They think We’re Stupid & They Aren’t Wrong

The last time we spoke President Trump had just been shot and the calls for pudding brain to step down had calmed down. Fast forward to today and well, holy shit batman…  Anyone in this country who does not believe that this government will go to all ends in order to keep Trump out of the White House hasn’t been paying attention.

It certainly says a lot about the Democrat Party doesn’t it? I mean of the entire party of filth, lies and deceit Kamala Harris is who they put forward? If that doesn’t tell you how they feel about the American people I don’t know what does. It says “F-you” American citizens. It shows they don’t care what you think or for that matter what you do. They will install whomever they want, whenever they want. We can all scream, throw hissy fits & do whatever, but “whatever” is exactly their reaction.

This another one of those “funny not funny” memes… You know, because it’s true

As for the Democrat voters, they’re perfectly fine being told who their nominee is and they will gladly line up to vote as they are told and by the way, it’s true what they say, these people would vote for a slug if told to. Just look at them, they are all in for the very woman that only mustered 3% of her party’s vote in 2020. You know, the person who was first to drop out of the race because her polling was so abysmal. Ah but it just wasn’t her time yet I guess. The evil doers wanted to stick their hand up Joe’s ass first and once they wore his old wrinkled up butt out they had knee pad Harris to turn to next.  And Lord knows she’s happy to bend over. It’s sickening. The whole damn political/government thing is sickening. 

Will the first woman President be Kamala freaking Harris? This whole “hoping not” thing is about to wear “my” old butt out. What a complete slap in the face to women if they install this piece of lying, do nothing, liberal ewe into the White House. We have many women in this country who are serious, highly intelligent people but, this is the one to go down in the history books as the first? I’ll tell you what. These people make it hard to breathe sometimes, actually, most of the time.  There’s simply no end to the filth they come up with or the depth of corruption they are willing to engage in.

This one should scare everyone… she’s awful.

These people are so evil they are willing to, hell I don’t know, willing to leave the border wide open flooding the country with unknowns, willing to let them vote too! These people are so evil they are fine with inflation and fine buying oil from people who want us dead. High grocery prices, too bad, they’ve got wars to fund and pockets to fill. Hell, they might even take a shot at the very person millions of Americans cling to out of love for their country. Yep, as it’s always been with them, America last and whether you like it or not it is of zero concern to them and why should it be? What have we done to push back? Nothing! You’ve heard that rant before. Whatever, I’m getting tired of talking about it. We are watching the rigging and eventual stealing of yet another election in real time and the media, you bet, they’re happy to pitch in and do their part.

Once again, “funny not funny” Everything about the woman is wrong for America. Truth be told, I bet ole Joe would agree… “Come on Man!”

I’m sorry to again be a Debbie downer but I’ve got no energy for another year long “red wave” is coming shit show. I’ll be voting for Trump (duh) and encourage everyone I know to do the same but if you think, I think,  these evil SOBs are going to let our votes count well, you’d be wrong.

“Swamp the vote” how many times have I said “no amount of votes can beat cheating?” Many… and it remains true. By way of the media, all forms of the media you’d think Kamala Harris was the greatest thing ever and we all know these stupid, stupid people in this country are all in. For them it remains anybody but Trump. By now they have been totally brainwashed (actually, they’ve got no brains and they don’t bathe so forget the wash part) into believing everything they’ve been lied to about the man. He’s a rapist, he stole government documents, caused an insurrection, you name it, he did it. Go Kami.  Wow – the worst part, we are forced to live among these useless idiots. Well, I guess we could move out of the country but (speaking of idiots) unlike these Hollywood morons, we happened to love this country and still (silly us) believe the country belongs to us. Yeah, silly us, who sits back and lets someone take something that belongs to them? We do…  

Man, am I in a shit mood or what? The paid bed-wetters on X accuse us of being afraid of Kamala. She doesn’t have anything to do with anything. Our fear remains in the same place it’s always been, in our corrupt government and those many evil doers, those money changing sons-a-bitches that run the show around here.  And, AND it will remain that way until and unless we get off our rear ends and do something about it. Not just me, not just you and me but millions upon millions of us. “But they will throw us in jail Dan!” We’re already in jail my friends… 

I’ve got to stop. I’m not doing any of us any good right now. Just know, I’m Trump all the way. Excuse me though if I refuse to pretend we somehow have a chance of winning. When we arrive at a point where these evil bastards can put a Kamala Harris up for election without any hesitation whatsoever of her losing then I know, the fix is in. Y’all have my number, give me a ring when you’re ready to hit the streets and regain control of this country we respectfully call America the beautiful… 

PS:  Maybe I’m wrong, Dear Lord above, please tell me I am wrong. 

