Have you ever had that happen? Deja vu where a wave comes over you and you feel like you’ve been there before but you just can’t put your finger on it. You’re not sure when it happened or even where but you can feel it in your tummy and you say to yourself “This has happened before” or “I’ve been here before”. Welcome to Biden’s America. As for not being able to put your finger on it, let me help you. Review the Obama years or Bush Jr. years. That’ll take the guessing out of it for you.
Just seeing the headlines scroll across the television makes my stomach tighten and heightens my disgust. “RETALIATORY U.S. AIRSTRIKES UNDERWAY IN IRAQ AND SYRIA” and I didn’t think an increase in my disgust for the Mush For Brains was possible. Every single week it’s something else. Notice how the idiot-n-chief takes six days to do anything and notice how he doesn’t go near the people who are funding these attacks that are killing our soldiers. Iran, nope. Why, because he and Obama have a love affair with Iran. I mean what else do you call it when they give billions of dollars to a country who hates us? What other conclusion can you come to when they use that money to do the very things (build nuclear plants and kill Americans) these America haters pretend they are so opposed to. Truth is, all this chatter about kicking Omar and Tlaib out of congress and out of the country is well and good, but we’d make more headway kicking Biden and Obama out. They are openly advocating against America and not just as it relates to the Middle East but in every way imaginable.

Meanwhile the Republicans are going after that dipshit Mayorkas. First, I don’t believe they will do anything to Mayorkas and we all know that he does nothing but carry water for the evil doers. So just what exactly is accomplished by impeaching his filthy, order taking ass? Other than Republicans saying they did something, that’s about it. These idiotic Republicans should be, no, should have, impeached Biden the first year he took office for what he’s allowed at the border. This pretend whack-a-mole game they are playing is pure hogwash. Man, are we on our own or what? There’s you, me and Trump. The rest are among the enemies of the state.
Just look at what has happened and is happening to this country by these useless Republicans refusing to go after Broken Brain, freaking wars breaking out all over the place, an open border allowing military aged men to stroll on in and you know, beat up New York cops, suck up our wealth, kill our kids and sell their own to the highest bidder. Forget about the stinking economy, this mumbling bumbling old man spends most of his time yelling at us awful taxpayers while dragging this country down to the depths of hell.
If all of this filth wasn’t enough we are also being forced to endure bird brain Haley and all of her nonsense. “America doesn’t want another grumpy old man match up” Trump this, Trump that, all while posting how great she is and how much we South Carolinians love her. WRONG!! Trump is going to perhaps have his biggest win yet in South Carolina. You know there is a reason everyone who is someone in this state has endorsed the President. But hey, as long as the Democrats and the status quo Republican Bush/Romney/Chaney crowd keep throwing money at her she is happy to stay in and spend it.

This woman is so smart, so engaged, so in touch that she spends most of her time completely pissing off 80 million republican voters. In fairness to her, she managed to do that the very day she announced (stabbed the President in the back) she would be running. As I said last week, the only time she gets on my nerves is when she talks.
I suppose you feel the same way that I do. All we really want is for this pre-election shit show to be over with. We want the side shows (the political witch hunts going after the President, send Bird Brain back to her board seat on Boeing and have Broken Brain hauled off in a straight jacket never to be heard from again) to end and to have the rightful President back behind the resolute desk where he will work as he did before and will again to put this country back on a path of greatness, which means strength, wealth, growth, respect, honor, justice, morality and some damn pride in the country among our people again. Yeah, let’s do that.
Okay brothers and sisters the time has once again arrived. I hope each of you know that I do indeed look forward to the day where these rants turn into raves for the good work our newly re-elected President Trump will soon be doing again for us all. Even those idiots that still think the Orange man is somehow the bad guy, one way or another we will take this country back. What choice do we have? God willing and the creek don’t rise right? RIGHT!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead… Remember, that’s easy to do. Just turn off the television, stay off social media and keep tapping your foot waiting for your turn to vote for the people’s President. #Trump2024