That’s about where my head is this afternoon. I’m at a point where the only thing different with these weekly rants is the day. Everything else is a seven year repeat of the same underhanded dirty dealing from this corrupt government of ours. Well, not ours but the one we are having forced down our throats anyway. I mean let’s face it, if the proverbial “we” had any say in this country we sure as heck wouldn’t be facing all this filth and nonsense. Of course, having said that, one has to remember that half the people in this country are completely out of their minds so there’s that…
This seemingly never ending shit show we are living in right now is enough to drive a normal person right out of his mind. The things these people in government say and do are more often than not nearly impossible to even believe much less accept. I mean holy shit batman! And just think, it could be worse, you or I could be Trump… I’d say we could be Biden but then I’d be lying because on our worst day there’s no way we could be that gross, that feeble, that corrupt, or that evil and that’s not to even mention that stupid.

The upcoming State Of the Mumbler, I mean Union ought to be the best comedy hour of the year. The idiot-n-chief will spend an hour mumbling his lies and nonsense to the country and when he’s done none of us will know what the hell he said. One wonders what kind of juice they are going to stick him with just to make it possible for him to stand up that long. You know for certain they will double up on the diapers and they’ve put the word out, no sand bags on the stage! I know the entire country can’t wait for him to tell us how great our lives are now and how important it is we send more money that we don’t have to Ukraine. Earlier this week I heard he placed 500 new sanctions on Russia. The word is these sanctions are going to severely hamper Putin’s ability to continue the war. Gee, if that’s the case why didn’t he do it two years ago before he borrowed billions to give to Ukraine? Oh yeah I forgot, 10% for the big guy right… This Ukraine debacle has to be the world’s biggest money laundering scheme of all time. Hell, Biden is so tough on Russia that Putin has endorsed him. Did I say clown world already?
Today, we South Carolinians are at the voting booths doing our patriotic duty. Just so everyone knows it’s a refreshing ordeal here. In order to vote you have to show your ID! What a concept huh? Like the rest of you, I am banking on the polls being right once again which between you and me and the gate post, scares the hell out of me but all indications are that Trump will not only beat birdbrain but beat her hands down right here in her home state. That sounds delicious doesn’t it! When it’s all said and done I’ll raise my glass of low country sweet tea in praise of my fellow Carolinians and then watch gleefully as Haley announces her victory! You know, because losing to her is winning. After all, that is the Democrat philosophy, right? Right. Up is down, left is right, bad is good and the border is secure, build back better is great, the economy is on fire and Biden likes black people. I said clown world right?

How many times does this neo-con birdbrain have to be told NO by the people until she stops? I reckon it comes down to how long it takes until her Democrat funders have finally had enough. Between you and me that may not ever come. She has become their number one go to person to slam our President and get their word (lies) out. It doesn’t bother them in the slightest that she takes shots at the mumbler-n-chief along the way. After all, it’s not as though they intend on running him anyway. At this point any shots across the Biden bow only helps their ultimate goal of kicking his skinny corrupt ass to the curb and placing the next dictator, I mean puppet of choice. And the fact that they can rid themselves of Kami in the process is, well, the cherry on top of the ice cream poop pie.

Speaking of putting it to use, that’s exactly what we will achieve if we can get Trump across the finish line. And that right there is exactly why all of government, the media and all the rest of the idiot evil doers roaming the land around the world spend their every waking moment going after the man. They know better than we do that he will turn this shit show up-side down should he make it back behind the resolute desk. They also know all of us will stand and cheer him on as he turns the wrongs back into the rights. They know wall construction will begin again and the biggest roundup of illegals in the history of the world will occur. How frightening it must be for them to even think about all those future voters sitting on a bus headed back to their shit-hole counties. And then there are all those so-called allies who have been sucking on the America tit draining our wealth and expecting us to carry all the water. And don’t let anyone fool you, China and Russia don’t want anything to do with another Trump Presidency either. As for the scumbags in the FBI, CIA and DOJ, well, maybe we do need some more rope.

And there you have it friends. Another same ole rant on a different day. God bless every last one of you for putting up with me and for your continued quest to get our guy back at the helm.
You know the drill, call out the lies, scream out the truth and never say whoa in a hard pull. This is our time, our country and we damn well better take it back. Use a sledgehammer if you must but whatever you do, don’t you ever give in, don’t you ever give up. We got this! You know, if they don’t cheat. If that should happen, be prepared! Stock up on sledgehammers and rope and when you do, buy American! lol
Have a great rest of your weekend and week ahead friends! #Trump2024ToSaveAmerica