PSS:  Thank you friends for allowing me to vent. #Trump2024 (I’m on my knees but for different reasons than Kamala the crackling witch from the west.)

Our Country, Our Time

As the President stood up following the near assassination it felt as though a pin had dropped and we could all hear it even in the midst of all the noise. For me anyway, it was a sign that our country was coming back to us. I know how strange that might sound but I believe it will go down as the defining moment when America said enough is enough. I’ve promoted the “our country, our time” idea for a very long time. I’ve been asking what red line will move the American people. The Russia lies didn’t move them, the fake impeachments didn’t not even the stolen election angered the American people to a point of rebellion. The made up law-fare he and all of us have been made to endure did start moving folks in the direction of throwing the bullshit flag. This attempt to murder the President appears to have pushed the vast majority over that red line. Even the filthy Democrats who are directly to blame for all of this are now turning on their installed puppet.  Crazy isn’t it, they installed that racist brain dead piece of shit and now they are working to uninstall him. I reckon that would have already been done if it weren’t for the laughing hyena VP being in the wings. Talk about a lose-lose. These idiots have backed themselves in a corner with no way out. It’s quite delicious don’t you think? 

You know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words? Yeah, it’s all of that and so much more. Historic is what it is.

I was out back when the shooting went down. My wife called me to come in. Actually her exact words were “GET IN HERE!” A tone not often heard I came in just in time to see him get up from the stage floor, and raise his hand in defiance and victory. My response was “that-a-boy!” I have no words to express how impressed and proud I was at that very moment. The feeling reminded me (a little bit) of when George W told the fire fighters and the world that “those who took these buildings down will hear from all of us soon” both were moments in history I’ll never forget. Sadly, while the W comment rallied the country, the end result turned to pure shit causing the loss of life by so many accomplishing exactly what? He sent our troops into harm’s way and then tied their hands behind their backs. It has been the way forward ever since the last world war. I am of the belief that we should stay out of wars, now called conflicts but, if we go, we go all-in leaving nothing standing in our way, none of this half-ass BS. That never works out for anyone, certainly not our troops. Sorry, I got off on a tangent there. Bottom line, when President Trump stood up and signaled to his supporters and the world that he was ok and chanted “fight, fight, fight”, I had goose-bumps. I was left feeling that this was our country and this is indeed our time, our time to take it back and restore its promise of greatness.

Direct blame must be laid upon these filthy Democrats and all their paid stooges who have followed their leftist, communist, anti-America agenda. And all those RINO sons-a-bitches are guilty too. You know who they are, they’re these pukes on X, the lying, disgusting media, the sheep who blindly follow along the path leading to nowhere and don’t forget all these Hollywood mother ….ers. So much filth, so much hate, a whole butt load of stupid and only Donald Trump could expose them all for what they are. It might be his biggest accomplishment. Certainly it is a gift that keeps on ticking.

While I think they’ve crossed the red line finally getting the attention of the American people as a whole, don’t think for a minute I don’t remain concerned, fearful, and walk with one eye closed regarding this upcoming election. There is only one thing that will take these feelings away and that is a Trump win. Having lived through the so-called “red wave” in 2020 I live my life without any confidence in anything this government has their hands on and it will remain that way until and unless we see another Trump Presidency.

I’ll leave all this right there for now. It’s government as usual that we still to this day don’t know squat about this little twat that tried to kill our President and did kill that great American Dad in attendance to hear and see him speak. It’s heartbreaking and that’s an understatement. It’s nearly impossible to believe this kid pulled this off by himself. It’s equally hard to believe the secret service could be so incompetent but, then again, look who’s in charge of this country right now and look at all the unqualified woefully useless people he’s employed. When you think about that, nothing is surprising. There isn’t one, not ONE in that administration of thousands that I can respect. They are all a part of the problem and, by the grace of God and the creek don’t rise, their time is coming to an end. God I sure hope so. 

So friends, I’ll leave it where I started. This is our country and by God, this is our time, our time to take this country back, our time to correct all the injustice we’ve had thrown upon us, our time to fix what’s broken, our time to clean up the mess left behind by this evil bunch. And that includes each of them too. Yep, out with the bad, in with the good! People ask, ‘How are you going to do all that?’ Easy, elect Trump and then stand back and watch.  We seem to be pretty good at that… Grrrrr. #Trump2024 

Yep, America First baby!

