They Never Stopped

Have you noticed the posts on X that ask, do you think they’ll cheat in the election again? Reading through the responses it becomes apparent that yes, most engaged folks do indeed think the Left will cheat.

Here’s the thing, I don’t believe they ever stopped cheating. The very machine that stole the 2020 election is alive and well. The money changers and their employees in DC and of course their lower paid troops in the media haven’t gone anywhere. They continue to collect their pennies from the power brokers and continue to do their bidding. Meanwhile the powerful elite dudes remain quietly in the background pulling those levers of communism, socialism and their favorite, the filth lever and when necessary their all time favorite, the race lever. They pull the lever and their employees (mentioned above) jump into action. Right now it’s “joy, joy, joy” across the wide spectrum within the media. You hear the same thing from all the paid stooges. You know, because Kami is such a joyful loving person and all… Which as you and I know goes to the whole, “Lipstick on a pig” thing.

Once they had their two puppets installed in 2020 they just kept the cheating alive. Once Joe ran his usefulness dry they kicked him aside and moved on with puppet number two. Who by the way, again thanks to their paid troops, turned the once stupid, laughing stock of the country, who couldn’t garner 1% of her own party’s vote into a vibrant, popular, highly intelligent, visionary. Speaking of “by the way” she didn’t change, she’s still a laughing stock and dumber than a bag of rocks but the evil doers can always count on the low information voters to come to their rescue to validate the most insane message they put out there. Besides, their lies can’t be lies right? The media says they’re all true. You’ve heard me say many times, “we’re surrounded by stupid people” and boy howdy, is that ever true.

Thousands gather to welcome the very person for whom they didn’t vote for and had no role in having her become their nominee. Guess we’re not the only ones surrounded by stupid…

I’m convinced that the Left could care less how many vote for their installed candidate. The plan is to fake their puppets popularity (which they are doing as we speak) so when they declare her the winner (via all the fake ballots they printed) it appears to the morons in this country completely legit. And, like in 2020, the media will be more than happy to collect their checks as they validate this remarkable, and historic don’t you know, win by the nation’s first female president of color. Which color? That depends on the day and what works best for the narrative at that time. Right? Of course, right. 

Is this not true? Did they not pick the most disliked, distrusted person who hasn’t accomplished anything ever except to sleep her way to the top as their candidate? That shows you just how much they don’t fear the American voter. 

Just to finish up on the thought that they have never stopped cheating. If you don’t agree with that then explain to me how it’s possible the polls have the race neck-n-neck or even show Harris leading among questions like “Who is the most honest” Harris… or “Who do you trust with the economy?” Harris. Trump who made promises and kept them, Trump who delivered a great economy just four years ago is suddenly being challenged by a person who hasn’t delivered, well, anything. Will they cheat again? THEY ALREADY ARE!! If they aren’t cheating right now how come the media hasn’t demanded Harris sit down for an interview? How come tampon Timmy hasn’t been forced to drop out of the race or at the very least been called to the mat about the stolen valor or ties to China or hell, keep it simple, why did you let your city burn, protect the rioters and why aren’t they reminding the country Kami worked to post bail for the few that were arrested, because they are cheating.

As I’ve said a million times, these sons-a-bitches ain’t gonna let the voters decide who our next President is. I believe it will truly be an act of God himself if Trump is ever allowed to step foot in the White House again. To say that this is a war between good and evil is an understatement. Will this judge in September send him off to prison? Some say if he does it will be handing him (Trump) the Presidency. I don’t believe that at all. The evil doers have picked the next President. It doesn’t matter what some leftist dipshit judge does no more than it matters what Kamala shit for brains does. She can get her ass handed to her in the debate (if there ever is one) and it won’t matter. We already know the media will declare her the winner so that the low level dip-thong Democrat voters will follow along like good little sheep. I’m sorry friends but as far as I can tell, this mother sucker of an election is in the almighty’s hands.

He’s pointing at you and me. Well, never fear Mr. President, we will have your back, we will vote for you and none of us, NONE of us have been fooled by the fools.

President Trump will continue to fight, fight, fight as he spreads his wisdom, his truths, his ideals and common sense. We’re voting for him whether he speaks another word or ends up behind bars and the evil doers on the other side will continue to do what they’ve been doing. Lying and cheating. Short of an all out civil war, the lines have been drawn. It’s down to us versus them. God is on our side and that, my friends, in the end, is our ace in the hole. God bless America, President Trump and each one of you. #FightFightFight

It’s Getting Hard To Breathe

I won’t speak for you but what we are watching in the country, for me at least, makes it hard to breathe. The level of stupidity among the electorate goes beyond any words this country-boy has to offer. Unless y’all want to hear four letter words it’s probably best I just shut the hell (oops) up because I’ve got nothing to say that will bring much hope into your lives.

