Another Political Firestorm

The week started out with a bipartisan meeting at the White House to discuss immigration.  It was the closest we’ll ever get to a love-fest. As Sean Hannity from Fox News said, “Hell has frozen over.” Even a few of the left wing fake news media outlets gave the President credit for the meeting. Like a CEO, clearly in charge, he let everyone talk and share their opinions. This was a brilliant move on the part of the President because he was just moving away from the “Fire & Fury” fiction novel which gave the Left more fire and fury against the President. They were actually talking about impeachment again, because of a “tell all” book… I kept tweeting to the liberals, “don’t believe everything you read”.  Guess what, listening is not one of their strengths. Inviting the press to the meeting was brilliant. No one, after watching the meeting, could say that Trump doesn’t have all of his marbles.  That’s for sure.

During the meeting, the President couldn’t have been clearer in terms of what he wanted. He also let them know that he intended on signing anything they came up with. This is a classic move from the Chief Executive (President), let the group actually feel like the decision is completely up to them. The dunce Dems in the room and (to be fair) some of the dunce republicans took his words literally.

Based on their proposal a few days later, they forgot the list of things that were a must for the President. During their presentation a few days later, I am guessing that the President, all but “lost it”.  The proposal was so horrible, so far from what he expected, and so far from what he had requested, that he couldn’t control his anger. Somewhere around this time (still guessing obviously) is when the President asked “why do we have to take all these people in from shithole countries, why can’t we take people from Norway?” Norway came up because earlier in the day he had met with the President of Norway.  He could have mentioned any country but Norway was top-of-mind.

I don’t know about you, but whenever I’ve attended an executive meeting, what is said in the room stays in the room. This is a good policy because it allows for an open dialog of ideas. To no surprise, things don’t work this way in Washington and that was Trumps biggest mistake. The enemies in the room couldn’t wait to get out of the meeting and run to the media.

When will he learn that he can’t always speak the truth,              not out loud anyway

The rest of the week was dominated by media interpretation of what the Dems claimed had occurred in that meeting. It took Trump nearly two days to tweet a rebuttal and the Republicans, two of them, said they didn’t “recall” the President using those words.  Weak.

In my opinion Trump probably did used the language he was being accused of using. The Dems and their co-workers, the left wing media, went wild and called the President’s remarks, what else? Racist. At one point during the week my favorite democratic senator, Nancy Pelosi (favorite? Not!), came to the microphones and proceeded to say, “Why are five white guys deciding what our immigration policy should be?” Then in her attempt to be funny she referred to the Five Guy’s food chain. The trouble is, some of the five guys were her fellow democrats, one of which was her Number Two. He wasn’t happy. Even still, the left wing media didn’t say a peep about this truly racist comment from Ms. Pelosi and instead kept up their onslaught against the President.

The President is always getting in trouble for speaking his mind and worse, speaking the truth. These countries he called shitholes are, well, shitholes. How this is racist though is beyond this simple minded American.  He didn’t say the people in these countries where shitheads or holes, he said the countries they come from are. Just because the people living next to me live in a shithole house doesn’t mean I think they are shitholes.  (So sorry about the language here.)  His point was that these countries are dumps thus the people cannot be the best and brightest the world has to offer which is what he wants for America. The color of their skin had zero to do with any of this. Look, he shouldn’t have said it, I get that but that’s the way he talks, that’s who he is, that’s what got him elected. People, myself included, are tired of the PC politicians and tired of America always being on the losing end of every situation. We elected him because we really do want to make America Great Again. We really are concerned for our safety. Never the less, the President started out having a brilliant week and then he proceeded to step in it. When will he learn that he can’t always speak the truth … not out loud anyway.

The most amazing thing to me is that the Democrats are now threatening to allow the Government to shut down unless the DACA people are given amnesty. Think about that. The Dems are willing to hurt legal American citizens including our military in favor of illegal, non-citizens from shithole countries. That my friends is your democratic party. Votes are that important to them.

The good thing about all of this, actually there are a couple of good things, is that there is now a chance the DACA people will have to go home because there will be no deal. That’s a win for America as far as I am concerned. The other great news coming out of this is that Maxine Waters and Mr. Lewis, both democrats, both perhaps the biggest racists in congress have announced they will not attend the State of the Union this year because of the shithole comment. I guess the President truly is a stable genius smarter than he gets credit for and don’t be confused, his comments and the Left’s swipes against him only further energize his base of deplorables.

Author: admin

The editor of Let Me Jump in places himself in the category of being like any other normal American. He has worked his whole life, paid his own way, honors his family and friends and cares a great deal about America. Overall very conservative as well as open minded. Editor feels it is important to share his common sense toward everyday topics. Editor is concerned the country isn't always headed in the best direction and very concerned with the state of Washington and politics in general.