After watching the debate (painful) and now watching the reactions from both sides of the political spectrum this (just what did you expect) is the question that comes to mind. I mean did everyone on the right expect Trump to waltz onto the stage and blow Kami into bits and pieces? Did anyone think they were going to come away really understanding what it is the little communist stands for? Then there are the two moderators (we need a better title) from, of all places, ABC. Did someone think they were going to ask good questions, play it down the middle, you know, be fair?
The only way Trump was ever going to tear Kami a new one was by her being made to answer questions and not just stupid questions that were tee’d up for her but real questions the American people want answers to like; You’ve allowed 15 million illegals into the country, in some cases your administration flew them into the country. Thanks to your policies, these very same people are now receiving benefits greater than the American citizens themselves. How do you explain this to the American people? Then when she attempts not to answer the question as she did at every turn the other night, the moderators should not let her off the hook until they got an answer. You see, it’s her real, honest answer that exposes who she really is and it’s the very thing that would have allowed Trump to pounce. But then again, these debates aren’t about getting answers are they? Nope, these debates are yet another form of election interference, in other words, they are another form of cheating. Millions of Americans watch this shit show and when they turned off the TV they (I’m speaking of the so-called undecided voters who have to be the stupidest people on the planet) walk away believing Trump lied throughout the night and Harris was just great, composed, presidential and you know, joyful… And guess what, when you know the moderators have your back, when you know they aren’t going to fact check you, aren’t going to ask follow-up questions and know that you don’t have to give real answers you’d be relaxed and joyful too.

Trump came off as being angry… no shit Sherlock, who in the hell wouldn’t be? I don’t even know how he’s able to maintain any composure under these types of settings, much less knowing the state of affairs going on in this country. I know I can’t. Y’all should thank your lucky stars you didn’t have to sit in my living room listening to me as the bullshit spewed out of the three people on stage debating the President. Hell, it wasn’t a debate it was another “get Trump” hour.
Everyone on the planet knows damn well he isn’t going to get a fair shake with the media. Well, everyone with even the size of a pea for a brain anyway. So why does the RNC put him in these awful positions of having to debate the moderators with one hand while attempting to expose the lies and filth of his opponent(s) with the other? I’ll tell you why, because the only difference between the RNC and the DNC are the letters in the alphabet. To be honest, I really don’t know why Trump agrees to them either. I know in my heart of hearts that “if” the election is fair (don’t get me started) Trump wins and wins big. Does he really think he needs to bring over these independent voters who have yet to decide who they are voting for? Screw them, if they don’t know, after these past three cluster fuck years they probably don’t even know how to get out of bed much less to the voting booth. Sorry for the language but I don’t have the capacity to describe these morons any other way.
Personally I see no value whatsoever in having these debates. Maybe the Biden debate was important just to expose to even his stupid supporters that the man’s brain is dead but other than that, I see zero value and even that, those idiot supporters are happy with anyone but Trump so what’s the point? And don’t forget, the ONLY reason there was a Biden debate was so when they kicked him to the curb it looked perfectly fine. To the morons in this country…
The debates do however have great value to the Democrat candidate because they are staged and well crafted to ensure the outcome is exactly the way they want it. I mean you have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see what they do. “Mr. President, why are you a liar, a cheater, a racist and a threat to democracy? “I’m not and” Mic cut. Ms. Vice President, why do you think the President is a liar, cheater, racist and a threat to democracy?” “Because he is!” And then she’s allowed to go on for the next ten minutes lying, cheating and pretending she’s not a racist, which of course means she’s not a threat to democracy right? It’s a shit show from start to finish and always will be as long as no one is held accountable AND (this is the part that makes your head explode) the only person who will hold them accountable is Trump… Seriously, someone just give me some good drugs so I can make all this stupidity float away.

So my friends I once again ask “Just what did you expect?” And speaking of “once again” I have once again managed to tell you “stuff” you already knew. How many times have you seen me post “we are surrounded by complete morons in this country?” Well, damn it, we are! LOL

This has to be the election of all elections where the choice is as clear as the blue sky above.
If you dislike the high prices you’re having to pay for “everything”, if you want a secure border, if you want your kids to live the American dream, afford a home, send their kids to safe schools where they are taught reading, writing and arithmetic not gender studies with tampons in the boys bathroom. If you dislike wars, don’t want to be told what kind of car you can drive or being made to pay for other people’s loans and should you be one of those weird people who’d like to feel safe anywhere you go in your country and prefer to have criminals held accountable for their actions then Trump is the only answer. If however none of the things above are important to you, in fact if the only things important to you are abortions and seeing the first Asian, or Black women, whatever she claims to be today, then Harris is indeed the answer to your deep, deep ideals…

Seems pretty clear to me but hey, I happen to be one of those people who proudly display the flag on the front porch, pay my taxes on time, vote in every election, and make my own damn decisions. I am about as easy going of a guy as you’ll ever know until you start shoving your beliefs down my throat and insisting I bow to your ideals. I bow only to God well, and to my wife because she too makes my life better in every way. I am just another red hat wearing good ole boy who only wants what’s best for my family and for you. The “for you” is what makes us so different from the others…
God bless you friends, God bless President Trump and don’t stress too much. We are either going to get a fair election or we won’t. We’ll cross that bridge soon and like we always do, we will rise to the occasion whatever it is. #Trump2020ToSaveAmerica