I Get It, I don’t

I get the desire to hold onto power. I get that once you have it you’re going to go all in to keep it. Most people would agree with that. What I don’t get is just how far some will go. I mean, these Leftist nut jobs will go all the way and then, without an ounce of hesitation, and zero regret, they go even further. They will literally cut a deal with Satan himself (is it okay to depict Satan as a ‘he’ or is that now crossing the line? Guess I should have said he/she huh? Idiots.), in order to rule the roost. Flood the nation with illegals, some who are murderers, some are rapists, some are human traffickers, drug smugglers and yes, some just want a better life. If that’s not bad enough, they take citizen’s (that would be us) money and use it to house, educate, feed and provide medical care for those people and they do all of that while giving them drivers licenses and promoting job programs for them.  Worse, they do it while knowing millions of their very own citizens are in need themselves. Vets under bridges, homeless on the streets, single moms sleeping in their car hoping someone hires them tomorrow. That’s the kind of “going further” stuff I am referencing here. Like I said, I understand wanting to hold onto power, but I don’t get to what level of lies and filth they will go. These “people” are truly some evil, selfish, blood sucking sons-a-bitches.

There’s simply no end to which they will go to maintain their hold over us.

This ding-dong running for President makes her number one policy platform about women’s health which as you know, is code for abortion. Once again, I get this being an important issue among women. What I don’t get is how so many women can get behind that lame brain and ignore everything else going on around them. Do you mean to tell me these women are so hell bent on having the ability to kill their babies anytime and anywhere they are willing to just overlook the rest of the nightmares that knee pad represents? Wars breaking out around the world! Whatever, I want this baby out of me. Four dollars for a dozen eggs! Sky rocketing fuel prices, no gas stove for you and, you’ll drive an electric car and whatever you do, DO NOT go out after dark in any Democrat run city in America. Why? Because it’s bad for, well, “women’s health” that’s why. I don’t care, I want an abortion and I want it now!  Any woman in this country who is willing to risk the complete destruction of this country and the ruin of her very own family  just so she can abort her baby needs to have her head examined. The worst part of all of this “women’s health” bullshit is that nobody is going to stop them from getting the care they need and idiot-for-brains isn’t going to make aborting babies up and through the ninth month legal. Besides all of that, she doesn’t give a shit about these women. It’s the power thing and that is all it is.

I suppose I get why half of the country are Democrats. The word, “suppose” being the key word. The Democrat party has done an exceptional job convincing the low information voter which, sadly, represents millions of Americans that they are the party of the people, of the middle class, of the worker, of the black person, of the Hispanic person and yes the woman. What I don’t get and never will is that after decades upon decades these voters still believe that crap. One would think after years of being held back, years of broken promises, years on the welfare line, they’d say enough is enough. Do these people truly think these politicians care about them? If the answer is yes the question has to be; Why?

Pictured above: The typical leftist Democrat sinking further and further in debt and destitute.

As I write all of this it might appear as though I have some confidence in our voting system. While I make a pitch for these Democrats to use their brains (I know, I know) when voting, the reality is, I don’t think their vote matters anymore than my own. Does anyone truly think these evil doers, these power brokers, these filthy scum suckers are going to allow the people to decide who runs their/I mean our, country? Do you really think they are going to willingly give up their hold on us? Who among you believe that these people, who damn well know are going to be held accountable for their filth with a President Trump back in office are going to leave any stone unturned, which is code for “cheating.” I don’t. Oh I hold on to hope and some miracle like in 2016 but sadly I admit I am of little faith.  I simply don’t trust these bastards and nothing or no one can change how I feel about this which quite honestly makes it that much worse. I want, oh do I ever, to be wrong, to be surprised, to be beyond happy, goose bump happy on election day but, my mind, body and soul won’t allow me these thoughts because the disappointment is more than I want to take on. I’ll vote of course and I know you will too and then we will live through those terrifying hours and sadly days afterwards to see who the media and the evil doers choose. It’s exhausting, maddening, and well, just wrong! 

We can only do what we can do right? Like I said, I get (sort of) why so many have a chill running up their leg over just the thought of electing the first ever woman as President. What I don’t get is why this woman. Other than her indeed being a woman, what is it about her that anyone finds attractive as our President? Joyful? Hopeful? Or for God’s sake, Qualified? No, no and hell NO! 

Well, poop, once again friends I send much thanks for y’all putting up with my rants. With every passing day it becomes harder and harder to write about the insanity we are made to endure these days. If it weren’t for my great family, all you friends, being able to get out and golf and watch a Trump rally now and then I don’t know what I’d do. LOL Here’s to all the good in our lives and a double shot for all the great things that can be. Make America Great! Yeah, let’s do that!!! 

He’s pointing at you and me telling us to get out and vote. Don’t worry Mr. President, we will, that I can tell you. What happens after that God only knows.