Those of you kind enough to read my weekly posts know that I normally only write one per week. This week however you will be blessed with two! Ha! Lucky you…
Last week I couldn’t wait to see and hear “our” President speak at CPAC. And now, the day after, I couldn’t wait to share with you how he made me feel. Nowadays, outside of our personal lives and in the world of politics it is extremely difficult to find good news and if you do, of course, you have to do the work to determine if it’s real. We aren’t in the Reagan years “trust but verify” we are in the “don’t trust and try to verify.”
For me, seeing and hearing the President last night was so refreshing and uplifting. While absolutely nothing has changed with the rigged election and by all accounts it doesn’t look as though anything will, seeing a real President speak so clearly and look so invigorated lifted my spirits.
What a sharp contrast between “our” President and the tired old man with obvious medical issues who currently and might I say, temporarily occupies the White House.
Just so y’all don’t think I am some sort of Trump cult member that views him as some God or something, I don’t. He’s not a perfect man, there is no such thing. He made mistakes during his time in office and who hasn’t? How could you not? Especially someone like him who hasn’t spent his life in politics learning the skills of deception and silver tongue speak.
Isn’t it his plain talk that endears him to the American people? It is for me. I am not a guy impressed by big fancy words that 90% of the population doesn’t even know the meaning of. I am not moved by long flowery speeches either. I believe most people feel the same way. Just tell us how you really feel, don’t hold back. We’ll get it and appreciate it. If the damn sky is falling for God’s sake tell us so we at least have a chance to go down into the basement. That is what President Trump does and why millions of us like him and miss him. Those that are offended by his plain talk, sometimes in your face talk or tweet just don’t get it and never will. It seems they live their lives almost wanting to live in a fake world where they’d rather be lied to if it makes them feel good than to hear the cold hard truth so they can prepare. “Tell me you love me even if you don’t.” It’s nonsense. It’s only words without meaning. As you know most politicians are convinced they are smarter than you. They live in the “You can’t handle the truth” world. These are the very people who couldn’t change a flat tire if their lives depended upon it.
Last night the President must have made me smile and laugh at least ten times. When was the last time you smiled seeing or listening to the jackass in the White House now? Not once unless it was laughing at him not with him.
Favorite quotes; “In six weeks we’ve gone from America First to America last” Fact Check – Truth
“The Biden Administration has rejoined the Paris Agreement, why would they do that? I’ll tell you why, because they’re stupid.” Fact Check -Truth
“They used COVID as a way to cheat in the election and everyone knows it.” Fact Check – Truth
“The election was rigged and the judges and Supreme court didn’t want to do anything about it, they were cowards” Fact Check – Truth
“Our children need to get back to school and get back now!” Fact Check – Truth
“Biden didn’t talk about all the things he is now doing to hurt this Country, why didn’t he say any of this? Actually, we didn’t know what the hell he was saying” Fact Check -Truth
See how easy it is to understand what he is saying? And of these few quotes which among them do you disagree with? If you are a Biden supporter, if there really is such a thing, you disagree with them all I guess but if that’s how you honestly feel, you can’t possibly pass a drug test.
Outside of CPAC the streets were lined with Trump supporters waving their flags and wearing their MAGA hats. This too was a welcomed and uplifting sight. Isn’t it interesting the fake President who we are told got more votes than any President “ever” has never, not ever, had people lining the streets to cheer him on? It’s a shame folks!
That’s about it. I just wanted to share how great it was for me to have my spirits lifted last night, even for only a brief period of time. For the first time since the sham rigged election I laughed and cheered because I heard “our” President confirm the feelings I have about the whole thing. Not just the rigged election but just as importantly all of the good that was accomplished during his time in office. It was a reminder of just how great the country was and how great it could be again. He reminded us what can be accomplished and he repeated the best is yet to come.
While I still question how that will be possible under the current circumstances. President Trump outlined how it is possible. Unlike 99% of the politicians in Washington, last night he didn’t bounce around the number one issue in this country; which is bringing back election integrity. If we don’t have faith that our votes count we don’t have a country. We can talk about 2022 and 2024 all we want. It will mean nothing unless we fix how we vote. He knows that better than anyone.
I don’t know about you but I was left with the impression that the President will indeed run again in 2024. Whether he does or doesn’t he will have a huge impact on up-coming elections for sure. The love for this President will endure for a lifetime. Never before has a President had such support. “We love you, we love you”, will we ever hear that chant again for an American President? I think not. History will record this movement.

Mr Dan again you wrote exactly what all Patriots were thinking.. I can’t tell you how many times I jumped out of my chair and stood and clapped and shouted whooo hoot.. “Do You Miss Me Yet” started it.. I also believe that he will not lead us down a wrong path. If he said he’s in this with us. Then I know for fact he has to clean up this demonrat mess before he can take his rightful place. The swamp needs to be terminated not dismissed or hangers there. And that goes with the POS Rhino’s they all have to go. And do I trust it can be done OH HELL YEAH.
When biden crime boss was in Texas (which NO ONE wanted him to even come) There were four people that met him at the airport one man being in a wheel chair and the other’s I think were the enemy of the people.. He did nothing for Texas except bend us over and didn’t even take us out for dinner or use Vaseline…while he was here, he looked like a damn fool he had no idea why he was there or were he was. That short video of him proved this. I think his wife is a douche bag allowing this to happen to him. She must hate this man.
Thanks again Mr Dan always great to take a break from life.
Love your responses Jan and so appreciate them and you. The man doesn’t even know he’s alive. Unlike Dr. Jill (what a joke) my wife will know when to pull the plug on me! LOL
I also was uplifted and reinvigorated by President Trump’s CPAC speech. He was on target and hit all the highlights. It was more than a HINT that he would be running the party as well as heading the ticket for 2024. Donald Trump is not a politician and never will be, but he is an American Patriot who will get that swamp out of government in DC in time. Trump made and kept the promises; he was winning. He loves life with our Constitution, traditions, culture, freedoms and is not interested in the radicalized left nor the pomposity of the elitists in the GOP. Those who are running scared of Trump are part of an old boys/girls network who worked more for themselves and didn’t want to work for the good of all the way Donald Trump did. I hope it is OK with you for me to share this on Facebook with a few friends. If not, I will take it down.
I’m honored you want to share Frances. Thank you. I appreciate your response as well. Right on target. Especially liked the “old boys club” comment. You couldn’t be more right. They sure didn’t like the billionaire businessman up in their business did they. Onward we go, the fight continues…