What Happened In Their Lives?
More often than not when I hear these liberals spew their nonsense I think to myself, what happened in their lives to make them think as they do? Personally, I can’t engage with them. Hell, I can hardly even look at them. Like the hippy days, they are easy to pick out. Whether it’s the colorful hair, the piercings, the soulless eyes or you know the tee shirt that says they’re ridin’ with Biden. Which, to be honest, I’ve yet to see anyone wearing, just like I’ve yet to see a Biden sign, or a Biden tax cut, or a build back better project. I have however seen some illegals, the cost of eggs, trains falling off their tracks, boats knocking down bridges and wheels falling off airplanes. LOL
Speaking of being honest, these paid shills on X have undoubtedly gotten the best of me. I simply cannot stand to spend five minutes on that site anymore all thanks to their utter on-going BS lies. They all seem to have thousands of followers, which is another head scratcher. Whether the followers are real I couldn’t tell you. I hope not, surely there can’t be that many stupid people right? Wrong! There are a whole lot of them. While we can all agree there isn’t a chance in hell dick-weed got 80 million votes I’ll bet he got at least 20 million. That’s a lot of stupid. What’s even worse, here we are nearly four years later and they claim they are going to vote for him again. How’s that even possible? And we’re right back to stupid again.

You mean to tell me there are people in this world that believe numb-nuts has done a good job? Another “how’s that possible?” When you ask them to list his accomplishments the conversation becomes short lived or they come up with something lame like; “he’s fighting global warming” or the DEI bullshit comes out. If you ask them about the economy they blame Trump. The wars: Trump’s fault. The illegal invasion: yep, Trump caused that. How you ask? Don’t ask me, these morons watch the view, follow Barbara Streisand and think Liz Chaney is a hero so… yeah, what happened to them to make them think this way.
They call us a cult while all indications are that they are a cult, a baby killing, blood sucking, bunch of socialists working overtime to enrich themselves at the cost of those who, well, actually work. They cheer when a historical statue is defaced or torn down. They cheer when a leftist run city fires its police but are the first ones to call them when someone walks into the department store with a red hat on. They’ve got no problem with the homeless living on their streets but get all bent out of shape when an illegal is forced to move out of a downtown luxury hotel, that they were allowed to stay in for free mind you. They pretend to get all upset when a judge flies his flag up-side-down but have no problem tearing the flag down, stomping on it, then burn it and replace it with some dumbass rainbow flag. Seriously, what happened in their lives to make them so damn weird?

I’ll tell you what friends and you already know this but, if these filthy SOBs steal this next election again we are toast. You hear folks often refer to the good ole days. Folks wishing we could go back in time. Well, if we don’t get Trump back we’ll go back in time alright. We’ll be back to the times of the ok corral where if you are going to survive you better be ready to be the meanest, toughest, badass on the block because if you think we are a lawless country now, oh boy… Thus comes the “hope for the best, prepare for the worst” time of our lives.
Leaving those (not just dipshit) in office who are currently running the show is simply a “no go”, a “can’t happen”, a “not on my watch”, a “are you out of your f’ing mind” kind of thing.
All indications are that Trump is going to wipe the floor with bumble head but all that does is remind me of 2020 and I have no good memories of that shit-show.
We of little faith, right? If y’all can throw me a bone explaining why I should have some faith I’d appreciate it because where I sit trust doesn’t exist. People ask me, “do you think they’ll throw Trump in jail?” My answer “It wouldn’t surprise me.” If the last eight years have taught us anything it’s that there is nothing these rat bastards won’t do to maintain power and see to the end of America.
Well, I reckon it’s time to stop. Another rant headed to nowhere land. If nothing else, at least you’ve been reminded that like you, I stand on the side of common sense and have zero interest it playing the game of filth. Let the bull-shitters bullshit, I’m going to vote for Trump then wait to see if I regain some hope for this country or saddle up at the ok corral, either way, until next time “partner.”