Chuck & Nancy refuse to attend the meeting

So, you heard the story yesterday right? Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi were no-shows for the meeting with the President and the two republican leaders. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed tax bill.

Early Tuesday morning, well before the meeting, President Trump tweeted “Chuck and Nancy are for open borders, weak on the military and illegals. I don’t see a deal.”

This morning all over the internet the headlines read “Chuck and Nancy refused to go to meeting after Trump attacked them!”

Here’s my two cents:  First off, I hardly call President Trump’s tweet an attack. These two, so called Democratic leaders are crybabies. All Trump did was set the stage for the meeting with them. His tweet was letting them and us know that he is not interested in open borders, illegals walking the streets of America and not interested in lack of funding for the military. Fat boy Kim of North Korea actually did the President a favor (hey maybe there is collusion there. We better investigate) by shooting off another rocket.  That only proved the President’s point that building up the military is more important than ever.

Their absence reminded me of a school boy telling his mommy that some other boy was mean to him so he isn’t going to school today. Seriously though, this was truly childish. I guess, somehow, they think this was showing how strong they are, they took a stance, “we refuse to let the President insult us anymore.”  Of all people to talk about insults, the Dems have done nothing but insult the President from day one and not by some tweet but in front of microphones. Impeach the President, they decry. Sure, impeach him for what? Because you don’t like him or don’t agree with him? I hate to sound like Fox News but, they are OK with all the stunts Hillary, Bill and Obama pulled over the last eight years but, Trump should be impeached? No hypocrisy there…

It’s stuff like this that makes the Democrats look so stupid and why they lost the election in the first place but, I digress.

In the real world, wouldn’t a stunt  like Chuck and Nancy pulled have gotten them fired or at least written up.

Example:  A large company with shareholders. The CEO calls a meeting with his top four executives. Knowing that two of these executives do not see eye to eye with him, the CEO sends out a memo letting the company, the shareholders and these two know exactly what his stance is. Like Chuck and Nancy, neither show for the meeting because in their eyes they were “attacked.”

Same question, are they fired, do they quit? Worse, have they let their shareholders down? Yes they have because some of the shareholders agree with their stance and not the CEO’s. But, because they didn’t show up, there is no discussing their concerns nor their ideas. There is no back and forth, and zero chance of somehow convincing the CEO to see their side of anything.  The CEO moves forward with his/her plans.

The reality is, the two attending the meeting may have had a few good things to bring to the table for their shareholders, they might have been able to help the CEO see things differently making whatever plans he/she had even better.  But, the shareholders, the CEO and the two executives will never know, will they? Because instead of a good ole fashion debate, these two took their handkerchiefs and hid in their offices instead of doing their jobs.

I don’t see how the stunt these two so called Democratic leaders pulled is any different than my example.  But, in Washington you get away with crap like this. I think both Chuck and Nancy should resign! They let half of the entire country down by not attending the meeting.

What do I know? I feel like Trump is willing to deal with anyone to be successful. He wants these tax cuts for America and for him personally in order to put a W on the board. Both of these leaders had an opportunity at least to try to debate and get some of what they want. Instead they got nothing but a news conference.

I completely believe that President Trump does not want to kick the dreamers out of the country. Like a smart businessman however, he is playing hard ball and using this issue to make sure he gets the things done that won him the election.  In this case tax cuts and a big, beautiful wall.

Author: admin

The editor of Let Me Jump in places himself in the category of being like any other normal American. He has worked his whole life, paid his own way, honors his family and friends and cares a great deal about America. Overall very conservative as well as open minded. Editor feels it is important to share his common sense toward everyday topics. Editor is concerned the country isn't always headed in the best direction and very concerned with the state of Washington and politics in general.