the queen? We are so far from “the Government answers to the people” that the queen is indeed alive and well. She (Government) is ruling us with her iron fist. To this I say dear patriot friends, lead me to the tea.

I, your humble nobody, could easily point out every single statement made in this speech as pure lies and propaganda all designed for the weak minded sheep roaming the countryside looking for their great savior to come feed them. The amount of freedom we’ve lost without so much as a single skirmish is beyond disheartening. This speech was without question the most dark and discouraging speech by an American President that I’ve ever witnessed. We would have all been much better off having never heard this worn out politician speak. And let it be said, let it be written, his writers suck!

The only thing this man has accomplished that he said he would accomplish is the dark winter. There would be no vaccine if not for President Trump and if we had an honest election, by now, the people’s President would have the country open for business. We’d not have an open border with thousands streaming into our country with illnesses we don’t even know about. Our fuel prices would still be low and our economy would still be growing. Americans would have already received more stimulus but we wouldn’t be funding bridges and tunnels and abortions, and the rest of the typical Government nonsense. We’ve been duped my friends and we somehow, someway, must not allow this to stand.

Our State Run Media doesn’t talk about this. They give the sheep only what they need to hear.
We’re going to need a lot more than just voter ID to fix what ails this country…
Merle bout sums it up for me – And yeah I know, I’m old.

May the dark winter soon turn into a bright warm and friendlier spring. #StandAndBeHeard

Author: admin

The editor of Let Me Jump in places himself in the category of being like any other normal American. He has worked his whole life, paid his own way, honors his family and friends and cares a great deal about America. Overall very conservative as well as open minded. Editor feels it is important to share his common sense toward everyday topics. Editor is concerned the country isn't always headed in the best direction and very concerned with the state of Washington and politics in general.

2 thoughts on “The Dark Winter”

  1. Mr Dan you truly hit the hammer right on the head this time. And no I will not hold my breath. As for tired brain there is no way in hell he could have done a State of the Union. He was struggling at the end of twenty minute lie fest. Besides I don’t think they’ll ever be another SU as well done as President Trumps. Your so right he lied right out of the gate. It took everything I had to not change the station. I’m so sick of blm and antifa home grown terrorists ripping this country apart fueled by the demonrats. It’s theirs fueled by their blood money. I’ve been watching the pretend trial of the police officer on trial for having the misfortune of having to deal with george floyde. I watched barry from Kenya allow Daren Wilson life be destroyed by the media and the demonrats. Now another police officers life will be destroyed. I pray every night that God has a special place in hell for every single demonrat and the rhinos. They are pure evil. This is what I took away from tired brain bumbling speech. He’s a liar like no other. And everyone knows it. As far as the illegals they will not vote for Democrats ever. They left a hell hole. Thank you Mr Dan for always keeping it true and real.

    1. Speaking of hitting the hammer on the head – You’re always right there Jan. So many of us are frustrated by all of it. Each week when it gets close to write this blog I struggle with it because I don’t want to sound like a broken record but what do you do? The Government under this tired brain old man is like the Obama years all over again. You remember those years, they are the reason we ended up with a President Trump. They are playing the same game now and its infuriating. We all did our part by voting for Trump and they did their part by cheating and stealing our votes. This must be corrected. I cannot thank you enough for your ear and feedback. Have a blessed Sunday Jan.

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