Well friends, November 3rd has come and gone. I am old enough to remember when the first Tuesday in November was the day America voted and then went home to watch the results. Yeah, I remember the hiccup we had in 2000 with Bush vs. Gore but that was one state and really, one county in one state. This election mess is countrywide. Truth be told, I don’t even believe the numbers from the states where the President has been declared winner. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, I don’t care. I saw what I saw throughout the year. Thousands upon thousands of folks coming out for the President while brain-dead, hidin’ Biden stayed in his basement, zero enthusiasm, no ground game at all (no knocking on doors) nothing. Yet we are expected to believe that good ole do nothing Biden received more votes than the first black President, Mr. Popular himself, Obama. That’s how stupid the Democrats, the Media and all the snakes in-between think you are. Truth is, they don’t give a crap what you think. The fix is in and has been for a long time.

The Democrats have cheated in every election. The fact is that the first so called “mail in ballot” scheme first raised its ugly head during Lincoln’s election. Look it up! The 2018 midterm election was the latest test run for ballot harvesting. Y’all know what that is, right? That’s where the state mails out ballots to everyone on their old and out-dated voter rolls. Then they send out volunteers, well, paid volunteers to collect them.
Volunteer: Ding dong “Hi, we mailed you a ballot, did you return it yet?”
Voter: “No.”
Volunteer: “Do you still have it?”
Voter: “No, I threw it out”.
Volunteer: “No problem, lots of folks did, I have one here if you’d fill it out and I am authorized by the state to deliver it for you.” (And for all we know, it could have been “I am authorized to give you $100 to complete it today”…
Voter: “Ok!”
The voter fills it out and for this example, he votes for President Trump. Did that ballot make it back to the state? Did the volunteer accidently drop it? Did they ask the person at the door for ID? Did they verify the signature? Did they even go to the door or did they just fill out the ballot themselves? They know who returned them and who didn’t so…
This was the Democrats dry run in 2018. In historical Republican Orange County in LA not one Republican won election. In fact, some were winning by the end of the night but then came the mail in ballots. Um, where have I heard this before?
These people aren’t even good cheaters. Look at the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. They left evidence laying around all over the place. Text messages, memos, phone calls, emails all proving it was one big scam. Seriously, they remind me of the kid in school who always gets failing grades. He gets some smart girl to do his paper for him, turns it into the teacher and gets an A+. First A+ his entire life. Does the teacher believe it? No and nor should you believe what the Democrats and Media are shoving down your throats right now.
So Fox News doesn’t call the state of Florida with over 90% of the vote in for President Trump but they called Arizona with less than 5% of the vote in for Biden. Why? Because they were setting the stage for Biden. They wanted the country to see the momentum was with Biden, they wanted Trump voters to give up and go home. Hell they called California, Washington State and Oregon before the polls even closed. Not that this was a big guess or anything but again, it was designed to confuse and depress the Trump voter and prepare the entire country for a Biden win. These asshats are rotten to the core and should never be trusted, including the once conservative Fox News.
During the impeachment of President Trump Nasty Nancy Pelosi said;

Just a few weeks prior to the election Hidin Biden, sleepy Joe said;

During the first debate and again in the second debate the President warned everyone about mail in ballots warning that if these ballots were allowed, the election would be a mess filled with fraud. Well guess what…
The President supposedly won more black and Hispanic votes than any Republican before him, yet he’s losing. “It’s the economy stupid” famously noted in every election in my lifetime. The President delivered the best economy ever yet he is losing. Hundreds of thousands of people, both Republican and Democrats stood in line for days to hear him speak. Thousands upon thousands of boats displaying support for the President, a hundred mile long Trump caravan, caravans in every state, blue and red supporting the president, yet he is losing. Democrat run cities throughout the country have been on fire, riots for months, looting, businesses vandalized, people killed, yet the Republican President is losing. Senate and House Republicans gained seats, yet the President is losing. The President is losing to “not” arguably the worst candidate ever to run for President. He can’t speak, he has no energy, and he’s lost every time he has run before to far less dynamic opponents and that’s when you could understand what the hell he was saying. Certainly not opponents who drew the crowds like the President does. The President gets two million more votes than he did in 2016 yet he is losing. Joe Biden is not Barrack Obama, he’s not Bill Clinton, not even close, yet he’s received more votes than any Presidential candidate in our 230 year history. “Come on Man!”
The Democrats are sadly mistaken if they think this President is going to roll over. This isn’t Mitt Romney or any sissy from the GOP, this is Donald J Trump and no one, no one likes a fight more. Sadly though, and scary as hell it won’t come down to that, it will come down to the best lawyers.

I’ll finish by saying, if we allow this election to be taken from us via mail-in ballots and pure voter fraud via illegal votes we will have lost our Nation forever. There will never be another Republican President.
None of this should be a surprise to anyone. Disappointed? Sure. Mad as hell? You bet. Surprised? NO. This election is nothing more than the same he and we have been made to endure for the last four years. The gang of eight (The hateful Left, the media, big tech, FBI, DOJ, CIA, Hollywood and RINO Republicans have been after this President from day one. We pray the gang of two (The President and the people) prevail once again.
He’s my President and;

This is a DG Educational Moment:
The media in this country does not decide who wins elections.
This has been another DG Educational Moment.
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