I think it’s fair to say that we all knew this was going to be a year filled with slime. I mean every election year is, right? I also think it’s fair to say that this year is blowing all past election years out of the water and hell, it’s only February.
These court cases against Trump, every single one of them are complete and utter bullshit. This isn’t a show about how bad Trump is. This is a show about how corrupt our government is. And if you don’t see it that way then you’re a part of the problem and too ignorant to realize how, in the end, such corruption, such lawfare, such weaponizing of the legal system will bite you personally in the ass. When I think about the harm they are causing Trump, his family and his businesses I become enraged. But, just think for a minute what harm it will cause you and me and this Nation if these evil acts are allowed to stand.

You’ve heard Trump say a million times, “if we don’t have a border we have no country” Same with elections “if we don’t have free and fair elections we don’t have a country” and both are true. Well, if we don’t have a fair and honest justice system we don’t have a country either. What we have is a country run by dictators and by evil money changers throwing down their filthy orders. It’s not just the government, as if that wasn’t enough, who don’t want Trump back in office. It’s the money changers and just about every shit hole country leader on the planet and they all dislike him for the same reason. He’s not for sale, he won’t play in the pig sty with any of them.

I’ve said it a million times, I simply don’t know how he stays in this fight. No one has ever been attacked from so many sides all at once. I’m absolutely convinced they’d kill him if they thought millions of Americans wouldn’t throw a freaking “don’t tread on me” fit. Well, that and if there weren’t millions of Americans armed. To be clear, what they are doing to him is no less wrong, no less painful, and no less illegal than what Putin did/does to his opponent(s).
Can you even begin to imagine how pissed off the President must be? It took me less than one minute watching that trashy Fani this week in court before I wanted to climb through the television and… pick a verb. What an arrogant low life bitch. Apologies to all other low life bitches… Not! Bite me! Talk about disgusting and our President has been made to sit in court and put up with all these wacko, bought and paid for pukes. I wish all 70M of us would get together and shut New York, DC and Georgia down. Yep, whenever there’s a Trump court date I’d love to just flood these shit holes down by filling their streets with red Make America Great Again hats.
I don’t know what frustrates me more, watching all this filthy corruption or having to sit on my ass doing nothing about it. As for those so-called ‘fellow Americans’ cheering this bullshit on. You don’t want to know what I think of them or what I’d like to see happen to them. Needless to say, it doesn’t include remaining in this country.

While everyone, myself included, knows (prays) Trump will win these court cases in the end via appeal I’ve got to be honest, it scares the hell out of me because the level of corruption inside our justice system is so deep and so unafraid I say he will win on appeal but I also carry a level of fear at the same time. I mean, these people are soooo damn bad. To say it’s maddening is an understatement. We are living in a time where our government is making (pick a dictator) look like a teddy bear.
Needless to say, without law and order we are back to the wild, wild west where anything goes. The only difference this time is the law is being abused by the judges, prosecutors, DAs and this spit bucket of a government and we, lonely ole taxpayers are the good guys. Right? We sure as hell aren’t the ones robbing stores, shooting up schools, illegally crossing borders or suing our enemies. It’s a good thing I don’t have Elon money otherwise these filthy sons-a-bitches would find out what it’s like to be in court every five minutes of the day. Too many names to list… Obama, Biden, Clinton, those CIA mother…. , Wray, Pencil neck, Fartwell, nasty Nancy… like I said, the list is too long.
Okay friends, I can’t do this any longer. Mom used to say “if you don’t have anything good to say, zip it” so I reckon I better zip it. This has been a shit stain week and sadly I suspect there are more to come.
All of the BS only strengthens my support for the President. This of course is something the evil doers don’t seem to understand. Either that or they simply don’t care. Likely both are true. These people have taken this ‘get Trump’ so beyond the beyond that I’ll never have trust in any of them ever again. Dad never did trust them. He’s looking down on me right now laughing his ass off. That I can tell you.
Let us all stay focused, we know the truth when we see it so let’s promote the hell out of it. Equally, we’ve learned how to recognize the lies too and so we shall throw out our BS flag at every turn. We live in a country right now where the lies far outweigh the truth. Pretty sad if you ask me. One thing is for certain, actually two things. First, Trump ain’t going to give up or give in and I, your humble ‘ranter’ will be right here each week reminding you this is our country, our time, and like Trump, we aren’t going anywhere until this unlawful, screwed up mess is cleaned up. It’s truly crazy isn’t it? All we need is for a Trump victory and all of this filth, all of it, gets fixed. Y’all know the saying ‘vote like your life depends on it because it does’ to that I say, giddy up! #Trump2024ToSaveAmerica or at least make it a whole hell of a lot better. Biden NO! Nikki NO! Trump. <-That’s a period.
Enjoy (somehow) the rest of your weekend friends and the week ahead.