Nope, this week has been an overdose of stupid and I just don’t have the will to repeat it all. I mean, good God, are we living in a clown world or what? And tell me, just what exactly was accomplished this week for the betterment of the country, or her people?
Sometimes I have to throw cold water on my face to shock my system out of all the filth and pure stupidity I/we have been subjected to. It was if they were working overtime trying to outdo their moronic behaviors of the past. I realize it’s an election year and I knew it was going to get worse but geez, it’s only February.
Did I tune out too soon or did the Republicans actually fail to agree to impeach Homeland ‘not’ Security Secretary Mayorkas? Certainly if these idiots can agree on anything they can agree this puppet, politician butt licker needs to go, right? Wrong! We’ve always known the Democrats will stick together no matter what the topic is. Seriously, these evil drones will always do what they’re told. They could be told to support the bombing of Dallas Texas and they’d vote unanimously yes and have no problem going to the microphone telling us why it’s so important and, with a straight face, how good it will be for the country or my favorite saying “the American people overwhelming support this.” We’ve long since learned that’s what they do but, these Republicans… Talk about an embarrassing group of nimrods…

I’ve reached a point with these people where I dislike the whole lot and I refuse to vote for any of them and I sure as hell ain’t going to donate to their campaigns. The truth is, they have played as big a role in the destruction of our country as the Dem’s have. Their inaction, to me, is every bit as bad as the Democrats evil actions. The Republicans have allowed it all. Hell, they haven’t even pitched a bitch really. Oh sure, they can rattle off all the wrongs, and they’re the first to tell us what should be done but… here we are three plus years later and look at us. What a Cluster…
Listening to Special Counsel Hur, who by the way is everything but ‘special’ was like Comey all over again. He said Mr. “I don’t remember shit” broke the law but he wouldn’t be filing any charges because he’d come across as just a likable, forgetful old man. Really? He never had the authority to take the documents, classified or not in the first place. Special Counsel, my ass. Law and order is so gone in this country right now it makes me sick.

This ‘not made for prime time’ show makes me believe the evil doers have had about as much as they can take of pudding brain. They are seeing the strong support for President Trump and are in panic mode knowing damn well Biden is a losing ticket. You have to laugh when you think about who their number two is! Oh my God. Talk about backing themselves into a corner. Everyone, including me, talks about how they might bring in Newsome at the last minute which wouldn’t surprise me at all but, if you think that knee pad Kami will go down without a peep, think again. Would they really bypass a half black female? I mean, they are the diversity party right? It will be hilarious to watch them bypass her and instead go with a white (and oh so privileged) male.
This week just like all the ones before it sends the same message, we need Trump and we need him now more than ever!

When I think about what they’ve put this man through and are still putting him through I only become more and more impressed. He doesn’t like losing and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to win and don’t think for a minute he doesn’t fight like hell for himself, of course he does. Why shouldn’t he? The thing is though, we get to ride along and it is all of us who really, really win in the end. Think about it. What does he get some small meaningless salary and a whole host of headaches? But, he gets his name cleared, gets the opportunity of going down in history as America’s greatest President and again, we are the ones who reap the benefits. It’s all good my friends.

While we all continue to support President Trump I think we also suppress our biggest fear which is another rigged election. I feel just like I did in 2020 where the support for the President was overwhelming (Stole that from the Democrats) but now knowing how these evil bastards cheat I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I continue to worry about this election being fair. Trump says we must swamp ’em, and swamp them we will. We did it in 2020 and we will do it again this year.
That’s the only option we have right now and so let’s take it all the way to November. Haley is nothing but a Democrat shrill pretending she is actually in this race. Like Hunter Biden, she’s little more than a side show. We want Joe Biden in prison and Donald Trump in the White House. Nothing else will do!
So my friends, I once again sincerely thank you for letting me rant away. Y’all give me hope. Together let us call out the lies and scream out the truth. Put the ass-hats in their place, then move on to the next one. Let them be reminded this is our damn country & our damn time. We’ve had enough of the insanity. We shall overcome and together we will celebrate the greatest victory of our time . #Trump2024TheOnyChoice