It’s So Damn Hard To Watch

What is? All of it is. It makes me sad really, sad to see how they have treated him and are treating him. And honestly, it’s really not just him, it’s us, it’s our fellow Americans, you know who I’m talking about, people like you, people who care about the country, each other and only desire to have peace, security and a pathway toward their dreams. 

The government has turned on us and with the help of the media, the Hollywood pukes and those evil bastards pulling all the strings behind the curtain, or rather from the darkness of the sewer, overcoming these obstacles seems nearly impossible at times, most of the time actually.

As troubling, perhaps even more so are the millions of Americans who either refuse to see it all or simply don’t have the mental capacity. I honestly couldn’t say what it is, what is it that keeps them under this spell, this dirty, dishonest, spell that prevents them from seeing the dirty deeds these people are doing. I personally know some of these people as I suspect you do as well. They’ve led successful careers, raised wonderful families and seem to have a genuine concern for our committees and even the country. How I ask? How do you do this and feel this way all while condoning, hell, not just condoning but supporting such evil? They seem to be so engaged with the media that they lean on their every word. What is an obvious lie to you and me is the complete unquestionable truth to them. How did we get so far apart? 

Then there is the black community. These folks, the majority of them, have stood with the Democrats over all the years of my life, all those years of being held back and treated as second class citizens. You know, those individuals that the Left would have us believe cannot operate a computer, have no access to the internet and the topper, unable to obtain an ID. These Democrats accuse this group of Americans of such things and much worse. I would think these accusations would be insulting at the very least, demeaning for sure yet, each year over 70 plus I’ve watch them stand with the Democrats. How can you support Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and the Sharptons of this world? You cannot convince me that these people are stupid. Again, I know many, and again, they’re bright, well spoken, and well meaning. Many that I know have served the country in uniform for God’s sake and yet, they vote as they do. I’ll say it again, it’s hard to watch.

This is the man they claim is evil, the one who only cares about himself, consoling Cory Comperatore’s family. Cory was killed during the attempted Trump assassination. Cory believed in Trump and his family believed in Cory. 

They’ve taken a man who before he was ever in politics they adored, who they turned to for donations to help them maintain their power in Washington and turned him into just the opposite or worse than what he truly is. It has been a full court press since the famous ride down the escalator, it’s been an all hands on deck operation to turn the American people away from him and with sadness I’d say they’ve been successful. To say it’s been hard to watch is an understatement really. None of what’s been reported, NONE, is true. No collusion, no attempt to take down democracy which between you and me, I’m convinced they don’t even know what democracy is. He didn’t happen to run into that woman and jump her bones in some dressing room. That’s insane and anyone believing it, any of the “it” are themselves insane. 

Can you believe this country is even considering electing Kamala Harris? Seriously, are we in some sort of deep dark nightmare? How on earth is this even possible? How can so many be so stupid? How does one make it through life yet believe anything coming from this woman? And just where on earth have they been these past four years? The things that Biden (with Kamala’s full approval and assistance) has done to this country, to our people is beyond unacceptable yet millions will cast their vote for this puppet.

Not one vote… Note one stinking vote! Democracy huh… please.

I’ll end this rambling rant of mine by talking for just a minute about the hurricane and the utter ignorance of the current administration to care for our people. One could argue this hurricane from a political perspective was nothing less than a gift to Harris. She was handed an opportunity to shine, to appear as the all caring, to come across as a brilliant leader bringing all those in this bloated government together to provide relief like never before, all just days before the nation’s election. Even her puppet masters, who equally hate the south and the American people in general weren’t smart enough to guide her. While days went by she stayed on the campaign trail and the money sucking trail. 

All those hard earned tax dollars gone. Gone to Ukraine, gone in support of the illegals, student debt and you know, the whole ‘build back better’ bullshit. And they wonder why we call them the anti-America party.

Seven Hundred and fifty dollars huh… I see the homes, the businesses, the people and just shudder to think how their lives have been impacted. Hard to watch? Indeed my friends, indeed.

Somehow, someway we’ve got to take this country back. We cannot, we simply must not allow all of this, any of this to continue. We often hear this is the most important election of our lifetime. I don’t know if that is true or not but I can tell you, it sure as hell feels like it, doesn’t it? How on earth does this country survive another rigged election? How do we survive another four years under the hidden sewer dwellers? We are about to finish the most embarrassing, none productive, anti-American administration of our lifetime. The thought of its continuation, well, let’s just say, it’ll be hard to watch and even harder to survive.

Continue to pray for our country friends. The mess we find ourselves in is going to take every last breath we have and a whole lot of blessings from the man above. To repair the damage we’ve endured in this country we are going to need Trump and another Trump-alike after him. Let’s not get the cart ahead of the horse, first we re-elect “our” President and we don’t take no for an answer!

No Trump, No Country

Author: admin

The editor of Let Me Jump in places himself in the category of being like any other normal American. He has worked his whole life, paid his own way, honors his family and friends and cares a great deal about America. Overall very conservative as well as open minded. Editor feels it is important to share his common sense toward everyday topics. Editor is concerned the country isn't always headed in the best direction and very concerned with the state of Washington and politics in general.

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