Id bet I could stop writing right now and y’all could fill in the narrative to each of these. I know this is true because of two things. First, by now all of you know me well enough to know where I’m headed and second, you are plugged in, wide awake and laser focused. Which just for the record, cuts about half of this country out of the herd. While they wait for the Government to show up in their electric pick-up and throw them some taxpayer hay, you all are growing your own. Yeppers, you are a bunch of smart folks who rely on yourselves, plan ahead and don’t need the controlled media to tell you when it’s raining.
Let’s get this going shall we?
Happy: That might be an understatement when describing how we felt after seeing the results of the New Hampshire primary. After weeks of being told New Hampshire was Nikki country and after millions being spent by the Democrats this was going to be the big turnaround for her and the nail in our President’s coffin. Nikki’s “this is now a two person race” turned out to be a one person race. Her name was on the ballet but the good folks of NH sent her the same message that Iowa sent and the same message all of America is going to send. The people want Trump and we’re not going to leave any room for any question about it. When you consider how many Democrats voted for her she might as well have been Chris Christie. It wasn’t even close and it never was going to be close. Once again, the media’s failed attempts, well, failed. The America First movement ain’t buying the bullshit any more. What is blowing my mind is that for two primaries in a row now the polls were right. Wow!
After her second loss she again did the “I won” speech and proclaimed she’s on to her beloved South Carolina where she’ll pretend not to be surprised she’s not so loved. Notice how she pretended the Nevada primary doesn’t exist? As long as the Democrats continue to fund her she’ll stay in the race and damn be to the party and the people. After all, it is all about her… I got a kick this week seeing her post videos of talking heads on CNN and Neil Cavuto on Fox. This woman doesn’t know us at all does she? We don’t watch CNN, don’t watch Fox News and we sure as hell don’t listen to Neil “dumbass” Cavuto. Yeah, go Nikki… Living in South Carolina it will take all I have to survive the level of nonsense we will endure these next several weeks until the election and she posts another corresponding ass kicking. Or you know another win in her case. LOL

SAD: For me it was a sad state of affairs when I learned that the Supreme Court had ruled in favor of the treasonous Biden open border pukes. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t and can’t for the life of me understand how they came to that conclusion. In the end I had to write it off like everything else, the court is rigged and filled with political activists. It’s pretty freaking sad when there isn’t one single arm of this three legged Government that we can count on to stand with the Constitution and therefore the people of these Un-United States.

I’ve long since given up trying to make sense of how anything or anyone in Government thinks. By all accounts and by way of their action they are out to destroy this country and let there be no confusion, they don’t give a rat’s ass about any of us pitiful peon taxpayers. Their message remains clear. “Pay your taxes and shut the hell up.”

The Idiot-n-diapers drew a red line in Texas and just like Obama and his red lines now what? The mumbling, bumbling old fool has backed himself into a lose-lose situation and these damn Republicans better not let him off the hook. As for the Supreme Court, I’m all for following the laws. Maybe they ought to adopt the same philosophy… Lord knows dipshit doesn’t and won’t.
Mad: That’s about all I can say about this Jean “weirdo” Carroll lawsuit. The whole thing has stunk to high heaven from the get go. Funded by Democrat Trump haters, held in that shithole New York where Trump couldn’t get a fair trial if his life depended on it and at this point, it looks like it does. This piece of junk trial and the completely off the rails result are nothing more than a get Trump shit show and it pisses me off beyond words.

I found it most interesting the jury found their way to decide this case at the very moment the entire country was screaming about the border, about the Supreme Court’s stupid decision and Texas flipping off the idiot-n-chief. But hey, that’s what they do right? It’s one big ass coordinated toilet flushing shit show.
As the saying goes, this, none of this, is over until the fat lady sings and Trump won’t stop until real justice is served. In the meantime we endure all the filth they throw at him and us. For every evil wrong they throw at him and us a new Trump supporter is born. Anyone walking around that doesn’t know the entire ‘get Trump’ show is a coordinated effort to keep him from becoming President is a part of the problem in this country.
Friends, stay the course, steady the wheel, remain calm and focused and yes, beat the drum of liberty by calling out the lies, shouting out the truth and standing your ground. Remember, this is our damn country and there are a hell of a lot more of us than them. This election coming up may very well be the last one we have if we don’t put a stop to this out of control lawless bunch of thieves.
On to Nevada we go, where we will enjoy another Trump win and then back to South Carolina where, if I don’t explode first, I’ll be casting my vote for Donald Trump and why? Because there is no other choice, he is indeed the ‘only’ one who can save this once great Nation. Besides, I really, really like him. 🙂
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead!!