They think We’re Stupid & They Aren’t Wrong

The last time we spoke President Trump had just been shot and the calls for pudding brain to step down had calmed down. Fast forward to today and well, holy shit batman…  Anyone in this country who does not believe that this government will go to all ends in order to keep Trump out of the White House hasn’t been paying attention.

It certainly says a lot about the Democrat Party doesn’t it? I mean of the entire party of filth, lies and deceit Kamala Harris is who they put forward? If that doesn’t tell you how they feel about the American people I don’t know what does. It says “F-you” American citizens. It shows they don’t care what you think or for that matter what you do. They will install whomever they want, whenever they want. We can all scream, throw hissy fits & do whatever, but “whatever” is exactly their reaction.

This another one of those “funny not funny” memes… You know, because it’s true

As for the Democrat voters, they’re perfectly fine being told who their nominee is and they will gladly line up to vote as they are told and by the way, it’s true what they say, these people would vote for a slug if told to. Just look at them, they are all in for the very woman that only mustered 3% of her party’s vote in 2020. You know, the person who was first to drop out of the race because her polling was so abysmal. Ah but it just wasn’t her time yet I guess. The evil doers wanted to stick their hand up Joe’s ass first and once they wore his old wrinkled up butt out they had knee pad Harris to turn to next.  And Lord knows she’s happy to bend over. It’s sickening. The whole damn political/government thing is sickening. 

Will the first woman President be Kamala freaking Harris? This whole “hoping not” thing is about to wear “my” old butt out. What a complete slap in the face to women if they install this piece of lying, do nothing, liberal ewe into the White House. We have many women in this country who are serious, highly intelligent people but, this is the one to go down in the history books as the first? I’ll tell you what. These people make it hard to breathe sometimes, actually, most of the time.  There’s simply no end to the filth they come up with or the depth of corruption they are willing to engage in.

This one should scare everyone… she’s awful.

These people are so evil they are willing to, hell I don’t know, willing to leave the border wide open flooding the country with unknowns, willing to let them vote too! These people are so evil they are fine with inflation and fine buying oil from people who want us dead. High grocery prices, too bad, they’ve got wars to fund and pockets to fill. Hell, they might even take a shot at the very person millions of Americans cling to out of love for their country. Yep, as it’s always been with them, America last and whether you like it or not it is of zero concern to them and why should it be? What have we done to push back? Nothing! You’ve heard that rant before. Whatever, I’m getting tired of talking about it. We are watching the rigging and eventual stealing of yet another election in real time and the media, you bet, they’re happy to pitch in and do their part.

Once again, “funny not funny” Everything about the woman is wrong for America. Truth be told, I bet ole Joe would agree… “Come on Man!”

I’m sorry to again be a Debbie downer but I’ve got no energy for another year long “red wave” is coming shit show. I’ll be voting for Trump (duh) and encourage everyone I know to do the same but if you think, I think,  these evil SOBs are going to let our votes count well, you’d be wrong.

“Swamp the vote” how many times have I said “no amount of votes can beat cheating?” Many… and it remains true. By way of the media, all forms of the media you’d think Kamala Harris was the greatest thing ever and we all know these stupid, stupid people in this country are all in. For them it remains anybody but Trump. By now they have been totally brainwashed (actually, they’ve got no brains and they don’t bathe so forget the wash part) into believing everything they’ve been lied to about the man. He’s a rapist, he stole government documents, caused an insurrection, you name it, he did it. Go Kami.  Wow – the worst part, we are forced to live among these useless idiots. Well, I guess we could move out of the country but (speaking of idiots) unlike these Hollywood morons, we happened to love this country and still (silly us) believe the country belongs to us. Yeah, silly us, who sits back and lets someone take something that belongs to them? We do…  

Man, am I in a shit mood or what? The paid bed-wetters on X accuse us of being afraid of Kamala. She doesn’t have anything to do with anything. Our fear remains in the same place it’s always been, in our corrupt government and those many evil doers, those money changing sons-a-bitches that run the show around here.  And, AND it will remain that way until and unless we get off our rear ends and do something about it. Not just me, not just you and me but millions upon millions of us. “But they will throw us in jail Dan!” We’re already in jail my friends… 

I’ve got to stop. I’m not doing any of us any good right now. Just know, I’m Trump all the way. Excuse me though if I refuse to pretend we somehow have a chance of winning. When we arrive at a point where these evil bastards can put a Kamala Harris up for election without any hesitation whatsoever of her losing then I know, the fix is in. Y’all have my number, give me a ring when you’re ready to hit the streets and regain control of this country we respectfully call America the beautiful… 

PS:  Maybe I’m wrong, Dear Lord above, please tell me I am wrong. 

PSS:  Thank you friends for allowing me to vent. #Trump2024 (I’m on my knees but for different reasons than Kamala the crackling witch from the west.)

Author: admin

The editor of Let Me Jump in places himself in the category of being like any other normal American. He has worked his whole life, paid his own way, honors his family and friends and cares a great deal about America. Overall very conservative as well as open minded. Editor feels it is important to share his common sense toward everyday topics. Editor is concerned the country isn't always headed in the best direction and very concerned with the state of Washington and politics in general.