Just the thought that we have people in this country who would vote for this installed bird brain of a woman is enough to make me lose what’s left of my mind. I mean, seriously, what could possibly be attractive about that woman? I suppose some will vote for her just because she’s a woman. That’s real smart huh, some because she’s Indian, some because she’s fake black and some because she’s not Trump. Obviously none of these brain dead people give a flying turd about the country. I’m not kidding, there is no way you can care about much of anything and vote for this political prostitute. 

Her slogan is “We’re Not Going Back”, while the idiots like the sound of that they ought to be on their knees (she can teach them how) begging to go back. As a kid, I could get on my bike in the morning and as long as I walked back into the house before dark I was good with Mom. Two minutes after dark? There’s trouble behind that door. Today’s kid can’t go for a bike ride without their parents following behind them in the car and I don’t blame them. How is it that these leftist dummies don’t see this as a problem? You know, these leftist dummies that actually allow the kid to be born in the first place. Good Lord…

With her she’s right, we’re not going back, we’re going to hell.

To be perfectly honest, I don’t know why these idiot voters bother me so much because in the end, just like the rest of us, I don’t believe they will have anything to do with who is elected. The evil doing money changers are in charge. They will decide, just as they decided to ram this liberal filthtress down the throats of the Democrats. Democracy is on full display huh? The difference between them and us is they are actually fine with having their candidate chosen for them. I reckon “thinking” is a bit, you know, painful for them so having their masters do the picking makes life easier for them.  

Here we are in 2024 and it feels just like 2020, same filthy players, same game plan, different year. During these years they’ve tried (still trying) to blame everything on Trump, they’re trying to jail him and even kill him. That’s how fearful they are of the man. As for these Democrat voters, they’re absolutely fine with all of the above and have no problem overlooking the little things like being an eyelash away from WWIII, unaffordable groceries, interest rates and fuel. As for the open border, Kami wants a come one, come all policy and yep, the idiots on the Left are fine with that too. Besides, remember all of that and every other ill in this country is Trump’s fault anyway. Right? Don’t believe me? Turn the TV on…

Seems like just two minutes ago the laughing hyena couldn’t get 3% of her own party’s vote… Maybe that’s what she means when she says “we’re not going back”.

While all the lipstick is being placed on the sow so the slow learners can soak it all up don’t y’all worry because broken brain has our back… holy shit batman. Yep, according to everything I hear we have the best economy in the world, Joe and Kami have reduced the influx of illegals to the lowest level ever and we are respected around the world like never before. As for jobs, oh man, these two are the best job creators to ever walk the face of earth. All the building back better is, well, just so great! How about all those non-racist new roads, and those new bridges, so awesome, and the diversity, so fantastic and such a relief? Thanks to these two clowns, I mean wonderful leaders I can use any bathroom I want, wrestle me a girl in the Olympics, chest feed, you know, if I decide to get pregnant and then decide to keep my baby. My body, my choice don’t you know! Under these wonderful caring democracy saving leaders I can spray paint a historic racist statue, burn cop cars and the flag, rob stores and best of all, I am so pleased to be able help pay off other peoples kids student loans. You know because we are “in it together”…

Yeah… he’s the weird one.

So there you have it friend. Another rant of many… Just between you and me, I WANT TO GO BACK and I WANT TO BREATHE AGAIN. We are watching another rigged up, screwed up election and that shouldn’t surprise anyone. They got away with it in 2020 thus leaving zero reason not to do it again. Quite frankly, I don’t know why they spend so much time going after Trump because no amount of votes can out do cheating. I guess having the appearance of fair elections is important to them although I don’t even know why. It’s not as though we are going to go all Venezuela on them and get out into the streets. If we were going to do that I would have thought it would happen following the fake impeachments or worse the 2020 election or even worse than that, when they shot our President.  Nope, by all accounts we so-called “conservatives” are willing to remain seated. Oh we (me included) will do plenty of yelling and crying from our seats. And these evil doers damn well know it. 

First they pick a guy to be President whose brain is fried. Then he picks an idiot who couldn’t get 3% of her own party’s vote. Neither of them even campaign really and they give them 81M votes. In three months, they’re going to hit the redo button. I swear if we end up with a Kamala dumb-ass Harris as President along with that socialist/communist VP pick of hers my breathing is going to be the least of my concerns. I’ll continue to pray for a miracle. I know y’all will too. In the meantime, buckle up cause it’s gonna get worse. One wonders how that’s even possible and every time I say that, it gets worse so… don’t ask. God Bless America, President Trump and you. 

They are working double time to make us forget about this. Not happening. Fight,Fight, Fight!