I Don’t Know About You, But…

I’m getting a real kick out listening to all the spin being floated regarding Biden’s ability or lack thereof. I don’t know about you but, I don’t consider it some great accomplishment to go out for ice cream after the debate or get up after a night’s sleep to campaign in North Carolina. LOL 

I don’t know about you but, have y’all ever gone to work with a cold? Of course you have, we all have but, when its Biden it’s a big deal and you know what, it probably is since we know how fragile he is. It just cracks me up to hear the excuses they give to cover for his broken brain. Like Jill after the debate “you did great Joe, you answered all the questions, you knew all the facts!. LOL Wow! Way to go Joe.  What’s next? Breaking News: Biden was able to wipe his own butt and this time he remembered to use toilet paper!!”  

The very fact that they are willing to go through all of this instead of taking a cognitive test tells us all we need to know.  By the way, I am very surprised they haven’t come out saying he took the test and passed it with flying colors. I don’t know about you but, I trust nothing coming out of their mouths and when I say “their” I mean the whole damn kit and caboodle of that lying filth of an administration. 

Then there’s Harris. Oh my God, can you imagine being number two and disliked so much they’d rather stay with the pudding for brains guy than turn the reins over to you? It’s hilarious! I don’t know about you but, I’d love to hear what’s going on in her pea brain about now. You know damn well she’s itching to kick him to the curb. The other thing I keep thinking about is how sad and awful it would be for women if they throw him out and install her as the first woman President. Actually, that would be awful for all of us and our country. As stupid as the Democrats are, they evidently ain’t that stupid. Hopefully… 

Yep the vultures are circling. They can smell the filth from miles away. 

What a time it is to be alive friends! There’s a debate going on in D.C. as to whether or not we should allow non-Americans to vote in our Federal Elections. Do I need to repeat that? I ask only because it’s about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard and I’ve heard a lot of dumb things in my life.  I don’t know about you but, I tend to like it when only Americans vote in American elections. Color me crazy… Ice cream brain says if congress passes a bill banning illegals from voting he will veto it, another OMG. An even bigger OMG is the fact that we have idiots in this country that support this idea. Like I said, what a time to be alive… NOT! 

The other talking point that leaves me with a belly ache is when they say; “don’t judge Biden on one bad debate, judge him on all the good, historical work he’s accomplished over the past three years.” You’ve got to be kidding me! Historical shit show is what he’s accomplished… fact is his inability to put two words together or walk up stairs has been and continues to be the least of our concerns. The guy is an asshole and has done nothing but hurt this country and all of us just trying to survive it. I don’t know about you but, I like our President to be someone who actually won an election and, well, gives a flying turd about the country. 

What a loving wife and son huh? I don’t know if I blame them, Lord only knows what he’s put them through over the years…

While all the chatter goes on about Biden stepping down or not (will never happen), the usual leftist pukes put their lies into overdrive. “Trump hasn’t been seen in ten days”, “Donald Trump should drop out of the race not Joe Dipstick”, and  “someone should ask Trump just how he plans on deporting millions of immigrants” Yeah, they call them immigrants, I refuse to stop calling them what they are, illegal aliens. What cracks me up is that these leftist, socialist, communist bed-wetters think if Trump lays out a plan to remove these people and animals in some cases this will somehow turn his base off.  “He’ll put them in concentration camps!” I don’t give a rat’s ass where they go. Just get them out.  “The countries they came from won’t take them back”, gee I wonder why and by the way, they will take them back, just leave that to Trump. 

While the Left would have everyone believe the 2025 project is Trump’s making it matters not that he flat out said it’s not and that he doesn’t agree with many of the things in it. His list of priorities has been out there for anyone who cares to read.


Any Questions?

I don’t know about you, but, there isn’t a single thing listed that I don’t agree with 100%. Just as we have leftist morons who think non-Americans should vote in our elections they absolutely hate all of Trump’s priorities. Needless to say, we are NOT alike. Hell, it pisses me off he calls it “migrant invasion.”  lol  

How anyone can claim they love the country, care about her people and be against any of these Make America Great policies is sick in the head. Ha, no wonder they like the angry old broken brain guy. 

I don’t know about you but, I know we will be a better Nation under Trump. We will be stronger, we will be respected again, we will not be used and abused as we are now and have been for the last three years. We will once again feel safer and valued. These things are important. Under Trump the nonsense comes to a halt. Now, will the election be fair? Will the Left cheat again? Well my friends, we are getting closer and closer to finding out with fingers, eyes, and toes crossed and praying to the good man above. The alternative is simply frightening. 

The party is only beginning. #Trump2024

Author: admin

The editor of Let Me Jump in places himself in the category of being like any other normal American. He has worked his whole life, paid his own way, honors his family and friends and cares a great deal about America. Overall very conservative as well as open minded. Editor feels it is important to share his common sense toward everyday topics. Editor is concerned the country isn't always headed in the best direction and very concerned with the state of Washington and politics in general.