Our Country, Our Time

As the President stood up following the near assassination it felt as though a pin had dropped and we could all hear it even in the midst of all the noise. For me anyway, it was a sign that our country was coming back to us. I know how strange that might sound but I believe it will go down as the defining moment when America said enough is enough. I’ve promoted the “our country, our time” idea for a very long time. I’ve been asking what red line will move the American people. The Russia lies didn’t move them, the fake impeachments didn’t not even the stolen election angered the American people to a point of rebellion. The made up law-fare he and all of us have been made to endure did start moving folks in the direction of throwing the bullshit flag. This attempt to murder the President appears to have pushed the vast majority over that red line. Even the filthy Democrats who are directly to blame for all of this are now turning on their installed puppet.  Crazy isn’t it, they installed that racist brain dead piece of shit and now they are working to uninstall him. I reckon that would have already been done if it weren’t for the laughing hyena VP being in the wings. Talk about a lose-lose. These idiots have backed themselves in a corner with no way out. It’s quite delicious don’t you think? 

You know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words? Yeah, it’s all of that and so much more. Historic is what it is.

I was out back when the shooting went down. My wife called me to come in. Actually her exact words were “GET IN HERE!” A tone not often heard I came in just in time to see him get up from the stage floor, and raise his hand in defiance and victory. My response was “that-a-boy!” I have no words to express how impressed and proud I was at that very moment. The feeling reminded me (a little bit) of when George W told the fire fighters and the world that “those who took these buildings down will hear from all of us soon” both were moments in history I’ll never forget. Sadly, while the W comment rallied the country, the end result turned to pure shit causing the loss of life by so many accomplishing exactly what? He sent our troops into harm’s way and then tied their hands behind their backs. It has been the way forward ever since the last world war. I am of the belief that we should stay out of wars, now called conflicts but, if we go, we go all-in leaving nothing standing in our way, none of this half-ass BS. That never works out for anyone, certainly not our troops. Sorry, I got off on a tangent there. Bottom line, when President Trump stood up and signaled to his supporters and the world that he was ok and chanted “fight, fight, fight”, I had goose-bumps. I was left feeling that this was our country and this is indeed our time, our time to take it back and restore its promise of greatness.

Direct blame must be laid upon these filthy Democrats and all their paid stooges who have followed their leftist, communist, anti-America agenda. And all those RINO sons-a-bitches are guilty too. You know who they are, they’re these pukes on X, the lying, disgusting media, the sheep who blindly follow along the path leading to nowhere and don’t forget all these Hollywood mother ….ers. So much filth, so much hate, a whole butt load of stupid and only Donald Trump could expose them all for what they are. It might be his biggest accomplishment. Certainly it is a gift that keeps on ticking.

While I think they’ve crossed the red line finally getting the attention of the American people as a whole, don’t think for a minute I don’t remain concerned, fearful, and walk with one eye closed regarding this upcoming election. There is only one thing that will take these feelings away and that is a Trump win. Having lived through the so-called “red wave” in 2020 I live my life without any confidence in anything this government has their hands on and it will remain that way until and unless we see another Trump Presidency.

I’ll leave all this right there for now. It’s government as usual that we still to this day don’t know squat about this little twat that tried to kill our President and did kill that great American Dad in attendance to hear and see him speak. It’s heartbreaking and that’s an understatement. It’s nearly impossible to believe this kid pulled this off by himself. It’s equally hard to believe the secret service could be so incompetent but, then again, look who’s in charge of this country right now and look at all the unqualified woefully useless people he’s employed. When you think about that, nothing is surprising. There isn’t one, not ONE in that administration of thousands that I can respect. They are all a part of the problem and, by the grace of God and the creek don’t rise, their time is coming to an end. God I sure hope so. 

So friends, I’ll leave it where I started. This is our country and by God, this is our time, our time to take this country back, our time to correct all the injustice we’ve had thrown upon us, our time to fix what’s broken, our time to clean up the mess left behind by this evil bunch. And that includes each of them too. Yep, out with the bad, in with the good! People ask, ‘How are you going to do all that?’ Easy, elect Trump and then stand back and watch.  We seem to be pretty good at that… Grrrrr. #Trump2024 

Yep, America First baby!

Author: admin

The editor of Let Me Jump in places himself in the category of being like any other normal American. He has worked his whole life, paid his own way, honors his family and friends and cares a great deal about America. Overall very conservative as well as open minded. Editor feels it is important to share his common sense toward everyday topics. Editor is concerned the country isn't always headed in the best direction and very concerned with the state of Washington and politics in general.