I Don’t Know About You, But…

I’m getting a real kick out listening to all the spin being floated regarding Biden’s ability or lack thereof. I don’t know about you but, I don’t consider it some great accomplishment to go out for ice cream after the debate or get up after a night’s sleep to campaign in North Carolina. LOL 

I don’t know about you but, have y’all ever gone to work with a cold? Of course you have, we all have but, when its Biden it’s a big deal and you know what, it probably is since we know how fragile he is. It just cracks me up to hear the excuses they give to cover for his broken brain. Like Jill after the debate “you did great Joe, you answered all the questions, you knew all the facts!. LOL Wow! Way to go Joe.  What’s next? Breaking News: Biden was able to wipe his own butt and this time he remembered to use toilet paper!!”  

The very fact that they are willing to go through all of this instead of taking a cognitive test tells us all we need to know.  By the way, I am very surprised they haven’t come out saying he took the test and passed it with flying colors. I don’t know about you but, I trust nothing coming out of their mouths and when I say “their” I mean the whole damn kit and caboodle of that lying filth of an administration. 

Then there’s Harris. Oh my God, can you imagine being number two and disliked so much they’d rather stay with the pudding for brains guy than turn the reins over to you? It’s hilarious! I don’t know about you but, I’d love to hear what’s going on in her pea brain about now. You know damn well she’s itching to kick him to the curb. The other thing I keep thinking about is how sad and awful it would be for women if they throw him out and install her as the first woman President. Actually, that would be awful for all of us and our country. As stupid as the Democrats are, they evidently ain’t that stupid. Hopefully… 

Yep the vultures are circling. They can smell the filth from miles away. 

What a time it is to be alive friends! There’s a debate going on in D.C. as to whether or not we should allow non-Americans to vote in our Federal Elections. Do I need to repeat that? I ask only because it’s about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard and I’ve heard a lot of dumb things in my life.  I don’t know about you but, I tend to like it when only Americans vote in American elections. Color me crazy… Ice cream brain says if congress passes a bill banning illegals from voting he will veto it, another OMG. An even bigger OMG is the fact that we have idiots in this country that support this idea. Like I said, what a time to be alive… NOT! 

The other talking point that leaves me with a belly ache is when they say; “don’t judge Biden on one bad debate, judge him on all the good, historical work he’s accomplished over the past three years.” You’ve got to be kidding me! Historical shit show is what he’s accomplished… fact is his inability to put two words together or walk up stairs has been and continues to be the least of our concerns. The guy is an asshole and has done nothing but hurt this country and all of us just trying to survive it. I don’t know about you but, I like our President to be someone who actually won an election and, well, gives a flying turd about the country. 

What a loving wife and son huh? I don’t know if I blame them, Lord only knows what he’s put them through over the years…

While all the chatter goes on about Biden stepping down or not (will never happen), the usual leftist pukes put their lies into overdrive. “Trump hasn’t been seen in ten days”, “Donald Trump should drop out of the race not Joe Dipstick”, and  “someone should ask Trump just how he plans on deporting millions of immigrants” Yeah, they call them immigrants, I refuse to stop calling them what they are, illegal aliens. What cracks me up is that these leftist, socialist, communist bed-wetters think if Trump lays out a plan to remove these people and animals in some cases this will somehow turn his base off.  “He’ll put them in concentration camps!” I don’t give a rat’s ass where they go. Just get them out.  “The countries they came from won’t take them back”, gee I wonder why and by the way, they will take them back, just leave that to Trump. 

While the Left would have everyone believe the 2025 project is Trump’s making it matters not that he flat out said it’s not and that he doesn’t agree with many of the things in it. His list of priorities has been out there for anyone who cares to read.


Any Questions?

I don’t know about you, but, there isn’t a single thing listed that I don’t agree with 100%. Just as we have leftist morons who think non-Americans should vote in our elections they absolutely hate all of Trump’s priorities. Needless to say, we are NOT alike. Hell, it pisses me off he calls it “migrant invasion.”  lol  

How anyone can claim they love the country, care about her people and be against any of these Make America Great policies is sick in the head. Ha, no wonder they like the angry old broken brain guy. 

I don’t know about you but, I know we will be a better Nation under Trump. We will be stronger, we will be respected again, we will not be used and abused as we are now and have been for the last three years. We will once again feel safer and valued. These things are important. Under Trump the nonsense comes to a halt. Now, will the election be fair? Will the Left cheat again? Well my friends, we are getting closer and closer to finding out with fingers, eyes, and toes crossed and praying to the good man above. The alternative is simply frightening. 

The party is only beginning. #Trump2024